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McNair Press Briefing

Kaiser Toro said:
I am from Austin and...will take the heckles at work every Friday with my Jersey on as I belive my turn to heckle others will be coming in the future due to Mr. McNair's focus, wallet and will.

In Austin and you call yourself a Texans fan first? Good God, man, are the Longhorns fans not killing you?

(For the record, I'm a UT alumnus and a Longhorns fan; I just know how rabid Austin must be with UT gunning for the National Championship.)
keyfro said:
i think most texan fans have the same mindset...we'll cheer our butts off until the team begins to lose in a manor that is unacceptable...what i mean by that is playing with no heart and it shows...the team hasn't had any heart since the beginning of the season...we look like a boxer that just got punched in the mouth and is still stunned

I agree with this statement 100%.

If the team were staying in games and giving an effort to win, then I will cheer till I am horse in the throat. At least that is what I did last season! This season has been different. The players are not giving forth the effort and it shows in their faces.

However, if the team doesn't give forth any effort, are getting blown out of games, and not listening to the coaches on the sidelines, then this is what I will look like come Sunday :bag:
Originally Posted by Nighthawk
...McNair has got his head in a hole like the rest of the losers associated with this team.

What then, sell and move the team away AGAIN?...

If you don't like the team, or the entire organization, then why are you even a fan? Since this Texans team is obviously not giving you what you want, I would suggest that you find some other sport, or team, to cheer for. --MALLOY


What choice is given to a fan when the owner "might" be telling the fans to shut up and take it?

We've been lied to. We were told the pass protection would be better, and it's WORSE than it was. WORSE. Not the same, not a little better than last year, WORSE.

My family has a saying, "Fool me once, shame on YOU. Fool me twice, shame on ME" meaning that getting fooled by someone else is OK the first time, and it's the fooler's fault for being dishonest. But to get fooled again by the same person is on your own shoulders because you can't see the pattern developing.

There is a pattern developing here. And the pattern is "This is what you're going to get," but when it doesn't materialize as planned or get told, "Shut up. Cheer. Like it or else..."

Now THAT's an organization any sports fan wants to follow, right?

"We stink? Oh well, at least we have football again."

The game is a game, but it's a game that is played to be WON. And you win by scoring more points than your opponents. If you do not win, you lose. And if you lose, you are (drum roll please) a LOSER. Yes, all of the activities such as tailgating are a PART of the game but they are not the game itself. How cool is it to walk into a restaurant that has great atmosphere, and the best service from the parking lot to the cashier, and you paid $100 for a meal that was burnt, tasted bad, and should have cost about $1.50 on the eastside of town?

The argument by some posters that says "It's about enjoying the whole experience" is mistaken, IMO. The experience happens on its own, win or lose. And it's merely a caveat to the real goal: Win, and most importantly win championships.

Biggio and Baggy are still playing because (drum roll again) they want to win and they want to win championships. They are tired. They are worn out. They have families that they would like to enjoy after being away from them for 18 and 15 years respectively...but they stuck it out each year It wasn't the smell of the grass on a summer day that kept them coming back, it was the promise of winning a championship. Was the smell of the grass, and the sounds of a crowd enjoyable to them? You bet. It helped them to perservere through the agony of defeat...but the primary reason they are still here is to win, and to namely win a world series.

So it is with all of sports. If winning wasn't the goal, no score would be kept.

And I know there's not a SINGLE fan here, whether you just signed up or have been here since you were five-years-old thorugh the Oilers era, who would jump ship if we were losing COMPETITIVELY week after week. It's to be expected to lose a game by a TD or a FG. But to lose the way we are losing, it will go down in sports history as one of the most laughable, agonizing, and embarassing seasons of any sports team in any type of sport. Period. And if you're OK with shrugging it off, then you are also a part of the joke that will be told for generations of sports fans to come.

Losing happens, but the excuses concocted here of "why" we should wait until the end of the season to fire Capers and rebuild is just a lack of vision and courage. I want the owner to do everything in his power to win NEXT weekend, not next year. And to tread on egg shells as if we can't possibly tear this thing down in mid-season is a lack of risk taking.

Well, Capers has had four solid years of "free pass" to do exactly what he wants, and he's had a GM that stands in his corner on player drafting, etc., and to think that he deserves the right to stay until the end of the season just on principle alone is absurd. It's a business. Get it done no matter how you have to get it done. Make the phantom tag at second base and sell it like you made it (Adam Everett). Slide sideways into third and take out their third basemen (Jason Lane). Pretend you called time so Larry Walker has to go back to second base instead of advancing to third (Ensberg).

You gotta play like you want to win, and that goes for OWNERSHIP too.

It's as if McNair is keeping Capers out of the goodness of his heart, and the fans are watching their team get embarassed WEEKLY. Not every other week. WEEKLY. See a pattern? I do.

