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Cincinnati Bengals @ Houston Texans. 1/7. 3:30. **Official Wild Card GameDay Thread**

Got about 5 hours of sleep in. From now until kickoff it'll be a combination of video games and tv. So amped!
Finalllly! The Playoffs have come Houston....

8 hours til showtime. if you've slept tonight, more power to you. i've been us since wednesday. 9 long years for this moment. Savor it. savor it.
What do you consider too conservative for Gary Kubiak's playcalling today? In terms of the pass-to-run ratio. He will want to establish the run as always, and I'm hoping it's effective enough to keep Yates out of third-and-long situations. A lot of people have criticized him over the past three games but I don't know if there was much more he could have done under the circumstances.
First playoff game in the history of the Houston Texans... and I won't be able to watch it. I'm going to go into media darkness, record the game, and watch it in full without knowing the outcome later tonight. Until then I will see everyone tomorrow!
Does anyone have that feeling? You know, that weird feeling you cant explain but gets you all warm and fuzzy inside? No matter how hard you try you cant shake it off?
It is now 0012 a.m. in Seoul, Korea and I need to rack the hell out for the game in 6 hours.

18 years. I can track my years in the Marines by Houston playoff appearances.

Does anyone have that feeling? You know, that weird feeling you cant explain but gets you all warm and fuzzy inside? No matter how hard you try you cant shake it off?

Yeah, I know what you mean. I get that from too many bean burritos...

Try this...

ALMOST fell back asleep, then I remembered it's today.. i will be pacing back in forth all day long and i wouldnt have it any other way
I wish I was at Spanky's Sports Bar in Jacksonville, NC right now. Me and the Bengal fans used to take pity on each others misery. We'd be tearing that place up right now...

Damn I hate being in Korea right now.

I had a dream last night that I couldn't find the game on TV anywhere.

It wasn't on NBC, none of the regular football channels we're accustomed to finding games on. I kept seeing ESPN report the score on their TV show, but could not find the game.

In the dream, I was furious. "WHERE IS THE GAME?!?!?" Then, I had to flip through all the channels and it was on TNT. TNT?!?! WTH? Seriously? It's on TNT?

I had missed all but the last few minutes of the game. It was a close game, a real back-and-forth battle. Oh, and get this--It was being played in the Astrodome! LOL! Yep, the dreary and dungy Astrodome.

When I woke up this morning, I was never so glad to be awake in all my life.
I have to work, unfortunately. And where I work will likely have the game on, but I wont be able to catch more than a play or two every 10 minutes or so. What to do, what to do...