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Why do fans across the NFL hate the Cowboys and their fans?

Two basic reasons.

Their owner and their fanbase as a whole.

I used to hate the Cowboys but liked Landry. The Cowboys met teams I liked better in the playoffs, so I always rooted against them.

Then I used to hate the Cowboys, and hated Jerry Jones and the way he conducts his business (wanting all the credit, the Jimmy Johnson thing, not caring about character etc).

But I think I always didn't care for Cowboy fans. I believe that 99.9% of Cowboy fans are loudmouth turds, and the .1% are not turds, but are really biting their tongues.

And I think it is because that a bunch of their fanbase has never even been to Dallas, so it is like they have to overcompensate in their fandom.

A story:

Cowboys-Texans preseason game.

Cowboy fan talking dump about a preseason game. He was related to someone I knew. I didn't realize quite how drunk Cowboy fan was.

So I decide to talk dish back a little bit, pretty mild:

Me: Where are you from?

Cowboy fan: Ohio.

Me: Have you been to Dallas?

Cowboy fan: No.

Me: So you aren't a Bengal or Browns fan?

Cowboy fan: No way. I'd never be a fan of those teams.

Me: So basically you are a bandwagoner.

Cowboy fan: (Gets in my face and starts dumping tons of profanity stuff at me).

Me: (Prepared to push him over the seats if he gets one bit physical. Realizes at this point that Cowboy fan is hugely drunk).

Guy Sitting Next To Me: (Tells dude to shut up in front of the ladies and to go somewhere and cool off. He takes a smoke break, and apologizes to Guy Sitting Next To Me and his wife).

Texans proceed to crush the Cowboys. Cowboy fan goes on many a smoke break.

The End.

So, fans across the NFL do not like the Cowboys because of:

1. matchups in the playoffs over the years.
2. their fanbase acting like turds.

I think im in love with Texans Chick after this story
I think im in love with Texans Chick after this story

I fell in love with her when she was in a Ultimate Fan contest (against me) and her routine was kicking the dog snot out of a typical Cowboy fan.

What a woman!
^^^^^^^Because our 'chicks' can whoop that bandwagon a$$ if need be ^^^^^^^^^

I don't ever want to have to whoop anyone. On TV, people get whooped and it looks cool and stuff, but in reality, when real fights happen, somebody gets brain damage or seriously messed up, and people have to hire lawyers and go to jail for a long long time.

Jail for a long time doesn't sound very cool. Or hiring lawyers. Or risking getting your football tickets taken away.

If I ever have to fight somebody, it better be for a good cause and not just because some Cowboy fan is overly sensitive about the bandwagony nature of his fan allegiance.

Actually, I was thinking self-defense. Dude was not a big guy and I thought he was going to throw a punch at me. I had a better angle, so I could have easily pushed him over the seats in front of mine. Fortunately, the Guy Sitting Next to Me is a referee, and accustomed to dealing with people screaming, cussing and fixing to fight over stupid stuff.

Western boots are very practical things to wear to football games however. They are comfortable, stylish and protect your feet walking through crowds.

:texans chick:
Two basic reasons.

Their owner and their fanbase as a whole.

I used to hate the Cowboys but liked Landry. The Cowboys met teams I liked better in the playoffs, so I always rooted against them.

Then I used to hate the Cowboys, and hated Jerry Jones and the way he conducts his business (wanting all the credit, the Jimmy Johnson thing, not caring about character etc).

But I think I always didn't care for Cowboy fans. I believe that 99.9% of Cowboy fans are loudmouth turds, and the .1% are not turds, but are really biting their tongues.

And I think it is because that a bunch of their fanbase has never even been to Dallas, so it is like they have to overcompensate in their fandom.

A story:

Cowboys-Texans preseason game.

Cowboy fan talking dump about a preseason game. He was related to someone I knew. I didn't realize quite how drunk Cowboy fan was.

So I decide to talk dish back a little bit, pretty mild:

Me: Where are you from?

Cowboy fan: Ohio.

Me: Have you been to Dallas?

Cowboy fan: No.

Me: So you aren't a Bengal or Browns fan?

Cowboy fan: No way. I'd never be a fan of those teams.

Me: So basically you are a bandwagoner.

Cowboy fan: (Gets in my face and starts dumping tons of profanity stuff at me).

Me: (Prepared to push him over the seats if he gets one bit physical. Realizes at this point that Cowboy fan is hugely drunk).

Guy Sitting Next To Me: (Tells dude to shut up in front of the ladies and to go somewhere and cool off. He takes a smoke break, and apologizes to Guy Sitting Next To Me and his wife).

Texans proceed to crush the Cowboys. Cowboy fan goes on many a smoke break.

The End.

So, fans across the NFL do not like the Cowboys because of:

1. matchups in the playoffs over the years.
2. their fanbase acting like turds.

Wow, a cowgirl fan knows how to apologize? Who would've thunk it. :shades:
I fell in love with her when she was in a Ultimate Fan contest (against me) and her routine was kicking the dog snot out of a typical Cowboy fan.

What a woman!

That is awesome!! I more in love now hahaha. Maybe I can have her beat up my roomate. He is short and a wuss so wouldnt be too hard and I would laugh.
I fell in love with her when she was in a Ultimate Fan contest (against me) and her routine was kicking the dog snot out of a typical Cowboy fan.

What a woman!


Actually, it was my evil nemesis, "Annoying Cowboy Fan."

The first year they had the contest, they didn't let us know that they wanted us to do something visual or like a talent or something. So I didn't get into the finals which made me grumpy because I really wanted to run out on the tunnel before the game. I have no discernable talents (as anyone who say the karaoke contest years could attest to), but I figured I could be pretty good at beating down Annoying Cowboy Fan so that's what I did.

I actually have a video of that on TiVO. I need to figure out a way to get that transferred to a digital medium. It is absolutely hilarious seeing it in slow motion.

