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Texans at Bengals Prediction Thread

jags98 said:
God. I feel bad for all you Texans fans having to deal with these Bungals. Hopefully the final score will make it better.

Texans 20
Bengals 23

Yeah just wait till week 5, then we can kick Crying Byron's butt up and down the field.
Best Uniforms Ever said:
Yeah just wait till week 5, then we can kick Crying Byron's butt up and down the field.

You wont be saying that for long... because i know you wont be coming back after we put a whipping on your boys.
jags98 said:
You wont be saying that for long... because i know you wont be coming back after we put a whipping on your boys.

You guys were lucky to beat the Jets. If not for a bad call you would have lost to a ****** team. Jimmy Smith was out of bounds before he crossed the plane.
Best Uniforms Ever said:
Yeah just wait till week 5, then we can kick Crying Byron's butt up and down the field.

Now why are you going to say that and get some Jag fans in the convo?

Come week 5, the Bungles will get a real reality check in front of national TV. Our defense is statistically the second best in the league, and best in the AFC. Henderstroud will be all over Palmer all night and CJ will end up marking a "yes" in his matchup column when he meets Rashean. Just because you all are 3-0, doesn't mean nothing until late in the season. Look at the 2004 Jags for example.

To tell you the truth, I hope the Bungles are undefeated coming into week 5. It will make it that much satisfying when we win.
Best Uniforms Ever said:
You guys were lucky to beat the Jets. If not for a bad call you would have lost to a ****** team. Jimmy Smith was out of bounds before he crossed the plane.

Can you not see? Do you want the video? Then we will see whos right and wrong. It wouldnt matter anyway we would have been at the one yard line and atleast kicked a FG.
Best Uniforms Ever said:
Since the Bengals have yet to play the Colts in the regular season, let's take a look at a common denominator. The Browns, since both teams have played them. The Bengals played them in Cleveland, and the Colts played them in Indy.

The Bengals basically manhandled the Browns and scored on them at will towards the end of the game. The Colts were lucky to score 13 points against the Browns in the RCA down.

All men are mortal.

Fred is a man.

Therefore Fred is Mortal.

Get it?

And Skyline Chili is awesome, anyone can put hot peppers in Alpo and call it chili.
Actually Gold Star Chili is better than Skiline but that Alpo crack was the funniest thing I've read on this site next to people saying that the Texans are going to win. It's just nice to se some life out of you Houston fans It's just a shame that you havent had very much to cheer about.
Know matter who he plays for "The Rocket" still rulz and he should win the
"Sy Young" (I hope I spelled that right) :drool: :drool:
Best Uniforms Ever said:
As you can tell I am real concerned about the Jag-offs and their fans. Statistically you were number 2? According to what? Your yahoo fantasy football meter? Give me a break. How many take aways do you guys have? Do you have 5 INTs per game in 2 back to back games?

We have a turnover ratio of +7. Its not our damn fault we play PLAYOFF contenters while you guys get to lick your chops playing the BROWNS, BEARS, and Vikings while they were learning the new system. Its hardly your team.
jags98 said:
We have a turnover ratio of +7. Its not our damn fault we play PLAYOFF contenters while you guys get to lick your chops playing the BROWNS, BEARS, and Vikings while they were learning the new system.

you jag offs must be scared already. Well wait your turn we aint done with the lil texans yet...
Wow now we have Bungles and the Texans whipping boys on our message board talking **** to each other. Baby this is great...
Troy the Bengal said:
you jag offs must be scared already. Well wait your turn we aint done with the lil texans yet...

