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Official Brock Osweiler MVP Watch Thread!

Those that can't do, teach.
Concept is much different than execution. I can watch brain surgery videos on YouTube all day long, doesn't mean I should buy a surgeon's kit and start tinkering around.
Basically, your premise of argument is false.

You're assuming that I want to do the job of a surgeon.

If a golf guy like Todd Haley can become an NFL headcoach and OC, a football fan can learn enough about football to understand a fair bit how it is played.
I thought so, too.
And I didn't even know what he was responding, either.

I just don't think it's smart for him to either underestimating a fan or get into any situation with a fan, even if that fan was incorrect.

He's got to understand that QB is a position that get scrutinized a lot, rightly or wrongly.
Best to side-step it, and move on if at all possible.

Right. I believe the question was specific about going through his reads. He knows scrutiny comes with the job. He isn't sidestepping scrutiny or criticism.

Just the fact that some fans believe they know what his read & progressions are supposed to be in a particular situation.
Basically, your premise of argument is false.

You're assuming that I want to do the job of a surgeon.

If a golf guy like Todd Haley can become an NFL headcoach and OC, a football fan can learn enough about football to understand a fair bit how it is played.

Yeah a fan can learn football, and even grow up to be a headcoach and OC... if they grew up around football and their father was a Director of Player of personnel for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Just because he played golf in college don't make him a "golf guy" anymore than Jim Nantz is a "golf guy"

And just because you know the game of football don't mean you can coach... or know what plays were called and what reads every player had.

Not saying Osweiler has been good, but you're acting like if you were there you would be a whole lot better... don't think it's so
Right. I believe the question was specific about going through his reads. He knows scrutiny comes with the job. He isn't sidestepping scrutiny or criticism.

Just the fact that some fans believe they know what his read & progressions are supposed to be in a particular situation.
No matter what, when the scoreboard shows zero point, Osweiler is only making it worse when saying that he's comfortable in his reads.

That sounds really bad, don't you think?
Yeah a fan can learn football, and even grow up to be a headcoach and OC... if they grew up around football and their father was a Director of Player of personnel for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Just because he played golf in college don't make him a "golf guy" anymore than Jim Nantz is a "golf guy"

And just because you know the game of football don't mean you can coach... or know what plays were called and what reads every player had.

Not saying Osweiler has been good, but you're acting like if you were there you would be a whole lot better... don't think it's so
Another wrong premise.

Never mind.
Pardon me for not responding further to this line of assumption.
No matter what, when the scoreboard shows zero point, Osweiler is only making it worse when saying that he's comfortable in his reads.

That sounds really bad, don't you think?


Some fans & critics go too far. He didn't play well. He knows he didn't play well & he knows people will talk about him not playing well.

If he were to read this thread I don't think he'd take offense.

He took offense to what the reporter implied. Not to what we do.

Some fans & critics go too far. He didn't play well. He knows he didn't play well & he knows people will talk about him not playing well.

If he were to read this thread I don't think he'd take offense.

He took offense to what the reporter implied. Not to what we do.
Like I said, I do not have a concrete idea what he was responding to.

If he has to respond, then fine.
But if, like I said, there's a chance to side-step the criticism, I think it's wiser for him to do so.

Just like in politics, there are ways to brush aside criticism (answering without answering anything.)

A better way to answer is to have better showings in the future.
Like I said, I do not have a concrete idea what he was responding to.

If he has to respond, then fine.
But if, like I said, there's a chance to side-step the criticism, I think it's wiser for him to do so.

Just like in politics, there are ways to brush aside criticism (answering without answering anything.)

A better way to answer is to have better showings in the future.

He might need you as his PR guy. You can tell he's not use to those line of questioning.
What should he have said?
I just read this, but it's still unclear what he was responding to.

Quite often, writers conveniently leave out important stuffs.

I'm assuming that the criticism was about his last INT, one that I did not bring up - because it's understandable that the lack of preparation (by the coaches) might not properly prepare him to recognize the drop into that modified Tampa 2 coverage by no. 91 Collins.
No. 95 also dropped into coverage, similar to one of the plays I had described before, the 53 zone look.)

I gave Osweiler a little benefit of the doubt there.


He could respond similar to what I've been saying.

That he understands the QB position often draws criticism, that zero point isn't going to win any game; so it's best for him to let the play on the field speak for itself in the next game, and many more games down the road.
Osweiler is also very naive.

