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Very negative thread. Just stay away if you aren't interested in that.

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The end of football season is a downer usually but some years (2005 for instance, this year as well) it comes as a relief. I was tired of watching these losers find new ways to screw up games they had put away so I'm on a kind of high note now. Not because they won, screw that. That win was pure garbage time stats and meaningless posturing. I'm happy because they're done embarrassing themselves and the city of Houston for the year. Beating Jacksonville without Garrard and MJD is like winning the Academy Award for Best Actor the year the only other nominee is Larry the Cable Guy. Despite their "Let's Save Gary" effort (which was missing for most of the year) they still suck. When I watched them all standing on the sidelines slapping each other on the back and grinning ear to ear all I could think of was "Screw you guys. Screw you all".

I think I may have just officially checked out as a Houston Texans fan.

Now in a day or two (maybe even later tonight if Bob can't hold his water) we'll hear about how Gary went through hell this year with all kinds of things that were beyond his control and how Bob still believes in him and all that other bullshit he spins when he thinks he knows what he's talking about and he'll tell us Gary's coming back. He'll tell us that he's going to get Gary a brand new "proven" DC with new assistant coaches wherever they're needed and next year is going to be one heck of a ride. After all the kids didn't quit did they? I can hear him saying "Why you would have thought they were playing for a playoff spot from the way they looked in that game!" Heck maybe Jerry Jones will call him and put in a good word for Wade.

That won't ruin my offseason though. It was ruined the moment he said we were on the right track following the Ravens raping. That gushing love letter to the worst head coach in our division, conference, and possibly the entire NFL was all I needed to hear to know that this team is unfixable. It cannot be righted. It cannot be put straight. The Texans are a franchise trapped in the Twilight Zone of professional football. Inheritors of the aura of suck left by the Houston Oilers and graced with the crown of futility left by a crowd of New Orleans Katrina refugees who were no doubt Saints fans through their many years of frustration and ineptitude. The Texans are beyond salvation.

Dom Capers couldn't field a good 3-4 here. When has Dom Capers not been able to field a good 3-4 defense?

Alex Gibbs couldn't build a line that could generate a running game here. When has Alex Gibbs not been able to build a cut-blocking weapon of destruction?

Gary Kubiak can't create an offense here that consistently shows up from week to week or even quarter to quarter?

The Texans are "wrong" people. They're like that little kid "Gage" from Pet Sematary who "came back wrong". NFL football in Houston came back wrong after the Oilers left. Maybe Reliant Stadium was built too close to the dome? Maybe we should have torn the dome down before Reliant went up? Somehow the Texans got bad mojo in their veins though and in the process they became the New Orleans Saints of the 21st Century.

My offseason now consists of two stages. First there's pre-Kubiak gets fired or given another year time where I am just my usual unhappy we aren't playing Texans fan thinking about the draft. Second there's the post Kubiak gets fired or given another year time which goes one of two possibly wildly divergent ways.

Fired and I've got hope. I wait for the draft, dread a lockout, and care about what kind of moves our new HC makes.

Given more time though means I see no hope for this team..... ever. The only response I can think of to that is to stop following the NFL entirely. I watched no football at all from the day the Oilers announced they were moving until 2002. I didn't mind it much at all. I can't imagine I'll care even that much about the Texans. Then I thought I was losing a real NFL football team. Giving up on the Texans should be much easier since I care so much less about them. They're like the Diet Coke of NFL Football teams. Only 1 calorie. Not "NFL" enough. I mean, there are no amazing highs in their history to go with all their devastating lows. Just more even more devastating lows beyond the ones we just went through.

I think in a day or two I'll be laying this aside entirely guys. If Bob can't tell that Gary needs to go then I'm pretty sure that's for the best.

