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This loss is on the... (fans?)

(and of course)"FIVE RINGS!"

And half of them couldn't even name the winning quarterback, running back, recievers or anyone on "D" for any of those 5 championships... Pathetic really!

Growing up in the LYB era, I had an intense hatred for the Steelers. These days, the Texans play the Steelers at least as often as the Cowboys, but I can't seem to muster up any dislike for the Steelers. Maybe it's because they have six rings instead of five. I don't know.

Or maybe it's because Cowboy fans are pretty universally loathed, and it has nothing to do with the team itself.
AGain, you two pick on me, but I've said,

So if we're safely throwing blind insults out there, some people are not just ignorant, but they have a problem reading as well.

I think you fully understand the meaning of "millions" for a stadium that holds 70,000 people. But hey... I wouldn't want to pick on you here or anything.

Thanks for the blind insult.
I have to say as my first and probably only Texans game at Reliant I was pretty underwhelmed by the support the Texans got.

I was up in the top level on the Cowboys side of the field and I would say about 40% of the seats up there were Cowboys fans and they were far more passionate than the Texans fans up there.

With all the hype before the game about how the fans were going to set new records for the nosiest stadium, I was hugely disappointed. I've been in crowds, outside, of about a third of the number of people who have been louder than the crowd on Sunday.

While I don't really buy the fact fan support has much impact on the result of the games, I'm a little sad at the passion on display.

And you didn't come by the Blue Crew!!!!? I'm disappointed I didn't get to meet you Kiwi!! If I had known you were at Reliant I would have made a trip up to the nosebleed section and said HOWDY!! Maybe next time. Please don't judge Texan fans by what you saw on Sunday. For some reason that was a very strange day, like one I've never seen before at Reliant, and I've attended every home game there. I'm thinking maybe they need to have Texan/Dallas games at some neutral stadium, maybe Austin or San Antonio. I didn't like what I saw Sunday, not at all.
And you didn't come by the Blue Crew!!!!? I'm disappointed I didn't get to meet you Kiwi!! If I had known you were at Reliant I would have made a trip up to the nosebleed section and said HOWDY!! Maybe next time. Please don't judge Texan fans by what you saw on Sunday. For some reason that was a very strange day, like one I've never seen before at Reliant, and I've attended every home game there. I'm thinking maybe they need to have Texan/Dallas games at some neutral stadium, maybe Austin or San Antonio. I didn't like what I saw Sunday, not at all.

San antonio nor austin are neutral. Has to be out of state. Dallas owns Texas. What about El Paso?
San antonio nor austin are neutral. Has to be out of state. Dallas owns Texas. What about El Paso?

Nawwww, that won't work, EP is in Texas!! lol

Maybe within the next four years our Texans will make some progress and we won't have to worry about it. Maybe we just need a THIRD team in SA or Austin! That would put a muzzle on all those Cowboy fans up there!
Growing up in the LYB era, I had an intense hatred for the Steelers. These days, the Texans play the Steelers at least as often as the Cowboys, but I can't seem to muster up any dislike for the Steelers. Maybe it's because they have six rings instead of five. I don't know.

Or maybe it's because Cowboy fans are pretty universally loathed, and it has nothing to do with the team itself.

I've lost some of my Steeler hatred, not much though. ;) Then again, I'm a guy that still hates the Dodgers from the old NL West v. Astros days. That said, I have way more respect for the Steeler organization than I do that franchise in Oklahoma. At least Steeler fans can name folks like Mike Webster or Rocky Bleier. Half those asshats last Sunday would look at you like a deer in the headlights if you asked them who Cliff Harris was.
I've grown apathetic about the Cowboys over the past couple of years. It's most likely a direct correlation to the growing hatred I have for the Titans.

However, that being said, this thread makes me really despise Cowboys fans.

One time many years ago someone really tried hard to convince me to root for the Cowboys because they were a Texas team. I tried for a second, but then felt really nasty and dirty as a result. I had to mouth wash with a gallon of bleach and hydrochloric acid while I squeegeed my brain with some 120 grit sandpaper. I still get cold sweats sometimes from that experience. Never again!
I'm thinking maybe they need to have Texan/Dallas games at some neutral stadium, maybe Austin or San Antonio. I didn't like what I saw Sunday, not at all.

San antonio nor austin are neutral. Has to be out of state. Dallas owns Texas. What about El Paso?

There's no such thing as a neutral stadium for the Cowboys. Outside of Reliant, there's not a stadium in the Country that's not gonna result in a ridiculous numerical advantage to the Cowboys. Most places would end up being as much of a neutral field for the Texans as Miller Park was a couple of years ago when Ike forced us to play the Cubs there.

Besides, the only neutral site games I can ever remember the NFL playing (with the obvious exception of Super Bowls) are the games in London, and if you go international, you're pitting us against the team that's hands down the most popular and well known NFL team in the world.
I've grown apathetic about the Cowboys over the past couple of years. It's most likely a direct correlation to the growing hatred I have for the Titans.

However, that being said, this thread makes me really despise Cowboys fans.

One time many years ago someone really tried hard to convince me to root for the Cowboys because they were a Texas team. I tried for a second, but then felt really nasty and dirty as a result. I had to mouth wash with a gallon of bleach and hydrochloric acid while I squeegeed my brain with some 120 grit sandpaper. I still get cold sweats sometimes from that experience. Never again!


