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Cutler getting bashed

Basically Cutler will have to have his leg amputated before the media gets off his case, heh(right or wrong).

As PFT points out -----> As to the "torn MCL" excuse for Cutler, Philip Rivers finished a game and played another with a torn ACL.

Actually Rivers didn't finish that game & neither did brady when Bledsoe had to come in for him when he got knocked out of a playoff game a few years back....I don't recall anyone much less players calling their toughness into question which is why this whole thing is ridiculous.

Also, for those dumbasses talking about he shouldn't be standing on the sidelines or shouldn't have come back in if his knee was that hurt, We just saw Tom Brady walk off the field under his own power, down some stairs the year his ACL got torn & sidelined him for the year. Why is it so improbable that the guy couldn't stand up if he indeed did rip something in his knee? Like a pitcher, your lower body is where throwing a football starts & if the guy couldn't really plant & push off with his leg....
I'm going to wait until the MRI results are revieled. However, I did think it was very odd watching him standing on the sidelines. He must be buds with Hanie. While Collins was trying to destroy the Bears chances, Cutler remained on the bench doing nothing. When Hanie was brought in he was standing on the sidelines watching with an earpiece in.

Either way, like Marcus said, it didn't look good from my TV.
PFT reporting Cutler has an MCL tear, to the severity level is not yet known.

People owe this guy a huge apology.
I'm going to wait until the MRI results are revieled. However, I did think it was very odd watching him standing on the sidelines. He must be buds with Hanie. While Collins was trying to destroy the Bears chances, Cutler remained on the bench doing nothing. When Hanie was brought in he was standing on the sidelines watching with an earpiece in.

Either way, like Marcus said, it didn't look good from my TV.

I agree with all of this. The guy is a king sized D-bag but I don't want to throw dirt on his manhood yet. Afterall the guy got pummeled and killed as a Vandy QB, Denver QB and behind this Bears line. Why sit now?One lineman said his leg was shaking in the huddle after the injury. Overall if it was a serious injury I'll give him a pass but if not.....
Deion Sanders needs to STFU.

I'm tired of hearing from that self-aggrandizing d0uchebag.

NFL needs to pull its head out and disassociate itself from him as he continues to funnel college players to his shady agent buddies for payback. Fancy suits don't change what's in them. "Primetime" should do time, as far as I'm concerned. And do it somewhere where I don't have to listen to him anymore. /rant

I think the Cutler bashing is mostly sourced from the media types who don't like the fact the Jay doesn't play nice with them. Obvious hatchet jobs over the past few weeks. I kind of admire the fact he doesn't alert the media before he goes to play secret Santa.

Cutler's personality is different, certainly, and not ideal for a leader. Introverts are unusual in leadership roles. But the dude has been getting the David Carr sack treatment all year and has not called out Martz or his O-line. And talent wise, his arm/release is as good as I've seen.

No way he preferred to miss all of the fun of playing with SB on the line. No way.
PFT reporting Cutler has an MCL tear, to the severity level is not yet known.

People owe this guy a huge apology.

I don't know. Would you really weight MRI results heavier than extensive body language analysis over TV? This whole "wait for medical testing" thing seems like a scam to me.
Deion Sanders needs to STFU.

I'm tired of hearing from that self-aggrandizing d0uchebag.

NFL needs to pull its head out and disassociate itself from him as he continues to funnel college players to his shady agent buddies for payback. Fancy suits don't change what's in them. "Primetime" should do time, as far as I'm concerned. And do it somewhere where I don't have to listen to him anymore. /rant

I think the Cutler bashing is mostly sourced from the media types who don't like the fact the Jay doesn't play nice with them. Obvious hatchet jobs over the past few weeks. I kind of admire the fact he doesn't alert the media before he goes to play secret Santa.

Cutler's personality is different, certainly, and not ideal for a leader. Introverts are unusual in leadership roles. But the dude has been getting the David Carr sack treatment all year and has not called out Martz or his O-line. And talent wise, his arm/release is as good as I've seen.

No way he preferred to miss all of the fun of playing with SB on the line. No way.

I think if its indeed true that Cutler tore his MCL, that a lot of players and writers owe him a massive apology.

