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Case Keenum to start Sunday

Yeah , I don't think Kubiak gets a fair shake around here .... Sure he makes some mistakes but this season he's been handcuffed. I don't think there is anything he can do to make some people happy.

Even starting Yates or Keenum two weeks ago wouldn't have made much difference ..... if either had failed , everyone would say he started the wrong one - That may happen anyway & Keenum may make us wish Schaub was back under center throwing TD's to the other team. (I hope that isn't the result we get)

I was watching the Bronco's a couple weeks back and they had a clock on Manning , he got the ball out in 1.2 seconds on several occasions. If that pass is accurate , its almost impossible to defend against .... So much of Manning's success is determined pre-snap.

Most of that is done at the line of scrimmage. The QB should be able to look at the defense and adjust the play (audible) or whatever they want to do based on what they see. I trust any of our QBs at the line more than I trust the HC on the sideline to see what the defense is giving. Gary Kubiak was a career backup. I understand that he was sitting behind a HoF guy, but I don't think he'd of been starting if he had been on KC with Blackledge or NYJ with O'Brien either. In the MNF loss to Baltimore a few years ago Schaub was actually allowed to take control of the offense in the 2nd half when we were down big. He led us on some great scoring drives and put us into OT. At that point Kubiak took control back and we threw a pick 6 to end the game. Kubiak is under the firm belief that execution alone will win out. There are some circumstances where that's not going to happen and the QB needs to be able to make the adjustment. He is a micromanager to the extreme and that limits this team.
While I find it hard to believe that McNair told him he had to do it, you also have to look at the decision to start Swearinger over Keo. After saying that he would wait until Sunday to decide on QB, and after saying Keo would be in there, we see a complete "UnKubiak like" move to put Keenum and Swearinger in. It's such a 180 from what we have always seen from Kubiak, it's strange. Did a light come on in his head, or was he "encouraged" by an outside influence? I think that's more of what people are trying to figure out...and natural assumption is that the guy footing the bill is behind it.

I really really really hope this isn't true. McNair has to leave the football decisions to the experts. I don't want a Jerry Jones type of owner.
No one will run Schaub out of town. He will do that himself. Schaub is not getting it done. And when that happens, they will replace you.

Remember, it's Kubiak that is making this move. Not the fans. If he felt that TJ gave the team "the best chance to win", Yates would be starting. What is going on here is not ricket science. A 2-4 team is on the brink with an underachieving, injured QB that will not be brought back in 2012 with a $10 million contract. There are 2 young QBs behind him. The Texans need to know if they have something to build on, or if they need to find someone in the offseason. Pretty simple, really.

To the surprise of literally no one, anywhere, ever, you missed the point.

Texans Talk has an infestation of jock swinging nut huggers who ride the sack of every fresh face that comes along, even before they've done a single thing to deserve it. It's not just Yates, or Keenum. This forum picks a guy they don't like (usually for things that are stupid beyond comprehension) and everyone behind him on the depth chart gets long lasting oral pleasure until it's beyond obvious that he's never going to amount to anything.

From Antwan Peek to Case Keenum, it's a broken record that just keeps going and somehow nobody ever seems to pick up on it.

Schaub is one of those guys that Texans Talk just decided to hate, and it's not a recent development. The same people buying up every Case Keenum blow up doll in Texas were calling for Rosencopter to start over Schaub until he imploded against Indi. The minute Yates threw a TD he was the anointed one, and the forums were spammed with threads about trading Schaub and even if we kept him would Yates be the starter. This in a year where Schaub was shredding defenses for nearly 9 yards per pass, and Yates looked maybe OK at best. Yates didn't win the job last year the way they dreamed of, so screw that guy. Now we have Keenum and he's been anointed Jesus Christ Football before he ever takes a single NFL snap.

My post is mocking that behavior.
While I find it hard to believe that McNair told him he had to do it, you also have to look at the decision to start Swearinger over Keo. After saying that he would wait until Sunday to decide on QB, and after saying Keo would be in there, we see a complete "UnKubiak like" move to put Keenum and Swearinger in. It's such a 180 from what we have always seen from Kubiak, it's strange. Did a light come on in his head, or was he "encouraged" by an outside influence? I think that's more of what people are trying to figure out...and natural assumption is that the guy footing the bill is behind it.