McNair might be playing poker. And, he might not. I hope he is, but even if he is...I gotta admit that I am having second thoughts about the credibility of the ownership. It starts at the top, and he's got to be willing to axe a guy who is a class guy on and off the field.

So tell Biggio that getting to the world series is not what it's all about. He'll look at you like you're nuts.

Herm Edwards to the press: "We PLAY the game to WIN."

McNair: please play the game to win. Pull the trigger. Drop the bomb. Call Ty from ABC Extreme Home Makeover. Do what it takes to win. Cheering is a natural bi-product of winning, or at least the possibility of winning.
oso said:
In Austin and you call yourself a Texans fan first? Good God, man, are the Longhorns fans not killing you?

(For the record, I'm a UT alumnus and a Longhorns fan; I just know how rabid Austin must be with UT gunning for the National Championship.)

I try to keep my vices separate from one another. I have got a uniform for each day on the weekend. :)
I will stick by the texans not matter what. I will always cheer for them because I know when I play ball any bit of hope gives me encouragment to do better. When I get booed it just brings me down. Now this is no excuse for our teams playing however I beleive we need to cheer more often. Also Peyton is a big play caller at the line and is good at reading defenses and is audible king. I say we get loud and make it where he cant hear himself - Randy
My family has a saying, "Fool me once, shame on YOU. Fool me twice, shame on ME" meaning that getting fooled by someone else is OK the first time, and it's the fooler's fault for being dishonest. But to get fooled again by the same person is on your own shoulders because you can't see the pattern developing.

I don't think it's just your family that has that quote. Did you hear President Bush's take on the quote?

"Fool me once, shame on me........Fool me twice, well you're not gonna fool me again.." Sorry, just trying to lighten up the tense board here. :tomato:
Kaiser Toro said:
I try to keep my vices separate from one another. I have got a uniform for each day on the weekend. :)

I combine my vices. I drink when I watch the Texans.
It takes a pretty different kinda' person to stand up and cheer wildly when the other teams are running their backup RBs out there and gaining 100 yds. with those addition to their starting RB who was pretty much finished for the day by halftime.

60,000 people standing up and cheering loudly for a team that couldn't compete with their shadows right now is borderline Jim Jones drink-the-kool-aid type of behavior.

Maybe constant booing is not the answer. I agree on that. But constant cheering is not the answer either.

Come on is a reward-based system for the most-part. You get things by earning them. And the incentive to earn them is monetary, self-edification (people cheering for you), etc.

Giving a team something for nothing is like giving a gambling addict a credit card and "trusting" them to use it wisely.

This SAME team has been cheered through sub-par talent and sub-par seasons since its inception three years ago. The only difference between those three years and this year is that we are WORSE than we were before we had even played our first scrimmage four years ago.

Cheering returns when competitive playing returns. And to tell people to cheer and not boo is like asking someone to smile when you jab a needle into their groin. The idea is a good one, but the results are incongruent.

Oil doesn't mix with water no matter how hard you try. So please, everybody including McNair needs to stop asking people to stop booing. Booing stops when competitive play begins. And competitive play will not begin until this staff is gone. And THAT is on McNair. Not us.
It's as if McNair is keeping Capers out of the goodness of his heart, and the fans are watching their team get embarassed WEEKLY. Not every other week. WEEKLY. See a pattern? I do.

Great post Gpshafer_1976. I feel exactly the same way you do about this situation. I get so tired of people here being upset with disgruntled fans, like we are part of the problem with this team. If you want to cheer for an inferior product, go right ahead. I don’t really think that canning Capers will do anything to save this season. However, I know that keeping him just delays the rebuilding that must begin. If we fire Capers now, we guarantee that he won’t be around next year. I think many fans would be happy just to see this necessary action taken. We cannot possibly suck anymore that we do right now. I think most fans will understand if the team struggles with interim coaches. The fans just there for the whole experience should not care who is coaching the them anyway. In the end, it will also be better for Capers. He is a lame duck coach, who’s fate is already sealed. What can he possibly accomplish in two months that he did not already do in four years? It cannot be any better for the assistant coaches, who have their fate tied with Capers. Give them the chance to do something on their own. At least we can know how good Hoke really is if we allow him to run the defense until the end of year.
I just do not think you can change the head coach unless he was caught doing something that was illegal. The last time I looked losing football games was not a crime in the state of Texas. However, if it will get them votes they may put it in the books.

What future head coach would want to come to an organization that ditches their HC in mid season? Moreover, if we do ditch Capers that gives any prosepctive candidates leverage in negotiating their deal for more dollars and/or more control. A candidate that would have been our top guy may now be to expensive and lesser candidates may priced right which does not bode well for us.

