Yeah, that part isn't difficult, but living through it is, as a fan, sure in the hell is. I appreciate your informed insight, but events don't seem to bother you as much as most of us. For example, every time I see DeAndre and Watt on another team not named Texans hurts. So many boxes to check, chronologically or otherwise but to me its more emotional attachment, which first led me to become a dedicated draft coinsurer, then to other teams/players so I could just freaking enjoy NFL Football again, but it always comes back to the home team and how dysfunctional and delusional the front office has been.
I've been watching NFL for over 60 years, I was a season ticket holder for 20 years. I have seen enough and experienced enough over the years that my optimism has been replaced with realism. My hope, wanting, Kool-Aid drinking, and wishful thinking have transformed into understanding that 1 + 1 = 2, and if you do X are going to get Y, Cause & Effect. Today I have a much better understanding of what causes and creates bad ownership.
So when Cal McNair says, Trust us, we know what we are doing, I have seen enough and know enough to immediately know that Cal is completely clueless (FOS) and nothing else he could say could be further from the truth. Cal is like Baghdad Bob who is telling all, that all is well and everything is under control while we can see in the background the US tanks and Army filing into the city.
When Steve Spurrier has some less than complimentary remarks to say about JaDeveon Clowney. You listen and take what the coach is telling you at face value.
When Kubiak says he's going to hire his friends and family for his coaching staff, you just know average and ordinary is the plan, it's 1 + 1 = 2, and you take it at face value. Not until Alex Gibbs applies for a job and Bob McNair hires Wade Phillips do things get turned around.
When Bob McNair fires Kubiak because he doesn't play McNair's QB and keeps Rick Smith you know mediocrity will be quickly returning. It's Cause & Effect.
You know Bill O'Brien is hot head after he blew up Tom Brady on the sidelines and had to be physically restrained. A few weeks later he's taking the Penn St job, and the Penn St fans are ready for him to go and say he can't leave fast enough after only 2 years, you just know O'Brien is going to be a disaster in Houston. - You take it all at face value.
You know that when O'Brien recommends to Bob McNair he hire Caserio to replace Rick Smith this is compounding the problem not fixing it. You know when O'Brien recommends Cal hire Jack Easterby the Texans have purchased a dumpster. You know when Easterby convinces Cal to make O'Brien GM the Texans have loaded the dumpster with fuel. - You take it all at face value.
You know when Jack Easterby recommends Cal hire Nick Caserio, a Belichick lackey with only file clerk, some admin and facilitator job experience, who has no GM experience, that along with a massive record of Belichick admin failures, you understand why DW4 tweets, some things never change, and that the odds are very high you just hired another Scott Pioli, only this time it has been worse. - You take it all at face value.
When Davis Mills college coach says that Mills is somewhat accurate on national TV, - you take that at face value.
The Texans are 1 -8 -1, that is what face value has been telling you they would likely be. It's 1 + 1 = 2. It's Cause & Effect. Until there is a complete house cleaning, a massive exorcism followed by several powerful enemas to eliminate all things associated with Bill O'Brien nothing is likely to change.