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Texans reach out to Lovie Smith

Lovie Smith is the odds on favorite to be the next Head Coach of the Houston Texans and Jay Cutler his likely QB. I would not be surprised if this decision has already been made. That is all!

While I'd prefer Bill O'Brien or David Shaw, if your scenario plays out I can't say that I'd be disappointed. I'm not a big Jay Cutler fan but he'd be a solid upgrade over what we currently have.
Lovie Smith is the odds on favorite to be the next Head Coach of the Houston Texans and Jay Cutler his likely QB...


Why in the world would Smith and Cutler come as a "package" (much like Warren Moon and Hugh Campbell joined the Oilers in the '80s)?

By all accounts, theirs was not a good relationship in Chicago - and led to Smith's ouster:
While I'd prefer Bill O'Brien or David Shaw, if your scenario plays out I can't say that I'd be disappointed. I'm not a big Jay Cutler fan but he'd be a solid upgrade over what we currently have.

I still prefer Ray Horton over any of those guys. I'm neutral on Lovie but he is an upgrade over Kubiak. We could do worse. Like hiring interim head coach Wade Phillips or Mike Shanahan if he gets the axe. How about Dick Jauron, Tony Sparano, Jim Caldwell, Jack Del Rio, Josh McDaniels, Rod Marinelli, Norv Turner, Mike Tice, Pat Shurmur, Romeo Crennel , Chan Gailey, Raheem Morris, Brad Childress, Eric Mangini, etc.

Adam Schefter @AdamSchefter

Chargers OC Ken Whisenhunt and Texans GM Rick Smith worked together for 1 year on NFL comp committee. Whisenhunt will be Texans HC candidate
Lovie smith / pat shurmur doesnt sound horrible. Or lovie smith/ jay gruden ( though grudens already an oc so why take up oc at a new address?)

Saban / shurmur? Hmmm?
While I'd prefer Bill O'Brien or David Shaw, if your scenario plays out I can't say that I'd be disappointed. I'm not a big Jay Cutler fan but he'd be a solid upgrade over what we currently have.

This does not spell a Commitment to Excellence to me.


Why in the world would Smith and Cutler come as a "package" (much like Warren Moon and Hugh Campbell joined the Oilers in the '80s)?

By all accounts, theirs was not a good relationship in Chicago - and led to Smith's ouster:

I didn't read anywhere that there was any animosity between the two. Cutler may not have been happy about another OC. Cutler is usually not happy about most things. A fued between the two, I didn't read it. The Titans could be the reason Cutler wouldn't come to the Texans.
This does not spell a Commitment to Excellence to me.

I didn't read anywhere that there was any animosity between the two. Cutler may not have been happy about another OC. Cutler is usually not happy about most things. A fued between the two, I didn't read it. The Titans could be the reason Cutler wouldn't come to the Texans.

Schaub played a role in kubiaks firing. Do you think wherever kubes is the other will follow? This isn't a qb chasing an offensive coach. This is a defensive coach and a qb. I don't see any outward reason for lovie and cutler to WANT to be together. If it happens it's purely circumstancial.
Schaub played a role in kubiaks firing. Do you think wherever kubes is the other will follow? This isn't a qb chasing an offensive coach. This is a defensive coach and a qb. I don't see any outward reason for lovie and cutler to WANT to be together. If it happens it's purely circumstancial.

I see no feud or animosity between Schaub and Kubiak. The difference here is Cutler didn't suffer a loss of skills and performance like Schaub. Cutler is still considered an above average QB, Schaub is not. Bottom line here is it all will come down to money. If Lovie is comfortable with and would want Cutler and there is no reason to think he wouldn't, Cutler could be the best option for a vet QB. The question is could the Texans pay Cutler. Cutler is most likely to go where the money is.
Cutler is most likely to go where the money is.