Again: I'm sure the "encouragement" came from a Monday meeting with the Big Boss, who was probably not pleased at how the team embarrassed themselves Sunday.

McNair probably got rough with Kubiak Monday, but, I seriously doubt if he told him "Start Keenum. Start Swearanger."

McNair doesn't operate like that.

Kubiak is out of options.

Players-only meeting? Tried that. Didn't work.
Emotional speech from head coach? Tried that. Didn't work.
Meeting with team captains? Tried that. Didn't work.
Tougher practices? Tried that. Didn't work.

Kubiak is a poker player sitting at the table in Vegas with no cards in his hands. He has nothing.

Keenum starting is the act of a man desperate to keep his job.
The thing that stands out to me when watching Keenum throw is the quickness of getting the ball out. Schaub has a windup that makes Tebow look quick. It literally takes Schaub as long to get the ball out as it does the ball to get to receiver. This is giving defenders huge edge in jumping routes and playing the ball. Keenum gets ball out quick and with better velocity. Also he has a lot better arm strength than people give him credit for. There are some nice long throws on youtube on the run or off his back foot.
Again: I'm sure the "encouragement" came from a Monday meeting with the Big Boss, who was probably not pleased at how the team embarrassed themselves Sunday.

McNair probably got rough with Kubiak Monday, but, I seriously doubt if he told him "Start Keenum. Start Swearanger."

McNair doesn't operate like that.

Kubiak is out of options.

Players-only meeting? Tried that. Didn't work.
Emotional speech from head coach? Tried that. Didn't work.
Meeting with team captains? Tried that. Didn't work.
Tougher practices? Tried that. Didn't work.

Kubiak is a poker player sitting at the table in Vegas with no cards in his hands. He has nothing.

Keenum starting is the act of a man desperate to keep his job.

As i've said in other threads, starting Keenum is in effect a hail mary to save this season...& by extetension, kubiak's job...the latter is what i absolutely do not want to happen...

& it's b/c of what i mention above I'm not any more siked about this game than i am normally or will be in the future...
To the surprise of literally no one, anywhere, ever, you missed the point.

Texans Talk has an infestation of jock swinging nut huggers who ride the sack of every fresh face that comes along, even before they've done a single thing to deserve it. It's not just Yates, or Keenum. This forum picks a guy they don't like (usually for things that are stupid beyond comprehension) and everyone behind him on the depth chart gets long lasting oral pleasure until it's beyond obvious that he's never going to amount to anything.

From Antwan Peek to Case Keenum, it's a broken record that just keeps going and somehow nobody ever seems to pick up on it.

Schaub is one of those guys that Texans Talk just decided to hate, and it's not a recent development. The same people buying up every Case Keenum blow up doll in Texas were calling for Rosencopter to start over Schaub until he imploded against Indi. The minute Yates threw a TD he was the anointed one, and the forums were spammed with threads about trading Schaub and even if we kept him would Yates be the starter. This in a year where Schaub was shredding defenses for nearly 9 yards per pass, and Yates looked maybe OK at best. Yates didn't win the job last year the way they dreamed of, so screw that guy. Now we have Keenum and he's been anointed Jesus Christ Football before he ever takes a single NFL snap.

My post is mocking that behavior.

And surely someone as message board savvy as yourself realize that this is simply human nature. The grass is always greener, whether it be comparing the folk(s) who lost the last election to the 'obviously' inept incombent or the backup QB when the starter isn't one of the "elite".
This is nothing really new.
But then, I guess that was your point. It is, however, sometimes amusing to see it in action.
And it is sometimes fun to jump in on the back & forth. Even more fun when you can see (play) both sides of the argument like TK can. :kitten:
Kubiaks 'All or nothing' move!

