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Case Keenum to start Sunday

Well, we are going to find out this Sunday if we have a future QB or still need to find one in the draft or a trade. I like it.

And I am personally going to be rooting like hell for Case to do the job.
You guys ninja'ed me to it....had just posted this on our Austin Texans FB page then was headed here....

610 JUST announced Case Keenum WILL start Sunday. Says Kubes just made it official......I may be too excited...

:jam: :htown2atx: :headbang:
This will be fascinating.

What does Keenum need to do to show he is the QB for this team?

To the Perpetually Insatiable (tm) there isn't anything he can show.

To sane people, don't turn the ball over, get rid of the ball quick, and hit the open man when there is one. He'll be managed heavily I'm sure, but I'm hoping we take a few shots downfield if the run game is working. KC's D is tough.
Well I'm glad I didn't say I'd eat my hat on video if Keenum started, I am absolutely floored by this decision. Kubiak might be realizing his job is on the line and that Yates sucks worse than Schaub.
I almost fell out of my chair when I heard it. I just turned 610 on when it was announced. I wonder if this may have been pushed forward by Bob, as I don't see Kubiak being able to make that decision on his own.
Can only wonder if Kubiak is setting Keenum up for failure and keep him reigned in. A Dink and dunk fest might be coming. Hopefully he caters to his strengths and let's him ball. Here's to never seeing schaub again!!!
Well, at least this will get me excited to watch the game this week. It's been tough the last couple weeks.

I truly hope, for the Texans seasons sake, that y'all are right about this guy

Maybe it'll be a nice shot in the arm for the remainder of the team too
Alright...well lets see what we got kids.....McNair might've put that call in. whatever happens, i still think he needs at least the game after this to definitively say he's not the guy.
Keenum deserves it, but my greatest fear is that Keenum comes in and plays just good enough to (a) keep Kubiak around and (b) preclude us from drafting a QB.

Swearinger over Keo...Kubiak realizes his back is against the wall....Last stop to unemployment is!!
One way or the other,we will find out about tim tebow keenum

On the contrary, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say for the vast majority of folks that are either rabidly anti-Case or rabidly pro-Case, nothing that happens on Sunday (and maybe the rest of the season) will change their minds.
for me it's going to be an eyeball test and hoping that kubiak doesnt handcuff him with 4 yard routes. case needs to look like he belongs and show that he can handle the job. with a bye week coming, i'm not putting too much into his first game in a very tough situation. mostly i'm hoping he does enough to earn the job, and get all of the first team reps during the bye.
Keenum deserves it, but my greatest fear is that Keenum comes in and plays just good enough to (a) keep Kubiak around and (b) preclude us from drafting a QB.


The goal is to win. If we win, I don't care about the other things because they wouldn't be necessary.
W. O. W. :evil:

Somebody in that organization is actually trying to figure it out. :doot:
I don't know what will happen, but I know this is the right decision--give 'im a chance. It's your ball, Case; go get it done!
Not the way I wanted to see it happen but it is here so, I hope to see a bit of college excitement with Keenum along with a dash of pro mixed in as he does have some NFL prep time under his belt. I think younger guys like Newton and Jones will step up and the entire Offense gets a fresh breath. They should want to make the new kid look good as one of their own. IMO, this is an attempt to save his job by Kubiak.

I missed the game driving to Dallas with a church group and heard the final score at a rest break. I want to catch up with details of play and go from there. Hopefully, Keenum is as good as I think he is and we will not have to use a high pick on QB.
Remember when so many people said the keenum vs Yates discussion in the pre season was not important?

Now we are hoping the kid can save our season.
On the contrary, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say for the vast majority of folks that are either rabidly anti-Case or rabidly pro-Case, nothing that happens on Sunday (and maybe the rest of the season) will change their mind.

I'm rabidly unsure any of the QBs on the roster are "the answer". I'm reasonably sure Schaub's best years are behind him and Yates is not the answer though. I don't think one game will positively answer the question either way on Case, so whatever happens Sunday it would be nice if he got more than one game to prove himself.

Starting Case does make the game a little more interesting
Can only wonder if Kubiak is setting Keenum up for failure and keep him reigned in. A Dink and dunk fest might be coming. Hopefully he caters to his strengths and let's him ball. Here's to never seeing schaub again!!!

That's what he is though.That's what schaub is also,but he want even looking for the other behind route. He would read andre to the slow ass te vs andre to hopkins to the te. There were a lot plays schaub refused to even look at the worse he played. The worse heplayed,the tighter he got. Hopefully case won't be in such a hurry to get rid of the ball that he don't allow the route to develop. That's the problem with sam bradford and alex smiths of the world.

Awesome news. I hope he does really really well. Makes me excited to see the game. I think a few running plays to get him warmed up, then some short dump off passes, mid range passes and then, run, run, and bam- bomb down the field to AJ. I hope he has good pocket awareness, good protection and not oblivious to the blindsided rush/sack threat. If needed, we can see a nice scramble, busted play, running back-mode for Keenum - at least once!
I'm actually excited about the game now. Don't think he's going to do very well against this defense but still excited to see a new mobile QB at the reigns.
This is THE most excited I've been for a game in a long time.

I believe if kubiak allows case to play his own style within the offense case will flourish. But I'm mostly excited because to me this signifies that we are open to other things at the qb position. If case can't do it, draft a qb high next year.

But case is going to ball.
Well whaddaya know? A chance for the guy to prove himself.

For the record I really and truly hope my gut feeling about him is wrong and he is that franchise guy for us. Looking forward to sunday.