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Why do fans across the NFL hate the Cowboys and their fans?

Again, I respect your opinion, per usual, but you are still throwing every fan that backs the team into one category and I find that to be my problem. When you are a kid and grow up in an area and that is your team you can't think, "well hell, we are winning Super Bowls, so I'll be obnoxious." I lived and died by the team but was never in people's faces. My family wasn't either. Many of them are from east so they aren't even fans. I never grew up knowing fans that did it.

I get that some people are happy in other misfortunes. But considering it is a one way street I think alot of people's hate is situational, such as with your unfortunate situation. Sorry you dealt with that. I've rarely sat here on this board and pumped up the Cowboys. In fact it isn't why I'm here. I'm not on a Cowboy board. So I think your blanketing of the fan base is incorrect when there are many like me who respect other fans and sit places like this daily enjoying their company while being a fan. On the other hand I sit here and hear people say it is OK for Texan fans or whomever to act the same way they despise because of past experiences. Go figure. I'm not going to change your mind but if I pigeon holed fan bases based on what I've heard the last two weeks I'd think that people are trying their best to catch up in the a-hole category. As far as character. I'll take guys like Aikman, Staubach, etc over the last 3 decades. They have plenty of character. I won't sift through all teams past but it seems you are doing the same thing with the franchise as you are doing with the fanbase...few equal the whole and I'll turn a blind eye at what is being thrown back. For every T.O or Irvin there are 20 Aikmans, Woodson, Romos, Wittens, Novacheks, etc, etc.

Hey, as I said, minds won't change but I respect your super fandom, writings and posts and understand the above situation. I just think some people refuse to acknowledge there are many good fans because then it ruins their idea that they have to hate all things Cowboys, including every single fan.

No, I'm not saying that there aren't small pockets of good fans out there for the Cowboys. I'm am just saying the vast majority of Cowboy fans I run into are so arrogant, obnoxious and unpleasant to be around, that it is like the few well-mannered Cowboy fans do not exist. That the general view of your fanbase as a whole nationally is like that YouTube video.

You have to admit that the Cowboy fanbase as a whole is hard to stomach. That's the point I'm making. If you recognize that, then you can understand the general topic of this thread.

I have some good friends who are Cowboy fans. I can't stand to be around them during football season--some know that they are being asses and some don't realize how horrible they come across.

As for the statement in bold, there are a few teams in the league where really talented bad apples know that they can go to if they screw up. The Cowboys are one of those teams. I think that reflects on the character of your team. I'm not blaming you for rooting for the team you grew up with, despite the owner, because I know how that can be after years of Bud, but it is just what it is.

It's not just certain Texans fans that despise your team, what it stands for, and the way that your players and fanbase in general behaves. You can find that all over the country.

Notably, my evil nemesis that I fought was called "Annoying Cowboy Fan.*" As you are one of the rare Cowboy fans who isn't annoying, arrogant and braying, well then, I have no interested in smoting you and I wish you and those like you the best in everything except for happiness with your Cowboys.

*"Annoying Cowboy Fan" by the way, had one of the best outfits in evil nemesising out there. Basically, it is Cowboy boots, a Cowboys t-shirt stuffed into shorts, a big foam finger, gigantic Cowboy hat, star shaped sunglasses, and a gigantic diaper and pacifier. Must admit that I thought of that outfit when TO was crying about the media being hard on Tony because of their Mexican vacation. Somehow, I can't picture that happening during the Staubach years.
That's funny, HT!

My son always asks who to root for when we watch football every Sunday. Of course, my own likes and dislikes come out, so he knows "never root for the Cowboys, unless they play the Titans" (bless his heart! ;)).

Now, I didn't realize how literal he took it until a couple of weeks ago when his school had "rodeo day", and all the children got to dress up in their boots and hats and all that western style. When I walked him to his classroom, I asked why he didn't want to dress up. He looked at me with this very serious stare and said "daddy, I don't like cowboys, remember?!".

