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Mario or Reggie

look at where he is from Chattanoga, TN....Hey Vince Young how are you really should pick a better name..Hammered by Mario Like a Spike works great:joker:

boy these Thumbtacks all the imagination of a :lightbulb:
Dude, Mario over Reggie any day of the week. Considering last year, I don't think reggie would have done a darn thing for us. Our run game was so awful, there's just no way a pip-sqeak like Reggie would have even been able to cross the line of scrimage.

But passing up on VY, that's a whole other story....
I would have to say it was the right pick. Maybe not the sexy one. I'm sure that the coaching staff has a plan and it obviously is to build a strong defense. Reggie would have been a pick to sell merchandise and tickets. If you remember it wasn't till mid season when Reggie started making noise. With the way our Offense played most of the year I don't think he would have done much. Now Mario on the other hand was a pick to fill part of a larger picture. Meaning he was not picked to be Mr. Everything, he was picked to be disruptive and control his positional opponnent and get to the QB. He was beginning to show that before the foot problems, however he was still effective. I can't stop thinking of the play where the QB faked a handoff on an end around and Mario leveled the would be runner. That was priceless. In the end Mario was a pick for a bigger picture. A dominating defense, and a cornerstone for the team in the very,very bright future.
so you have been following college football since you are 7, and to you in your vast experience know Reggie Bush is greatest player of last decade. Dang that leaves out Tom Brady, Peyton Manning and a host of others:wheel:

Actually Yeah I have. And Manning never won a Championship did he? Brady wasn't a great college player was he? Are you sure you've watched lately? Brady got picked in the 6th Round. Bush was a phenominal athlete who was able to dominate in the college ranks. Like its been said before, good in college isn't good in NFL.

look at where he is from Chattanoga, TN....Hey Vince Young how are you really should pick a better name..Hammered by Mario Like a Spike works great:joker:

boy these Thumbtacks all the imagination of a :lightbulb:

First off, you should know that I am the most anti vince young person in the SE. But thats been discussed before. If I had to write a paper about him, I would get kicked out of school.
I mean more along the lines of, did it fill the big need. Without a doubt, Bush is the greatest player in College in the past decade, but was it the right thing to do, getting help on the defensive line and trying to help a weak defense? Things like that.

He wasn't even the greatest player in college his final season... that other guy in the Rose Bowl took that title.
Reggie was a no brainer but people don't want to accept it. If we would have chose reggie, than all these people who are saying that Mario was the right choice would then be saying that Reggie was the right choice. Most people just don't want to accept that the Texans made a mistake.

Mario was a combine megafreak. He did all the combine stuff better than anyone could imagine for his size. That is where his stock really shot up. He was a good college player but his stock really rose after the college season was over. Hopefully, his freakish talents will translate onto the NFL. I think it eventually will but as of right now, he hasn't done much. And Reggie didn't have a spectacular rookie season but he did have alot of receptions and his team did reach the NFC championship.

Joseph Addai's team won the Super Bowl in his rookie season. I guess the real mistake was not taking him No. 1.
For all of you who are still trying to talk yourselves into believing the pick wasn't a phenominal blunder, I ask you this:

Why is the entire league (and Titans & Saints in particular...) still laughing hysterically at us?????? Any idea?

ESPN. Hype. Taking a defensive lineman over a sexy choice who scores touchdowns will never be understood by the casual fan. And when that sexy choice attended USC... it's a no-win situation. Most casual football fans are clueless... I'd almost prefer it for them to laugh at us.
ESPN. Hype. Taking a defensive lineman over a sexy choice who scores touchdowns will never be understood by the casual fan. And when that sexy choice attended USC... it's a no-win situation. Most casual football fans are clueless... I'd almost prefer it for them to laugh at us.

I agree, folks are constantly orgasming over the inkling that AD falls to us at #10... I, on the otherhand, hope more along the lines of a little known DE named Gaines Adams falling to 10.
I think there needs to be some realism injected here. People are tired of hearing about Bush but Mario has shown us nothing that makes me think that it was the right choice at this time. He has the ability to be a great D player but there is just as much a shot that he might be a bust. Last year was a wash. Before the draft I was all for taking him but wanted to move down to #3 or so and take the shot there. I'm all for being honest and last year was more Greg Ellis, not the #1 overall pick.