A change is needed, but not at the expense of our future.
This snippet is from the Niagra Falls Reporter and deals mostly with the Bills situation with Gregg Williams. It is an older article as it was written while Williams was still Bills HC.

Here's the snippet I took, and here's the link Mid-Season change-a-rooskie to read the story yourself.

"..Football, though, involves complex systems that take months to fully install. Unlike baseball, basketball or hockey, you can't change styles simply by switching tacticians.

When NFL teams change coaches in midseason, it's generally a sign that the season is already lost, and the front office is trying to give fans a reason to keep coming to the stadium. That's why the Bills dumped Hank Bullough for Marv Levy in 1986 with Buffalo holding a 2-7 record..."


My opinion: Yes, it is difficult to change HC's mid-season and expect much of anything good to happen. But notice the ending comment the author makes about "'s generally a sign that the season is already lost, and the front office is trying to give fans a reason to keep coming to the stadium."

Last time I checked, you don't have a football team (a business) unless you generate revenues. And you generate revenues by getting fans to the stadium. They buy cokes, beer, hot dogs, souvenirs, etc. Ridding this team of a few coaches and bringing in interim coaches, such as a Marv Levy-type who obviously was a complete failure since he only took the Bills to only four Super Bowls after taking the team over, is a very acceptable course of action. It's not easy. It probably doesn't have "sure success" written all over it, but it does give the fans a sense that losing BADLY is not acceptable no matter what is the primary and/or secondary problems.
And, here's an article discussing the firing of Doc Rivers of the Orlando Magic...who dropped about a dozen games in the early part of the seaosn and was abruptly fired even before mid-season.

Magic HC change-a-rooskie

Here's a sample of the article:

"....But there's a silver lining: the Magic acted early. Teams that pull the trigger in the first 15 games have tended to have much more success than the others. There have only been six in the past 13 years, but the chart below shows that all six finished better than they started, and five of the six improved considerably."

The site has stats showing Before & After winning percentages when coaches are changed during a season. Albeit it is NBA and NFL, but it shows that taking action early is not always a death nail in the coffin of an already dying pro sports team.
Screw the owner. If he didn't put the garbage on the field that he did I wouldn't have to boo. This motivates me to boo more
:texflag: Firing Capers is not the key . This seasons snowballing as we sit . Who we bring in is everything ... we can at least get some credibility with all that are involved .
I do think its a total spring cleanig thats got to happen .
If I ate at my favorite steakhouse 5 times in a row and it was bad, do I keep going back for more?

If I was watching new episodes of "LOST" on TV and there were bad five times in a row, do I keep watching?

SESupergenius said:
If I ate at my favorite steakhouse 5 times in a row and it was bad, do I keep going back for more?

Absolutely not. Follow on question:

Do you (global "you", not SES) continue going, paying good money for bad food, and boo?
yaboycm said:
Screw the owner. If he didn't but the garbage on the field that he did I wouldn't have to boo. This motivates me to boo more

IMHO we have a good owner, and Leinart ain't all that great.
gpshafer_1976 said:
Originally Posted by Nighthawk
...McNair has got his head in a hole like the rest of the losers associated with this team.

What then, sell and move the team away AGAIN?...

If you don't like the team, or the entire organization, then why are you even a fan? Since this Texans team is obviously not giving you what you want, I would suggest that you find some other sport, or team, to cheer for. --MALLOY


What choice is given to a fan when the owner "might" be telling the fans to shut up and take it?

We've been lied to. We were told the pass protection would be better, and it's WORSE than it was. WORSE. Not the same, not a little better than last year, WORSE.

My family has a saying, "Fool me once, shame on YOU. Fool me twice, shame on ME" meaning that getting fooled by someone else is OK the first time, and it's the fooler's fault for being dishonest. But to get fooled again by the same person is on your own shoulders because you can't see the pattern developing.

There is a pattern developing here. And the pattern is "This is what you're going to get," but when it doesn't materialize as planned or get told, "Shut up. Cheer. Like it or else..."

Now THAT's an organization any sports fan wants to follow, right?

"We stink? Oh well, at least we have football again."

The game is a game, but it's a game that is played to be WON. And you win by scoring more points than your opponents. If you do not win, you lose. And if you lose, you are (drum roll please) a LOSER. Yes, all of the activities such as tailgating are a PART of the game but they are not the game itself. How cool is it to walk into a restaurant that has great atmosphere, and the best service from the parking lot to the cashier, and you paid $100 for a meal that was burnt, tasted bad, and should have cost about $1.50 on the eastside of town?

The argument by some posters that says "It's about enjoying the whole experience" is mistaken, IMO. The experience happens on its own, win or lose. And it's merely a caveat to the real goal: Win, and most importantly win championships.