Scared? Not at all. I know my team will win while you keep praising your 3-0 thanks to the schduling gods.
The Jokeguars are going to be pummelled, Fatwhich will be carried off the field out of breath from chasing our DBs after they pick his passes clean

But they will have to wait their turn because we will have to crush the texans first. Texans may just want to mail in their loss and save them the embarrassment
Damn Bungles guys I doubt we will win but we will give you a better game than any other **** team you have faced. I have alot of respect for the Bungles what 15 long years of nothing to gloat about, hell most of the fans on this site would be gloating if we were 3-0. Dont think for a minute you are just going to roll over us though. WE have Texan Pride and that cannot be matched by anyone "True fan or bad fan" (that is for you DD)
You know what I just realized. The bengals were so terrible for so long they forgot what it was like to win a game. So now that they have actualy won a few games they are all freaking out thinking their the best team ever. :loser
Bubbajwp said:
You know what I just realized. The bengals were so terrible for so long they forgot what it was like to win a game. So now that they have actualy won a few games they are all freaking out thinking their the best team ever. :loser

My thoughts exactly Bubba. Its like there in shock.
Bubbajwp said:
You know what I just realized. The bengals were so terrible for so long they forgot what it was like to win a game. So now that they have actualy won a few games they are all freaking out thinking their the best team ever. :loser

First of all none of us is in shock.I was a Bengals fan the 15 years we was losing,and i will be a Bengals fan for the rest of my life.Im not here to talk smack to anybody.But we are in top in all stats,you guys are in the bottom in all stats.So why are you talking trash?And you know what,i will be back monday and talk with you all about how bad you guys got it and you wish you could only play like the bengals are now.How many games have you guys won in the last 3 years? Thats what i thought!
Bubbajwp said:
I thought you were being sarcastic.

I was being serious,I am was right..there was things i shouldnt of said and i knew i was wrong and thats why i said i was sorry.Im one of those on the bengals site telling other people not to talk ****.We just let things get carried away.This will be my last post i promise,but please forgive me for the **** i said...bye
bearcats937 said:
I was being serious,I am was right..there was things i shouldnt of said and i knew i was wrong and thats why i said i was sorry.Im one of those on the bengals site telling other people not to talk ****.We just let things get carried away.This will be my last post i promise,but please forgive me for the **** i said...bye
Yes we did. I also apologize for anything I said.
ohwhyknott said:
One last thing---There's a Texans Troll on our board, talkin some MAJOR TRASH!!!---That's why the poop is flying back!!! No offence to the good people of Houston, But if your gonna dish it out, You're surley going to get it back from our fans!!!
We can't help what goes on at your board but we can do something about ours. We won't put up with much vile or vulgar stuff here. Things may sit a while before it's taken down but we try hard to host a site where parents do not have to block from their kids. You can deal with that troll over there. You can't deal with him here. We will do the best we can with our trolls and poor behaviour here.
TexanAlmighty said:
Texans 17

Bengals 16

It will happen, the Texans will prevail! We are gonna upset them and you heard it here first!!! GO TEXANS!!!! :texflag: :texans: :fans:

I think it's obvious this is a risky game for Cincy. They're heavily favored against a team with a good amount of talent who needs a win bad. DD does concern me, as does Johnson.

For the Texans, the keys to the game are:

1. Got to slow down Cincy's offense early - it can be done. See last week's game.

2. Avoid turnovers. Do NOT see last two weeks games, where Cincy set NFL record with 5 INTs two weeks in a row.

3. Pound with DD and throw to TE - you can be successful there if you can stick with it. You'll need to take a few shots to AJ as well. Careful of rookie (Def rookie of month) O. Thurman - if you throw and make TE vulnerable, you'll need another TE - he's been laying people out.

I have DD on my FFL team, and he'll be starting for me this week. I have Carr on the bench - I expected more from him this year, as I'm sure you did as well. I am nowhere near ready to cut him - I think he'll come around and post decent numbers this year.

If you guys do those three things, and I suspect you'll try it, this is anyone's game. My expectation, and honestly my hope is that you can't do all three enough to win.

Here's to a clean, injury-free game that we can all enjoy!

I'll predict 20-10 Bengals; more often than not, the prognosticators hit it close.
Maybe it is just the three enchiladas rice and beans that I had for lunch today but I have a good feeling about this weeks game. I think that Pendry's little adjustment of screaming at the players when they mess up is going to make a big difference this week. I might just be crazy but I believe that we are going to win.