I love it, now let's see what it translates to on the field :)

Pretty much, so lets say Case Keenum lights up the Cheifs at Arrowhead, what happens then? Shall he be the starting QB still once Matt is healthy again?
Most of that is done at the line of scrimmage. The QB should be able to look at the defense and adjust the play (audible) or whatever they want to do based on what they see. I trust any of our QBs at the line more than I trust the HC on the sideline to see what the defense is giving. Gary Kubiak was a career backup. I understand that he was sitting behind a HoF guy, but I don't think he'd of been starting if he had been on KC with Blackledge or NYJ with O'Brien either. In the MNF loss to Baltimore a few years ago Schaub was actually allowed to take control of the offense in the 2nd half when we were down big. He led us on some great scoring drives and put us into OT. At that point Kubiak took control back and we threw a pick 6 to end the game. Kubiak is under the firm belief that execution alone will win out. There are some circumstances where that's not going to happen and the QB needs to be able to make the adjustment. He is a micromanager to the extreme and that limits this team.

If Keenum doesn't embarass himself Sunday, this place is going to go nuts with Case fever.

I think actually this is already happening :)

It's going to be exactly like that guy (what was his name?) that came in after Schaub got hurt. What was that guy's name again? I can't remember.
It was "Matt Leinart"

Man, whatever happened to that guy?
well, he signed with the Raiders in 2012 and was the back-up for Carson Palmer. when Palmer got injured, Leinart lost to third string QB Terrelle Pryor and was released. In 2013 signed with buffalo for the 4th QB spot but lost that one too. Now he is a Free agent.

Was it Yates?
Nope, pretty sure it was Leinart to go in after schaub got injured.

That guy who played his first meaningful NFL action since the 2011-12 season and was instantly thrown under the bus by fans.
Yep, that's Yates, the guy who came in after Leinart went out :D

Pretty much, so lets say Case Keenum lights up the Cheifs at Arrowhead, what happens then? Shall he be the starting QB still once Matt is healthy again?

If he lights it up, there's no way Kubiak goes back to schaub.......

If he's "meh" but we win... I think it's equally as likely that Kubiak goes back to Schaub as it that Keenum gets the start against Indy....Case's performance would likely be written off as it being his 1st start in a tough enviornment..etc..etc.

If he's "meh" and we lose - Kubiak goes back to Schaub...even though i don't think he should....

If he's terrible and we win or lose - Kubiak goes back to schaub period.
And surely someone as message board savvy as yourself realize that this is simply human nature. The grass is always greener, whether it be comparing the folk(s) who lost the last election to the 'obviously' inept incombent or the backup QB when the starter isn't one of the "elite".
This is nothing really new.
But then, I guess that was your point. It is, however, sometimes amusing to see it in action.
And it is sometimes fun to jump in on the back & forth. Even more fun when you can see (play) both sides of the argument like TK can. :kitten:

The thing is, it wasn't always like that.

You used to be able to come in here and discuss football with people who just love the game and their team. You could point out flaws in a coach or player without a campaign to have him run out of town on a float made of pink soap.

It was fun to come in after a game and talk about what went wrong, or who played well (often the same player) without the forum being spammed with 30 "X sucks, burn his house down!" threads. Discuss how the team could improve and usually (because the Texans kind of sucked back then) discuss the draft by this point in the season. We could have intelligent conversations about the facts of the game without 30 window lickers screaming hackneyed garbage like "stats is fer duh loosers!" Yes, they almost universally spell it "loosers!"

It's just gotten old at this point. Every thread is the same boring spam of either vomiting rainbows for the flavor of the month "savior" or blindly pouring out hate on a player.

*edit - I just remembered one of the clearest indicators of this kind of crap.

Dunta Robinson's last season with the Texans, this forum was overrun by people who insisted he was the worst corner in the NFL and was constantly thrown at and picked on. I broke down all of the available corner coverage stats and proved with facts that not only was he not being picked on, he was one of the 5 least thrown at corners in the entire league. You know what the response to cold hard facts was? "Stats are for loosers!"
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If he lights it up, there's no way Kubiak goes back to schaub.......

If he's "meh" but we win... I think it's equally as likely that Kubiak goes back to Schaub as it that Keenum gets the start against Indy....Case's performance would likely be written off as it being his 1st start in a tough enviornment..etc..etc.

