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Gary Kubiak & Rick Smith given extensions


Hall of Fame
Emotions have cooled & it has been 2 weeks since last post (I could find). We had a great run despite major injuries especially to our offense. Like him or not, do you think Gary gets an extension before next season? I say yes & probably more than one year. This should also help in keeping, Myers & Briesel and later Schaub. Your thoughts?
As long as Wade Phillps is our defensive coordinator then Gary Kubiak will be the head coach for a long time. He's done a great job with the offense over the years. This is a Kubiak and Wade relationship: Which is going to result in great things for the Texans.
Kubiak will get an extension this offseason. They may be waiting until free agency is over, as not to distract from that process. But, there's not a chance in hell McNair lets Kubiak coach on a lame duck contract.
Emotions have cooled & it has been 2 weeks since last post (I could find). We had a great run despite major injuries especially to our offense. Like him or not, do you think Gary gets an extension before next season? I say yes & probably more than one year. This should also help in keeping, Myers & Briesel and later Schaub. Your thoughts?

I understand this is just a formality & doesn't really mean that much. If McNair extends Kubiak for one year, through the 2013 season, he's still toast if he drastically under performs Bob's expectations.

What Bob's expectations are, are a complete mystery to most of us, so let's not go down that road.

The length of the extension is the only thing that means anything to anybody. The longer the extension, the greater Bob's exposure.

I personally don't believe Kubiak has earned anything more than a year. But we'll see how close Kubiak got to McNair's expectations soon enough.

I think Kubiak is probably the best locker room coach in the league short of The Hoody or Coughlin.... but he leaves a lot to be desired on the sideline. I think he is improving & I would have been perfectly fine with a real extension had he handled the Baltimore game the way he handled every game since Carolina..... cautious, safe, taking calculated Risks.... but Baltimore in the divisional round he was too cavalier for me, & I don't understand why.
The length of the extension is the only thing that means anything to anybody. The longer the extension, the greater Bob's exposure.
Doesn't mean jack to me. I couldn't care less about McNair's "exposure". If the team wins (which it finally has), keep Kubiak. If the team loses, dump him. The contract is McNair's problem.

I think Kubiak is probably the best locker room coach in the league short of The Hoody or Coughlin...
How would you, me, or anyone not in the locker room know this? Or even what value that brings to winning? The only thing that matters is the record. And there are still plenty of head coaches with better records than Gary Kubiak. There are plenty of unknowns, as well. Especially in the AFC South. Hopefully, that will be to Kubiak's, and the Texans', advantage.
I see Kubes and the Texans as I do this country, generally speaking. Think what we could be with a GOOD leader.

All the players say Gary is a great leader. We dont see what happens behind closed doors. He has made questionable calls during the game, but for the most part we owe the success of this team to Kubes offense, and Wades defense. Neither can stand alone.
Doesn't mean jack to me. I couldn't care less about McNair's "exposure". If the team wins (which it finally has), keep Kubiak. If the team loses, dump him. The contract is McNair's problem.
Yeah.... maybe I should have been more specific.. McNair would be the anybody.
How would you, me, or anyone not in the locker room know this? Or even what value that brings to winning?
The solidarity of the message coming out of the locker room, being told by players, coaches, etc...

Player comments

Player effort

& this year's accomplishments despite the injury issues are reliable locker room metrics to me.

Look at the 2011 Jets... bad locker room, bad affect on winning. Not that it's the only thing, but, imo, the locker room plays into a teams ability to win.
The only thing that matters is the record.
Yeah..... sorry, I've never subscribed to that small-minded, short-sighted view. Winning doesn't happen in a vacuum.
And there are still plenty of head coaches with better records than Gary Kubiak.
I don't understand this statement. Has anyone questioned this? What does this have to do with Kubiak's merit for getting an extension this year?
There are plenty of unknowns, as well. Especially in the AFC South. Hopefully, that will be to Kubiak's, and the Texans', advantage.


All I'm saying is that Gary is going to get an extension.... we know that. How long will it be? We don't know, however, when we find out, the length of the extension may give us some insight into McNair's perception of Gary Kubiak.....

