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What happens to sundays game if Ike comes??


Come on, people, we've all seen this song and dance before. The storm will move through, residents will break out the chainsaws to cut up the downed tree limbs, the waters will drain, and everything will be back to normal within a day.

This is not worse than Alicia. The center of the city will be fine.

I think that is highly irresponsible. Nonetheless, durting Alicia we didn't have powr for darn near a week, among many other issues. This storm also is packing a more spread out punch so inland areas may experience weather at least as bad, and maybe worse than Alicia.
ESPN radio is reporting that the game will be here Mon night if it can't be played Sunday.

I remember Alicia vividly. We just finished the last of the repairs from Rita damage this summer. I guess that is a good thing as we might have to do it again.

On the plus side, I'll be at the game if I have to swim there.

Everybody is just regurgitating the report that came out in the paper this morning.

If there is a freaking 16+ storm surge that hits Galveston bay straight on, I just have a hard time seeing how the Texans could have a game even by Monday.
I think that is highly irresponsible. Nonetheless, durting Alicia we didn't have powr for darn near a week, among many other issues. This storm also is packing a more spread out punch so inland areas may experience weather at least as bad, and maybe worse than Alicia.

What part of town were you in?
I think that is highly irresponsible. Nonetheless, durting Alicia we didn't have powr for darn near a week, among many other issues. This storm also is packing a more spread out punch so inland areas may experience weather at least as bad, and maybe worse than Alicia.

I'm just some guy on an internet message board, not an emergency management official. They're doing their jobs, but it's my opinion that most of you are overreacting. We're discussing the likelihood of the Texans-Ravens game being played, and I think you guys are in media frenzy mode.
Everybody is just regurgitating the report that came out in the paper this morning.

If there is a freaking 16+ storm surge that hits Galveston bay straight on, I just have a hard time seeing how the Texans could have a game even by Monday.

+1. This is a pretty serious storm that very well may get even more dangerous as it approaches. Any thought of playing this game on Sunday in Houston should be scrapped.
Everybody is just regurgitating the report that came out in the paper this morning.

If there is a freaking 16+ storm surge that hits Galveston bay straight on, I just have a hard time seeing how the Texans could have a game even by Monday.

Galveston is on an island in the Gulf of Mexico. Houston isn't.
Okay, I have seen posts and a report on CBS that their is a chance the game MIGHT be moved to Atlanta. If this in fact is the case (i think we'll know by 4PM) how would someone like me, living in Georgia, aquire tickets. I'll throw on my Ryans jersey and scream my ass of for the team...

Oh hell no... if it is held in Atlanta and not here in SA.... I just dont know what id would do.. scream after loosing Texans radio here in SA and an organization that really doesnt care about the largest non-houston market in Texas. I would be really upset. Like a punch in the gut
Galveston is on an island in the Gulf of Mexico. Houston isn't.

:hmmm: that's interesting. Did not know that!!

Anyway, the point is that downtown Houston to downtown Galveston is only about 50 miles. Also the last time I checked, Galveston Bay is connected to the Houston Ship Channel which goes most of that 50 miles to inside the 610 Loop which then is connected to Buffalo Bayou which meets White Oak Bayou near the Main Street Bridge in downtown... Point being, we are essentially on the coast, we are not 200 miles inland like say Austin...
:hmmm: that's interesting. Did not know that!!

Anyway, the point is that downtown Houston to downtown Galveston is only about 50 miles. Also the last time I checked, Galveston Bay is connected to the Houston Ship Channel which goes most of that 50 miles to inside the 610 Loop which then is connected to Buffalo Bayou which meets White Oak Bayou near the Main Street Bridge in downtown... Point being, we are essentially on the coast, we are not 200 miles inland like say Austin...

When did water start flowing uphill? It's ridiculous to say Houston is essentially on the coast. The risk of flooding is determined more by rainfall than storm surge. As long as Ike doesn't stall like Allison did, they'll get the game in on Monday.
When did water start flowing uphill? It's ridiculous to say Houston is essentially on the coast. The risk of flooding is determined more by rainfall than storm surge. As long as Ike doesn't stall like Allison did, they'll get the game in on Monday.

Surge will impact the bayous if it is large enough...
I am glad to see that some people have had a good enough experiences riding out hurricanes and tropical storms that they think everything guaranteed to be pretty much back to normal a day or two later.
This storm surge could be close to Katrina's IMHO. If nothing changes this is a VERY dangerous storm because of its huge wind field of max winds. Definitly more dangerous than Gustav. But that'S just my opinion.


I've had a lot of questions today about the potential for inland flooding, especially if the surge pushes water up the bayous rather than allowing them to drain.

