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Texans New Uniforms

I wonder how Cal is doing in all of this. The changes are making a visibly different team than what his dad crafted.

Sure he’s fine. Dude gets a bad rap amongst fans b/c of 1 story told by Sage Rosefels of all people, but for all we know, this has probably been what he’s been wanting to do for a while with the team..he just couldn’t implement it…1st b/c of his father and how his dad wanted things done, and then for a brief stint his mom before her health issues…his image amongst fans is that of a hands off, dithering idiot who sits in the press box & he couldn’t change that as that's been in the making for 20+ years…he just didn’t have the tools to be able to change his image in the eyes of fans…so he and mama McNair finally agreed she needed to step back and that gave Cal the opportunity to bring Hannah in the fold and use her talents to rehab his and the teams’ image.

Make no mistake tho that none of this matters if they don’t hit on CJ and Will Anderson in the draft and this team wasn’t poised for a run. Had that not happened and we still sucked, this whole effort along with this uniform reveal campaign comes off as corny and more of a cash grab than it already is. And in that regard Hannah would just look like an old ass cheerleader “standing by her man” as opposed to this fierce champion of the city of Houston like she appears now. Don’t believe me? The Panthers’ owners wife has been alot like Hannah since her husband bought the team , but b/c they Bryce Young and the Panthers have stunk it up while CJ has been down here tearing it up, She more than anyone has been blamed for them screwing that pick up.
If you all have a minute, take a listen.

Cliff notes:

- The NFL designed the uniforms and sent them to the Texans, this includes an Htown blue uniform where the primary color was the Colombia blue

-Amy Adams Strunk threw a giant b*tch fit to Roger Goodell personally and convinced him to not let the Texans use any of the blue at all

- A compromise was reached, however this blue may be expanded into the uniform as the NFL sees how well it sells and no longer pays attention to Adams.
I don't even understand how that could even fly given how many other teams also use light blue in their uniforms.

Like what's the argument to not let us use light blue? Because we used to?
Perhaps part of the problem is what is the Oilers blue? One is that original powder blue crap that I always hated. The jersey Earl is wearing I believe is a later, darker shade of Columbia blue. Which color is Amy Adams trying to claim? Cant be both.
Sure he’s fine. Dude gets a bad rap amongst fans b/c of 1 story told by Sage Rosefels of all people, but for all we know, this has probably been what he’s been wanting to do for a while with the team..he just couldn’t implement it…1st b/c of his father and how his dad wanted things done, and then for a brief stint his mom before her health issues…his image amongst fans is that of a hands off, dithering idiot who sits in the press box & he couldn’t change that as that's been in the making for 20+ years…he just didn’t have the tools to be able to change his image in the eyes of fans…so he and mama McNair finally agreed she needed to step back and that gave Cal the opportunity to bring Hannah in the fold and use her talents to rehab his and the teams’ image.

Make no mistake tho that none of this matters if they don’t hit on CJ and Will Anderson in the draft and this team wasn’t poised for a run. Had that not happened and we still sucked, this whole effort along with this uniform reveal campaign comes off as corny and more of a cash grab than it already is. And in that regard Hannah would just look like an old ass cheerleader “standing by her man” as opposed to this fierce champion of the city of Houston like she appears now. Don’t believe me? The Panthers’ owners wife has been alot like Hannah since her husband bought the team , but b/c they Bryce Young and the Panthers have stunk it up while CJ has been down here tearing it up, She more than anyone has been blamed for them screwing that pick up.

I am just talking about the emotional aspect of it. When he shows up on Sundays it won’t be the same looking team he watched with his father.
Sure he’s fine. Dude gets a bad rap amongst fans b/c of 1 story told by Sage Rosefels of all people, but for all we know, this has probably been what he’s been wanting to do for a while with the team..he just couldn’t implement it…1st b/c of his father and how his dad wanted things done, and then for a brief stint his mom before her health issues…his image amongst fans is that of a hands off, dithering idiot who sits in the press box & he couldn’t change that as that's been in the making for 20+ years…he just didn’t have the tools to be able to change his image in the eyes of fans…so he and mama McNair finally agreed she needed to step back and that gave Cal the opportunity to bring Hannah in the fold and use her talents to rehab his and the teams’ image.

To be fair, Tommy Boy saved his dad's business in the end..

Also in that subreddit he says the Sage Rosenfel story isn’t true.

