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All Encompassing Andre Johnson Thread (Just got some disturbing news about A Johnson)

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You may as well bust out your Jabbar Gaffney throwback. I don't think that nuke will be anything close to a 1wr.

Probably right but we're gonna have to pretend one of them is and he's as good as any.

You know, before the draft I threw some conversation bait out suggesting we try to ditch Nuke for a 1 and then use our 1 on Watkins, then grab someone "maybe not Clowney exactly" with the later 1. Kind of wish we'd done something like that now.

Of course wishing doesn't make it any more possible to do.
Probably right but we're gonna have to pretend one of them is and he's as good as any.

You know, before the draft I threw some conversation bait out suggesting we try to ditch Nuke for a 1 and then use our 1 on Watkins, then grab someone "maybe not Clowney exactly" with the later 1. Kind of wish we'd done something like that now.

Of course wishing doesn't make it any more possible to do.
I think your instincts are good. Before the draft I tweeted that I wouldn't mind taking Watkins myself. You just watch, he's going to be a big time WR up in Buffalo.

I was and am currently still feeling excellent about the new direction of the team. Andre could have enhanced his (already) HOF resume by carrying this team with our new Cody Carelson/Gifford Neilson QB's as we posture for our Warren Moon later - allowing the team to not force a pick on a Gabbert, Locker or Ponder. Johnson can make a mediocre QB look good as a stop gap. Further enhancing his HOF play for later.

Andre singed that contract and took the money. Nowhere in that contract did it say anyone promised him wins. Honor your contract or gtfooh. I think this team can win ala the Chiefs last year. Great defense, commitment to the running game and keeping your QB in short yardage situations. With Andre you can do things the Chiefs couldn't do. Without Andre you don't even have a D Bowe. You have a mediocre QB throwing to Jabbar Gaffney with big hands leading a group of unproven wr's.
What about his comments points toward money?
You know what, I've got to back off of that earlier post I made. It's because
of an interview I heard this morning on 610 with Ian Rapoport which a couple other posters have already referenced in this thread. Still most likely he returns to the Texans and plays for them this year, but I believe now there's a stronger possibility of a trade than I realized after listenting to the 610 interview with
I'd be surprised if it allows for "working extra to earn back money" -- seems to me to be pretty solid/specific/limiting.

This reminds me of my kid telling me he's not worried about missing his assignment. He says they will just give him a 'make-up' assignment. Instant head-slappy (in the old days the kid would get the slappy, but we've evolved to slapping our own). Someone needs to tell AJ he's not in Public School anymore.
yeah its all about the team that's all good ya ya stuff

but bottom line this was a bad Business Decision IMO

So, not giving in to an employees demand for money not earned is bad business?

I presume you don't own or manage a business. Unless it's the one with the for sale sign in the window.

'Bottom line', you're wrong
I like the Texans standing their ground. Not paying AJ the $1 million he cost HIMSELF is making a statement. Perhaps some think he should be given some leeway and shown a little loyalty by the team, but it seems he's just making dumb decisions now and the team shouldn't be on the hook for those choices.

It's somewhat obvious now that it's about the money, not about a ring, so he'll need to act like a professional and show up for camp if he wants a paycheck. Let's see if he's willing to forego $10 million after all that.

Someone has been giving him bad advice. He's coming across as wishy-washy. Sh!t or get off the pot, AJ.
Food for thoughts:

I've read this article a few times (on different occasions) since it was published back on May 14.

I'm sure AJ's agent had wanted to renegotiate a long time ago, as soon as allowed by NFL rules (with words out even before that.)
Both sides were aware of the situation when last season ended.

It's not like things just arose in May.
I hope to add my two cents later, after people (who may not be fully aware of the situation) has a chance to read the article and ponder about it all for a little bit.

I do agree with TPN on his points.
A workout bonus means you show up at the facility and workout it doesn't mean go on tv and ***** you want out and go to the NBA finals.
So much for wanting to win. It all boils down to money, and I do not think the Texans are going to blink, nor should they. Dre making himself look bad IMO.

I could see them tying the bonus to some incentives, but with Fitz at QB, what are the odds he would make the incentives? Slim to none.

A lot of weird stuff to start out this season, and while I am not a superstitious kind of dude, this does not bode well for 2014.
So, not giving in to an employees demand for money not earned is bad business?

I presume you don't own or manage a business. Unless it's the one with the for sale sign in the window.

'Bottom line', you're wrong

I don't know about Norg, but I did run a business.
I also know quite a few people who renegotiated their contracts, including the wife.
(We're talking about six, seven-figure numbers here.)

