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The All Encompassing FIRE KUBIAK & REPLACEMENT thread

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Where have you been?

I've been waiting for you all day. :good:

im heading down to galveston, gonna look for another turtle!
gonna need it if we are going to the supabowl!
two turtle heads better than one!

or better yet a two headed turtle!

Seriously, Kubiak could have winning season from here until eternity "never obtaining an AFC championship title or Super Bowl win" and he'll never get the boot. Many fans would kill just to have a winning team. Of course to me this isn't enough, but it's the truth.
im heading down to galveston, gonna look for another turtle!
gonna need it if we are going to the supabowl!
two turtle heads better than one!

or better yet a two headed turtle!


I don't know how you can say that the play calling was turtle.
We look to go downfield and we mix up our blitzing and coverage.

Now I can understand blaming the result, but to say the play calling was turtle?
Come on dawg!
Seriously, Kubiak could have winning season from here until eternity "never obtaining an AFC championship title or Super Bowl win" and he'll never get the boot. Many fans would kill just to have a winning team. Of course to me this isn't enough, but it's the truth.

That's a ridiculous statement. Nobody is on here saying that Kubiak should have an unlimited leash.
Our offensive guru of a head coach has like 3 offensive TDs in the last 4 weeks or something like that.

Needless to say, I am off the Kubiak bandwagon. I jumped back on to be a good little Texan and support our whole team, but no longer.

Kubiak needs to go.

We have 1st and goal on the 1 and he passes twice, doesn't utilize the best goal line back in the NFL this year, refuses to run any no huddle even though it has been extremely effective the few times we have run it, runs the ball on 1st down with about 5 minutes left in the game, poor clock management, etc.

Gary Kubiak is NOT an NFL head coach. We don't show up for big games
Our offensive guru of a head coach has like 3 offensive TDs in the last 4 weeks or something like that.

Needless to say, I am off the Kubiak bandwagon. I jumped back on to be a good little Texan and support our whole team, but no longer.

Kubiak needs to go.

We have 1st and goal on the 1 and he passes twice, doesn't utilize the best goal line back in the NFL this year, refuses to run any no huddle even though it has been extremely effective the few times we have run it, runs the ball on 1st down with about 5 minutes left in the game, poor clock management, etc.

Gary Kubiak is NOT an NFL head coach. We don't show up for big games
But a lot of people want him to call pass plays near the goal line.
I can't put this on Kubiak. The plays were there.

Something is wrong with his offense no doubt about that & as HC/OC, it falls on him to figure it out & fix it. 4 games now.... should have been fixed by now.

However, he wasn't fired after going 9-7. He tried his damdest but didn't get fired after 6-10. He's not going to get fired after going 12-4
I can't put this on Kubiak. The plays were there.

Something is wrong with his offense no doubt about that & as HC/OC, it falls on him to figure it out & fix it. 4 games now.... should have been fixed by now.

However, he wasn't fired after going 9-7. He tried his damdest but didn't get fired after 6-10. He's not going to get fired after going 12-4

This was where I was... 1-2 games ago. But after today, I can't just continue saying, "Oh the offense was just out of sync." Look, the defense struggling I understand. Losing Cushing is a huge blow as it effects our pass rush, coverage, and run D as Cush is good to great in all those areas for his position. But what the offense is doing (or not doing) is inexcusable. Week after week they just look out of sync and that falls on the head coach.

The fact is our D is not where it was at the beginning of the year. So if this team is a Super Bowl team, then this offense needs to start carrying the team. And that falls on our offensive guru Gary Kubiak. He also just so happens to be the head coach.

A team with Arian Foster, Andre Johnson, Owen Daniels, James Casey, Duane Brown, and Chris Myers (all considered to be Pro Bowl capable players at their positions) should not be struggling like this! The play calling is predictable. The blocking is not getting it done. And our passing game has got to get it together. Why do we only throw to James Casey once a game? Where was Graham? Did Jean make Kubiak's **** list?

Something is going on with this team, and the first place to look is at the top.
This was where I was... 1-2 games ago. But after today, I can't just continue saying, "Oh the offense was just out of sync." Look, the defense struggling I understand. Losing Cushing is a huge blow as it effects our pass rush, coverage, and run D as Cush is good to great in all those areas for his position. But what the offense is doing (or not doing) is inexcusable. Week after week they just look out of sync and that falls on the head coach.

I think I said it wrong. I do blame Kubiak for not fixing this funk. I'm just not blaming the play-calls. The plays were there, they just didn't get it done.
I think I said it wrong. I do blame Kubiak for not fixing this funk. I'm just not blaming the play-calls. The plays were there, they just didn't get it done.

1st and goal at the 1. You have to have a TD. It keeps you in the game. You have 4 downs to punch it in. K.I.S.S.