Here's the response I received from the Harris County Flood District, which maintains the area's bayous:

If we experience storm surge, the bayous that would first be affected are those adjacent to Galveston Bay: the Galveston Bay watershed, Clear Creek, San Jacinto River and Cedar Bayou. Depending on how great the surge is, other channels that could be affected are: Houston Ship Channel, Armand Bayou, Goose Creek, Vince and Little Vince bayous and lower Buffalo Bayou.

Just so you know, a common myth about storm surge that we hear a lot is that a storm surge will handicap our bayou system's ability to drain. Actually, the majority of the bayous in Harris County will continue to function effectively during a storm surge. Most of our creeks and bayous are upland and drain by gravity.

Because of their natural slope toward Galveston Bay, a storm surge caused by a hurricane will not impede this process, as water will always flow downhill. Of the roughly 2,500 miles of channel in Harris County, only a small portion located near the bay will experience a limited ability to drain during a storm surge.

Furthermore, there is a gap in time from when a surge occurs and when rainfall in our area eventually drains into the bay. The storm surge occurs before and during a hurricane's landfall. By the time our area's rainfall drains through creeks and bayous to the bay, the storm surge will have receded.

Given the expectation that most areas will receive 2 to 4 inches of rainfall, and that isolated totals should only reach 10 inches, I do not anticipate significant inland flooding problems at this time.

The problems should be along the coast, and they're potentially very bad.

"ST. LOUIS -- The Cubs' weekend games in Houston against the Astros are expected to be postponed, and the Cubs will head back to Chicago after Thursday's game against St. Louis to avoid Hurricane Ike, which is churning in the Gulf of Mexico and heading in the direction of Texas.

The Cubs and Astros are scheduled to open a three-game series Friday at Minute Maid Park. There was talk about having the Cubs and Astros play a day game Friday instead of a night game, but all plans are on hold.

The Cubs expected to make an official announcement prior to Thursday's game against the Cardinals. The Astros will make an announcement soon, an MLB official said."

That is some whoreskit. It's perfectly acceptable for the Astros to play a game outside with lightning cracking all around, but the Cubs are too chicken to get on a plane to Houston.
No new news yet on game. This comes from their press release that just went out:

"HOUSTON – The Houston Texans will hold practice tonight at the Methodist Training Center. Practice will begin at 8:00 pm and is scheduled to last until 9:15 pm. Head coach Gary Kubiak will be available to media following practice and should be able to address the Hurricane Ike plan at that time."

That is some whoreskit. It's perfectly acceptable for the Astros to play a game outside with lightning cracking all around, but the Cubs are too chicken to get on a plane to Houston.

Ha.. I just posted something similar in the baseball forum....
I am glad to see that some people have had a good enough experiences riding out hurricanes and tropical storms that they think everything guaranteed to be pretty much back to normal a day or two later.

It's been my experience. As a former south Florida resident, I've been through my share of storms. Down there everybody knew the routine, and everything was pretty much back to normal a day or two later. The Houston experiences have been similar, but with about 1,000% more freaking out, and more flooding.

It doesn't take that long for the power companies to make repairs and restore power downtown(hell, reliant has extra incentive to get it back quick). A tree is not going to fall on Reliant's roof. The levees aren't going to fail. Why can't we play Sunday?
This sucks.....I just got a ticket to the game from a friend. Hope they end up playing here on Monday night.

That is some whoreskit. It's perfectly acceptable for the Astros to play a game outside with lightning cracking all around, but the Cubs are too chicken to get on a plane to Houston.

You read my mind! Thats the Scrubs for ya though. Bastids!
No new news yet on game. This comes from their press release that just went out:

I guess no news is better than bad news? other than hurricane bearing down on Texas? what could be bad. Oh yeah holding game in Atlanta......If they do that they will never have a fanbase larger than myself V-man and texizgreat in San Antonio. Please tell us something.

I hope its monday... my son's birthday. He is a good luck charm for the Texans. When i first brought him home, he was crying during the Texans game at KC and I picked him up and walked into the room and at that point Marcus Coleman picked off a pass an ran 102 yards for a TD. If its on his b-day it may be good luck for the Texans.
This sucks.....I just got a ticket to the game from a friend. Hope they end up playing here on Monday night.

Hear ya and understand. I bought 6 tickets to the Astros scheduled for Friday and Saturday months ago, and then I have 6 season tickets to the Texans.

It looks like $600 is gone, down the drain. But, considering what people are going through in Houston living through this hurricane, it really is inconsequential.

Wishing the best for everyone in Houston and surrounding areas.