I hate to say it but I'd be happy with a very competitive game. Cincinnati has been on the verge of the playoffs for 2 years now as were the Bills last year. Looking at the schedule when it was released I was hoping to beat one of these two teams in the 1st three games. I didn't realistically expect to beat the Steelers.

Looking ahead I think we can beat the following (or at least have a chance):

Titans (x1)
Jaguars (x1)
Chiefs or Rams

That's 7 games.
This is a tough week to predict since we're all waiting to see if the offense responds to Pendry. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the Texans pull out a win. After two rough weeks last season they managed to pull out a win against a talented KC team, and I think we can do the same to the Bengals provided that the team plays up to their potential.

27 Texans
24 Bengals
texasguy346 said:
This is a tough week to predict since we're all waiting to see if the offense responds to Pendry. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the Texans pull out a win. After two rough weeks last season they managed to pull out a win against a talented KC team, and I think we can do the same to the Bengals provided that the team plays up to their potential.

27 Texans
24 Bengals

I honestly believe that if the Bengals lose this game, they don't deserve, nor will they make the playoffs.

Playing a team that is struggling so bad, and has fired a key coach since their last game, in Cincinnati - we HAVE to be able to win such a game. These are the games playoff teams win, and also-rans lose.

No doubt HOU has talent, but there's too much of a mess to beat a playoff team.

Here's to hoping Cincy is still a playoff team on Monday!

YellerLotYeller said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 3 games into the season and youre already a playoff team. :ok:

Are you having a tough time with comprehension, or are you just trying to start something when there's nothing there?

I'll explain my post for you:

Texans are not playing well now.

Good teams, that go to the playoffs, beat teams in the condition the Texans are in, especially when they get to play them at home.

IF (IF IF IF IF IF) the Bengals can't beat the Texans at home, they are not, and do not deserve to be, a playoff team.
CinciFan said:
Are you having a tough time with comprehension, or are you just trying to start something when there's nothing there?

I'll explain my post for you:

Texans are not playing well now.

Good teams, that go to the playoffs, beat teams in the condition the Texans are in, especially when they get to play them at home.

IF (IF IF IF IF IF) the Bengals can't beat the Texans at home, they are not, and do not deserve to be, a playoff team.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 3 games into the season and youre already a playoff team.
All he is saying is that its only three games into the season. There is still 13 games left. It's a little early to be calling your self a playoff team. Remeber anything is possible.
CinciFan said:
Good teams, that go to the playoffs, beat teams in the condition the Texans are in, especially when they get to play them at home.

IF (IF IF IF IF IF) the Bengals can't beat the Texans at home, they are not, and do not deserve to be, a playoff team.

I hope you come back next week when you lose so I can quote you again.
You can't be serious. As bad as the Bungles have been the last ten years Its going to take more then two games for me to stop knocking them.
done88 said:
You can't be serious. As bad as the Bungles have been the last ten years Its going to take more then two games for me to stop knocking them.

Well then, soon to be 0-3 against the Bengals. I am the misfortune teller, and my crystal ball says

The Misfortune teller said:
Well then, soon to be 0-3 against the Bengals. I am the misfortune teller, and my crystal ball says

Bengals- 31

Texans- 20
I'm sorry but when a team is as bad as the bungles were for as long as they were bad. We don't have to beat them to make fun of them. We dont have to beat anybody before we make fun of them Why because were :texflag: texanpride :patriot
Bubbajwp said:
I'm sorry but when a team is as bad as the bungles were for as long as they were bad. We don't have to beat them to make fun of them. We dont have to beat anybody before we make fun of them Why because were :texflag: texanpride :patriot

Bro, during our 2-14 season, we beat you AT YOUR HOME 38-3. Just stop.

Anyways, my prediction is:

Bengals 48
Texans 10
badassBENGAL said:
Bro, during our 2-14 season, we beat you AT YOUR HOME 38-3. Just stop.

Anyways, my prediction is:

Bengals 48
Texans 10
And we beat them with King Bush the first in the crowd.

P.S. Who Dey is old. That's funny :hmmm: . What is your established teams catchphrase?