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WTF is going on with Foster?

One of the reasons I dislike the ZBS is that when teams stop it, it's completely dead. Its a gimmick. I wish we could shift to a more power run style, but I know that wont happen.
One of the reasons I dislike the ZBS is that when teams stop it, it's completely dead. Its a gimmick. I wish we could shift to a more power run style, but I know that wont happen.

When the other team stops it, that means someone didn't do their job right & the play-calling is too predictable. When I say play-calling is too predictable, though Kubiak is the main play caller, remember Matt can change the play at the line. If he sees a favorable match-up to the right but decides to go to the left as the play was called, you can't blame that on the coach.

The ZBS is about options. There are a dozen different options on every play. We're talking about how they handle the blocking up front, where the doubles will be, who will go to the second level & when, how the full back reads & attacks the gaps, and of course how the running back reads the blocks & which one he's going to take. He should always have an outside, inside, & a cutback option. There is literally no way it can fail if the team is on the same page & the QB takes advantage of what he sees at the line.
we've got more problems on the line than we've grown accustomed to over the past few years, but i cant put it all or even most on the line ... they have no trouble opening lanes for tate and forsett. foster isnt seeing the holes he used to and is going down on first contact (or no contact) any time he touches the ball. it's been going on all season, foster's been pedestrian, but the sheer volume of carries and goalline touches make his numbers look a lot better than his play actually is.

and before we start again with the short yardage touches killing his stats, between the 20's foster is averaging 3.98ypc. a full yard shorter than his past two seasons.
When the other team stops it, that means someone didn't do their job right & the play-calling is too predictable. When I say play-calling is too predictable, though Kubiak is the main play caller, remember Matt can change the play at the line.

Matt cannot change every play. There are certain situations where he can check to another play based on something that has been predetermined by the coaching staff.

Matt cannot walk up to the line, see a 'favorable match up' and audible to whatever the heck he wants to. When they are preparing for the games during the week they go over different looks and Kubiak says, if we get this look we're going to audible to this play. It's Matt's job to recognize when they get those favorable looks when they are in the right formation to exectue. He can also make an opposite call to run the play the other direction.

Kubiak and Matt have talked about this a few times.

And I agree that when someone stops it that means that someone(s) didn't do their job right...

This offense is no more of a gimmick than any other scheme.
Matt cannot change every play. There are certain situations where he can check to another play based on something that has been predetermined by the coaching staff.
Never said that & that's irrelevant to this discussion.
He can also make an opposite call to run the play the other direction.
Exactly. If the line is too stacked to the left & we run left, I think that is on Matt, not Kubiak or the ZBS.
And I agree that when someone stops it that means that someone(s) didn't do their job right...

This offense is no more of a gimmick than any other scheme.
He's too patient at times waiting for blocks to set up & looking for the cutback too much. This gives defenders time to get into position to locate him behind the LOS & it gives defenders time to run him down from the backside...even after the TE's & RT have thrown their cut block. that's what i've been seeing alot of anyway. This combined with him being run into the ground I think is starting to show up.

The reason Forsett & Tate look so much more explosive is in part b/c they are fresher, but also b/c both guys get in & hit even the smallest seams & just take whatever they get. Foster seems to want to rip off the big run every time. Sometimes, you just need to get in there & push the pile a little so as to wear the defense down & get them tired.
He's too patient at times waiting for blocks to set up & looking for the cutback too much. This gives defenders time to get into position to locate him behind the LOS & it gives defenders time to run him down from the backside...even after the TE's & RT have thrown their cut block. that's what i've been seeing alot of anyway. This combined with him being run into the ground I think is starting to show up.

The reason Forsett & Tate look so much more explosive is in part b/c they are fresher, but also b/c both guys get in & hit even the smallest seams & just take whatever they get. Foster seems to want to rip off the big run every time. Sometimes, you just need to get in there & push the pile a little so as to wear the defense down & get them tired.

You realized you just plagarized my last post? Well at least you see as I do as it seems we the only that recognize Foster patient running style in a mess up O line is hampering his game when Tate & Forset are getting better results because they turning up the field faster instead of waiting for holes to develop.
You realized you just plagarized my last post? Well at least you see as I do as it seems we the only that recognize Foster patient running style in a mess up O line is hampering his game when Tate & Forset are getting better results because they turning up the field faster instead of waiting for holes to develop.

Lol, i didn't read the thread, just the thread title and came in & posted my thoughts. But i went back & read yours & its funny b/c it damn near is plagerism!

