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Cushing press conference @ 1pm Central

I dunno what to think.

Invisible tumors does not make me feel more confident in his innocence.

What medical information did they have that he felt was so compelling that it would absolve him and save him from suspension? Does he have proof of tumors? Cause if the hGC only comes from Cancer or Steroid Cycle.. then I would like to know what medical information he handed the league. Does he have proof of cancer? I doubt it or he would have said so... so what did he hand them?

A tumor in a jar would be rather convincing.
Everyone's all like, "if the dude was telling the truth, he would've stated it sooner or not hidden it from us".

Give me an effin break. None of us have a multi-millionaire, attorney-backed, in-the-spotlight, ALL-PRO point of view on the subject. My self included, we are all just fans and working folk. We have the ability to be objective and sound off. Even if he did want to plead innocence, his attorneys wouldn't let him.
If Cushing had a tumor(s) he would have played the victim card already. There's no reason to leave the ambiguity out there when you have the only valid excuse for having a higher-than-average HCG test result. We just need to accept the fact that he more than likely was cheating, attempted to avoid detection and got caught.

Dude, its been roughly 7 days since everyone found out about this & part of that time he was at a funeral. So him coming forward in a week's time wasn't fast enough for you to know that he thought he MIGHT have tumors benign or otherwise?

2nd, here's a kid who had an injury riddled career in college, & missed training camp because of an injury to his knee. If he comes forward & tells the organization when he 1st hears about this like "oh yeah, i might have tumors too so i need some personal time to check this out" how do you think the organization & us fans are gonna look at him especially with him being our top draft pick? It was in his & the team's best interest to keep it quiet not only money but also perception wise.

#2, He didn't even know until october what it was he tested positive for & from that perspective, he might've sought out info about what can cause elevated levels after the fact...If he appeals & wins no one has to know anything. If he comes forward from the beginning, he's got steroid allegations hurled at him during the season even if he does win his appeal, passes all subsequent tests & continues to beast like he wound up doing.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying what he tried to defend himself with today was probably the truth, but it just seems like everyone's just being a little too dismissive. But my thing is, If you truly don't know how something happened, then you can't say what you WOULD or WOULD NOT HAVE done. Especially if you were "shocked" like he claims he was. What's more is that, you don't know if he actually did some of those things, cause no one asked him at the press conference & he didn't say.
Lol at this thread.

I can't believe that people are actually arguing about this. Any other time any athlete whether it was Manny Ramirez, Sean Merriman, AROD, or any other famous athlete failed a PED test they were villified in here as cheaters, thieves of the game, and all sorts of other derogatory names. Then here comes a guy who has had probably the strongest stigma of steroid abuse since he was in freaking HS that just happens to play for the Texans and there's every excuse and spin off story being made on his behalf because the guy plays in Houston now. Had this happened when Cushing was at USC, not one person in here would be defending this failed test or making excuses for him breaking the rules.

Cushing cheated regardless of what circumstances he's created for himself as to why he took whatever he chose to take. Funny we didn't hear about this possible tumor all season long when he was playing. Where the hell were his concerns all year?? Lol!

Cushing, I just hope that you're the same guy when you come back because we're going to need you bro.

This is kind of funny coming from the same guy who wrote this in the Manny Ramirez PED thread

I don't look at one slugger from the last 15 to 20 years as being clean. I don't care who did steroids at this point. If they have HOF numbers and played great, I say let them all in. It isn't fair for the guys that got lucky and avoided a scandal and haven't been caught or named yet at this point or may never will and get to keep their positive reputation while class acts like Big Mac get ridiculed and chastised just for being some of the first ones to get mentioned.

(Oh, and for what it's worth, if you go through that entire thread, you won't fund much in way of villification of Manny - a couple posts here and there, but much of it is just an acknowledgement of the widespread nature of PED use).
This is kind of funny coming from the same guy who wrote this in the Manny Ramirez PED thread


(Oh, and for what it's worth, if you go through that entire thread, you won't fund much in way of villification of Manny - a couple posts here and there, but much of it is just an acknowledgement of the widespread nature of PED use).

It looks like this is the week people get all of they skeletons out of the closet.
First of all, detailed information about Cushing's health isn't really the public's business, which is a problem for us who want to come to a conclusion about this.

Second, over the past few years we've seen righteous indignation and vehement denial from all manner of athletes when faced with failed drug tests. In many cases, real evidence or admissions from the athlete surface later to prove they were lying all along. I can't recall a case where the athlete was later vindicated, so I assume that doesn't happen very often. Sometimes the issue just fades away. I have seen excuses get more imaginative over the time.

So I've either learned from this history of athletes and drugs or have become biased because of these other athletes. In either case, I see Cushing as I do any other athlete in any sport; the Texans logo doesn't change that. I don't think the banned substance got into his system without his knowledge.

