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Vince Young QB Controversy?

Because he is one of the best QB's if not the best of All-Time?

what does that have to do with intelligence????...if that's the case then I can make an argument that VY was one of the best all time college qbs and therefore is pretty intelligent himself..........
what does that have to do with intelligence????...if that's the case then I can make an argument that VY was one of the best all time college qbs and therefore is pretty intelligent himself..........

Because he has earned the right to be respected as a NFL QB.VY will never come close to Dan's status.'s not like he was spitting in his teammates faces when they came off the field...
But had he, it would have been to fire up his teammates and make them more aggressive. Just another example of how Vince Young's amazing leadership could manifest.
I think a lot of this speculation is just projection from fans that don't like the dude. AJ is not a sideline cheerleader, either, and he doesn't get any grief for it. Some guys lead on the field by their play and are less likely to rah-rah when they are injured and cannot help the team in the field.

As for me personally, I like VY. When he helped win a national championship, I was in a room where all the participants agreed to name their next child Vince Young, whether it was a girl or a boy. Yes, there was some drinking going on. For those who know my history, I was one of the biggest (rational)VY supporters on the MB, though, as with any player, I noted his good and bad points.

I have watched a lot of sidelines from the seats, and have never seen someone so anti-social as VY during that game. Andre Johnson usually stands next to someone at least, or isn't standing 30 yards away from his closest teammate.

May be nothing. May be something. I have to say that though I am not as nitpicking as some with the way that VY carries himself, I've seen a few things in the what he says and does that give me a little concern.
Because he has earned the right to be respected as a NFL QB.VY will never come close to Dan's status.

once again accomplishments as a NFL QB don't say **** about your intelligence.......when Marino scored low on his wonderlic test (as a rookie who hadn't proven anything) he was not scrutinized like a matter of fact I don't think I can ever recally anyone making a big deal out of a person's wonderlic the question remains....why with vince? a matter of fact I don't think I can ever recally anyone making a big deal out of a person's wonderlic the question remains....why with vince?
You do realize that Marino dropped to the next to last pick in the 1st round, while Young went 3rd overall? If anyone was hurt by low test scores, it was Dan.
once again accomplishments as a NFL QB don't say **** about your intelligence.......when Marino scored low on his wonderlic test (as a rookie who hadn't proven anything) he was not scrutinized like a matter of fact I don't think I can ever recally anyone making a big deal out of a person's wonderlic the question remains....why with vince?

Okay, Dan never tried to slap a player that was wearing a helmet and Dan talks in complete sentences. Just admit VY is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.......
As for me personally, I like VY. When he helped win a national championship, I was in a room where all the participants agreed to name their next child Vince Young, whether it was a girl or a boy. Yes, there was some drinking going on. For those who know my history, I was one of the biggest (rational)VY supporters on the MB, though, as with any player, I noted his good and bad points.

I have watched a lot of sidelines from the seats, and have never seen someone so anti-social as VY during that game. Andre Johnson usually stands next to someone at least, or isn't standing 30 yards away from his closest teammate.

May be nothing. May be something. I have to say that though I am not as nitpicking as some with the way that VY carries himself, I've seen a few things in the what he says and does that give me a little concern.

But TC you are not allowd to be rational when it comes to discussing VY, you either have to think he is God or a piece of crap. Most of my comments have been on fans who worship the ground he walks on and the ridding that goes on from said people.

I think he has talent and a lot of upside but I cannot stand the Titans. Like I said earlier I have never seen a starting QB who was hurt not stand by the coach at some point during the game when the offense was on the field. VY was pretty darn near as far away as possible from doing that.
Dan talks in complete sentences. Just admit VY is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.......

oh yes talking in complete sentences in perfect english is EXACTLY the universal measurement for intelligence.........anyone who bases a persons intelligence on that is someone who I would consider "not the sharpest knife in drawer"....that unfortunately includes the majority of the people in this thread....
Because he has earned the right to be respected as a NFL QB.VY will never come close to Dan's status.

I seem to recall allot of people thinking Steve Young sucked out the gate. He would never amount to anything .... not saying that the two compare but it is a little naive to think you can judge a QB on what has equated to a little over a seasons worth of starts.
Anyone who ever suggests that Young will be replaced by Collins knows absolutely nothing about the Titans and nothing about football. Tom Collins is a hack... has been his entire career. He has rarely had a team mate stick up for him. He under throws balls and puts guys in a position to get hurt. Reference Toomer, Moss ,etc .

People rag on Young for his comp % ... Collins career is 55.5% w/ only one season in his first 6 being above 53%
Okay, Dan never tried to slap a player that was wearing a helmet and Dan talks in complete sentences. Just admit VY is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.......

I bet Dan never had to tattoo his name on his back to show people he was a QB. He did it on the field.
I bet Dan never had to tatoo his name on his back to show people he was a QB. He did it on the field.

some of you people will find anything to complain about......I worry for some of you guys health, because your heart must be deteriating over the hatred it holds..............
some of you people will find anything to complain about......I worry for some of you guys health, because your heart must be deteriating over the hatred it holds..............

I'm not complaining. I think it suits his ego. If anything I pity him and the people who can't seem to realize he is just an average 2nd year QB trying to figure out the game. He may one day be an ellite QB but for now he aint much.

Ya know Dream it was never personal for me until you gave me this neg rep.....

The Dream said:
bigotry is never a good thing...

Have I ever gave you a neg rep because I didn't agree with you?

