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That was the best i've ever seen Schaub play

Great game for the coaches and great one for the players. Schaub started pretty rough, but as Foster turned it on it relieved the pressure from Schaub and he turned it on, Im telling you that when he has pressure he folds, but if you keep him mostly clean he can be flawless. The run game is the most important thing to this offense and it seems like we figured out how to make it go without AJ. Will only get better once he returns....

For the life of me I cannot think of a single QB that this statement does not apply to.
I've seen Brady, Peyton, Brees, Sanchez (especially Sanchez), Roethlisberger (remember how the Ravens dismantled him - in fact, so did we) all wilt under repeated hits and constant pressure. Schaub is no different. The difference seems to be, those other guys appear to get better protection from game to game than Schaub.
For the life of me I cannot think of a single QB that this statement does not apply to.
I've seen Brady, Peyton, Brees, Sanchez (especially Sanchez), Roethlisberger (remember how the Ravens dismantled him - in fact, so did we) all wilt under repeated hits and constant pressure. Schaub is no different. The difference seems to be, those other guys appear to get better protection from game to game than Schaub.

Thats what I was trying to get at....its very inconsistent therefore his play is all over the place....and in Houston we blame the qb FOR EVERYTHING lol
For the life of me I cannot think of a single QB that this statement does not apply to.
I've seen Brady, Peyton, Brees, Sanchez (especially Sanchez), Roethlisberger (remember how the Ravens dismantled him - in fact, so did we) all wilt under repeated hits and constant pressure. Schaub is no different. The difference seems to be, those other guys appear to get better protection from game to game than Schaub.

those other guys seem to make plays more often than not, which is why schaub is considered a second teir qb
Thats what I was trying to get at....its very inconsistent therefore his play is all over the place....and in Houston we blame the qb FOR EVERYTHING lol

I don't think Flacco was protected any better than Schaub was last week. But he seemed to put together a great game (great as in Ray Rice had a great game).


Schaub had an opportunity to make a statement last week. If you want teams to stop blitzing you, you gotta beat them. He needs help from his receivers, but there were some big plays to open receivers that Schaub didn't make.
I don't think Flacco was protected any better than Schaub was last week. But he seemed to put together a great game (great as in Ray Rice had a great game).
First, we only got to Flacco twice. They sacked Schaub 4 times and hurried him at least as many times; probably more. So Flacco wasn't under the same level of pressure as Schaub for the duration of the game.

The key to the Ravens coming out on top last week was Ray Rice's 4th qtr running more than Flacco. We didn't have anything close to an effective running game last week. And then there's the small matter that we couldn't cover Anquan Boldin or Torrey Smith deep.

Who did we have that could get deep? Jacoby got deep once; that was it.


Schaub had an opportunity to make a statement last week. If you want teams to stop blitzing you, you gotta beat them. He needs help from his receivers, but there were some big plays to open receivers that Schaub didn't make.
An effective running game is the best anti-blitz medicine. When the front seven have to respect your running attack they can't pin their ears back and sell out on the pass rush.
And as I asked above, who do we have that's a serious deep threat? No one really... at least not until AJ comes back.
it's the run game kubes passed enough to keep em honest and ran itdown their throat. major props for the guys todau job well done all around.
One thing I couldn't help but notice was that today it didn't seem like we'd just do some bizarre inexplicable thing for no apparent reason. We didn't effectively run over them for four straight plays and then suddenly abandon the run. It seemed like we had our fun letting Vickers try to be a running back (note to self, he does not touch the ball again) and we did our funky little end-around but for the most part I don't recall thinking often "Why are you doing this? Why did you stop doing what worked?"

That's a hallmark of a Texans self-crapping. The sudden abandoning of the run when it appears to be unstoppable. The out of nowhere trick play when you are finding success just lining up and knocking them off the ball. We didn't do much if any of that today and I for one enjoyed the hell out of it.
Didn't see all the game because of crappy feeds online.

Did we get Schaub's patented $hitty throw of the game today or will we get a two-fer next week?
Didn't see all the game because of crappy feeds online.

Did we get Schaub's patented $hitty throw of the game today or will we get a two-fer next week?

He got it out of the way early when he overthrew Walter by a mile. I think it was Walter, might have been Jacoby. The ball went so far over the receiver I didn't really try to see who it was. Then once he had that out of the way he got on with it and had one of those days that makes you think we got the QB spot covered just fine.
He got it out of the way early when he overthrew Walter by a mile. I think it was Walter, might have been Jacoby. The ball went so far over the receiver I didn't really try to see who it was.