Big business is bad, dude.
They have a bunch of lawyers and consultants to look out for their interest.
In the process, a boat load of the money that could have been split (some way) ends up in the coffers of third parties that bill at a rate of $200 an hour or more.

In some cases, it's just a small group of people at the top that has the most greed.
They play a power game to retain as much money for themselves as they can.

When a company does bad, it can lay off people or put a freeze on salary increase (which is a loss to employees due to inflation.) Or they can cut hours, salaries, benefits, etc.

When the company does good, the employee should ask for their shares; those who contribute to that success.

This from a guy who doesnt care much about material things (me).
I just think that (even though it doesnt pertain to me) there should be mutual agreements updated according to the time, for the mutual benefits of all parties.
After reup'ing him when he had 5 years left on his deal he wants out of Houston because after choosing to not show up he lost a million dollars?

The workout bonus was in the contract for a reason, to keep you from holding out. You held out anyways now suffer the pain. These athletes are either crazy or getting horrible advice.
So much for wanting to win. It all boils down to money, and I do not think the Texans are going to blink, nor should they. Dre making himself look bad IMO.

I could see them tying the bonus to some incentives, but with Fitz at QB, what are the odds he would make the incentives? Slim to none.

A lot of weird stuff to start out this season, and while I am not a superstitious kind of dude, this does not bode well for 2014.[/QUOTE]

Well in my eyes a bad 2014 was a foregone conclusion. Bad in that they don't make the playoffs. But it sucks that this relationship is probably going to leave a bad taste with Andre, the team and the fans.

The show doesn't stop for one player and I think Andre over played his hand. Andre only has a pair of dueces and the team has a Full House.
AJ is my all time favorite Texan. On the field he's been the epitome of what want in our players. Off the field he's been out of mind and out of site; never in the news for anything negative. He's a good dude that knows nothing about contracts, money, or business. He's a great example of what young NFL players should not do when it comes to contracts. If his time as a Texan has come to an end, so be it. His jersey should be retired regardless of the terms he leaves on. My 2 cents...
Damn.... this just ruins my day. :(

It would be hard to see AJ in another jersey. Say what you want, greed, cry baby, etc, but I still respect the guy, and always will. He is my favorite football player ever.
Curious what the CBA says about skipping workouts and then wanting to make up lost time
I'm guessing it would require a new contract.

Given everything I've heard to this point...

-Andre not thrilled with rebuild mode and Pickspatrick as the starter.

-Andre asked the Texans for a new deal to guarantee his the next 2-3 years.

-Texans said no

-Andre didn't like it and decided to sit out OTA's, thinking the Texans might reconsider.

-Texans didn't budge

-Andre now asks to earn the $1 million using "extra" workouts since he didn't get a new contract like he wanted originally.

-Andre assumes the team will do this as he's helped THEM by restructuring his contract the last three years running.

-Texans still say no

-Andre now hurt that the Teans won't make any exceptions for him, even though he's done so for them and asks for a trade.

I expect the Texans to stand their ground.
I also expect most of the public to be ignorant of the team-requested restructures...and thus, make this out as a one-sided (Andre only) exchange.
I expect Andre to stand by the man giving him poor advice.

I hope we see him in Training Camp.
Damn.... this just ruins my day. :(

It would be hard to see AJ in another jersey. Say what you want, greed, cry baby, etc, but I still respect the guy, and always will. He is my favorite football player ever.

You bet, me too. Whether it's this year or next, the Texans will no longer have AJ. Happens quite often between long time players and teams. Whether it's due to age or money, the team will eventually move on.

Jerry Rice and the 9ers parted ways.
Warren Moon and the Oilers parted ways.
Earl Campbell and the Oilers parted ways.
Manning and the Colts parted ways.

I think most long-time players reflect back to the teams that drafted them. I reckon he'll still consider himself a Texans when he retires. Unless, of course, he wins a championship after leaving. lol
A Johnson trade would leave Houston with $11.96 million in dead money against this year's salary cap.

The Texans have resisted Johnson's requests to be dealt, but that won't stop teams from picking up the phone.

Here's our guess on who might be zeroing in on Andre:

New England Patriots

Cleveland Browns

Carolina Panthers

Seattle Seahawks

New York Jets

Baltimore Ravens

Kansas City Chiefs
no, it sends the notice out that you can break agreements and we'll just give you a make up test later...this isn't Public School. You have to honor your agreements or you just don't run a professional group. The inmates cannot run the Asylum.

Understand what you're saying, but it's too bad that teams are not held to the same standard. Contracts are only valid as long as the team wants to keep the player, but teams are never obligated to honor those contracts beyond cap penalties and guaranteed money.

Three years left on AJ's contract, iirc, and they team would probably cut him next off-season. Go figure. What a system.

