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Cushing press conference @ 1pm Central

I actually think the best thing he should have said, is that he knocked one out on the way to the drug test. All he had to do was say he had spent the whole night at a strip club and had 3 girls in the limo backseat with him on the way to the drug test. He was dehydrated and the girls drained his semonal fluid and hcg. Thats why he had low levels. I think that would actually make more headlines,be more believeable instead of saying "i dont know".

I know its embaressing to say "i had sex on the way to the drug test"....But we are talking millions of dollars. He should fight this system/fight the test results ,and give a real reason he failed.

Ive read that sex will alter hcg levels right after. All he had to do was use the "i had an orgy" excuse and we might actually believe him because he is famous and can get those every night.

And yes im being serious.
I think he is lying. Sorry. Too much compelling evidence. The strong rumors that his Dad was giving him roids in HS to the visual evidence, to GM's saying their research indicated a roid head to the actual failure and suspension. This doesn't pass the smell test.

I'm really disapointed and I hope he gets off the stuff.

Cushing is lying big time. There was a doctor on sirius yesterday and he said hcg is a female fertility drug. Everyone produces it, but most times its used in between cycles to tell the nuts to start producing testosterone. When you do stroids, you nuts stop producing test and are in shock. You take hcg to bring the nuts out of shock and start producing again. Once you stop taking it, it leaves the body. Cushing knows why he had the substance because people use it between cycles.

You guys could be right but I am reserving judgement until later. If he is dirty it makes no sense to come out and defend himself today like he did. Too many unknowns for me to speculate. As I have maintained I am upset he won't be on the field the first four games more than anything at this point.
markschlereth All you wanna be Roid experts...HCG is not a masking agent....If you had a PED in your system and HCG you would test + for both.

FWIW...tweeted (I can't believe I just typed the word "tweeted") by Mark Schlereth.

I am such a homer that I am going to believe and stand behind the CushMan... hCG is not a masking agent, it is a "Please don't let my nuts fall off" post steroid cycle thing(in large amounts) Men have this naturally in our bodies.
I hope I am right, if not.....

Little off. I have it on DVR.

Question was "are you finished with the league, just going to move on and worry about your health?"

Cushing: "Yeah, the attention is toward myself right now and why this is happening."


Review around 5:15 into the conference (now on the official site). He states that he is concerned about his health and "Why this would keep reoccuring."
I really, really hope he isn't lying

I really, really want to believe him. I hope, if he is telling the truth, that he finds out whats causing this.
1. He still might file a lawsuit. He has only know about the suspensions for what a week?

2.PR stunt is just another for press conference

The only fact that has been estabilished is that he failed the test. As to what the results mean. That is still up for debate.

1. He might file a lawsuit, but it's pretty well documented what you get for a failed or positive test. He originally made the appeal earlier in the season. So it's not like this wasn't a very possible scenario he'd find himself in. I just would've thought the way he prepares and approaches football he'd have prepared and approached this better.

2. Makes no sense.

Agree on the last part.
Cushing is lying big time. There was a doctor on sirius yesterday and he said hcg is a female fertility drug. Everyone produces it, but most times its used in between cycles to tell the nuts to start producing testosterone. When you do stroids, you nuts stop producing test and are in shock. You take hcg to bring the nuts out of shock and start producing again. Once you stop taking it, it leaves the body. Cushing knows why he had the substance because people use it between cycles.

but what your missing, is that his level wasnt high, it was low. he failed because it was to low.

that can happen from to much sex, or from doing roids....problem is, he didnt have any roids in his system. so that means maybe he just got off the riods and his hcg was low...but, thats just a hypothesis. yes it can be true, but not in EVERYONE.

there are people walking around, considered healthy,that have never done riods,and they just have low hcg.

it also gets lower and lower as you get older.

cushing has a point. just because it was low doesnt mean he automatically did something.,

in fact, he he was off the cycle, he would have tested HIGH because he would have taken it to restore his balls.

. he didnt. he tested low.

the nfl testing is stupid. hcg is actually an antiaging drug. my wife works at houston antiaging clinic that GIVES IT OUT to everyone for weight loss and sex drive.

i know more about it than most. the nfl should ban iron,zinc,vitamin A,anything that improves health.
It seems to me that medical evidence would cause the NFL to review the test results and rescind the suspension. And I would assume that Cushing would present this valid medical evidence to the NFL. If the NFL reviewed and decided to uphold the suspension, they just suck. Otherwise, his evidence did not persuade them to change their position.