Actually, it was my evil nemesis, "Annoying Cowboy Fan."

The first year they had the contest, they didn't let us know that they wanted us to do something visual or like a talent or something. So I didn't get into the finals which made me grumpy because I really wanted to run out on the tunnel before the game. I have no discernable talents (as anyone who say the karaoke contest years could attest to), but I figured I could be pretty good at beating down Annoying Cowboy Fan so that's what I did.

I actually have a video of that on TiVO. I need to figure out a way to get that transferred to a digital medium. It is absolutely hilarious seeing it in slow motion.

You should put it on Youtube so we can see it

Actually, it was my evil nemesis, "Annoying Cowboy Fan."

The first year they had the contest, they didn't let us know that they wanted us to do something visual or like a talent or something. So I didn't get into the finals which made me grumpy because I really wanted to run out on the tunnel before the game. I have no discernable talents (as anyone who say the karaoke contest years could attest to), but I figured I could be pretty good at beating down Annoying Cowboy Fan so that's what I did.

I actually have a video of that on TiVO. I need to figure out a way to get that transferred to a digital medium. It is absolutely hilarious seeing it in slow motion.

I would love seeing that again. I kind of imagined that "Annoying Cowboy Fan" as being Cowboy bill (Lamza) which made it more fun.
I'm living in Fort Worth right now and the reason I can't stand the cowboys is their stuck up fans. They have the most ridiculous sense of entitlement and it carries over to every aspect of life in the metroplex.


you understand that the t-shirt is a spoof of the Keep Austin Wierd campaign. Does anyone actually think this 'guy' is the typical resident of Dallas?

Direct your aggression to the Northeast. Where the NY-Boston media have kidnapped the Super Bowl. Where the manlove for Brady has reached critical mass. That is what I hate. I would much rather see the Cowboys get worked by the Pats than the New York City Giants. Screw NY.

If you hate the Cowboys, you should be happy not hating. They totally imploded and Jones looks like a donkey's ass for a variety of reasons...the tickets left at the locker...TO crying about Romo...Romo looking like a total punk at midfield after the game...the whole Garrett/Phillips chemistry with Jason's new deal as OC...Jerry pacing the sidelines late in big games only to see his team choke, time after time. Total freaking trainwreck, and Jerry is to blame. It's to a point where you don't have to hate them because they are good, you should just laugh at them because they have failed so miserably. Until they get a true leader like Irvin or Troy, they will never amount to a hill of beans. Just laugh at the myopic bandwagonning fans like from the YouTube video...that dude deserves to be slammed...

I guess I don't think they deserve the hate anymore. They havent won a playoff game in over a decade. The Cowboys are irrelevant.
I don't ever want to have to whoop anyone. On TV, people get whooped and it looks cool and stuff, but in reality, when real fights happen, somebody gets brain damage or seriously messed up, and people have to hire lawyers and go to jail for a long long time.

Jail for a long time doesn't sound very cool. Or hiring lawyers. Or risking getting your football tickets taken away.

If I ever have to fight somebody, it better be for a good cause and not just because some Cowboy fan is overly sensitive about the bandwagony nature of his fan allegiance.

Actually, I was thinking self-defense. Dude was not a big guy and I thought he was going to throw a punch at me. I had a better angle, so I could have easily pushed him over the seats in front of mine. Fortunately, the Guy Sitting Next to Me is a referee, and accustomed to dealing with people screaming, cussing and fixing to fight over stupid stuff.

Western boots are very practical things to wear to football games however. They are comfortable, stylish and protect your feet walking through crowds.

:texans chick:

This PSA has been brought to you Texans Chick

and knowing is half the battle....
Two basic reasons.

Their owner and their fanbase as a whole.

I used to hate the Cowboys but liked Landry. The Cowboys met teams I liked better in the playoffs, so I always rooted against them.

Then I used to hate the Cowboys, and hated Jerry Jones and the way he conducts his business (wanting all the credit, the Jimmy Johnson thing, not caring about character etc).

But I think I always didn't care for Cowboy fans. I believe that 99.9% of Cowboy fans are loudmouth turds, and the .1% are not turds, but are really biting their tongues.

And I think it is because that a bunch of their fanbase has never even been to Dallas, so it is like they have to overcompensate in their fandom.

A story:

Cowboys-Texans preseason game.

Cowboy fan talking dump about a preseason game. He was related to someone I knew. I didn't realize quite how drunk Cowboy fan was.

So I decide to talk dish back a little bit, pretty mild:

Me: Where are you from?

Cowboy fan: Ohio.

Me: Have you been to Dallas?

Cowboy fan: No.

Me: So you aren't a Bengal or Browns fan?

Cowboy fan: No way. I'd never be a fan of those teams.

Me: So basically you are a bandwagoner.

Cowboy fan: (Gets in my face and starts dumping tons of profanity stuff at me).

Me: (Prepared to push him over the seats if he gets one bit physical. Realizes at this point that Cowboy fan is hugely drunk).

Guy Sitting Next To Me: (Tells dude to shut up in front of the ladies and to go somewhere and cool off. He takes a smoke break, and apologizes to Guy Sitting Next To Me and his wife).

Texans proceed to crush the Cowboys. Cowboy fan goes on many a smoke break.

The End.

So, fans across the NFL do not like the Cowboys because of:

1. matchups in the playoffs over the years.
2. their fanbase acting like turds.

Come on TC, so untrue. There are a few of us here that spend all our time here, root for the Texans and don't cause any trouble. I'd say most real Cowboy fans are the same way. I'll say what I've said before, what is the difference between loudmouth Cowboy fan and loudmouth Texan fan who hates Dallas for no reason at all and who calls 610 weekly to laugh at something random. If a fan base is more interested in who loses and not who wins, then there is a problem...not pointed at you of course.:)

I mean you guys have to know that many of us grew up there living and dying with the team for 30 years as much as Oiler/Texan fan has here. All teams have them. Maybe many here get approached or messed with because they are just as fired up on the other side of the coin.
I mean you guys have to know that many of us grew up there living and dying with the team for 30 years as much as Oiler/Texan fan has here. All teams have them.

