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Vince Young QB Controversy?

ah, the ultimate dumbass way to end an argument, when clearly you're overmatched in every area. "hater." go titans

you're quick to call someone a dumbass when in reality there was no "argument" to begin with, lol.....I'm not sure how I'm "overmatched" here????!!!!???? just amazes for all the hate that VY fans get for "being on his jock" most threads concerning the guy are started by people who despise him and watch his every move (not referring to you Texans_Chick, because you actually seem like a pretty level headed person who always backs up your opinions with some sort of logical explanation).....the fans on this board need to just come out and admit that they are bitter texans fans who don't want to see Vince succeed, because

A. We made the mistake of passing on him
B. He plays for Bud Adams
So you pay all of your money to goto a football game and you watch some dude on the sidelines all game versus watching the actual game? Your both guys too?

Am I the only who finds this disturbing and could reach stalker status at some point in the future?

I understand if your a reporter and you cover the team and you want to watch reaction of players (star palayers not playing) and coaches and others throughout the game.

I dunno.. All that popped into my head was the sound bite of Rich Lord, which used to say, "have you seen Vince Young's package?" and now edited to say "have you seen Vince Young's body?"

At least in TC's case, I can understand the interest in the interaction on the bench, as it could lend to one of her articles.... Other than that, I dont get it....
TC, I was at the game as well. And as a big VY fan I had the binoculars on him pretty much all game

Soooooo... got yourself an alter to VY in your basement? Maybe a picture on your bedside table that you tell your deepest, darkest secrets and profess your love to just before drifting off to sleep?

Note to Vince, if you are reading this, call the police... NOW!!!

I dunno.. All that popped into my head was the sound bite of Rich Lord, which used to say, "have you seen Vince Young's package?" and now edited to say "have you seen Vince Young's body?"

At least in TC's case, I can understand the interest in the interaction on the bench, as it could lend to one of her articles.... Other than that, I dont get it....

They didn't spend money to watch the Texans, they went to watch Vince Almighty. They had to get their "money's worth". Glad they got jipped.:user:
I think VY is completely into himself and thinks he's hotstuff. I think he puts himself out there as thinking he's better than everybody else. If Houston would have picked him, I think it actually would have gotten worse. He would have felt like he owned Austin and Houston. Not in an owned sort of way like he beat us last season...but always walking around town being like..."this is my town" and being an arrogant ass.

So you pay all of your money to goto a football game and you watch some dude on the sidelines all game versus watching the actual game? Your both guys too?

Am I the only who finds this disturbing and could reach stalker status at some point in the future?

Maybe its a little creepy that I stare at the cheerleaders all game...that could probably reach stalker status in the near future.

It always seems theres 1 bad group of 'em and then the quarter ends and the next group is full of hotties and "i just think to my self...what a". followed by "championship!"
I think VY is completely into himself and thinks he's hotstuff. I think he puts himself out there as thinking he's better than everybody else. If Houston would have picked him, I think it actually would have gotten worse. He would have felt like he owned Austin and Houston. Not in an owned sort of way like he beat us last season...but always walking around town being like..."this is my town" and being an arrogant ass.

and this is based off of???????
Well, obviously he's not. Should I precede all future comments with any poor attempts at humor with a disclaimer stating that I'm not being serious?


I interpreted the "thats a HUGE if" to be a HUGE if that he can read. So I thought he was backing you up. Especially given earlier comments by Kastofsna.

Tis the trouble with posting. It is all too easy to be taken the wrong way.

So you pay all of your money to goto a football game and you watch some dude on the sidelines all game versus watching the actual game? Your both guys too?

Are you that simple minded? The football game lasted over 3 hours, plenty of time to do both.
I think VY is completely into himself and thinks he's hotstuff. I think he puts himself out there as thinking he's better than everybody else. If Houston would have picked him, I think it actually would have gotten worse. He would have felt like he owned Austin and Houston. Not in an owned sort of way like he beat us last season...but always walking around town being like..."this is my town" and being an arrogant ass.

Maybe its a little creepy that I stare at the cheerleaders all game...that could probably reach stalker status in the near future.

It always seems theres 1 bad group of 'em and then the quarter ends and the next group is full of hotties and "i just think to my self...what a". followed by "championship!"

Guys staring at cheerleaders = cool :specnatz:
Women staring at cheerleaders = really cool :splits:
I interpreted the "thats a HUGE if" to be a HUGE if that he can read. So I thought he was backing you up. Especially given earlier comments by Kastofsna.