Cushing is still our boy, but let's be honest, if this were Brian Cushing the Titans LB, we'd be having a field day with it and I have no doubt that NO Texans fan would grant him the benefit of the doubt.
but what your missing, is that his level wasnt high, it was low. he failed because it was to low.

that can happen from to much sex, or from doing roids....problem is, he didnt have any roids in his system. so that means maybe he just got off the riods and his hcg was low...but, thats just a hypothesis. yes it can be true, but not in EVERYONE.

there are people walking around, considered healthy,that have never done riods,and they just have low hcg.

it also gets lower and lower as you get older.

cushing has a point. just because it was low doesnt mean he automatically did something.,

in fact, he he was off the cycle, he would have tested HIGH because he would have taken it to restore his balls.

. he didnt. he tested low.

the nfl testing is stupid. hcg is actually an antiaging drug. my wife works at houston antiaging clinic that GIVES IT OUT to everyone for weight loss and sex drive.

i know more about it than most. the nfl should ban iron,zinc,vitamin A,anything that improves health.

Do you have evidence to back this stuff up? It doesn't match with what Ive heard before.

Im sure if it was from over-sexing that he wouldn't have hesitated to say it.

And definitely Manny Ramirez wouldn't have hesistated.

The levels on the test aren't bordlerline normal levels. They are way, way different usually
A tumor doesn't take 6+ months to diagnose. Come on folks. I was born at night, but it wasn't last night. :pirate:
Cushing is still our boy, but let's be honest, if this were Brian Cushing the Titans LB, we'd be having a field day with it and I have no doubt that NO Texans fan would grant him the benefit of the doubt.

That's true, but to me all that means is that we'd be biased both ways...

I have not really made up my mind on this...I keep going back and forth and getting more and more confused the more I hear...
A tumor doesn't take 6+ months to diagnose. Come on folks. I was born at night, but it wasn't last night. :pirate:


Didn't he say that his value was too low?

If he had been taking hCG after a cycle, his hCG would have been too high.

After work, I'm going to go back and listen to this again.
I am upset with how this conference went down. I mean he doesnt know if his HCG levels are up right now? He hasnt been tested in a while or whatever he said??? I mean, if he is really serious about this and finding the "real" problem... wouldn't he be monitoring it like almost daily??
A tumor doesn't take 6+ months to diagnose. Come on folks. I was born at night, but it wasn't last night. :pirate:


There can be tumors that are small and hard to detect. Especially when you don't know where to look. It could be a small tumor in his chest somewhere.

Didn't he say that his value was too low?

If he had been taking hCG after a cycle, his hCG would have been too high.

After work, I'm going to go back and listen to this again.

This makes no sense. A tumor would indicate you had a high level of hcg. If he had low levels, why would he think he had a tumor?
I am upset with how this conference went down. I mean he doesnt know if his HCG levels are up right now? He hasnt been tested in a while or whatever he said??? I mean, if he is really serious about this and finding the "real" problem... wouldn't he be monitoring it like almost daily??

No. You'd be doing tests to find the tumor, not repeatedly doing tests that came back negative all year except for the one in September.
No. You'd be doing tests to find the tumor, not repeatedly doing tests that came back negative all year except for the one in September.

However, he stated many times he does not know the reasons why his HCG levels were elevated. So no tumors, then do you just go oh well... the HCG tests should be fine? No, you constantly test it to see if there is a spike somewhere and hopefully it may give you some data to help find the reason why. He doesnt know anything at this point.
Maybe when he went to pee in the cup he got chubbed up and decided to go ahead and rub one out? Which, in turn, caused the elevated test? :shrug:
Do you have evidence to back this stuff up? It doesn't match with what Ive heard before.

Im sure if it was from over-sexing that he wouldn't have hesitated to say it.

And definitely Manny Ramirez wouldn't have hesistated.

The levels on the test aren't bordlerline normal levels. They are way, way different usually

1. everyone has different sex drives,so everyone has different levels of hcg. apparently cushing failed the test because of was "out of range". to low i hear.

2. we dont know what that "range" is for the test. in fact, im willing to bet he was normal,even though it was low range. the reason i heard is that the nfl tested him 19 times, and his level was lower in ONE than the other 18 and the nfl freaked out and suspended him

3.he needs to file a slander lawsuit on jim rome for constantly saying he cheated when he didnt.

he needs to file a slander lawsuit at nfl for ruining his reputation even though he was NOT HIGH LEVEL of hcg. Everyone, and I mean everyone on espn keeps saying "he took hcg".. NOT TRUE. Geez. My wife injects women EVERYDAY in the stomach with this stuff. When you take it , you measure HIGH. Not low. CUSHING DID NOT TAKE HCG, his body was just low in it.

