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Strong Arrested for Marijuana Possession on Sunday

The Manziel thread must really do your head in then ...

Manziel is the gift that keeps on giving. While about to be jobless he is spending $4k a night to rent a place in Florida and somehow has this chick as his PR rep:


Manziel is the gift that keeps on giving. While about to be jobless he is spending $4k a night to rent a place in Florida and somehow has this chick as his PR rep:


I'm completely jealous, but totally laughing my ass off.
Arizona marijuana possession laws and penalties are much harsher than those in Texas (the Texans may at least be considering future additional options at WR):

Texas Possession

Offense-Penalty-Incarceration-Max. Fine

2 oz or less Misdemeanor 180 days $ 2,000
2 - 4 oz Misdemeanor 1 year $ 4,000
4 oz to 5 lbs Felony 180 days* - 2 years $ 10,000
5 - 50 lbs Felony 2* - 10 years $ 10,000
50 - 2000 lbs Felony 2* - 20 years $ 10,000
More than 2000 lbs Felony 5* - 99 years $ 50,000
* Mandatory minimum sentence

Texas Penalty Details
Possession of 2 ounces or less of marijuana is a Class B misdemeanor, punishable by up to 180 days imprisonment and a fine not to exceed $2,000.

Possession of between 2 and 4 ounces of marijuana is a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment of up to 1 year and a fine not to exceed $4,000.


Arizona Possession

Offense-Penalt-Incarceration-Max. Fine

Less than 2 lbs Felony 4 months - 2 years $ 150,000
2 -2 less than 4 lbs Felony 6 months - 2.5 years $ 150,000
4 lbs or more Felony 1 -3.75 years $ 150,000

Arizona Penalty Details
Possession for personal use of less than 2 pounds of marijuana is a Class 6 felony, punishable by a minimum sentence of 4 months, a maximum sentence of 2 years, and a minimum fine of $1000 or a fine to exhaust the proceeds of the drug offense. If probation is granted after conviction for this offense, the offender will face a mandatory sentence of 24 hours of community service.
They're tested for recreational drugs during one window a year, starting from late April through about the end of the preseason.

Fair game the rest of the year.

And the actual test period is almost exclusively held during TC because the NFL has no intention of spending the money to have testers chasing down individual players scattered all over the world
Manziel is the gift that keeps on giving. While about to be jobless he is spending $4k a night to rent a place in Florida and somehow has this chick as his PR rep:



When your family is worth 900 mil you can have a PR agent like this.

JM may not be NFL worthy but he sure knows his women. They will also be his downfall, just like so many men before him.
How can you tell that it was marijuana 'smoke' and not just the ridiculously strong smell the stuff has nowadays? I've heard of numerous incidents where guys have gotten busted on the sheer smell alone without even burning up a damn forest as some are implying they were doing.

I swear, officer, the strong odor you smell is from 3 unsmoked reefers my buddy has in his cigar box here in the car!

Dumb thing strong did

but weed laws crack me up. World class athletes partake and still are world class athletes..dumbasses due to violating employer rules though
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"According to the report, when officers made contact with Randall they detected a strong marijuana odor "coming from the inside of the vehicle."

"All of the occupants were questioned about the odor, if they had marijuana in their possession, and if they had a medical marijuana card," according to the police synopsis. "Strong admitted that he was possession of some marijuana and advised that he did not have a medical marijuana card."

Strong then gave police a cigar box with three marijuana cigarettes inside, after which he was arrested on a pending charge of possession of marijuana."

How can you tell that it was marijuana 'smoke' and not just the ridiculously strong smell the stuff has nowadays? I've heard of numerous incidents where guys have gotten busted on the sheer smell alone without even burning up a damn forest as some are implying they were doing.I find it odd that the driver wasnt arrested for DUI I guess too that he must have been the most sensible of the 3 young guys and was abstaining to be a model citizen and overall awesome dude? Better yet the picture some are trying to paint is Jalen Strong burning a fat blunt by himself in the backseat of a Maserati while the other 2 guys (who were released) were trying to kick off a mini intervention and tell him how he cant mess up his "lottery" and that he's ruining his life and career by smoking weed. Not sure where in the police report there was an admission of having smoked vs just simple possession. I mean they cops are asking for marijuana cards I would guess that protocol would be a bit different if the policemen thought that they may be impaired behind the wheel since its hard to say who was smoking the marijuana in the car?

Too bad them boys weren't rolling around in HTown where its wisely no longer over crowding court dockets and jails and police are given the ability to use common sense in situations like those.

What you're suggesting isn't realistic.

For one they said strong had 3 "marijuana cigarettes". Not a bag of weed. 3 joints or blunts in someone's pocket that have not been lit aren't going to hit someone in the face with the smell when someone walks up to a car with a window rolled down.

Also, unless strong is buying pre-rolled marijuana, which would make him a whole other kind of dumbass, then he or someone rolled the weed somewhere and then got into a car with no license plates. This wasn't a bag of weed that he just copped and was on his way home to smoke in peace.

Either way you look at it there was some foolishness here on Jalen's part and hopefully he has people close to him letting him know that instead of talking about the man holding him down.
I think that about Jaelen Strong as well, especially if he was riding around in a car without plates while there was weed in the car. That's just stupid. Whatever you think about the law, it is the law.

