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The Titans were who we thought they were!!!

Not really sure what Adams has to do with Haynesworth?

But i'm not even going to get into the whole Bud Adams thing, I'm well aware that would be a complete waste of energy to argue here :P

After the draft where did Bud take Vince? It wasn't Tennessee, that shows class when your owner would like to show off his new pick to Houston rather than the State where he will play. Of course he probbably didn't want VY to see Tennessee before he got him locked into a contract.

McNair was handled with class this whole preseason as well. Face it, the Titans organization has pissed on everyone they have ever dealt with. The difference is their current fans are too ignorant to realize what's lurking just around the corner
k......doesn't really answer my question about Haynesworth and you're preaching to someone who doesn't really give a ***** about the topic because all I see are disgruntled and biased opinions from a fanbase/city still recovering from losing a real NFL franchise to feel better about themselves, but i'll bite - what's "just" around the corner? candy? please say candy.
k......doesn't really answer my question about Haynesworth and you're preaching to someone who doesn't really give a ***** about the topic because all I see are disgruntled and biased opinions from a fanbase/city still recovering from losing a real NFL franchise to feel better about themselves, but i'll bite - what's "just" around the corner? candy? please say candy.

I don't think that too many people around here feel like they lost a "real" NFL franchise.

"Real" NFL franchises put guys in place that actually know something about football and let them make the decisions. "Real" franchises don't threaten to leave town every 2-3 years because they don't like their stadium deal.

"Real" football franchises let the guys that know the game pick the players. They don't pass over the QB that their coaches want for the QB that can stick it to their former fanbase.

I can go on all day, but until you actually research the franchise's history, then you're just ill-informed.
k...."losing a real NFL franchise"

Whatever you want to call them: Titans, former Oilers, or more accurately Bud Adams' Team, in over forty years of existence it has rarely resembled a competitive, well-run NFL franchise.
because Oiler history is Titan history. The city is totally irrelevant.

Exactly...and that history, my friend, is a history of historical chokes.

They can move the team, change the name, and do whatever they want, but at the end of the day, the franchise is cursed.

Good luck with all that. :howdy:

ps. I agree with you, though. The 'better' team is the one that wins the game. Period. I will not live a delusion based on stats. Scoreboard is all that really matters.
What does it say in small letters under Rams? vs Titans, like Tennessee was never really there.


That's one of the greatest Super Bowls ever (Rams vs Titans)...I'd be proud as heck if I could say the same thing about the Texans (being there...and in a great game to boot).
erm..there was another team who left town like the oilers.....they suck too....they live in arizona now.
Exactly...and that history, my friend, is a history of historical chokes.

They can move the team, change the name, and do whatever they want, but at the end of the day, the franchise is cursed.

Good luck with all that. :howdy:

ps. I agree with you, though. The 'better' team is the one that wins the game. Period. I will not live a delusion based on stats. Scoreboard is all that really matters.

Thank you. You're the first person I've seen say that on this board. 28 points is better than 22 last time I checked.

For example, I'm an LSU fan. We lost to Auburn 7-3. Auburn is 4 points better than us. I hate to admit it, but it's true.

Thank you, Rep coming your way!
Titan "Tack" Fan;486602 said:
Thank you. You're the first person I've seen say that on this board. 28 points is better than 22 last time I checked.

For example, I'm an LSU fan. We lost to Auburn 7-3. Auburn is 4 points better than us. I hate to admit it, but it's true.

Thank you, Rep coming your way!

Ya'll were the better team on Sunday...I don't neccesarily think you all are the more talented team....But on Sunday You all were absolutely the better team....Im not sure how anyone can deny that....
Titan "Tack" Fan;486602 said:
Thank you. You're the first person I've seen say that on this board. 28 points is better than 22 last time I checked.

For example, I'm an LSU fan. We lost to Auburn 7-3. Auburn is 4 points better than us. I hate to admit it, but it's true.

The stat line shows what really happened in that game. The Texans outperformed the Titans in almost every category...except turnovers. We gave that game away.

Having said that, that win was no less legitimite than any other win on any other Sunday. The Texans made mistakes and the Titans capitalized.

Stats are pretty easy to argue about because you can usually make them say anything that you want them to. Except the score.