& that McNair can extend him for 4 years, but fire him next year if that's what he chooses to do.
At this point you keep him and then once Wade exits you replace him with the next best person.
Would be a tall order not to extend Kubiak, especially after last season. Yes wade helped get us to where we were going but, Also look at the upgrades the defense had compared to 2010. JoJo, Manning, Watt, Reed, Barwin, Demeco.

Some want to say all this teams success is because of Wade. I say B.S, sure having his scheme helped but it is not all because of him.

Kubiak had a 5th round rookie QB, and No AJ for damn near half the season. And he managed to do just enough to win. Some say he is a coach who has trouble making adjustments, well he did a pretty damn good job to me last season.

With Schaub and AJ for the whole season i have no doubt we would of had a 1st round bye, and home field advantage. That would of changed things a lot. We will see next season. Hopefully the injury bug goes elsewhere.
Will Gary hire an outside DC to replace Wade or just give the job to an assistant? We have all seen that before?
I wouldn't extend Gary

BoB will extend Gary.

Gary is BoBs illegitimate son.

Really??????? At 49 years old that's the best you can come up with???

He'll extend him because that will show franchise stability to players, coaches, free agents as well as player agents. Besides money the #1 thing player agents look at is to find a place your player fits the system in and have longer term stability for growth. It just makes perfect sense to extend him and it most likely will be for a minimum of 2 years.
I don't mind giving Kubiak and extension of 3 years, but they better give Wade a 2 year extension to match. Both under contract through 2015 ought to be fine. Wade's should also include a bump in salary to help prevent him from being lured away next offseason.
I don't mind giving Kubiak and extension of 3 years, but they better give Wade a 2 year extension to match. Both under contract through 2015 ought to be fine. Wade's should also include a bump in salary to help prevent him from being lured away next offseason.

He's already the highest paid D co isn't he? Not 100% sure on that but seem to remember reading it.

For me, I don't want Bob to extend Kubes this season, give him the pressure to succeed again next season and don't set yourself up for a fall.

That said, I think he probably will get extended, and I won't be that upset if he does, but if next season is a big step back, it'll be a huge disappointment to me.
Really??????? At 49 years old that's the best you can come up with???

He'll extend him because that will show franchise stability to players, coaches, free agents as well as player agents. Besides money the #1 thing player agents look at is to find a place your player fits the system in and have longer term stability for growth. It just makes perfect sense to extend him and it most likely will be for a minimum of 2 years.

Really, atleast your thinking outside the box.

What's Garys record?

What's Gary's record without Wade?

Does he really deserve an extention based on his W/L record?

Like I said before if BoB's proven one thing he wont buy out a HC with yrs remaining on his contract. Regardless of what the paying customers want. For this reason I would wait and make Gary prove himself again next yr.

Of course I would have fired Gary after the 2009 season. BoB didn't because he had just given Gary a contract extention. Hopefully history doesn't repeat itself.

Your kidding yourself if you dont think FA is about mostly $$$$. Why do you think the Texans defense improved last yr? BoB finally stepped up and gave Manning and Joseph the best deals they could find on the market. Your kidding yourself if you think that continuity/stability and all of that other crap that you're spewing mattered. 2 things matter to FA's 1. $$$$ 2. Winning. Luclily for the Texans Wade decided to sign/stay with the Texans so that helps mask Garys gameday gaffes. As long as Wade stay the Texans will have a winning org and Houston will become a desireable place for FA's to play.

If Wade leaves I full expect Gary to return to the same old Gary. Gary has learned on the Job. But my qeustion to you is why did it take him 6 yrs to learn and why did he suddenly become some great mind/HC after Wade joined the staff? Does Gary have a learning disability? 6 yrs really?
Of course I would have fired Gary after the 2009 season. BoB didn't because he had just given Gary a contract extention. Hopefully history doesn't repeat itself.

After their first winning season ever?

This goes back to winning doesn't happen in a vacuum. Some of you guys act like we were the Patriots coming off back to back Super Bowl victories.

We were three years removed from our worst season ever.