As for Bush, people can gloss all they want but he did what they asked of him last year. I saw him run hard and take hits in the Giants game and other games and I saw him break open games as a WR/RB. The guy makes people pay attention. They didn't need him to shoulder the load because of Deuce. Reggie's biggest contribution was probably keeping Deuce healthy because the guy had been breaking down. Splitting carries was key.

Overall we will find out more answers this year. Last year wasn't representative.

If you want to quote me in your is "Mr. Houston Frog.":)
In my opinion, the discussion is limited to Reggie Bush and Mario Williams.

David Carr had recently been given his extention (the actual blunder) so there was no money for another QB. Had we franchised Carr, then we could have taken Young.

I think football smart people know that QB, LT on offense, and CB, DE on defense are the most coveted positions in the NFL. While productive RB's have been known the be found in later rounds as steals.

This is why when you rank a DE vs. a RB the RB might stack up a little short.

Mario Williams is the moster DE, with a clean past, a likable personality, and the size and speed to eventually be a superstar.

There is no doubt that Reggie Bush was a great player, and should be able to transition into the NFL with success. But he will need a Deuce McCalister to share the load. But he does give you that homerun speed that we all saw in the NFC championship game. His off the field issues didnt help him either. Plus the reports that he wanted more $$$ than the Texans thought was fiar. Hence being able to sign Mario the night before. Ive never known the Texans FO to be reluctant to give the picks what they are worth.

The Texans have to break it down like this... They have Dom Williams healing up with a nice size contract, they have Taylor, Dayne, Morency, and will grab a late round RB for their ZB scheme.

They are transitioning from a 3-4 to 4-3 and have undersized OLB's going to DE. And with DE being a coveted postion there is no big time DE's on the market.

Charles Grant was franchised tagged and he is still being looked at by the Bucs for 2 first round picks. Now that says something.

Clinton Portis in his freaking prime was traded to the skins for Bailey, and I think EVERYONE but the skins think that the Broncos got the best end of that deal. I think they even got a pick as well.
This has got to be cheating

I think it'd be funny if he quoted somebody in his paper. Because it wouldn't be a real name.

"yadda yadda yadda..." stated Ole Miss Texan. However, there are many people that disagree with his notions. Take gtexan02 for example, he believes, ".bla bla bla.". and then he should provide the line to this thread as a source.

lol greatest paper ever.
Hahah i would love it!

The Texans braintrust evaluated the decision, and decided to go with mario Williams (Ole Miss Texan, 2006, Texans MB)

not to make excuses for mario, but maybe I am

he came out as a junior and so he is still learning the position.

What I mean about that sometimes it seemed he would take himself out of the play by being too agressive (someone can explain it better than I can) and teams would take advantage of that.. later in the season, I don't know because they wouldn't be on freaking TV for me to watch.. but early in the season..
Hahah i would love it!

The Texans braintrust evaluated the decision, and decided to go with mario Williams (Ole Miss Texan, 2006, Texans MB)


Or, the kid writes up all this stuff as their own and the teacher stumbles on the MB and he gets expelled for plagiarism.
well, it's not just the Titans and Saints fans making fun of the Texans.

Hopefully, Mario will will be great for the Texans and then people will quit laughing at them or if the Texans have a winning season this year, I expect the laughing will end.

As for Vince Young,
He's a class act and the Titans are very lucky to have him. They don't need Pacman Jones when they have a player like Vince who motivates his teammates to be BETTER.

This is what is said about him by his teammates.
- He is amazing at getting everyone to workouts and getting them to work hard. Folks show up to work every day and treat it like that. Said VY makes you want to put in that extra sprint or rep.

- VY has no fear and it's contagious. Brandon told a story that happened while at practice. Brandon was having a tough time vs. PacMan and VY started talking to him. Brandon made the mistake of saying that Pac was good and that he respected him. To which VY responed "So what, I don't give a damn who he is or how good he is...when he is on the other side of the field I wanna kill him. I don't care if it is our own team at practice." He said VY has never look intimidated or scared in any situation on the field, locker room or in public. He then told a story of an episode where VY threw a pick in practice to a DE (can't remember which...maybe Vanden Bosh). The DE caught it and took off to the end zone and started high stepping. He didn't see VY coming up behind him and VY simply blew him up and it caused somewhat of a fuss and the DE got in his face and said something to the effect of "the rook took a cheap shot beacuse he threw a pick" to which VY said "shut up, I knocked your ass out becasue you didn't finish the play. You play hard to the whistle and I never would have got to you." Brandon said VY is simply nails. He personally said having VY around him makes him a better more confident player....