If Vinny can walk away from "all of this" then I think I can too. He might even be on to something.
The end of football season is a downer usually but some years (2005 for instance, this year as well) it comes as a relief. I was tired of watching these losers find new ways to screw up games they had put away so I'm on a kind of high note now. Not because they won, screw that. That win was pure garbage time stats and meaningless posturing. I'm happy because they're done embarrassing themselves and the city of Houston for the year. Beating Jacksonville without Garrard and MJD is like winning the Academy Award for Best Actor the year the only other nominee is Larry the Cable Guy. Despite their "Let's Save Gary" effort (which was missing for most of the year) they still suck. When I watched them all standing on the sidelines slapping each other on the back and grinning ear to ear all I could think of was "Screw you guys. Screw you all".

I think I may have just officially checked out as a Houston Texans fan.

Now in a day or two (maybe even later tonight if Bob can't hold his water) we'll hear about how Gary went through hell this year with all kinds of things that were beyond his control and how Bob still believes in him and all that other bullshit he spins when he thinks he knows what he's talking about and he'll tell us Gary's coming back. He'll tell us that he's going to get Gary a brand new "proven" DC with new assistant coaches wherever they're needed and next year is going to be one heck of a ride. After all the kids didn't quit did they? I can hear him saying "Why you would have thought they were playing for a playoff spot from the way they looked in that game!" Heck maybe Jerry Jones will call him and put in a good word for Wade.

That won't ruin my offseason though. It was ruined the moment he said we were on the right track following the Ravens raping. That gushing love letter to the worst head coach in our division, conference, and possibly the entire NFL was all I needed to hear to know that this team is unfixable. It cannot be righted. It cannot be put straight. The Texans are a franchise trapped in the Twilight Zone of professional football. Inheritors of the aura of suck left by the Houston Oilers and graced with the crown of futility left by a crowd of New Orleans Katrina refugees who were no doubt Saints fans through their many years of frustration and ineptitude. The Texans are beyond salvation.

Dom Capers couldn't field a good 3-4 here. When has Dom Capers not been able to field a good 3-4 defense?

Alex Gibbs couldn't build a line that could generate a running game here. When has Alex Gibbs not been able to build a cut-blocking weapon of destruction?

Gary Kubiak can't create an offense here that consistently shows up from week to week or even quarter to quarter?

The Texans are "wrong" people. They're like that little kid "Gage" from Pet Sematary who "came back wrong". NFL football in Houston came back wrong after the Oilers left. Maybe Reliant Stadium was built too close to the dome? Maybe we should have torn the dome down before Reliant went up? Somehow the Texans got bad mojo in their veins though and in the process they became the New Orleans Saints of the 21st Century.

My offseason now consists of two stages. First there's pre-Kubiak gets fired or given another year time where I am just my usual unhappy we aren't playing Texans fan thinking about the draft. Second there's the post Kubiak gets fired or given another year time which goes one of two possibly wildly divergent ways.

Fired and I've got hope. I wait for the draft, dread a lockout, and care about what kind of moves our new HC makes.

Given more time though means I see no hope for this team..... ever. The only response I can think of to that is to stop following the NFL entirely. I watched no football at all from the day the Oilers announced they were moving until 2002. I didn't mind it much at all. I can't imagine I'll care even that much about the Texans. Then I thought I was losing a real NFL football team. Giving up on the Texans should be much easier since I care so much less about them. I mean, there are no amazing highs in their history to go with all their devastating lows.

I think in a day or two I'll be laying this aside entirely guys. If Bob can't tell that Gary needs to go then I'm pretty sure that's for the best.

If Vinny can walk away from "all of this" then I think I can too. He might even be on to something.