Now, the question, why was he low. There are DOCTORS that DONT even know ALL the reasons for this. Its still an undiscovered hormone thats still being learned about. 10 years from now doctors will find another "reason" that effects hcg levels.

The nfl is abusing their power , and banning cushing based on "theories" of doctors. A theory is NOT a fact.

Poor cushing. If Im him I sue EVERYONE starting now.
A tumor doesn't take 6+ months to diagnose. Come on folks. I was born at night, but it wasn't last night. :pirate:

This is the curious thing about it. If my career was being scrutinized and jackholes like Peter King are going on NFLN's All Access spewing crap about rumors of high school steroid use, I'd have doctors with me at the press conference giving the world the lowdown on my medical condition.

That's true, but to me all that means is that we'd be biased both ways...

I have not really made up my mind on this...I keep going back and forth and getting more and more confused the more I hear...

HA! Very good point! :howdy: :clap:

I'm the same way, though, about your second point. I don't have a hard opinion, either way. I'm not on a jump to conclusion mat, but it seems that the smoke here is leading to something that burns that we do not want to call fire. I'll just be glad when the story blows over and we can get back to football.

#1) Why do you keep saying he was low? Where is the proof of this?

#2) If it was low, why was he worried about tumors? Testicular tumors result in higher levels of hcg

#3) The league notified him of the failed test in October, and he started his appeal then. They didn't wait to test him 19 more times and then compare them all together. Thats completely untrue based on what we've heard so far
Maybe when he went to pee in the cup he got chubbed up and decided to go ahead and rub one out? Which, in turn, caused the elevated test? :shrug:

sometimes (like in my case) the woman that escorts you to the bathroom is hot, and you get a woody and cant pee....and yes this really did happen to me...i was embaressed because she kept seeing my small woody in the mirror,and asking me if i wanted to drink something...took me forever to take a piss because she was hot. ON the way home i unzipped at a red light on westhiemer and starting flogging.

true story.
A tumor doesn't take 6+ months to diagnose. Come on folks. I was born at night, but it wasn't last night. :pirate:

Porky, I don't think he was saying that he had a tumor. He was saying that there is concern about his health because of his hCG levels. He just quoted one doctor and the media attached on to "tumor".
It seems to me that medical evidence would cause the NFL to review the test results and rescind the suspension. And I would assume that Cushing would present this valid medical evidence to the NFL. If the NFL reviewed and decided to uphold the suspension, they just suck. Otherwise, his evidence did not persuade them to change their position.

Cushing is still our boy, but let's be honest, if this were Brian Cushing the Titans LB, we'd be having a field day with it and I have no doubt that NO Texans fan would grant him the benefit of the doubt.

I would probably give him the benefit of the doubt. But, that wouldn't stop me from making jokes at the expense of Titan fans and giving them a hard time about it.
Porky, I don't think he was saying that he had a tumor. He was saying that there is concern about his health because of his hCG levels. He just quoted one doctor and the media attached on to "tumor".

Yeah, Cushing messed up when he said he thought he had tumors... when he should have said he was simply thinking about the "possibility" that he might have a tumor somewhere...
Porky, I don't think he was saying that he had a tumor. He was saying that there is concern about his health because of his hCG levels. He just quoted one doctor and the media attached on to "tumor".

He said he played all year last year believing he had "tumors." Plural. He said he believed last year was his last year of life. Listed to the interview

They even asked Demeco if they knew Cushing believed he had tumors.

#1) Why do you keep saying he was low? Where is the proof of this?

#2) If it was low, why was he worried about tumors? Testicular tumors result in higher levels of hcg

#3) The league notified him of the failed test in October, and he started his appeal then. They didn't wait to test him 19 more times and then compare them all together. Thats completely untrue based on what we've heard so far

I was told high at first on the internet, but WATCH cushings interview carefully. He talks really fast at first, and you almost miss it. He mutters "to low".

Tumors, because a cancer will cause extreme level changes. Im not sure if i believe the cancer excuse, but yes, CAncer CAN cause it. Hes right. BUt maybe thats a excuse . Maybe he takes cream. (ive never heard of it, and neither has my wife,the Dr she works for only uses injections, and the pill is called premarin for older women)..the cream must be very new

Okay, but like you I heard 19 times. I also heard from the players union rep that they did test him days later several times. He tested "normal" in those. Thats why the league doesnt believe cushing, because his levels change.

Maybe he is a nympho . We all know from doctor links on web that this will cause excess hcg. Maybe his "low" test was him normally, and then all the other "higher" test were him flogging dolphin that morning.
HCG was identified in 1920.

I dont know how something can be undiscovered and yet discovered either...

