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Gary Kubiak & Rick Smith given extensions

I have read that as well, but I don't believe it. He makes 700k a year according to Kuharsky:

Seen that link before and I think Kuharsky misspoke and it was a deal which averaged $2.1 mil over 3 years. I can see someone turning down a $3 millish job for $2.1, not for $700k. Plus the other reported factors of highest paid DC, etc.
Seen that link before and I think Kuharsky misspoke and it was a deal which averaged $2.1 mil over 3 years. I can see someone turning down a $3 millish job for $2.1, not for $700k. Plus the other reported factors of highest paid DC, etc.

The last time this came up I hunted several things down and it was obvious that it was miswritten by Kuharsky, but for some reason has been repeated by several sites/authors. One of those included someone who listed $700,000 Wade as highest paid coordinator and the later said the average coordinator made over $800,000.
Bob McNair plans to give contract extensions to Gary Kubiak, Rick Smith

Texans chairman and CEO Bob McNair said Tuesday that he plans to start working on contract extensions for head coach Gary Kubiak and general manager Rick Smith, whose contracts expire after the 2012 season.

McNair said he does not have a timetable for completing the extensions. He will likely meet with Kubiak first and Smith second.

“We’ll start working on that,” McNair said at the Texans’ 10th annual Charity Golf Classic. “I think they’ve done an outstanding job. I’m pleased with ‘em, and if that wasn’t the case, we wouldn’t be extending ‘em.”

Kubiak and Smith have both been with the Texans since 2006. Kubiak signed a two-year extension after the 2010 season. Smith signed a four-year extension in 2008.
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Really, atleast your thinking outside the box.

What's Garys record?

What's Gary's record without Wade?

Does he really deserve an extention based on his W/L record?

Like I said before if BoB's proven one thing he wont buy out a HC with yrs remaining on his contract. Regardless of what the paying customers want. For this reason I would wait and make Gary prove himself again next yr.

Of course I would have fired Gary after the 2009 season. BoB didn't because he had just given Gary a contract extention.
Hopefully history doesn't repeat itself.

Your kidding yourself if you dont think FA is about mostly $$$$. Why do you think the Texans defense improved last yr? BoB finally stepped up and gave Manning and Joseph the best deals they could find on the market. Your kidding yourself if you think that continuity/stability and all of that other crap that you're spewing mattered. 2 things matter to FA's 1. $$$$ 2. Winning. Luclily for the Texans Wade decided to sign/stay with the Texans so that helps mask Garys gameday gaffes. As long as Wade stay the Texans will have a winning org and Houston will become a desireable place for FA's to play.

If Wade leaves I full expect Gary to return to the same old Gary. Gary has learned on the Job. But my qeustion to you is why did it take him 6 yrs to learn and why did he suddenly become some great mind/HC after Wade joined the staff? Does Gary have a learning disability? 6 yrs really?

This! But as you also said, gary will get the extension, then we will be stuck with him win or lose for eternity....
Would be nice if McNair could just keep adding one year in a roll over. IIRC, there was a famous college coach that was extended that way. Hard to find one to agree when they can go easily other teams with good pay.
Why is McNair's perspective on the team "mysterious"??

I've read that a couple of times on this thread, and I don't understand that. He said he wants to build the team like the Steelers, so ...... what's this "mysterious" bit?
As confident I am going into next season, I really don't like the idea of McNair giving Smithiak another 2 years (making them contracted for the next 3).

A deep playoff run next season is expected, the talent they have, the coaching they have on D, it makes it a minimum, so why sign them up again before they've achieved it?

Also, we can't be 100% sure how well they've handled the cap just yet, I'm sure McNair has a better idea from his position, but if they fail on the field this season, and it turns out that all our top talent is going to walk over the next year or two due to poor cap management, hows that extension going to look then?

On the other hand am I right in thinking being a coach in the last year of your contract in the NFL kind of puts you in a weak position in the locker room?
As confident I am going into next season, I really don't like the idea of McNair giving Smithiak another 2 years (making them contracted for the next 3).

