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Since this isn't going to happen they should just run the offense Watson's most comfortable with.
I'm not sure that any of us know what Cal's going to do at this point. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if BOB gets canned mid-season. And yes, running the offense Watson is most comfortable w/ would seem like a smart thing for a coach to do -- back against the wall or not. I just don't think we need to go whole hog Clemson offense like we did W's first 6 games. Mix some of it in, roll the pocket, get Duke involved and shorten the game up for Watson until this thing gets rolling again. We need to get defenses to tap the brakes and there's no reason to right now.
I'm not sure that any of us know what Cal's going to do at this point. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if BOB gets canned mid-season. And yes, running the offense Watson is most comfortable w/ would seem like a smart thing for a coach to do -- back against the wall or not. I just don't think we need to go whole hog Clemson offense like we did W's first 6 games. Mix some of it in, roll the pocket, get Duke involved and shorten the game up for Watson until this thing gets rolling again. We need to get defenses to tap the brakes and there's no reason to right now.

I don't think OBrien has the ability to build this kind of system
I don't think OBrien has the ability to build this kind of system
He has the ability to. We basically installed Clemson's offense on the fly W's rookie year so tweaking things could be solved in a couple of practices. It's a matter of whether or not he's smart enough to do it. So far, he's either not smart enough or too damn stubborn to give up on some utopian offense that he has in his head. Either one doesn't work.
He has the ability to. We basically installed Clemson's offense on the fly W's rookie year so tweaking things could be solved in a couple of practices. It's a matter of whether or not he's smart enough to do it. So far, he's either not smart enough or too damn stubborn to give up on some utopian offense that he has in his head. Either one doesn't work.

Quoted for truth

Not with Watson
I'm not sure that any of us know what Cal's going to do at this point. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if BOB gets canned mid-season. And yes, running the offense Watson is most comfortable w/ would seem like a smart thing for a coach to do -- back against the wall or not. I just don't think we need to go whole hog Clemson offense like we did W's first 6 games. Mix some of it in, roll the pocket, get Duke involved and shorten the game up for Watson until this thing gets rolling again. We need to get defenses to tap the brakes and there's no reason to right now.
personally I would like to see those six games Whole Hog but that's just me.
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So you're saying Jimmy g is better than Watson?

Interesting opinion

With better coaching, he might end up so.

O'Brien's shittiness ended up convincing me to trade Hopkins for Kittle. A normally insane trade, I don't foresee any situation that Hopkins is good enough for me to hold unless O'Brien gets fired and the new coach learns how to use Watson and Hopkins.

If that happens, I'll gladly pay that fantasy price for real life success.
Get the Ob B Gone.


The legacy of RS lives on.

Right now Watson is a young QB still learning.

I'm beginning to wonder if he will ever get it.

If I was BOB I would let Watson run his college offense until he gets hurt again.

Wait.....before the texans allow OB to apply the finishing touches on destroying a potential Franchise QB, let's talk him into trading him this season and recouping the picks he didn't have to cough up to obtain Tunsil. Watson could probably garner even a better haul since OB hasn't fully destroyed him to date.....there's a FQB and talent to be salvaged by the right team. Turn the team over to McCarron.
Steelbtexan went from protecting Watson at all cost to lets run him in the ground until he gets hurt.

Now Watson is on this man's hit list. Why the change of heart?

Still no accountability for Bill O'brien. You're still giving this horrible coach a pass.
He has the ability to. We basically installed Clemson's offense on the fly W's rookie year so tweaking things could be solved in a couple of practices. It's a matter of whether or not he's smart enough to do it. So far, he's either not smart enough or too damn stubborn to give up on some utopian offense that he has in his head. Either one doesn't work.

It is very clear dude is stubborn. We're not just talking about 1 quarterback who went through this system under Bill O'Brien. In six years around 18 quarterbacks have gone through this system and failed miserably under Obrien's coaching. That right there should suggest two things.

1. He is too dam stubborn, therefore he's not going to change his skit up.

2. He doesn't know wtf he is doing. Plain and simple
Never wanted BO from the git-go. Besides being a terrible coach and the worst clock manager in the history of all sports, he has destroyed any value in tickets if you are a season ticket holder and unable to go to the game. The tickets are unselleable at half the price you paid for them. You also have to pay for those horrible preseason games. BO is responsible for the franchise sinking into the toilet and apathy running rampant. Other than that, I'm sure he's a great guy.
I feel for Cal right now. It was a gutsy move to give BOB as much control as he did and I think it would have paid off if BOB's problems really were just not getting the right guys like many of us thought might have been the case. I've said it a dozen times, it's really difficult to evaluate a head coach because of all the things that factor into a team's performance. So I don't blame him for thinking that BOB could make us the next Patriots if all the obstacles were removed from BOB's path. But all the variables were tested in the experiment w/ BOB being the constant and it's now clear that BOB doesn't have what it takes. If I'm Cal, I have the Colvin conversation w/ BOB and let him go right now and make RAC the interim head coach and have Kelly take over the offense working closely w/ Carl Smith. Rip off the band-aid and see what Kelly can do w/ Smith bringing ideas to the table.