Biggio and Baggy are still playing because (drum roll again) they want to win and they want to win championships. They are tired. They are worn out. They have families that they would like to enjoy after being away from them for 18 and 15 years respectively...but they stuck it out each year It wasn't the smell of the grass on a summer day that kept them coming back, it was the promise of winning a championship. Was the smell of the grass, and the sounds of a crowd enjoyable to them? You bet. It helped them to perservere through the agony of defeat...but the primary reason they are still here is to win, and to namely win a world series.

So it is with all of sports. If winning wasn't the goal, no score would be kept.

And I know there's not a SINGLE fan here, whether you just signed up or have been here since you were five-years-old thorugh the Oilers era, who would jump ship if we were losing COMPETITIVELY week after week. It's to be expected to lose a game by a TD or a FG. But to lose the way we are losing, it will go down in sports history as one of the most laughable, agonizing, and embarassing seasons of any sports team in any type of sport. Period. And if you're OK with shrugging it off, then you are also a part of the joke that will be told for generations of sports fans to come.

Losing happens, but the excuses concocted here of "why" we should wait until the end of the season to fire Capers and rebuild is just a lack of vision and courage. I want the owner to do everything in his power to win NEXT weekend, not next year. And to tread on egg shells as if we can't possibly tear this thing down in mid-season is a lack of risk taking.

Well, Capers has had four solid years of "free pass" to do exactly what he wants, and he's had a GM that stands in his corner on player drafting, etc., and to think that he deserves the right to stay until the end of the season just on principle alone is absurd. It's a business. Get it done no matter how you have to get it done. Make the phantom tag at second base and sell it like you made it (Adam Everett). Slide sideways into third and take out their third basemen (Jason Lane). Pretend you called time so Larry Walker has to go back to second base instead of advancing to third (Ensberg).

You gotta play like you want to win, and that goes for OWNERSHIP too.

It's as if McNair is keeping Capers out of the goodness of his heart, and the fans are watching their team get embarassed WEEKLY. Not every other week. WEEKLY. See a pattern? I do.

McNair might be playing poker. And, he might not. I hope he is, but even if he is...I gotta admit that I am having second thoughts about the credibility of the ownership. It starts at the top, and he's got to be willing to axe a guy who is a class guy on and off the field.

So tell Biggio that getting to the world series is not what it's all about. He'll look at you like you're nuts.

Herm Edwards to the press: "We PLAY the game to WIN."

McNair: please play the game to win. Pull the trigger. Drop the bomb. Call Ty from ABC Extreme Home Makeover. Do what it takes to win. Cheering is a natural bi-product of winning, or at least the possibility of winning.

I am going to respectfully disagree with the majority of what you say. For you to say we need to boo and not show up and dont buy the merchandise and put on the paper bags, we'll show them. If you go to the games, you root for the Texans just for a win, then you are missing the best part of football. Ask any Greenbay fan. And if you cant get that then the joke is on you.

Hey I am not saying I dont care Texans ever win, my Mondays would be a whole lot more enjoyable. It kills me. But i enjoy getting out of bed sunday mornings, watch sportcenter, bbq for the game and hanging out with my friends, win or loose. How would you like to be McNair who spent seven hundred million dollars for this team.

If you think that the true, hardcore, diehard, stick with your team no matter what-fan(me) would turn its back on it's team just cause it sucks, then you dont know what the definition of a fan is. Sorry.

For anyone who thinks McNair is lying to you just to take your money,think,he could have made it easy on himself and applied for the L.A. franchise. He would have gotten that a whole lot easier and wouldnt have been hit so hard on the franchise fee's.

I alson remember *****in about another owner of ours who was always in the teams biz and just needed to be an owner and now we are *****in cause this one isnt doing anything. just cant make some people happy.
You get booing when you play like you don't care. If you don't give the effort on the field, don't expect me to. If they played every game like they played Cincy and still lose every game , that's a whole lot different than the crap against Pittsburgh, Tennessee, Buffalo and Seattle. Having the problems they have is one thing, playing like a bad high school team is another.

Mr. McNair, put a competitive team on the field and you won't hear any boos. But if you continue to NOT address GLARING problems year after year then I don't see how you expect to be competitive, and I'm sorry, I'm not a lovable loser Cub fan. Yeah, I'll be there to support my team, but I WILL voice my displeasure. If that means sending letters, wearing paper sacks or booing, then so be it.
SESupergenius said:
If I ate at my favorite steakhouse 5 times in a row and it was bad, do I keep going back for more?

If I was watching new episodes of "LOST" on TV and there were bad five times in a row, do I keep watching?


I agree with your perplexed state. If Lost stinks the network just plugs in a new program. If the Texans leave it will be back to U of H vs. Rice for Houstonians for their local football fix.

I think you took my comments way out of context. I don't play the real fan vs. not real fan card. Never have, never will. I defend all of our rights to say whatever we wish and still be considered a fan. Heck, I get called more names on this board than anybody.

