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NFL Random Thought of the Day

Jimmy G said some money is better than no money
Yeah, but $24.5 down to $6.5m is a big hit. Incentives to $16m, but that only happens if he hits the field AND performs I suspect and they seem all in on Trey. I don't see Trey being the guy in 2022, so their is a chance Jimmy G gets some of that cheddar when he has to come in and save the season. Jimmy G is meh, but $6.5m for an experienced starter as your backup and hopefully mentor is a good deal in today's NFL. Still bet they would trade him in a hot minute to a needy QB team though.
Matt Araiza’s family issues statement: “We have all been canceled”
Posted by Mike Florio on August 30, 2022, 12:01 AM EDT

In the four days since news broke of a civil lawsuit alleging gang rape by former Bills punter Matt Araiza and two others, plenty has happened.
Most recently, his parents issued a lengthy statement to KUSI in San Diego. PFT has confirmed that the message, attributed to “Mr. and Mrs. Araiza, parents of Matt Araiza,” is legitimate.

Here’s the full statement.

“The rule of law is innocent until proven guilty. That is not our experience. There has been war waged on our son. He has been tried and convicted in the media based on information released solely from the alleged victim and her attorney, much of it through social media. People have taken this information as factual, when it is not.

“We do not wish this experience on anyone, but question why our son is the only one receiving this kind of treatment by social media and national news media. The vitriol has been on him alone.

“He has been extorted, discriminated against, harassed and the subject of multiple and continuous threats of violence and death. He has been released from his job and our entire family continues to receive horrific threats of violence and death. We have all been canceled. Every member of our family.

“Salacious rumors grew as fact. There are multiple witness reports to deny the claims that are made against him. The legal system is designed to find the facts and make decisions. They should be allowed to do that.”

Obviously, threats of violence or death directed to Matt Araiza and any members of his family are wrong. They are illegal. Action should be taken to hold the appropriate persons responsible.

As Bills G.M. Brandon Beane explained it on Saturday night during the press conference announcing the team’s decision to move on from Araiza, the situation is complicated. There are different versions. Although the truth may be that the Bills decided that, given the position he plays, it’s not worth the headache and distraction to keep him on the team, there’s a basic truth in the reality that Matt Araiza should focus his efforts on resolving these issues appropriately, both as to the civil lawsuit and the pending criminal investigation.

Regarding the notion that Matt Araiza has been the lone subject of “vitriol,” he’s the only one of the three defendants in the civil lawsuit who was firmly in the public eye as a player on an NFL team. His situation naturally became a greater subject for scrutiny and attention, given that the Bills had to decide what to do about the situation. Now that they have, the uproar (at least the portion of it that arose from his status as the Bills’ punter) should subside.
Ultimately, the truth hopefully will come out, whether through the criminal process or the civil litigation. That’s the best thing for Araiza and his family to focus on.

It’s a sad situation for everyone involved. It’s important at this point for everyone to allow the legal processes to play out. But it’s definitely not “extortion” for the alleged victim to pursue justice in the form of compensation via a potential settlement of her civil claims. Araiza has the right to refuse to settle those claims and to fight them in court. All of his Constitutional protections remain in place. It will be for his lawyers to ensure that those protections are honored, every step of the way.

Whether the statement quoted above is the best approach for trying to undo the damage done in the court of public opinion remains to be seen. In his only comments regarding the matter, Araiza said, “The facts of the incident are not what they are portrayed in the lawsuit or in the press. I look forward to quickly setting the record straight.”

There’s a balance to be struck between getting the public to accept that the facts aren’t what the alleged victim has claimed them to be in her lawsuit, or in her other statements made to the relevant authorities, and avoiding any harm to his ability to defend himself in court. In this specific case, the allegations made by the alleged victim have not been rebutted in any meaningful way that would allow the public or the media to advance Araiza’s case.
It will be for Araiza and his representatives to navigate this situation in the best possible way. If Araiza truly is innocent, he’ll need a P.R. strategy that entails something more than broad denials and/or complaints about the natural consequences of not reacting with a specific and persuasive public response that would cause people to believe him.

Calling it a “money grab,” as his lawyer did last week, doesn’t work. Attacking the alleged victim doesn’t work. Shouting innocence from the rooftops and commencing the process of demonstrating it becomes the best way — indeed, the only way — to convince the many jurors in the court of public opinion that he is wrongly and falsely accused. So far, any such efforts have been incomplete and ineffective.
Whether that changes or not, he still can defend himself within the confines of both branches of the legal system, civil and criminal. His rights in those two contexts have not changed, and to date have not been undermined, in any way. Whether that eventually happens remains to be seen.
So don't watch...
I don't watch those types of games except when they are at nrg. It's sad what has happened under God'ells watch as a whole when it relates to the NFL and where they're headed. I'm not just talking about on the field.
They jumped us to get him, and you’re cutting him already. Lol wow
He's not very good.