So as I said, circumstancial. I don't think either feel an obligation and honestly lovie may blame cutler/the offense with his firing. Defense was not his problem. I wouldn't be thrilled with cutler at this point in his career...or lovie. If you gave me lovie and a top tier oc I could cope.
Schaub played a role in kubiaks firing. Do you think wherever kubes is the other will follow? This isn't a qb chasing an offensive coach. This is a defensive coach and a qb. I don't see any outward reason for lovie and cutler to WANT to be together. If it happens it's purely circumstancial.

I wouldn't think it would be a package deal, but I believe Lovie would be a draw to help convince Cutler to sign here. Why? Because Lovie believed in Cutler. He got him Brandon Marshall & Matt Forte.

Nobody likes change, just because he is familiar with Lovie might be a reason for Cutler to decide to come here.

Whatever team may be looking for Cutler they'll probably not be a decent team with a chance to win. If Lovie can convince Cutler that the Texans are poised to win & Cutler is that missing piece, maybe he'll fall for it (not that I think he is, but I can see a team courting him would want him to believe it).

Again...... Cutler won't be available 'till months after the decision to hire our next HC should be made. Then, he may never be available at all (the Bears can offer & sign him to a contract way before he becomes a FA) so the decision to make a run at Cutler (& the Texans may very well not be interested, they're probably sold on Bridgewater/Keenum) shouldn't affect the HC decision.
Lovie Smith is one that I'm kinda on the fence about.

Given the numbers and experience and predicting future success, he could be a great fit here and very successful.


Out of 9 years with the Bears, he only went to the playoffs 3 times. That's actually very similar to Whisenhunt (2 playoff appearances out of 6 seasons) and only marginally better than Kubiak (2 playoff appearances out of 8 seasons).

That's not really lighting a fire under me to get either of them here.

I think with Lovie, we'd field a more consistent team than with Whisenhunt but unless he can figure out the issue with the offensive side of the ball, he's not someone I expect to take us to the promised land.
Lovie Smith is one that I'm kinda on the fence about.

Given the numbers and experience and predicting future success, he could be a great fit here and very successful.


Out of 9 years with the Bears, he only went to the playoffs 3 times. That's actually very similar to Whisenhunt (2 playoff appearances out of 6 seasons) and only marginally better than Kubiak (2 playoff appearances out of 8 seasons).

That's not really lighting a fire under me to get either of them here.

I think with Lovie, we'd field a more consistent team than with Whisenhunt but unless he can figure out the issue with the offensive side of the ball, he's not someone I expect to take us to the promised land.

Good points.

Wisenhunt & Kubiak both, imo, were in much worse situations than Lovie was in. Taking the Cardinals to the Super Bowl says a lot to me. I mean, the Cardinals? They had Warner, Fitzgerald, Docket, & Adrian Wilson (you can count Antonio if you want). Overachieving some? Sure. But we could use a bit of that.
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deweyaxewound says:
Dec 9, 2013 3:57 PM

The good:

I recognize all that Lovie brought to the Bears – the great play of the defense, he was liked and respected by the players, who always played hard for him. You knew you would always have a disciplined, mature team with Lovie – no room for knuckleheads, no brats, show-boaters or self-promoters. He emphasized CHARACTER and the team-first approach.

But…here’s what drove me CRAZY about Lovie: stubborn as a mule. Sticking with Ron Turner, “Rex is our QB”, Mike Martz and the 7 step drops getting Cutler killed, “We think we’ve got a decent o-line”. Using Cedric Benson in the Super Bowl instead of Thomas Jones. His refusal to see the limits of Hester as a converted WR. He NEVER, and I mean NEVER made meaningful in-game adjustments, at the half or otherwise. If a team started exploiting the Bears in some way (the Pack used to kill us with the slant…you saw what the Seahawks did last year with the option, etc.) – Lovie stubbornly REFUSED to make any adjustments to counter the other team. Also horrible in managing a game clock, especially in the final minutes.