There does seem to be a lot of former Dallasites living in Houston. Why is that, do you think?
Come on TC, so untrue. There are a few of us here that spend all our time here, root for the Texans and don't cause any trouble. I'd say most real Cowboy fans are the same way. I'll say what I've said before, what is the difference between loudmouth Cowboy fan and loudmouth Texan fan who hates Dallas for no reason at all and who calls 610 weekly to laugh at something random. If a fan base is more interested in who loses and not who wins, then there is a problem...not pointed at you of course.:)

I mean you guys have to know that many of us grew up there living and dying with the team for 30 years as much as Oiler/Texan fan has here. All teams have them. Maybe many here get approached or messed with because they are just as fired up on the other side of the coin.

There are tons of cowgirl fans around the country who love the team. Those are bandwagonners. There are many, many people around this country who despise the team and all of the bandwaggoners. Just look to youtube, and all of the anti-cowboy videos you will find there. It's definately NOT just a Houston thing, but it's a little more intense here due to the higher concentration of crygirl loud mouths we have to deal with.
The girls are America's team, if you think America is one big bandwagon.
I don't aim this at you, personally. You have actually lived in proximity to the team in question. How else would any team get to be (or think they are) "America's Team" without a ton of people jumping on a bandwagon?
Direct your aggression to the Northeast. Where the NY-Boston media have kidnapped the Super Bowl. Where the manlove for Brady has reached critical mass. That is what I hate. I would much rather see the Cowboys get worked by the Pats than the New York City Giants. Screw NY.

You think the NY and Boston media are devoting so much time to the Super Bowl because both of their teams are playing in it? If Brady played in Houston and had the Texans on a dynasty run there wouldn't be just as much "manlove" for him in Texas?

Hey, I love watching the Cowboys get worked over too. However that was much more enjoyable watching it in their first playoff game (keeping their playoff infertility run alive) by a team I root for.

Go NY!
There are tons of cowgirl fans around the country who love the team. Those are bandwagonners. There are many, many people around this country who despise the team and all of the bandwaggoners. Just look to youtube, and all of the anti-cowboy videos you will find there. It's definately NOT just a Houston thing, but it's a little more intense here due to the higher concentration of crygirl loud mouths we have to deal with.
The girls are America's team, if you think America is one big bandwagon.
I don't aim this at you, personally. You have actually lived in proximity to the team in question. How else would any team get to be (or think they are) "America's Team" without a ton of people jumping on a bandwagon?

That is the funny part. America's team wasn't made up by them. If your going to get angry, call Steve Sabol and NFL Films. Don't be mad at Tex Schram for running with it. The whole bandwagon excuse is so lame. I mean look at this board and what happened after the loss. It was bedlam. Its pathetic in my mind. You can justify it by saying a ton of people hate them but that is exactly why you get the hated excuse..."that is because we have been to 8 Super Bowls and won 5, what have you done." As annoying as it is, its the truth. If the Cowboys had never won a thing, no one would care. You guys are just as loudmouth and generalize just as much as any Cowboy fan I ever associated with or knew. Its a one way street too because, again, people up there like Houston and really don't care.

Again, chicken or the egg. Lound mouth haters or loud mouth braggers.

Also, why is it that Dallas fans have to live in Dallas to be legit? I lived in Ft. Worth for 23 years. I moved here for law school. Guess why?Because I am not wrapped up on hating teams, just cheering for teams. Isn't the goal to have your team sell jerseys and for a team to be known and popular across the country? They make the most money out of any franchise and I don't think it is because there are hundreds of youtube haters out there. I've already said that I like living in Houston better than doesn't mean anything in sports.

As I said, I love being here but there is so much grouping going on it is getting deep.
I've already said that I like living in Houston better than Dallas....

I hear that a lot from ex-Dallassites. My wife is one as well.

I have hated Dallas since 1971 (before they won anything) because Tom Landry treated me and my brothers like a piece of crap. He was a neighbor's uncle and when he came to visit he was a complete jerk.

I completely resent the implications that I hate them because they won anything. I hate them because of a deep seeded hurt implanted in a little boy's heart which grew to hatred over the years.
I hear that a lot from ex-Dallassites. My wife is one as well.

I have hated Dallas since 1971 (before they won anything) because Tom Landry treated me and my brothers like a piece of crap. He was a neighbor's uncle and when he came to visit he was a complete jerk.

I completely resent the implications that I hate them because they won anything. I hate them because of a deep seeded hurt implanted in a little boy's heart which grew to hatred over the years.

Ted, there are 'people' that you can see to open up let those tramatic childhood experiences out... :pirate:
No offense, Frog, and I respect you as a football fan....but I have never seen a Houston Texans fan act like this doofus:

I've seen some here.Actually on the radio last Monday. :) I also retract the qualifier "you guys" and will add "some here"

I hear that a lot from ex-Dallassites. My wife is one as well.

I have hated Dallas since 1971 (before they won anything) because Tom Landry treated me and my brothers like a piece of crap. He was a neighbor's uncle and when he came to visit he was a complete jerk.

I completely resent the implications that I hate them because they won anything. I hate them because of a deep seeded hurt implanted in a little boy's heart which grew to hatred over the years.

Booze will help.

Its more that they would be non-factors if they hadn't won anything. It gains steam with the whole, "your a crack lover"..."oh yeah, what has your team done." I hate it too. This resenting implications that the fanbase it like that.
That is the funny part. America's team wasn't made up by them. If your going to get angry, call Steve Sabol and NFL Films. Don't be mad at Tex Schram for running with it.
I was just using the term America's team to illustrate a point, but most of the blow hard cowgirl fans I know still bang this drum like it's relevant.