I would rather have a syringe full of bleach shot into each one of my eyeballs before I would ever consider giving them a second's worth of thought.
Señor Stan;1534645 said:
I'm rooting for the Cowboys next week.

Hell with that!! I hope they lose on their bye week! :spin:

Oh wait... You mean nexxxxxxxt week. Yeah, I guess I do too. Really it would be better if the stadium crashed in on both teams!!
That's because most of the BULLPEN was occupied by Cowboy fans!!! Do you know what? I saw fans with TEXAN jerseys on screaming LET'S GO COWBOYS!!!! Yes, I did!! It made me sick! I've been posting my feelings about this in other threads, so I'll just leave it alone here. Until we support our team 100% we will remain the flakiest fans in the NFL. We'll NEVER be like GB or even the Raiders!! Hell, as much as we rag on Raider fans for being intimidating, I wish to hell and back that we were more like them!!

Amen to that. I always go with my face painted and with my big sombrero with horns and people will actually say "I hope I'm not sitting next to him. He's gonna be loud" or they will even sshhsshh me and wave in a motion that is asking me to sit down (on defense).
There's no such thing as a neutral stadium for the Cowboys. Outside of Reliant, there's not a stadium in the Country that's not gonna result in a ridiculous numerical advantage to the Cowboys. Most places would end up being as much of a neutral field for the Texans as Miller Park was a couple of years ago when Ike forced us to play the Cubs there.

Besides, the only neutral site games I can ever remember the NFL playing (with the obvious exception of Super Bowls) are the games in London, and if you go international, you're pitting us against the team that's hands down the most popular and well known NFL team in the world.

Hence why I suggested El Paso. Them hills say Juarez.

Hell with that!! I hope they lose on their bye week! :spin:

Oh wait... You mean nexxxxxxxt week. Yeah, I guess I do too. Really it would be better if the stadium crashed in on both teams!!

Yeah - the Cowboys already had that happen. As much as I abhor them, I wouldn't wish that on them again.

And yeah, I'm gonna root for Dallas in week 5. I heard someone call into CP's show yesterday just ranting about how horrible it was that the Texans apparently don't understand the Houston/Dallas rivalry. CP asked him if he had the option to reverse the results of the Colts and Cowboys game would he do it. The guy took about a nano-second to respond that he would. First, I think the guy showed the emotional maturity of a 6 year old (with apologies to 6 year olds), but I also question either the loyalty or the brains of any fan who when asked (essentially) "Would you rather be tied for first place in the division, or tied for second place in the division" responds that he would prefer to be tied for second.
I hate to admit it, but the fans own some of this terrible loss. This game was embarasing. I'm a dislocated Texan living in Georgia. I have to go into a hostile stadium each year to root for my home team. Why the hell would so many Texans season ticket holders sell their tickets to cowgirl fans? I'm disgusted! Every camera angle shows nothing but cowgirl fans throughout the stadium. Looks like we are just the expansion franchise we are made out to be in the media. I'm ashamed! I guess I will just put on my Romo jersey (just lost a bet) and smile as we're are referred to as joke again. The limelight was nice for a week.


The only way this loss would've fallen on the fans is if some of them came out of the stands to play in the secondary. Which, at this point I'm almost willing to believe that might be an upgrade.
Me and Bill should have played tighter coverage in the secondary. I accept full responsibility.

The correct way to have said that was : Bill and I . The more I read this, the more I am starting to come to grips that it indeed was the two of you who are to blame for the loss... Now add you to the "list" !!
The correct way to have said that was : Bill and I . The more I read this, the more I am starting to come to grips that it indeed was the two of you who are to blame for the loss... Now add you to the "list" !!

I won't lie. I should have played the ball rather than the receiver. I F'ed up Royally. This one is on me.
Me and Bill should have played tighter coverage in the secondary. I accept full responsibility.

LMAO!! You missed these posts from yesterday:

I take full responsibility.

YUP!! I didn't bring my "A" game as a fan. I had a reunion Saturday night and didn't home until 5:30 in the morning. That said I missed my ride and had to take a cab to the game. My lot opens at 7:00a.m. and I didn't get there until around 9:00.

This is on me!!

Mods, please change the title of this thread to "Shame on Bill".

:facepalm: Bill!

[Hobie tells me that I make him sick for being a shitty fan]

*Breaks out "The Promise Speech"*

"I promise you one thing. A lot of good will come out of this. You will never see any fan in the entire country cheer as hard as I will cheer the rest of the season. You will never see someone push the rest of the team as hard as I will push everybody the rest of the season. You will never see a team play harder than we will the rest of the season.

God Bless!"
Dangit Bill :facepalm: If you weren't so dang loud before halftime maybe the refs could have heard the play clock hitting zero and field goal try would have been null and void

or was that your intention? :thinking:
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Dangit Bill :facepalm: If you weren't so dang loud before halftime maybe the refs could have heard the play clock hitting zero and field goal try would have been null and void

or was their your intention? :thinking:

Oooooooo... Them's fighting words!
The loss wasn't on the fans but my thoughts can be found in the Loudest Stadium thread and the fans sure didn't help.