And some of the personnel blunders…draft blunders…using the wrong players in the wrong positions….failure to develop the talent of certain players…some of that is Lovie, but a lot of it was GM Angelo, too.

With all the talent his Bears teams have had over his tenure, I feel like they could have/should have accomplished more. I think Lovie failed to get the MOST out of his teams and the talent they had. Part of that failure was lack of depth, or lack of a “Plan B” when Plan A didn’t work. Lovie always just doggedly, stubbornly, predictably stuck to whatever the original plan was. You could even see it with Martz – calling for 7 step drops from Cutler –REPEATEDLY – with no o-line, mediocre receivers, and while the running game/Forte was hot (even with the limited touches he had). It was just shameful to watch.

As someone who is also a Bears fan a lot of this is true and some of it a bit exaggerated. Lovie is stubborn as a mule, definitely. But a lot of those adjustments and gameplanning for the offense had more to do with his offensive coordinators than himself. As head coach he has some responsbility, of course, but he is basically fully hands off when it comes to the offense. He let's his coordinator run the show. It is why if Lovie is hired it is imperative you get him a solid offensive coordinator. He puts faith in his staff like he does his players and that coordinator will have control of his side like Wade has on defense here.

Now with that said, if Lovie feels a change is needed, it happened. When he mentioned the drops and throwing quicker passes the next week the Bears did as such. Problem was Martz was very stubborn himself and it went back to what he loved which is the 7-step drops. It was one reason many Bears fans hated the hire of Martz. Tice was inept to be an offensive coordinator. In fact, Lovie has been horrible in choosing coordinators during his tenure with the Bears which is what makes it the driving point when you interview him.

The exaggerated bit is the 'not getting the best out of his roster'. I would have to call crap on that one. He never had much of an offense. You can polish **** if you want but in the end it's still ****. His QB's were Rex Grossman, Kyle Orton, Chad Hutchinson, Brian Griese and finally Jay Cutler. Until Cutler the Bears haven't had a good quarterback since Sid Luckman in the freaking 1940's. Yet he took a team with crappy receivers (from '03-'11 not a single 1k receiver), a medicore to piss poor offensive line and only strong on one side of the ball to the Superbowl and a NFC title game. All of this with a subpar GM at that. We have a crappy offensive line here and had medicore to piss poor quarterback play but some have some playermakers and are on a 11 game losing streak.

If your GM is bad and not giving you talent yet you gain some amount of success then you just got more out of your players. Look at the Bears defense now. They look like crap. You can run the ball on them at will in embarassing fashion. With Lovie that wasn't the case just a year ago. He got more out of horrible players like Chris Conte, Major Wright, etc. Now they look like the Red Sea parting when someone runs the ball on them. Just like Daniel Manning didn't become a decent/solid player til Lovie went one on one with him.

So yeah he has some negatives but the main focus is the offensive side and should be the drilling point in hiring him. He needs a firm list of coordinators he is interested in. If he doesn't then he needs to return to his ranch. Simple as that.
John McClain ‏@McClain_on_NFL
Smith is a native Texan who won state titles in high school at Big Sandy. He won 3 NFC North titles with Bears and lost SB XLI to Colts.

Story: #Texans interview former #Bears coach Lovie Smith for head coaching position. Smith is first to interview. …

Owner Bob McNair said Smith would be interviewed since he's not working this season. Smith plans to return. Should have multiple options.

Smith, 55, was 84-66, including 3-3 in the playoffs, during 9 years with the Bears. He was fired after they finished 10-6 last season.
It has begun.....

Do. Not. Want.

Completely agree. Hopefully, he was interviewed to get the Rooney Rule requirement out of the way so that we can hire the guy that I covet, Bill O'Brien. We will have the next elite NFL head coach if we get Bill O'Brien. More mediocrity with Lovie.
We know Lovie can get a team with questions at every offensive position to the Super Bowl & we say, "Do Not Want?"