HoustonFrog said:
The whole bandwagon excuse is so lame. I mean look at this board and what happened after the loss. It was bedlam. Its pathetic in my mind. You can justify it by saying a ton of people hate them but that is exactly why you get the hated excuse..."that is because we have been to 8 Super Bowls and won 5, what have you done." As annoying as it is, its the truth. If the Cowboys had never won a thing, no one would care.
You're right to say that if they'd never won anything no one would care, but part of that is because the blow hards never would have had anything to get started about...

HoustonFrog said:
You guys are just as loudmouth and generalize just as much as any Cowboy fan I ever associated with or knew. Its a one way street too because, again, people up there like Houston and really don't care.
Again, chicken or the egg. Lound mouth haters or loud mouth braggers.
I'm just responding to the question in the thread. I don't go around and talk crap to people I see just because they're sporting cowboy gear. I mostly respond to cowboy fans that are being stereotypical cowboy fans. I know I didn't just wake up one morning and pick a team to hate. I don't know about others, but this is definitely not a chicken/egg situation for me. I know who came first in my personal experience...

HoustonFrog said:
Also, why is it that Dallas fans have to live in Dallas to be legit? I lived in Ft. Worth for 23 years. I moved here for law school. Guess why?Because I am not wrapped up on hating teams, just cheering for teams.
If you live near a city, and it's the closest city with a franchise in a particular sport, I would expect that you would be a fan of that team. I would say that people who live in a city that's far away, and in an area that is typically full of fans of a team in closer proximity, you stand a much higher chance of being a bandwaggoner if your a cowboy fan. Maybe not all of them, but alot of them for sure.

HoustonFrog said:
Isn't the goal to have your team sell jerseys and for a team to be known and popular across the country? They make the most money out of any franchise and I don't think it is because there are hundreds of youtube haters out there. I've already said that I like living in Houston better than doesn't mean anything in sports.The whole youtube thing isn't because of the boys success, trust me. People are galvinized against the typical cowboy fan. You may not be a typical loud mouth fan, but you are a minority, I assue you.
Sure, a sports franchises goal should be to sell as much merchandise as possible, and the cowboys do that by way of an exceptionally large bandwagon. Sure, the team had success, and that's why so many people jumped on the wagon, who weren't fans before that success... that's the definition of bandwagon.

HoustonFrog said:
As I said, I love being here but there is so much grouping going on it is getting deep.
Maybe you should probably leave this thread alone. It's like religion and politics... there will be no converting here... in either direction.

In any event, the cowboys are the new Oilers. And that's not necessarily a good thing. Peace.
Here's Exhibit B:

True story.
This morning my 10 yr. old daughter throws on a Houston Texan sweatshirt because she left her jacket at school. So on the way to drop her off I say "if any boys say anything to you today about your sweatshirt like the Texans suck or why do you like the Texans, you just tell them the cowboys haven't won a playoff game in 11 years".

Well sure enough, some boys started giving her grief about her liking the Texans (now, she knows they are cowboys fans and why are the kids learning to hate on the Texans, could it be their bandwagon jumping dads?) but my girl was ready with her response, "huh, who hasn't won a playoff game in 11 years". The little boys were left speechless, had no come backs and promptly left my little girl alone. Acknowledging their defeat. :splits:

That my friends is parenting at its finest! :texflag:
That's funny, HT!

My son always asks who to root for when we watch football every Sunday. Of course, my own likes and dislikes come out, so he knows "never root for the Cowboys, unless they play the Titans" (bless his heart! ;)).

Now, I didn't realize how literal he took it until a couple of weeks ago when his school had "rodeo day", and all the children got to dress up in their boots and hats and all that western style. When I walked him to his classroom, I asked why he didn't want to dress up. He looked at me with this very serious stare and said "daddy, I don't like cowboys, remember?!".

Man, that was a proud dad moment, and almost brought some water forth from the ol' ducts. :D
Its more that they would be non-factors if they hadn't won anything. It gains steam with the whole, "your a crack lover"..."oh yeah, what has your team done." I hate it too. This resenting implications that the fanbase it like that.

For me it is no chickens and eggs.

There's the teams I like because I grew up with them.

Then there's teams I like because friends of mine like them and I was indifferent about them.

With the Cowboys, it's always because their fanbase as a group they are hard to be around. Just my one time thinking I was going to be assaulted by a Cowboy fan is enough to despise the Cowboys, much less their horrific behavior in our stadium (I had to yell at a guy to take his hands off of me during the last game--amazingly he got pretty durned sedate as the game progressed).

It's a lifetime of just being around a fanbase who had an early history of success, and never learned to be gracious winners or losers. As a fanbase, they are awful. And Jerry Jones is the perfect owner for such a franchise.

There are plenty of teams that have had very sucessful franchises but I don't end up loathing their fanbases and the way they conduct themselves. I never much liked the Steelers over the years, but I begrudgingly respected their franchise. And I appreciate the way that their fans are crazy about their team. Maybe I'd feel differently if I lived around more Steeler fans and wasn't one.

However, even the biggest Cowboy lovers realize that a lot of people throughout the country get particular joy when the Cowboys crater, especially in spectacular form with crying TO, Romessica, Jerry leaking the NFC champship tickets in the locker story, and Wade being a sore loser.

It's called schadenfreude, a german word with no exact English equivalent, but basically means happiness in others misfortune.

The reason why fans across the country get particular happiness from the Cowboys spectacular losses is because we don't like the way that many Cowboy fans conduct themselves and Jerry Jones isn't the easiest guy to root for either. Your franchise isn't very likeable as a whole unless you like the concept of winning without character, and in this century, the winning stuff is in question as well.

