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Cutler getting bashed

If I was a Bears fan, I would have been pissed at the coaching staff for even putting Collins in the game. They knew how horrible he was after that disaster in Carolina.

Still though, dude is a 15 year vet and should've known to be prepared. Can't blame the coaching staff there, as the odds on bet would be that any stafff would've inserted their long time vet in that situation. That said, I applaud them (the staff) for getting Collins the hell out of there instead of trying to stick with him. Collins may've just seen his last game ever in the NFL.

BTW, good on Caleb Haney! He acquitted himself, nicely.
Most troubling is that the Jay Cutler Fan Club is meeting in the bathroom of a 747, for which he has himself to blame.

The first order of business? Turn your hat around, Jay. You’re not 17 anymore. Grow up, for *goodness sakes. The job of a franchise quarterback encompasses more than just slinging it around on Sundays. Like it or not, your job description includes being the face and voice of the franchise. The face shouldn’t include rolling eyes. The voice shouldn’t carry a condescending tone.

I am not a Cutler fan and I don't care for the guy much at all - and I can't say I'm rooting for him, either. He wasn't someone I thought highly of in Denver and him becoming QB for another conference team, the Bears no less, hasn't endeared him to me any more.

That said, I think he has a tremendous opportunity here.

Which path does he take?

Does he continue to sulk and appear disinterested?

Or does he admit that he's not demonstrated the leadership and responsibility that comes with his position - fair or not. I think he's got a more-than-legitimating reason for coming out of the game with the MCL tear.

As the discussion has changed, the tenor has changed as has the topic. Instead of maligning him for coming out of the game, we're now talking about Cutler's image as a leader.

If Vick can resurrect his career and sell more jerseys than most anyone else in the NFL, then Cutler can come back from this.

He can change his legacy/image as a QB because of what's happened.

Had the injury not taken place and him not taken out of the NFCC Game, then he doesn't get this scrutiny and he finishes his career as that apparently disconnected, disinterested, backwards-hat wearing ********* whose career never quite caught up with his physical skills.

But now?

Well, now he can step forward and take ownership of the situation and accept the criticism for the QB and leader he's been. Make promises to the team and city moving forward. Talk about how he's fought through pain and not complained in the past and how he'll be more vocal and active in other ways in the future. He had no choice, no decision over the MCL and being pulled out of the game.

But he does have control over the type of player he is going forward and he's resolved to be stronger and work harder and etc

Vick (and others) have demonstrated that this league and its fans enjoy a comeback story - they'll embrace someone who talks the talk of change and appears to walk it (at least in front of the cameras).

This is an opportunity for Cutler and could be the best thing that happened to him and his career. Or it could remain the worst and punctuate it.
All this venom toward Cutler, deserved or not, ought to be redirected to the guy that started it all, especially when he lies to our faces with this crap:

It was a shot, he knew it was a shot, and it was reckless speculation on his part.

Like Travis Rodgers said yesterday, that's a child's way out: "I was only joking"!

Still though, dude is a 15 year vet and should've known to be prepared. Can't blame the coaching staff there, as the odds on bet would be that any stafff would've inserted their long time vet in that situation. That said, I applaud them (the staff) for getting Collins the hell out of there instead of trying to stick with him. Collins may've just seen his last game ever in the NFL.

BTW, good on Caleb Haney! He acquitted himself, nicely.

Yep, I was happy to see him come out and play well. That kid at least made the game more entertaining. No telling what he would have been able to pull off if he had more time with the #1s.
I also agree with your above post about Cutler, he always has that look on his face. I'm not gonna lie though, I got the feeling that he quit when I was watching that game. The man was taking a pounding and he was getting no protection from that O-line.
3-4 weeks for a grade 2?


This whole thing does NOT smell right to me!

I agree. The rehab period for an "unstable" grade II MCL tear, as it has been described, seems awfully unrealistic.

Typically, the first 3 weeks deal with conservative local treatment, crutches 100% of time, wearing of a limitation of range of motion brace, and limited range of motion best, light bicycle.