Enjoy the win.
Just out of curiosity, what do you (the Texan fans) consider better talent than the Titans? We both have two wins and five losses. Both young. Then where is this "talent" that we (the Titans) don't have. I'm sure your team has some points that are stronger as we have points that are stronger, but where's the talent meter?
Just out of curiosity, what do you (the Texan fans) consider better talent than the Titans? We both have two wins and five losses. Both young. Then where is this "talent" that we (the Titans) don't have. I'm sure your team has some points that are stronger as we have points that are stronger, but where's the talent meter?

Im asuming this comment was directed towards me....

Mind your bizz-nazz.....

Who cares....I'm not sure why you expect respectable answers out of posters when most of your post have nothing objective to say ...


Nice to read all these favorite moments. I can't wait until you do get a new QB and still have the same problems. Then who will you want canned next? I think there should be a "Texans Hitlist" and for each game that gets out of control you walk over to whoever is on top of the list and ax them.

Im asuming this comment was directed towards me....

Mind your bizz-nazz.....

Who cares....I'm not sure why you expect respectable answers out of posters when most of your post have nothing objective to say ...


Not directed at any person, I've seen a few posts and would like to know what you guys thought was "better talent" than us that's all.
Just out of curiosity, what do you (the Texan fans) consider better talent than the Titans? We both have two wins and five losses. Both young. Then where is this "talent" that we (the Titans) don't have. I'm sure your team has some points that are stronger as we have points that are stronger, but where's the talent meter?

Well our Qb is definetly better than....wait, he was benched Sunday, nevermind. Either way, our owner will always be exceptional compared to Mr recycled rodent hair.:whip:
Well our Qb is definetly better than....wait, he was benched Sunday, nevermind. Either way, our owner will always be exceptional compared to Mr recycled rodent hair.:whip:
LoL, I'm not a huge Adams fan myself. I'll concede on this one, you win. Least we're not owned by the Crypt Keeper Davis,
k......doesn't really answer my question about Haynesworth and you're preaching to someone who doesn't really give a ***** about the topic because all I see are disgruntled and biased opinions from a fanbase/city still recovering from losing a real NFL franchise to feel better about themselves, but i'll bite - what's "just" around the corner? candy? please say candy.

:rofl: You're killing me..... Tell me you are joking!!
Just out of curiosity, what do you (the Texan fans) consider better talent than the Titans? We both have two wins and five losses. Both young. Then where is this "talent" that we (the Titans) don't have. I'm sure your team has some points that are stronger as we have points that are stronger, but where's the talent meter?

Personally, I think the whole "more talented team" thing is crap. We lost. Period.

With that said, I think we have better wide outs, a better tight end, and a better QB. (I know, I know.)

We both have a really good CB but some other questions in the secondary. I think you guys have a better, more experienced group of LB's but I think Demeco is going to easily be as good as any of your guys... but not yet. I think our DL is going to develop into something very good but you guys definitely have the edge with Vandenbosch at this point. I think your OL is a little better than ours.

You guys clearly have the RB edge at this point. The problem I have with your running backs is really more of a durability issue. Both Brown and Henry can be great at times and I think LenDale was a steal in the second round. I think Lundy might develop into something good. I'm not sure about Gado or Dayne on our side. I don't think we'll have these three guys on our team this time next year.

On the coaching side, your coaches have the experience but I think our HC is going to be a great one. If Adams doesn't let Fisher go, I think we're going to have some great games in the future.

So... I think the talent levels of our teams are fairly even... but I still expect to beat you guys the next time we play. We're going to end up with similar records, I think... although I'm hoping that we win all the rest of our games and you guys tank... I just don't expect that.
Good assesment, can't really disagree with many of your points, seem very reasonable.

Talk about steals in the draft, how about Ryans. Seems to be a huge difference for you guys.

I agree with you up to:
"but I still expect to beat you guys the next time we play" :)

Go Titans and may the best team win that one.
:rofl: You're killing me..... Tell me you are joking!!

It came off bad. I didn't mean it as a cheap shot towards the Texans or anything, I simply meant it from a history standpoint - a real, original NFL franchise.

This goes back to what I don't understand - you are pissed Bud took your Oilers away, but going from your reaction to me calling the Oilers a real franchise, you never cared for them in the real place, so I kinda wonder why people are pissed they left. It's like when you take something away from a misbehaving child and he claims "I didn't want it anyway!" and sulks off into his room.
This goes back to what I don't understand - you are pissed Bud took your Oilers away, but going from your reaction to me calling the Oilers a real franchise, you never cared for them in the real place, so I kinda wonder why people are pissed they left. It's like when you take something away from a misbehaving child and he claims "I didn't want it anyway!" and sulks off into his room.

