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Welcome to Houston David Culley, Head Coach

Andy Reid was a “lifelong position coach” and was never an OC....he in fact was actually a position coach longer than Culley has been before he got his 1st HC gig with the Eagles.same for Harbaugh.
That's not remotely close to being accurate Culley has been an assistant coach in the NFL for 27 years (1994-2020). Reid was an assistant in Green Bay for 7 years prior to becoming the HC in Philly. Harbaugh was an assistant in Philly for 10 seasons before he too the Ravens head job.
Took a LITTLE STEP back, really?

Considering he was never a great passer to begin with, their WR corps being largely hit or miss & them losing their All pro LT, yes, it was a little step back. The league has largely figured LJ8 out. Keep him in the pocket and Make him be a passer...and what happened to their passing game last year had little to do with the passing offense and more to do with LJ8 just being a mediocre passer of the ball.
I don't know what to think about him either.

But to clarify, he was assistant HC in Baltimore & before the Bills gig he was assistant HC in Kansas City.

Speaking of which, wasn't Harbaugh a STs coach?

Yep, but that was his (Harbaugh) 1st NFL stop. HC at his 2nd.

We’ll be the 7th NFL stop for Culley. He made asst HC at stop 5.

It’s really hard to be optimistic about this choice.

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Who gives a rats ass how old he is? Carroll was 60 when he got the Seahawks gig and still shows more energy and enthusiasm on the sidelines than fat ass Andy Reid has ever shown. Kubiak was younger than him but was on the sidelines having a coronary on national TV. If the dude can coach and get it done, who the hell cares if he’s older than the average HC.
Carroll won a national championship as a HC at USC, he was also the HC at NE before that. This guy has NEVER been anything other than a position coach but he must’ve been held down all those years and now he’ll finally show the nfl what a dynamo he really is. I’m sure he will be successful. Truth be told he’s probably the only one that would take this job after the debacle McNumbnuts has turned it in to.
But Culley, why the hell not EB? Or Eferblus or whatever his name is.
NO ONE had Culley on their radar, NOBODY!
I don't know. I'm saying it's too early to tell.

Remember, none of those other teams hired Bieniemy. Not saying that makes it the right move, but still has that "smartest man in the room" feel if we hired him.

Personally I don't know any of these guys & I'd have been just as happy with any of them. But this guy seems more of a coaches coach to me, which I've been saying for a long time is what we need.

A HC, not another coordinator. & if you ask me, that's the main reason Belichick disciples fail.
With knowledgeable people saying so, I have to believe it, but how could they? The man is unknown and sounds like a preacher. I hoped for a proven head coach.
That's not remotely close to being accurate Culley has been an assistant coach in the NFL for 27 years (1994-2020). Reid was an assistant in Green Bay for 7 years prior to becoming the HC in Philly. Harbaugh was an assistant in Philly for 10 seasons before he too the Ravens head job.

You are correct....error on my part. But whether it’s college or the NFL, most of these guys spend collectively upwards of a decade plus of their careers as assistants position coaches and Reid and Harbaugh are really no different in that regard.

These are exclusive jobs and just b/c someone spends an inordinate amount of time in 1 space doesn’t necessarily mean they’re any LESS capable of performing well in a higher position/space. We’ve seen guys with all kinds of years as coordinators get HC gigs and fail right out the shoot.
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The problem with bringing a offensive coordinator in is that guy was likely going to want to call the plays...and what is the thing we all complained about at 1 time or another with BoB? He had too much on his plate and it led to problems with game management...& that was before he was handed GM duties.

It at least appears, the FO has brought in a guy whose gonna let his coordinators be coaches and he coaches them...and he will manage the games as a HC.
For some of us, it’s more like “why now”? What sudden brilliance has he shown this many years down the NFL road that justifies this move?

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Well for 1 he’s a already know the issues they’ve had getting gigs...and this guy’s been around well before owners were forced to interview minority candidates with the Rooney rule.

The 2nd thing is, now that he has FINALLY got a gig, numerous people have come out and championed him as having been ready a long time ago...but you know the owners, they probably largely ignored him specifically b/c of his age..favoring the younger “up and coming” guy.

So to answer your question it’s likely not been “sudden brilliance” just a guy finally getting his due that he should’ve probably gotten a long time ago.
The more I find out about him, the more I like. People here are upset b/c he’s not the sexy pick, but I don’t believe Caserio felt like he could wait 2 more weeks for the possible hire of EB. Coaching staffs have to be filled out and the longer they waited, the slimmer the pickings in the assistant coaches pool becomes.