Man, that was a proud dad moment, and almost brought some water forth from the ol' ducts. :D

thats a nice story, db. kids do say the darndest takes forever to be able to rep someone again or I would
There is nothing wrong with following two teams as long as they aren't rivals and its best if they are in different conferences. You can't be a Redskins fan AND a Cowboys fan, though. Texans and Cowboys fan? It depends on the fan. Some see a rivalry between the Texans and Pokes, some don't. Personally, I don't, but that is just me.
I was asked to do a write up about this:

Bring Out Your Hate: New England Patriots or Dallas Cowboys?

The thesis: Though a lot of fans hate the Patriots, it's not like the loathing that a lot of fans have towards the Cowboys and their fanbase as a whole.

I talk to folks all around the country in my line of work, and it amazes me how many people just hate the Cowboys. Lots of reasons, but the common theme is a strong dislike for 'America's team' (a name which hasn't helped their cause with the haters).
I talk to folks all around the country in my line of work, and it amazes me how many people just hate the Cowboys. Lots of reasons, but the common theme is a strong dislike for 'America's team' (a name which hasn't helped their cause with the haters).

Yeah, I have to say that the first comment to the entry was pretty typical of that.
You should hold off on that one until after Sundays game. I could imagine a NE win and the endless talk of perfection for DECADES to come.

I dont see any team ever passing up my hate for the cowboys.....

The cowboys are really the only "team" that i hate, the others are just their fans like Boston fans, Cubs fans, Jazz fans, Manchester United fans, Titans fans(though this varies, based on personality) But the cowboys fans are like lost kids and i cant bring myself to telling some of them how i feel do to possibly bringing their "world" to a hault....
Originally Posted by Double Barrel
I talk to folks all around the country in my line of work, and it amazes me how many people just hate the Cowboys. Lots of reasons, but the common theme is a strong dislike for 'America's team' (a name which hasn't helped their cause with the haters).

Yeah, I have to say that the first comment to the entry was pretty typical of that.


"America's Team"?????? time in history has a team, owner, and fans continued to thump their chests and live in the past and continued to received so much undeserved "credit" by "buying" the lime light.................for so little production........for so long.

I've often thought that Jerry should take his sorry ass along with his game and his team and his fans from the NFL to the WWE, where they would find more of their "equals" and an appropriately captive audience.


"America's Team"?????? time in history has a team, owner, and fans continued to thump their chests and live in the past and continued to received so much undeserved "credit" by "buying" the lime light.................for so little production........for so long.

I've often thought that Jerry should take his sorry ass along with his game and his team and his fans from the NFL to the WWE, where they would find more of their "equals" and an appropriately captive audience.

excelent point, I love that thought, its very true, Ive never thought of it like that, but so so true
I dont see any team ever passing up my hate for the cowboys.....

The cowboys are really the only "team" that i hate, the others are just their fans like Boston fans, Cubs fans, Jazz fans, Manchester United fans, Titans fans(though this varies, based on personality) But the cowboys fans are like lost kids and i cant bring myself to telling some of them how i feel do to possibly bringing their "world" to a hault....

I assure you sir I am not a lost kid and I really don't worry about anyone bringing my world to a "hault"...I presume you mean halt but that is beside the point.

It's AMAZING to me how many threads there are on "hating" the's mind boggling really....people spend so much time trumpeting their "hate" that they in actuality give the Cowboys more limelight...if you "hate" something ignore it...don't use it...don't subscribe to it....the constant talking about it merely adds more publicity to the Cowboys.


"America's Team"?????? time in history has a team, owner, and fans continued to thump their chests and live in the past and continued to received so much undeserved "credit" by "buying" the lime light.................for so little production........for so long.

I've often thought that Jerry should take his sorry ass along with his game and his team and his fans from the NFL to the WWE, where they would find more of their "equals" and an appropriately captive audience.