A deep playoff run next season is expected, the talent they have, the coaching they have on D, it makes it a minimum, so why sign them up again before they've achieved it?

Also, we can't be 100% sure how well they've handled the cap just yet, I'm sure McNair has a better idea from his position, but if they fail on the field this season, and it turns out that all our top talent is going to walk over the next year or two due to poor cap management, hows that extension going to look then?

On the other hand am I right in thinking being a coach in the last year of your contract in the NFL kind of puts you in a weak position in the locker room?

Contracts in this league don't mean much of anything. People act like we're stuck with the guys if they have contracts with us. If they don't perform up to their contracts, I have no doubt McNair will ditch them.

But you talk about all the talent this team has... where did that come from? The fact that we've grown and developed to a point where we're so talented that we're expected to make the playoffs, win in the playoffs, and at least threaten to go to a SB means something went right. And that's when you extend someone's contract.

The whole thing may come crashing down. And if that happens, they'll get fired.
I understand this is just a formality & doesn't really mean that much. If McNair extends Kubiak for one year, through the 2013 season, he's still toast if he drastically under performs Bob's expectations.

What Bob's expectations are, are a complete mystery to most of us, so let's not go down that road.

The length of the extension is the only thing that means anything to anybody. The longer the extension, the greater Bob's exposure.

I personally don't believe Kubiak has earned anything more than a year. But we'll see how close Kubiak got to McNair's expectations soon enough.

I think Kubiak is probably the best locker room coach in the league short of The Hoody or Coughlin.... but he leaves a lot to be desired on the sideline. I think he is improving & I would have been perfectly fine with a real extension had he handled the Baltimore game the way he handled every game since Carolina..... cautious, safe, taking calculated Risks.... but Baltimore in the divisional round he was too cavalier for me, & I don't understand why.

You must not remember the sideline walking dead we had in Capers. Atleast Kubiak will scream and show some emotion, see him up in a refs face a few times.
I realize everyone is entitled to an opinion, but I'm beginning to think that Kubiak is damaged goods around here. They could go on to win 5 Super Bowls in a row, and the prevailing thought would be that won them in spite of him.

If I didn't know any better, I swear from all the negativity and cynicism that I'm reading, we finished the season with a 4-12 record.

I mean, this guy deserves not one lick of credit whatsoever? Really?

Like I said earlier, I just don't understand it.
I realize everyone is entitled to an opinion, but I'm beginning to think that Kubiak is damaged goods around here. They could go on to win 5 Super Bowls in a row, and the prevailing thought would be that won them in spite of him.

If I didn't know any better, I swear from all the negativity and cynicism that I'm reading, we finished the season with a 4-12 record.

I mean, this guy deserves not one lick of credit whatsoever? Really?

Like I said earlier, I just don't understand it.


And wake me up when he wins 5 SB's, and then you can write a post like this. Until than the facts are that Smithiak hasn't even been average, but carry on with the exaggeration and hyperbole that is way over the top as usual Marcus.
Kubiak doesnt have the season or the draft he had last year without Wade. Wade was a difference maker.

But how the locker room stayed together with all the adversity they had was pretty impressive. I put that on a mixture of things, but Kubes did help keep the team together somehow.

If I were to award him with an extension, I would make sure to lock down Wade too. Get him a 20 year old intern or something for the next 5 years. They are a good pair.
I give Kubiak a lot of credit for keeping us on track with guys dropping like flies left and right. I still don't like him as a head coach, but I wish him continued success.
If Gary and Wade win the Superbowl then fans might wonder what his record would be by now if not for Smith and Bush who are not a good DC but he wanted both of them.
Contracts in this league don't mean much of anything. People act like we're stuck with the guys if they have contracts with us. If they don't perform up to their contracts, I have no doubt McNair will ditch them.

But you talk about all the talent this team has... where did that come from? The fact that we've grown and developed to a point where we're so talented that we're expected to make the playoffs, win in the playoffs, and at least threaten to go to a SB means something went right. And that's when you extend someone's contract.