I will say that my buddy used to get HCG shot in his butt by a doc as part of a weight loss program he was on. He said they couldnt prove that it was going to work or why or even how? The docs told him basically straight up.... Look, we have had great results with it, but there is no data anywhere to support how it actually works or what it actually does.
sometimes (like in my case) the woman that escorts you to the bathroom is hot, and you get a woody and cant pee....and yes this really did happen to me...i was embaressed because she kept seeing my small woody in the mirror,and asking me if i wanted to drink something...took me forever to take a piss because she was hot. ON the way home i unzipped at a red light on westhiemer and starting flogging.
true story.

If there ever was a reason for a face palm
He said he played all year last year believing he had "tumors." Plural. He said he believed last year was his last year of life. Listed to the interview

They even asked Demeco if they knew Cushing believed he had tumors.

Again, he's at a press conference answering unscripted questions. The entire quote is quite different. The question was "how can people believe that you have a substance in your body that is usually in pregnant women and you say you didn't put it there?"

He responds, "I know. there are a lot of ways it can get into the body. I had sources tell me it is injested or it is a result of tumors. So, I played last season thinking I had tumors".

Clearly, to me, he's saying that he did not take anything and that he was concerned most of last season that something was medically wrong with him and he was kind of freaked out about it.
So, if he was that concerned, why the hell didn't he get it checked out? And if he did, where are the Dr. reports. See, none of this adds up. And it doesn't add up because he is a big fat liar. I bet his pants are on fire.
All I have to say is this: I really don't give a rats ass if he did or didn't take steroids. I don't care who it is it doesn't bother me when FOOTBALL players take performance enhancing drugs. Hell, there entire job is to run around abusing their bodies, yet we really expect them to not use every available substance to help heal their bodies and make them stronger and more able to dish out the punishment weekly?!?!

When it was baseball, I cared because it was obviously having a MAJOR effect on the game. Records that took 100 years to amass were being demolished, and the integrity of the game and everything the early ball players went through were being made a mockery of. Football players have likely been taking performance enhancing drugs for our entire modern era of football, and it isn't like the sacrifices of the early players are being ignored and trampled on because a few guys are juicing.

And that's all I have to say about that.
but what your missing, is that his level wasnt high, it was low. he failed because it was to low.

that can happen from to much sex, or from doing roids....problem is, he didnt have any roids in his system. so that means maybe he just got off the riods and his hcg was low...but, thats just a hypothesis. yes it can be true, but not in EVERYONE.

there are people walking around, considered healthy,that have never done riods,and they just have low hcg.

it also gets lower and lower as you get older.

cushing has a point. just because it was low doesnt mean he automatically did something.,

in fact, he he was off the cycle, he would have tested HIGH because he would have taken it to restore his balls.

. he didnt. he tested low.

the nfl testing is stupid. hcg is actually an antiaging drug. my wife works at houston antiaging clinic that GIVES IT OUT to everyone for weight loss and sex drive.

i know more about it than most. the nfl should ban iron,zinc,vitamin A,anything that improves health.

The test wasnt from being too low, it was because it was too high. Its a female fertility drug used to wake the nuts up after a cycle. Once you stop using it, it filters out your system! He's lying big time and cheated or tried to. I'm no moral police and in fact I like players with a little edge, but its the dominoe effect of competition. You're fooling yourself if you think a masking agent doesn't help the workout warrior.
Lol at this thread.

I can't believe that people are actually arguing about this. Any other time any athlete whether it was Manny Ramirez, Sean Merriman, AROD, or any other famous athlete failed a PED test they were villified in here as cheaters, thieves of the game, and all sorts of other derogatory names. Then here comes a guy who has had probably the strongest stigma of steroid abuse since he was in freaking HS that just happens to play for the Texans and there's every excuse and spin off story being made on his behalf because the guy plays in Houston now. Had this happened when Cushing was at USC, not one person in here would be defending this failed test or making excuses for him breaking the rules.

Cushing cheated regardless of what circumstances he's created for himself as to why he took whatever he chose to take. Funny we didn't hear about this possible tumor all season long when he was playing. Where the hell were his concerns all year?? Lol!

Cushing, I just hope that you're the same guy when you come back because we're going to need you bro.
sometimes (like in my case) the woman that escorts you to the bathroom is hot, and you get a woody and cant pee....and yes this really did happen to me...i was embaressed because she kept seeing my small woody in the mirror,and asking me if i wanted to drink something...took me forever to take a piss because she was hot. ON the way home i unzipped at a red light on westhiemer and starting flogging.

true story.


Dammit dude! I had planned on not commenting anymore in this thread, but this is one of the funniest freakin posts I have ever read on here.

