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The Wade Phillips Thread - Status: Not a Candidate for Tampa

The number of coordinators who would turn down an interview are 2 as far as I know. LeBeau and Jim Johnson (Philly).
Jim's dead. Which would explain his refusal to accept an interview.

What is this? Upon my first view it is hot garbage.
I think it's just a list of college d-coordinators. Though it is dated, as Muschamp and Charles Strong have head coaching gigs.
I'm thinking Wade is entertaining it so they can leave him and his team alone going forward. As a coach you are only as good as your last game sometimes and you can't burn bridges. I'm sure he's thinking that if he wins the Super Bowl there will be vacancies for him to fill.

I think he's a man of his word and will do the right thing.
Yes, generally the coordinator finishes the season with his current team before moving to his new heading coaching job.

Overall, there has been little evidence that NFL teams/players have been conistently distracted by coordinators interviewing/leaving.

The problem with this statement is that we really don't have evidence that it is not distracting. Players/remaining coaches/owners are basically always going to put on a happy face while saying "this changes nothing." It wouldn't sound or look good for them to handle it any other way. But, it would be interesting to have some analytical comparison stats after such announcements are made, something that I doubt exists.
This is a big deal because it IS a big deal, btw.

One year of success and a lot of people are acting like we're rich in history like Pittsburgh or Baltimore or New England who just re-load every year on defense and never miss a beat.

We're not there yet. We need continuity to get to that point. Wade leaving after one year would create, IMO, a vacuum of uncertainty moving forward into 2012's draft and our whole year for that matter.

It's a big deal. Sorry if that's seen s being over-reacting, but it's not. This thread is at Page 10 it's first day out of the womb. We got all week to go, and people have raised concerns and know that this is a fluid situation that has ramifications attached to it.
I like this movie quote better (Smokey and The Bandit):

"She insulted my town. My author-ity. She insulted my son. Shut up! She insulted my author-ity. And that's nuthin' but pure and simple, good old-fashioned COMMUNISM! Happens EVERY time those dancers start poon-tang'ing around with those show folk fags. (shakes his head)...I can see her now. Runnin' back up the aisle, no...she was DANCIN' back up that aisle. Them knockers bouncing all over the joint. Let go of that wheel! (slaps Junior's hand away from the wheel). Her ass was wiggling' too!"


This accurately describes my mood right now. I feel Buford T. Justice's pain right now. Some floozie (Bucs front office) trying to ruin our day.

Gene Chizik, not on the hot seat at Auburn. But his strength is serving as d-coord where he's had tremendous success at both Auburn and at University of Texas. Here's more on the guy:


I would love to get Chizik if Wade leaves, but he would be taking a pay cut to do so. He's making 3.5 million as Auburns HC.
The problem with this statement is that we really don't have evidence that it is not distracting. Players/remaining coaches/owners are basically always going to put on a happy face while saying "this changes nothing." It wouldn't sound or look good for them to handle it any other way. But, it would be interesting to have some analytical comparison stats after such announcements are made, something that I doubt exists.

My guess is that there would be a sample size problem. What would make i more difficult is that if a lesser team loses to a favorite isn't that what's supposed to happen.

Overall, probablly a team by team thing, influneced greatly by rhe overall organization, the strength of the head coach. the leadership of players, and a mirad of game factors which happen independent of what's going on with an assistant.
I would love to get Chizik if Wade leaves, but he would be taking a pay cut to do so. He's making 3.5 million as Auburns HC.

Yeah but the money doesn't add up, I saw that too. I think he made bonuses for accomplishments at Auburn that increased the number.

I saw a figure on his wikipedia page that said his base salary was 1.9 mill per year. Haven't cross-checked all the numbers, though.

I would sell him on how THIS is his chance to get into the NFL and probably make a name for himself so he can get a HC job more easily.
It's inevitable that a successful team will lose some coaches and staff to other programs. If Wade leaves, that creates an opportunity for one of his guys to take over as DC.....a promotion.

It's a new "problem" for us....previously, nobody probably wanted any of our coaches.
It's a new "problem" for us....previously, nobody probably wanted any of our coaches.

It would be the same problem from this fan' s perspective, Kubiak as HC with no competency in hiring a DC.

In the end, I would be very surprised if Phillips were not here next year.
It's inevitable that a successful team will lose some coaches and staff to other programs. If Wade leaves, that creates an opportunity for one of his guys to take over as DC.....a promotion.

It's a new "problem" for us....previously, nobody probably wanted any of our coaches.