You are living in my head
Understand your view and I would agree with you except I just got a pimp new Texans varsity jacket for Xmas from the wife. :(
Herv, I've usually enjoed and respected your posts. After this one, I say **** you. Go be a cowgirls fan. I've been a Houston fan my entire life. I missed maybe 5 home games for the Oilers from '76-85. I've suffered as much as any fan of Houston football ever has. The only thing that has ever made me think of not being a Houston fan is a work stoppage for the '11 season. They do that, then I forget the NFL.
If you want to check out as a Houston fan, take off. The bandwagon will be large when they are winning and you want to come back.
My weeks, during football season, have been ruled by how the Houston team does. This year, I made a commitment that it wouldn't. I never missed a game. Even when I was in China, Bangladesh or Venezuela. I stayed up and watched my team on the internet win or lose. I just didn't let it ruin my whole life when they lost. You don't have a damned thing more wrapped up in this team than the rest of us. I say good riddance and don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out.
Don't walk
I think McNair is going to put his foot down, tell Gary he has to get rid of Frank Bush.

I don't think Gary is going to do it. McNair will have no choice, but let Gary go.

I say this, because that is what McNair likes about Gary, that he does the "right" thing.

McNair won't have a choice.
The Texans are "wrong" people. They're like that little kid "Gage" from Pet Sematary who "came back wrong". NFL football in Houston came back wrong after the Oilers left.

LOL, love that analogy.

Oilers leaving ...


Texans coming ... unfortunately the dude on the floor is the Texans fan base.

I think McNair is going to put his foot down, tell Gary he has to get rid of Frank Bush.

I don't think Gary is going to do it. McNair will have no choice, but let Gary go.

I say this, because that is what McNair likes about Gary, that he does the "right" thing.

McNair won't have a choice.

I saw a clip of Kubiaks conference on SNF and I think I agree with you. When he said he asked Bob to just let him have fun this week and they would talk Monday he looked like someone just killed his puppy.
I put up with the Oilers when I started watching football, so I am used to the disappointment.

nothing I can do but be in a wait and see mode with the coaching scenario because when the season starts again, I will be watching

I am a sucker for punishment
I will be a fan of the team as long as the team is here in Houston...I'm just a fan of Houston and everything it's about...

I don't care if it's the Texans, Rockets, Coogs athletics, or the dearly departed Comets (may they RIP)....I will root for anything Houston and I want to see them represent our city well...

Yes the Texans have dissapointed me...Yes I understand a lot of what Herv is saying...I do not agree with some of it, but I get where he is coming from...

One thing I will never, ever do though is bash another person for their perspective...I will never get upset with another fan that decides to handle the teams ineptitude by turning their back on them...

That is his perogative...His choice...

Not sure why anyone would show anger towards him...Why do you care what he does with his fandom ????

Just do you and move on.
If Vinny can walk away from "all of this" then I think I can too. He might even be on to something.

Is that what happened to Vinny?

I've been wondering why he's been absent for so long. Good for him. Man, if there was ever somebody who was ALL IN it was him. For him to be able to just get up and leave really says something about his confidence in his own conviction.

I think the key to being a happy Texans fan is simply not to devote as much time and/or money to the team. I'll continue being a fan but I won't be putting aside time or resources to that end. I'll be watching from the corner of my eye.

But to continue to give Bob McNair your money for his substandard product is simply asking for more of the same.
The end of football season is a downer usually but some years (2005 for instance, this year as well) it comes as a relief. I was tired of watching these losers find new ways to screw up games they had put away so I'm on a kind of high note now. Not because they won, screw that. That win was pure garbage time stats and meaningless posturing. I'm happy because they're done embarrassing themselves and the city of Houston for the year. Beating Jacksonville without Garrard and MJD is like winning the Academy Award for Best Actor the year the only other nominee is Larry the Cable Guy. Despite their "Let's Save Gary" effort (which was missing for most of the year) they still suck. When I watched them all standing on the sidelines slapping each other on the back and grinning ear to ear all I could think of was "Screw you guys. Screw you all".

I didn't really have a problem with that. It looked like they were all congratulating A. Foster and he deserved it. This season was a colossal failure, but Foster never stopped running hard for us, so I was happy for him too.
And "Uber Fan" shows up. Good for you man. You dig in and get some.