In the next 3 weeks, the crutches can be discarded when quad strength is adequate and there is a nonlimping walk. There is still wearing of a limitation of the range of motion brace, although the range of motion is increased as are range of motion exercises. Resistance training is added and increased as stability improves.

At around 6 weeks, if strength has returned to around 75%, running is begun.......and if tolerated, within a week of that, agility exercises are begun.........with a double brace.

For the next 6 weeks, the player will concentrate on return to football. The criteria will essentially be the following:

90% strength, 90% function (by testing), no pain or effusion (fluid in knee joint), MD approval and continued bracing for at least that 6 week period.

3-4 weeks?..........I don't think so.
I agree. The rehab period for an "unstable" grade II MCL tear, as it has been described, seems awfully unrealistic.

Typically, the first 3 weeks deal with conservative local treatment, crutches 100% of time, wearing of a limitation of range of motion brace, and limited range of motion best, light bicycle.

In the next 3 weeks, the crutches can be discarded when quad strength is adequate and there is a nonlimping walk. There is still wearing of a limitation of the range of motion brace, although the range of motion is increased as are range of motion exercises. Resistance training is added and increased as stability improves.

At around 6 weeks, if strength has returned to around 75%, running is begun.......and if tolerated, within a week of that, agility exercises are begun.........with a double brace.

For the next 6 weeks, the player will concentrate on return to football. The criteria will essentially be the following:

90% strength, 90% function (by testing), no pain or effusion (fluid in knee joint), MD approval and continued bracing for at least that 6 week period.

3-4 weeks?..........I don't think so.

So do you think the reports of his injury are a made up in order to save face for their franchise QB? Because some things about this injury don't seem to add up.
So do you think the reports of his injury are a made up in order to save face for their franchise QB? Because some things about this injury don't seem to add up.

I still don't have a clear picture of WHO the REAL source was for the 3-4 week comment.........and if it was SUPPOSED to be a credible medical source???????
Cutler might be a clown but that does not mean others should come down to his level and act a fool.
...For any Bears fans, why so sad? Your team kicked ass all year and played in the championship game, losing to a team that is definitely good at playing football. Rejoice....I know I would if it were the Texans...

Cause they lost to Green Bay, from what I hear, their most hated rival. Kinda like us losing to the Titans in the AFC Championship. Sucks to lose one game away, even more to a rival one game away. It'd make all those regular season wins meaningless.
This won't happen but I'd like to see Cutler man up and either text/call all these guys or face them in a room. Both should handle this like men not behind a keyboard.
He comes across as being paranoid. As if everyone's out to get him. I don't know if this is just my perception, but I think he has developed this schtick of being paranoid as a way to push himself. Sort of like a method actor who never breaks from character, fearing he won't deliver unless he totally immerses himself into the role.

He sort of reminds of me of Jeff George, a little. Some guys can't get out of their own way.

Look, regardless of what he's got going on in the personality and leadership department, one thing is for sure: The Bears, who for the past couple of years have appeared to be dropping of the top tier they reached when they played the Colts on the SB, are BACK. I fully expected them to implode this season.

That team has found a new life. I think Cutler is part of that. There's a toughness there that I envy (and I'm talking about the whole team, not just the QB). Those guys just found ways to win. They earned everything they won this year. They lost to the eventual Super Bowl winner, IMO.

Who would have thought the Packers and Bears would be battling it out for the NFC title game? Wow. That was some good football watching IMO.
Where were all the tweets about Vince Young when he quit on his team a couple of years ago and then quit on his coach this season???

These players got some karma coming thier way, and I don't mean the good kind. I'd like to see Cushing deliver that karma to MJD and get rid of that goofy dance he tries to do every score, but I'm mean that way. :evil:
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Hey I think the urban meyer rule is effect right now... When the going gets tough........QUIT.
.less than a minute ago via ÜberTwitterMaurice Jones-Drew

All I'm saying is that he can finish the game on a hurt knee... I played the whole season on one...
less than a minute ago via ÜberTwitterMaurice Jones-Drew

Where was MJD the last 2 games of the season when his team was fighting for a playoff berth?
Cutler: From bike to stair master
January 24, 2011

Jay Cutler and girlfriend Kristin Cavallari dined at Mastro's Steakhouse on Sunday after the Bears' 21-14 loss to the Packers in the NFC championship game.