Houston cared. We supported Bud and created one of the best homefields in NFL history. The "House of Pain" was an apt nickname for the Astrodome during the Oilers heyday. Heck, we even had three games of 50,000+ fans during their lame duck season, after we already knew they were leaving town (I went to the last time the Houston Oilers beat the Pittsburgh Steelers! that was a rivalry!)

All those numbers you see retired on the Tennessee Titans homepage (and I assume stadium), and all those Hall of Fame players you see in that franchise's history...were Houston Oilers.

There are a lot of deep emotions shared with the history of that team, and Bud Adams wasn't exactly the most fan friendly of owners. I still think that he would have gotten a stadium deal in Houston if he'd just been patient, but patience has never been one of his virtues.

I've never had a problem with Tennessee Titans fans...well, except for some Houstonians that can't seem to let go (but that's another subject). But the way you come across, with your attempts at demeaning our support of the Oilers and disregarding our shared memories of triumph and defeat, is just wrong, man. You just don't know.
I don't miss that franchise now that it has none of the players that were ever Houston Oilers, but I will say that guys like Warren Moon, Earl Campbell, etc., etc., etc. (it's a long list) were Houston Oilers. They were not Titans and they're memories should be celebrated in Houston. This is nothing against Tennessee or its fans. It's just how I feel about the players and celebrating their past accomplishments. There's absolutely no way Warren Moon's recent celebration should have taken place in Tennessee just because the owner is there now.

If he'd been in Houston at a Texan's game instead, the noise would have been IMMENSE.
Houston cared. We supported Bud and created one of the best homefields in NFL history. The "House of Pain" was an apt nickname for the Astrodome during the Oilers heyday. Heck, we even had three games of 50,000+ fans during their lame duck season, after we already knew they were leaving town (I went to the last time the Houston Oilers beat the Pittsburgh Steelers! that was a rivalry!)

All those numbers you see retired on the Tennessee Titans homepage (and I assume stadium), and all those Hall of Fame players you see in that franchise's history...were Houston Oilers.

There are a lot of deep emotions shared with the history of that team, and Bud Adams wasn't exactly the most fan friendly of owners. I still think that he would have gotten a stadium deal in Houston if he'd just been patient, but patience has never been one of his virtues.

I've never had a problem with Tennessee Titans fans...well, except for some Houstonians that can't seem to let go (but that's another subject). But the way you come across, with your attempts at demeaning our support of the Oilers and disregarding our shared memories of triumph and defeat, is just wrong, man. You just don't know.

Demeaning? Where on earth did I come across as demeaning? I'm not the one who brought up less than proud videos of Oilers past or the one who mentioned Bud Adams while at the same time tried to claim ownership of the Titans Superbowl team and Oilers history. That's down right confusing; how people can fight for what they believe is theirs and make fun of it at the same time? It comes off to me as attempts either way to just piss off some Titans fans.

BTW, one person's definition of being impatient is another's definition of being proactive. Blame is easy to throw around when it suits your agenda, but it isn't always directed to where it really should be.
I don't miss that franchise now that it has none of the players that were ever Houston Oilers, but I will say that guys like Warren Moon, Earl Campbell, etc., etc., etc. (it's a long list) were Houston Oilers. They were not Titans and they're memories should be celebrated in Houston. This is nothing against Tennessee or its fans. It's just how I feel about the players and celebrating their past accomplishments. There's absolutely no way Warren Moon's recent celebration should have taken place in Tennessee just because the owner is there now.

If he'd been in Houston at a Texan's game instead, the noise would have been IMMENSE.

I completely 100% agree, but it is a little tricky. When the Browns moved to Baltimore and assumed a new name, Brown history was retained by Cleveland, but this (obviously) didn't happen for Houston and the Oilers (anyone got some info regarding this btw? I'd be interested to know why). If you were to celebrate a Browns legend today, obviously you'd do it in Cleveland, but lets say the Browns moved to Baltimore and actually was called the Baltimore Browns with the same logo and everything, and a new franchise in Cleveland opened up called the Cleveland Cougars. Where would said legend go then? The city he played in, or the organization he played for? This is similiar to the Moon situation, with one difference - the Oilers name doesn't exist anymore, but when you think about it, team name and logos don't really matter in the grand scheme of things, so besides that one small and rather irrelevant difference, it's the same situation.