It's not uberfan, Herv. I'm just as sick and disgusted by this season as anyone. I'm just not one to quit on my home team. I only quit on the Oilers because they quit being my hometown team. I'm a fan of my hometown team. Like it or not, they're who I root for. It's almost genetic. I simply can't root for another team. If you don't want to root for them, then by all means, walk away. I'm not a Kubiak homer. I'm extremely unhappy that he will be back....unless they win it all next year.
I sincerely hope you change your mind. Your insight and opinions have been thoroughly enjoyed on this board. It's just that I, for one, can't stand a quitter. How good do you think Saints fans felt last year or Buc's fans felt before that? How bittersweet was it for you when the tacks went to the Super Bowl? I rooted my ass off for the Rams but I had a hard time with it.
McNair isn't the problem Hell, he's the reason we're even having this arguement. Do you seriously think he made enough money to buy an NFL franchise by being a business *****?
I think the key to being a happy Texans fan is simply not to devote as much time and/or money to the team. I'll continue being a fan but I won't be putting aside time or resources to that end. I'll be watching from the corner of my eye.

That's what makes me the most disappointed. Everyone knows that to be really happy as a Texans fan, you can't really care too much, otherwise it will just be disappointment.
I'm not a football fan...I don't watch other games...I don't follow other players...I'm not a stats guru by no means...and I don't understand all the intricacies and rules about about football...but I AM a Houston football fan. I have been all my life. I will always be a Houston football fan...not matter which team fills the spot.

Oiler first, Texans second. I've grown accustomed to heartache.

Thankfully I have Jayhawk basketball!
I've lost a lot of interest and enthusiasm for the Texans as the season progressed. I haven't been watching the Texans regularly the last 4 or 5 weeks and today I watched the game simply because it was the last game of the season. I don't know what the team will do in the offseason to restore faith among its fanbase, but the only cure is winning and winning big. I'll continue to be a fan but maybe not so emotionally invested anymore until they can show me that they can win.
McNair isn't the problem Hell, he's the reason we're even having this arguement. Do you seriously think he made enough money to buy an NFL franchise by being a business *****?

If he fires Kubiak tomorrow then I will agree with this statement. If he doesn't then indeed McNair IS the problem.
That's what makes me the most disappointed. Everyone knows that to be really happy as a Texans fan, you can't really care too much, otherwise it will just be disappointment.
I disagree with that. I'm a huge fan and I've let the Texan's season run my life for a few years. I stopped that this year. That doesn't mean I care less, just that I've matured somewhat as a person. What kind of loser lives so vicariously through a pro sports team that a win or loss affects their life? That's just sad and I've been just sad for years and years. I don't accept mediocrity. I'm not happy with losing. I'm also not going to pull for a team other than my hometown team.
I've lost a lot of interest and enthusiasm for the Texans as the season progressed. I haven't been watching the Texans regularly the last 4 or 5 weeks and today I watched the game simply because it was the last game of the season. I don't know what the team will do in the offseason to restore faith among its fanbase, but the only cure is winning and winning big. I'll continue to be a fan but maybe not so emotionally invested anymore until they can show me that they can win.

I got up in the middle of it and went with my wife to Petsmart to go get dog food. I came back and watched the last 8-9 minutes of it. Didn't really care that much what happened.

The Oilers were my team. I cared about them. When they left I didn't care about the Titans or anybody else but I learned that life without being a "die hard fan" of a football team is just fine. I guess I learned that I'm not nearly so into it as I thought I was. I've been trying to shoehorn the Texans into the spot vacated by the Oilers for 9 years. It never has truly taken and now I understand that it never will. Part of that is because they aren't the Oilers I see through rose colored glasses and never will be. Part of it is because I don't care about the sport as much as I did then.