Personally, I don't care who they get just as long as they produce a winner. Many coaches that get second chances and the right personnel go on to have fantastic careers.

at least it has worked for that re-tread coach for the Patriots...
I guess they'd be all on board if he had a protruding chin.

Yeah, these guys know how to separate a good coach from a bad one.

I know a good coach when I see one. I have been watching the NFL for a long time. Bob McNair can save himself a lot of money that he is paying to Korn/Ferry by hiring Bill O'Brien. On MaD Radio show today they had a guest who said that he believes O'Brien is going to be a slam dunk elite NFL coach. Lovie is a stubborn coach and Texans fans don't need more of that. He is a mediocre coach.
I know a good coach when I see one. I have been watching the NFL for a long time. Bob McNair can save himself a lot of money that he is paying to Korn/Ferry by hiring Bill O'Brien. On MaD Radio show today they had a guest who said that he believes O'Brien is going to be a slam dunk elite NFL coach. Lovie is a stubborn coach and Texans fans don't need more of that. He is a mediocre coach.

You wouldn't know a good coach if he jumped up and bit you on the ass.

Stubborn and mediocre? Isn't that the description that any fan gives about a coach they either don't, or don't like any more?

You're so hot to trot on this Bill O'Brien. If they hire him, and two years from now, if he doesn't do like you want, you'll call for his head, and do you know what your reasons will be? Because he's 'stubborn' and 'mediocre'.:rolleyes:

THE two most overused words in the the football fanbase.
I'll get behind Lovie Smith if they hire him, simply because I'm a Texans fan.

But, he is not my first choice and certainly does not inspire anything great. Yes, he did get his team to the Super Bowl, so he's marginally better than Kubiak as a head coach. But, beyond that, his record is very similar to other sort of average coaches who are not complete failures.
I know a good coach when I see one. I have been watching the NFL for a long time. Bob McNair can save himself a lot of money that he is paying to Korn/Ferry by hiring Bill O'Brien. On MaD Radio show today they had a guest who said that he believes O'Brien is going to be a slam dunk elite NFL coach. Lovie is a stubborn coach and Texans fans don't need more of that. He is a mediocre coach.

If by mediocre, you mean 84-66, then yes. But if that's the case, I'd be curious what you'd think of a .500 record. Or a sub-.500 record, for that matter.
You wouldn't know a good coach if he jumped up and bit you on the ass.

Stubborn and mediocre? Isn't that the description that any fan gives about a coach they either don't, or don't like any more?

You're so hot to trot on this Bill O'Brien. If they hire him, and two years from now, if he doesn't do like you want, you'll call for his head, and do you know what your reasons will be? Because he's 'stubborn' and 'mediocre'.:rolleyes:

THE two most overused words in the the football fanbase.

Nice ad hominem attack. I have earlier stated that I am calling my shot that Bill O'Brien is going to be an elite NFL coach and you can hold my feet to to the fire if I am wrong. I am putting my money where my mouth is.

Lovie Smith has a reputation for being stubborn as a mule. I want a coach who is willing to adapt and change in order to win. We had a coach in Kubiak who through his stubborness regarding his choice of QB and archaic NFL offense caused us to have a horrific season. I don't want anything resembling Kubiak coaching the Texans.

As someone who is also a Bears fan a lot of this is true and some of it a bit exaggerated. Lovie is stubborn as a mule, definitely. But a lot of those adjustments and gameplanning for the offense had more to do with his offensive coordinators than himself. As head coach he has some responsbility, of course, but he is basically fully hands off when it comes to the offense. He let's his coordinator run the show. It is why if Lovie is hired it is imperative you get him a solid offensive coordinator. He puts faith in his staff like he does his players and that coordinator will have control of his side like Wade has on defense here.

Now with that said, if Lovie feels a change is needed, it happened. When he mentioned the drops and throwing quicker passes the next week the Bears did as such. Problem was Martz was very stubborn himself and it went back to what he loved which is the 7-step drops. It was one reason many Bears fans hated the hire of Martz. Tice was inept to be an offensive coordinator. In fact, Lovie has been horrible in choosing coordinators during his tenure with the Bears which is what makes it the driving point when you interview him.

