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Week 2: Texans vs Titans Gameday Thread

How many wild, heartshattering rollercoasters of games will the Texans make us endure?

I can't take it! Somebody just shoot me now. :gun:
Damn, I cant believe I missed this game! The girlfriend made me take her shopping for (school) books...

Looks like AJ is tearing them a new hole.
Turnovers is what has been our achiles heel. We need to put him on the bench. IF you turnover the ball, your coming out. Plain and simple.
How many fumbles does Slaton have this season? The guy didn't drop a ball last year, and he can't seem to hold on this year.

I would have rather seen us throw for the first down there.
why run the ball on 3rd and four there!?! hello, we've been passing all over them all day long!!! your doing them a favor by still running the ball! jeez!!