Oh yeah, and part of it is because they ****ing suck!
That's what makes me the most disappointed. Everyone knows that to be really happy as a Texans fan, you can't really care too much, otherwise it will just be disappointment.

Eerily similar to being an Oiler fan. Or an Astros fan. Or a Rockets fan (two championships 15 years ago notwithstanding).

We Houston fans share a wry sense of humor known only to those who've been repeatedly defeated in fantastic fashion.
I think McNair is going to put his foot down, tell Gary he has to get rid of Frank Bush.

I don't think Gary is going to do it. McNair will have no choice, but let Gary go.

I say this, because that is what McNair likes about Gary, that he does the "right" thing.

McNair won't have a choice.
I disagree. Kubiak will fire Bush, hire Phillips (because he doesn't have a choice) and we'll see what we see next year.
The bigger question is what kind of D Phillips will try to run. We have nothing like a 3-4 NT on our roster. Do we try to draft one? I can see MW as a 3-4 OLB. I can see Smith as an OLB, but Barwin would be better. DL is our biggest obstacle to being a 3-4 D. It is also our 2nd biggest obstacle to being a good-great 4-3 D. I need to research the draft before I can comment on it.
So I get neg rep for disagreeing with you, Herv. I know exactly what the thread title says and I also know that disagreement comes with the territory. I stand by my post and could not possibly care less about rep. You guys go have a "we hate the Texans" orgy. Us FANS will still be here when you get back.
Either you enjoy football for fun or you don't but if you are in for the texans then do not watch but I enjoy both football and the Texans. Just don't bother anymore but these types of threads are kind of silly IMHO.
So I get neg rep for disagreeing with you, Herv. I know exactly what the thread title says and I also know that disagreement comes with the territory. I stand by my post and could not possibly care less about rep. You guys go have a "we hate the Texans" orgy. Us FANS will still be here when you get back.

He probably did that because you told him to ******* off. If you don't let football run your life anymore, why would you make such an idiotic statement to another poster?
So I get neg rep for disagreeing with you, Herv. I know exactly what the thread title says and I also know that disagreement comes with the territory. I stand by my post and could not possibly care less about rep. You guys go have a "we hate the Texans" orgy. Us FANS will still be here when you get back.

If "**** you" isn't asking for neg rep, I don't know what does.

That's a little more than disagreeing.
So I get neg rep for disagreeing with you, Herv. I know exactly what the thread title says and I also know that disagreement comes with the territory. I stand by my post and could not possibly care less about rep. You guys go have a "we hate the Texans" orgy. Us FANS will still be here when you get back.

I didn't give it to you and I don't agree with it. I get them from time to time (probably get a couple for this thread). They mean nothing though.
He probably did that because you told him to ******* off. If you don't let football run your life anymore, why would you make such an idiotic statement to another poster?

Herv didn't give me neg rep. He's too pro for that. It was others that thought I shouldn't post because Herv "warned" me in the title
It's not uberfan, Herv. I'm just as sick and disgusted by this season as anyone. I'm just not one to quit on my home team. I only quit on the Oilers because they quit being my hometown team. I'm a fan of my hometown team. Like it or not, they're who I root for. It's almost genetic. I simply can't root for another team. If you don't want to root for them, then by all means, walk away. I'm not a Kubiak homer. I'm extremely unhappy that he will be back....unless they win it all next year.
I sincerely hope you change your mind. Your insight and opinions have been thoroughly enjoyed on this board. It's just that I, for one, can't stand a quitter. How good do you think Saints fans felt last year or Buc's fans felt before that? How bittersweet was it for you when the tacks went to the Super Bowl? I rooted my ass off for the Rams but I had a hard time with it.
McNair isn't the problem Hell, he's the reason we're even having this arguement. Do you seriously think he made enough money to buy an NFL franchise by being a business *****?