So I will summarize and condense:

1. Booing all the time is not acceptable. I never said we SHOULD go and BOO ALL THE TIME as you say I said.

2. I DID say that to expect fans to CHEER through the garbage is also not acceptable.

I think this whole thread is getting out of hand. Here's the deal: A reasonable person understands that 100% cheering and 100% booing are the same thing: Equally ignorant.

What I feel the Texans fans are being asked to do is to cheer EVEN WHEN IT'S NOT WARRANTED.

I CHEERED when Kris Brown tried to pick up the ball and score a TD. Normally, I would have BOOED him because he didn't secure the turnover. However, the situation WARRANTED a CHEER because we needed something spectacular to happen, and a kicker was willing to offer up his body to give the team a boost of confidence.

I BOO when I see Capers write in his notebook and give off this "worried father" look.

I BOO when it's 4th and inches and we punt...already down by three scores.

I CHEER when Peek jumps on top of the gang-tackled ball carrier because he wasn't stopping or slowing down to a walk at the end of the play.

So cheering and booing are acceptable. But for anybody, let alone the guy who is in charge of paying the coaches AND the players (McNair) says that "maybe" if we would cheer them more, we would see better results, then I have to scratch my head and wonder what scientific proof he has that faking enjoyment will bring about the desired changes.
Here is my last say on the booing. IMO, if you are going to boo the HOME team then you should stay home and let the real fans enjoy the game.

But again IMO
I don't see the boos accomplishing anything. If you have something productive to add (to the game, not this thread), then please do so. Negativity is not going to accomplish anything that isn't already accomplished - aside from maybe making the booing individual have a bad Sunday. A certain amount of negative reinforcement can be beneficial, but this situation is far beyond that point. I'm not sure positive reinforcement will have any better effect on the team, but perhaps a few fans might leave in a slightly better state of mind.

I'm not telling people to do one or the other, but seriously - if you have nothing better to do than give yourself high blood pressure over a situation you know isn't going to be aided by booing, why boo? Or maybe they think booing will actually help? Beats me .....
If the coaches call a run up the middle on 3rd and 15, I'm going to boo the call. If Carr runs out of bounds 3 yards behind the line scrimmage rather than throw it 4 yards out of bounds, I'm going to boo. Let's face it, if the play warrants it, I'm going to do it. When a puppy takes a dump on the floor, I don't praise it. Of course I still love the puppy and I will praise him like crazy when he fetches a ball and "makes good" outside. I agree with the guy who posted there are times to boo and other times not to boo. In the 4th year, we expect the team to have matured enough that there would be less booing and more cheering. My dog was pretty much fully trained in 1 year.
Good read, a lot of soul searching in this thread .... what McNair said and what it really all means...??? .. Apparently he is getting an earful, and he felt it was time to respond. What else could he say at this point in his attempt to calm the fans? Not much.

So cheering and booing are acceptable. But for anybody, let alone the guy who is in charge of paying the coaches AND the players (McNair) says that "maybe" if we would cheer them more, we would see better results, then I have to scratch my head and wonder what scientific proof he has that faking enjoyment will bring about the desired changes.

... faking enjoyment? ..:rofl: (with you) .. love that.
Well the owner came out and said "We need the fans to do what they did in the past." Cheer and support our team." Sure, I buy it! But what we the fans need is to have the Texans do what they did in the past and thats' is to be competative and win! Capers has to come out an speak! He is the coach, with all due respect to the owner, "you did your job, you got us the Texans team." Now sit down shut up and listen! We want to hear what Capers has to say!

I love the Texans but what have they done for us to cheer?
Let review:
Let go Glenn, Sharper...etc.

Traded two first picks for Buchanon?? Not cheering! What has he done except get in the way? any INTs? NO!

We are 0-5 feel like a cheer? NO, feel like screaming!

Scoring ?Ha? Cheer? NO

Bad calls uhhh give me a break!

We are Undefeated in Battle Red Jerseys!!! Is that ALL we have to cheer for?? Better hope the Red Magic Jerseys are in working order!! uhhhh C

Cheer for the red jerseys!!!! The player in them better not let the fans down or we might booo!!! What a crock!! we want results not excuses! we hear plenty of them!

The Mighty Disgusted Texan!!
Runner said:
Absolutely not. Follow on question:

Do you (global "you", not SES) continue going, paying good money for bad food, and boo?
The analogy is that I can't boo the TV, nobody will hear me. I can just refuse to go. Now I paid for DirectTV for the year so there is no turning back. But I will not be purchasing Texans garb this year as I normally do. Besides, I'll never buy a player jersey again, they just don't stay around long enough to warrant it.

But If were at a theatrical play for instance and the actors were doing a horrible job, then I'd boo. If I went to see Linkin Park and the band was all out of tune, yep I'd boo.
I'll never buy a player jersey again, they just don't stay around long enough to warrant it.