Teams have been going after our offensive coordinators since Kubiak got here... This is just the first time that we had coaching talent on the other side of the ball.
Sounds like he wants to be the head coach of Texans.
Wants to be a Head coach and does not wanna leave
I agree and maybe he should be because Kubiak has made horrible choices when it came to hiring Defensive coordinators the move to bring in Wade Phillips as DC was done by the owner & consultants. I think that If they made Wade the head man kept the offensive coordinator (Dennison) I would be fine with that but that won't happen since we have won in the playoffs now.
The problem with this statement is that we really don't have evidence that it is not distracting. Players/remaining coaches/owners are basically always going to put on a happy face while saying "this changes nothing." It wouldn't sound or look good for them to handle it any other way. But, it would be interesting to have some analytical comparison stats after such announcements are made, something that I doubt exists.
Charlie Weiss with NE, named HC of Notre Dame during Super Bowl run and they won it all. NE OC O'Brien named HC of Penn State this year and we'll see how that ends.
The thing is...

Houston loves the Phillips family. We really want him here.. so obviously there are going to be some hurt feelings if he ups and leaves after just one year.. especially since he has had such a huge impact on our team. His leaving would be perceived as a complete lack of concern for the fortunes of Houston football.

Then there is the fact that we are in the middle of our first playoff run in franchise history. Emotions are high.. everyone is both elated and worried about the outcome.. and this interview is poorly timed. What if this is a distraction for him? Does it even matter if it is a distraction for him? Even if it has zero effect on his ability to prepare our defense for the Ravens.. if we go out there and our defense struggles even a little bit, people will be blaming phillips for not putting 100% into the defense this week.

On top of that is the worry that this could have an adverse effect on the spirit of our defense. Will our players lose their faith in Phillips since it seems he is now so eager to leave them? Will they begin distancing themselves from him since he will no longer be seen as "one of the guys"? How much his interviewing have an impact on our team's morale? Like the above example though...even if it has no impact at all... people will still perceive it as having had an impact if our team doesnt play well.

If Phillips does accept the position and we dont do well against the Ravens.. Phillips will have pretty much burned all bridges to houston. He will stop being the greatest DC we have ever had and the son of our most beloved head coach.. and he will become the guy that didnt give a **** about the city, and abandoned us when we needed him most.

Its just a bad idea. If they wanted to interview him..Phillips should have told them he will talk to them after the playoffs or not at all. He has created a situation where he will have a hard time avoiding at least part of the city's ire, if not the entire city's.

Add me into the worry-warts camp, and this was pretty much my exact reaction when I heard the news. We JUST.DON'T.NEED this drama right now. I am pretty much livid about this.
seriously are you ****ing kidding me. Ryans, Barwin and Cushing. No **** they were hurt but they all did play some last season. And have you looked at Wades career as a D.C he has took every team to the play off in his first year as a D.C. Get outta here with that ****, not to mention Wade had a big impact on the draft and getting watt and reed.

Too lazy to look it up, but if I recall correctly his second year record on teams as DC isn't quite as good.

Grid's post is the perfect representation of what I feel on this topic.

I mean, I wish I could have just copied that post and claimed it as my own. Every part of it is what I feel but couldn't put into proper words.

He'll burn all bridges to Houston if he leaves this year. Period. 16 or 17 or something years since we had a playoff game, we get one AND win it...and the big news in Texans Nation is that Wade is considered for a job and is being interviewed this week sometime. In Houston.
Kind of strange ... rumors said he was being considered, but I think the Jets might fire him.

Last I heard Schottenheimer was being considered for Jacksonville. The Jets should let it play out because they gave him an extension last year. If he takes a job elsewhere they don't owe him a penny.
Last I heard Schottenheimer was being considered for Jacksonville. The Jets should let it play out because they gave him an extension last year. If he takes a job elsewhere they don't owe him a penny.

I thought I heard Gruden's name for Jacksonville yesterday, but I may be mistaken, but I did hear of a team interested in Gruden too.

Can you really make the case that Kubiak is somehow the better HC? Prior to this season he was 0-5 for making the playoffs and went 0-2 this season while Phillips was out. I'm sure that's just coincidence...

Think of this, if Wade does you really want Kubiak picking his own guy for DC again? EFF NO.
so if we go into the ravens game with a half ass game plan cause wades head has been else where, you wont be mad ??? Think about what happened with sumlin and the cougars, this is the same scenario and it didnt work out to good for them.