I think they got the right guy for what the players sorely need and what they wanted all along; a Uniter ...and a guy whose been around the block. True He’s never been a coordinator but Harbaugh thought enough of him to make him his assistant HC...a position that in theory is supposed to be above a coordinator...take that for what it’s worth.

If they waited this long, why couldn't they wait 1.5 weeks more when every other coaching spot has been filled? In terms of assistant coaches availability, there are tons of them walking around. Whats disappointing to me is the Texans were the 1st to fire their coach and the only team to interview 2 candidates nobody else interviewed.
If they waited this long, why couldn't they wait 1.5 weeks more when every other coaching spot has been filled? In terms of assistant coaches availability, there are tons of them walking around. Whats disappointing to me is the Texans were the 1st to fire their coach and the only team to interview 2 candidates nobody else interviewed.

So let me get this right.

fans complain about how the GM search was a sham b/c they wound up hiring the guy they’ve been wanting for 3 years and didn’t really interview anybody.

Then the HC search comes, they interview and wind up hiring an out of the box candidate...which is typically what happens when a “thorough” search is conducted and y’all are still complaining?

And whose to say that waiting 1.5 more weeks was gonna yield the result everyone here wanted..which was the hiring of EB? What if we wait 1.5 more weeks and EB says, “nah I’m good.” Guess what, not only are REALLY behind the 8-ball in terms of hiring staffs and everything, you’re also over the barrel with other candidates..Then you could be forced to hire somebody that you really don’t want..
So let me get this right.

fans complain about how the GM search was a sham b/c they wound up hiring the guy they’ve been wanting for 3 years and didn’t really interview anybody.

Then the HC search comes, they interview and wind up hiring an out of the box candidate...which is typically what happens when a “thorough” search is conducted and y’all are still complaining?

And whose to say that waiting 1.5 more weeks was gonna yield the result everyone here wanted..which was the hiring of EB? What if we wait 1.5 more weeks and EB says, “nah I’m good.” Guess what, not only are REALLY behind the 8-ball in terms of hiring staffs and everything, you’re also over the barrel with other candidates..Then you could be forced to hire somebody that you really don’t want..

I like the hire, he will make a great bridge during the rebuild.

With that said, Culley would have been available in 1.5 weeks.
So let me get this right.

fans complain about how the GM search was a sham b/c they wound up hiring the guy they’ve been wanting for 3 years and didn’t really interview anybody.

Then the HC search comes, they interview and wind up hiring an out of the box candidate...which is typically what happens when a “thorough” search is conducted and y’all are still complaining?

And whose to say that waiting 1.5 more weeks was gonna yield the result everyone here wanted..which was the hiring of EB? What if we wait 1.5 more weeks and EB says, “nah I’m good.” Guess what, not only are REALLY behind the 8-ball in terms of hiring staffs and everything, you’re also over the barrel with other candidates..Then you could be forced to hire somebody that you really don’t want..
Then we go back and hire Culley or any if the other 2nd and 3rd tier coaches that will still be available! Just as we did now.
I like the hire, he will make a great bridge during the rebuild.

With that said, Culley would have been available in 1.5 weeks.

Probably, but why wait around for a guy who not only was reportedly already trying to strong arm you when you can just go ahead and get a guy you like now and move on from the drama?

EB doesn’t seem to be at all as worried about getting a HC gig as the fans and media are.
Then we go back and hire Culley or any if the other 2nd and 3rd tier coaches that will still be available! Just as we did now.

What makes Culley a 2nd tier coach? B/c you didn’t know about him lol? B/c he wasn’t on the short list of potential HC candidates that floats around in the NFL league offices every year?

Lol, you guys gotta stop feeding into the idea that these owners know what a good HC is and that they know what they’re doing. They don’t...evidenced by the myriad of HC’s that are fired every single year. Those guys were on that list at one point or another too.
Just for the sake of letting the man speak for himself a bit..

Impressive guy -- seems smart, composed and a good communicator. I can understand how he interviewed well. He emphasized communication with staff and the whole team being on the same page and I wouldn't be surprised to see that translate on the field into less confusion and a better coached/better executing team. Hopefully we'll learn more about his x's and o's philosophy and how aggressive/conservative he is soon, but my initial thought was the same as many here that no coordinator experience would mean letting his coordinators do their thing which is a good thing. We'll have a better sense if this was a good hire in about 10 months from now.