It's a tricky question because he (our imaginary Browns legend) owes a lot to both the city and organization, and they too owe a lot to him. It's just, the organization can be personalized to one face - the owner. A city is a collection of a lot of faces and opinions. It's harder to go against one face who may be a friend than a city.

Unless of course Moon just felt that with the Texans in Houston, it made more sense to go to a venue mixed with neutral and positive reactions, rather than a venue that could potentially add negative to the mix given the fact that highlighted in this thread - Oilers in Houston is a tough topic. I know Moon would have likely received 100% positive reactions, but you have to admit, coming to reliant stadium on a Texans home game would have been a little odd - I think the fans deserved it, but there isn't even any guarantee that any old time Oilers fans are even there. At least at a Titans game, Moon knows there are people in the organization present from his time as a Oiler (like Adams).
... but you have to admit, coming to reliant stadium on a Texans home game would have been a little odd - I think the fans deserved it, but there isn't even any guarantee that any old time Oilers fans are even there. At least at a Titans game, Moon knows there are people in the organization present from his time as a Oiler (like Adams).

You probably need to quit while you're ahead.....or at least quit while you're not so far behind... since you obviously know very little of what you speak. There are many old Oilers fans, like myself, that formed a foundation for the current Texans fan base and who are season ticket holders for the Texans. Many of us are just tired of engaging in these stupid debates that have gone on for years.

The Texans honor gridiron greats (most of whom are old Oilers players) every year at Reliant at an event they now call "Homecoming." The players sign autographs before games in Budweiser Plaza and are introduced at halftime on the field. This is a tradition that started when the Oilers were still here and it's great to see the old players who played in front of us for many years. Moon has trouble making these events because he's a Seahawks radio broadcaster and there's usually a conflict.

... I simply meant it from a history standpoint - a real, original NFL franchise.
From a history standpoint, the Oilers/Titans are an original AFL franchise not an original NFL franchise.

What's annoying are the titans fans that come in here 'all knowing' and antagonizing (there's two in particular - now maybe three). There are a lot of good Titans fans from Tennessee who come here to visit and share knowledge, info, good natured smack, etc. But those who are here just to antoagonize and pick at scabs are not worth the effort to respond most of the time. Many don't realize who they are talking to -- in my case I was a fan of their franchise much longer than they've been -- but I'm not any longer because of their scumbag owner.
Well, I didn't mean original strictly in the sense from day 1, I just meant original as "there a long time ago" with a lot of history in the NFL. In any case, I think you could argue the Oilers are an original team of the modern NFL - the post AFL-NFL merger.

I think the fact old players are honored in Texans games is great (and yes I did know that), but that's totally, totally different to retiring their number to an organization and owner that is still in existence. I'm sure one day in the future when Moon can he'll participate in one of these events, but the topic we're talking is his number retirement celebration, not just some organized honoring. I don't think Moon going to a Texans game to be honoured would be odd at all - I was strictly refering to the number retiring event. Simply put, it would have been odd to retire his number without Bud and the Oilers organization present, and you expect Bud to turn up half time at a Texans game? Yeah, that would have been swell i'm sure. I'm sure there is a lot of angst against it being held in Tennessee, but give it some actual thought and it makes more sense than doing it at a Texans game, even though I think the fans themselves certainly deserved it, it just isn't realistic.

He did it in Houston, but he did it for an organization and owner now not in Houston business wise. As I said, it's a lot easier to connect the past to a handful of people you worked with than a city. What did you expect him to do, retire the Texans #1 jersey? That wouldn't make any sense. You've got to retire your jersey where the team your played for is, not was.
Well, I didn't mean original strictly in the sense from day 1, I just meant original as "there a long time ago" with a lot of history in the NFL. In any case, I think you could argue the Oilers are an original team of the modern NFL - the post AFL-NFL merger.