I worry for your health, because your heart must be deteriating over the hatred it holds..............
lol @ saying Marino wasn't scrutinized for his wonderlic scores. not because he was, but no one cared at all about wonderlic scores back then. they hardly cared about the draft. Marino dropped for doing coke. he's also approximately 100,000 times the QB that young is
lol @ saying Marino wasn't scrutinized for his wonderlic scores. not because he was, but no one cared at all about wonderlic scores back then

yeah no one seemed to care about them at all until a certain player entered the NFL draft............
wrong, the wonderlic has been a story since as long as i've followed the draft, it was just a bigger story with Young because he's so stupid and his score was so hysterically low. but that's because he's soooooooo DUMB.
Just one last comment on this thread for me because some people(I'm not pointing fingers) made this a racial issue. I just want the record to show I never looked at VY, from day one of his career in college and judged him because of his skin color. I just don't think he is very bright and is overrated as a QB. He is a great runner and could be a good passer. Saying that does that make me a bigot? Don't think so.

I'm done with this thread and I guess I shouldn't have got caught up in the middle of it. I just wanted people to see that I am not a bigot. A Titan hater? Yes absolutely. VY hater? Because he is now the enemy against my beloved Texans? Yes absolutely.
Bigot? No, just calling it like a I see it....

I would also like to thank everyone that gave me positive rep.:cool:
Just one last comment on this thread for me because some people(I'm not pointing fingers) made this a racial issue. I just want the record to show I never looked at VY, from day one of his career in college and judged him because of his skin color. I just don't think he is very bright and is overrated as a QB. He is a great runner and could be a good passer. Saying that does that make me a bigot? Don't think so.

I'm done with this thread and I guess I shouldn't have got caught up in the middle of it. I just wanted people to see that I am not a bigot. A Titan hater? Yes absolutely. VY hater? Because he is now the enemy against my beloved Texans? Yes absolutely.
Bigot? No, just calling it like a I see it....

he made up for the first half though with his amazing second half. 26 yards in the second! for a total of 42! wow!

but he did win. and yes, i do mean HE, because he just wins. nothing to do with the Titans' top 5 defense and Lendale White's 100 yards on the ground. it's all VY.
wrong, the wonderlic has been a story since as long as i've followed the draft, it was just a bigger story with Young because he's so stupid and his score was so hysterically low. but that's because he's soooooooo DUMB.

In Dream's defense:

VY's final score was a 15.

Donovan McNabb's was a 14.

Pacman Jones scored a 13. No suprise there.

Frank Gore scored a 6. (but I believe he has a learning disability...and he got his college "education" at the U.
he was playing on a bad leg and the running game was on today, so he didn't have a "good" game...and although he didn't assist in the win today he didn't hurt his team with bone headed plays...I heard he had a couple of dropped passes for tds also..................bottom line is the Tits are 5-2
In Dream's defense:

VY's final score was a 15.

Donovan McNabb's was a 14.

Pacman Jones scored a 13. No suprise there.

Frank Gore scored a 6. (but I believe he has a learning disability...and he got his college "education" at the U.
young scored a 7.
i'm gonna go ahead and stick with the original 7. because the 15 reflects how dumb he really is that he took the same test twice and managed to get only a 15.
he was playing on a bad leg and the running game was on today, so he didn't have a "good" game...and although he didn't assist in the win today he didn't hurt his team with bone headed plays...I heard he had a couple of dropped passes for tds also..................bottom line is the Tits are 5-2

I would be willing to bet that everyone on that field had some kind of ache or pain. That is a weak defense of yet another sub NFL qb performance.

Yes, "tits" are 5-2. May their playoff hopes yet be dashed.
I would be willing to bet that everyone on that field had some kind of ache or pain. That is a weak defense of yet another sub NFL qb performance.

yeah,but I don't think I can ever recall VY only throwing it 16 times...........a strained quad for a QB who depends on his legs can really affect ones play..........................
perhaps, but with the way our game is going right now, I just don't feel like criticising a player when ours are stinking up San Diego right now, so I'll ease out of this forum.
perhaps, but with the way our game is going right now, I just don't feel like criticising a player when ours are stinking up San Diego right now, so I'll ease out of this forum.

Don't leave it's just getting interesting.Norv Turner is now stressing how he can avoid sticking the knife in any deeper.The tension is killing me.
whatever... i wish people would get a grip... we are getting beat badly and if vince's 42 yard passing would have helped i'd be estatic, but he'd do nothing for us right now, our defense is horrible
whatever... i wish people would get a grip... we are getting beat badly and if vince's 42 yard passing would have helped i'd be estatic, but he'd do nothing for us right now, our defense is horrible
VY changes defenses schemes whether you recognize that or not. There is a reason that the Titans run the ball so well with him at QB.
whatever... i wish people would get a grip... we are getting beat badly and if vince's 42 yard passing would have helped i'd be estatic, but he'd do nothing for us right now, our defense is horrible

One thing to remember is that the Chargers began badly this year. They've turned things around & many had them down as Super Bowl favorites this season.

It sucks to be on the end of a whooping but by a better team.It doesn't mean that all is lost though.Carolina is a decent match up for you.
Vince looked almost scared today, I think Ryan did a great job of screwing with his head. VY had two (possibly 3) touchdowns dropped today but his receivers. He certainly wasn't helped out by his teammates.

I think his 42 yards is going to be blown out of porportion, though. He threw the ball 14 times and was the victim of at least 4 drops.
he made up for the first half though with his amazing second half. 26 yards in the second! for a total of 42! wow!

but he did win. and yes, i do mean HE, because he just wins. nothing to do with the Titans' top 5 defense and Lendale White's 100 yards on the ground. it's all VY.

How about this then, he didn't lose the game for us. That has always been Titans football. Run the ball, stop the run, minimize mistakes. Today we did all three and won.