It was Jacoby. Looked like a classic miscommunication incompletion. Clearly Schaub and JJ were not thinking the same thing.
Considering its a message board for the team I root for that has multiple agenda posters running amock even after a virtually flawless performance, one that we've been clamoring for, then yeah I'd say it's not shocking for the mood to be ruined. But that's definitely what you guys want. It's impossible for you guys to just enjoy a win without thinking about how we're inevitably gonna fail.

It's a wonder how you people are even sports fans. I would have killed myself a long time ago if I could never enjoy the wins.

My friend, I'd like to impart to you some helpful wisdom that I was lucky enough to be given a few years ago. Here goes:

Nobody can make you feel any way you don't want to feel. You are the master of your fate and the captain of your soul. You say the board is being ruined for you because of all the doomsayers----ignore them. I also see plenty of people on this board who are enjoying the hell out of this win and haven't said a single negative word. If you spend your time engaging with them rather than getting angry with those who still have doubts, you'll probably enjoy your time on the board a lot more.

Happiness is a choice.


My friend, I'd like to impart to you some helpful wisdom that I was lucky enough to be given a few years ago. Here goes:

Nobody can make you feel any way you don't want to feel. You are the master of your fate and the captain of your soul. You say the board is being ruined for you because of all the doomsayers----ignore them. I also see plenty of people on this board who are enjoying the hell out of this win and haven't said a single negative word. If you spend your time engaging with them rather than getting angry with those who still have doubts, you'll probably enjoy your time on the board a lot more.

Happiness is a choice.



The odd thing to me and not to get political but some of the guys who say you shouldn't complain about the team cry about politics all the time . So to get this straight killing folks in politics is ok but not football ?


ps ... Watch out he'll give you a red mark .
The odd thing to me and not to get political but some of the guys who say you shouldn't complain about the team cry about politics all the time . So to get this straight killing folks in politics is ok but not football ?

I love my team and my country and it's because of that---not in spite of it---that I complain about both.

Shammy played a really good game today. He made some throws that he should be making on a regular basis.

Really good day for him, the oline,, rb's, and te's.

I don't have anything negative to say about this game. Not even worth nit picking. Great game on a great day.
My friend, I'd like to impart to you some helpful wisdom that I was lucky enough to be given a few years ago. Here goes:

Nobody can make you feel any way you don't want to feel. You are the master of your fate and the captain of your soul. You say the board is being ruined for you because of all the doomsayers----ignore them. I also see plenty of people on this board who are enjoying the hell out of this win and haven't said a single negative word. If you spend your time engaging with them rather than getting angry with those who still have doubts, you'll probably enjoy your time on the board a lot more.

Happiness is a choice.



should give me the credit, benched Schaub & he has his best game of the season, probably cost me my match-up in process. your welcome :voodoo:
Thats what I was trying to get at....its very inconsistent therefore his play is all over the place....and in Houston we blame the qb FOR EVERYTHING lol

What we have blamed on Schaub thus far this season is warranted - Just take a look at the first 3rd down play where he had Jones wide open and missed high by six feet .... He's had a play or two like that in every game so far. Luckily there was no defender close enough to make a play on that overthrow.

From the 3rd possession on , he was very good .... but then again , so was Foster and Tate.

QB is an easy position to play when you can rush for 200+.
What we have blamed on Schaub thus far this season is warranted - Just take a look at the first 3rd down play where he had Jones wide open and missed high by six feet .... He's had a play or two like that in every game so far. Luckily there was no defender close enough to make a play on that overthrow.

From the 3rd possession on , he was very good .... but then again , so was Foster and Tate.

QB is an easy position to play when you can rush for 200+.

And a guy you can dump it off to 11 yards away & he turns it into a 78 yard TD...
wait wait wait wait wait! i thought dude had a limp noodle for an arm and brokedown week in and week out? WTF!? What happened to all the he is a ok qb b.s.?

dude made it rain today anyone who says otherwise can jump pn da tits nuts... like i been sayin when u pressurE ANY qb. the qb will have problems... give tha man some respect for pullin one off when it counts, and give props to the OL for showin up big
And a guy you can dump it off to 11 yards away & he turns it into a 78 yard TD...

Man he made the Tits DB's look bad on that play ..... Griffin took a pretty good angle on him and Foster just made him miss.

The LB who was responsible for him blew it which allowed the big play.

Think ya gotta give some credit to Gary for drawing that one up. He's been able to get guy's wide open like that on a regular basis ..... from Dressen to Casey , Vickers (Damnit Vickers) and even AJ ..... How the hell do you lose AJ ?! I can think of a couple times there wasnt anyone within 10 yards of the guy.
Man he made the Tits DB's look bad on that play ..... Griffin took a pretty good angle on him and Foster just made him miss.