AJ is my all time favorite Texan. On the field he's been the epitome of what want in our players. Off the field he's been out of mind and out of site; never in the news for anything negative. He's a good dude that knows nothing about contracts, money, or business. He's a great example of what young NFL players should not do when it comes to contracts. If his time as a Texan has come to an end, so be it. His jersey should be retired regardless of the terms he leaves on. My 2 cents...

I think the Texans retire his jersey regardless of how this situation pans out.
I love AJ, but if he leaves he leaves. He'll be our first actual real Superstar to be drafted and developed wonderfully then leave to finish elsewhere. Get used to the pain, it happens to every team.

I do hope he stays though, I really do.
I love AJ, but if he leaves he leaves. He'll be our first actual real Superstar to be drafted and developed wonderfully then leave to finish elsewhere. Get used to the pain, it happens to every team.

I do hope he stays though, I really do.

What about Mario Williams? :kitten:
A Johnson trade would leave Houston with $11.96 million in dead money against this year's salary cap.

Texans need to learn from Colts and Jags and clean house, dump all bad contracts in 2014 and start with a fresh salary cap in 2015. This will afford them ability to sign FAs who are actual starters in the NFL and supplement their drafts. This will allow them to compete effectively. Trading AJ frees up OVER $30 mil in salary cap space in 2015 and 2016. Think outside of 2014!

What about Mario Williams? :kitten:

The bad thing about Mario is when he became a free agent and his $18 million came off the books and gave the Texans $18 mil cap relief, the Texans were only able to start the next year only $3 mil under the salary cap. That's Bob's idea of we have the money and we're going to spend it.
I guess everyone reveals themselves to be a piece of crap at some point.

Waiting for Watt's big reveal.

I love Andre but this stuff is getting tired and annoying. GFY.
So much for wanting to win. It all boils down to money, and I do not think the Texans are going to blink, nor should they. Dre making himself look bad IMO.

I could see them tying the bonus to some incentives, but with Fitz at QB, what are the odds he would make the incentives? Slim to none.

A lot of weird stuff to start out this season, and while I am not a superstitious kind of dude, this does not bode well for 2014.[/QUOTE]

Well in my eyes a bad 2014 was a foregone conclusion. Bad in that they don't make the playoffs. But it sucks that this relationship is probably going to leave a bad taste with Andre, the team and the fans.

The show doesn't stop for one player and I think Andre over played his hand. Andre only has a pair of dueces and the team has a Full House.[/playe
Do you like a certain band?
Do you have a favorite singer?
Do you like a certain actor/actress? comedian? Entertainment act?

Surely, some of us (myself included) will move on, with or without AJ, with or without your favorite player, your favorite band, singer, entertainer, and so forth.

On the other hand, we've heard of good arguments to bring in Peyton Manning to Namdi Asomugha (with a risk of guaranteed money).

I imagine some people wants(subsconciously) to write off the season already.
If that's the case, how does it make sense for AJ to stay?
You're rebuilding anyway.
I would let my left hand guy go (via a trade) to see him with a chance for a ring somewhere.
I would eat the cap space; my gain is that the rest of the employeees know that I have concern for them situationally.

IMO, a successful organization lays out good groundwork to attract and retain employees.
Good employees, while cultivating others.

On the other hand, I've been looking for a "possible" replacement for AJ a couple years ago.

I have no problem sending out a message that eventually, we will need to replace you.
But job security is important.

There's always hard choice for an organization.

Do you want to work for a looser?
Do you believe in it that much to carry on to make it better?
How old are you?
Does money matter all that much to you?
Why should you think money alone is the driving force?
So I don't get it...what's the sticking point? Does he want a trade or does he want $1 million from the team? Conflicting reports.

I guess the dummy should of showed up to OTAs had he wanted the bonus, now he wants to get all pissy because the team wont let him earn it back.

What an ass, i hope we trade him.
Hey teacher, I know I skipped the day of the test but can I do some extra credit assignments to make up for it??

GFY AJ, thanks for the memories but you've tainted your legacy in Houston forever.
Trading Andre Johnson now doesn't equal all $11.96m dead money towards the 2014 cap. Since it is after June 1st, it will be split $4.6m this year, and $7.4m in 2015.

Page 93 of the CBA under Acceleration explains this.
Andre just sank his own battleship the fans, facebook is on fire already and he can now go the way of Kubiak.. Too many years of Kubiak has made this team soft..
I guess everyone reveals themselves to be a piece of crap at some point.

Waiting for Watt's big reveal.

I love Andre but this stuff is getting tired and annoying. GFY.

I have it on strong authority with more than one source that JJ is actually a big douche behind the scenes. His public image is very well-managed, and everyone thinks he's a nice guy, but, in reality, he's a total ass, I've heard.