One thing i think this highlights though is how much this offense & the running game miss Tate & his running style. He and Foster's style contrast so much that defenses have trouble making the adjustment of defending a slower patient runner in foster to a faster explosive runner in Tate from series to series. Both guys however are a load to bring down & eventually the 1-2 punch wears the defense down.

Forsett's a good change of pace guy, but he doesn't pack the punch that Tate does. I think the return of Tate could rejuvenate Foster & the running game......& thereby the offense.
Both y'all are misplaced in your thinking... I think other teams are scheming against Foster therefore limiting his game.

Foster will regain his ability to gash teams as he adapts to what they do against him. Meanwhile his 1148 yards will look... "pedestrian".

Oh Im sorry, I did not know they did not game plan for Foster the previous 2 seasons, how foolish of me :mariopalm:

No one (at least I think) is claiming foster is done, or garbage, but to watch him play and think he passes the eye test is crazy IMO He lacks explosion and vision, 2 of his most predominant features as a back
Oh Im sorry, I did not know they did not game plan for Foster the previous 2 seasons, how foolish of me :mariopalm:

No one (at least I think) is claiming foster is done, or garbage, but to watch him play and think he passes the eye test is crazy IMO He lacks explosion and vision, 2 of his most predominant features as a back

I don't know man.

I've been called crazy a few times, and the one ends up go see a psychiatrist isn't me :)
Part of me suspects that Foster is saving HIMSELF for the playoffs (and next year).

There's nothing wrong with Foster, as I has pointed out on the first page of the thread.

It takes just two big plays where he had excellent blocking like last year, and his number would be the same.

On top of that, we have more opportunities to use him in short yardage and near the goal line situations this year than last.

He's also involved more in fourth quarter turtle mode to chew out the clock.

I had actually studied them all.

Nothing to do with vegan, or Vegeterian, or anything of that sort.
2 plays? or 2 plays a game?

I think 2 plays a game is a problem.

Just 2 plays in 13 games for 81 yards.
Two big plays where the hole was huge, and/or pursuit taking a bad angle.

Remember Troy Polamalu and "Michelle" Griffin (that's what they call him on the Titans board, LOL).
IF he had more big runs and IF he did it on fewer carries, his stats would be as good as last season. hard to argue with that.
IF he had more big runs and IF he did it on fewer carries, his stats would be as good as last season. hard to argue with that.

Remember how a lot of people talk about the right side of the line and how we miss Dreessen.

Not only that, Wade Smith is playing "more hurt" this season than last.

It's only a coincidence that Tate and Forsett see a big hole or two here and there. With much fewer carries, a good run bump up the average quite a bit.

And they are not used in those short yardage situations anywhere as much as Foster.
i'm not buying the short yardage excuse. as i mentioned earlier, foster's average between the 20's is down a full yard. his first down average is down .2ypc, second down is down .6ypc, and third down is down 2.1ypc. his average to the left is down .9ypc, to the left sideline is down .6ypc. he's missing holes that are there, and he's going down with or before first contact. that has nothing to do with anyone else.

It's really simple.

I had listed several reasons at different times, I won't bother listing them again.

Instead, I will give some very basic numbers.

So far, Foster had played in 13 games (as many as he did the entire last year.)

He has 20 more caries, but he has 80 few yards.

A couple of simple queries using Play Finder at ProFootball Reference .com
Shows that he has 2 fewer plays of more than 20 yards (5 as opposed to 7).

The additional yardage gain on those 2 extra plays is 81 yards.

That's right there is the simplest answer.

Then I used Game Rewind to go back and watch those plays to verify them.

A question for you guys is how often did you hear an announcer call out a name of a blocker on our run plays?

Not very often, right?

Well, on those long plays, at least one or two guys were called out because of their blocking near the POA.

It's as simple as that, really.
I don't even need to recount the other factors and reasons.

First off, he has 20 MORE carries with less yardage, thats a big problem.

Secondly, 2 runs of 20 or more yards in no world equals 81 yards, he could have had 2 21 yard runs, adding to his total carries and still not equal to the yards, thus keeping his YPC DOWN which is the problem posters are having. He still has stats and good amount of carries, but he is not taking full advantage of his opportunities.
i'm not buying the short yardage excuse. as i mentioned earlier, foster's average between the 20's is down a full yard. his first down average is down .2ypc, second down is down .6ypc, and third down is down 2.1ypc. his average to the left is down .9ypc, to the left sideline is down .6ypc. he's missing holes that are there, and he's going down with or before first contact. that has nothing to do with anyone else.