So, some Cowboy fans will see the hate as being a result of past wins, but there's a lot of teams with lots of rings that I don't have much a feeling about other than respect for their tradition. Usually I like being around fans passionate about their team, but passionate Cowboy fans are a different breed.
Ok, as a Cowboy fan, this is what I will promise to do. On the day that the Texans visit Texas Stadium, and after a Cowboy win, one the players run up and shout and taunt Bob McNair, and/or when the Cowboys come to Reliant Stadium, and Bob McNair either comes onto the field or jumbotron, and the Cowboys fans in the stadium yell out a collective boo, then I will be the first to jump on here and pronounce that we have the most obnoxious fans in the league. A promise!
For me it is no chickens and eggs.

There's the teams I like because I grew up with them.

Then there's teams I like because friends of mine like them and I was indifferent about them.

With the Cowboys, it's always because their fanbase as a group they are hard to be around. Just my one time thinking I was going to be assaulted by a Cowboy fan is enough to despise the Cowboys, much less their horrific behavior in our stadium (I had to yell at a guy to take his hands off of me during the last game--amazingly he got pretty durned sedate as the game progressed).

It's a lifetime of just being around a fanbase who had an early history of success, and never learned to be gracious winners or losers. As a fanbase, they are awful. And Jerry Jones is the perfect owner for such a franchise.

There are plenty of teams that have had very sucessful franchises but I don't end up loathing their fanbases and the way they conduct themselves. I never much liked the Steelers over the years, but I begrudgingly respected their franchise. And I appreciate the way that their fans are crazy about their team. Maybe I'd feel differently if I lived around more Steeler fans and wasn't one.

However, even the biggest Cowboy lovers realize that a lot of people throughout the country get particular joy when the Cowboys crater, especially in spectacular form with crying TO, Romessica, Jerry leaking the NFC champship tickets in the locker story, and Wade being a sore loser.

It's called schadenfreude, a german word with no exact English equivalent, but basically means happiness in others misfortune.

The reason why fans across the country get particular happiness from the Cowboys spectacular losses is because we don't like the way that many Cowboy fans conduct themselves and Jerry Jones isn't the easiest guy to root for either. Your franchise isn't very likeable as a whole unless you like the concept of winning without character, and in this century, the winning stuff is in question as well.
So, some Cowboy fans will see the hate as being a result of past wins, but there's a lot of teams with lots of rings that I don't have much a feeling about other than respect for their tradition. Usually I like being around fans passionate about their team, but passionate Cowboy fans are a different breed.

Again, I respect your opinion, per usual, but you are still throwing every fan that backs the team into one category and I find that to be my problem. When you are a kid and grow up in an area and that is your team you can't think, "well hell, we are winning Super Bowls, so I'll be obnoxious." I lived and died by the team but was never in people's faces. My family wasn't either. Many of them are from east so they aren't even fans. I never grew up knowing fans that did it.

I get that some people are happy in other misfortunes. But considering it is a one way street I think alot of people's hate is situational, such as with your unfortunate situation. Sorry you dealt with that. I've rarely sat here on this board and pumped up the Cowboys. In fact it isn't why I'm here. I'm not on a Cowboy board. So I think your blanketing of the fan base is incorrect when there are many like me who respect other fans and sit places like this daily enjoying their company while being a fan. On the other hand I sit here and hear people say it is OK for Texan fans or whomever to act the same way they despise because of past experiences. Go figure. I'm not going to change your mind but if I pigeon holed fan bases based on what I've heard the last two weeks I'd think that people are trying their best to catch up in the a-hole category. As far as character. I'll take guys like Aikman, Staubach, etc over the last 3 decades. They have plenty of character. I won't sift through all teams past but it seems you are doing the same thing with the franchise as you are doing with the fanbase...few equal the whole and I'll turn a blind eye at what is being thrown back. For every T.O or Irvin there are 20 Aikmans, Woodson, Romos, Wittens, Novacheks, etc, etc.

Hey, as I said, minds won't change but I respect your super fandom, writings and posts and understand the above situation. I just think some people refuse to acknowledge there are many good fans because then it ruins their idea that they have to hate all things Cowboys, including every single fan.
Again, I respect your opinion, per usual, but you are still throwing every fan that backs the team into one category and I find that to be my problem. When you are a kid and grow up in an area and that is your team you can't think, "well hell, we are winning Super Bowls, so I'll be obnoxious." I lived and died by the team but was never in people's faces. My family wasn't either. Many of them are from east so they aren't even fans. I never grew up knowing fans that did it.

I get that some people are happy in other misfortunes. But considering it is a one way street I think alot of people's hate is situational, such as with your unfortunate situation. Sorry you dealt with that. I've rarely sat here on this board and pumped up the Cowboys. In fact it isn't why I'm here. I'm not on a Cowboy board. So I think your blanketing of the fan base is incorrect when there are many like me who respect other fans and sit places like this daily enjoying their company while being a fan. On the other hand I sit here and hear people say it is OK for Texan fans or whomever to act the same way they despise because of past experiences. Go figure. I'm not going to change your mind but if I pigeon holed fan bases based on what I've heard the last two weeks I'd think that people are trying their best to catch up in the a-hole category. As far as character. I'll take guys like Aikman, Staubach, etc over the last 3 decades. They have plenty of character. I won't sift through all teams past but it seems you are doing the same thing with the franchise as you are doing with the fanbase...few equal the whole and I'll turn a blind eye at what is being thrown back. For every T.O or Irvin there are 20 Aikmans, Woodson, Romos, Wittens, Novacheks, etc, etc.