The whole thing may come crashing down. And if that happens, they'll get fired.

Likely because a 2nd successful season, one that could potentially lead us to a Super Bowl run, is going to raise the stock of Gary Kubiak significantly especially as a free agent. In this scenario McNair probably wants to lock him up on a "bargain" price. If its a 2 year extension then I can live with it.
If I were to award him with an extension, I would make sure to lock down Wade too.
Can't really "lock down" Wade. If he gets a head coaching offer, he's gone. Doubt that happens though.
I mean, this guy deserves not one lick of credit whatsoever? Really?
Did he deserve "credit" for the 6-10 season? One playoff season in six is a poor record. Two in seven will look much better.

And that's when you extend someone's contract.
Contract's get extended just before they're about to expire. If Kubiak still had 2 years left, there wouldn't be talk of an extension. McNair's not going to allow Kubiak to coach on a lame duck contract. This extension is more about timing than success.
If its a 2 year extension then I can live with it.
Right. It will likely be a contract that runs through 2014.
The Texans had a good year last year, and will again this year because of Wade's defense. Without Wade coming in, the Texans likly would not have had that great of a year last year and Kubiak would be gone by now. Wade is saving the entire organization right now, from top to bottom. When he leaves, and if someone left behind can't take over his defense, then we're right back where we started with Kubiak. Which is extreme Mediocresville.
Contracts in this league don't mean much of anything. People act like we're stuck with the guys if they have contracts with us. If they don't perform up to their contracts, I have no doubt McNair will ditch them.

But you talk about all the talent this team has... where did that come from? The fact that we've grown and developed to a point where we're so talented that we're expected to make the playoffs, win in the playoffs, and at least threaten to go to a SB means something went right. And that's when you extend someone's contract.

The whole thing may come crashing down. And if that happens, they'll get fired.

Undoubtedly it was Smithiak that put that talent there, but really, how much better was the talent available last year than the previous 2 or 3 years? We added maybe 4 key starters but lost quite a few through injury.

They didn't make the playoffs in any of those seasons, despite being picked to by the media before the season started.

I give them plenty of credit for their part in the success they've had, its just I want sustained success from my team, not every other year or when the stars align or whatever, and they haven't always got the most out of the talent they've had.

On the side about not being stuck with them just because they're contracted, well I'm not too sure I agree there, would McNair fire these guys next season if he had to pay them 2 years wages as well as whoever he brought in?

I'm not exactly upset about an extension, just a little apprehensive, seems when they're on the hotseat they perform and when they've got a shiny new extension they start planning for the season when they are on the hotseat rather than being in win-now mode all the time.

I hope this post looks really silly in a years time though.
Kubiak doesnt have the season or the draft he had last year without Wade. Wade was a difference maker.

But how the locker room stayed together with all the adversity they had was pretty impressive. I put that on a mixture of things, but Kubes did help keep the team together somehow.

If I were to award him with an extension, I would make sure to lock down Wade too. Get him a 20 year old intern or something for the next 5 years. They are a good pair.

I don't think that's a good idea, he is an old man and his heart might give out.

The fact that we've grown and developed to a point where we're so talented that we're expected to make the playoffs, win in the playoffs, and at least threaten to go to a SB means something went right. And that's when you extend someone's contract.

The whole thing may come crashing down. And if that happens, they'll get fired.
So, what if we go 9-7 and miss the playoffs with a couple of key injuries, or the changes to the O-line don't gel? I see McNair staying the course if it isn't abject failure. I'd prefer NOT to extend yet, in order to keep those fires burning under Kubiak.

I realize everyone is entitled to an opinion, but I'm beginning to think that Kubiak is damaged goods around here. They could go on to win 5 Super Bowls in a row, and the prevailing thought would be that won them in spite of him.

If I didn't know any better, I swear from all the negativity and cynicism that I'm reading, we finished the season with a 4-12 record.

I mean, this guy deserves not one lick of credit whatsoever? Really?