Cutler's problem is that he has the worst body language I've ever seen in the NFL. In a league where Rex Ryan and Ray Lewis are beloved for their fire/passion, Cutler is the polar opposite, and that translates poorly in this league.

But Drew, Rhodes et al need to get a grip. Cutler wanted to win that game as bad as anyone, don't think for a second he wanted to be a hero and cement his potential legacy.

This was no Vince Young, or even Vince Carter. I'm no Cutler fan, but I feel bad for him, he didn't deserve to be skewered.
Some of the opinions expressed in this thread are pathetic. But folks have never needed my respect to pull stupid crap out of their assumptions, so I don't expect it to start now.

That football fans and players would read so much NONSENSE into body language because of their preconceived attitudes about a player makes many a bunch of cackling hens. :chicken:
Some of the opinions expressed in this thread are pathetic. But folks have never needed my respect to pull stupid crap out of their assumptions, so I don't expect it to start now.

That football fans and players would read so much NONSENSE into body language because of their preconceived attitudes about a player makes many a bunch of cackling hens. :chicken:

Luv ya, DB. Twitter just gives people an opportunity to let their fingers fly ahead of their common sense. Modern version of putting your foot in your mouth.
Kerry Rhodes: I wanna apologize to cutler if he tore a ligament in his knee! Not good. And I didn't criticize him I actually apologized if he was seriously hurt so don't tweet me.

Bruce Gradkowski: Hey my bad! Just found out it was drs deciscion to hold cutler out! I knew somethinghad to be up cuz he's a hella competitor

Darnell Dockett: Again I never said anything about Cutler's injury I don't know what happen or how he felt all I said was I would of went back in the game! I'd never question NO ONE INJURY! NEVER! but I do think if cutler would of came back, #90 from green bay wouldn't have gotten that PICK 6!! I never questioned Cutler injury! But I know in a NFC championship game and I'm the QB? I'm gonna deal with the pain or whatever to win!

Derrick Brooks: What am i sorry for? i wrote what i saw and i did say I hope Cutler is okay

Kirk Morrison: I've never questioned Jay Cutler's toughness or his injury. I'm a Jay Cutler fan and respect him as a player and a person. Never questioned injury but Attitude & body language
If it had been me and I had faked the injury to get outta the game, and then gotten that reaction, I would have had someone over there hitting me in the knee until something did tear so that they could reveal the MRI "Results" on Monday and get everyone off my back
Luv ya, DB. Twitter just gives people an opportunity to let their fingers fly ahead of their common sense. Modern version of putting your foot in your mouth.

Some of the opinions expressed in this thread are pathetic. But folks have never needed my respect to pull stupid crap out of their assumptions, so I don't expect it to start now.

That football fans and players would read so much NONSENSE into body language because of their preconceived attitudes about a player makes many a bunch of cackling hens. :chicken:

Pick a little, talk a little, pick a little, talk a little
Cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep
Some of the opinions expressed in this thread are pathetic. But folks have never needed my respect to pull stupid crap out of their assumptions, so I don't expect it to start now.

That football fans and players would read so much NONSENSE into body language because of their preconceived attitudes about a player makes many a bunch of cackling hens. :chicken:

I respect you very much and I absolutely hope to earn your respect. You undervalue your worth on this board, me specifically but I am certain I am not alone.

That being said... Cutler quit. No doubt in my mind about that. None whatsoever. If Andre Johnson can cough up blood and had to have his helmet hidden... I've got to question Cutler's desire to play. He has a history of quitting and it's easy to roll with that. These MRI results came back mighty QUICK... So quick that I find it highly suspicious and pacifying. It takes time to read the MRI unless the tear is so devastating that it also shows up on an xray. Did it? I don't know but I seriously doubt it...
Gotta love fans!

When a player plays through an injury and his team loses, the fans jump his ass that he shouldn't have been playing hurt, he cost his team playing hurt. But when he gets pulled because of an injury, the fans jump his ass for not being tough enough.
Gotta love fans!

When a player plays through an injury and his team loses, the fans jump his ass that he shouldn't have been playing hurt, he cost his team playing hurt. But when he gets pulled because of an injury, the fans jump his ass for not being tough enough.