Run The Football. All four downs. If you can't get 1 yard in 4 downs, you don't deserve to be on the football field with your opponent.
1st and goal at the 1. You have to have a TD. It keeps you in the game. You have 4 downs to punch it in. K.I.S.S.

Run The Football. All four downs. If you can't get 1 yard in 4 downs, you don't deserve to be on the football field with your opponent.

This. The moment the game did not become 16-10 at the conclusion of that series the game was over.
As good as the Texans offense can be, I sometimes feel like it's kind of like a slow plodding and old fashioned offense. No doubt, when its working it's darn near unstoppable but a lot of things have to go right before it hits full speed. In today's NFL you see a lot of fast offenses that go out there and score quickly or move the chains easily when needed. All the great offenses like the Packers and Patriots have this capability to move the ball fast without having to set things up and waiting for that exact right moment to get the big plays. Part of the problem is Matt Schaub who's not fleet of foot and seems to have developed a fear of getting hit (who can really blame him after losing part of his ear???). The offense as it is right now is in trouble if the running game isn't going. It's not flexible enough to adjust on the fly imo. You can cite the Lions or Jags game as proof that we can air it out, but that's just no our thing and we cannot sustain that kind of offense for an extended period of time and expect to win games. One of things Kubiak, Dennision, and Rick Smith have to work on this offseason is to change the offense up a bit and add some new wrinkles to it. I don't know why we moved away from giving Keyshawn Martin the ball because he's the kind of guy who can move the chains and give the offense a dynamism it's sorely lacking. I thought David Anderson was a valuable guy on this offense and we're missing out on the types of plays those smaller receivers can make. Also, a bigger tight end would be nice to give Schaub a bigger target and even though OD is great, he's more a middle of the field receiver. Kubiak will not be fired so the best we can hope for as fans is that the offense will evolve and not be so one dimensional.
I can't put this on Kubiak. The plays were there.

Something is wrong with his offense no doubt about that & as HC/OC, it falls on him to figure it out & fix it. 4 games now.... should have been fixed by now.

However, he wasn't fired after going 9-7. He tried his damdest but didn't get fired after 6-10. He's not going to get fired after going 12-4

The OL got their asses handed to them all game long and the Vikings did it with their front four for the most part.

Schaub .... 18/32 , he just didnt look right at all. He looks like he's playing scared of getting hurt and scared to make a mistake. Just too damn conservative .... Has been that way pretty much all season. He also left a few plays on the field with poor reads.
His lack of mobility (elusiveness) just doesnt allow him to extend plays when protection breaks down.

If you told me AP would only gain 86 yards , I'd have thought the Texans won going away.

Looked like only one guy showed up to play on offense today .... #80.

Ive been a defender of Schaub for a while , but that support is begining to fade ..... He better get his sh!t together or else that deep playoff run we all expected might turn into one and done , homefield or not.
The OL got their asses handed to them all game long and the Vikings did it with their front four for the most part.

Schaub .... 18/32 , he just didnt look right at all. He looks like he's playing scared of getting hurt and scared to make a mistake. Just too damn conservative .... Has been that way pretty much all season. He also left a few plays on the field with poor reads.
His lack of mobility (elusiveness) just doesnt allow him to extend plays when protection breaks down.

If you told me AP would only gain 86 yards , I'd have thought the Texans won going away.

Looked like only one guy showed up to play on offense today .... #80.

Ive been a defender of Schaub for a while , but that support is begining to fade ..... He better get his sh!t together or else that deep playoff run we all expected might turn into one and done , homefield or not.

Thank you for summarizing all my thoughts for me exactly. I thought Schaub could be the one, but now I have serious doubts. Everything you said, I agree with whole-heartely.
Matt Schaub looks slower than ever in the pocket. Do you guys think a more mobile quarterback would better utilize our offense like Robert Griffin III does in Washington or Russell Wilson does in Seattle?

T.J. Yates immediately came into the game and made a nice pass on the run that Schaub would have otherwise been sacked on. Unfortunately Yates is not a very good passer, in terms of accuracy, and threw an interception not long after. The Texans future quarterback is playing at Texas A&M right now. I want some Johnny Football in a few years.

I still want to see Matt Schaub win a Super Bowl this year. He better elevate his game and not look so damn slow in the pocket. At least move around and avoid the pressure like Tony Romo does in Dallas. I don't even think Romo is that great but he somehow is able to avoid the pass rush with a worse offensive line than what the Texans have.

It's all on number 8 right now, IMO... If he keeps playing like crap we have zero chance to win.
That's a ridiculous statement. Nobody is on here saying that Kubiak should have an unlimited leash.

Nobody on here holds the leash. I wouldn't say it's too ridiculous. While we can elect to disagree with the notion, there's some foundation that would support the opinion that Kubiak has the benefit of time on his side.
The OL got their asses handed to them all game long and the Vikings did it with their front four for the most part.