If he's "meh" and we lose - Kubiak goes back to Schaub...even though i don't think he should....

If he's terrible and we win or lose - Kubiak goes back to schaub period.

Kubiak has such a man crush on Schaubiak 2.0 that Keenum will have to have a 24/27 384 yard and 4 TD performance for Schaub not to start after the bye week.
Kubiak has such a man crush on Schaubiak 2.0 that Keenum will have to have a 24/27 384 yard and 4 TD performance for Schaub not to start after the bye week.

Schaub may not be back by then .... and after what Schaub has done this season , Keenum beating the undefeated Chiefs in Arrowhead .... He aint going back.
That's what he is though.That's what schaub is also,but he want even looking for the other behind route. He would read andre to the slow ass te vs andre to hopkins to the te. There were a lot plays schaub refused to even look at the worse he played. The worse heplayed,the tighter he got. Hopefully case won't be in such a hurry to get rid of the ball that he don't allow the route to develop. That's the problem with sam bradford and alex smiths of the world.

My head hurts!:eek:

Having never seen Case play in College, I really don't know what to expect out of this. I'm buying into the promise of potential. Based on what I have heard, his mobility will be a welcome compliment to the current O-line. I hope he has the right mix of pocket awareness and ellusiveness to buy time, and allow the wr's routes develop as I think leebigeztx is suggesting above. ? If so, from what I hear, Case has the potential to stretch the field. I also am hopeful that when theres no safe place to throw, he can tuck it and make positive gains.

NO PICK 6's! Please Kube's don't set his first pass play to be a 3 yard shot to the flats.
TJ Yates at UNC

2007 North Carolina 365 218 59.7% 2,655 14 18
2008 North Carolina 135 81 60.0% 1,168 11 4
2009 North Carolina 355 214 60.3% 2,136 14 15
2010 North Carolina 422 282 66.8% 3,418 19 9

College Totals 1,277 795 62.3% 9,377 58 46

These are sub-standards numbers in the NFL... but in college? oh boy

His #s definitely translated to NFL..

3-3 TD-INT as full time starter in his rookie year.

So, Case #s...... oh snap!
Kubiak has such a man crush on Schaubiak 2.0 that Keenum will have to have a 24/27 384 yard and 4 TD performance for Schaub not to start after the bye week.

Schaub may not be back by then .... and after what Schaub has done this season , Keenum beating the undefeated Chiefs in Arrowhead .... He aint going back.

Well I dont know if case will need to be 88% 4 tds to keep the job but I dont think a win will be enough. 10-6 wont keep the spot for him
Well I dont know if case will need to be 88% 4 tds to keep the job but I dont think a win will be enough. 10-6 wont keep the spot for him

we went 2-4 under Schaub and ur saying if we finish 10-6 that wont be enough for him to keep the job ? So an 8-2 record wouldnt be enough for him to have earned a full season or at the very least to be named the starter the following season ? WOW
we went 2-4 under Schaub and ur saying if we finish 10-6 that wont be enough for him to keep the job ? So an 8-2 record wouldnt be enough for him to have earned a full season or at the very least to be named the starter the following season ? WOW

Not agreeing with him about anything but...think he meant if the Texans beat the Chiefs 10 to 6 it won't be enough for Case to be the starter.
I have no connection to UH but I am as stoked about Case Keenum starting as the biggest Coog fan out there. I just have this feeling Case is going to have a good game and that we are going to win this Sunday. I can't wait until the game gets here. I can't remember the last time I was this excited about a Texans game. Probably the Chicago game last year was the last time that it got close to this level.