- Said he has never met or seen a person who hates to lose more than VY. Said you can really see it in his eyes and body language after a loss. He said gone are the days of smiles and easy attitudes in the locker room after a loss. VY simply won't put up with it.

- Said veterans have steped aside and let VY take the leader role. Wasn't even a question or a challenge from any of the older guys. VY just came in and took over and everyone just followed. Said he is simply a natural leader. That he makes everyone better and makes everyone want to play their guts out for him.

One of the guys asked what it is that makes others feel that way about him and Brandon said because he leads by example. He is the first to show up and the last to leave and is positive all the time but intense. Said he keeps folks lose and confident. He then said in addition to all that he is able to back up everything he says and expects from others with his own play on the field. He said the entire team knows that no matter what the situation is they have a chance to win with VY under center.
I think Mario was the right pick. At times he has shown amazing skill.

I remember during the Jets games, at one point, he litterally takes the TE, and shoves him into the RB causing the RB to fall. It has been small plays like these that open your eyes to what he COULD be.

He was drafted on Potential...and so is EVERY player in the draft. If Mario reaches is potential, he'll give us productivity for 10+ years (excluding injures) while Reggie is 5+ (excluding injuries.) It was just overall a better investment.

To those saying Mario didn't have a good college season...whatever, compare all his college stats to Julius Peppers, and his combine stats and they are pretty darn close and in some areas better.

Give Mario a DT (Alan Branch and that other kid Okoye) and we might take the chains off the beast. He got far too much attention from the Oline and a good DT would give him some favorabe matchups.

AS far as Mario having a bad rookie year...says who? He did receive one vote for DROY so he was doing something, I call it a above average year for him, a little mediocre,but compare it to a lot of other DEs rookie voyage it is pretty good.

Earlier this year I compiled a list of Pro-Bowl DEs rookie year stats, and most of them excluding a few (Freeney and Peppers mostly) had horrible rookie years, including Strahan and a few other notables. Mario had a better rookie year than a lot of DEs have had, and that is on one foot and with no practice because of that foot...that sounds pretty good to me.

And those that are saying "You need to admit that it was a bad pick" give me a reason it was bad pick, because we won't know until a few years down the line.
If you right a paper that justifies the pick because of the Texans "crowded backfield" that includes Ahman Green (2007 version), Ron Dayne, Wali Lundy and (insert other scrubs name here) then I can hear your teacher getting the red pen ready to draw an "F" right now.....

When you have three playing cards to pick from - 2 aces and the Jack of diamonds - coming up with the Jack of diamonds with the first pick is nothing but a disspaointment.
As a person sitting in the stands for the last couple years watching us go down the tubes, it would be nice to have a very exciting offensive player besides Andre who could take it to the house at any given moment. However, if Demeco had been the player taken instead of Mario, I don't think as many people would be so vocal about it because he had such a good year. You probably can't get too many people who think it was stupid taking Mario to respond because they get cut down by the many posters who believe the front office is infallible. How many Texan fans had Mario pencilled in before the draft, or even considered him a possibility as a #1 pick? Certainly no-one I talked to.
Of course passing on Reggie was a huge mistake. The only fans that don't think so are Texans fans, due to pride. If Reggie was not a Saint then they do not make the playoffs last year. Those underrated dump off passes did wonders for the offense. He was the perfect safety valve. Many people here believe he's just a flashy player with speed, but he's a multidimensional player who can block, and recieve the ball as well as anyone and is a total team player. He has the ability to take over games, and fires up the entire team around him with his efforts. He's not just a running back, and not just another player. The Texans and their fans will forever kick themselves for passing on Reggie Bush. Forever, and ever, Amen.
If Reggie was not a Saint then they do not make the playoffs last year.


Look, I generally think these Reggie-over-Mario threads are so friggin' tired (and about 3 years premature) that I don't even read them, but that comment is unbelievable. The other Saints deserve a ton more credit for what they did last year.