You could even make a case for throwing Jay Gruden with Cincinnati yesterday in there too.
If Wade leaves, that creates an opportunity for one of his guys to take over as DC.....a promotion.
Unless they follow Wade. And I'm not sure there is another coach on staff worthy of being the d-coordinator/head coach of the defense. McNair would likely need to look outside the organization for a Wade Phillips type (proven d- coordinator with a head coaching background). Mike Nolan, Steve Spagnuolo, and (yes) Jack Del Rio would fit the profile.

JDR as Texans d-coordinator. That would be hilarious.
John McClain
Phillips should interview with Bucs Friday. "I'm gratified somebody noticed. I don't want to leave Hst but I want 2 b a head coach."

Dang. Looks like he is gone. That sucks. Looks like we go back to 7-8 wins next year without wade.

Unless they follow Wade. And I'm not sure there is another coach on staff worthy of being the d-coordinator/head coach of the defense. McNair would likely need to look outside the organization for a Wade Phillips type (proven d- coordinator with a head coaching background). Mike Nolan, Steve Spagnuolo, and (yes) Jack Del Rio would fit the profile.

JDR as Texans d-coordinator. That would be hilarious.

Nolan, Spags, and JDR.

I'm skeptical of Nolan. Spags is a thinker as a d-coord, you can see the wheels turning when he's on the sideline...very active on the sideline and very quick to address players and coach them up during games. When he was d-coord for the Giants, he was on top of his game.

JDR? I dunno. He is mean, tricky, and can be (at times) a bit underhanded. I don't think he would be a McNair type of hire, personally. It's funny because I couldn't stand him when he was coaching in Jax...but the guy isn't a bad coach. He takes risks, he has history of being a good d-coord IIRC. But he has this almost Rex Ryan feel to him, in a more low-key manner, though.

On your list, I'd go with Spags. I'd call him and ask him if he's interested should anything happen to Wade. Does Spags have 3-4 experience?
He has earnt a shot with what he has done with our team this year.

Just hope we can find someone to carry on the good work, and we don't just promote Herring to be DC.
You know the texans wiLl likely just promote herring when wade leaves. That's the kubiak way.

If that happens, expect to have a bad defense. Wade has seen so much in all his years, he knows what coaches and offenses are going to do before they do it.

This is why I like the idea of a guy like Steve Spagnola (sp?) who was just let go as HC by the Rams. He was the Giants d-coord before being HC for the Rams, and he knew his stuff as a d-coord in NY. Once a guy gets back to doing what he was gifted at, he seems to excel at it. Example: Dom Capers and Wade Phillips.

And Spags will have lots of years somewhere because no team will want to pick him up until he's had a lot of years of success somewhere else first.
Does Spags have 3-4 experience?
No, only Nolan has 3-4 experience. And a Kubiak linkage (was a Bronco LB coach when Gary was Elway's backup). Nolan also worked under Wade for 4 seasons in Denver (1989-1992).
You know the texans wiLl likely just promote herring when wade leaves. That's the kubiak way.

For sure Kubiak needs to change his ways. Herring "proved" himself when he was in charge of the two games Wade missed. The proof wasn't a good thing and surely even Kubiak can figure that out. Maybe not but I bet McNair has something to say about it. At least I hope he does.
I've been rolling this whole thing around in my head today. Taking in all the comments. Looking at the other candidates listed.

I don't think Wade Phillips has the chops to be a HC, and I think he won't get a chance to make a decision to become one again. He'll lose out because of his wishy-washy attitude when pressed on tough questions, his record in Dallas, and the sheer weight of the other candidates involved.

This might be the Bucs just making sure they turn over all the rocks that are out there, ranking their guys and then making a choice and an offer to ONE guy. Then going down the list if Guy 1 declines or can't agree on the contract.

This is my best attempt at being positive about this situation.
No, only Nolan has 3-4 experience. And a Kubiak linkage (was a Bronco LB coach when Gary was Elway's backup).


Do you have his number? I need to get ahold of him and start seeing if he is interested if Wade bolts for Tampa Bay.
I've been rolling this whole thing around in my head today. Taking in all the comments. Looking at the other candidates listed.

I don't think Wade Phillips has the chops to be a HC, and I think he won't get a chance to make a decision to become one again. He'll lose out because of his wishy-washy attitude when pressed on tough questions, his record in Dallas, and the sheer weight of the other candidates involved.