Welcome to the hell that professional athletes endure.
I respect you very much and I absolutely hope to earn your respect. You undervalue your worth on this board, me specifically but I am certain I am not alone.

That being said... Cutler quit. No doubt in my mind about that. None whatsoever. If Andre Johnson can cough up blood and had to have his helmet hidden... I've got to question Cutler's desire to play. He has a history of quitting and it's easy to roll with that. These MRI results came back mighty QUICK... So quick that I find it highly suspicious and pacifying. It takes time to read the MRI unless the tear is so devastating that it also shows up on an xray. Did it? I don't know but I seriously doubt it...

The delayed delivery of a knee MRI is usually secondary to a day or two delay of obtaining the study in the first place or a delay of an official reading. Occasionally, it can be due to an equivocal study that requires second opinion or repeating the study. And, sometimes, for whatever reason, the team may delay the public release of results. But once an MRI is performed, the films are available minutes later......and the actual act of reading/interpretting usually requires only 15 minutes or less. Another factor that comes into place is that Sunday studies may be read on Sunday by the Radiologist, but the specialty orthopedic surgeon may not be available for confirmatory reading until a week day. The final report will not be released until this "confirmatory" reading/interpretation is completed.
Gotta love fans!

When a player plays through an injury and his team loses, the fans jump his ass that he shouldn't have been playing hurt, he cost his team playing hurt. But when he gets pulled because of an injury, the fans jump his ass for not being tough enough.

exactly what I thought. sad thing is that Cutler only has himself to blame for the maelstrom of criticism.

Cutler's body language is absolutely horrible and has been since Day One. He makes too many lazy throws and he just carries himself very poorly across the board. When Bears fans see him sitting on the bench, uninvolved with the rest of the team, and generally looking he doesn't even want to be there, you can expect there to be a buttload of criticism, justified or not.

He obviously doesn't care what anyone thinks other than his teammates, who have his back, so maybe Jay doesn't care but he has made himself out to be a pariah by his 'i don't care' attitude.

He comes across as a petulant spoiled little kid and the problem is, he is fine with that. He doesn't seem to care because he never has since his days at Vanderbilt.

Too bad because his defense played their ass off after the 1st Quarter and they should have won that game if they would have had even average QB play.

Sucks for Cutler to get hurt in a big game (and he was hurt with a torn MCL), but his surly and petulant attitude has brought all this hell on himself. Anyone with a brain knew he was hurt but it looked like he was pouting and didn't want to be an NFC Championship Game no less. It's on you, Jay.
The delayed delivery of a knee MRI is usually secondary to a day or two delay of obtaining the study in the first place or a delay of an official reading. Occasionally, it can be due to an equivocal study that requires second opinion or repeating the study. And, sometimes, for whatever reason, the team may delay the public release of results. But once an MRI is performed, the films are available minutes later......and the actual act of reading/interpretting usually requires only 15 minutes or less. Another factor that comes into place is that Sunday studies may be read on Sunday by the Radiologist, but the specialty orthopedic surgeon may not be available for confirmatory reading until a week day. The final report will not be released until this "confirmatory" reading/interpretation is completed.

As I've mentioned to you in the past, my brother works for an orthopedic surgeon here in Houston and I've had some extensive personal experience with MRIs. I'm just going by my past experience. Doesn't mean it's right or anything...

...but here's my opinion...

It may take a doctor under 15 minutes to read the technician's findings but there is NO way a doctor is going to scan through hundreds of pictures in 15 minutes. Somebody else weeds through those before turning them over to a doctor. It takes time to read them. 15 minutes is way too rash unless the injury is so severe that an MRI isn't really necessary to determine that there's a tear.

This report came out way too quick. This story broke before noon. If it had come out around now 3-4pm... I might buy it but before noon? After Cutler gets hung out to dry in the media?

Might be ignorance but I remain skeptical.
I respect you very much and I absolutely hope to earn your respect. You undervalue your worth on this board, me specifically but I am certain I am not alone.

