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Ricky Williams wants back in....

Do you guys really want the Texans to fool with this guy??? How many random acts of strangeness would it take for you to be convinced???

The scenario would be something like this:

ESPN and the football world wonder what Houston is thinking. Various times they would say Houston is becoming the Ricky Williams of the NFL, what, with the Mario Williams thing, now this. Ricky gets a good game of two under his belt and then does the unthinkable, he pees in a cup.

"Welcome to NFL Live and boy do we have a story for you. The Houston Texans have done it aga......."

This scenario is a poor one, I know. Houston wouldn't be shelling out bigtime cash and/or using up valuable 1st round draft picks. But the nation would look at it as another strange football decision made by a young organization who has already made their share.

In this case I'd rather watch the train wreck on the news, not in my backyard.
Do you guys really want the Texans to fool with this guy??? How many random acts of strangeness would it take for you to be convinced???

The scenario would be something like this:

ESPN and the football world wonder what Houston is thinking. Various times they would say Houston is becoming the Ricky Williams of the NFL, what, with the Mario Williams thing, now this. Ricky gets a good game of two under his belt and then does the unthinkable, he pees in a cup.

"Welcome to NFL Live and boy do we have a story for you. The Houston Texans have done it aga......."

This scenario is a poor one, I know. Houston wouldn't be shelling out bigtime cash and/or using up valuable 1st round draft picks. But the nation would look at it as another strange football decision made by a young organization who has already made their share.

In this case I'd rather watch the train wreck on the news, not in my backyard.

The opinions of sports-writers don't matter, and I know that would be a shock to them to hear that. The question is does it make your team better and what is the opportunity cost of acquiring him, but the most important question is will it make the organization more money, not will the sports-writers like it.
I care to the point that I don't want the Texans a laughing stock. Like it or not, people actually believe what they say. I don't want that reputation around the league for us.

As for him helping the team, no, he can't. Drop your horns for five minutes for crying out loud and think about it.

EDIT: I'll the leave the original post, but add to it the "horns" comment was a little too hasty. Sorry about that.
In all seriousness I can't believe some of you would want another dope smoker in this organization. Didn't we learn our lesson with Casserely?
In all seriousness I can't believe some of you would want another dope smoker in this organization. Didn't we learn our lesson with Casserely?

Nice shot at Asserly. Personally I would not want anything to do with him until he proves he can stay in this league. Besides what is he making> His dollar figure surely can't be in line with his production.
• Word is Ricky Williams, who applied for NFL reinstatement Monday, has been living in Boston the past few months and meeting regularly with a therapist for counseling on life issues. He rejected a proposal to do a reality show but is mulling an offer to do a yoga video. He hopes to generate interest from, in particular, Tampa Bay, Green Bay, Dallas, Houston or New England, assuming Miami dumps him.
If Ricky can consistently get a first down on 3rd and 1, bring him in. We do not have anyone healthy on our roster that seems to be able to complete that monumental task.

We have no depth. If Dayne and Gado are the best we can start, and the running game is so pivotal to our gameplan, we need someone back there to light a fire (not anything else!). Otherwise, our play action fails and our defense stays out on the field too long.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. And yes, we are desperate right now.
If Ricky can consistently get a first down on 3rd and 1, bring him in. We do not have anyone healthy on our roster that seems to be able to complete that monumental task.

We have no depth. If Dayne and Gado are the best we can start, and the running game is so pivotal to our gameplan, we need someone back there to light a fire (not anything else!). Otherwise, our play action fails and our defense stays out on the field too long.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. And yes, we are desperate right now.

I agree wholeheartedly, but I just can't see the Texans/McNair bringing Ricky in if he were to become available.:wild:
I have no doubt in my mind that they will atleast consider it.

Rick Smith has said out of his mouth several times that they do not overlook or immediately dismiss any possibility.

Originally I was opposed, but the more I think about it the more I like it. I don't know if it will happen, but it seems as if Ricky is interested in coming here.
I wouldn't be surprised if we, or any of the other high charcter franchises, gives Ricky a shot and loads his contract with stipulations in regards to banned substances. I am 100% for bringing Ricky in for, if nothing else, run support.

My $0.02
...loads his contract with stipulations in regards to banned substances.
The standard NFL contract is already loaded with stipulations in regards to banned substances. That's why Ricky's suspended.
Again.....Leonard Little gets manslaughter DWI, no one says anything really. Lawrence Phillips gets multiple chances after break-ins and domestic abuse charges, Ray Lewis is involved in a murder trial, Shawne Merriman does roids, the ink blotter the past few years and you guys crack on a guy that smokes pot.Let me get this straight a lot else can be forgiven in this league but SMOKING POT is the highest crime of all.

As for his dedication to the game. Favre's retirement waivering the past few years, Michael Strahan's Camp ordeal this year, Tiki Barber retiring more or less in his prime year,Barry Sanders doing the same, yet Ricky gets hounded when he wants to take time off to find himself.