Gutsy move? Must be a fine line between gutsy and stupid then. OB is in his 6th year here and if he’s proven anything it isn’t that he’s had all these “obstacles” in his way, it’s that he can’t work with anyone.

So now everybody is out of the way and still nothing’s changed. It’s the same ol sputtering offense it’s been for 6 years. Sure, it has its moments, the 6 TD game by Fitz, the 50 burger by Watson, both against the Titans BTW, and there’s a handful of others, but this offense has been a bastion of inconsistency for 6 years, and it doesn’t matter that what the pieces are. Fitz, Hoyer, Mallett, Keenum, Osweiler, Savage, Watson, it all looks the same. Sure, Watson’s athletic ability gives it a little different feel, a chance to turn some of the absolute crap into something positive on occasion, but it’s the same stale offense that doesn’t take advantage of player’s strengths, no matter who those players are, for SIX FREAKING YEARS!

If I’m Cal McNair, wake the **** up!!!
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The EP system. Yes

The EP system puts all of the protection calls on the QB and so far Watson hasn't been mentally up to the challenge. Hopefully this changes.

OB can’t coach it.

OB is holding the recipe card but can’t show anyone how to cook. That’s on him.

This offense looks the same whether he has Fitzpatrick, Mallet, Yates, Hoyer or Savage back there.

You can’t put this on Watson.

The problem is with OB. He is always the common denominator.
This dude is hilarious. Now the man wants Watson to get hurt. I mean who says that kind of stuff. You should never wish ill-will on these players.

Its really pathetic. as much as Obrien gets piled on - rightfully and unrightfully so around here - never has the call for a stroke or heart attack been made. people who go around wishing others harm or injury are just an example of a poor upbringing. If my daddy was still around to hear me talk like that he would "rearrange my thought process" for me, and so until this day that sticks with me when I become critical of ANYONE. There is a line that should never be crossed.

Further exasperated by the fact that those same type of people are defending a man who continues to make the same mistakes OVER AND OVER AND OVER. All the while the excuses mount, and scapegoats are created and then a small window of optimism, but we are who we are. The same AHoles who promote injury and turmoil will always be those same AHoles. Bill OBrien will always be horrible with clock management and challenge usage. Its who he is. His offense will always be middling not because Watson cant read a defense or bark out blocking assignments, but because the offense itself is flawed. Its a systemic problem.

LOL like Lance and John said on the way in to the office this morning - "Bill OBrien is good at one thing, GETTING PEOPLE FIRED!!"

I hate to bring up a NSZ example since I abhor that room and the ideas that get tossed around, but everyone who follows and supports OBrien is very similar to Trump supporters. Show them the mistakes, and they will deflect and bring up Rick Smith. Show them the poor decision making, and they will blame Deshaun. Bring video and play charts and analytics into the conversation and they will just fold their arms and pout.

Most Texan fans are viewed as jokes on a national level and judging by some of the cringe inducing comments here it would be a fair assertion.
Any top 10 QB.

You have to be smart though.

Rivers would be a good example/Ben has run it before/I would like to see what Wilson could do. Accuracy is the key.

Are you saying O’Brien needs a top 10 QB for his offense to work? During Peyton Manning’s time with the Colts, his center made the line calls. Are you saying not making line calls would disqualify Manning from running O’Brien’s prolific EP offense?

What are you trying to say?
Are you saying O’Brien needs a top 10 QB for his offense to work? During Peyton Manning’s time with the Colts, his center made the line calls. Are you saying not making line calls would disqualify Manning from running O’Brien’s prolific EP offense?

What are you trying to say?

I'm saying Watson cant run BOB's offense so they should go back to the offense that was used the first yr Watson was playing.

Yes, since Watson struggles to call protections BOB should let Martin call them. He couldn't do worse.
I'm saying Watson cant run BOB's offense so they should go back to the offense that was used the first yr Watson was playing.

Yes, since Watson struggles to call protections BOB should let Martin call them. He couldn't do worse.

This is O'Brien's offense being run properly. This is how it has always looked.

It's a dumb Penn State offense.

The problem is the scheme
This is O'Brien's offense being run properly. This is how it has always looked.