I think it was also the second biggest roster turnover as well.

It's the same as any organized sport, you look at returning players & experience & you base your expectations on that. If you're involved in youth sports, you'll know as the parents & coaches try to keep the same teams together as long as they can, because it increases their chances of winning. They also know once they move up in competition, say go from 10U to 12U, they're going to struggle that first year & most likely not win a lot of games. But you've got to play the year anyway. You focus on fundamentals & quality play. That way when you're a senior team in the league, you'll mop up with all the freshman teams.
Kubiak will get an extension this offseason. They may be waiting until free agency is over, as not to distract from that process. But, there's not a chance in hell McNair lets Kubiak coach on a lame duck contract.

I agree , no way McNair lets him coach a lame duck season.
I think everyone is forgetting a problem with the team the last few years.. the mentality. How many times did the Texans come out looking uninterested and unmotivated? It happened a few times this season, but we just sweep it under the rug because of the overall good season that we had.
Don't forget Kubiak's lack of killer instinct and attack mode.
Really, atleast your thinking outside the box.

What's Garys record?

What's Gary's record without Wade?

Does he really deserve an extention based on his W/L record?

Like I said before if BoB's proven one thing he wont buy out a HC with yrs remaining on his contract. Regardless of what the paying customers want. For this reason I would wait and make Gary prove himself again next yr.

Of course I would have fired Gary after the 2009 season. BoB didn't because he had just given Gary a contract extention. Hopefully history doesn't repeat itself.

Your kidding yourself if you dont think FA is about mostly $$$$. Why do you think the Texans defense improved last yr? BoB finally stepped up and gave Manning and Joseph the best deals they could find on the market. Your kidding yourself if you think that continuity/stability and all of that other crap that you're spewing mattered. 2 things matter to FA's 1. $$$$ 2. Winning. Luclily for the Texans Wade decided to sign/stay with the Texans so that helps mask Garys gameday gaffes. As long as Wade stay the Texans will have a winning org and Houston will become a desireable place for FA's to play.

If Wade leaves I full expect Gary to return to the same old Gary. Gary has learned on the Job. But my qeustion to you is why did it take him 6 yrs to learn and why did he suddenly become some great mind/HC after Wade joined the staff? Does Gary have a learning disability? 6 yrs really?
Shouldn't there be some attention paid to the difference between Wade's 1st year and subsequent years? He's usually great coming in, then the teams record falls off steeply and he becomes head coach after 2-3 years.
What happens if the offense picks up where it left off when Schaub got injured and the D falls back to middle of the pack? Too many if's to really be considered right now.
I'm good with however long of an extension McNair wants to give Kubiak. Kubiak can still be fired, regardless. Dumb question: do coaching staff salaries count against the cap? I've never paid any attention to that.
I think everyone is forgetting a problem with the team the last few years.. the mentality. How many times did the Texans come out looking uninterested and unmotivated? It happened a few times this season, but we just sweep it under the rug because of the overall good season that we had.
Don't forget Kubiak's lack of killer instinct and attack mode.

I don't think I've ever bought the "uninterested & unmotivated" excuse. I just don't buy it. Just like I don't buy the "no effort" excuses.

If we come out & shut out the opposing team, we don't talk about how uninterested, or unmotivated they were. We talk about how we kicked their a$$ for the first three qtrs.

This is football, the other guys get paid, the other guys scheme, the other guys play this game at a level just as high as ours.

Teams make adjustment at halftime... mid quarter... mid drive. It's just part of the game.
I don't think I've ever bought the "uninterested & unmotivated" excuse. I just don't buy it. Just like I don't buy the "no effort" excuses.

If we come out & shut out the opposing team, we don't talk about how uninterested, or unmotivated they were. We talk about how we kicked their a$$ for the first three qtrs.

This is football, the other guys get paid, the other guys scheme, the other guys play this game at a level just as high as ours.

