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Week 17 - Jags vs Texans: The "Why Win?" Bowl

Well.... Happy New Year.....

The baby with the 2023 hat shows up and the Texans are the soil to which his diaper is soiled.
The highlight of the game was the actor who portrayed Manny on Modern Family banging the drum before kickoff
That had to be “Full Tank Mode” today. No way you can play that good against Arlington, KC, and Tenn. and then lay an egg like that against that team!

Every coach except the ST coach needs to be fired tonight. Todays effort was flat out pathetic
Fire them all.

Put the headsets on poptarts in chairs on the sidelines.

Let the players go out there and play like they are kids after school.

This season hasn't mattered..... the only thing that could make me hope for next season isn't a #1 pick. It's a full house cleaning.

I'm a big fan of clean sheet day, but that wont cut it for the cleaning that needs to be done.
Got to say I agree with HH there.

The expectations were low from the fan base (can't believe ownership had too high if expectations either)

But you play it safe. Great things can't happen. Underdog stories can't happen.... if you play for the tie.

Not to say I believe they would have made a movie based on the 2022 Texans season.... but..... be bold and grow a set.
And another Texan's season comes close to a close, with pretty much the same result as most of the others. Texans suck again. What shall we ever do?

Wait for the draft. Again. And do it all over next year. Is it any wonder we need alcohol and drugs to be Texan fans?
And another Texan's season comes close to a close, with pretty much the same result as most of the others. Texans suck again. What shall we ever do?

Wait for the draft. Again. And do it all over next year. Is it any wonder we need alcohol and drugs to be Texan fans?
Texans have been a team 20 years and have barely a 40% franchise win %. Right now we are on the lower end of that average with not a whole lot to be excited about. A Tommy Boy owner, no QB, a GM that hasn’t proved much yet. We might have 2-3 franchise cornerstone players on the team. Yes we have some picks and cap room I guess to give us some hope. Oh well, next year right?
Texans have been a team 20 years and have barely a 40% franchise win %. Right now we are on the lower end of that average with not a whole lot to be excited about. A Tommy Boy owner, no QB, a GM that hasn’t proved much yet. We might have 2-3 franchise cornerstone players on the team. Yes we have some picks and cap room I guess to give us some hope. Oh well, next year right?

I think the Texans can turn it around, but they have to start right this second with the right new HC to take advantage of the next two drafts. Of course that only works if they get the right HC. Which the Texans haven't done yet. Kubiak is still the best coach this team ever had, and he wasn't as great as some here think he was. He's still my favorite though out of the the bunch we've had.
I think the Texans can turn it around, but they have to start right this second with the right new HC to take advantage of the next two drafts. Of course that only works if they get the right HC. Which the Texans haven't done yet. Kubiak is still the best coach this team ever had, and he wasn't as great as some here think he was. He's still my favorite though out of the the bunch we've had.
I'm already tired of the smartest guy in the room too. Let's get a GM who can hire a coach. Someone who isn't tied into one particular way.
I'm already tired of the smartest guy in the room too. Let's get a GM who can hire a coach. Someone who isn't tied into one particular way.

The problem with that is Cal has to hire the new GM. That's gonna give everybody a heart attack. I'm still hoping Casino works out as the GM and he (accidently or otherwise) hires a new HC that actually knows what they're doing.
I watched the 1st 3 qtrs finally.

The interior OL was not a problem in pass pro. Once there was interior pressure on a blitz. Freeman was lined up on Mills' right, free Blitzer came from Mills' left between the Center & Guard who were already occupied, Freeman couldn't cross over fast enough.

Another time pressure came from the "middle" sn edge rusher stunted from the right side. Cann hadn't passed the Tackle off before the end was able to get around. Dude was pretty fast.

I didn't really see any other "inside" pressure. Failure in pass pro was mainly the RT, Heck or Howard, getting worked.

Run game. Biggest problem was the backside always left someone unblocked. No hole created on the front side, at least not one the RB could get to before the unblocked backside defender could get to him.

Several times I saw a TE or Tackle get to & block someone at the 2nd level when the play would have been better served if he'd have blocked the backside defender.

Freeman/Burkhead aren't getting around the edge. Doesn't make sense to stretch it when those two are in there

A couple RB screens would have gone a long way to open the game... but we still can't run inside screens
Just fire the coaching staff now. Let Mills and the guys draw up some schoolyard plays while on the field. They can't do any worse than Pep and Lovie. Hell at this point let Caserio put on a headset again.
From 2004-2006 the Texans went 15-33. That was their 3 year low water mark until these last 3 seasons. Currently sitting at 10-38-1 from 2020 til now.

It is really hard not to win moe than 4 games in the NFL and to do so three years in a row is even harder. 4 years in a row is near historic bad no matter how bad your organization, coaching, and team are.
I cannot recall the last time I didn't even have a comment in a game thread during a game. My godson was visiting and ironically, I spent the time watching him play an Xbox game called Unravel
I was watching the game with my wife. She never watches the games with me lol.

After the first possession she looked at me and said, baby don’t get upset”. I told her I’m good because they’re not trying to win this game.
why did they even fire cully if they knew they were going to suck the first 2 years ..???? why didnt they just have kept cully for 2 years ..??
Along that line of thinking, who cares who your QB is?

& the two years starts in 2023, so...
Will be sitting in front of my TV at 12 as usual.
why did they even fire cully if they knew they were going to suck the first 2 years ..???? why didnt they just have kept cully for 2 years ..??

just b/c you know you're likely to doesn't mean you stop trying to win. Culley thought he had more leverage than he did....he thought wrong.
No thanks, don't want Lovie infecting promising talent with his ultra-conservative ways

Lovie won't be here much longer. If he is here next season, it'll be his last. This team can't be "fixed" this offseason no matter what they do, so whoever the coach is next year, he'll be under the same pressure. If, and that's a mighty big if, they can find the right coach they really need to do this ASAP. My problem with that is I'm doubtful they'll hire the "right" coach. I just hope they'll stumble into a good combination of coaches and draft picks so the team can improve.
And another Texan's season comes close to a close, with pretty much the same result as most of the others. Texans suck again. What shall we ever do?

Ignore it and hope it goes away.

Pro sports is the only entertainment product that can perpetually suck and still not financially fail.

A band that is as bad as the Houston Texans sells no concert tickets, merch, and albums. They ultimately go away and cease to exist.

Same for TV shows and movie franchises. When they suck, the productions are cancelled and everyone finds another job.

Pro sports is a grift. It can suck and suck and suck and it just keeps on going, still happily making a tidy profit. There is zero accountability.

Unless we collectively ignore it.