Like I said earlier, I just don't understand it.
As previously stated, his overall record isn't that good. He wanted those lousy DCs we had prior to Wade. We've made the playoffs exactly ONCE. I gove Kubiak as much credit for holding it all together last year as I give him for his lousy record. In totality, he's not that good...YET. I'm willing to give him another couple of years to see if he can make it happen again, but extending him now might send the wrong message.
So, what if we go 9-7 and miss the playoffs with a couple of key injuries, or the changes to the O-line don't gel? I see McNair staying the course if it isn't abject failure. I'd prefer NOT to extend yet, in order to keep those fires burning under Kubiak.

As previously stated, his overall record isn't that good. He wanted those lousy DCs we had prior to Wade. We've made the playoffs exactly ONCE. I gove Kubiak as much credit for holding it all together last year as I give him for his lousy record. In totality, he's not that good...YET. I'm willing to give him another couple of years to see if he can make it happen again, but extending him now might send the wrong message.

i don't think kubes is the type of person one needs an impending firing or contract to keep him motivated.

and it might be the right message, it takes years to build a Super Bowl team and even more so when its an expansion team.
Continuity is key and i think McNair is doing the right thing.
just my 2cents
i don't think kubes is the type of person one needs an impending firing or contract to keep him motivated.

and it might be the right message, it takes years to build a Super Bowl team and even more so when its an expansion team.
Continuity is key and i think McNair is doing the right thing.
just my 2cents

Rick/Gary trumpet the 9-7 season, Gary misses the combine for an elective surgery, Rick/Gary select KJ in the draft the Texans finish 6-10. Gary needs to remain on the hot seat.

BoB orderes Wade to be hired, the team has a great defensive draft, the defense goes from historically bad to top 5.

Wade was the main reason for the great draft and the improvement of the Texans. That and the fact that the Divisions starting QB's were Painter/Orlovsky, Gabbert, Elderly Hasslebeck/Locker.
I'm glad to hear that McNair is taking care of Kubes and Smith. I also hope that when the time comes, McNair takes care of Wade too. Combined the trio make a fine front office and coaching staff. One guy can't do it all.
I'm glad to hear that McNair is taking care of Kubes and Smith. I also hope that when the time comes, McNair takes care of Wade too. Combined the trio make a fine front office and coaching staff. One guy can't do it all.
Bob is a smart business man who has to realize he has no "next man up" behind Wade. We saw what we saw when Phillips was out late season.
Bob is a smart business man who has to realize he has no "next man up" behind Wade. We saw what we saw when Phillips was out late season.


If Wade's not the highest paid coordinator, he needs to be made the highest paid coordinator. I know he wants to be a head coach somewhere but I want to keep him here as our DC.
What Bob's expectations are, are a complete mystery to most of us, so let's not go down that road.

Why is McNair's perspective on the team "mysterious"??

I've read that a couple of times on this thread, and I don't understand that. He said he wants to build the team like the Steelers, so ...... what's this "mysterious" bit?

I said expectations... not perspective. I don't think anyone's said anything about his perspective.

I realize everyone is entitled to an opinion, but I'm beginning to think that Kubiak is damaged goods around here. They could go on to win 5 Super Bowls in a row, and the prevailing thought would be that won them in spite of him.

If I didn't know any better, I swear from all the negativity and cynicism that I'm reading, we finished the season with a 4-12 record.

I mean, this guy deserves not one lick of credit whatsoever? Really?

Like I said earlier, I just don't understand it.

I agree some of the rhetoric we share when discussing Kubiak goes a little far. But it's pretty much the same for all our players, Jacoby... ?? Kareem?

But it's not like it's all one sided, the man has his critics & his fans, those that think he can do no wrong.
The Texans had a good year last year, and will again this year because of Wade's defense. Without Wade coming in, the Texans likly would not have had that great of a year last year and Kubiak would be gone by now. Wade is saving the entire organization right now, from top to bottom. When he leaves, and if someone left behind can't take over his defense, then we're right back where we started with Kubiak. Which is extreme Mediocresville.