Cutler, who left the game in the third quarter with a knee injury, was not on crutches but "he limped a tiny bit," according to a source. The couple was joined by 11 other people in Mastro's private upstairs dining room, and our spies tell us that he took the stairs rather than the elevator.

It was the second time in as many weeks Cutler and Cavallari dined at the River North establishment. They had dinner at Mastro's after the Bears' playoff win over the Seahawks on Jan. 16.

Thank you Jay for becoming public enemy #1 in Chicago sports now

Steve Bartman
in fairness Drew Brees

SC Interview: Brees says he played this season with a torn MCL

SC: The big news of the weekend, as I'm sure you're aware, wasn't the Steelers and the Packers advancing to the Super Bowl, but of Jay Cutler's injury. It was revealed Monday that he suffered an MCL tear. A lot of players on Twitter and television shows criticized Cutler for coming out of the game. Your teammate, Heath Evans(notes), was on ESPN today and questioned it. He said you played six weeks this season with an MCL sprain of your own. Is it ever fair to question the players toughness like that?

DB: No, it's not fair unless you know exactly what it is. And I think at this point there's varying degrees of when MCL tear or sprain can be. In essence, it's the same thing. An MCL sprain means you tore your MCL to some degree. In some cases I know players that have torn an MCL and been out for six weeks. In some cases it's four weeks. In some cases it's two. And sometimes you're able to fight through and play. None of us know exactly what is, nobody except Jay Cutler and the Bears training staff. So it's nothing that any of us have the right to comment on because we just don't know.

SC: Did you play this season with a sprained MCL?

DB: I did, I did.

SC: And will that require surgery in the off-season or is that something that heals on its own?
You know what I just realized here? Something that has been magnified due to this whole obsession the Chicago media and fans have had with the Cutler story?

In the cities where there's a long-standing history of a sports team that's sort of accomplished some things and has created a basic level of respect for itself...such as the Bears or the Packers or the Steelers, etc....the media and the fans influence the sports team.

In contrast, cities where you see consistent failure and hardly an ounce of respectability, the sports team influence the media and fans.

Once again, and expanded a bit:

On one hand, you have teams where they better win or else they feel the wrath of the media and the fans. And it sucks. And it's a high-pressure gig to play there. You can't do or say anything that will be perceived as being OK, in the eyes of the media and fans. And it's rough for a loooong time. As in MONTHS it's gonna' be a rough ride.

On the other hand, you have teams where players are always ahead of the game. Always ahead of the curve. You're good to go. Yeah, it sucks you didn't do anything great...but you'll survive. You'll come out of it OK. Say the right things, hang your head a bit, and ride it out for a couple of days.
You know what I just realized here? Something that has been magnified due to this whole obsession the Chicago media and fans have had with the Cutler story?

In the cities where there's a long-standing history of a sports team that's sort of accomplished some things and has created a basic level of respect for itself...such as the Bears or the Packers or the Steelers, etc....the media and the fans influence the sports team.

In contrast, cities where you see consistent failure and hardly an ounce of respectability, the sports team influence the media and fans.

Once again, and expanded a bit:

On one hand, you have teams where they better win or else they feel the wrath of the media and the fans. And it sucks. And it's a high-pressure gig to play there. You can't do or say anything that will be perceived as being OK, in the eyes of the media and fans. And it's rough for a loooong time. As in MONTHS it's gonna' be a rough ride.

On the other hand, you have teams where players are always ahead of the game. Always ahead of the curve. You're good to go. Yeah, it sucks you didn't do anything great...but you'll survive. You'll come out of it OK. Say the right things, hang your head a bit, and ride it out for a couple of days.

:rolleyes: Continue to spread that bacterial bullshite in your normal agenda;
working the Texans over yet again... Not is not only weak, but irrelevant...