This is what football is supposed to be about: excitement, passion, and hope. Naming Keenum the starter has energized me and has created a buzz around the entire city. If I feel this pumped and ready for a game what must the Texans players be feeling. I think they give an inspired effort with the defense looking rejuvenated. LeStar Jean and Case had a nice thing going in the preseason. LeStar will hopefully have a long TD like he had in the preseason.
Well I dont know if case will need to be 88% 4 tds to keep the job but I dont think a win will be enough. 10-6 wont keep the spot for him
Depends on what happens in the game. Throwing a low score doesn't tell the story. If Case runs the offense well and the offense stalls due to dropped passes, penalties, fumbles or anything else out of his control but the team wins - how could you NOT start Case again? It just proves that he can and did do a better job than Schaub over the last X games. If he stinks it up and the team wins with a special teams/defense TD then yeah maybe Schaub is back ASAP.
we went 2-4 under Schaub and ur saying if we finish 10-6 that wont be enough for him to keep the job ? So an 8-2 record wouldnt be enough for him to have earned a full season or at the very least to be named the starter the following season ? WOW

10-6 win against KC
Well I dont know if case will need to be 88% 4 tds to keep the job but I dont think a win will be enough. 10-6 wont keep the spot for him

To be honest , I think Schaub is finished here .... unless Keenum stinks the joint up , I think he's the QB for the rest of the season.

If he stinks the joint up .... all bets are off as to who's under center in Reliant Vs. the Dolts. (Damn those bastards are lucky , go from arguably the best to ever play the game to a prodigy in Luck - sure must be nice to be a Dolts fan these days).
To the surprise of literally no one, anywhere, ever, you missed the point.

Texans Talk has an infestation of jock swinging nut huggers who ride the sack of every fresh face that comes along, even before they've done a single thing to deserve it. It's not just Yates, or Keenum. This forum picks a guy they don't like (usually for things that are stupid beyond comprehension) and everyone behind him on the depth chart gets long lasting oral pleasure until it's beyond obvious that he's never going to amount to anything.

From Antwan Peek to Case Keenum, it's a broken record that just keeps going and somehow nobody ever seems to pick up on it.

Schaub is one of those guys that Texans Talk just decided to hate, and it's not a recent development. The same people buying up every Case Keenum blow up doll in Texas were calling for Rosencopter to start over Schaub until he imploded against Indi. The minute Yates threw a TD he was the anointed one, and the forums were spammed with threads about trading Schaub and even if we kept him would Yates be the starter. This in a year where Schaub was shredding defenses for nearly 9 yards per pass, and Yates looked maybe OK at best. Yates didn't win the job last year the way they dreamed of, so screw that guy. Now we have Keenum and he's been anointed Jesus Christ Football before he ever takes a single NFL snap.

My post is mocking that behavior.

Your condescension reeks throughout your post. Texans management has always seemed a step slow and not proactive at all. That accounts for a lot of what you described. That's management's fault and not the fans. Having just 2 playoff appearances out of the last 11 years shows that the Texans don't have a winning formula just yet.
Depends on what happens in the game. Throwing a low score doesn't tell the story. If Case runs the offense well and the offense stalls due to dropped passes, penalties, fumbles or anything else out of his control but the team wins - how could you NOT start Case again? It just proves that he can and did do a better job than Schaub over the last X games. If he stinks it up and the team wins with a special teams/defense TD then yeah maybe Schaub is back ASAP.

If Gary's starter is healthy I think he goes back to him unless Case performs outstanding. Not a game manager who just doesnt throw ints. I think he will go back to his horse if it can walk
Your condescension reeks throughout your post. Texans management has always seemed a step slow and not proactive at all. That accounts for a lot of what you described. That's management's fault and not the fans. Having just 2 playoff appearances out of the last 11 years shows that the Texans don't have a winning formula just yet.

How many teams have 2 playoff wins in 11 years?

edit I found a source 16 teams have had more playoff wins since 02
I don't care what happens. I'm not bringing Schaub back. He was not ok this season. He was bad. If I'm the texans the only other qb I even consider is Yates. As far as I'm concerned Schaub should never take a snap here again. I'm convinced Schaub is not the guy. I would give keenum the rest of the season to prove himself. If we lose, whatever...not like Schaub was winning a bunch of games. If case can't get it done, I'm drafting another qb next year anyways.

I'm not bringing Schaub back regardless.
Pretty much, so lets say Case Keenum lights up the Cheifs at Arrowhead, what happens then? Shall he be the starting QB still once Matt is healthy again?