Yes, he made a difference, but I refuse to believe that Brees, Colston, Deuce, and that defense just couldn't have made it to the NFC playoffs without that guy...the 22nd rusher in his own conference? Was it that season-long 18-yard rush that scared people? There just happened to be a really good team over there last year, and they deserve props. They would've made it without him too.

He's good. Not great. Not yet.
Of course passing on Reggie was a huge mistake. The only fans that don't think so are Texans fans, due to pride. If Reggie was not a Saint then they do not make the playoffs last year. Those underrated dump off passes did wonders for the offense. He was the perfect safety valve. Many people here believe he's just a flashy player with speed, but he's a multidimensional player who can block, and recieve the ball as well as anyone and is a total team player. He has the ability to take over games, and fires up the entire team around him with his efforts. He's not just a running back, and not just another player. The Texans and their fans will forever kick themselves for passing on Reggie Bush. Forever, and ever, Amen.

So far you have made 7 post and have trashed the Texans the entire way, my feeling is if it bothers you so damn much you do not have to watch the Texans nor participate in our board (Texans Fans and those who want to same something intelligent). I guess Michael Smith is a closet Texans fan versus Patriots fan, because he has repeatedly said Mario was the right choice, build the team from the trenches out. I have yet to see Reggie block anyone, but you can stick with that if you want.

I do have just one question for you, when are you and reggie getting married or are you just going to be his babies ma'ma?
Of course passing on Reggie was a huge mistake.
The big group that has that attitude are basically Fantasy League fans who have little real knowledge of football and can't imagine taking a defensive player who rarely even touchs the ball over an offensive player like Bush who has the opportunity to score TDs. Perhaps you're in that group ?
But it remains to be seen if this particular defensive player we picked is even worthy of such a high pick ? And I'm really kinda nervous about this incident with the hot car. This kid is really immature. Mentally, he's like 22 going on 16 !
The big group that has that attitude are basically Fantasy League fans who have little real knowledge of football and can't imagine taking a defensive player who rarely even touchs the ball over an offensive player like Bush who has the opportunity to score TDs. Perhaps you're in that group ?
But it remains to be seen if this particular defensive player we picked is even worthy of such a high pick ? And I'm really kinda nervous about this incident with the hot car. This kid is really immature. Mentally, he's like 22 going on 16 !

Mario has to show improvement over last year, we all agree on that be he was injured and played through the injury, which was described and excruciating painful.

As far as the car thing, pfft once is not a huge deal for me since no one got hurt. Most (not ALL) people who get a new toy like that, takes it out for a spin to see what it can do. Is it right, NO. Did anyone get hurt, NO. Did he apologize, YES.

As far as saying he mentally 22 going on 16, I guess you have never done anything in your life that others may disagree with since you turned 21, right? I am sure you have a Lambo sitting there that you have never take above 55 MPH. Pfft Pleaseee!!
Mario has to show improvement over last year, we all agree on that be he was injured and played through the injury, which was described and excruciating painful.
As far as the car thing, pfft once is not a huge deal for me since no one got hurt. Most (not ALL) people who get a new toy like that, takes it out for a spin to see what it can do. Is it right, NO. Did anyone get hurt, NO. Did he apologize, YES.
As far as saying he mentally 22 going on 16, I guess you have never done anything in your life that others may disagree with since you turned 21, right? I am sure you have a Lambo sitting there that you have never take above 55 MPH. Pfft Pleaseee!!
Of the top 5 picks in last years Draft, the other 4 besides Mario (Bush, VY, D'Brick, Hawk) all had better rookie years. And Bush was injured early in the year,dunno about the others, so Mario wasn't the only one who had his rookie year complicated by physical setbacks. But Mario may have even more pressure to perform this year - he wasn't just top 5 - he was #1.
And the thing with his car - its not just a hot car. Its an Xtreme car of the highest degree ! Those dang things clock 200 ! They are all about speed, not luxury. I got no problem with a Rolls, but not a pure race car. He's like a little kid who crys out for attention. Very immature, even for a 22 year old.
I got no problem with a Rolls, but not a pure race car. He's like a little kid who crys out for attention. Very immature, even for a 22 year old.

So now it's immature just to own a sports car?--gotcha.