It's a dumb Penn State offense.

The problem is the scheme

I know how you feel and I dont totally disagree with you.

No need to say this in every post.
Steelbtexan went from protecting Watson at all cost to lets run him in the ground until he gets hurt.

Now Watson is on this man's hit list. Why the change of heart?

Still no accountability for Bill O'brien. You're still giving this horrible coach a pass.

I said Watson cant run a pro style offense consistently.

I also have said 1. BOB should've been let go when RS left. 2. BOB called a terrible game yesterday 3. Watson was worse than BOB yesterday and that took alot of effort.
I'm saying Watson cant run BOB's offense so they should go back to the offense that was used the first yr Watson was playing.

Yes, since Watson struggles to call protections BOB should let Martin call them. He couldn't do worse.

I've got to say Steel that it is hard to make an argument for BoB's offense being good because not only has it not worked but even the QBs BoB has picked it hasn't worked with. Lets remove Watson from the equation as that was clearly the guy RS wanted, I'll even concede that Osweiler was an RS guy. Hoyer, Mallet and especially Savage were all BoB though. Hoyer you say he was just a bridge, fine. Mallet, however, he went out of his way to get and the guy didn't even last a season. The most damning evidence though is Savage, three years riding the bench being neck deep in studying and learning the BoB system and he looked decent for like what two games? Against teams that had planned and schemed for Osweiler as QB. Now you can say Savage just didn't have any talent, ok fine than why was he here for 3 years? Why keep pouring time and effort into a guy that clearly wasn't fit to even be a 2nd string QB much less the main guy.

We drafted Savage in the third round so it wasn't like he was just some scrub we took hoping that he could put his helmet on the right way. Third round QBs are a project sure but it was a project that was worked on for 3 years. The guy spent more time riding the bench than the entire rest of his NFL career combined. Pocket passers can't seem to make it work, game managers can't make it work, gun slingers can't make it work, what kind of QB can make it work? A guy that calls the whole thing from the line like Manning? So basically Watson has to be his own OC? What the hell kind of system is that to ask a QB to use, rookie or otherwise? That's not a talent thing that's a personal thing, Manning could do it not because the system was good but because Manning himself was so damn good at reading defenses.
As bad a day as Watson had, he did not squander a golden opportunity in the redzone that could have won the game.
This one is definitely on O'Brien. He needs to go.

I'd say its on both, Watson was making some bad mistakes but when BoB saw that it wasn't working he should have switched it up to something different if for no other reason than to maybe stop defenses from blitzing the hell out of Watson. Watson had a bad game no question but Bob continued to let him have a bad game rather than deviate from the system.
I'm saying Watson cant run BOB's offense so they should go back to the offense that was used the first yr Watson was playing.

Yes, since Watson struggles to call protections BOB should let Martin call them. He couldn't do worse.
I don't know how you feel and I completely disagree with you.

No need to say this in every post.
As bad a day as Watson had, he did not squander a golden opportunity in the redzone that could have won the game.
This one is definitely on O'Brien. He needs to go.
I’m all for that turd to be gone. Been wanting that for the last two years. And while I don’t think OB did a good job coaching in this game had Watson connected on either of the two passes he over threw when the WR was wide open, we win this game. Watson should have at least 6 more TDS than he does right now. He is as bad as Matt Shaub at throwing the deep ball.
I'm saying Watson cant run BOB's offense so they should go back to the offense that was used the first yr Watson was playing.

Yes, since Watson struggles to call protections BOB should let Martin call them. He couldn't do worse.

You keep mentioning the EP offense. I would counter that running the EP offense does not mean you stay in the shotgun formation 90% of the time.

There are things in the EP offense to simplify the game for a young QB. Take a look at how Andy Reid has integrated many of the Air Raid concepts into his WC offense to make things easier for Mahomes. Is it too much to ask for O’Brien to do something similar with his precious EP system?
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If they actually do work up the balls to fire O'Brian it will be interesting to watch the Texans shiny new flat organizational structure handle firing & hiring a HC & a Gm all while trying to sign our upcoming free agents. Oh yeah, and getting ready for the draft & getting a new coaching staff all at once.

I guess it will fall to Jack Easterby & Chris Olsen if they survive to handle it all.
You keep mentioning the EP offense. I would counter that running the EP offense does not mean you stay in the shotgun formation 90% of the time.

There are things in the EP offense to simplify the game for a young QB. Take a look at how Andy Reid has integrated many of the Air Raid concepts into his WC offense to make things easier for Mahomes. Is it too much to ask for O’Brien to do something similar with his precious EP system?

I agree with you on this

BOB should put in alot of things Watson's comfortable with like his college offense.
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