You can't just look at numbers by themselves.

Numbers between the 20 don't mean squat.
If you want to look at numbers, look at:

The times a back carries the ball inside his 3 yard line (not much different here, one more carry this year, but it affects the overall picture a short hair).

Look at the times a back carry the ball near the opponent goal line (4 yard or 3 yard or less).

Look at the times a back Carry the ball trying to make a first down on third and short or fourth and short.

Look at the times a back carry the ball in the fourth quarter when the team has a big lead (turtle mode).

Look at the big plays. Watch those plays.
Did they come about due to good blocking or because the back break a tackle or make a defender miss.

Numbers don't tell you that a defender gets blocked out of a play.
They don't tell you that pursuit was terrible.
They just record the outcome, not how it comes about.
1st in yards? I'm confused. Adrian Peterson leads the league in rushing yards by a huge margin so it can't be that.

I agree for the most part, but his low YPC has to be a concern. He's still done well all things considered but it's obvious he's not playing as well as last year. Hopefully that's due to the O-line not playing as well and not him slacking after the big contract, but who knows.

I never once stated that he was 1st in yards. I said that he was like 200 yards away from being in 1st in yards, and that's not far at all. He is sixth, but he is right on the heels of every guy in front of him other then AP. Foster is 1st in TD's as well which suggests that he's been an excellent and reliable RZ back all season.

I'm just not getting this exaggerated criticism on Arian Foster when you look at his entire season. He's been a top 3 back in this league all season long. Nothing is wrong with the guy other then probably a few aches and bruises. I wouldn't mind seeing him rested for a game before the playoffs. Let Tate and Forsett carry the load. They are both more then capable.

I've got no worries about Foster what so ever.
First off, he has 20 MORE carries with less yardage, thats a big problem.

Secondly, 2 runs of 20 or more yards in no world equals 81 yards, he could have had 2 21 yard runs, adding to his total carries and still not equal to the yards, thus keeping his YPC DOWN which is the problem posters are having. He still has stats and good amount of carries, but he is not taking full advantage of his opportunities.

Last year he had 7 plays of 20 yards Or MORE.
He had only 5 this year.

The extra 2 Big Plays netted him the extra 81 yards.
Go check it.
First off, he has 20 MORE carries with less yardage, thats a big problem.

Secondly, 2 runs of 20 or more yards in no world equals 81 yards, he could have had 2 21 yard runs, adding to his total carries and still not equal to the yards, thus keeping his YPC DOWN which is the problem posters are having. He still has stats and good amount of carries, but he is not taking full advantage of his opportunities.

The extra carries are the carries in short yardage and turtle mode.

More importantly, aren't you among those who are concerned about the right side of the line and missing Dreessen?
In fact, I have a strong case that Foster is having a "better" year despite the subpar blocking as compared to last year.
You can't just look at numbers by themselves.

Numbers between the 20 don't mean squat.
If you want to look at numbers, look at:

The times a back carries the ball inside his 3 yard line (not much different here, one more carry this year, but it affects the overall picture a short hair).

Look at the times a back carry the ball near the opponent goal line (4 yard or 3 yard or less).

i dont have this stat, link?

Look at the times a back Carry the ball trying to make a first down on third and short or fourth and short.

winner - 2011 and 2010

Look at the times a back carry the ball in the fourth quarter when the team has a big lead (turtle mode).

winner - 2011 and 2010

Look at the big plays. Watch those plays.
Did they come about due to good blocking or because the back break a tackle or make a defender miss.

Numbers don't tell you that a defender gets blocked out of a play.
They don't tell you that pursuit was terrible.
They just record the outcome, not how it comes about.

you're trying to have your cake and eat it too, even though the numbers you keep cherry picking are also down. his stats are down in every part of the field and almost every situation - i gave you links. the visual tells me that he's missing his lanes, he's not able to elude defenders, and is going down on first contact. why is it always someone else's fault?
Before we go on, I'd like to hear some anwers to these basic questions:

Do you think D. Brown is as good in his blocking as he was last year?

Is Wade Smith?

Is Myers?

The combo of Caldwell, Jones, and Brook?

The combo of Newton and Harris?

How about Gardner?

How about O.D.?

How about Casey?
Regardless, we know we have a problem running the ball against the elite teams, Pats & Packers. If Foster can get off against those teams there is reason to believe we have a shot at the prize.

We won't see those teams until the play offs.

Instead, what we'd all like to see is total domination of the OL & Foster against weaker teams.