Hey, as I said, minds won't change but I respect your super fandom, writings and posts and understand the above situation. I just think some people refuse to acknowledge there are many good fans because then it ruins their idea that they have to hate all things Cowboys, including every single fan.[/QUOTE]

Most of us can not stand the loud mouth, blabbering, bandwagon fans that are quick to tell us our team sucks but can not hold an intelligent conversation about one single player on their team. Or there are some who know a little about the team, but walk around and talk about them, how great they are, and however one sucks in some air of greatness despite the fact they have not had a successful post season in over a decade. These are the fans I can't stand, and Jerry Jones of course. I am pretty indifferent about half of the players on the team except for the uniform they wear.

I see this subject two ways:

1. You (not HF, but you in general) are allowed to be talk smack, proclaiming your team to be the best and I can excuse the fact that you can't name 5-10 players on your team, or just 3 lineman. If you were born, grew up, or now live in said city. (in this case Dallas), the ole Hometown thingy as an excuse basically.

B. If you weren't born, or grew up or now live in this city than I feel to proclaim yourself as a fan you should be educated about your team. At least be able to know what their record was the last couple of years, at least be able to know the majority of the lineman's names, or large chunk of the roster. At least know if your teams runs the 3-4 or the 4-3 defense. In other words, back up your smack talk with a little knowledge so that you can make a case for yourself, other than your teams sucks and the cowboys rule.

It's the latter that annoys the hell out of me.

I for one, and I think most probably feel this way, don't have a problem with any fan of any team that is respectful, knows what he/she is talking about, enjoys the sport and likes to discuss with fellow NFL fans of any team. This is clearly where you are coming from. You grew up with a passion for your team and you know what your are talking about. I respect that any day of the week. Heck, most of my in-laws are all cowboys fans. I don't dislike or hate them because of it, it's mostly just because they are my in-laws. J/K, my father-in-law is a great guy, I have tons of respect for him. Of course he is also a Sooner fan, so we give each other a good ribbing on a regular basis, he obviously has misguided football fandom. That's my take on things.

Just out of curiosity, would you consider yourself a huge Texans fan also?
Most of us can not stand the loud mouth, blabbering, bandwagon fans that are quick to tell us our team sucks but can not hold an intelligent conversation about one single player on their team. Or there are some who know a little about the team, but walk around and talk about them, how great they are, and however one sucks in some air of greatness despite the fact they have not had a successful post season in over a decade. These are the fans I can't stand, and Jerry Jones of course. I am pretty indifferent about half of the players on the team except for the uniform they wear.............................................................................................................................

Just out of curiosity, would you consider yourself a huge Texans fan also?

Nice post and I'll try to respond because this thread interests me

1) No, I'm not a huge Texans fan but I am a Texans fan that is growing with them. My first football love will always be the Cowboys. As I said I grew up in the area and knew everything about all the players, etc but because of my brothers also liked the Oilers and Houston teams. When I moved here in 93 I lost no allegiance but I liked Houston teams so there was no reason not to cheer. Especially since the Rockets won two straight championships when I moved here. I actually came to the boards to discuss Carr, liked the people and stayed. I like talking Texans...and everything else. I had a hard time getting fully behind the Texans with Carr but like their direction now and root a little differently.

2) Just to get this out there, I acknowledge the Boys ineptness the last decade but it helped me become a better fan. It used to ruin my Sundays if they lost. I got used to a few bad seasons and let it roll a little more because in order fro them to improve the franchise had to stop doing some dumb things.

3) I understand bandwagon fans. From what I gather most are a younger fanbase that jumped on in the 90s and have no clue what it was like to feel or be in the midst of 20 winning seasons straight and to see the Steeler/Cowboy Super Bowls as a kid and name the teams..Cliff Harris, Charlie Waters, Drew Pearson, Golden Richards, Jay Saldi, Butch Johnson, DD Lewis, Too Tall, Harvey, etc, etc. Most have no clue what it felt like to watch "The Catch" and throw your TV tray as an 11 year old. So I can see where this is bothersome.

4) I get semi-annoyed with the Jerry Jones thing. I get that he comes off as a villain of sorts. I understand that he screwed up with Jimmy Johnson and many say with the handling of Landry. But overall he is a good man and knows business and his team and pretty much revolutionized the league for all owners with his stadium deals, etc. Bob McNair has the Jerry Jones' to thank. The league looks to him for many of its problems. He assumed the Texas Stadium lease while other owners "borrowed" the stadiums for game time. They laughed at him for this and he then made a debt ridden franchise worth a billion. He took the stadium and rented it out for concerts, etc to bring in revenue and then made the deals no other owners had ever made with Pepsi, Nike and American Express. He made owning stadiums profitable and other owners jumped in. He was responsible for the stadium revenue you see today, that at the time helped pay for players and keep other players signed before the cap. Heck Jerry was one of the owners pushing to get a franchise back down here. There is alot more to a man than people see and what they automatically hate. McNair and Jones are friends so unless you don't trust your own owner then you are barking up the wrong tree:

Jones has also gained a friend and another big-market ally in NFL circles. Jones said McNair was "one of the top four to five owners" the moment he stepped into the league. He values McNair's integrity and commitment and took a boat trip with him this summer.

"He fires me up," Jones said.

"We're good friends," McNair said. "We work on a lot of things together that are league matters, and we're usually on the same side of the fence.

"As this has gone forward and we've gotten to know each other well, I'd say there is a high level of trust. We talk about a lot of things that are important to each of us and are helpful to each other."
Jones has also gained a friend and another big-market ally in NFL circles. Jones said McNair was "one of the top four to five owners" the moment he stepped into the league. He values McNair's integrity and commitment and took a boat trip with him this summer.

"He fires me up," Jones said.

"We're good friends," McNair said. "We work on a lot of things together that are league matters, and we're usually on the same side of the fence.

"As this has gone forward and we've gotten to know each other well, I'd say there is a high level of trust. We talk about a lot of things that are important to each of us and are helpful to each other."

I did not know they were friends, that's interesting, thanks for sharing.