That being said... Cutler quit. No doubt in my mind about that. None whatsoever. If Andre Johnson can cough up blood and had to have his helmet hidden... I've got to question Cutler's desire to play. He has a history of quitting and it's easy to roll with that. These MRI results came back mighty QUICK... So quick that I find it highly suspicious and pacifying. It takes time to read the MRI unless the tear is so devastating that it also shows up on an xray. Did it? I don't know but I seriously doubt it...

It's all good, my friend. :)

To be honest, my post was supposed to be more sarcastic in a 'fun' way, but the Monday grumps sort of spun it to be a bit more brutal than I intended.

I'm not a pro- or con- for Cutler. I don't really care about him either way. But, I don't put much stock into "body language" or what that mainstream sports media tells us to think about things or players.

I'm a fan of the NFL, so all I care about is what I see ON THE FIELD. And I've always thought that Cutler has the potential to be great, but he's inconsistent. He's the best QB that the Bears have had in 25 years, though.

As far as judging Cutler, I am simply not qualified to state that he's a "quitter" or whatever, because 1) I don't know the guy, 2) his teammates say otherwise, 3) I don't play professional football, 4) the media is often made up of a bunch of opinionated dumbasses that are often wrong.

But, I'm not hear to defend the guy or chastise anyone, so I just wanted to clear all that up. :howdy:

And NOWWWWWW the specific results are coming out... what time is it? Oh! It's between 3-4! I buy it now.


I just confirmed that #Bears QB Jay Cutler has a Grade II MCL tear, which typically takes 3-4 weeks to heal.

I edited my previous post in order to avoid confusion. Cloak can correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is correct.

A sprain consists of three grades:

Grade1: damage to a few ligament fibres

Grade2: damage to a lot of ligament fibres but the ligament's still intact

Grade3: complete tear of the ligament and possible damage of other components.

So, in other words, Cutler does have a "torn" ligament but will not need to be surgically repaired.
Some of the opinions expressed in this thread are pathetic. But folks have never needed my respect to pull stupid crap out of their assumptions, so I don't expect it to start now.

That football fans and players would read so much NONSENSE into body language because of their preconceived attitudes about a player makes many a bunch of cackling hens. :chicken:

Thank you! :clap:

A grade II MCL tear. I was saying before that we shouldn't judge Cutler because we didn't know what the severity of his injury was. However, people were adamant about calling him a "quitter."

This man deserves an apology.
As I've mentioned to you in the past, my brother works for an orthopedic surgeon here in Houston and I've had some extensive personal experience with MRIs. I'm just going by my past experience. Doesn't mean it's right or anything...

...but here's my opinion...

It may take a doctor under 15 minutes to read the technician's findings but there is NO way a doctor is going to scan through hundreds of pictures in 15 minutes. Somebody else weeds through those before turning them over to a doctor. It takes time to read them. 15 minutes is way too rash unless the injury is so severe that an MRI isn't really necessary to determine that there's a tear.

This report came out way too quick. This story broke before noon. If it had come out around now 3-4pm... I might buy it but before noon? After Cutler gets hung out to dry in the media?

Might be ignorance but I remain skeptical.

It's not ignorance on your part, Nitro. I probably DID understate the 15 minute figure. As far as the radiologist reading, it can take anywhere up to a couple of hours to do slice image "comparisons." I am used to dealing with a huge Houston Med Center entity like Methodist or St. Luke's where there are dedicated radiologists that sit there ONLY assigned to reading MRIs full time.........not mixed with duties of also having to read ultrasounds, CT scans, x-ray's, etc, as is the case in many hospitals or clinics. From the time of MRI to when it is available for me to review is seldom greater than 2-3 hours if prioritized. Smaller entities routinely "batch" their MRI's, i.e., they put them aside in large patient numbers and then at a designated time, maybe a day or even days later, have them all read. This can substantially prolong any hopes of a "prompt" result being reported.
I edited my previous post in order to avoid confusion. Cloak can correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is correct.

A sprain consists of three grades:

Grade1: damage to a few ligament fibres

Grade2: damage to a lot of ligament fibres but the ligament's still intact

Grade3: complete tear of the ligament and possible damage of other components.

So, in other words, Cutler does have a "torn" ligament but will not need to be surgically repaired.