I think the fact old players are honored in Texans games is great (and yes I did know that), but that's totally, totally different to retiring their number to an organization and owner that is still in existence. I'm sure one day in the future when Moon can he'll participate in one of these events, but the topic we're talking is his number retirement celebration, not just some organized honoring. I don't think Moon going to a Texans game to be honoured would be odd at all - I was strictly refering to the number retiring event. Simply put, it would have been odd to retire his number without Bud present, and you expect Bud to turn up half time at a Texans game? Yeah, that would have been swell i'm sure. I'm sure there is a lot of angst against it being held in Tennessee, but give it some actual thought and it makes more sense than doing it at a Texans game, even though I think the fans themselves certainly deserved it, it just isn't realistic.

I didn't realize you were talking about retiring Oilers players numbers at Reliant. Yeah, that's stupid - about as stupid as the Texans retiring old Oilers players numbers --- and it won't happen, for good reason. This is another one of those debates that's old and tired.

That said, I witnessed the Elvin Bethea jersey retirement at Nashville in 2003 and it was truly sad. No one in the stadium cared except the few of us who were there that actually saw him play. This brings up my belief that the Oilers are rapidly becoming a "lost" team in terms of history because no one in Murfreesboro gives a damm about it, and Houston no longer owns it -- kind of like what L.A.Rams history and Roman Gabriel and Merlin Olsen mean to some of the older NFL fans in LA. That's part of the reason for the "homecoming" event --- to preserve some of our 36 year history, even if we don't legally own what we witnessed.

The Oilers are an original AFL franchise and became part of the NFL during the merger in 1970. There's really can be no argument about that fact.
It's definitely a shame that Oilers greats can't get their numbers retired in Houston but, yeah, I guess doing it in Nashville is just the 'lesser of two stupid situations'.

This goes back to what I asked before as I know little on this specific subject - why did Cleveland retain Browns rights but not Houston for Oilers rights? I know the Browns thing happened after the Oilers (er, I think), so it might not have been a possibility, but was there a battle for this? IMO it's stupid the Titans and Adams owns Oiler history. As proven with retiring Oiler numbers, it does nothing but hurts those who are innocent, such as the players. I mean, i'm sure they're happy to get it retired even if they did it in London, but they deserve to do it where they played. It seems to me the NFL dropped the ball big time by not doing what they could to retain Oilers history as Houston property. It's like music and movies and other modern entertainment and literature funded by the people - the owner, the creators; they don't own it, the people do. It's as much a part of their life as anybody's.

IMO, it should be, and always should have been the NFL's policy that if a team moves and doesn't wish to keep it's old name, that the name and related property should remain that of the city. Although, now that I think about it, maybe this is a policy, but Bud simply used a loophole by making the Titans retain the Oilers for two seasons in Tennessee? And the reason the Browns had to give up rights was because they had no intention of using it at all? It would make sense if this was the case.

BTW, I know they're not an original NFL franchise, but the merger was the defining moment for the NFL and the future of pro football in the US. In that sense, I think the Oilers could be considered an original franchise of the 'modern' NFL. The NFL existed before the merge, but only by name - it took the merge to bring it where it is today. Anyway, it's not really worth worrying about as it wasn't vital to my point - which was the Oilers being a long time historical NFL franchise. I probably should have used a better word than 'original' because it wasn't strictly what I meant.
BTW, I know they're not an original NFL franchise, but the merger was the defining moment for the NFL and the future of pro football in the US. .

The defining moment for the NFL was after the '68 season when the Jets beat the Colts in SB III. The old guard realized at that point that the AFL was not going away and it was no longer inferior (that was proven again in the following year; Chiefs v. Vikings).

The merger was an inevitable byproduct of the success of the AFL, and the NFLs grudging acceptance that they were for real and weren't going away. It defined the current structure of the league, yes, but there were many significant events and defining moments that led to the merger which was as much an anti-climactic event as it was a proactive step forward.