Ain't that the truth! Let's play count the Sharper jerseys this Sunday!

Strange, he was good enough for the Texans last year to warrant his own battle red jersey (just last year!).... :hmmm:

I agree with much of this thread, especially as it relates to bonehead decisions by management.

But I'm still not going to quit the team. Criticize the h-e-double-hockey-sticks of 'em - YES! But quit - no.

It's my team, and it's the only football team I've got. idonno:
Double Barrel said:
Strange, he was good enough for the Texans last year to warrant his own battle red jersey (just last year!).... :hmmm:

There were a few people that were good enough for that mediocre team last year that couldn't/can't play for this lousy team this year.

Somebody missed something somewhere.
Sharper was and still is a good player, but he is no longer great. The guy has slowed and we got rid of him at the right time. The problem is we did not find a leader before we did and then we let go of the only other veteran that this team would follow about two weeks later. The Aaron Glenn release (which he asked for) hurt this team immensely.

I live in the North part of Texas (Amarillo).

Some day I plan on making a trip to see a Texans game. Last year would have been a great chance, and I had actually planned to make a trip down for the Browns game...glad I didn't.

If I lived in Houston, and if I had been going to the games the past three years, I would have to say that I would NOT be going this year. I vote on things with my feet, and thus I would stay home and I would boo AND cheer at home while watching the Texans on TV. Purchasing a ticket, a hot dog, a coke, and a Texans souvenir during this season is not something I would do if I lived in Houston. The only way you get it through an owner's head that you as a fan deserve a better team, with better coaches who will at least field a competitive team, is to vote with your feet.

Keep purchasing tickets. Keep purchasing souvenirs from the Texans pro shop or the stadium itself. Keep it up. You are in essence stamping your approval on the team itself, the team that plays every Sunday. But that team we're accustomed to--the one that plays hard all game long--left the stadium in week 17 last season. They snapped because they were tired of gutting out wins despite the poor coaching and playcalling. They gave up, and they put on the good face for the fans during camp...but the veil has been lifted that was put over the team by the coaches, and the product is watchable at home on TV where you can cry without being seen, and where you don't have to hear the other team's fan laugh hysterically at you as you sit all decked out in Texans gear that's marked down to clearance prices at stores nationwide.

The almighty dollar, and the lack thereof, is what gets a businessman's attention. Once he sees the bottom line profit margin sink a little more each week, McNair will see the light. Heck, McNair probably already has seen the light. But I disagree with what he said. Nothing's going to breathe life back into the Capers era Texans team. It's as done as microwaved steak.

Thus, I feel no need to purchase Texans gear or make a trip down to Houston until I can see that McNair is FULLY committed to making the changes that he already knows he needs to make. Again: Losing is OK, but not even fielding a team that resembles an NFL-caliber team is appalling and a waste of time for everyone.

This is not "fair weather fan" attitude. It's logic and common sense, with a touch of self-respect thrown in for good measure. I'll still watch them on TV. I'll still hope they play competitive. But I absolutely, mercilessly hope to see more empty seats on TV, and I hope we only win enough games to at least be 1-15 or to at least secure a Top 3 draft spot.

Go Texans!
Gpshafer you usually come with the meat, but the end of this post is crazy. I aggree that purchasing anything other than your tickets is the wrong thing to do if you are not in favor of how this team is doing. I also feel that it is the right of every fan to boo when ever they feel like it. The last part is my problem you should never want your team to lose. I dont and have never played the "fan" card, but every fan on this board wants the Texans to win.
Coach C. said:
Gpshafer you usually come with the meat, but the end of this post is crazy. I aggree that purchasing anything other than your tickets is the wrong thing to do if you are not in favor of how this team is doing. I also feel that it is the right of every fan to boo when ever they feel like it. The last part is my problem you should never want your team to lose. I dont and have never played the "fan" card, but every fan on this board wants the Texans to win.

Yes we Do! (Want to Win)

I get picked on by ALL who sees my Texan Hat... I still believe...

but reserve the right to Booo ...or boohoo
Wow, where to begin..
1. Mr. McNair stated the roof would be closed Sunday. Forecast high Sunday 78. Not all of the bad decisions are on the field this year.

2. If you are going to Boo the good guys, please do it from the friendly confines of someplace else. Most of your seatmates don't want to hear it and can use the extra room in the stands. If you want to make a statement, send your unused tickets to the Texans after the game.

3. If the Texans tried to contact coaches from other teams during the season, would that not be considered tampering?

4. I believe the Texans are $7 million under the cap.

5. I would not be surprised to see Casserly go before Capers, eventhough the time span for both may be short.
I want them to win just enough to not be 0-16, but I also do NOT want them to win so much that it saves Capers' job.