Maybe I'm defending the guy but it's not his fault Ditka traded an entire draft for him and he's had to live in that shadow. It's not like he did the hype machine Reggie Bush has. I've always gotten the impression the guy always wanted to play football, didn't want the spotlight and publicity, just go out and play. His years in Miami had what Jay Fielder at QB?! While LJ carried the rock a record amount last year if i remember right Ricky held the record prior. The Fins O had no one else at the time and Dave W pretty much came out and said they're going to pound Ricky. With his relationship with Earl and seeing what that style of play did to him....Do you honestly fault Ricky for wanting to get out of that situation?

Since Dan Marino and Shula left the Dolphins its been a ride for that organization. Looks like from out of the frying pan into the fire.

Whatever though...honestly It'd be a low risk High Reward venture and with our current situation at RB i don't see how our FO couldn't at least be somewhat interested.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. And yes, we are desperate right now.
Right now? How is Ricky going to help right now? The reinstatement process could take 2 months before the commissioner makes a decision. And do you really think reinstatement is a slam dunk with this commish?

Under the league's substance abuse program, when a player applies for reinstatement the doctors have up to 45 days to submit their report and recommendation to the commissioner. He then has up to 15 days to make a decision. That means the process could take up to 60 days from the day Williams applies to be reinstated.
What does that mean? Well, forget about trading for Ricky. The trade deadline will have passed. The Fins could release Ricky, making him a street FA. In that scenario, Ricky could become available in early December. That's not right now.
Why does the NFL care if a guy smokes pot in the first place? Its not like it gives him an edge or anything. I could ask why is pot illegal in the first place, but that is a whole 'nother debate.
Right now? How is Ricky going to help right now? The reinstatement process could take 2 months before the commissioner makes a decision. And do you really think reinstatement is a slam dunk with this commish?

ahhhh, I did not realize all of that. Thanks for the heads up.

I still think he's an upgrade over Dayne or Gado. Those two are pathetic, IMO, and will continue to keep this offense from being consistently productive. Nobody respects our run game without Green back there, and even then, it's not a slam dunk.
Why does the NFL care if a guy smokes pot in the first place? Its not like it gives him an edge or anything. I could ask why is pot illegal in the first place, but that is a whole 'nother debate.

If marijuana were legal in the U.S., then I'm not sure the NFL would have a problem with its players partaking. Since it's illegal, then every employer in America has the right to fire its employees for breaking the law.

Personally, I don't care about the weed, but it is clear evidence that Ricky Williams is not capable of being a responsible member of a team. If an employer came to me and offered me a truckload of money to do a job, with the stipulation that I had to refrain from breaing the law, whatever that law, I think I'd be on board. Hell, they could tell me I had to refrain from eating ice cream and I'd be on board. It's a truckload of money.

To me, he's just irresponsible and stupid, at least with regards to this issue. That's not someone I'd want on the team.
Just speculation. Doubtful that McNair would let Ricky play for the Texans. I would have no problem with Ricky playing here but there would have to be some special considerations made to protect our franchise's interest in case of Ricky failing another wiz quiz.

He needs to play for just above league minimum with some incentives that can help him get paid and opt out and get a fairer deal if he starts producing. It serves both parties interests. The day that Ricky signed with MASTER P's sports agency and then did that stupid freaking deal, I knew that Ricky doesn't make good decisions. Hopefully he could change that here in Houston, or elsewhere. He ain't a bad guy, he just makes dumb decisions that affect himself as well as others (Dolphins organization and the children he has fathered by multiple women)

I always liked the guy and have no big problem with someone burning a doobie every once in a while, but its against the rules of the NFL and that makes me question his desire to play football. He knows he can't get high and still be in the NFL, yet he still smokes. He has to lay off the grass at least until he retires.

Personally, my biggest problem I have with 'off the field' Ricky Williams is that he fathered all these children and now can't support them like he could and should. As a father, it just gets me sick when I hear about these guys not being in these kid's lives. It's just pathetic. it's called a condom, Ricky. Look into it.
Ricky might actually have the ability to get a first down on 3rd and 1....which is a lot more than we get from the Dayne train right now.
Bring him in, sign a contract with a bunch of incentives and a big bad no-no to Dr Dopie :)

Eggzactly, and all kinds of clauses in there to protect the team from any backlash from the league or from having to pay him out if he does go AWOL.
Seems pretty obvious that he is going to the Raiders. I mean the would anyone really be suprise to see him in a Raiders jearsey?

Reference Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre music for reasons .....
It could take up to 60 days but it could happen in a week or two. The fact is nobody knows. Nobody knows if he'll even get reinstated and if he does then nobody knows what the Dolphins will or won't do with him.
it would be sad if he were injecting or chemically mixing something up to get up...but a plant?

Dude, the "it's a plant" arguement is lame. If you believe all plants are harmless then why don't you walk out into a forest and start randomly injesting mushrooms. Be sure to say good bye to everyone that you care about because you are almost sure to eat some highly poisonous ones.