Thorn- yep! I agree! Without Wade & his D, Kubes ass is canned!
Really??????? At 49 years old that's the best you can come up with???

He'll extend him because that will show franchise stability to players, coaches, free agents as well as player agents. Besides money the #1 thing player agents look at is to find a place your player fits the system in and have longer term stability for growth. It just makes perfect sense to extend him and it most likely will be for a minimum of 2 years.

I absolutely hate this argument and it came up last time Kubiak was up for an extension. There is nothing wrong with Kubiak coaching the last year of his contract without an extension. Players might worry about coming to Houston or resigning here if it was the end of Kubiaks 1st contract and he had only been here a few years. Let him coach into the season and see how it goes. Kubiak still has a losing record as a head coach and the argument can be made that Wade Philips is the only reason the Texans made the playoffs even in an aweful AFC south division.

The Eagles let Andy Reid coach his final contract year without an extension and it seems to have worked out just fine for him. Quit the coddling of this man and let him earn the extension. His current record as a head coach is 47-49 and 1-1 in the playoffs. That is mediocre. Most fans of the Texans only want Kubiak as long as he is tied to Wade. Well Wade could bail after the season like he almost did this year and then what. What is wrong with a wait and see approach?

I've linked a couple of articles about giving or not to give Kubiak an extension.
I absolutely hate this argument and it came up last time Kubiak was up for an extension. There is nothing wrong with Kubiak coaching the last year of his contract without an extension. Players might worry about coming to Houston or resigning here if it was the end of Kubiaks 1st contract and he had only been here a few years. Let him coach into the season and see how it goes. Kubiak still has a losing record as a head coach and the argument can be made that Wade Philips is the only reason the Texans made the playoffs even in an aweful AFC south division.

The Eagles let Andy Reid coach his final contract year without an extension and it seems to have worked out just fine for him. Quit the coddling of this man and let him earn the extension. His current record as a head coach is 47-49 and 1-1 in the playoffs. That is mediocre. Most fans of the Texans only want Kubiak as long as he is tied to Wade. Well Wade could bail after the season like he almost did this year and then what. What is wrong with a wait and see approach?

I've linked a couple of articles about giving or not to give Kubiak an extension.
You do stand the risk of Gary going elsewhere & you might be okay with that not everyone is. I don't think we can get a better quality coach for same Gary is making. Of course there is Wade Phillips. :dancer:
You do stand the risk of Gary going elsewhere & you might be okay with that not everyone is. I don't think we can get a better quality coach for same Gary is making. Of course there is Wade Phillips. :dancer:

There is no fear of Kubiak leaving. He's making 5 million a year right now and nobody is going to outbid us for him. He loves Bob and Rick, and I don't think he would trade them for any team out there besides maybe the Broncos.

If he gets an extension, it will be a reward for the teams success in 2011. Although, I hope they don't give it to him until midway through the season.
What about Oakland as a landing spot?

You think he would prefer Carson Palmer and Lienart over Schaub and Yates? I think Oakland would have to offer him top dollar, 7+ a year, to entice him to leave Houston. Kubes is about the 10-15th highest paid coach in the league, so it would take a lot to make him leave.
You think he would prefer Carson Palmer and Lienart over Schaub and Yates? I think Oakland would have to offer him top dollar, 7+ a year, to entice him to leave Houston. Kubes is about the 10-15th highest paid coach in the league, so it would take a lot to make him leave.
Not predicting just saying, Oakland needs to get back into the game. Daddy rabbit's gone & team needs to spend money & make splash getting attention of a positive nature. Maybe Tyler Wilson from Arkansas and $8m per year? I think Palmer could be traded mid season for a vet to fill another Raider need.
Why on Earth would Kubiak leave? He's one of only 32 men on the planet that has a head coaching job in the NFL. In his home town yet. He's not going anywhere unless he forced out.
Here is a link from Jeremy Solomon onletting Kubiak go. Quick scanned forum but did not see it posted. From May 8th:…-with-somebody-else’s-money/

McNair’s challenge is to keep the extensions at a manageable length so that he won’t hesitate to pull the trigger if the time does come that he has to make a move.