Wow, that's a lot of money in one room when those two get together.....I wonder if it is like those small business loan commercial by Capital One?
One of my best friends is a Texans least on the outside. But cut him, and he bleeds blue and silver.

I've never understood dual allegiances as a fan. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just that I don't understand it.

We thought we 'cured' him of his mental illness. There was always an understanding about his devotion to the team, and as a good friend, we just accepted it for what it was. The early '90's brought out a certain arrogance in this normally humble guy, but growing up in H-town, I'm quite familiar with the temporary chest-puffing that Cowboys fans-who-never-lived-in-Dallas display. His story was growing up in El Paso, so it was understandable that he bandwagon the one Texas team with championship history.

Long story short, fast forward to the birth of the Texans, a time when Dallas was a bottom feeder. He embraced the Texans (although showing up for the first game with a Texans jersey and Cowboys hat was a serious chain yank), and has been a loyal fan ever since....

...well, until the Cowboys started winning again.

Now, he's torn. He won’t admit it, but we can see it. The Texans have six seasons of futility, no winning season, and the Cowboys are one of the better NFC teams. It's tearing him apart! He says he can handle it, but there are concerns he might be giving up his season ticket (especially with the logic that he's only attended two Cowboys games in Dallas his entire life). Bob McNair raising ticket prices hasn’t helped, in spite of the fact that Jerrah has raised his prices like a million percent.

We mess with him about a point. You always know when you're getting close to "the line" with a buddy. It's a point where your jokes are no longer being taken as humor, where the emotion of your team losing causes you to disengage your normal social skills and replaces it with a irrational devotion to your franchise. And for some reason, this illness is especially contagious with Cowboys fans. No other fanbase will get as emotional when their team is chuckled at. Maybe Yankees fan, but it’s not a long list.

Dude is even hating on the Patriots, ONLY because he doesn't want any other team to have the same glory that the Cowboys have in their history (verbatim: "FIVE Super Bowl rings in NINE appearances. No other team comes close! yada yada blah blah blah" :listening ). Heck, that's a reason to ROOT FOR the Patriot in and of itself, to rattle the Cowboys and their fans off their little smug perch. I plan on messing with him at the Super Bowl for rooting for one of the Cowboys division rivals, a team he's always purported to hate, only because he doesn't want the Patriots to be seen in the same light of glory as the Cowboys (and he pointed out, even if the Pats win, they only have four rings. Go figure.)

Anyway, the point of my ramble is that our bud, as much as we love him dearly, is the classic example of Cowboys fan not-from-Dallas. I’ve got family members that are the same way. They say they are Texans fans, but are quick to defend the Cowboys with barbs about Texans history. This is akin to being with your wife but getting defensive about your ex-girlfriend. It’s hard to figure out, and I doubt I’ll ever truly understand. Not that I really want to, in all honesty.
They say they are Texans fans, but are quick to defend the Cowboys with barbs about Texans history. This is akin to being with your wife but getting defensive about your ex-girlfriend. It’s hard to figure out, and I doubt I’ll ever truly understand. Not that I really want to, in all honesty.

Be sure to remind them that it took Dallas 6 seasons to have their first non-losing season too....

Year	League	Team	Wins	Losses	Ties
1965	NFL	Dallas Cowboys	7	7	0
1964	NFL	Dallas Cowboys	5	8	1
1963	NFL	Dallas Cowboys	4	10	0
1962	NFL	Dallas Cowboys	5	8	1
1961	NFL	Dallas Cowboys	4	9	1
1960	NFL	Dallas Cowboys	0	11	1

Also remind them, the Texans have never had an O'fer season...
I've never lived in Houston and yet I like the Texans.

I've lived in Dallas and have followed the Cowboys for years and that's not going to change.

I'm a fan of both teams.

I guess I've been "fan" profiled. I am smart for liking the Texans but I must be an ***** because I like the Cowboys as well. Go figure.
I've never lived in Houston and yet I like the Texans.

I've lived in Dallas and have followed the Cowboys for years and that's not going to change.

I'm a fan of both teams.

I guess I've been "fan" profiled. I am smart for liking the Texans but I must be an ***** because I like the Cowboys as well. Go figure.

You are the exception to the rule, my friend. You actually bring the curve up for the rest of your brethren. :shades:
Be sure to remind them that it took Dallas 6 seasons to have their first non-losing season too....

Year    League    Team    Wins    Losses    Ties
1965    NFL    Dallas Cowboys    7    7    0
1964    NFL    Dallas Cowboys    5    8    1
1963    NFL    Dallas Cowboys    4    10    0
1962    NFL    Dallas Cowboys    5    8    1
1961    NFL    Dallas Cowboys    4    9    1
1960    NFL    Dallas Cowboys    0    11    1
Also remind them, the Texans have never had an O'fer season...

funny, I busted that out on my cowgirl friends just yesterday. I'm not statistician, but I think both franchises were roughly .333 in their first six yeas. Someone who didn't sleep through math class confirm that?
You are the exception to the rule, my friend. You actually bring the curve up for the rest of your brethren. :shades:

Ok I think I get it now.

It's okay to like the Texans even if you dont live in Houston.

But you can only like the Cowboys if you lived in DFW or else you are just a bandwagon fan.

I cant believe it has been that simple this whole time.
One of my best friends is a Texans least on the outside. But cut him, and he bleeds blue and silver.

I've never understood dual allegiances as a fan. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just that I don't understand it.