There are a lot of resources nowadays on the internet.

One can spend time in as many QB classes, seminars, etc. as one wishes.

A non-playing person can learn quite a bit about how to play the position if he spends the time.

Besides, fans and critiques can do whatever they want.
Osweiler just needs to grow a pair and shows it on the field.

What's worse than a non-performing QB?
One with a big mouth.
Watching videos and taking Drivers Ed. gets one prepared to drive. But that stuff ain't nothing like actually getting out on the road yourself and having to make split-second decisions - and deal with the decisions of other drivers - in real time. Biiig diff between theory and practice.
I can see where Osweiler is coming from.
Watching videos and taking Drivers Ed. gets one prepared to drive. But that stuff ain't nothing like actually getting out on the road yourself and having to make split-second decisions - and deal with the decisions of other drivers - in real time. Biiig diff between theory and practice.
I can see where Osweiler is coming from.

O'Brien wet his pants and told reporters how to do their jobs, and Oz is telling fans that they don't know anything. Not a good week for interviews. As 76 has pointed out, this isn't rocket science. A solid portion of fans have actually played football at higher levels. A better half of this forum has been diagnosing Love Ya Blue plays longer than Oz has been able to walk. We're still admiring the work of Jefferies, Duncan, Hill and Givens. I look forward to the next Icky Shuffle and still get a bit peeved at seeing Montana in a Chiefs uniform. Between the current state of Madden, 'all-22' cameras and John Gruden (and a million other coaching videos) - fans are catching up on the terminology and procedure, and are most certainly competent in the areas of design. I would honestly put a few Madden players against most NFL coaches regarding x/o design. We've all watched on Sunday with guys who played at least up to college ball. Fans critiquing Oz and our team aren't just the people buying a shirt from Academy ... even though radio callers seem to be that example of ignorance. Not having the physical ability to be in the huddle doesn't preclude fans from knowing what's going on (not necessarily myself, we know I'm dumb).

Assuming a level of competence, and insulting fans as ignorant ... when you cant even get into field goal range. Not exactly great leadership qualities.
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No matter what, when the scoreboard shows zero point, Osweiler is only making it worse when saying that he's comfortable in his reads.

That sounds really bad, don't you think?

Brock isn't the one who fumbled the ball twice inside Texans territory which resulted in scores. Brock was also not the one who missed the tackle that resulted in the QB scoring a rushing touchdown. He also wasn't throwing the ball to himself, so those crucial drops (ball bouncing off receivers' hands) were definitely NOT his fault.

Brock also doesn't play offensive tackle/guard, so I hope people ain't blaming him for Lamar Miller not being able to get anything going.

Brock isn't the one who fumbled the ball twice inside Texans territory which resulted in scores. Brock was also not the one who missed the tackle that resulted in the QB scoring a rushing touchdown. He also wasn't throwing the ball to himself, so those crucial drops (ball bouncing off receivers' hands) were definitely NOT his fault.

Brock also doesn't play offensive tackle/guard, so I hope people ain't blaming him for Lamar Miller not being able to get anything going.
Is there any place that I blamed Osweiler for all of it?

No. There isn't.

But, I'm fairly sure that Osweiler's poor play fake did not help Miller and the Online in the running game.

If you watch the All 22 view, you can see a big difference between the Pats D and the Texans D, especially the LBs.

You can see the Pats' LBs in full attacking mode every time Miller touches the ball.

A different story on the other hand, as the Texans' LBs had to honor the fake and froze a bit...
Or worse, they bit the play fake completely on that TD run by Brissett.
No matter what, when the scoreboard shows zero point, Osweiler is only making it worse when saying that he's comfortable in his reads.

That sounds really bad, don't you think?

What should he have said?
Is there any place that I blamed Osweiler for all of it?

No. There isn't.

But, I'm fairly sure that Osweiler's poor play fake did not help Miller and the Online in the running game.

If you watch the All 22 view, you can see a big difference between the Pats D and the Texans D, especially the LBs.

You can see the Pats' LBs in full attacking mode every time Miller touches the ball.

A different story on the other hand, as the Texans' LBs had to honor the fake and froze a bit...
Or worse, they bit the play fake completely on that TD run by Brissett.

The Patriots defense stayed fresh while the defense got gases. And that was because of the short field the special team gift wrapped them. Yes the offense didn't make things any better for the defense. But let's be 100, in the second half the Patriots started pounding that rock down our throat. That was a classic case of smash a joker I'm the mouth football.