The LB who was responsible for him blew it which allowed the big play.

Think ya gotta give some credit to Gary for drawing that one up. He's been able to get guy's wide open like that on a regular basis ..... from Dressen to Casey , Vickers (Damnit Vickers) and even AJ ..... How the hell do you lose AJ ?! I can think of a couple times there wasnt anyone within 10 yards of the guy.

The problem is what happens when plan A stops working in a close game . When they used to get way behind they were good at plan B and could catch up . When the schemes aren't getting those guys wide open and they can't run is when it's a problem .
schaub was better in the come-back against the redskins last year.

wish he would have done that against the raiders

schaub was better in the come-back against the redskins last year.

wish he would have done that against the raiders


Schaub has had many "better games" for the last two years. Yesterday, everything just seemed to work, & he didn't really have to do a whole lot. I was impressed with his ability to spread the ball around, but the last 4 minutes of the Raiders game, I thought, was a much better performance than the whole game yesterday.

We need Schaub to produce when things aren't going well, when he's got to make things happen. He's got plenty of games under his belt when he has done this, yesterday was not one of them.
Don't you think Kubiak deserves even the slightest ****ing bit of credit for getting the boys ready and executing without Andre after it was a problem for two games?

I think he does. He also pulled Kareem Jackson off the field after his first mistake and I don't think he saw him again.

He also called Foster in the pass game much more often.

Kubiak called a great goddamn game today. And it's so....SO okay to give just a shred of credit to everyone involved without being a ****ing debbie downer.

You expect the team to screw up somewhere down the line, good. Great. Just ***** about it when it happens. Not after a ****ing great game where pretty much everything worked unbelievably great save for Danieal Manning getting hurt.

Just STUFF THE CRAP for once. That goes for everyone who spouts this garbage every freaking minute of every freaking day. It's a wonder how you people enjoy ANYTHING.

Great point. The team plays maybe their best complete game in history and people STILL find a way to *****.
Schaub had a good game, but our O-Line, Foster, and D pretty much handed it to him on a silver platter. All he had to do was not play like....well, Romo comes to mind.
Don't you think Kubiak deserves even the slightest ****ing bit of credit for getting the boys ready and executing without Andre after it was a problem for two games?

So you agree in those weeks the boys don't put it together that it's on Kubiak?

Have you been giving Kubiak criticism in those instances? It would only be fair right? Give him credit when it's due (Sunday @Tennessee) and criticism when he don't (@Baltimore, @New Orleans, home vs Raiders).
He also called Foster in the pass game much more often.

Kubiak called Fosters name a couple times against the Ravens in the passing game ..... Foster didnt answer the bell .... He had two drops on what could have been game changing plays.

Schaub had a good game, but our O-Line, Foster, and D pretty much handed it to him on a silver platter. All he had to do was not play like....well, Romo comes to mind.

When the offense can rush for 200+ and the defense plays like it did yesterday .... your QB better look good .... That was a layup for Schaub if he ever had one.
So you agree in those weeks the boys don't put it together that it's on Kubiak?

Have you been giving Kubiak criticism in those instances? It would only be fair right? Give him credit when it's due (Sunday @Tennessee) and criticism when he don't (@Baltimore, @New Orleans, home vs Raiders).

yeh i actually liked the play calling .... he seemed to pass at yhe right time to keep em honest...
So you agree in those weeks the boys don't put it together that it's on Kubiak?

Have you been giving Kubiak criticism in those instances? It would only be fair right? Give him credit when it's due (Sunday @Tennessee) and criticism when he don't (@Baltimore, @New Orleans, home vs Raiders).

I blame whoever needs to be blamed. I have.

Blame Kubiak when I need to, blame Foster when I need to, blame the OL when I need to, etc. I like taking each game, analyzing properly and assessing blame accurately. Why? Because I take things week to week. I don't doom (re: want us to) us to crash and burn just to say I was right, like so many people here do. I let it develop then criticize what needs to be criticized.
I blame whoever needs to be blamed. I have.

Blame Kubiak when I need to, blame Foster when I need to, blame the OL when I need to, etc. I like taking each game, analyzing properly and assessing blame accurately. Why? Because I take things week to week. I don't doom (re: want us to) us to crash and burn just to say I was right, like so many people here do. I let it develop then criticize what needs to be criticized.

It doesn't take much analyzing when it's the same thing over and over . Any decent team can beat the bad teams it's what you do against the good teams that count . That's where you earn your paycheck and the Raiders and Ravens stole games or at least a split because they forced the Texans to do somethig besides run .