I admit that Cushing may be one of those rare athletes who gets vindicated, but what are the odds?

The best likely end result to me is he serves this suspension, moves on, and is never suspended again.
I don't give a darn either he is in it to stay once he comes back or he is not and the team will just have to move on without him.
This is kind of funny coming from the same guy who wrote this in the Manny Ramirez PED thread


(Oh, and for what it's worth, if you go through that entire thread, you won't fund much in way of villification of Manny - a couple posts here and there, but much of it is just an acknowledgement of the widespread nature of PED use).

I've never said that Cushing should lose his ROTY award once or criticized him as a player. I loved his passion last season and still love him as a player.

I'm just not naive enough to believe his excuses just because he's a Houston Texan. He was like the poster boy for Roids in college as far as speculation went and this recent incident pretty much takes away all of the speculation.

Manny got punished for his banned substance just like he should have. ANd Cush is going to be suspended just like he should be. If you're caught with banned substances accident or not (And I don't think anyone that's been caught in any sport tested positive by accident) should face whatever consequences they get other than stripping them of their records or awards.
From now on he knows the rules and if he gets caught again he should at the very least not be a Texan anymore. It does not have anything to do with roids being allowed in the NFL or not. As of right now they are not allowed case and point. If he wants to take roids and do harm to health in the long run that is beyond my control but he better learn how to cover his tracks real fast. I know this was not roids but I am just saying when he jacks up he also jacks up the team. He knows this team needs him and their goals. It is his job but most of all he may end up hindering the preformence of his teammates and while he still has my full support right now this not happen again. Brian's goal is to be on the field as much and as healthy as possible. Hopefully he is telling everyone the truth but if these health concerns were there last season he should should have sat out some games if he had to JMO.
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sometimes (like in my case) the woman that escorts you to the bathroom is hot, and you get a woody and cant pee....and yes this really did happen to me...i was embaressed because she kept seeing my small woody in the mirror,and asking me if i wanted to drink something...took me forever to take a piss because she was hot. ON the way home i unzipped at a red light on westhiemer and starting flogging.

true story.

This was you're 5th post in and you decide to go with this little gem heh? :specnatz:

If there ever was a reason for a face palm

:thisbig: :fingergun: :facepalm:
I believe him until proven otherwise.

It's going to be scary for the opposing team when he comes back, you thought he was a beast before...just wait!

Cush is still my boy but he better be let be the one and only bump in the road in his NFL career. Are you hearing me Cush?
sometimes (like in my case) the woman that escorts you to the bathroom is hot, and you get a woody and cant pee....and yes this really did happen to me...i was embaressed because she kept seeing my small woody in the mirror,and asking me if i wanted to drink something...took me forever to take a piss because she was hot. ON the way home i unzipped at a red light on westhiemer and starting flogging.

true story.

Really? ..... Really????? :facepalm:
Cush is still my boy but he better be let be the one and only bump in the road in his NFL career. Are you hearing me Cush?

SuperGary, you need to say it more Like Will Ferrell: "You're my boy Cush!"

*starts hearing Kansas' ''Dust in the Wind''*
Let's put this tumor rumor whatever you call it to rest:

Dr. Gary Wadler, who leads the committee that determines the World Anti-Doping Agency’s banned-substances list, said there have been cases of malignant testicular tumors producing HCG. Still, those cases are “extremely rare.”

“If he had a tumor that produced HCG, he wouldn’t be playing football,” Wadler said of Cushing. “He would be under treatment for a malignant tumor.”

Wadler also noted if Cushing tested positive once because of such a tumor, HCG levels would be consistently elevated and he would continue to have positive tests.

“Malignant testicular tumors producing HCG are rather lethal,” Wadler said. “It is a fairly aggressive tumor and you’re not playing in the NFL with one.”;_ylt=AqD.1zpKukA2lC1uXCRCBZJDubYF?slug=ap-texans-cushing
Oh yeah, TB. He most certainly went there. And took all of us with him.

WOW.. Just wow! That may have been appropriate in other forums, (and I'm no Saint), but not here.

your my boy cush

Axel Foley says:
It should be more natural, brother. It should flow out, like this - "Look, man, YOU'RE MY BOY CUSH!" See, that's more natural for us. You been hanging out with this dude too long. *points to Thorn*
Consistent with Dr. Wadler's statements above:

An important fact to keep in mind is indeed that HCG levels in testicular tumors are only found in 15% of cases. But once they are detected, they don't go down. They increase with growth of the tumor. HCG markers in the case of other tumors occur in even a lesser percentage of cases, and again don't disappear as long as the tumor is present. If a tumor is entirely removed, the HCG will no longer be detectable.