There have been numerous comments by other players and the coaches about Mario's dedication in practice. Somehow that seems like a better indication of his maturity than judgmentalism based on car selection and frankly the fact that you just don't appreciate sports cars.
And the thing with his car - its not just a hot car. Its an Xtreme car of the highest degree ! Those dang things clock 200 ! They are all about speed, not luxury. I got no problem with a Rolls, but not a pure race car. He's like a little kid who crys out for attention. Very immature, even for a 22 year old.
I said some critical things about anyone driving 150 on a public road but that said, at his age I would have driven the sports car over the luxury car. I think most of us guys would have gone this route as we could afford it.
So now it's immature just to own a sports car?--gotcha.
It's not just "a sports car".
Hey, when I was a kid I owned something called an OLDs 442. And yea, of course I bought it for speed. But back then those things were built like APCs. And it was a street car.
Lamborghini's are not street cars for all practical purposes. You know it. I know it. 200, 200+ whatever is not a street car. Streets, freeways, turnpikes in this country aren't built for that kind of speed. Texas Motor Speedway up at Ft.Worth, maybe, though probably not for a civilian. But not I-45 or Beltway 8, definitely not.
I dunno why I'm worrrying ? But McNair ? Its his investment, yea he's thinking about it.
If we had drafted Reggie or Vince and not Mario, how many Texan fans would be saying we should have taken Mario? Just wondering whether so many people would be calling him a superstar if we didn't have him. I don't like thinking about it anymore either, because when I do, I don't like what I come up with. The problem is it ain't ever going away until we start kicking butt. Hopefully, that starts this year.
It's not just "a sports car".
Hey, when I was a kid I owned something called an OLDs 442. And yea, of course I bought it for speed. But back then those things were built like APCs. And it was a street car.
Lamborghini's are not street cars for all practical purposes. You know it. I know it. 200, 200+ whatever is not a street car. Streets, freeways, turnpikes in this country aren't built for that kind of speed. Texas Motor Speedway up at Ft.Worth, maybe, though probably not for a civilian. But not I-45 or Beltway 8, definitely not.
I dunno why I'm worrrying ? But McNair ? Its his investment, yea he's thinking about it.

I ment to ask you but back when the 442 was released there were not many vehicles that could go as fast as it, unless you bought a foregin car. Do you think someone some where was saying the exact same thing as you as far it not being a street car and it is a race car? What was the top end of a 442 in 1968 compared to the top end of a Lambo now?
I ment to ask you but back when the 442 was released there were not many vehicles that could go as fast as it, unless you bought a foregin car. Do you think someone some where was saying the exact same thing as you as far it not being a street car and it is a race car? What was the top end of a 442 in 1968 compared to the top end of a Lambo now?
If I had the wealth today to own a Lambo, I could still never be as sentimental about it as I was my 442. Its color was "nocturnal mist" and it had a black interior with Bench seats (not Bucketts). I could never love any vehicle like that Olds. Of course the 442 was Oldsmobiles version of the GTO.
I dunno, but I'm thinking it topped out at about 122-123 ? Trouble is, I'm also thinking the speedometer max was 120, so that doesn't figure. I pegged it several times, so it would've been 118 or so if not over 120 ? Too many years ago to remember the details. Actually, in spite of the name my car had 3 deuces but the guy who tuned it said the big 4-barrel was hotter.
But it was a tortoise compared to what Mario rolls in.
Atleast he's not doing what some even dumber NFL players are doing - riding around on a bike like the Pitt QB. Now there's a real team guy !
You never know though. Top LT prospect Thomas might end up drowning this weekend while fishing with his Dad.
If we had drafted Reggie or Vince and not Mario, how many Texan fans would be saying we should have taken Mario? Just wondering whether so many people would be calling him a superstar if we didn't have him. I don't like thinking about it anymore either, because when I do, I don't like what I come up with. The problem is it ain't ever going away until we start kicking butt. Hopefully, that starts this year.

I would be one of those, but I look at cap balance by unit and cap allocation by position. I am silly like that.

The issue was not Mario vs RB or VY. The issue was when we re-signed that half a QB in Carr.
So far you have made 7 post and have trashed the Texans the entire way, my feeling is if it bothers you so damn much you do not have to watch the Texans nor participate in our board (Texans Fans and those who want to same something intelligent). I guess Michael Smith is a closet Texans fan versus Patriots fan, because he has repeatedly said Mario was the right choice, build the team from the trenches out. I have yet to see Reggie block anyone, but you can stick with that if you want.