DUDE!!! The Cutler situation has nothing to do with Houston, no more than it does, San Diego, Oakland, Jacksonville, Washington, Seatlle, St. Louis, etc., etc..... ETC.....

Cutler is a douche. I reckon I won't get too many arguments there. That said, this douche has never.... EVER.... given the impression of being a Puh Ce!!! THE Criticism of him being a Puh Ce is full on bull ****!!!

While I digress, can you ever contribute on a topic without interjecting your own agenda?? Honestly?? Do you think you could interject conversation.... wait.... wait..... Do you think you could interject conversation about Jay Cutler (or other NFL topics) conversations without bringing it back around to your hatist Texan agenda?????

That's what I thought!! :gun:

Thanks for contributing!! :gun: :gun:
Cutler is a douche. I reckon I won't get too many arguments there. That said, this douche has never.... EVER.... given the impression of being a Puh Ce!!! THE Criticism of him being a Puh Ce is full on bull ****!!!

How so? I don't understand why the current sentiment is that Jay is an "a-hole" or a "douche." I doubt you guys know him well enough personally to judge Jay-C.

However, we can agree on your latter statement.
:rolleyes: Continue to spread that bacterial bullshite in your normal agenda;
working the Texans over yet again... Not is not only weak, but irrelevant...

DUDE!!! The Cutler situation has nothing to do with Houston, no more than it does, San Diego, Oakland, Jacksonville, Washington, Seatlle, St. Louis, etc., etc..... ETC.....

Cutler is a douche. I reckon I won't get too many arguments there. That said, this douche has never.... EVER.... given the impression of being a Puh Ce!!! THE Criticism of him being a Puh Ce is full on bull ****!!!

While I digress, can you ever contribute on a topic without interjecting your own agenda?? Honestly?? Do you think you could interject conversation.... wait.... wait..... Do you think you could interject conversation about Jay Cutler (or other NFL topics) conversations without bringing it back around to your hatist Texan agenda?????

That's what I thought!! :gun:

Thanks for contributing!! :gun: :gun:

I am having conversation. Just noting what I observe.

You interpret things wrongly. I'm not singling out just our team. I'm lumping us into a pile with all the other teams who have similar situations--There are franchises where losing is accepted, it's almost a foregone conclusion, and you can see how the media and the fans just sign off on it. Sure, they throw a few temper tantrums every now and then, but they overall accept their fate and it's reflected in how the team is covered. Look at the meat pitches the Houston media throws Kubiak, at the press conferences, for crying out loud. You don't get that softness in the other cities.

We're only about three weeks past the end of the reg season here, and we're already relatively "OK" and ready to talk about next year. Bears fans? Hell, they're going to be stewing on this past weekend for the next few months...maybe even all the way into draft day or even training camp. It's just a different mindset. That's all. It is what it is.

You're quickly escalating to Joe Texan homer status, Bill. Reality check for ya: We're not very good. Oh, we got an offense...but outside of that we're not very good. That's just how it is.

I'm still here. I'm still "contributing," but it's not useless as you claim. For as much as some of you "think" that I am just always bashing the Texans, you guys are just as guilty of getting your little panties in a wad over every little thing we say. Quit knee-jerking and finding ways to bash a basher. It just makes you look like one of us, and we both know you're not. This is a situation where imitation is not the most sincere form of flattery, Bill.

But....I digress....:brando:
How so? I don't understand why the current sentiment is that Jay is an "a-hole" or a "douche." I doubt you guys know him well enough personally to judge Jay-C.

However, we can agree on your latter statement.

Well, Bill is just applying his label and that's that.

You're not going to ever convince him otherwise. Apparently, he is trying to bump Joe Texan out of the No. 1 spot. Bill says it, so deal with it.

Cutler was in the NFC CHAMPIONSHIP game. Congrats to him, and in the meantime we'll just sit around and watch people cast judgment on the guy.