I know you weren't asking me, but my answer would be yes, provided Keenum lights up the Chiefs as you say.
If I were running the show, the first offensive play would be a PA bomb deep. Make a statement.

I was actually thinking the same thing.

Yeah , I'd like them to go deep early too .... not to make any kind of statement but more to take the lid off the defense .... DB's all season have been gambling , jumping routes because of the risk vs. reward.

The risk of them jumping those ~10 yard routes if the gamble and lose .... a 10 or 15 yard gain.

The reward of jumping those routes .... a possession for your offense.

If there was a risk of that route jumping turning into a 50 yard gain or a score ... that changes the complexion of taking that risk .... With Schaub under center , the risk is very low that he's going to beat you over the top. With Keenum , I think its very possible this trend is reversed .... and probably one of the things I'm most excited about the possibility of seeing.

I think this may also have something to do with how ineffective the running game has been at different times .... teams can afford to gamble in coverage to support the run without much risk .... not to mention the amount of times Schaub has been blitzed - highest percentage in the league.

All of these things become less attractive options when the risk is amped up.

The entire perception of this offense is likely to change with Keenum under center - much more mobile and a little better arm. If he can play mistake free the dynamics of this offense change.
Why are folks second guessing Kubiak's playcalling?

At the end of the day, players have to execute. Every play is designed to succeed, but players have to make it happen.

Kubiak's playcalling was good enough in 2011 and 2012 to make the playoffs and win games.

Heck, Shanahan has said many times that Kubiak was calling ALL offensive plays when Elway won those back-to-back Super Bowls.

Honestly, harping on Kukiak's playcalling right now sounds like a set up for a built in excuse if Keenum does not play up to expectations.

Keenum will ultimately decide Keenum's fate, not Kubiak's playcalling. While not the most exciting, those plays can certainly win some games if executed properly.

Just sayin' :cowboy1: GO CASE!!!

Poor Kubiak. So many folks flamed him for his "predictable" playcalling. I don't think his playcalling is as predictable as one might think. It's his starting QB that is predictable.

In every NFL game sometimes the opposing defense will be in perfect coverage against a certain plays. But that don't happen most of the time and there will usually be at least one receiver that will get open just long enough for a well timed pass. At the start of the snap whether it's good playcalling or not it's ultimately the QB job to recognize it and find that receiver or throw it away if no one are open. When Brady or Manning does this, it's just another pro bowl play. When Schaub throws an interception from this, Kubes gets drilled for being "predictable".

Now, if Keenum goes out and light it up with the same plays, do Kubiak still gets tagged for his predictable playcalling? He did afterall announced Keenum his starting QB for this week which not many thought would happen. How's that for being predictable.
You cant start off with a passing play. You have to make that defense burn some gas before risking a long developing play action passing play. KC run defense is shaky. Start off running the ball, get some first downs make that defensive line burn some energy first.

I remember that green bay game last year where we started out pass happy and it basically ruined the start of the game for the texans when they allowed clay matthews and co. to start bumrushing the O line and schaub without punishing them first with the run game.

That type of strategy hurt us a lot vs the colts on the road.
We could have intelligent conversations about the facts of the game without 30 window lickers screaming hackneyed garbage like "stats is fer duh loosers!" Yes, they almost universally spell it "loosers!"

:thinking: louzer??

*edit - I just remembered one of the clearest indicators of this kind of crap.

Dunta Robinson's last season with the Texans, this forum was overrun by people who insisted he was the worst corner in the NFL and was constantly thrown at and picked on. I broke down all of the available corner coverage stats and proved with facts that not only was he not being picked on, he was one of the 5 least thrown at corners in the entire league. You know what the response to cold hard facts was? "Stats are for loosers!"

I never thought Dunta was picked on. I thought the league believed the hype & didn't throw on him, another big reason for that was that our other corners were worse than he was. His last year here though, I think Glover was clearly the better CB. McCain was also very good in my opinion even though he was tested more often.