However, contra Dr. Wadler's statement, the most common testicular cancer, a seminoma (approximately 40% of testicular cancers) is SLOW growing and resist spread for quite a while. In contrast, the less common non-seminoma cancers are pretty agressive and fast growing and more likely to spread early.
Consistent with Dr. Wadler's statements above:

An important fact to keep in mind is indeed that HCG levels in testicular tumors are only found in 15% of cases. But once they are detected, they don't go down. They increase with growth of the tumor. HCG markers in the case of other tumors occur in even a lesser percentage of cases, and again don't disappear as long as the tumor is present. If a tumor is entirely removed, the HCG will no longer be detectable.

However, contra Dr. Wadler's statement, the most common testicular cancer, a seminoma (approximately 40% of testicular cancers) is SLOW growing and resist spread for quite a while. In contrast, the less common non-seminoma cancers are pretty agressive and fast growing and more likely to spread early.

Damn it CnD I'm a moderator, not a doctor. Give it to us straight, is Cushing a duck? :)
sometimes (like in my case) the woman that escorts you to the bathroom is hot, and you get a woody and cant pee....and yes this really did happen to me...i was embaressed because she kept seeing my small woody in the mirror,and asking me if i wanted to drink something...took me forever to take a piss because she was hot. ON the way home i unzipped at a red light on westhiemer and starting flogging.

true story.
Damn it CnD I'm a moderator, not a doctor. Give it to us straight, is Cushing a duck? :)

I don't wish Cushing any ill. I try to offer appropriate background for our board members to add to other information available to they can form their own opinions. The answer to your question depends on if you view "QUACK" as a description of my "status" or a description of the sound that is expected to come out of a duck.:tiphat:
There's something funny about this cover .

As curious as I am about the real story, and as skeptical (to put it mildly) as I am about the unknown origin of this substance (or as some suprisingly clever 610 listener texted to the afternoon show "The Immaculate Injection"), there are only two questions that I truly and deeply want to know the answer to, and while those answers will definitely be forthcoming, it won't be anytime real soon:

1. Is Cush gonna be clean the rest of his pro football career? (Define "clean" however you wish, but suffice it to say at a minimum it would consist of no further suspensions)

2. Is the the guy who played Sam LB for the Texans last year the real Brian Cushing.

I don't pretend to be smart enough to even try to guess at the answer to either question, but if either answer is no, then the other one no longer matters.

Go Cush - I'm pullin' hard for ya man!
Damn it CnD I'm a moderator, not a doctor. Give it to us straight, is Cushing a duck? :)

Dammit people, I said this to Porky earlier and I'll say it one more time... He isn't a duck, he's a platypus. Ducks are normal, he is a freak of nature able to adjust his hcg levels at any given time. hell, he probably has a flat beaver tail tucked in his pants and venomous ankle hooks. Back off the dude!!!

if i have to add the sarcasm smiley then you are a dumbass. Personally, I don't believe him but I support him regardless
Dammit people, I said this to Porky earlier and I'll say it one more time... He isn't a duck, he's a platypus. Ducks are normal, he is a freak of nature able to adjust his hcg levels at any given time. hell, he probably has a flat beaver tail tucked in his pants and venomous ankle hooks. Back off the dude!!!

if i have to add the sarcasm smiley then you are a dumbass. Personally, I don't believe him but I support him regardless

If he were able to adjust his hcg levels at any given time, this thread (along with a few others) wouldn't exist. (But all the other things you mention are probably spot-on.)
I love Cush as a player, but I do NOT believe he really played all last season believing he had a tumor. :mcnugget: Sorry, but I am not buying it. He should have just kept his mouth shut. I hope he stays clean from here on out and is able to maintain his level of performance.
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He adressed the Media and all you Bozos just to be not believed. Quit sniffing his jock and lets get to some practice.
Good lord, did he really throw that tumor story out there today? I mean seriously, what in the world were his PR folks thinking?

He would have been better off re-winning yesterday's AP vote and keeping quiet than coming out and trying to claim he worried that he was living with potential tumors the entirety of last season (so worried he didn't even bother to get them checked out).

Very, very bad day for Cushing.
I love Cush as a player, but I do NOT believe he really played all last believing he had a tumor. :mcnugget: Sorry, but I am not buying it. He should have just kept his mouth shut. I hope he stays clean from here on out and is able to maintain his level of performance.

Geez....he kept his mouth shut for a week and everyone's on his ass wondering why he doesn't say anything. He opens his mouth and unless the words "I did it" came out of it, nobody believes him. WTF??!!
He adressed the Media and all you Bozos just to be not believed. Quit sniffing his jock and lets get to some practice.