Game planning is very essential here and the Texans didn't have footage on Brissett. Coach Belichick attack that weakness to perfection. He did not run his typical Patriots offense. Thus the reason why we looked so confused and couldn't get pressure on their rookie quarterback. Remember our defense was leading in several stats on defense before this game.

The Patriots on the other hand had plenty of footage of our offense. They made sure they took away the deep ball and our running game.

Again they were able to game plan better than us. Just that simple.
It's not a good sign that Osweiler is lashing out at critics after only three games. It suggests thin skin and it does nothing for his image of leadership. It also diminishes the sincerity of his high-road explanations of why he left Denver. Stick with the vague answers, Brock.
It's not a good sign that Osweiler is lashing out at critics after only three games. It suggests thin skin and it does nothing for his image of leadership. It also diminishes the sincerity of his high-road explanations of why he left Denver. Stick with the vague answers, Brock.
I think I missed the part where he lashed out at critics...
It's not a good sign that Osweiler is lashing out at critics after only three games. It suggests thin skin and it does nothing for his image of leadership. It also diminishes the sincerity of his high-road explanations of why he left Denver. Stick with the vague answers, Brock.

Lashed out? Is that what you call it when he says "that's hilarious"? What would you call it if he really went off?
Reaching. Know how is he looking now. I know you are not comparing college to professional.

Something had to strike a nerve
Checked all those links. All have the same theme: "How dare he say we armchair QBs don't know what we're talking about!"
Just sounds like a lot of butthurt from MMQBs. Oh and some CYA when you think about it. If they don't defend their bloggosphere opinions folks might stop clicking. That would be bad for business.
Checked all those links. All have the same theme: "How dare he say we armchair QBs don't know what we're talking about!"
Just sounds like a lot of butthurt from MMQBs. Oh and some CYA when you think about it. If they don't defend their bloggosphere opinions folks might stop clicking. That would be bad for business.
It's a free country. :kitten:
Checked all those links. All have the same theme: "How dare he say we armchair QBs don't know what we're talking about!"
Just sounds like a lot of butthurt from MMQBs. Oh and some CYA when you think about it. If they don't defend their bloggosphere opinions folks might stop clicking. That would be bad for business.

Hahaha I'm not about to waste my time. 76 is tripping and he's going around every site searching to see who agrees with him. But guess what, there is a lot of people who disagree also.

He most definitely has an agenda. Hahaha
IMO, the best QB on this team is Brandon Weeden. Osweiler was handed the starting job because he signed for the big bucks; he never earned it. John Elway is a very good judge of QB talent and must be laughing at Brock's pathetic showing against the Brady-less Pats, despite having some of the best offensive weapons in the NFL.
It's a free country. :kitten:
I've heard that.

And to be straight, when we were talking about Osweiler seemingly not properly going through his progressions, I agree. To my untrained eye, it looked like he left plays out on the field.
I don't know what the coaches told him to look for regarding reads and what those coaches designed those play to specifically accomplish. With the Denver offense it was easy. Run, run, run and make the D come up to stop it. When they do, burn them deep. Can't say I've detected an overall theme to the Godsey/O'Brien play calling. So Os is right. Damn if I can figure out what the grand plan is.
IMO, the best QB on this team is Brandon Weeden. Osweiler was handed the starting job because he signed for the big bucks; he never earned it. John Elway is a very good judge of QB talent and must be laughing at Brock's pathetic showing against the Brady-less Pats, despite having some of the best offensive weapons in the NFL.

You do know he really wanted Brock to stay with the Broncos?
You do know he would've been their starter?
You do know Brock stop the negotiations with them?

Brandon is not better than Savage lol. Thus the reason why he's the 3rd string QB.
I've heard that.

And to be straight, when we were talking about Osweiler seemingly not properly going through his progressions, I agree. To my untrained eye, it looked like he left plays out on the field.
I don't know what the coaches told him to look for regarding reads and what those coaches designed those play to specifically accomplish. With the Denver offense it was easy. Run, run, run and make the D come up to stop it. When they do, burn them deep. Can't say I've detected an overall theme to the Godsey/O'Brien play calling. So Os is right. Damn if I can figure out what the grand plan is.
OK, it's almost Sunday.
I'm stopping all the jokes.
O'Brien would better be calling some plays that the Tacks can't figure out.