Whether the NFL realized it or not, there were many defining moments for them prior to the merger, not the least of which was when the AFL instituted their draft and started stealing serious talent away from the NFL in the early 60's. Billy Cannon going to the Oilers sent shock waves through the old guard. And that was only the beginning of a flood of talent crossing over to the AFL.
Regardless of past Oilers, present Titans whatever, I think of a comments by Bum Phillips and similarly echoed by Earl Campbell. Their sentiments were that they were Houston Oilers, therefore they were supportive of the new franchise in Houston..... See, it was a subtle way for them to take their shots at Bud "the bad rug" Adams and ALL of the crap that he had pulled here in Houston, whether it Bum's dismissal or Earl, or threatening to leave to go to JAX unless the vaunted "pin-ball machine" scoreboard was removed to add seats....People here still love the players, some of the coaches, the Derrick guy with the steel hardhat, Mojo, etc.... Have fun and enjoy, because he will bite y'all sooner or later... Y'all are lucky in one sense and that is that he is extremely old and hopefully you may not have to deal with his cheap, *****ic, trailer trash very long............ But no hard feelings............
It came off bad. I didn't mean it as a cheap shot towards the Texans or anything, I simply meant it from a history standpoint - a real, original NFL franchise.

This goes back to what I don't understand - you are pissed Bud took your Oilers away, but going from your reaction to me calling the Oilers a real franchise, you never cared for them in the real place, so I kinda wonder why people are pissed they left. It's like when you take something away from a misbehaving child and he claims "I didn't want it anyway!" and sulks off into his room.

Here's the deal. Most of us grew up with the Oilers and loved them dearly. The only problem was that for much of that time, they were one of the more embarrassing teams in the league, with a history of futility and historic chokes.
When they left, we felt betrayed and hurt... not just in losing our team, but being left without anything to call our own and root us in the game that most of us love above all others. It was a terrible feeling... like homelessness.

When we got a new team, it helped to put all of that in the past, helped us recognize that we had been pulling for a franchise that was dysfunctional and had an owner who is/was classless and cared very little for, not only the fan base that supported his team, but the community which he, himself, calls home.
To this day, I still get grief from my Cowgirl fan friends saying that Houston (NFL) teams have always been a joke. After having been an Oiler fan, and now a fan of a team who has yet to distinguish itself in any positive manner, it's hard to find any ammo to fire back at them.
The history of the NFL in Houston can be easily compared to marriage.
We loved our exes so much that we overlooked just how screwed up that *****/bastard really was.
When we look back, we still have memories of those feelings and always will to an extent, but damn are we glad that that person has moved on and is screwing up someone elses life instead of ours.
We know you love that *****, and we hope she doesn't do you like she did us... but at the same time... better you than us...
Here's the deal. Most of us grew up with the Oilers and loved them dearly. The only problem was that for much of that time, they were one of the more embarrassing teams in the league, with a history of futility and historic chokes.
When they left, we felt betrayed and hurt... not just in losing our team, but being left without anything to call our own and root us in the game that most of us love above all others. It was a terrible feeling... like homelessness.

When we got a new team, it helped to put all of that in the past, helped us recognize that we had been pulling for a franchise that was dysfunctional and had an owner who is/was classless and cared very little for, not only the fan base that supported his team, but the community which he, himself, calls home.
To this day, I still get grief from my Cowgirl fan friends saying that Houston (NFL) teams have always been a joke. After having been an Oiler fan, and now a fan of a team who has yet to distinguish itself in any positive manner, it's hard to find any ammo to fire back at them.
The history of the NFL in Houston can be easily compared to marriage.
We loved our exes so much that we overlooked just how screwed up that *****/bastard really was.
When we look back, we still have memories of those feelings and always will to an extent, but damn are we glad that that person has moved on and is screwing up someone elses life instead of ours.
We know you love that *****, and we hope she doesn't do you like she did us... but at the same time... better you than us...

Demeaning? Where on earth did I come across as demeaning?

When you compare Oilers fans emotional reactions to that of a child throwing a temper tantrum

If you weren't here, and if you did not live the history, you cannot possibly understand the deep attachment and subsequent resentment of losing the team.

BTW, one person's definition of being impatient is another's definition of being proactive. Blame is easy to throw around when it suits your agenda, but it isn't always directed to where it really should be.

The problem was between our career politicians in this city and a very ornery owner.

Fans had absolutely no say in the matter, and the little 'rally' that is constantly put in Oilers fans faces was poorly planned, not advertised, and in the middle of a workday. Nobody even knew about it until after it had happened.

Bud had an agenda, and the city's politicians weren't playing the game. Bud is not a man of compromise, and that is what was required to successfully put a new stadium here. I say patience, because the county was still paying off tens of millions of dollars in upgrades to the Astrodome that Bud demanded.

You should really read more about your franchise's history. There are a couple of good books out there that will reveal a darker side of this owner that you may not be aware of right now.