2 different HC and both didn't like his game. Inconsistent accuracy.
They jumped us to get him, and you’re cutting him already. Lol wow

He needs some time in Canada, XFL, or USFL.
Caserio should pick him up. He can take Auclair's spot.

OJ Howard is worth kicking the tires on. I wanted him in the draft, so to be in a position to give him a try-out on veteran's minimum deal would be a good move. Maybe this is exactly the time he realizes his career is fully over if he doesn't make an impact. Doesn't hurt that the Texans are in need of a TE.
Sanu would be a good slot WR, or just a good WR3... I know he's old, but he'll fit nicely on a team aiming at 6 wins
OJ Howard is worth kicking the tires on. I wanted him in the draft, so to be in a position to give him a try-out on veteran's minimum deal would be a good move. Maybe this is exactly the time he realizes his career is fully over if he doesn't make an impact. Doesn't hurt that the Texans are in need of a TE.
Howard is a free agent and not available on waivers. So the Texans would need to beat other offers, and I doubt that would be a minimum deal.

Howard's production declined rapidly after Brady became QB. Ironically, the passer rating on targets to Howard his last 2 years were over 100. Odd. Just couldn't gain Brady's trust despite dropping only 1 ball in 40 targets.
Brian Johnson is extremely fortunate. The bullet that was fired at his knee missed damaging any of his tendons, ligaments or bones. He is expected to return to play soon.

Must have been a small calliber.
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Howard is a free agent and not available on waivers. So the Texans would need to beat other offers, and I doubt that would be a minimum deal.

Howard's production declined rapidly after Brady became QB. Ironically, the passer rating on targets to Howard his last 2 years were over 100. Odd. Just couldn't gain Brady's trust despite dropping only 1 ball in 40 targets.
Caserio needs to make Howard a priority. The type of guy I would have given up a late rd pick for.
Howard is a free agent and not available on waivers. So the Texans would need to beat other offers, and I doubt that would be a minimum deal.

Howard's production declined rapidly after Brady became QB. Ironically, the passer rating on targets to Howard his last 2 years were over 100. Odd. Just couldn't gain Brady's trust despite dropping only 1 ball in 40 targets.

Production or projection? Howard’s been around long enough that getting a contract offer based on his Bama days might be a long shot. Howard may have to take a 1 year prove it deal with a team that would give him his best chance to show teams he can still be an impact from the TE slot. If he delivers the goods…..a contract based on his production would surely follow.
The game was so much better in 1908 when men could/would die for our amusement. Since then it's been a century of wussification of our formerly manly sport.
How many players died from 1960-80's football?

1 Darryl Stingley and that was a freak thing
"I'm ashamed about what has come about in these emails, and I'll make no excuses for it," he said. "It's shameful. But, I am a good person. I believe that. I go to church. I've been married for 31 years. I've got three great boys. I still love football. I've made some mistakes. But I don't think anybody in here hasn't. And I just ask for forgiveness and, hopefully, I get another shot."
Deshaun Watson and the Failed Politics of Personal Choices
The numbers speak for themselves.
During the National Football League’s 2021 season, television and digital ratings increased 10 percent from the previous year, to the highest number in six years. Game broadcasts accounted for 91 of the top 100 most watched programs across TV and digital platforms. Revenue is at an all-time high. The recitation of these types of numbers feels almost perfunctory at this point. They get trotted out during every N.F.L. controversy, whether it is traumatic brain injuries, Colin Kaepernick’s protest and subsequent blackballing or whatever else. The point is always the same: Scandals come and go, but the N.F.L. will always grow.

That and TV today sucks.. atleast the NFL is true reality TV. Good programing is few and far between, broadcast TV shows suck, there's a few decent shows on cable/streaming services, a few more on premium cable. There's not a lot of other options left these days. I find myself watching shows in syndication more than new shows these days, which tend to get cancelled after just a few seasons anyways.
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They jumped us to get him, and you’re cutting him already. Lol wow

First thing I thought of when I heard they already cut him!

Lol, maybe we can claim him off waivers to be a young development prospect 3rd string QB 😁
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Another reminder of the hit and miss nature of drafting QBs

For the record I thought Rosen and Lego man Darnold were trash from day 1 (before the draft)..

Unless Lamar grows, his shelf life is not going to be long. He is and has been a really good QB. He just needs to add tools in his tool bag, if he doesn't once he begins to lose a step, he won't be the same.

Baker Mayfield, jury is still out on him. Never thought he should've been drafted as high as he was, but I think he can still work out in the right situation. Maybe the reason for this feeling is he was drafted by the Browns. Nonetheless I'll definitely be tuning into that game week 1.

Josh Allen.. definitely saw some upside when he looked like a man amongst boys on Wyoming kicking the crap out of Texas. I saw the raw physical talent, but never foresaw that he would be able to overcome the early accuracy issues/questions he had. His growth is what surprised me.. didn't see that coming.
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For the record I thought Rosen and Lego man Darnold were trash from day 1 (before the draft)..