The exaggerated bit is the 'not getting the best out of his roster'. I would have to call crap on that one. He never had much of an offense. You can polish **** if you want but in the end it's still ****. His QB's were Rex Grossman, Kyle Orton, Chad Hutchinson, Brian Griese and finally Jay Cutler. Until Cutler the Bears haven't had a good quarterback since Sid Luckman in the freaking 1940's. Yet he took a team with crappy receivers (from '03-'11 not a single 1k receiver), a medicore to piss poor offensive line and only strong on one side of the ball to the Superbowl and a NFC title game. All of this with a subpar GM at that. We have a crappy offensive line here and had medicore to piss poor quarterback play but some have some playermakers and are on a 11 game losing streak.

If your GM is bad and not giving you talent yet you gain some amount of success then you just got more out of your players. Look at the Bears defense now. They look like crap. You can run the ball on them at will in embarassing fashion. With Lovie that wasn't the case just a year ago. He got more out of horrible players like Chris Conte, Major Wright, etc. Now they look like the Red Sea parting when someone runs the ball on them. Just like Daniel Manning didn't become a decent/solid player til Lovie went one on one with him.

So yeah he has some negatives but the main focus is the offensive side and should be the drilling point in hiring him. He needs a firm list of coordinators he is interested in. If he doesn't then he needs to return to his ranch. Simple as that.
I'll get behind Lovie Smith if they hire him, simply because I'm a Texans fan.

But, he is not my first choice...

He's not my first choice either, but I'm not going to call him a bad coach, or say that I do not want him. The only person on McNair's list that I do not want is Wade Phillips. He's a bad coach. Bad DC, bad coach.
You wouldn't know a good coach if he jumped up and bit you on the ass.

Stubborn and mediocre? Isn't that the description that any fan gives about a coach they either don't, or don't like any more?

You're so hot to trot on this Bill O'Brien. If they hire him, and two years from now, if he doesn't do like you want, you'll call for his head, and do you know what your reasons will be? Because he's 'stubborn' and 'mediocre'.:rolleyes:

THE two most overused words in the the football fanbase.

You can read the future?

Tell me more about those lotto numbers.
You can read the future?

Tell me more about those lotto numbers.

I can help you there.


Got them from a reliable fortune cookie at the local Chinese restaurant.

I don't really want Lovie as our coach either. Is it too soon to give Aaron Kromer a look?

Completely agree. Hopefully, he was interviewed to get the Rooney Rule requirement out of the way so that we can hire the guy that I covet, Bill O'Brien. We will have the next elite NFL head coach if we get Bill O'Brien. More mediocrity with Lovie.

You're not going to pull in a guy who is a former HC as a Rooney Rule guy, it'd be some positional coach that you know has no chance. Pretty sure the Texans are genuinely interested in Lovie Smith and aren't using him to get around a rule that you have to interview minority coaches.
I've bought into the O'Brien hype so obviously that's who I want.

There are worse fates than Lovie Smith. I'd prefer to roll the dice and see if Bill O'Brien is the guy though.
I've bought into the O'Brien hype so obviously that's who I want.

There are worse fates than Lovie Smith. I'd prefer to roll the dice and see if Bill O'Brien is the guy though.

I'm willing to roll the dice on O'Brien as well. I just think it's funny that a guy who was been an NFL head coach for 0 years is already being called elite and a genius. Lol.

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I'm willing to roll the dice on O'Brien as well. I just think it's funny that a guy who was been an NFL head coach for 0 years is already being called elite and a genius. Lol.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Who called him a genius?? I'm very high on him myself and he is the guy I want for the Texans, but I haven't seen anyone refer to him as that. That is the same crap people threw out about Kubiak before he ever coached a game.