Teams make adjustment at halftime... mid quarter... mid drive. It's just part of the game.
MSR!! Very good points, TK
Kubiak will get an extension this offseason. They may be waiting until free agency is over, as not to distract from that process. But, there's not a chance in hell McNair lets Kubiak coach on a lame duck contract.
Wouldn't free agents want to know the long term situation of a coach they were to play for? I would have thought an announcement on a new contract would be very soon.
Wouldn't free agents want to know the long term situation of a coach they were to play for? I would have thought an announcement on a new contract would be very soon.
Which FA's are you speaking of?he only ones we're capable of keeping are our own.
Which FA's are you speaking of?he only ones we're capable of keeping are our own.
You keep making the same statement despite others showing how it can be done. That's cool but allow me and others to have our opinions. If Mario leaves that apprx $18m of cap space.
You keep making the same statement despite others showing how it can be done. That's cool but allow me and others to have our opinions. If Mario leaves that apprx $18m of cap space.
How is me saying anything limiting what you or others have to say? At least give me credit for being consistent. BTW, your p[osts tend to be the same these says. Maybe it's an offseason/no news thing. *********
How is me saying anything limiting what you or others have to say? At least give me credit for being consistent. BTW, your p[osts tend to be the same these says. Maybe it's an offseason/no news thing. *********
The topic of this thread is current and relevant to Texans future and to the fans. You consistently say we cannot sign free agents despite much evidence to the contrary. Why should you get credit for that? Your offseason/no news comment is another example of what I am talking about. Manning is in the news, Wade and Gary are worth talking about. Free agency, contracts, salary cap, injuries are topics to discuss. The combine starts in a few days and the draft is less than two months from now. Slow? Not for many of us. Most interesting offseason ever for me.
The topic of this thread is current and relevant to Texans future and to the fans. You consistently say we cannot sign free agents despite much evidence to the contrary. Why should you get credit for that? Your offseason/no news comment is another example of what I am talking about. Manning is in the news, Wade and Gary are worth talking about. Free agency, contracts, salary cap, injuries are topics to discuss. The combine starts in a few days and the draft is less than two months from now. Slow? Not for many of us. Most interesting offseason ever for me.
You are quite mistaken. Read more than these forums, my friend.
You are quite mistaken. Read more than these forums, my friend.
You make a statement without any support, again. I will state I do read much more than TT forums but do find much more info here. Now I am off for a homemade hamburger.
You make a statement without any support, again. I will state I do read much more than TT forums but do find much more info here. Now I am off for a homemade hamburger.
I hope your home made hamburger is nowhere near as full of bull as you are. :D
Emotions have cooled & it has been 2 weeks since last post (I could find). We had a great run despite major injuries especially to our offense. Like him or not, do you think Gary gets an extension before next season? I say yes & probably more than one year. This should also help in keeping, Myers & Briesel and later Schaub. Your thoughts?
Yep, I think Kubiak will get an extension, and that will be a mistake, because it will make it harder to get rid of him if he produces a disastrous 2012 season.
All the players say Gary is a great leader. We dont see what happens behind closed doors. He has made questionable calls during the game, but for the most part we owe the success of this team to Kubes offense, and Wades defense. Neither can stand alone.

No kidding. So my post was directed about what I can see.
I have no problem with him coaching on a lame duck contract. Puts the pressure on him again to succeed just like this past year.
I have no problem with him coaching on a lame duck contract. Puts the pressure on him again to succeed just like this past year.

I don't either but the majority on here will argue against it. What is wrong with producing another winning season to get an extension? If the Texans fall back to mediocre then you cut ties and move on. Philadelphia let Andy Reid coach a lame duck season a year or 2 ago. It isn't unheard of in the NFL. But we all know McNair is way overboard when it comes to loyalty. We saw it with David Carr and also with Capers. And I think McNair holds Kubiak in a much higher regard than either of those 2.
I wish I could get in McNair's mind. I hope the Texans success has raised the bar, meaning no more mediocre crap from this particular coach.
Through what I perceive as McNair's perspective, Kubiak has earned an extension with an AFCS title and playoff win at Reliant.

I've got no problem with it. Not my money. Just keep winning! :texflag:
Through what I perceive as McNair's perspective, Kubiak has earned an extension with an AFCS title and playoff win at Reliant.