Tis the trouble with posting. It is all too easy to be taken the wrong way.


The joys of message boarding. I re-read what I responded with and it came off a tad on the unintentionally pricky side. Hey, it's been a long day.

I think VY is completely into himself and thinks he's hotstuff. I think he puts himself out there as thinking he's better than everybody else. If Houston would have picked him, I think it actually would have gotten worse. He would have felt like he owned Austin and Houston. Not in an owned sort of way like he beat us last season...but always walking around town being like..."this is my town" and being an arrogant ass.

and this is based off of???????

The way he says things...I get the impression he just thinks he's so much cooler than everyone else. A lot of athletes are that way. I met Eli Manning when he was a junior and he was really down to earth guy...but at the same time you get the impression that he thinks he owns the bar, owns the town, etc. In a way..the starting QB does, they are the big man on campus and are mr. popular. It would just really bug me w/ VY being from Houston, went to UT, and then being the 'savior' of the franchise in Houston in the NFL...I think that'd be too much. That he'd be the most important person in the city and everyone should bow down to him.

Again...notice all those comments were.."I think". This is my opinion on just hearing him speak and conduct himself. I'm not saying "I know" he would do this or that...but that I think he would.

I'm not a hater either if that's what you think. The dudes an incredible athlete.

Sounds like MY problem is thinking too much. :cool:
The way he says things...I get the impression he just thinks he's so much cooler than everyone else. A lot of athletes are that way. I met Eli Manning when he was a junior and he was really down to earth guy...but at the same time you get the impression that he thinks he owns the bar, owns the town, etc. In a way..the starting QB does, they are the big man on campus and are mr. popular. It would just really bug me w/ VY being from Houston, went to UT, and then being the 'savior' of the franchise in Houston in the NFL...I think that'd be too much. That he'd be the most important person in the city and everyone should bow down to him.

Again...notice all those comments were.."I think". This is my opinion on just hearing him speak and conduct himself. I'm not saying "I know" he would do this or that...but that I think he would.

I'm not a hater either if that's what you think. The dudes an incredible athlete.

Sounds like MY problem is thinking too much. :cool:

How about the fact he has his name written on his back in ink.. That is so egotesticle that it makes me pity the Wunderlic Kid.
That is so egotesticle that it makes me pity the Wunderlic Kid.

you might want to check your spelling before you clown on someone's testicles have an ego also.................a very big one at that. :shades:
you might want to check your spelling before you clown on someone's testicles have an ego also.................a very big one at that. :shades:

Or it might be that I spelled it like that on purpose. See SOME people find humor in jock jumpers. I am glad you are still able to prove my point.
Or it might be that I spelled it like that on purpose. See SOME people find humor in jock jumpers. I am glad you are still able to prove my point.

suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure...............we believe you.............................. :cool:
I rise in defense of Overalls here. I think he spelled it that way on purpose. Its like a play on words.
then it's just a thing he has for testicles.................


or he really just can't spell the word.

At least he is not staring at a guy instead of watching the game, a guy you have admitted to having a crush on since high school.
Maybe he was just listening to church music! Would go well with his little trek down to the Bullpen end zone just to make a big deal out of kneeling (facing Texans fans) and praying!! Guess he didn't think it would be appropriate to do that on HIS sideline with his team! Made me laugh anyway!! Such a drama queen!!!!!!!
better to have a thing for testicles in general than Vince Young's testicles. LIKE SOMEONE I KNOW LOL

eeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....not worth a comeback.....

At least he is not staring at a guy instead of watching the game, a guy you have admitted to having a crush on since high school.

Well considering I'm not the one who started this thread, because I actually watched the game instead of "watching" Vince the entire time to the point where I could write a blog on it I'd say that you're off base.

You'll hung out in this thread about 15 minutes after I made that post thinking hard and that's the best you could come up with.................anywho keep your hatred for Vince up, because it just makes it that much more funny every time that he has and will crush your spirits.
Hey peeps, can we get back on topic? More talking about the topic, and less talking about genitalia and manjumping on it.

I observed VY because a. he was right there, b. I figured I should probably get a picture for the blog because he is a topic that people are interested in talking about. And then it was so eaaaasy to get that picture because he was camped out away from all his teammates and coaches for such a large part of the game. Stunningly so. So few people talked to him it was like he had bad breath or something.
I just think people are making too much out of's not like he was spitting in his teammates faces when they came off the usual VY will be okay and he'll recover from this, that is if it's anything he really has to recover from........
First things that come to my mind:

- He felt like he could play, and is pouting because Fisher decided to hold him out.