There is so much to respond to here. What do you want the Cowboys to do in order to have a EVERY year. I've also laid out all Jerry has done for the league and how he helped get the Texans here and is friends with McNair...go back and read it. Its funny how alot of you complain but you sound like two but haters who really have nothing real to say. I mean to turn this around, what has a Houston team ever done to throw out so much hate?As far as history, I'll give you the last decade but they still have made the playoffs. They also have a 20 year streak of winning records that has never been matched and have been to 8 Super Bowls, winning 5. What else do you want in the history of the game?LOL

I assure you sir I am not a lost kid and I really don't worry about anyone bringing my world to a "hault"...I presume you mean halt but that is beside the point.

It's AMAZING to me how many threads there are on "hating" the's mind boggling really....people spend so much time trumpeting their "hate" that they in actuality give the Cowboys more limelight...if you "hate" something ignore it...don't use it...don't subscribe to it....the constant talking about it merely adds more publicity to the Cowboys.

Well said and it has ben my point all along. I'm not getting the hatred for Cowboy fans when the fans here in this thread are making asses of themselves by some of their statments. This is one of 3-4 threads on Cowboy hate. It lends credence to the fact that they are America's Team, love them or hate them. As I said, they didn't give themselves the label, they just marketed it smartly. Considering they have one of the highest sell out streaks at opposing stadiums and are the #1 team in jersey sales this yer it seems to have been working for them.
I assure you sir I am not a lost kid and I really don't worry about anyone bringing my world to a "hault"...I presume you mean halt but that is beside the point.

It's AMAZING to me how many threads there are on "hating" the's mind boggling really....people spend so much time trumpeting their "hate" that they in actuality give the Cowboys more limelight...if you "hate" something ignore it...don't use it...don't subscribe to it....the constant talking about it merely adds more publicity to the Cowboys.

Ya, sure your not....:sarcasm:
Ya, sure your not....:sarcasm:

Ha! You are so wrong...I'm old enough to be your grandmother and I've been watching football for more years than you've been on the earth.

Seriously you're entitled to your opinion and that's well and good but it's amusing how you're just stuck in this "I hate the Cowboys" mode day in and day out.
Ha! You are so wrong...I'm old enough to be your grandmother and I've been watching football for more years than you've been on the earth.

Seriously you're entitled to your opinion and that's well and good but it's amusing how you're just stuck in this "I hate the Cowboys" mode day in and day out.

always, I wake up slap on my Armor Of The lord, and my "I hate the cowboys" hat.....:pirate:
I don't know if you saw TO on Leno last night, but it was an interesting interview. He talked about his childhood---thanked his grandma for raising. Explained that get ya popcorn ready phrase dates back to when he was with the 49ers. He said Jerry is a great boss and things couldn't be better in Dallas. He wouldnt change anything except being in the Super Bowl. When asked for his prediciton, he said he doesn't have a big favorite since Dallas isn't playing in it, but he would like to see New England reach perfection, though.

He said he did Michael Jackson dance contests when he was little. Then Jay asked him to do the dance; he did the moonwalk---pretty funny. He was good, too, and said he could have done better if he had on different shoes.

Pretty good interview
Nope I missed it...I don't usually watch much TV particularly talk shows.

Thanks for the info.
There is so much to respond to here. What do you want the Cowboys to do in order to have a EVERY year. I've also laid out all Jerry has done for the league and how he helped get the Texans here and is friends with McNair...go back and read it. Its funny how alot of you complain but you sound like two but haters who really have nothing real to say. I mean to turn this around, what has a Houston team ever done to throw out so much hate?As far as history, I'll give you the last decade but they still have made the playoffs. They also have a 20 year streak of winning records that has never been matched and have been to 8 Super Bowls, winning 5. What else do you want in the history of the game?LOL

Those who were part of this board from day one will remember the detailed chronicles I put together of "Jerry's" team, the shenanigans, renegade marketing, Jerry's coverups for the criminal elements and on and on. If you noticed, I have chosen not to waste my time with multiple posts on this thread. Those like you will continued to ask the same questions........and those like me will be giving the same answers. I respect your feelings, but I will stick to mine........that the Cowboys since they've become Jerry's Boys have not merited the label of "America's team," and, furthermore, have brought the name down.
And please don't try to make Jerry "Houston's savior"............The Oilers would have never been allowed to leave Houston had Jerry not given his full support and stamp of approval. This was related by Bud himself and other sources during the "Tennesse transition."