Stop giving people neg reps because they don't agree with you . That's so dumb , it's like standing behind your mother calling people names .
It doesn't take much analyzing when it's the same thing over and over . Any decent team can beat the bad teams it's what you do against the good teams that count . That's where you earn your paycheck and the Raiders and Ravens stole games or at least a split because they forced the Texans to do somethig besides run .

Stop giving people neg reps because they don't agree with you . That's so dumb , it's like standing behind your mother calling people names .

I said I'll downding anyone who posts with their pessimistic agenda bullshit even after a great and virtually flawless win.

And I will.

Doesn't have anything to do with disagreeing with me. Has everything to do with being being a piece of crap and a downer.
How the **** am I being an internet tough guy when I'm explaining my rationale for doing what I do?

Has abso-freakin-lutely NOTHING to do with being an "internet tough guy"

Do you even know what the phrase "internet tough guy" means? I think it means when they make threats like "Oh, I'll beat you and your children's asses if I ever saw you in real life, then I'd piss on your car and light it on fire."

I base it on your tough talk. Of course, I just may be mistaking all those * I see in your posts. Maybe they are used like Kurt Vonnegut Jr. used them in his writing...
I base it on your tough talk. Of course, I just may be mistaking all those * I see in your posts. Maybe they are used like Kurt Vonnegut Jr. used them in his writing...

Might want to read the posts then to see what I'm saying and why I'd be charged up on a particular issue.

Though the asterisks are probably a turnoff--and an excuse to not read.
How the **** am I being an internet tough guy when I'm explaining my rationale for doing what I do?

Has abso-freakin-lutely NOTHING to do with being an "internet tough guy"

Do you even know what the phrase "internet tough guy" means? I think it means when they make threats like "Oh, I'll beat you and your children's asses if I ever saw you in real life, then I'd piss on your car and light it on fire."

Yea you are , because I'm sure wouldn't say half the things you do face to face . It's like the guy in the big truck who rides your ass honking . Then you both end up at the same place and he's about 5'5 ( not that there's anything wrong with 5'5 Bill ) and you ask if he's got a problem and he says ... no .

It's not about who can win a fight it's about being civil and realizing that yours is not the only opinion and the Texans don't know who in the hell you are .
I got negative repped and called a troll by David Carr's brother back in the day. I got a huge kick out of that.

I had Carr's brother wanting to meet somewhere to explain things . I don't remember what I said but it was funny .

Hulk , Ibar Harry , QB75 , those wre the days .
Yea you are , because I'm sure wouldn't say half the things you do face to face . It's like the guy in the big truck who rides your ass honking . Then you both end up at the same place and he's about 5'5 ( not that there's anything wrong with 5'5 Bill ) and you ask if he's got a problem and he says ... no .

It's not about who can win a fight it's about being civil and realizing that yours is not the only opinion and the Texans don't know who in the hell you are .

TB has a crazy friend who's 6'3 about 230 ..... he can talk **** if he wants :d:

To the bold .... that may or may not be true , there are quite a few people around here with ties to the team one way or another ....
Yea you are , because I'm sure wouldn't say half the things you do face to face . It's like the guy in the big truck who rides your ass honking . Then you both end up at the same place and he's about 5'5 ( not that there's anything wrong with 5'5 Bill ) and you ask if he's got a problem and he says ... no .

It's not about who can win a fight it's about being civil and realizing that yours is not the only opinion and the Texans don't know who in the hell you are .

You'd be surprised. I'm a pretty brash, honest dude. I know, it's shocking for someone to actually have integrity and consistency in how they act. Not exactly the norm in today's society. It's okay, can't prove it so don't want to make it seem like I'm just wagging my dick. I am most definitely not afraid to speak my mind, as is plainly evident, lol.

I have made it abundantly clear that mine is not the only opinion, and a lot of my posting actually revolves around the fact that the Texans don't know who I, or ANY of us are, so incessant bitching about Kubiak and Smith being the ill for our team, their team, hurricanes, terrorism, the economy, Obama sucking dick, Steve Jobs dying, cancer in general, etc at every turn even after huge wins is not conducive to anything and for some people to just go week to week.
TB has a crazy friend who's 6'3 about 230 ..... he can talk **** if he wants :d:

To the bold .... that may or may not be true , there are quite a few people around here with ties to the team one way or another ....

It's never the loud guys that scare me it's the guys that don't blink and are quiet .

I was fishing and caught a ... um ... catfish . :chickendance:
I had Carr's brother wanting to meet somewhere to explain things . I don't remember what I said but it was funny .

Hulk , Ibar Harry , QB75 , those wre the days .

I'll see your Ibar Harry and raise you one "Lazarus".

Every jar has a biggest nut and Laz was IMO easily the one. See him posting comments on sometimes and can't help but laugh. Some things never change.