This might be the Bucs just making sure they turn over all the rocks that are out there, ranking their guys and then making a choice and an offer to ONE guy. Then going down the list if Guy 1 declines or can't agree on the contract.

This is my best attempt at being positive about this situation.

LOL, this is what I said on page 5 bud. And you argued with me :pirate:
I've been rolling this whole thing around in my head today. Taking in all the comments. Looking at the other candidates listed.

I don't think Wade Phillips has the chops to be a HC, and I think he won't get a chance to make a decision to become one again. He'll lose out because of his wishy-washy attitude when pressed on tough questions, his record in Dallas, and the sheer weight of the other candidates involved.

This might be the Bucs just making sure they turn over all the rocks that are out there, ranking their guys and then making a choice and an offer to ONE guy. Then going down the list if Guy 1 declines or can't agree on the contract.

This is my best attempt at being positive about this situation.

Outside of one bad year(last year) wade has been a pretty solid to good. I fully expect tb to offer the job to wade and for wade to take it. I think he is as good as gone.
Will be interesting to see if Wade leaves what happens with our D scheme. Wade's scheme is not a classic 4-3 or 3-4. I would hope we'd stay with a 3-4 or similar to what we have now, but you gotta think if they go outside of the current staff then it will partly just depend on who's available. Don't wanna make a 4-3 guy coach a 3-4 scheme and vice versa. Our personnel (surprisingly, if you had asked me at the start of the season) fits this scheme so well...
For sure Kubiak needs to change his ways. Herring "proved" himself when he was in charge of the two games Wade missed. The proof wasn't a good thing and surely even Kubiak can figure that out. Maybe not but I bet McNair has something to say about it. At least I hope he does.

I bet McNair signs off on herring if wade gives his seal on the way out the door.
All I really can say is **** Wade Phillips if he leaves, he won't ever have a city who has his back like Houston has all year.
I know this is what happens in the NFL, BUT, to do this right before one of our biggest games in this playoff run, and to do it on FRIDAY, just reeks of disrespect for our franchise! He has been with us ONE damn year, turned our D around, and now he wants to be a big **** once again! Maybe he just has a BIG head, or ego!!

Truthfully, I don't care if he goes or not! I want him to stay due to our young D needing to grow and mature, but, it is what it is in the NFL!! I'm just pissed off that he is doing this NOW, and not after we play the Ravens. I'm even more PISSED that Kubiak gave permission for him to interview in the first place! He could have held off a week. If the Bucs wanted him bad enough they would have waited for that to happen.

Screw them all!! I hate the politics of this game!!
Outside of one bad year(last year) wade has been a pretty solid to good. I fully expect tb to offer the job to wade and for wade to take it. I think he is as good as gone.
I still think there's another candidate yet to be named. This is a young team that needs grooming, not a vet team ready to win. The Bucs need someone who can be there for the long haul.
I know this is what happens in the NFL, BUT, to do this right before one of our biggest games in this playoff run, and to do it on FRIDAY, just reeks of disrespect for our franchise! He has been with us ONE damn year, turned our D around, and now he wants to be a big **** once again! Maybe he just has a BIG head, or ego!!

Truthfully, I don't care if he goes or not! I want him to stay due to our young D needing to grow and mature, but, it is what it is in the NFL!! I'm just pissed off that he is doing this NOW, and not after we play the Ravens. I'm even more PISSED that Kubiak gave permission for him to interview in the first place! He could have held off a week. If the Bucs wanted him bad enough they would have waited for that to happen.

Screw them all!! I hate the politics of this game!!

Well said. I am so freaking mad right now. Wade can suck it. I don't know that I even want that POS back next year.
I think y'all are over reacting to this. If someone came to you at your job and gave you the promotion and position you have always dreamed about and worked damn hard for 40 years to earn, you would drop everything too.
I still think there's another candidate yet to be named. This is a young team that needs grooming, not a vet team ready to win. The Bucs need someone who can be there for the long haul.

Wade is a good hc. Why wouldn't you hire him over some unproven commodity? I think it's a no brained to hire wade.
I think y'all are over reacting to this. If someone came to you at your job and gave you the promotion and position you have always dreamed about and worked damn hard for 40 years to earn, you would drop everything too.

There comes a point in everyones life where you don't though. If I got offered a job out of town to make a little bit more money and I already had plenty I wouldn't put my family through the move to be honest. I just figured Houston was sorta that point in Wade's life I guess, it seemed fitting for him to coach here until he retired. But really the timing of all of this is why everyone is mad.