You are correct. Unless the ligament is being held together by a shoe string Grade 2, rehab alone should allow healing. But if it is a subtotal tear, say about only 10% intact ligament, I've seen the tear complete DURING rehab and ultimately require surgery.
Does Cutler look like AJ? I bet AJ can take a little more pain than Cutler can...

The player responses and eventual backing off responses are pathetic. Cry for better post career health care but criticize a guy for only having a grade 2 tear and not playing the rest of a game. We can only play 16 games a season they say on one side and on the other publicly humiliate a guy for not wanting to continue getting killed. Just doesn't make sense to me.

For any Bears fans, why so sad? Your team kicked ass all year and played in the championship game, losing to a team that is definitely good at playing football. Rejoice....I know I would if it were the Texans...
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Kerry Rhodes: I wanna apologize to cutler if he tore a ligament in his knee! Not good. And I didn't criticize him I actually apologized if he was seriously hurt so don't tweet me.

Bruce Gradkowski: Hey my bad! Just found out it was drs deciscion to hold cutler out! I knew somethinghad to be up cuz he's a hella competitor

Darnell Dockett: Again I never said anything about Cutler's injury I don't know what happen or how he felt all I said was I would of went back in the game! I'd never question NO ONE INJURY! NEVER! but I do think if cutler would of came back, #90 from green bay wouldn't have gotten that PICK 6!! I never questioned Cutler injury! But I know in a NFC championship game and I'm the QB? I'm gonna deal with the pain or whatever to win!

Derrick Brooks: What am i sorry for? i wrote what i saw and i did say I hope Cutler is okay

Kirk Morrison: I've never questioned Jay Cutler's toughness or his injury. I'm a Jay Cutler fan and respect him as a player and a person. Never questioned injury but Attitude & body language

With the exception of Brooks whom at least stood by what he said, i just lost a ton of respect for all these clowns...especially dockett who practically called the dude a female. Man up, jackasses & take your medicine. You jumped the gun & now you look foolish...especially with Lovie coming out & saying is was the coaching staff's decision to keep him out. Just b/c the guy didn't go Anderson Silva on a gatorade chest doesn't mean he quit or flaked out..
Everyone of these fools have taken avantage of this. I don't love or hate Cutler he is who he is but if you don't know what happend then shut your pie hole. It's not your busisness idiots i.e. payers.

w/e the only thing that matter is when Rivers and Cutler meet, so we can hear how Rivers can integrate MCL tears with diabeetus jokes.
Wow...this is effing ridiculous. Cutler tore his MCL and was up and walking around? What a vagina... :rolleyes:
Cutler's a puss!!!

Dude deserves everything being thrown at him.

I'll never forget when he grabbed his crotch at everyone in the sez.

What a clown. He's a whiny little chic, and footballs a mans game. He needs to go play tennis or go get some heart and courage from the wiz.
It's not ignorance on your part, Nitro. I probably DID understate the 15 minute figure. As far as the radiologist reading, it can take anywhere up to a couple of hours to do slice image "comparisons." I am used to dealing with a huge Houston Med Center entity like Methodist or St. Luke's where there are dedicated radiologists that sit there ONLY assigned to reading MRIs full time.........not mixed with duties of also having to read ultrasounds, CT scans, x-ray's, etc, as is the case in many hospitals or clinics. From the time of MRI to when it is available for me to review is seldom greater than 2-3 hours if prioritized. Smaller entities routinely "batch" their MRI's, i.e., they put them aside in large patient numbers and then at a designated time, maybe a day or even days later, have them all read. This can substantially prolong any hopes of a "prompt" result being reported.
Exactly what my experiences are. My brother's situated in the Woodlands so I bet he uses the smaller entity as you described.

Once again, thank you for all you do!
With the exception of Brooks whom at least stood by what he said, i just lost a ton of respect for all these clowns...especially dockett who practically called the dude a female. Man up, jackasses & take your medicine. You jumped the gun & now you look foolish...especially with Lovie coming out & saying is was the coaching staff's decision to keep him out. Just b/c the guy didn't go Anderson Silva on a gatorade chest doesn't mean he quit or flaked out..