I do have just one question for you, when are you and reggie getting married or are you just going to be his babies ma'ma?

I can tell that you did not watch Reggie play at all last year because he blocked many times, and was pointed out in almost every game for doing so. It's morons such as yourself that make me come back to this site to rag on. It's a lot of fun. Go ahead and keep counting my posts psycho, I have not trashed the Texans at all. I just point out facts, and give my opinion just like anyone else here. I just happen to give opinions that you don't like. So what? Deal with it. What do you think a discussion board is for anyway?

Look, I generally think these Reggie-over-Mario threads are so friggin' tired (and about 3 years premature) that I don't even read them, but that comment is unbelievable. The other Saints deserve a ton more credit for what they did last year.

Yes, he made a difference, but I refuse to believe that Brees, Colston, Deuce, and that defense just couldn't have made it to the NFC playoffs without that guy...the 22nd rusher in his own conference? Was it that season-long 18-yard rush that scared people? There just happened to be a really good team over there last year, and they deserve props. They would've made it without him too.

He's good. Not great. Not yet.

I agree wholeheartedly. Reggie has got to get better. The only thing I think many at this site don't realize is that Reggie is not a typical running back. Who cares? What he does is working. Comparing his stats running the ball may gauge his Running skills at this point, but his recieving yards tell the tale of what he meant to his team last year.
The issue was not Mario vs RB or VY. The issue was when we re-signed that half a QB in Carr.

Yep, and it comes down to two decisions by the owner of the team: resigning Carr and demanding that our no. 1 pick be signed before the draft. Mario and Reggie were both offered, RB wanted to hold out and Mario signed on the dotted line, and the rest (as they say) is history.

p.s. it's probably cheating, but I hope he brings back the grade he(we) got! :user:
OK, I am a huge Saints fan. I came by it honestly, through growing up in New Orleans (I now live on the East Coast).

I understand a lot of your arguments, some of them have some validity to them. DE's do tend to last longer than RBs in the NFL. A RB needs someone to throw to them, and block for them. A DE does actually need some help, but not nearly as much as a RB. (They do need SOMEONE else to rush, or they will just get double and triple teamed.)

However, to say that Reggie didn't do anything last year...

Let's be honest here. Reggie DID do a lot last year. Ignoring the 1500 total yards from scrimmage and great plays during the playoffs and end of the season, let's just talk about the intangibles. That offense would not have worked if Reggie had not been there. Because of his presence, WRs got open, Deuce could power run, fakes to him stopped an entire defense in it's tracks.

Why? Did you see his long touchdowns on Dallas and Chicago? What about Tampa and the shoulda been TD against San Fran? (He got so excited that he fumbled the ball out of bounds with NO ONE even close to him! Goof ball.)

That's scary to a defense. Without Reggie, the rest of that offense doesn't look the same and the defenses don't act the same.

Now I believe that Mario Williams will be a good DE and heck he could eventually be a pro bowler. But let's be honest. Reggie IS incredible and he did do that in the second half of last year.

You can say that you think Mario was the right pick, but be honest about what Reggie did last year. I don't think we make it as far without him and he DID do amazing things last year.
Many of you point out the struggles Reggie had in the 1st half of the year. Well lets compare the two during the final 8 games.

Mario Williams:
16 tackles
1 sack
1 forced fumble

Reggie Bush:
64 carries 350 yards 5.5 yards per carry and 6 td's.
42 catches 452 yards 10.8 yards per catch and 2 td's.
Plus he had 254 yards and 2 TD's in the two post season games he played in and he did it with only 26 touches (nearly 10 yards every time he touched the ball).

I know Reggie didn't light it up the first half of the year but neither did Mario.
That offense would not have worked if Reggie had not been there.
It more than likely would have, and quite nicely. Don't get me wrong RB is one heck of a weapon to have, but it doesn't look like he'll EVER be the every-down RB that all teams aspire to get. That job is still Deuce's, and is likely to stay so.

Think of RB more like Deion Sanders...a special weapon that's great to have when you need it.

I'd personally like that Earl Campbell, Ladainian Tomlinson or Barry
Sanders-type guy that can just plain take OVER a game with some POWER at the Pro-level. I think Adrian Peterson is the next sort of player in that kind of mold. (now if only the football gods would allow him to drop to #10)
It more than likely would have, and quite nicely. Don't get me wrong RB is one heck of a weapon to have, but it doesn't look like he'll EVER be the every-down RB that all teams aspire to get. That job is still Deuce's, and is likely to stay so.