For those unfamiliar with the story…

Of course this drops in the 2021 season and the Houston sports media leaned right into it considering what the team was going thru.
A little preview of a fly ass 2024..


The solution to any and all of our problems and disagreements over these uniforms/colors is right before our eyes. Everything will get better if they just beat the snot out of people in this gear. Nothing makes a crappy designed logo or a clashing set of colors look better than other teams fans crying in their beer.

I love some of this stuff, hate the rest, and will be just fine with all of it if enough W's pile up.
The crying here is pretty entertaining.

If you get bored, give it a read. Plenty of tears and jelly.

Yeah they big mad…and it’s the typical myopic view of a group of people who not only don’t know **** but also would rather fall back on technicalities instead of confronting the fact that their owner is a petty beyotch who made the 1st few moves of this saga when she pulled that bush league stunt against us last year and the U of H thing. “but… but we own the rights, why can’t they understand that!” Even those claiming to know are only telling part of the story.

lol, Yeah, WE want to be “them” so bad…lol that **** doesn’t make sense considering A, they wouldn’t even be them without us…B, the coolest thing about them came from us. It’s a textbook case of what folks in the hip hop industry call “swagger- jacking”.

Newsflash dipshits..we birthed u fucks not the other way around…pretty much everything great that has happened since they left Houston? B/c of us. SB appearance..they got there largely in part with star players drafted by Houston. Hell Outside of Jevon Kearse and Derrick Henry what star players have they even drafted in the 20+ years since going to Tennessee lol. And it’s not like the have this huge lead in wins against us. The all-time head to head record record is 23-21….which given that it appears we have our guy under center for the next 15+, thats probably gonna dramatically flip in our favor in the coming years. Outside of the jags, They are the other team in the division we’ve had no issues with beating or at least splitting with fairly consistently ………no matter WHAT we’ve had going on b/c they’ve been so inept. For Christ sakes We beat them last year with our QB 3 and a lot of other key starters out.

We want to be them so bad…give me a break. I guess that’s why Skunk sent a cease and desist letter to U of H regarding their throwback unis too huh? Trying to be like non-descript ass Tennessee Titans…even tho U of H is a college not an NFL franchise. Just like ol’ Bud thinking he was “sticking” it to Houston when they “stole” VY from us, this too will backfire and as long as she continues to hold this petty ass grudge, she will continue her father’s legacy of looking weak.
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The solution to any and all of our problems and disagreements over these uniforms/colors is right before our eyes. Everything will get better if they just beat the snot out of people in this gear. Nothing makes a crappy designed logo or a clashing set of colors look better than other teams fans crying in their beer.

I love some of this stuff, hate the rest, and will be just fine with all of it if enough W's pile up.
As I'm sure I've mentioned before, if the Texans are in CC games and SBs, I'm not going out of my way to talk about uniforms. Even if they suck I doubt I'll care, at least until it turns into the game jersey they wear this Sunday becoming a bigger topic than what's going on on the field ................... Sorry, was reminiscing about those great roof open/roof closed debates when there wasn't good football. Anyway, it doesn't mean I like or don't like what they wear. I hated the Astros brick red scheme but rarely if ever brought it up. Honestly, uniforms are waaay down the list for me of things to complain about. I mean, unless you break out the Rockets pajamas or have the Roughnecks helmet. And I'm sure there's people who like those but there's people who think the McRib is good eating too. Don't trust those people.

I don't like the, IMO, cheesy, arena league looking red helmet, but that's not going to stop me from rooting for them on Sundays and hoping they beat the snot out of everyone while wearing it. The rest of it to me is meh. When is the 1st game again?
I hope we don't wear the color rush jersey's against the inbreds. I don't even want them thinking they are that important.
If we didn’t want them thinking that, we shouldn’t have made a big deal about the Oilers uniforms last year nor tried to use the colors in our new jerseys. They wanted to get under our skin and we gave them exactly what they wanted.
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I don't even understand how that could even fly given how many other teams also use light blue in their uniforms.

Like what's the argument to not let us use light blue? Because we used to?
The thing I can't reconcile: The NFL designed a jersey featuring the H-Town blue predominantly and sent that to the Texans. Does the normal process also involve sending the uniform schemes to all other teams too? If so, why? Do the other owners vote on this? It sounds like Amy was able to unilaterally change the mind of the NFL and affect a potentially significant revenue stream of another team (these jerseys would have broken sales records). This is collusion folks. If all this is true I hope the Texans are preparing for a massive lawsuit against Amy, the NFL, and anyone else involved in that decision making process.
I really don’t care about Tennessee. we have a top QB in the league. A top HC. A top GM. And top ownership.