This is what bothers me about people who give this guy a pass. EVERY owner in the NFL has cash through business. They are all rich!!!It doesn't mean they know jack crap about football or running a football team. Business is business. Knowing football and who to trust is another thing. From that perspective he is a major fail!!It is why some owners are winners and get it and others are losers who want to make money.

GREAT post Herv. I've tried to get on board for years as an outsider but so many years can you sit there waiting for someones lightbulb to turn on.

McNair could hire PeeWee Herman and get a pass because he brougt a team back and people show up and act like things are great. What happen to ...this is the year or else...3 years running
Herv, I've usually enjoed and respected your posts. After this one, I say **** you.
Maybe you missed the part of the title that stated "Just stay away if you aren't interested in that."

It would have been entirely appropriate for you to post a response as to why you are and will remain a fan of the team. That would have been great. But to attack another member's reasons for why they've had enough is uncalled for, and in your case against forum rules. Ordinarily, your post would have been taken down. However, Herv is uniquely capable of handling his own in regards to these types of provocations.

Herv, I get it. Being a fan of this team is like being in a bad relationship. It's bad, but it's the only one you've got. I don't exactly know the reasons why I hang on. I do know that you will be missed.
You guys go have a "we hate the Texans" orgy. Us FANS will still be here when you get back.

Its **** like this that gets annoying.

I am fed up. I have not bought any Texans merchandise in a year. I used to, but decided to spend my money elsewhere. I saved up money to afford Sunday NFL ticket, but I wont cough up a dime after this season, unless real changes are made. I guess this makes me a "bad" fan because I dont fall in lockstep with the Texans brass. Because I dont agree with everything BL Bob says, or Kubiak does, I am a lesser fan than you.

That is a bunch of crap, but I dont need people telling me what I am or what I am not. I know I am a Texans fan.
The end of football season is a downer usually but some years (2005 for instance, this year as well) it comes as a relief. I was tired of watching these losers find new ways to screw up games they had put away so I'm on a kind of high note now. Not because they won, screw that. That win was pure garbage time stats and meaningless posturing. I'm happy because they're done embarrassing themselves and the city of Houston for the year. Beating Jacksonville without Garrard and MJD is like winning the Academy Award for Best Actor the year the only other nominee is Larry the Cable Guy. Despite their "Let's Save Gary" effort (which was missing for most of the year) they still suck. When I watched them all standing on the sidelines slapping each other on the back and grinning ear to ear all I could think of was "Screw you guys. Screw you all".

I think I may have just officially checked out as a Houston Texans fan.

Now in a day or two (maybe even later tonight if Bob can't hold his water) we'll hear about how Gary went through hell this year with all kinds of things that were beyond his control and how Bob still believes in him and all that other bullshit he spins when he thinks he knows what he's talking about and he'll tell us Gary's coming back. He'll tell us that he's going to get Gary a brand new "proven" DC with new assistant coaches wherever they're needed and next year is going to be one heck of a ride. After all the kids didn't quit did they? I can hear him saying "Why you would have thought they were playing for a playoff spot from the way they looked in that game!" Heck maybe Jerry Jones will call him and put in a good word for Wade.

That won't ruin my offseason though. It was ruined the moment he said we were on the right track following the Ravens raping. That gushing love letter to the worst head coach in our division, conference, and possibly the entire NFL was all I needed to hear to know that this team is unfixable. It cannot be righted. It cannot be put straight. The Texans are a franchise trapped in the Twilight Zone of professional football. Inheritors of the aura of suck left by the Houston Oilers and graced with the crown of futility left by a crowd of New Orleans Katrina refugees who were no doubt Saints fans through their many years of frustration and ineptitude. The Texans are beyond salvation.

Dom Capers couldn't field a good 3-4 here. When has Dom Capers not been able to field a good 3-4 defense?

Alex Gibbs couldn't build a line that could generate a running game here. When has Alex Gibbs not been able to build a cut-blocking weapon of destruction?

Gary Kubiak can't create an offense here that consistently shows up from week to week or even quarter to quarter?