But I never thought Dunta was a good cover corner. I thought he was "good enough" & prevented us from going after a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd round corner. It worked out really well for us that Kj struggled his rookie season, otherwise we wouldn't have gotten Jjo, or Brandon Harris (who I'm still holding out hope for).
If Gary's starter is healthy I think he goes back to him unless Case performs outstanding. Not a game manager who just doesnt throw ints. I think he will go back to his horse if it can walk

I don't think it's about Case at all, as long as he doesn't give the game away. If the rest of the team responds to the "spark" Case is the starter the rest of the year, at least I hope that Case is the spark to get these guys playing like they should (actually I think cheering Schaub's injury was that spark, but since Schaub isn't playing).
Poor Kubiak. So many folks flamed him for his "predictable" playcalling. I don't think his playcalling is as predictable as one might think. It's his starting QB that is predictable.

In every NFL game sometimes the opposing defense will be in perfect coverage against a certain plays. But that don't happen most of the time and there will usually be at least one receiver that will get open just long enough for a well timed pass. At the start of the snap whether it's good playcalling or not it's ultimately the QB job to recognize it and find that receiver or throw it away if no one are open. When Brady or Manning does this, it's just another pro bowl play. When Schaub throws an interception from this, Kubes gets drilled for being "predictable".

Now, if Keenum goes out and light it up with the same plays, do Kubiak still gets tagged for his predictable playcalling? He did afterall announced Keenum his starting QB for this week which not many thought would happen. How's that for being predictable.

I tend to agree with you .... Its Schaub who's the predictable one. There are receivers running routes other than a TE on a short crossing route or a RB dump off .... Schaub hasn't taken advantage of those routes. Why , I cant quite determine .... but there are plays to be made. With Schaub they were being left on the field .... I really hope that changes with a different skillset at the QB position.
If Gary's starter is healthy I think he goes back to him unless Case performs outstanding. Not a game manager who just doesnt throw ints. I think he will go back to his horse if it can walk

Nah, Case can just be game manager and keep the starting job. If he makes tight throws, scrambles for a few yards or a first down, etc. Not all about the final stat line.
Kubiak would get killed if Keenum plays well enough to get the W and Kubiak went back to schaub.

Schaub is physically and mentally shot. There's no coming back from getting booed on your own stadium when you got hurt.

There's no coming back from that. The marriage of schaub and texan fans just went hollywood. The booing in houston, the burger name, the incident at his home, it went hollywood. Before that, schaub and texan fan marriage was like an ordinary couple suffering through a mediocre marriage.

Sure the money great, good job, nice home, nice status but Matt wasnt getting it done in bed (big games). It culminated in Schaub's impotence this season and now schaub and texan fans marriage is over.

The reason being hollywood's #1 divorce designation:

irreconcilable differences.

Its over between schaub and texan fans. That relationship is over.
Kubiak would get killed if Keenum plays well enough to get the W and Kubiak went back to schaub.

Schaub is physically and mentally shot. There's no coming back from getting booed on your own stadium when you got hurt.

There's no coming back from that. The marriage of schaub and texan fans just went hollywood. The booing in houston, the burger name, the incident at his home, it went hollywood. Before that, schaub and texan fan marriage was like an ordinary couple suffering through a mediocre marriage.

Sure the money great, good job, nice home, nice status but Matt wasnt getting it done in bed (big games). It culminated in Schaub's impotence this season and now schaub and texan fans marriage is over.

The reason being hollywood's #1 divorce designation:

irreconcilable differences.

Its over between schaub and texan fans. That relationship is over.

Case CHILL you have our support ! Just play well sunday and everything will work itself out !
I'm happy with Case starting! No offense to TJ but Case is a smart guy, son of a coach and played 14 years in college. He's had Houston on his the front of his jersey for a really long time.

My only hope is that Kubes doesn't "dumb down" the playbook. Case is a much better playing 'full on' and making plays (Term 'De jour') "off schedule"..

While this game v. the Chiefs isn't completely on that "he's a good kid", I think the rest of the Texans will have his back, irrespective whether we all suppose that Kubes has lost the locker room.

The ST needs to play a helluva game. The defense needs to stick Alex Smith in the head (figuratively, not literaly) and cause some turnovers. Otherwise it's going to be a long, late Sunday afternoon.