"ST. LOUIS -- The Cubs' weekend games in Houston against the Astros are expected to be postponed, and the Cubs will head back to Chicago after Thursday's game against St. Louis to avoid Hurricane Ike, which is churning in the Gulf of Mexico and heading in the direction of Texas.

The Cubs and Astros are scheduled to open a three-game series Friday at Minute Maid Park. There was talk about having the Cubs and Astros play a day game Friday instead of a night game, but all plans are on hold.

The Cubs expected to make an official announcement prior to Thursday's game against the Cardinals. The Astros will make an announcement soon, an MLB official said."

Actuallly, the series hasn't been postponed yet, just Friday's game.
It's been my experience. As a former south Florida resident, I've been through my share of storms. Down there everybody knew the routine, and everything was pretty much back to normal a day or two later. The Houston experiences have been similar, but with about 1,000% more freaking out, and more flooding.

It doesn't take that long for the power companies to make repairs and restore power downtown(hell, reliant has extra incentive to get it back quick). A tree is not going to fall on Reliant's roof. The levees aren't going to fail. Why can't we play Sunday?

I will use Roger goddell's words

We’re looking at alternatives if the storm is severe enough that it would prevent us from playing, whether that’s damage to the stadium, or fans not being able to get to the stadium, or whether, frankly, there’s just higher priorities in that community than playing a football game. We understand our place in the community, and we understand the first priority is public safety. We would not do anything to stress emergency workers and law enforcement workers from doing their job.”
You still have a flight issue to get in town in time to play on Sunday.

Tough cookies. If those p*ssies refuse to take an earlier flight, that's on the Cubs.

Coming from the team that's forced other teams to deal with the logistics of a night game in one city followed by a day game at Wrigley for the last ninety years, I consider it poetic justice.
Tough cookies. If those p*ssies refuse to take an earlier flight, that's on the Cubs.

Coming from the team that's forced other teams to deal with the logistics of a night game in one city followed by a day game at Wrigley for the last ninety years, I consider it poetic justice.

Probably the best thing to do is play these games later after Ike has passed and the damaged is assessed. I am talking about the Astros and the Texans.

People (including players) putting there lives at risk for a game just seems pointless when the games could be played at a later date.

Besides, more fans will be there if played at a later date anyway.

I bet they will reschedule.
Probably the best thing to do is play these games later after Ike has passed and the damaged is assessed. I am talking about the Astros and the Texans.

People (including players) putting there lives at risk for a game just seems pointless when the games could be played at a later date.

Besides, more fans will be there if played at a later date anyway.

I bet they will reschedule.

Lives will be at risk on Sunday and Monday?

Come on.
Probably the best thing to do is play these games later after Ike has passed and the damaged is assessed. I am talking about the Astros and the Texans.

People (including players) putting there lives at risk for a game just seems pointless when the games could be played at a later date.

Besides, more fans will be there if played at a later date anyway.

I bet they will reschedule.

I'm with you on playing a later date - makes sense all the way around. However, I wouldn't think getting a flight is difficult considering they charter their own..
I just got word from a good friend of mine who is in charge of the security of Reliant Stadium and he said that the Texans and the NFL has not made a decision yet and are waiting to release their plan either late tonight or tomorrow morning.

From all indication he has, the game will be played in Houston and will be played either Sunday afternoon or Monday night.
i just got word from a good friend of mine who is in charge of the security of reliant stadium and he said that the texans and the nfl has not made a decision yet and are waiting to release their plan either late tonight or tomorrow morning.

From all indication he has, the game will be played in houston and will be played either sunday afternoon or monday night.

what? People will die!!
Lives will be at risk on Sunday and Monday?

Come on.

Maybe not directly from the storm on Monday. But, what about public services, including Police, Fire, and EMS being available?

Further, you are assuming once this storm blows through, everything will be just fine to hold and play a game. In addition, you are assuming there will be enough fans to attend to make it worth while.

It takes a lot of time and effort to do these events.
It's been my experience. As a former south Florida resident, I've been through my share of storms. Down there everybody knew the routine, and everything was pretty much back to normal a day or two later. The Houston experiences have been similar, but with about 1,000% more freaking out, and more flooding.

It doesn't take that long for the power companies to make repairs and restore power downtown(hell, reliant has extra incentive to get it back quick). A tree is not going to fall on Reliant's roof. The levees aren't going to fail. Why can't we play Sunday?

There's storms. And then there's STORMS.

We don't know which one this is going to be. When they start talking storm surges like Carla, that is outside my frame of reference as someone who lived on the coast and in Houston for many years.

If Houston gets a direct hit with significant winds, we could be without power for days into weeks.

This is a large freaking storm. Bigger than Katrina. If people get in trouble,it's going to be a while before the storm clears the area to go help peoples.