What? Are you talking about firing the head coach or general manager after the team just had its best season and made the playoffs for the first time, King?

Well, yeah.

What would you do if the Texans go 8-8 or 6-10 and don’t make the playoffs this season? Well, I know what I would do. I also know what McNair will be reluctant to do after he signs them to huge three- or four-year-extensions

See link above for full article
JeromeWhat? Are you talking about firing the head coach or general manager after the team just had its best season and made the playoffs for the first time, King?

Well, yeah.

What would you do if the Texans go 8-8 or 6-10 and don’t make the playoffs this season? Well, I know what I would do. I also know what McNair will be reluctant to do after he signs them to huge three- or four-year-extensions

Both the Jets & the Bears were in the NFC championship game, in 2010, both were 8-8 in 2011. Is that because the coaches suck? Or because the teams were dealing with other issues?

& the Bears especially should have known better, seeing how Lovie went 7-9 the year following their Super Bowl appearance.
Both the Jets & the Bears were in the NFC championship game, in 2010, both were 8-8 in 2011. Is that because the coaches suck? Or because the teams were dealing with other issues?

& the Bears especially should have known better, seeing how Lovie went 7-9 the year following their Super Bowl appearance.

Interesting that Jets turned down offer to be on the hard knocks program.
You do stand the risk of Gary going elsewhere & you might be okay with that not everyone is. I don't think we can get a better quality coach for same Gary is making. Of course there is Wade Phillips. :dancer:

Really? Please name one team that would likely go after Kubiak that isn't Denver? ANd give me a legit source for this reasoning or something substantial to suggest that Kubiak could leave, because he is some sort of commodity out there. There has never been any strong interest in Kubiak as a HC anywhere else since he came here other than in Denver for obvious reasons. And Denver wouldn't even hire him right now, as they seem pretty happy with who they got.
Really? Please name one team that would likely go after Kubiak that isn't Denver? ANd give me a legit source for this reasoning or something substantial to suggest that Kubiak could leave, because he is some sort of commodity out there. There has never been any strong interest in Kubiak as a HC anywhere else since he came here other than in Denver for obvious reasons. And Denver wouldn't even hire him right now, as they seem pretty happy with who they got.

Oakland? :hides:
Really? Please name one team that would likely go after Kubiak that isn't Denver? ANd give me a legit source for this reasoning or something substantial to suggest that Kubiak could leave, because he is some sort of commodity out there. There has never been any strong interest in Kubiak as a HC anywhere else since he came here other than in Denver for obvious reasons. And Denver wouldn't even hire him right now, as they seem pretty happy with who they got.

I don't know. Looking at what we've got in Houston right now, I'd be interested if I were one of the handful of teams that have been on the coaching carousel for years now with nothing to show for it.

Granted, 1 good season does not an organization make, but looking at the Texans, I see a core that should help the team towards many good seasons to come. So if I'm Miami, Cleveland, Oakland, Carolina, Tampa Bay, Arizona, St Louis, & Buffalo.... if I've got nothing to show at the end of the season, Kubiak may look pretty tempting.

Of course, this is from my perspective. I have no idea what any of those teams are thinking. But asking me to prove there is interest would be like asking you to prove there isn't.

Dom Capers got a second chance. So did Chan Gailey & countless other HCs... many who shouldn't have.
I don't know. Looking at what we've got in Houston right now, I'd be interested if I were one of the handful of teams that have been on the coaching carousel for years now with nothing to show for it.

Granted, 1 good season does not an organization make, but looking at the Texans, I see a core that should help the team towards many good seasons to come. So if I'm Miami, Cleveland, Oakland, Carolina, Tampa Bay, Arizona, St Louis, & Buffalo.... if I've got nothing to show at the end of the season, Kubiak may look pretty tempting.