Unless Lamar grows, his shelf life is not going to be long. He is and has been a really good QB. He just needs to add tools in his tool bag, if he doesn't once he begins to lose a step, he won't be the same.

Baker Mayfield, jury is still out on him. Never thought he should've been drafted as high as he was, but I think he can still work out in the right situation. Maybe the reason for this feeling is he was drafted by the Browns. Nonetheless I'll definitely be tuning into that game week 1.

Josh Allen.. definitely saw some upside when he looked like a man amongst boys on Wyoming kicking the crap out of Texas. I saw the raw physical talent, but never foresaw that he would be able to overcome the early accuracy issues/questions he had. His growth is what surprised me.. didn't see that coming.

Mayfield - I liked the pick and think he's going to do well in Carolina.

Darnold- I was meh on.

LJ- didn't like the pick, he's far exceeded my expectations. Can't win a championship with that style QB.

Allen - originally didn't like the pick, but after hearing Jim Miller gush over him and say he was going to be the best QB in that draft by far, I quickly got on board with the pick

Rosen- I badly missed on, I really liked him.

Officers say in the docs a man claiming to be Lynch's cousin initially took responsibility for the crash at the scene. They claim the man told them he tried to make a U-turn and "lost it."

Cops, though, didn't seem to buy the story. They said in the docs they had seen a black van pull up to the scene and pick someone up from the disabled Lamborghini -- and when they asked the man about it, they say he told them, "No I came in the van."

They say the man "then changed his story to say the van came to pick up a passenger that was in the car."
  • Wow
Reactions: JB
Why not bring back gladiator games? Those were really popular. Games for real men. Not this BS with helmets, pads, and a toy looking inflated pigskin. Give them swords!!!


Officers say in the docs a man claiming to be Lynch's cousin initially took responsibility for the crash at the scene. They claim the man told them he tried to make a U-turn and "lost it."

Cops, though, didn't seem to buy the story. They said in the docs they had seen a black van pull up to the scene and pick someone up from the disabled Lamborghini -- and when they asked the man about it, they say he told them, "No I came in the van."

They say the man "then changed his story to say the van came to pick up a passenger that was in the car."

It cracked me up when Cris Carter made his comments at the NFL rookie symposium about always having a "fall guy". However, it's funny because he wasn't supposed to say out loud what many of these athletes are doing.

How many players died from 1960-80's football?

1 Darryl Stingley and that was a freak thing

Why not be honest with your question?

How many players died from 1960-80's football prematurely and suffered serious brain injuries later in their lives?

Repetitive head impacts lead to early death for NFL players

A new study published Monday in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) by researchers from the David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics at Syracuse University shows that an increase in repetitive head impacts for NFL players leads to an increased risk of premature death.

Led by Brittany Kmush, Ph.D., an assistant professor of public health at Syracuse University, the research team studied nearly 14,000 NFL players from 1969-2017 and created a cumulative head impact index determined by combining padded practice time and games played as reported in Pro Football Reference.

"We wanted to see if there was an association between repetitive head impacts and mortality among professional football players," Kmush said. "We found that increasing head impacts, not just concussions, increased the risk for mortality among NFL players."


Look, we get it, you don't care about the players after the NFL has used them up. Your perspective has been very clear in that regard.

tbh, I'm still not sure why you even bother watching such a sissy sport as the modern NFL.
Mayfield - I liked the pick and think he's going to do well in Carolina.

Darnold- I was meh on.

LJ- didn't like the pick, he's far exceeded my expectations. Can't win a championship with that style QB.

Allen - originally didn't like the pick, but after hearing Jim Miller gush over him and say he was going to be the best QB in that draft by far, I quickly got on board with the pick

Rosen- I badly missed on, I really liked him.
Yeh, I thought Rosen was the one. Liked LJ, but didn't know if a team would design an offense for him. Baker is a prop, but can succeed if enough is around him. Darnold, didn't see enough. Allen, it was rough early with him throwing balls in the dirt, but feel the same about him as I do Jackson.
Well, you still got John Lynch out there, so there’s balance.

To me it proves there's more to it than picking the most talented players.
Lynch could play ball (he's an NFL HOF), and Shany can coach, atleast he's got the genes, but after seeing the latest performance by Trey Lance for whom the Frisco twosome gave up 3 first rounds pic I dunno if either can draft successfully ?
Why not be honest with your question?

How many players died from 1960-80's football prematurely and suffered serious brain injuries later in their lives?

Look, we get it, you don't care about the players after the NFL has used them up. Your perspective has been very clear in that regard.

tbh, I'm still not sure why you even bother watching such a sissy sport as the modern NFL.

I do believe the NFL should insure them for life.,

As far as why I still watch football, it's because I love the draft and seeing how these guys turn out vs my evals. Also there are guys that I've played FF with since 1987. I really look forward to seeing the guys once a year. But no the game isn't as good as it used to be. The last time I liked the NFL the replacement officials were working.

I love college football.