The Texans honor gridiron greats (most of whom are old Oilers players) every year at Reliant at an event they now call "Homecoming." The players sign autographs before games in Budweiser Plaza and are introduced at halftime on the field. This is a tradition that started when the Oilers were still here and it's great to see the old players who played in front of us for many years. Moon has trouble making these events because he's a Seahawks radio broadcaster and there's usually a conflict.

Good stuff, aj., all the way around. :thumbup

Another thing worth mentioning is Oilers icon, Bum Phillips, at a Texans practice this pre-season. He's never been to a Titans practice, and never will. What is more powerful? A city's memories, or a franchise's records?

Bum Phillips at practice (video)

Any Oiler, including Warren Moon, would be welcomed with open arms and much love by Houston fans. That blue oil derrick will always live in our hearts. Nobody can ever take that away from us.
Another thing worth mentioning is Oilers icon, Bum Phillips, at a Texans practice this pre-season. He's never been to a Titans practice, and never will. What is more powerful? A city's memories, or a franchise's records?

I remember that, but I am also trying to find remarks he made whever we were first awarded a new franchise. He said something very similar, but I want to find the exact quote. Earl chimed in with similar sentiments....
Unlike the weak applaud from Titans fans when Warren Moon had his number retired, Texans fans would cheer their heads off. We may be the "Texans," but we are also in the city of Houston.
Hilarious OP. That picture of Bud is nauseating to a former Oiler fan. Seeing that fat pile of lard hold that trophy is nothing to be proud of Titan fan...

The one with Matthews is somewhat digestible but the squirrel on Adams' head is in the way.
I'm not from Tennessee - i'm not even a US citizen. I couldn't care less about where the team was built, because Oiler history is Titan history. The city is totally irrelevant.

You know, you were posting some really interesting stuff - making points, talking trash, etc. I thought you were okay.

Now you say you're not even from Tennessee, not a a bitter ex-Oiler fan from Houston, and not EVEN A US CITIZEN!

Let me ask you something - why should anyone on this board give ***** **** **** **** *** about anything you say????

Go play a real exciting game, like futbol, and get lost!
Hilarious OP. That picture of Bud is nauseating to a former Oiler fan. Seeing that fat pile of lard hold that trophy is nothing to be proud of Titan fan...

The one with Matthews is somewhat digestible but the squirrel on Adams' head is in the way.

Why is winning the AFC Championship nothing to be proud of? The Oilers/Titans had been in Tennessee for 3 years at that point, should we just have been like, "no, this isn't our team. Let's not be proud of this."
Titan "Tack" Fan;488134 said:
Why is winning the AFC Championship nothing to be proud of? The Oilers/Titans had been in Tennessee for 3 years at that point, should we just have been like, "no, this isn't our team. Let's not be proud of this."

No one remembers who came in second place in the league...... Unless of course it's "the bad rug's team"..... and naturally Houstonians will remember.......:redtowel:
Titan "Tack" Fan;488134 said:
Why is winning the AFC Championship nothing to be proud of? The Oilers/Titans had been in Tennessee for 3 years at that point, should we just have been like, "no, this isn't our team. Let's not be proud of this."

It sucks that y'all got the team y'all got but shoot, it is a hellofalot better that having nothing. If we were blessed with a jackarse team like the Titans I would still cheer them on and be happier than shiot if they won the AFCC.

cheer on
Titan "Tack" Fan;488134 said:
Why is winning the AFC Championship nothing to be proud of? The Oilers/Titans had been in Tennessee for 3 years at that point, should we just have been like, "no, this isn't our team. Let's not be proud of this."

You misconstrued my statement. Having Bud Adams hold a AFC 'Championship' Trophy aloft is nothing to be proud of. That guy is a festering sore of the NFL.

Oh and I don't feel you won with 'our' players. TN bought the team fair and square and even changed the name/unis. I don't even have a problem with you honoring past Oiler greats because Adams was their owner and they played for the now named Titans franchise. As long as they can be honored on our field as 'Local Heroes' then there can be no hate towards that.

As for the AFC 'Championship' itself, the fact remains that Bud Adams' Oilers have won the same amount of Super Bowls as the Texans. That being said, if anyone can beat the Oiler's jinx it is Mr. Vince Young himself. Kudos to the Titans for making the right pick with VY.

Doug from The Woodlands