Hopefully that starts tomorrow.
you're trying to have your cake and eat it too, even though the numbers you keep cherry picking are also down. his stats are down in every part of the field and almost every situation - i gave you links. the visual tells me that he's missing his lanes, he's not able to elude defenders, and is going down on first contact. why is it always someone else's fault?

The stats from your link are very misleading.

I do have a bunch of notes that I've been tallying by going back and check out all the situations by watching those games in both 2011 and 2012.

If I have some time, I will bring them up.

If not, I will have to do it next week.

One thing you can trust me is that I always do my homework, that I never rely on short-term memory.
In the meantime, play around with the PLAY FINDER feature over at ProFootbal Reference . I showed it in one the the treads, and even a Pat fan had to agree that it's a Neat Toy.
you're trying to have your cake and eat it too, even though the numbers you keep cherry picking are also down. his stats are down in every part of the field and almost every situation - i gave you links. the visual tells me that he's missing his lanes, he's not able to elude defenders, and is going down on first contact. why is it always someone else's fault?
it's clear to me that he isn't breaking tackles and exploding through the gaps like he has in the past. I don't need stats to tell me this. He and AJ look like they both lost their elite gear (that final gear that separates the great players from the good players) at the same time...we look like a slow, plodding offense at times.
it's clear to me that he isn't breaking tackles and exploding through the gaps like he has in the past. I don't need stats to tell me this. He and AJ look like they both lost their elite gear (that final gear that separates the great players from the good players) at the same time...we look like a slow, plodding offense at times.

I remember one time you said Jackson is at best a nickel back.
I remember one time you said Jackson is at best a nickel back.
He's a decent #2cb. I've been here for ten years now and really....I'm not stupid enough to hang on to old opinions about the league since its always an evolution. Most people around here know that I don't assess a situation and marry it till death-do-us-part like some of you guys. You should learn something about hanging on to some of your broken down views. Thanks for playing though.
He's a decent #2cb. I've been here for ten years now and really....I'm not stupid enough to hang on to old opinions about the league since its always an evolution. Most people around here know that I don't assess a situation and marry it till death-do-us-part like some of you guys. You should learn something about hanging on to some of your broken down views. Thanks for playing though.

Hey, I remember very clearly the term "AT BEST".
But let's not go there.

We as fan, has a different opinion about different players.
That's normal.

All I'm asking is that people don't jump to a conclusion.
So now let's take a look at AJ's numbers.
His yard per reception of 14.7 is better than 6 other years he had been on the league.
Why is there the perception that he lost something?
So now let's take a look at AJ's numbers.
His yard per reception of 14.7 is better than 6 other years he had been on the league.
Why is there the perception that he lost something?
because he has. If you think he runs like he has in the past...well, you just look at your stats and post your brilliance for all to see. I'm gonna go do some yardwork while you proclaim yourself brilliant.
because he has. If you think he runs like he has in the past...well, you just look at your stats and post your brilliance for all to see. I'm gonna go do some yardwork while you proclaim yourself brilliant.

But that's exactly why I said that you can't trust the numbers.
In fact, his YPR last year was at 14.9 when he was injured most of the times.

Why trust stats?
Before we go on, I'd like to hear some anwers to these basic questions:

Do you think D. Brown is as good in his blocking as he was last year?

Is Wade Smith?

Is Myers?

The combo of Caldwell, Jones, and Brook?

The combo of Newton and Harris?

How about Gardner?

How about O.D.?

How about Casey?
But to reiterate the point, do we have an honest answer to the questions above?
because you're walking around the subject, that being foster, by trying to redirect and place blame on others. what does it matter how well anyone else is or isnt playing when a clear lane is made within his progression that he doesnt go to, and is brought down by an arm tackle?

if you want to analyze the offensive line and who's playing well, click "new thread".
because you're walking around the subject, that being foster, by trying to redirect and place blame on others. what does it matter how well anyone else is or isnt playing when a clear lane is made within his progression that he doesnt go to, and is brought down by an arm tackle?

if you want to analyze the offensive line and who's playing well, click "new thread".


A RB is tied to his blocking and the running scheme.

If you don't think so, We really have nothing to talk about.
Have a good day!
Stats are great but last season Foster was a game changer, he could take over a game. He would run through, over and around people on his way to big yardage. This season even when he hits a hole all it takes is one arm to bring him down. Not 2010 and 2011 Foster but this foster just lookes weaker/less inspired. Could it be the big contract has made him quit being so hard on himself ? I dunno but he needs to fix it.