Schaub .... 18/32 , he just didnt look right at all. He looks like he's playing scared of getting hurt and scared to make a mistake. Just too damn conservative .... Has been that way pretty much all season. He also left a few plays on the field with poor reads.
His lack of mobility (elusiveness) just doesnt allow him to extend plays when protection breaks down.

I agree with everything you're saying here. My response was really a "I don't blame the play-calling" reply. He could have called a perfect game & the issues you mentioned would have still been there.
Should have run 4 straight times inside the one. Schaub isn't Tom Brady and as other have said if you can't punch it in with 4 tries from 2 ft out, then you might as well just pack it up and go home.

When the offense is clicking, it's because the running game is clicking and the play action keeps the D honest, so Schaub (aka Statue) can operate. Once he is pushed off his mark with any consistency and he becomes the focal point of the offense, he sucks. In short, he is a complimentary player who is pretty good under ideal circumstances, but he isn't and never will be a guy who takes the other 10 guys on his shoulder and will his team to a win.

And while we are on the subject, let's put part of the blame on the inept offense at the feet of Rick Smith. The genius that blew up the right side of the line. Ryan Harris is a joke. He shouldn't be on an NFL team. I haven't seen that poor of RT play since our inaugural season or two. Newton is barely passable and MIGHT be a good tackle some day, but not yet. At least he has some tools to work with and is adequate. The RG guard play has been uninspiring and inconsistent. Again, some youngsters with tools there but this should be a learning year for them.

All you people bitching about the Caveman. I have news for you. We went from the Caveman to the Geico caveman. You got your wish, so a pox on all your houses.

Lastly, outside of Andre, we have nobody on offense that the D truly fears. Foster? Nope, not this year. He is very average at best this year. OD is a good pass catching TE but he isn't dynamic. They've spent years using high draft picks and FA signings to bolster the D. Addition by subtraction on the right side of the line? Nope.

We need a dynamic player somewhere else on offense. We need help on the right side of the line. These need to be high priorities this coming off-season.

Lastly, do we need to consider taking a QB high or trading for a up and comer we can groom? Schaub was already a statue and now post injury he looks like he is literally buried in concrete. I wonder what this offense could do with a John Elway "style" athlete back there. Not a running QB per se, but someone mobile that can move around, avoid the rush, make plays with his feet etc.
Can we also bring up the fact that none of our receivers tend to get away from a team that's got decent DBs. Everyone save for Daniels and AJ can't get open enough and Schaub has to hold on to the ball.
I agree with everything you're saying here. My response was really a "I don't blame the play-calling" reply. He could have called a perfect game & the issues you mentioned would have still been there.

I was more or less agreeing with you .... Just went into detail on why and that the playcalling is limited because of the QB's limitations.

Think about when the last time you saw a seam route ~30 yards downfield (that doesnt have a lot of air under it), the type of pass that has to have some real zip on it.

If Schaub is throwing more than 25 yards down field , more than likely the ball has a lot of air under it. He really cant take advantage of recievers creating seperation on those longer routes but rather tends to throw to a spot that only the reciever can make a play. Not that this is a bad thing , just that he doesnt have the arm to take advantage of some situations.
Should have run 4 straight times inside the one. Schaub isn't Tom Brady and as other have said if you can't punch it in with 4 tries from 2 ft out, then you might as well just pack it up and go home.

Hell Like Tom Landry said , If we cant get one yard (on one play), we dont deserve to be called contenders.
I realized something just now.

There's a common complaint about Matt Schaub that goes something like this: He's a really good QB if everything around him is perfect. If things break down and it is up to him to make the difference he can't do it, and that's what holds him back from being elite.

Today I realized that Gary Kubiak is the exact same guy! It hit me when someone was defending Kubiak with a bunch of excuses. We lost Cushing, traded Demeco, lost our RG & RT, the new O-line played crappy, Schaub is off. What do you expect Kubiak to do when everyone else is not doing their jobs? Kubiak and Schaub are the same guy. If Kubiak has a team full of stars, great coordinators, and everything is clicking then he's an elite head coach. (Who wouldn't be?) But when things start breaking down and it up to him and his coaching to ain't gonna happen.
We're doomed.

Kubiak: long term deal.

Schaub: long term deal.

Bad, BAD decisions.

Both these guys are going to lead us into mediocrity for the next 2 to 4 years.
This team was 11-1. 12-4 feels good, huh?

It's pretty sickening to be honest. There's no excuse for the total collapse at this point in the season.

I'm not going to give up. The playoffs are a whole new season and anything can happen, but I'm not optimistic.

I don't like what I'm looking at.
We're doomed.

Kubiak: long term deal.

Schaub: long term deal.