I will school you Sunday whenever you show up as the "DD" so that we can go to that "TexansTalk Meet-up" at Bubba's.... Somewhere around noon(ish).. The really cool thing Joe, is that we can put a face to the people we post with. I hope a whole gang of folks show....
I'm ready to put this behind me. Whether or not any of us believe the story, the actual facts (which MANY people are not accurately accounting for), is that he tested positive (barely) one time, for a naturally-occurring substance. This "violation" was in September......before the season, and he's not had another such instance. I think that this is actually very important and worth noting - if there were to be a "drop-off", in terms of performance, then it's probable that we'd have noticed it at some point last season. I HIGHLY doubt that we'll see any less of Cushing's production once he's back. We'll likely never know what the real deal is (barring that he actually ends up developing cancer, which I certainly do not wish on him....even if it makes this forum more tolerable). Having said that, it would have been extremely easy, maybe even EASIER to simply admit that he took something - doing so would have immediately swept everything under the rug to a certain degree, unlike denying it. If it was going to be about damage control.....I would imagine that he would have taken the easy way out and just said that he took something. He didn't.....and I'm convinced that does him basically no favors because the people who will think he's guilty are going to think that no matter what. It'd all go away much faster if he said that he took something.....which is why I'm somewhat inclined to believe him.

Anyways......go Texans.:fans:
This is the curious thing about it. If my career was being scrutinized and jackholes like Peter King are going on NFLN's All Access spewing crap about rumors of high school steroid use, I'd have doctors with me at the press conference giving the world the lowdown on my medical condition.

Good point. But, he was confident his appeal would go through. He thought this was behind him. He didn't find out that his appeal was denied, and that he would be suspended until 6 days ago.

Think about it.

September, test reveal an elevated level of hCG. He was tested twice between taking that original test, and being notified the results were outside acceptable NFL levels. Those other tests met the requirements.

He files an appeal, and is tested several times randomly throughout the season. All those tests fall within acceptable NFL limits.

The season ends for the Texans January 3rd... I'm assuming he's heard nothing from the NFL on this issue. Maybe he begins to assume he's clear, and he can stop worrying about it. Cush more than likely goes to New Jersey and do whatever Cushmen do when they have a lot of money, and no real obligations.

February comes and goes... he hears nothing. March.. nothing. April... maybe he's thinking about the draft.

May.. he hears about the appeal's denial, a day later, he hears about his aunt dying.

two days later he has a press conference.
Geez....he kept his mouth shut for a week and everyone's on his ass wondering why he doesn't say anything. He opens his mouth and unless the words "I did it" came out of it, nobody believes him. WTF??!!

I think he did more damage with what he said, which is always the risk.
One week, and one press conference later, and all I've learned for sure is that Brian Cushing will miss the initial 4 games of the 2010 season.

I don't know if Cushing did or didn't take steroids.

I don't know if Cushing did or didn't take an injection of hCG.

I don't know if Cushing did or didn't have a tumor.

And that's OK, because that's between Brian Cushing and the NFL. I hope he's healthy. I hope he puts this episode behind him and continues to display the the inspiring brand of football we grew accustomed to in Cushing's award winning rookie season. Finally, I hope this team comes together to pick the slack in his absence. Because this suspension shouldn't deter the Texans from from a possible 2010 championship season.
One week, and one press conference later, and all I've learned for sure is that Brian Cushing will miss the initial 4 games of the 2010 season.

I don't know if Cushing did or didn't take steroids.

I don't know if Cushing did or didn't take an injection of hCG.

I don't know if Cushing did or didn't have a tumor.

And that's OK, because that's between Brian Cushing and the NFL. I hope he's healthy. I hope he puts this episode behind him and continues to display the the inspiring brand of football we grew accustomed to in Cushing's award winning rookie season. Finally, I hope this team comes together to pick the slack in his absence. Because this suspension shouldn't deter the Texans from from a possible 2010 championship season.



Although I ? the championship season part.
"I did not have sex with that woman."

"It depends what the meaning of is is."

"I want to make it known, I did not inject or ingest any substance that would enhance my performance."

Are these truths? I hate to remain jaded. But, just another something to think about: HCG can be obtained in very expensive delivery forms which require neither "ingestion" or "injection"..........nasal spray or transdermal (skin) patch.
"I did not have sex with that woman."

"It depends what the meaning of is is."

"I want to make it known, I did not inject or ingest any substance that would enhance my performance."

Are these truths? I hate to remain jaded. But, just another something to think about: HCG can be obtained in very expensive delivery forms which require neither "ingestion" or "injection"..........nasal spray or transdermal (skin) patch.

He also said he had no idea what hcg was until it came back in his test and that he had no idea how it could have gotten in.

I see the point your making, but he lied many, many other times in that interview if he purposely took hcg
I've been a huge Cushing fan, and want very much to believe him and he certainly seems sincere, but bottom line is I got this feeling that we won't ever see that same guy again who0 played SAM for the Texans in 2009.
He will be a smaller, slower version of the elite player we saw in his rookie year. Hope I'm dead wrong about this.