The Texans are "wrong" people. They're like that little kid "Gage" from Pet Sematary who "came back wrong". NFL football in Houston came back wrong after the Oilers left. Maybe Reliant Stadium was built too close to the dome? Maybe we should have torn the dome down before Reliant went up? Somehow the Texans got bad mojo in their veins though and in the process they became the New Orleans Saints of the 21st Century.

My offseason now consists of two stages. First there's pre-Kubiak gets fired or given another year time where I am just my usual unhappy we aren't playing Texans fan thinking about the draft. Second there's the post Kubiak gets fired or given another year time which goes one of two possibly wildly divergent ways.

Fired and I've got hope. I wait for the draft, dread a lockout, and care about what kind of moves our new HC makes.

Given more time though means I see no hope for this team..... ever. The only response I can think of to that is to stop following the NFL entirely. I watched no football at all from the day the Oilers announced they were moving until 2002. I didn't mind it much at all. I can't imagine I'll care even that much about the Texans. Then I thought I was losing a real NFL football team. Giving up on the Texans should be much easier since I care so much less about them. They're like the Diet Coke of NFL Football teams. Only 1 calorie. Not "NFL" enough. I mean, there are no amazing highs in their history to go with all their devastating lows. Just more even more devastating lows beyond the ones we just went through.

I think in a day or two I'll be laying this aside entirely guys. If Bob can't tell that Gary needs to go then I'm pretty sure that's for the best.

If Vinny can walk away from "all of this" then I think I can too. He might even be on to something.

Vinny = walked away like a man.

You = Goodbye thread.

Lol. Go Texans, Herv.

:fans: :texan: :logo:
He probably did that because you told him to ******* off. If you don't let football run your life anymore, why would you make such an idiotic statement to another poster?

Actually it was me and I stand behind it. Herv has more cred around than that individual will ever have. Once more Herv has gone out of his way not to take cheap shots at other posters and limit his comments to the organization. He is the example of what this board used to be about back in the day. However, the hometown hero worshippers continue their bullying around here. I for one will stand up to it and will not take it anymore. In the 4-5 years I have been part of this community, I have never added anyone to my Ignore List until this year. It keeps growing every day now.

We used to have some knock down drag outs here in the past over HWWNBN and other subjects. However, until recently the members of this board were always respectful of each other. We debated, but we respected each other as well.

BTW..DocBar I can't read your PM. You're on the list. Have a nice life.
I didn't give it to you and I don't agree with it. I get them from time to time (probably get a couple for this thread). They mean nothing though.

I know you didn't. Herv. Like I said before, I have alot of respect for you. Or had until this thread.
I'm totally cool with bitching and griping about the team, but saying you're gonna completely quit on them gets me riled up. I PMed you my opinion, also.
I'm done with this ****. I'm going to pull for my Texans 100% every week, but I won't be back in here. I see a bunch of football idiots, myself included, posting a lot of pure bullshit punctuated by a few posts by people who really know what they're talking about. This has turned into something other than a reasonable place to posts thoughts about our team. I wholly include my posts in this. Have a nice life and GO TEXANS!!!!!!!
Its **** like this that gets annoying.

I am fed up. I have not bought any Texans merchandise in a year. I used to, but decided to spend my money elsewhere. I saved up money to afford Sunday NFL ticket, but I wont cough up a dime after this season, unless real changes are made. I guess this makes me a "bad" fan because I dont fall in lockstep with the Texans brass. Because I dont agree with everything BL Bob says, or Kubiak does, I am a lesser fan than you.