I've got no problem with it. Not my money. Just keep winning! :texflag:

But there was no parade in H-Town.

You should expect more, like me, the Uberfan.

But there was no parade in H-Town.

You should expect more, like me, the Uberfan.


Like I said, "Through what I perceive as McNair's perspective...". :shades:

My perspective is let him coach a lame duck season and see how it plays out. He's a big boy, he can handle it.

But McNair's M.O. is likely to give him an extension before the 2012 season.
Like I said, "Through what I perceive as McNair's perspective...". :shades:

My perspective is let him coach a lame duck season and see how it plays out. He's a big boy, he can handle it.

But McNair's M.O. is likely to give him an extension before the 2012 season.

I'd be fine with this as well. Does anyone know how coaches salaries fare in to the salary cap, if at all? That would really solidify my stance on letting him coach on a lame duck contract. We'd need that money to sign key FA's.
I'd be fine with this as well. Does anyone know how coaches salaries fare in to the salary cap, if at all? That would really solidify my stance on letting him coach on a lame duck contract. We'd need that money to sign key FA's.

Coaches salaries are not counted at all to the cap.

However, the longer the contract, the longer McNair actually has to pay him if he was released prematurely. Depending on contract details of course.
He's already the highest paid D co isn't he? Not 100% sure on that but seem to remember reading it.

For me, I don't want Bob to extend Kubes this season, give him the pressure to succeed again next season and don't set yourself up for a fall.

That said, I think he probably will get extended, and I won't be that upset if he does, but if next season is a big step back, it'll be a huge disappointment to me.

I have read that as well, but I don't believe it. He makes 700k a year according to Kuharsky:

A source told senior NFL writer John Clayton that Phillips' deal is worth $2.1 million over three years. The contract makes Phillips the highest-paid defensive coordinator in the NFL.

From a 2005 article:

Top agents estimate about 15 coordinators will earn $1 million or more this season. In 2001, according to a survey by the NFL Coaches Association (NFLCA), the average pay for coordinators was less than $350,000.

I can't find public numbers for coordinators, but I have a hard time believing that every DC and OC around the league is making under 700k, when head coaches are making anywhere from 2-8 million a year. Their salaries don't count against the salary cap, so it shouldn't be difficult to pay great coordinators 1-2 million a year to make them happy and prevent them from getting poached. It's really quite a small amount when you consider most teams spent 110-120 million on their players last year. Plus, the Texans merchandise sales rocketed upwards last year, I'm sure they could afford giving Wade 1 mill a year over the next 3 years.
Back in the day, Gregg Williams got $7.8M for 3 years. I'm trying to find numbers on his Saints' contract... Wade was hired when Williams was with the Saints & it was reported then, that Wade was the highest paid DC at that time.
I would sign him to a better deal. Our offense has always been great, it was always the defense with him. Now our defense is great and we have a great DC, no reason NOT to sign him to a better deal.
I wish I could get in McNair's mind. I hope the Texans success has raised the bar, meaning no more mediocre crap from this particular coach.

McNair has said, on more than one occasion, that he wants an organization/team like the Steelers. What that means is stability with the coaches and players. Build a winning team through the draft. Don't sign too many FA's unless they're your own. Hire good coaches and keep them if possible. Not saying that he has made all the right moves but I think that's what he wants to do. Remember, McNair didn't have an NFL background when he got the team. He's learned on the job, just like Kubes. :shades:
Wouldn't free agents want to know the long term situation of a coach they were to play for? I would have thought an announcement on a new contract would be very soon.
And it could be announced soon. As DocBar suggested, I think the Texas will re-sign their own free agents prior to the beginning of the free agency period (as they are allowed). I don't think Kubiak wants the players to have the perception that he's getting his money first. Though, one really has nothing to do with the other.

What is wrong with producing another winning season to get an extension?
I don't have a problem with that. I just know that McNair would. And to be honest, Kubiak doesn't come across as a guy who thrive in a pressure situation such as coaching for a contract. To me, it's a foregone conclusion that he's extended.