QB's who get hit enough usually begin to get, happy feet, anxious in the pocket, etc. By year four of their Texans careers, Carr was never going to recover from his abuse and Watson wound up having his best season ever. Watson was getting better while the team around him was getting worse.
Better and that lead to 4-12.
What you're basically saying is evrybody and everything else was the problem but Derrick. What I'm saying is Derrck was also part of the problem. Dont believe me, the Texans won just as many games without Derrick as with him this yr. Just like I predicted before the season started.
Luckily there will be GM's of QB needy teams out there who will view Derrick in the same light that you do and they will doom their franchises to mediocrity because of Derrick being paid like a top 5 QB when n reality he's a top 10-15 QB. I think this is a great thing and hope that Caserio can fleece a GM for a maximum return. However this doesn't look like this will happen before the draft this yr since the depositions on the civil cases dont start until February 22nd. This doesn't even mention the ongoing criminal investigations that very well could land Derrick in the slammer. Hopefully there will be an owner that's willing to make the trade before the draft that's willing to take the risk knowing that Derrick's cases are unresolved. But I cant really see this happening, can you?
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