Tennessee has…


Cause they have terrible ownership in a football team. A GM that just signed Ridley to a bad contract. A mediocre QB. And who is their HC?

The NFL created this drama to create viewership. It also creates current and future jersey sales.
Hannah is absolutely putting the team in the new color rush jerseys when the Titans come to town. That's a given.

No doubt about it.

I just wish they wouldn't. Not that it matters from an actual game standpoint...I just don't want their fans to feel like we're getting all fancy because their inbred team is coming to town.
No doubt about it.

I just wish they wouldn't. Not that it matters from an actual game standpoint...I just don't want their fans to feel like we're getting all fancy because their inbred team is coming to town.
All of those jerseys and merchandise will be gobbled up during that game. Sales will be insane.
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Blue is more like a black, no? And if it's black like that they straight up look like Falcons or Cardinals, lol.

Those dummy "in-game" images look a bit better.

Still have my criticisms of the jerseys themselves.

Whatever I guess.
Blue is more like a black, no? And if it's black like that they straight up look like Falcons or Cardinals, lol.

Those dummy "in-game" images look a bit better.

Still have my criticisms of the jerseys themselves.

Whatever I guess.
Yes the blue is essentially black. It’s the initial color the Texans wanted to use at inception. Nike no longer makes the deep steel blue.
Quite a few htown blue items are now sold out online. The NFL and it’s vendors will most assuredly be making more and more items.
My opinion is meh.

Good thing I care more about the product on the field than what they are wearing or Id be disappointed for the next 20 years and change til they "shake it up" again.

I will say I am happy they aren't trying to be the Titans/Oilers though (threat of lawsuit or not). IF they got the rights, fine.... but Im honestly not looking for the Oilers, I want my team to build their own legacy not cling to someone elses... especially when that someone else is a division rival, resides in the land of the 12 toed sister cousin wives and is owned by an Adams family member.
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My opinion is meh.

Good thing I care more about the product on the field than what they are wearing or Id be disappointed for the next 20 years and change til they "shake it up" again.

I will say I am happy they aren't trying to be the Titans/Oilers though (threat of lawsuit or not). IF they got the rights, fine.... but Im honestly not looking for the Oilers, I want my team to build their own legacy not cling to someone elses... especially when that someone else is a division rival, resides in the land of the 12 toed sister cousin wives and is owned by an Adams family member.

I don’t want them to look like the oilers either, they are gone.

I think it’s the paying respect to them because the oilers did represent Houston and mean something to Houstonians, not Possum Hollarians.
Thats why I dont consider a little "H town blue" to be trying to be the Oilers. Its one thing to nod at the past, its another to try and emulate it.

Don't forget where you come from, just don't walk backwards, it's no way to move forward.
I don’t want them to look like the oilers either, they are gone.

I think it’s the paying respect to them because the oilers did represent Houston and mean something to Houstonians, not Possum Hollarians.

Means something to oldhead Houstonians. Anyone born in the last 40 years really doesn't have a connection to the Oilers.
It doesn't exist for many of us that remember the pain of the pre- Luv Ya Blue era either
That pain is what I consider a badge of honor if I hold on to it. Titans wearing it is about as dishonorable as hem inducting Earl Into their ring of honor. The latter never happening, the aforementioned shouldn’t have.
Fvck the once bitten, twice shy Titans. Fvck the former disgrace to Houston, the Oilers... dont know why people pine for the Oilers-- they didnt do **** throughout their entire existence here.
Yay Warren Moon, yay Ray Childress, yay Earl Campbell... but *THAT* franchise/team/organization AINT HOUSTON. They (Tennessee / interested ownership parties) still grasping at the straws of "relevance & tradition"-- when it really matters nadadamn to fans of Houston football teams. (pro/college/alt)... hell HPD doesnt even associate itself with soft, gender-reveal blue anymore.

These hues of blue that belong to the Texans due to "give-and-take" from the NFL (which is a fnjoke within itself)... deep steel blue / electric* blue... (thats more electric blue than columbia/hpd blue... NRG = electric)