Kubiak deserves every bit of harshness he's been dealt here. Cutler? Why so serious, about Jay Cutler? Dude was in the NFC title game. Good for him. But no, he's a "douche" and he's this and he's that. It's junior high crap. IMO, it's a free-for-all with Vince Young--He's earned that tag. Jay, God love him, he just isn't the warmest cookie on the shelf, and so he's pure evil. LOL. Geez...
Cause they lost to Green Bay, from what I hear, their most hated rival. Kinda like us losing to the Titans in the AFC Championship. Sucks to lose one game away, even more to a rival one game away. It'd make all those regular season wins meaningless.

Seriously? If we lost to the Titans in the AFC game THE LAST F-ING THING I WOULD BE WORRIED ABOUT is the face Matt Schaub makes while doing interviews.

Meaningless? Hardly. I'd skip the 20 miles to and from work every day until next season if the Texans graced us with a one-and-done playoff appearance, let alone being in the conference championship game.
After seeing this story develop this week, I still think it was wrong to question Cutler's toughness. Dude has proven throughout the season that he's tough.

However, I do understand why some players question his heart and competitiveness. Not that I agree with them, but I can see the reasoning behind this particular line of thinking regarding his drive.

Obviously, Cutler should have put on a show for these folks. Writhe around on the field a little, limp a lot, look like he's shouting at coaches to play, and lots of grimacing when the trainers were looking at his leg.

People apparently want a circus or they'll call out your manhood. Bring on the clowns! :clown:
After seeing this story develop this week, I still think it was wrong to question Cutler's toughness. Dude has proven throughout the season that he's tough.

However, I do understand why some players question his heart and competitiveness. Not that I agree with them, but I can see the reasoning behind this particular line of thinking regarding his drive.

Obviously, Cutler should have put on a show for these folks. Writhe around on the field a little, limp a lot, look like he's shouting at coaches to play, and lots of grimacing when the trainers were looking at his leg.

People apparently want a circus or they'll call out your manhood. Bring on the clowns! :clown:

I don't know - watched the game and I think your mentioning tough and heart are interesting. HWWNBN was tough but had no heart. Cutler looked that way. I don't think Cutler should have put on a show. He just had a non-caring affect.

Where is Dexman to defend his elite QB?
One interesting thing to note is that the offense did nothing with Cutler in the game. You think Bears fans would be happy that the 3rd stringer came in. At least they had a chance at that point.

I still believe Cutler is a better QB, but why would youw ant your (on that day) ineffective and injured QB sticking it out when a more effective backup is itching to get in?
I don't know - watched the game and I think your mentioning tough and heart are interesting. HWWNBN was tough but had no heart. Cutler looked that way. I don't think Cutler should have put on a show. He just had a non-caring affect.

Where is Dexman to defend his elite QB?

Cutler has always had a very nonchalant attitude about his demeanor. He's just not a fiery kind of player, and he comes across as a bit of a smart-ass with a permanent smirk.

That being said, I think it's a "perception is reality" deal for lots of folks. They perceive it so it must be real.

I put more stock into his teammates, though. Their responses were telling, because they weren't just going with the obligatory defense of their QB. They were pissed and emotional about it, and I thought Urlacher was about to bust some chops when he was questioned. I tend to think that that kind of passion is indicative of how they truly feel, and I don't think he'd do that for a player that he did not believe in at the end of the day. Especially since Urlacher had a change of heart about Cutler: Urlacher’s 180 on Cutler.

But that's my perception, and I admit it. Warren Moon used to get tagged with the same thing because he wasn't an emotional player, and I always felt it was overblown by many people.

What is sad is the spewage from Deion Sanders. It was widely known that he was a puss when it came to tackling throughout his career. He wants to question a dude's toughness when he avoided one of the most basic aspects of football?? He's a chump that is always about self-gloss, IMO.
Cutler has always had a very nonchalant attitude about his demeanor. He's just not a fiery kind of player, and he comes across as a bit of a smart-ass with a permanent smirk.

That being said, I think it's a "perception is reality" deal for lots of folks. They perceive it so it must be real.