I know it sounds strange. But ponder it for awhile. Losing (now) is actually OK for two reasons: (1) Ensures Capers' dismissal, and hopefully other like-minded personnel ; (2) Ensures a Top 3 draft pick so we can get a stud o lineman.

Don't mistake me for someone that WANTS the team to implode. But at this point, with all of us in agreement that Capers should be dismissed...pulling out TOO many wins gives Capers a shot to stay.

My "Big Theory" is that last season's week 17 loss, at home against the Browns, was a breaking point by the players who were fed up with the play-it-close-and-keep-it-close-to-the-4th-quarter-so-we-can-have-a-shot-to-win-it Capers philosophy. My theory also is founded on the fact that our team was VERY competitive up until week 17, losing close games in the 4th quarter or overtime by a FG. Three full years of the play-it-close-and-keep-it-close-to-the-4th-quarter-so-we-can-have-a-shot-to-win-it Capers philosophy came crashing down during week 17, and what we're seeing right now is a team of players who are unable to play for this coach any longer.

They are going through the motions. They're tired of being the "company man" and tired of being the good soldier when they know the boss (Capers) is no longer relevant in regards to today's NFL standards. And you know what? They are actually being stand up people about it, and doggone it if they aren't being respectful and honorable the whole time about it. I mean, for them to not flat out punch Capers in the gut right now or to not make faces at him is speaking volumes about their character. Any other team (Raiders) would have 10-20 players dissing the HC right now: Publicly AND Privately.

So, yeah...I am all for the Texans going anywhere from 1-15 to 3-13, but also for them to NOT pull out a miracle season because it would be a blow to the FUTURE of this team. Hand the ball off to DD 100 times a game. Let Chad Stunley and Kris Brown kick the ball 20 times each a game. Keep Carr safe. Keep DD safe. And just get to the draft with a Top 3 pick. And if they choose anything other than the top rated o lineman...then the gig is up.
BattleRedGuy said:
Wow, where to begin..
1. Mr. McNair stated the roof would be closed Sunday. Forecast high Sunday 78. Not all of the bad decisions are on the field this year.

2. If you are going to Boo the good guys, please do it from the friendly confines of someplace else. Most of your seatmates don't want to hear it and can use the extra room in the stands. If you want to make a statement, send your unused tickets to the Texans after the game.

3. If the Texans tried to contact coaches from other teams during the season, would that not be considered tampering?

4. I believe the Texans are $7 million under the cap.

5. I would not be surprised to see Casserly go before Capers, eventhough the time span for both may be short.

You have got some moxie coming in here and posting some intuitive thoughts. :)
Bob McNair only said what he could say. He acknowledged in so many words what the situation was and asked us to hang in there. He's being a good owner--if he just blasts the coach, what sort of awesome coach would want to come to a rebuilding situation with a crazy owner?

He saved football in town, he is not being cheap, he gave us a great stadium--what do you want Bob to do right here, right now, suit up?

As for people who really feel the need to boo the team, I've pretty much said my point of view on this:

But I will add this.

If bad stuff happens, I don't expect folks to be happy about it.

But I think booing is traitorous. That might be a bit strong, but that's how I see it.

Having the character of a traitor; disloyal.
Constituting treason: a traitorous act. See synonyms at faithless.

If it makes the other team happy, I ain't gonna do it. Ever. Ever. Ever.

No aid and comfort to the enemy. I am not about to make Colts, Jags, Titans etc happy. Ever. Ever. Ever.

I don't want to see another team's player raising his arms up repeatedly (ala Bullock, I think, in the last game) urging our fans to boo louder in OUR house.

I believe that booing is counterproductive to the long term success of our team:

I know people get sick of the whole real fan/not fan kinda of threads, but I cannot comprehend why booing is seen as being helpful in creating the sort of team in the future that you want to see. Usually when people try to explain their way of saying why they are a true fan of the team who likes to boo, their post just turns into the illogical rambling written equivalent of bitter beer face.

But don't ask me what I REALLY think. :texflag:
Last home game, one of the Titans started raising his arms up to encourage the booing that was going on. It was great. I shook my head disgustedly at the people that were booing.