Yeah me too.....not that I had much respect for Bruce Gradkowski in the first place.....

No mention of the race issue here. I mean look at all the black guys lining up to burn on this honky. GOOD THING THIS ISN'T DONOVAN MCNABB getting crushed by a bunch of white players.

How about the karma issue? What happens next year when some random occurence happens and a big ol' OG falls over onto MJD's knee and rips the ligaments right off the bone? Jay Cutler gonna come out and say "Just like Urban Meyer's heart....YOUR KNEE ASPLODE!"..........or are we all just going to chuckle and say, "Should'na did that."

What about Urban Meyer's take on this? Hey...uh...that guy who is really popular for....something other than being the best at what he does....wanna come shine up my national championships?
Cutler a victim of his indifference

Jay Cutler’s medial collateral ligament is torn, and his reputation is dangling by sinew.

What should be most sobering to the Bears quarterback isn’t his injured left knee or the 31.8 passer rating he posted before exiting the NFC Championship Game on *Sunday at Soldier Field.

Most troubling is that the Jay Cutler Fan Club is meeting in the bathroom of a 747, for which he has himself to blame.

The backlash over his leaving the Bears’ 21-14 loss to the Green Bay Packers after the first series of the third quarter isn’t so much an indictment of the media, which has mostly only reported what his peers have written on their *Twitter accounts, or the evils of social networking.

As it turns out, Denver Broncos fans and ESPN columnist Rick *Reilly aren’t the only people willing to be critical of Cutler. Many *current and former players don’t care for him, either, or they wouldn’t have been questioning his toughness, heart and character on television and in other public forums during his darkest hour.

This is what happens to people who don’t care what people think of them. If Cutler wonders what he can gain from portraying a positive public image, here’s his answer: The benefit of the doubt.

“Certain people have an aura about them, right, wrong or *indifferent,” Jerry Angelo said. “We’re in the perception business. I don’t create perceptions. You create perceptions.”

The Bears general manager was referring to the media, which has become a catch-all for blame in *situations such as these, usually with good reason. In this case, *however, the negativity swirling around Cutler has nothing to do with the toughness he has displayed during his two seasons with the Bears or the injury he suffered late in the first half of a devastating loss.

Those who don’t care what *people think of them shouldn’t be surprised to learn people don’t think much of them. Nobody makes it his or her goal to become unlovable, but that’s what Cutler has done. How can you relate to someone who reveals *nothing about himself? How can you care about someone who lets nobody know him?

The Bears have too much invested in Cutler for this not to work out. The time for an intervention is now. There are ways Cutler can rehabilitate his game and remake his image.

The first order of business? Turn your hat around, Jay. You’re not 17 anymore. Grow up, for *goodness sakes. The job of a franchise quarterback encompasses more than just slinging it around on Sundays. Like it or not, your job description includes being the face and voice of the franchise. The face shouldn’t include rolling eyes. The voice shouldn’t carry a condescending tone.

If you quit treating people like *insects, you might buy yourself some goodwill down the road.
Cutler is an arrogant, pompous POS... That said, he has never done anything to indicate that he is a Puh Ce, so the criticism is BS. Dude took a pounding running the option at Vandy and never missed a down. He missed one game this season due to being concussed and that was team officials holding him out, not his choice.

This criticism is born out of people's disdain for Cutler himself and not the injury he sustained. Yeah, he looked smug on the sideline, but that's how he always looks. He has that fat face, no matter what.

If I was Bears fan, I would be more pissed at Todd Collins who came out totally unprepared.
Cutler is an arrogant, pompous POS... That said, he has never done anything to indicated that he is a Puh Ce, so the criticism is BS. Dude took a pounding running the option at Vandy and never missed a down. He missed one game this season due to being concussed and that was team officials holding him out, not his choice.

This criticism is born out of people's disdain for Cutler himself and not the injury he sustained. Yeah, he looked smug on the sideline, but that's how he always looks. He has that fat face, no matter what.

If I was Bears fan, I would be more pissed at Todd Collins who came out totally unprepared.

If I was a Bears fan, I would have been pissed at the coaching staff for even putting Collins in the game. They knew how horrible he was after that disaster in Carolina.