As I leave the subject of "America's team," I look forward to dialoguing with you on the subject of OUR team, my only team..........the Texans. :toast2:
The only place there's ever been an "America's team" was in the Olympics.

Well, then....I guess most people root for the Globe Trotters. :thinking:
Those who were part of this board from day one will remember the detailed chronicles I put together of "Jerry's" team, the shenanigans, renegade marketing, Jerry's coverups for the criminal elements and on and on. If you noticed, I have chosen not to waste my time with multiple posts on this thread. Those like you will continued to ask the same questions........and those like me will be giving the same answers. I respect your feelings, but I will stick to mine........that the Cowboys since they've become Jerry's Boys have not merited the label of "America's team," and, furthermore, have brought the name down.
And please don't try to make Jerry "Houston's savior"............The Oilers would have never been allowed to leave Houston had Jerry not given his full support and stamp of approval. This was related by Bud himself and other sources during the "Tennesse transition."

As I leave the subject of "America's team," I look forward to dialoguing with you on the subject of OUR team, my only team..........the Texans. :toast2:

Renegade marketing?The guy made the NFL owners the money they make today by putting together deals with Nike, etc. How do you think McNair and others can pay for this stuff. Right now, you are just talking out your backside. I never said he was the savior but he helped. And Bud is the reason the Oilers left. Sorry for that. I'll repost what I put in another thread for you

4) I get semi-annoyed with the Jerry Jones thing. I get that he comes off as a villain of sorts. I understand that he screwed up with Jimmy Johnson and many say with the handling of Landry. But overall he is a good man and knows business and his team and pretty much revolutionized the league for all owners with his stadium deals, etc. Bob McNair has the Jerry Jones' to thank. The league looks to him for many of its problems. He assumed the Texas Stadium lease while other owners "borrowed" the stadiums for game time. They laughed at him for this and he then made a debt ridden franchise worth a billion. He took the stadium and rented it out for concerts, etc to bring in revenue and then made the deals no other owners had ever made with Pepsi, Nike and American Express. He made owning stadiums profitable and other owners jumped in. He was responsible for the stadium revenue you see today, that at the time helped pay for players and keep other players signed before the cap. Heck Jerry was one of the owners pushing to get a franchise back down here. There is alot more to a man than people see and what they automatically hate. McNair and Jones are friends so unless you don't trust your own owner then you are barking up the wrong tree:

Jones has also gained a friend and another big-market ally in NFL circles. Jones said McNair was "one of the top four to five owners" the moment he stepped into the league. He values McNair's integrity and commitment and took a boat trip with him this summer.

"He fires me up," Jones said.

"We're good friends," McNair said. "We work on a lot of things together that are league matters, and we're usually on the same side of the fence.

"As this has gone forward and we've gotten to know each other well, I'd say there is a high level of trust. We talk about a lot of things that are important to each of us and are helpful to each other."

I know he hasn't been perfect as an owner but people seem to hate just to hate without looking at the league.

Also, as far as my fandome, I grew up with it but it isn't like I came her eto talk Cowboys. Hell, I don't even think people knew my background until I explained after a year or so. I'm not here to talk noise. But I do like to talk the nonsense when the threads turn into useless spouting.
Ah I'm ambivalent for the most part over Jerry....I've had very minimual contact with him and he was very nice so I appreciated that. So many in high profile jobs/celebrities are not nice.
He's not one of the most powerful owners though because he's sat on his hands. He is a doer. Now whether you like what he does is the question.....

And all the "America's Team" stuff was there before Jerry came. That started with Tex and Jerry didn't have anything to do with that.

The Landry situation was handled very poorly. Coach Landry got over it though. He had a tremendous run; a legendary run as coach and nobody can ever take that away from him.