Think of RB more like Deion Sanders...a special weapon that's great to have when you need it.

I'd personally like that Earl Campbell, Ladainian Tomlinson or Barry
Sanders-type guy that can just plain take OVER a game with some POWER at the Pro-level. I think Adrian Peterson is the next sort of player in that kind of mold. (now if only the football gods would allow him to drop to #10)

Right now it is a shared job like many RB tandems in the league. Duece is the senior RB who deserves to continue to carry the load. If Deuce wasn't there, Reggie could (and probably will one day) carry the full load. He had a bit of a learning curve in the beginning of the season, but don't most rookies? Did you notice his yards per carry the last 8 games of the season? 5.5? Did you notice that he DID carry the load in the one game that Payton asked him to? The Saints offense is so dizzying to people, they don't realize what's going on sometimes. Maybe that's why you missed it. Here's the gamelog from last year:

In the only game that he had more than 15 carries all year? He had 126 yards rushing with a 6.3 yrds/rush average and 3 TDs. Nah, he can't carry the load.
In the only game that he had more than 15 carries all year? He had 126 yards rushing with a 6.3 yrds/rush average and 3 TDs. Nah, he can't carry the load.
You're proving my point quite nicely, keep going...

Let's see him shoulder 20-25 carries for 1/2 a season w/o injury, then we'll talk.
Before you freak out, I have to do a current event paper from 2006, and I chose the Texans passing on reggie as my topic, because i can. I'm supposed to show both sides of the arguement and i figured who would know better than us.
Everyone, apparently.

Bush was the consensus best player in the draft last year. We passed, everyone laughed at us - and a year later they're still laughing because Mario Williams hasn't made them stop.

I know I would've drafted Bush and if not, before I looked at Mario Williams I'd be ditching David Carr and drafting Vince Young as most of us would now do if we only had a Wayback™ Machine. I would've looked at D'Brickashaw Ferguson at least as hard as I'd have looked at Williams.

Mario Williams is a physical freak, and I mean that in a good way. His ceiling is very high and vaulted. Williams also is burdened with the yoke of unrealistic expectations - a variable that could ruin him or sustain him. At the end of the day he may turn out to have been the right choice.

Stay tuned.
Ya know, it really doesn't matter. Let's just say for a minute that Houston screwed up royally not getting Bush, Young, Leinart; let's just say Mario was the worst possible choice (whether it's really true or not). Having made the worst possible choice (and especially adding Mario's foot problems in his first NFL season) caused us to have a worse record than we could have last year. Now, we have better possibilities in the draft this year, because we lost 10 games. So, it doesn't matter. The only thing that does matter is that we do not continue to make Buchannon, Babin, etc. deals; overpay aging D-lineman; use first round picks on guys like Travis Johnson; have a head coach like Capers, an OC like Pendry, and a DC like Fangio; and stick with a QB like Carr for 5 yrs.--with no QB coach(OK, I'm guilty for a lot of that last one).
CC and Kubiak were head and shoulders better at overall decision making than CC and Capers. I expect Smith and Kubiak to be even better. Bush, Young, Leinart, whoever: laugh all you want, but the Texans are on the way up, and it really is inevitable.

Bush had the rule violation stuff going on (guilty or not), Mario fit into our brand new 4-3 scheme, Bush wouldn't sign ahead of time and Mario would, Bush has questions about his ability to run between the tackles (especially, I know he did before last year's draft), Bush would've wanted more money and this is the salary cap era. Anyway, I'm not saying those are all good reasons, but some of them are, and the Texans looked at all of that and took Mario. This is nothing against Bush, but the big mistake was giving Carr that extension and blowing off two good QBs.

There are teams that don't really need Calvin Johnson either (although we really do NEED that right now), so don't think it's some kind of insult.
I've never had a problem with taking Mario. I think he will turn out to be an outstanding DE and a constant pro bowler. I really do. Besides which, his salary doesn't come out of my paycheck anyway.


I would have taken Young over Mario with the first pick, and I would have taken either Young or Mario before Bush with the first pick.

But if it was my intention all along to take Mario, I would have traded down a pick or two and perhaps got an addition pick or player or something and still taken Mario.