- He's been hearing for so long that he's been carrying this team on his back that he's a little disturbed to see that the defense is still a great defense, and the offense can still move the ball quite effectively, without him.
Hey peeps, can we get back on topic? More talking about the topic, and less talking about genitalia and manjumping on it.

I observed VY because a. he was right there, b. I figured I should probably get a picture for the blog because he is a topic that people are interested in talking about. And then it was so eaaaasy to get that picture because he was camped out away from all his teammates and coaches for such a large part of the game. Stunningly so. So few people talked to him it was like he had bad breath or something.

I understood exactly why you took notice, as a Journalist (I do not use that losely) you cover all aspects of a team. Same would be true if Bush or Mario or any other high profile athlete had an injury and was on the sideline. Lots of people take sports psychology very serious. This includes body language and the interracting of players with teammates.

This is why when Chad Johnson and Carson Palmer were arguing on the sidelines of the Bengals loss to the Patriots (for example), it was shown repeatedly and so often. Not saying VY was arguing but it is the same relam of interraction that fans and others want to see. Of course in this case it is the lack of interraction.

Besides VY is suppose to be the team leader, not sure if you can lead a team if you do not interract with them.

TC the one point that I do not recall you bringing up is that this could be another example of VY thinking he is better than the team. Missing the flight, not sleeping in the Hotel, and for some reason I was thinking there was another incident but I cold absolutely be wrong. If VY is the great leader then why not talk to the team during misplays or drops or a number of other things that had happened during the game? It is a valid point and observation regarding the sports psyche of a team and all the elements involved.
I'm not a VY homer/defender (far from it), but it just looked like he was watching the game and listening to the chatter from the coaches in his earpiece.

I think a lot of this speculation is just projection from fans that don't like the dude. AJ is not a sideline cheerleader, either, and he doesn't get any grief for it. Some guys lead on the field by their play and are less likely to rah-rah when they are injured and cannot help the team in the field.
He was the immediate backup to Collins right? I can't recall ever seeing a backup QB not being involved in the game plan...unless we count guys who get benched in the middle of a game, then there has been some pouting.

If vy was inactive for the game, then disregard my comments.
I'm not a VY homer/defender (far from it), but it just looked like he was watching the game and listening to the chatter from the coaches in his earpiece.

I think a lot of this speculation is just projection from fans that don't like the dude. AJ is not a sideline cheerleader, either, and he doesn't get any grief for it. Some guys lead on the field by their play and are less likely to rah-rah when they are injured and cannot help the team in the field.

I agree. I had a friend at the game and I asked him the same thing last night and he said VY was high fiving guys and into the game but was either listening to the game or listening to coaches in the earpiece and paying attention to it. I think alot of this comes down to liking the guy and wanting to bust his chops. Maybe different people saw different things but I think he may have just been intense about the game while watching instead of running around.
^ Exactly. If he was having a party on the sidelines and just having a gold ole time with his teammates people would be saying he's not taking the sport seriously and disrespecting people and all sorts of other things.
He was the immediate backup to Collins right? I can't recall ever seeing a backup QB not being involved in the game plan...unless we count guys who get benched in the middle of a game, then there has been some pouting.

If vy was inactive for the game, then disregard my comments.


Various times during the game, Collins AND Young were shown on camera, going over plays with coaches.
I'm not a VY homer/defender (far from it), but it just looked like he was watching the game and listening to the chatter from the coaches in his earpiece.

I think a lot of this speculation is just projection from fans that don't like the dude. AJ is not a sideline cheerleader, either, and he doesn't get any grief for it. Some guys lead on the field by their play and are less likely to rah-rah when they are injured and cannot help the team in the field.

that's pretty much how i saw it. I'm sure he was mad that he wasn't going to be able to play in his hometown against a division rival, but that's just the competitor in him. As someone noted earlier, He, Collins & the Qb coach were shown on TV numerous times going over plays & coverages.
I don't have a problem with Vince. I don't think he is very bright, has an ego problem, isn't a very good NFL QB and plays for the Titans. Other than that Iwould wish ANY Titans QB to fail.


yeah, too bad we didn't pick him, 'eh? :winky:
a test that Dan Marino performed miserable on wonders why no one is questioning Dan's intelligence?????

Because he is one of the best QB's if not the best of All-Time? Dan did slip in the draft because of that. VY possibly could have if not for Bud Adams. JMO.