That is a bunch of crap, but I dont need people telling me what I am or what I am not. I know I am a Texans fan.

hell I can barely find any merchandise to buy in the hill country
It's not uberfan, Herv. I'm just as sick and disgusted by this season as anyone. I'm just not one to quit on my home team. I only quit on the Oilers because they quit being my hometown team. I'm a fan of my hometown team. Like it or not, they're who I root for. It's almost genetic. I simply can't root for another team. If you don't want to root for them, then by all means, walk away. I'm not a Kubiak homer. I'm extremely unhappy that he will be back....unless they win it all next year.
I sincerely hope you change your mind. Your insight and opinions have been thoroughly enjoyed on this board. It's just that I, for one, can't stand a quitter. How good do you think Saints fans felt last year or Buc's fans felt before that? How bittersweet was it for you when the tacks went to the Super Bowl? I rooted my ass off for the Rams but I had a hard time with it.
McNair isn't the problem Hell, he's the reason we're even having this arguement. Do you seriously think he made enough money to buy an NFL franchise by being a business *****?

I don't think Herv is a quitter, I think McNair and the rest of the screw-ups on Kirby quit on him (and me, and a lot of other pissed off people)
It's not uberfan, Herv. I'm just as sick and disgusted by this season as anyone. I'm just not one to quit on my home team. I only quit on the Oilers because they quit being my hometown team. I'm a fan of my hometown team. Like it or not, they're who I root for. It's almost genetic. I simply can't root for another team. If you don't want to root for them, then by all means, walk away. I'm not a Kubiak homer. I'm extremely unhappy that he will be back....unless they win it all next year.
I sincerely hope you change your mind. Your insight and opinions have been thoroughly enjoyed on this board. It's just that I, for one, can't stand a quitter. How good do you think Saints fans felt last year or Buc's fans felt before that? How bittersweet was it for you when the tacks went to the Super Bowl? I rooted my ass off for the Rams but I had a hard time with it.
McNair isn't the problem Hell, he's the reason we're even having this arguement. Do you seriously think he made enough money to buy an NFL franchise by being a business *****?

Agreed. I also gave him well deserved neg rep. Herv is everything this board, or any message board should be about. And all these Kool-aid drinkers that say we are coming back on the bandwagon when they win - by that time, we will all be dead so it won't matter. Just ask Lions fans. :kubepalm:

Actually it was me and I stand behind it. Herv has more cred around than that individual will ever have. Once more Herv has gone out of his way not to take cheap shots at other posters and limit his comments to the organization. He is the example of what this board used to be about back in the day. However, the hometown hero worshippers continue their bullying around here. I for one will stand up to it and will not take it anymore. In the 4-5 years I have been part of this community, I have never added anyone to my Ignore List until this year. It keeps growing every day now.

We used to have some knock down drag outs here in the past over HWWNBN and other subjects. However, until recently the members of this board were always respectful of each other. We debated, but we respected each other as well.

BTW..DocBar I can't read your PM. You're on the list. Have a nice life.
I'm done with this ****. I'm going to pull for my Texans 100% every week, but I won't be back in here. I see a bunch of football idiots, myself included, posting a lot of pure bullshit punctuated by a few posts by people who really know what they're talking about. This has turned into something other than a reasonable place to posts thoughts about our team. I wholly include my posts in this. Have a nice life and GO TEXANS!!!!!!!

Quitter :heh:
Vinny = walked away like a man.

You = Goodbye thread.

Lol. Go Texans, Herv.

:fans: :texan: :logo:

First of all none of us really know what the deal is with Vinny. I think he had other issues than him just not liking the direction of the team.

The Texans have a clueless owner who is threatening to bring back an utterly clueless coach who is over his head. As I mentioned in another thread Kubiak has more than once said "I don't know" when asked what he was going to do to address problems. The guy sounds defeated when he talks and that trickles down to the entire team.

Either McNair isn't passionate about winning or he is just plain stupid when it comes to running a NFL franchise. I personally don't blame anyone for bailing if they do.

As for the "Texans haters orgy", it sounds like the only other option is getting bent over by Bob and his terrible product *.

*Disclaimer: The above post is contingent on McNair not firing Kubiak.
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