And I guess the bold tells me why your name is small nizzle. Funny **** man!
Lol at this thread.

I can't believe that people are actually arguing about this. Any other time any athlete whether it was Manny Ramirez, Sean Merriman, AROD, or any other famous athlete failed a PED test they were villified in here as cheaters, thieves of the game, and all sorts of other derogatory names. Then here comes a guy who has had probably the strongest stigma of steroid abuse since he was in freaking HS that just happens to play for the Texans and there's every excuse and spin off story being made on his behalf because the guy plays in Houston now. Had this happened when Cushing was at USC, not one person in here would be defending this failed test or making excuses for him breaking the rules.

Cushing cheated regardless of what circumstances he's created for himself as to why he took whatever he chose to take. Funny we didn't hear about this possible tumor all season long when he was playing. Where the hell were his concerns all year?? Lol!

Cushing, I just hope that you're the same guy when you come back because we're going to need you bro.

Pretty much. I heard OJ is still looking for the killer too
All I have to say is this: I really don't give a rats ass if he did or didn't take steroids. I don't care who it is it doesn't bother me when FOOTBALL players take performance enhancing drugs. Hell, there entire job is to run around abusing their bodies, yet we really expect them to not use every available substance to help heal their bodies and make them stronger and more able to dish out the punishment weekly?!?!

When it was baseball, I cared because it was obviously having a MAJOR effect on the game. Records that took 100 years to amass were being demolished, and the integrity of the game and everything the early ball players went through were being made a mockery of. Football players have likely been taking performance enhancing drugs for our entire modern era of football, and it isn't like the sacrifices of the early players are being ignored and trampled on because a few guys are juicing.

And that's all I have to say about that.
This is all true but if you get caought breaking the rules and offer to explain your actions then please tell the truth and back it up with facts. Just saying. I reserve my right to call him a liar thus far but I sure hope he is not lieing to my face I don't like that. Offer the truth or don't offer anything at all IMO.
So, if he was that concerned, why the hell didn't he get it checked out? And if he did, where are the Dr. reports. See, none of this adds up. And it doesn't add up because he is a big fat liar. I bet his pants are on fire.

This is the kind of crap i despise when it comes to things like this around here.

How in the hell do you know he didn't get it checked out? Why does he have to divulge the little part of his medical history he still has to himself JUST to appease you?

These rumors have been swirling around this dude since he was in high school mainly b/c he's been a freak since then & I just think people have just been jaded towards this whole subject because baseball's many embarassments over the last year or so. Now anyone who might be actually telling the truth (albeit a very small percentage), get looked at like :rolleyes:.

the bottom line is he acknowledged he screwed up HOWEVER that may have occured, he's gonna serve out his suspension mainly because he has no choice & undoubtedly to get this behind him.
Well, I apologize for saying that he was a cheater. If what he says is true, then I think the NFL is being ridiculous.
This is the kind of crap i despise when it comes to things like this around here.

How in the hell do you know he didn't get it checked out? Why does he have to divulge the little part of his medical history he still has to himself JUST to appease you?

These rumors have been swirling around this dude since he was in high school mainly b/c he's been a freak since then & I just think people have just been jaded towards this whole subject because baseball's many embarassments over the last year or so. Now anyone who might be actually telling the truth (albeit a very small percentage), gets looked at like :rolleyes:.

the bottom line is he acknowledged he screwed up HOWEVER that may have occured, he's gonna serve out his suspension mainly because he has no choice & undoubtedly to get this behind him.

If Cushing had a tumor(s) he would have played the victim card already. There's no reason to leave the ambiguity out there when you have the only valid excuse for having a higher-than-average HGC test result. We just need to accept the fact that he more than likely was cheating, attempted to avoid detection and got caught.
Originally Posted by small nizzle
sometimes (like in my case) the woman that escorts you to the bathroom is hot, and you get a woody and cant pee....and yes this really did happen to me...i was embaressed because she kept seeing my small woody in the mirror,and asking me if i wanted to drink something...took me forever to take a piss because she was hot. ON the way home i unzipped at a red light on westhiemer and starting flogging.
true story.

lol, "small nizzle".

I laughed pretty loud when I read this. Sad it got deleted.

Edit: Damn! Ckw got the joke before me. :(
I dunno what to think.

Invisible tumors does not make me feel more confident in his innocence.

What medical information did they have that he felt was so compelling that it would absolve him and save him from suspension? Does he have proof of tumors? Cause if the hGC only comes from Cancer or Steroid Cycle.. then I would like to know what medical information he handed the league. Does he have proof of cancer? I doubt it or he would have said so... so what did he hand them?