Of course, this is from my perspective. I have no idea what any of those teams are thinking. But asking me to prove there is interest would be like asking you to prove there isn't.

Dom Capers got a second chance. So did Chan Gailey & countless other HCs... many who shouldn't have.

A different perspective and a legitimate one as well. We all know that McNair is all about not rocking the boat. I think we'll see his perseverance pay off in the long haul, which is what the man is looking for.

Guess we'll find out how steadfast he is willing to be in his approach when we find out what Kube's and Rick Smith's extensions turn out to be.

We should find out shortly.
I'd prefer NOT to extend yet, in order to keep those fires burning under Kubiak.

, but extending him now might send the wrong message.

Just want to address these two statements ....

Gary is one of the hardest working guy's around .... He kinda reminds me of Jeff Van Grumpy. Attention to detail and work ethic are things we need not concern ourselves with when it comes to Gary .... Its just the way he's wired. He's a workaholic .... no other way to describe the man.

He might make some mistakes or poor decisions but .... those fires will be burning until the lights go out.
Really? Please name one team that would likely go after Kubiak that isn't Denver? ANd give me a legit source for this reasoning or something substantial to suggest that Kubiak could leave, because he is some sort of commodity out there. There has never been any strong interest in Kubiak as a HC anywhere else since he came here other than in Denver for obvious reasons. And Denver wouldn't even hire him right now, as they seem pretty happy with who they got.
Miami or Oakland or how about Colts? Pagano a defensive coach will do nothing for Luck and Arians got run off from Pittsburgh. If I had a team that needed to make a decent turn around especially if I had a QB that needed guidance, Kubiak would be high on my list.

You want a source for my opinion? lol
Really? Please name one team that would likely go after Kubiak that isn't Denver?

Kubiak was a hot name for job openings for years prior to working with the Texans. You might also remember he was pretty selective for whom he intrerviewed.Its misguided to ask what team would hire him now. Its freaking may and all head coaching vacancies are filled.

Sure there are doubts about him as a head coach but few for him as one of the best offensive minds in the game. Thats a rare commodity. You want a list of teams who'd have an interest in him? Check every team with a poor offense.

I wont argue any other team starts a head coach bidding war if we dont extend him, but i will say within a week of being fired he'd hear from a dozen teams trying to hire him in one capacity or another.
Would other teams be interested in Gary ? Sure they would ....

But here it is in a nutshell ..... Gary's coaching an NFL team one of only 32 men on the planet with such a job .... Doing it in his hometown is icing on the cake. Name another NFL coach who leads his hometown team ?

He aint leaving till they make him leave.

My best VY impersonation: "Dream Job" :hurrah:
Would other teams be interested in Gary ? Sure they would ....

But here it is in a nutshell ..... Gary's coaching an NFL team one of only 32 men on the planet with such a job .... Doing it in his hometown is icing on the cake. Name another NFL coach who leads his hometown team?

The point is he has more value then some people seem willing to believe. When you talk about icing dont forget he surely played a strong role in picking his own Gm.
Rick/Gary trumpet the 9-7 season, Gary misses the combine for an elective surgery, Rick/Gary select KJ in the draft the Texans finish 6-10. Gary needs to remain on the hot seat.

BoB orderes Wade to be hired, the team has a great defensive draft, the defense goes from historically bad to top 5.

Wade was the main reason for the great draft and the improvement of the Texans. That and the fact that the Divisions starting QB's were Painter/Orlovsky, Gabbert, Elderly Hasslebeck/Locker.

objective as always :rolleyes:

not to go back over old ground but where was wade in 09? you know when we picked cushing, barwin, quin, brice mccain (and even troy nolan)? thats a great defensive draft with both impact players and important role players

-2011 draft to date is a beast first rounder, a promising (but to date only decent play-wise) olb and...... oh ya thats it so far

also look at the options available at #20 in 2010 (which looks like a poor draft overall tbh) v the options available at #11 in 2011 where nearly all the top rookies have had awesome first years whereas you'll struggle to find an impact player in the first round after the top 15