I put more stock into his teammates, though. Their responses were telling, because they weren't just going with the obligatory defense of their QB. They were pissed and emotional about it, and I thought Urlacher was about to bust some chops when he was questioned. I tend to think that that kind of passion is indicative of how they truly feel, and I don't think he'd do that for a player that he did not believe in at the end of the day. Especially since Urlacher had a change of heart about Cutler: Urlacher’s 180 on Cutler.

But that's my perception, and I admit it. Warren Moon used to get tagged with the same thing because he wasn't an emotional player, and I always felt it was overblown by many people.
What is sad is the spewage from Deion Sanders. It was widely known that he was a puss when it came to tackling throughout his career. He wants to question a dude's toughness when he avoided one of the most basic aspects of football?? He's a chump that is always about self-gloss, IMO.

Great post. Personally, I feel that almost everyone makes waaaay too big a deal out of in-game emotions and showing them period. You know Cutler isn't a fiery guy, soooooo you want him to go pretend to be? Because we wouldn't all rip on him for putting it on? Right...

Like....everyone wants a whole team of guys who jump up and down after every tackle, first down, a coach who fist pumps a completion and cartwheels for field goals, an owner who zip lines down to the field for wins....
I am also not a fan of trash talking and shoving during a game after a play. Really? Just shutup and play and why bother if the game is over with JMO.
Great post. Personally, I feel that almost everyone makes waaaay too big a deal out of in-game emotions and showing them period. You know Cutler isn't a fiery guy, soooooo you want him to go pretend to be? Because we wouldn't all rip on him for putting it on? Right...

Like....everyone wants a whole team of guys who jump up and down after every tackle, first down, a coach who fist pumps a completion and cartwheels for field goals, an owner who zip lines down to the field for wins....

Yeah, I'd like to see that one time! :D
Basically Cutler will have to have his leg amputated before the media gets off his case, heh(right or wrong).

As PFT points out -----> As to the "torn MCL" excuse for Cutler, Philip Rivers finished a game and played another with a torn ACL.

Rivers was also pulled from a play off game against the Colts as he was injured. Cant remember the injury, Chargers won that game with Billy Volek as QB
They might as well burn the whole team's jerseys too. Last time I checked, the o-line and defense weren't exactly stellar either.

Bears defence was a top 10 defence this season. Maybe they weren't so great in the first half but how many points did GB's offence score in that second half
Wow, the hate Cutler is getting is crazy. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I don't believe its justified. First of all, I don't think he quit in Denver, he just was tired of the org and when word got out that McDaniels was contemplating trading him everything went downhill from there.

I'm too lazy to look up the exact numbers, but I'm damn sure Cutler got sacked more than any other QB this season. The dude has been taking a pounding by the crappy Bears o-line ever since he got to Chicago...he never quit then, so why would he quit now in the most important game of his career?

57 times including play offs
Actually Rivers didn't finish that game & neither did brady when Bledsoe had to come in for him when he got knocked out of a playoff game a few years back....I don't recall anyone much less players calling their toughness into question which is why this whole thing is ridiculous.

Also, for those dumbasses talking about he shouldn't be standing on the sidelines or shouldn't have come back in if his knee was that hurt, We just saw Tom Brady walk off the field under his own power, down some stairs the year his ACL got torn & sidelined him for the year. Why is it so improbable that the guy couldn't stand up if he indeed did rip something in his knee? Like a pitcher, your lower body is where throwing a football starts & if the guy couldn't really plant & push off with his leg....

AFC Championship game - they went onto beat the Rams in 2001 SB
He did - it was the doctors and coaches who pulled him from the game. Maybe thats why he looked like a moody git on the sidelines

That's why he was standing on the sidelines with his helmet in his hand?

I don't know if he was actually hurt or not, but I watched that game and his attitude on the sidelines gave the impresson that he was not really hurt, but had given up and/or was benched.

I don't watch the Bears enough, and maybe that is the way he always is, aloof, seemingly uninterested and did not seem to care if the Bears won or lost.
We've had 10 of the Bears games on UK tv this year, and several of my friends are Bears fans.
Watching the games and talking to my mates - Cutler is just like that.