Agree in part. My allegiance is to my hometown team and my true love. I enjoy the Texans and will root for them. Just like I did the Oilers as a kid when I thought they were an awesome "AFC" team. But as I said, I'm not crushed with Texans defeats and up until the past years really kind of laughed at the losses because I wanted Carr gone so I could enjoy them. As I said though, I've never sat here and busted out Cowboy smack on people. In fact up until this week I really never talked Cowboys all to much. I like to talk history or football about them but have no notions of recent gradeur. I like to pride myself on well thought out posts concerning the things said though..such as the Jerry thing above. Some people might like to know. Its just like as an 8 year old my older brother went to UT when Earl was around. I loved all things UT all my life. When I got to 18 and got into to TCU and UT I went TCU. It was hard to root against my own college but I kind of did if it was UT. Now I am more a TCU honk because I take a little more pride in it. Still a UT fan though.
Agree in part. My allegiance is to my hometown team and my true love. I enjoy the Texans and will root for them. Just like I did the Oilers as a kid when I thought they were an awesome "AFC" team. But as I said, I'm not crushed with Texans defeats and up until the past years really kind of laughed at the losses because I wanted Carr gone so I could enjoy them. As I said though, I've never sat here and busted out Cowboy smack on people. In fact up until this week I really never talked Cowboys all to much. I like to talk history or football about them but have no notions of recent gradeur.

Stop being so congenial. You'll only confuse us, and force us to reevaluate our notions about cowboy fans, and goddanggit, I can't tell you none of us want that!!!
I'm no Norman Einstein, but that's gotta have some kind of time/space continuum type consequences...
We're talking about fabric of the universe type stuff here, man!!!

Link: In case people think I'm a complete id10t:
Agree in part. My allegiance is to my hometown team and my true love. I enjoy the Texans and will root for them. Just like I did the Oilers as a kid when I thought they were an awesome "AFC" team. But as I said, I'm not crushed with Texans defeats and up until the past years really kind of laughed at the losses because I wanted Carr gone so I could enjoy them. As I said though, I've never sat here and busted out Cowboy smack on people. In fact up until this week I really never talked Cowboys all to much. I like to talk history or football about them but have no notions of recent gradeur. I like to pride myself on well thought out posts concerning the things said though..such as the Jerry thing above. Some people might like to know. Its just like as an 8 year old my older brother went to UT when Earl was around. I loved all things UT all my life. When I got to 18 and got into to TCU and UT I went TCU. It was hard to root against my own college but I kind of did if it was UT. Now I am more a TCU honk because I take a little more pride in it. Still a UT fan though.

Speaking of Earl he's doing a promotion thru his Texas City dealership where you can (I think I have this right) go to a party with's SB related. I heard the commercial on 610. Sounds like fun. When that dealership opened I went because it's right by the church I work at. Earl was very hobbled and I felt very sorry for his physical condition but he is a great guy and did as much as he could that day. I hope he is doing better!
funny, I busted that out on my cowgirl friends just yesterday. I'm not statistician, but I think both franchises were roughly .333 in their first six yeas. Someone who didn't sleep through math class confirm that?

Year	League	Team	Wins	Losses	Ties
1965	NFL	Dallas Cowboys	7	7	0
1964	NFL	Dallas Cowboys	5	8	1
1963	NFL	Dallas Cowboys	4	10	0
1962	NFL	Dallas Cowboys	5	8	1
1961	NFL	Dallas Cowboys	4	9	1
1960	NFL	Dallas Cowboys	0	11	1
			            25	53	
				Winning Percentage	32.00%
Year	League	Team	Wins	Losses	Ties
2007	NFL	Houston Texans	8	8	0
2006	NFL	Houston Texans	6	10	0
2005	NFL	Houston Texans	2	14	0
2004	NFL	Houston Texans	7	9	0
2003	NFL	Houston Texans	5	11	0
2002	NFL	Houston Texans	4	12	0
			            32	64	
				Winning Percentage	33.00%

Just sayin'............................
Stop being so congenial. You'll only confuse us, and force us to reevaluate our notions about cowboy fans, and goddanggit, I can't tell you none of us want that!!!
I'm no Norman Einstein, but that's gotta have some kind of time/space continuum type consequences...
We're talking about fabric of the universe type stuff here, man!!!

Link: In case people think I'm a complete id10t:


Ok I think I get it now.

It's okay to like the Texans even if you dont live in Houston.

But you can only like the Cowboys if you lived in DFW or else you are just a bandwagon fan.

I cant believe it has been that simple this whole time.

I never said it's not o.k. to root for a team in a city you've never lived in. If I implied that, then that was not my intention.

Just be gracious about it, that's all. Like WWJD. She's a great ambassador for Cowboys fans. :)

Texans Chick mentioned Steelers fans. They are everywhere. But I've never felt a condescending attitude from them. Not to say it doesn't exist, but for the most part, it's a relative few. With Cowboys fans, it's an overwhelming majority in my experiences. And it sounds like I am not alone in these experiences.
I never said it's not o.k. to root for a team in a city you've never lived in. If I implied that, then that was not my intention.

Just be gracious about it, that's all. Like WWJD. She's a great ambassador for Cowboys fans. :)Texans Chick mentioned Steelers fans.

They are everywhere. But I've never felt a condescending attitude from them. Not to say it doesn't exist, but for the most part, it's a relative few. With Cowboys fans, it's an overwhelming majority in my experiences. And it sounds like I am not alone in these experiences.

Yes she is. We have talked about it and she has the right attitude. Glad to see it and other fellow Cowboy fans with a good attitude.
I never said it's not o.k. to root for a team in a city you've never lived in. If I implied that, then that was not my intention.

Just be gracious about it, that's all. Like WWJD. She's a great ambassador for Cowboys fans. :)

Texans Chick mentioned Steelers fans. They are everywhere. But I've never felt a condescending attitude from them. Not to say it doesn't exist, but for the most part, it's a relative few. With Cowboys fans, it's an overwhelming majority in my experiences. And it sounds like I am not alone in these experiences.

Thanks DB. You explain things so wisely...I wish I had your gift for that.

I've always thought Steeler and Packers fans were the best "fans" if you will...they both travel well and their fans are passionate. Maybe Packer fans lead by a nose....they're everywhere.