But, he's a great player and a baller, so, him being a jerk doesn't bother me - yet.
I have it on strong authority with more than one source that JJ is actually a big douche behind the scenes. His public image is very well-managed, and everyone thinks he's a nice guy, but, in reality, he's a total ass, I've heard.

But, he's a great player and a baller, so, him being a jerk doesn't bother me - yet.

Remember hearing the same stuff about AJ a few years back, something about AJ at a restaurant and someone on here's daughter was the server and he didn't tip and did some other BS.

Didn't believe it then, but i do now !
People have to realize that there are human beings. I think a lot of time people put other people up on a pedestal. We all have weaknesses and strengths and MOST of us have moments that we'd like to take back.

I have an Andre story involving my wife when she was in high school where he was flirting with her after her brother tried to get his autograph..."I won't sign it for you, but I'll sign it for her"...Whatever....Not a big deal, but just remember that humans are humans.

And btw, I don't think this Dre not showing up stuff makes him a bad guy. Yeah it affects me as a fan, but it's his career.
People have to realize that there are human beings. I think a lot of time people put other people up on a pedestal. We all have weaknesses and strengths and MOST of us have moments that we'd like to take back.

I have an Andre story involving my wife when she was in high school where he was flirting with her after her brother tried to get his autograph..."I won't sign it for you, but I'll sign it for her"...Whatever....Not a big deal, but just remember that humans are humans.

And btw, I don't think this Dre not showing up stuff makes him a bad guy. Yeah it affects me as a fan, but it's his career.

Well said, and I agree. That's why I wasn't surprised when I heard that JJ was a jerk. Human beings, as you said.
Good lord, has AJ become a serial killer when I wasn't looking? He's a football player, they come and go. My personal fav is still Foster, but he's a gonner in a year or so as well. Life goes on.
Good lord, has AJ become a serial killer when I wasn't looking? He's a football player, they come and go. My personal fav is still Foster, but he's a gonner in a year or so as well. Life goes on.

I guess you havent seen the movie "The Fan" :kitten:
No, but I know what it's about. LOL. Unfortunately there just isn't a whole lot else to talk about right now I guess. This dead part before pre-season is brain wacking.

Crazy movie, the whole reason i turned down a pro football career, my 5'8 210, 7.2 40 yard dash was a real catch for the pro scouts, but that damn movie made me turn it all down ;)
I have it on strong authority with more than one source that JJ is actually a big douche behind the scenes. His public image is very well-managed, and everyone thinks he's a nice guy, but, in reality, he's a total ass, I've heard.

But, he's a great player and a baller, so, him being a jerk doesn't bother me - yet.

I hope that's not true, but I wouldn't be surprised. I'll roll with him being legit---for now.
Understand what you're saying, but it's too bad that teams are not held to the same standard. Contracts are only valid as long as the team wants to keep the player, but teams are never obligated to honor those contracts beyond cap penalties and guaranteed money.

Three years left on AJ's contract, iirc, and they team would probably cut him next off-season. Go figure. What a system.

I think the Texans retire his jersey regardless of how this situation pans out.

Too many injuries in this game to give out fully guaranteed contracts. If you don't like that as a player you can either negotiate that into your agreement or find another Pro league to join. AJ should honor his agreement. We are all grown-ups here so the lesson is to not listen to Uncle anybody and pay for a track record. If you want to save some money by hiring Uncle Whathisface...well tough stuff if you have a bad deal. In his last restructure he had better help but he could have been more forward thinking. I mean, his current situation was agreed to, so if he wasn't fully aware of the consequences it's just too much short-term thinking and not enough forward-thinking going on. It's not the Texans fault or the league's fault either. Everyone knows the rules of the playing field. I like AJ as a player and I think he seems like a good guy, but his current situation was created by him. He's a famous, talented multi-millionare so I don't feel sorry for him. I still respect the guy even though he is letting down his teammates who are all better players with AJ understanding the offense and reporting to work.
Good lord, has AJ become a serial killer when I wasn't looking? He's a football player, they come and go. My personal fav is still Foster, but he's a gonner in a year or so as well. Life goes on.

No, he's CEREAL KILLER. He loves him some Cocco-Puffs. With slim milk of course. :D
He feels that being cooperative over the years hasn't resulted in a fulfilling career, so he's trying his hand at hardball. I don't fault him too much for trying, but it's really not his game. If he had the sense for it, he'd know that it's too late to change his current course. He'll figure it out eventually. I expect to see him in a Texans uniform this year.

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This situation reminds me of when Tony Gonzalez wanted out of KC. I didn't blame him for wanting a shot at a ring. I don't blame A.J. either.
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