Bad, BAD decisions.

Both these guys are going to lead us into mediocrity for the next 2 to 4 years.

Not necessarily. Coaches get fired all the time, regardless of their contract length. The thing hurting us, is that he got this team to the play offs two years in a row. Firing him now would be like firing Dungy from Tampa, or Schotenheimer (sp) from the Chargers. One of those worked out, they replaced Dungy with the guy they needed for that season, but it crashed & burned soon after.

Schaub. Long contract, but only next year is guaranteed. There is nothing stopping us from getting a franchise guy next season, other than a poor QB draft.

If the Texans feel good about Keenum, it wouldn't be a bad idea to throw him out there & see where he takes us. Other than that, they'll have to pick off the FA wire. Kolb? Maybe try to trade. If the Vikings win today, the Bears may want to blow that thing up, could we get Cutler? Or do we can target one of these young back ups.... Cousins.....

I wouldn't necessarily say bad decisions.
This year's (2012) 3rd round in the draft, excerpt:

3 5 68 Devier Posey Texans WR Ohio State
3 6 69 T.J. Graham Bills WR North Carolina State
3 7 70 Bryan Anger Jaguars P California
3 8 71 Josh Leribeus Redskins G Southern Methodist
3 9 72 Olivier Vernon Dolphins DE Miami (FL)
3 10 73 Brandon Taylor Chargers DB Louisiana State
3 11 74 Donald Stephenson Chiefs T Oklahoma
3 12 75 Russell Wilson Seahawks QB Wisconsin
3 13 76 Brandon Brooks Texans G Miami (OH)

Yeah, I know hindsight is 20/20, but most of us hated the Posey pick when it happened and then tried to convince ourselves that Kubiak knew what he was doing. I think it's pretty clear by now that Kubiak wastes either a 2nd or 3rd round pick every year, and sometimes both.
This year's (2012) 3rd round in the draft, excerpt:

3 5 68 Devier Posey Texans WR Ohio State
3 6 69 T.J. Graham Bills WR North Carolina State
3 7 70 Bryan Anger Jaguars P California
3 8 71 Josh Leribeus Redskins G Southern Methodist
3 9 72 Olivier Vernon Dolphins DE Miami (FL)
3 10 73 Brandon Taylor Chargers DB Louisiana State
3 11 74 Donald Stephenson Chiefs T Oklahoma
3 12 75 Russell Wilson Seahawks QB Wisconsin
3 13 76 Brandon Brooks Texans G Miami (OH)

Yeah, I know hindsight is 20/20, but most of us hated the Posey pick when it happened and then tried to convince ourselves that Kubiak knew what he was doing. I think it's pretty clear by now that Kubiak wastes either a 2nd or 3rd round pick every year, and sometimes both.

If you want to blame Kubiak for a lot of stuff then fine, but using a "Russell Wilson? reference is not legit. No one knew that Wilson would be as good as he was this season. I'll bag on Kubiak for a lot of things, but I sure as hell won't bag on him or any coach for not picking up Wilson. He was just a nobody QB for the most part where Carroll saw some potential and Carroll capitalized on him.

It was no different then when Kubiak got Foster outside of the draft when no one else saw anything.
Its hard to ignore a Kubiak decision of a QB sneak on 3rd and 2 inside your own 20. That pretty much sums up Kubiaks coaching in a nutshell.
Well im officially in....too many issues not addressed that have been going for weeks....

You serious?? Someone steal your account?? Are you willing to agree now that Kubiak has never been the coach that you've believed him to be all these years??

Not trying to be an ass, but I'm shocked.
For the fifth straight year I his ass!

Each year I want this fool gone in the ffseason, each year I'm disappointed and then some. This year is the year!! Eat whatever is on the contract and off this fool.
This year's (2012) 3rd round in the draft, excerpt:

3 5 68 Devier Posey Texans WR Ohio State
3 6 69 T.J. Graham Bills WR North Carolina State
3 7 70 Bryan Anger Jaguars P California
3 8 71 Josh Leribeus Redskins G Southern Methodist
3 9 72 Olivier Vernon Dolphins DE Miami (FL)
3 10 73 Brandon Taylor Chargers DB Louisiana State
3 11 74 Donald Stephenson Chiefs T Oklahoma
3 12 75 Russell Wilson Seahawks QB Wisconsin
3 13 76 Brandon Brooks Texans G Miami (OH)

Yeah, I know hindsight is 20/20, but most of us hated the Posey pick when it happened and then tried to convince ourselves that Kubiak knew what he was doing. I think it's pretty clear by now that Kubiak wastes either a 2nd or 3rd round pick every year, and sometimes both.

I think this team is past hoping some 3rd round pick pans out for them any ways.

Brooks and Posey were always project guys. Who knows what they can become.
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