Booing accomplishes NOTHING except making you look like an --- (insert your own profanity here). I repeat, it accomplishes


If you want to actually accomplish something, boycott merchandise, concessions, and/or ticketing. Hit them where it hurts - the pocketbook. Booing doesn't help a thing. To the poster who used the dog analogy -- if it were only that simple. You can boo all you want, for 16 games, and nothing more will be accomplished than what already is. Capers will be fired whether you show up to boo another down or not. The team will retool whether you show up to boo or not. No amount of booing by you or anyone else will change the course of the future here. The message has been sent - McNair gets it. We're unhappy. The level of our unhappiness and level of seriousness to winning will better be measured in dollars and cents than in decibels.
I was in Ausitn last night and one local channel's sportscaster said that McNair had met privately with the coaches prior to meeting with the fans. Has anyone heard about the meeting with coaches?
I feel that this season is over and nothing good can come from Capers hanging on until the end of year. From what I can gather the reasons for keeping Capers are:

1.) It would reflect badly on the Texans to fire Capers during the season and it would make it harder for them to get a coach for next year. Coaches in the NFL that don’t win expect to be fired. The Miami Dolphins had a similar situation last season. They made the right decision and had their Coach removed in mid season. Because of the ownership, talent, and location the Dolphins had no problem getting one of the top coaching candidates in Saban. I think it worse to leave Capers as a lame duck coach when everyone already knows that his time is over. Before anyone who feels sorry for Capers, please realize that his contract is guaranteed, unlike those of the players. Therefore, he will be drawing his salary regardless of where he is.
2.) It is bad for the assistant coaches. It is worse to leave them working under a lame duck coach. If we promote one of the assistants to HC, it will be a cannot lose situation for this man. At the very least, he will be able to get experience as a head coach. If the team is bad, no one will blame him. If the team plays better, it will only reflect positively on the new man. At the very least, you give them more control over their futures as opposed to leaving them tied to Capers.
3.) It will ruin the season. The season was lost before it began. This team gave up on
Capers the middle of last season. At this time, losses don’t matter because draft positioning the real priority. The Dolphins did not cease to exist when their coach left at midseason and neither will the Texans.
4.) The players will suffer because they know the season is lost. The players already know Capers is done so there is little incentive for them to follow his orders. When the axe falls on Capers, they will know that the time for change has begun and hopefully it will motivate them to start worrying about their own jobs.
5.) Fans will give up on the team if they think the season is over. This situation is already happening. The “true blue” fans will not give up on the team no matter what. So, they will still be there. The fans who only show up for the “experience” of tailgating won’t care if Capers is still in charge. The band wagon fans have long since abandoned this sinking ship. The fans who complain about Capers and want to see changes will surely stay away if Capers remains. I for one would be much more interested in this team if Capers was let go. It removes all doubt that he will not be here next year and that the business of rebuilding is ready to begin. I know what a Capers’ team looks like now and what it will look like next month and in December: a complete disaster.
eriadoc said:
If you want to actually accomplish something, boycott merchandise, concessions, and/or ticketing. Hit them where it hurts - the pocketbook. Booing doesn't help a thing. To the poster who used the dog analogy -- if it were only that simple. You can boo all you want, for 16 games, and nothing more will be accomplished than what already is. Capers will be fired whether you show up to boo another down or not. The team will retool whether you show up to boo or not. No amount of booing by you or anyone else will change the course of the future here. The message has been sent - McNair gets it. We're unhappy. The level of our unhappiness and level of seriousness to winning will better be measured in dollars and cents than in decibels.

Yes, if it were only that simple. No one show up to the game. All PSL holders who forked over even more money for this year's season tickets, just blow off the game. Give your tickets away, it's only money. Every game they announce the number of tickets sold for the game which is not even close to the number of people in the seats. Don't boo, just burn your tickets like they were hundred dollar bills. :wacko:
BattleRedGuy said:
Wow, where to begin..
1. Mr. McNair stated the roof would be closed Sunday. Forecast high Sunday 78. Not all of the bad decisions are on the field this year.

Roof is going to be closed because of the noise factor. They want the stadium to be loud
I just love how everybody tries to tell everybody how to be a fan. Why don't we leave that up to the individual?

And for the still can't get that right. The equation for that is real simple.

Hot and/or rain = roof closed

Why is it so freaking hard?? If you can't manage the freaking roof, how the hell are you going to manage a football team? :brickwall
TxDavid said:
Roof is going to be closed because of the noise factor. They want the stadium to be loud

Why, so the boos will resonate more in a 3/4 full stadium?

They established a roof policy which made sense (mid-80's and above=closed) and then they still don't follow it. It's going to be a beautiful fall day in the upper 70's. <queue Lombardi> What the hell is going on around here?
mean mark8 said:
Yes, if it were only that simple. No one show up to the game. All PSL holders who forked over even more money for this year's season tickets, just blow off the game. Give your tickets away, it's only money. Every game they announce the number of tickets sold for the game which is not even close to the number of people in the seats. Don't boo, just burn your tickets like they were hundred dollar bills. :wacko:

Well, the "tickets" portion of that was directed at non-season ticket holders. As a PSL/season-ticket holder myself, the money is spent. I will continue to go to the games and squeeze whatever value I can from the money that has already been spent. I will not buy concessions or merchandise, however. And I won't be booing while I'm there, because it quite simply does not accomplish anything. My boos are monetary in nature.