I thought they had plates, but the light above the plates were out. Hence the police said no visible plates.
I thought they had plates, but the light above the plates were out. Hence the police said no visible plates.
I've never seen an account stating this situation. And having spoken to several police, "no visible plates" violation encompasses all reasons that plates aren't visible, including no plates present.
Finally this thread has some interesting content. Amazingly easy to type with just one finger. HA!
You know you're getting old when this makes you think, not of the woman you'd like to have, but the daughter you're afraid you have.
Isn't this what cops did when we were young?
yep and folks left relieved and thinking they would be more cautious and more importantly respecting police. I happened to ride with friend who was a cop a few times and he did this at least twice and we rolled up on another situation and the cop we were supporting did same thing including making the teens pour out beer cans including those unopened. Common sense.
I can't tell you how many cans of beer I had to empty when I was a teenager.
Ditto. I remember the first time I had to do it and it just happened to be the one cop in the area that seemed like he had it out for me. Gave me a ticket/pulled me over every chance he got. I despised the guy. Sitting in a park with my buddy drinking and who walks down the path saying my name...My heart sank. I was expecting very bad things and after a few minutes of him giving me a hard time he had us pour out the beer and go home. Still hated the guy but after that I actually respected him.
I can't tell you how many cans of beer I had to empty when I was a teenager.

Ditto. I remember the first time I had to do it and it just happened to be the one cop in the area that seemed like he had it out for me. Gave me a ticket/pulled me over every chance he got. I despised the guy. Sitting in a park with my buddy drinking and who walks down the path saying my name...My heart sank. I was expecting very bad things and after a few minutes of him giving me a hard time he had us pour out the beer and go home. Still hated the guy but after that I actually respected him.

I almost tore a deltoid having to pump out an entire keg of beer into a storm drain while two League City cops stood there and watched. Beats my entire party getting an M.I.P.
Do you think the NFL will ever legalize marijuana?
More states continue to do so. How harmful is it?
I say that not fully understanding it. I've never done it.
People debate it. I may try it one day just to see what the fuss is about.
Evidently, an NFL punishment is still expected.
Texans' Jaelen Strong Taking Full Responsibility For Off-Season Mishap

State of the Texans
Patrick Starr 9:23 AM

Houston Texans Jaelen Strong is taking full responsibility for letting down him teammates and fans from his off-season arrest.

It is the one thing the Houston Texans do not appreciate when it comes to its players: getting into trouble off the field. Jaelen Strong ran into trouble in Scottsdale, Arizona this off-season and was charged with marjiuana possession when pulled over.

It was the type of black eye that the Texans want to avoid and something on which the organization prides itself when building their team. As for Strong, it was a situation that he has taken full responsibility for.

“It’s pretty embarrassing,” said Strong to the media at NRG Stadium, “Forget about me, but my family, the Houston Texans and everybody that gave me an opportunity and believed in me.”

The punishment outcome has not been announced, so the Texans and Strong are waiting.

“It’s up in the air right now,” explained Strong, “I don’t really know what’s going on right now. All I can say is I’m here ready to get to work and be great for the 2016 season.”

In his first full season with the Texans, Strong caught 14 passes for 161 yards and three touchdowns. With the exit of Nate Washington, the 2015 third-round selection has become the favorite to start opposite of DeAndre Hopkins this coming season.

He might have to miss a game this season due to his incident but he is not letting it slow him down getting ready for the upcoming season.

“It’s a setback but that’s nothing I haven’t been through before, I’ve been through plenty of setbacks,” said Strong. “I’m just ready to get to work and put it all out on the field.”
Just as a reference point. LeGarrette Blount was arrested for simple marijuana possession.............and went on to be suspended for only one game. But, according to the NFL Policy, the penalty may be more severe (up to 4 game fines and 4 game suspension for 1st violation).

The NFL's Substance Abuse policy, league precedent, and the likely fate of LeGarrette Blount and Le'Veon Bell (specific rule cites included)

I think it will only be 1 game. He wasnt driving he has no prior run ends with the law, or failed drug tests.
But he's not a Patriot

I dont see how that matters? Not like the Patriots are getting favoritism in the league, the commissioner is still on his witch hunt for deflategate. The reason Bell got 2 games and Blount got 1 was because Bell was driving the vehicle
I dont see how that matters? Not like the Patriots are getting favoritism in the league, the commissioner is still on his witch hunt for deflategate. The reason Bell got 2 games and Blount got 1 was because Bell was driving the vehicle
Bell aggravated things when after being stopped, he told the police that he had smoked 2 hours prior to the stop and was now "fine." Obviously, he is no mensa. The reason he was stopped to begin with was he had all the windows down and a motorcycle policeman pulled up to his side at a light. The police smelled a very strong odor of marijuana coming out of the car.
I dont see how that matters? Not like the Patriots are getting favoritism in the league, the commissioner is still on his witch hunt for deflategate. The reason Bell got 2 games and Blount got 1 was because Bell was driving the vehicle
or it could be that commish realizes Patriots have been in news for more than deflated footballs and is doing his due diligence.
With the addition of Fuller and Miller is Jalen Strong done on the Texans? Hopkins, Fuller, Miller, Shorts III, Mumphrey, etc... are the Texans giving up on Strong because of 1 marijuana arrest? I hope not because he was looking good at the end of last season.
With the addition of Fuller and Miller is Jalen Strong done on the Texans? Hopkins, Fuller, Miller, Shorts III, Mumphrey, etc... are the Texans giving up on Strong because of 1 marijuana arrest? I hope not because he was looking good at the end of last season.
Strong isn't going anywhere. Mumphrey stinks , Cecil stinks. Nuk, BM, Strong and Philly Will is gonna be the WR lineup imo
Well he made a mistake and hope he can learn from it. That is all you want to do. And wish for.