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Break out the paper bags again

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I sat in the Sportsbook sportsbar in Vegas when the Texans played Philadelphia proudly with my David Carr Jersey on and I do believe I was the lone Houston fan in the building but I sat there from start to finish and supported my team. If you don't want to support and be a fan no matter what then either leave the city or stop watching sports. Every team will have highs and lows with the lows sometimes lasting longer then one would like but thats the way it is. No bags here baby:shoot:
Double Barrel said:
Bags are so....unoriginal. Surely these 'Fans Who Are Not Fans' can think of something a bit more original to display their shame at being a fan of a team that they don't want to be a fan of. Like, maybe...glue a box of a dozen doughnuts on your head. That way, you make people laugh while giving them a delicious snack, too.

LMAOOO...Now thats original....
Second Honeymoon said:
Dont worry dude..your 'carr in muscle shirt' avatar already outs you as a homer...

You say 'homer' like its a bad word. What's wrong with being a homer?

I suspect this site was originally planned as a site for Texan fans to talk Texan and NFL football.

A 'home' for Texan fans so to speak. :logo:

Here's your plastic bag/with tie wrap.

:coffee:.. :homer:
Come on Texan fans if someone wants to look like a donkeys rear-end and a wear a bag over their head, they are protected by the first amendment. These gerland bag wearers just need to realize that espn, sports illustrated and the likes only look for your types to put on print and paint our city as one who have irrational fans and no hope, your choice though I guess.

Still, if we know it's stupid then don't pay the thread any attention, until that happens...........

have some

to go with that
Maybe if the Texans gave people something to believe in other than a 2-16 record in last 18 games people would not be contemplating wearing a bag on their heads. I say go ahead a wear them because this team has not given us anything to cheer about. Heck, even if we competed in the last two games, I don't think people would even consider wearing bags. Do you want ban booing too? We have to show these owners, players, or coaches we ain't happy with what their doing.
rondog said:
Maybe if the Texans gave people something to believe in other than a 2-16 record in last 18 games people would not be contemplating wearing a bag on their heads. I say go ahead a wear them because this team has not given us anything to cheer about. Heck, even if we competed in the last two games, I don't think people would even consider wearing bags. Do you want ban booing too? We have to show these owners, players, or coaches we ain't happy with what their doing.

Wear bags on your heads, boo your own team.

Yeah...that should help.
cuppacoffee said:
Wear bags on your heads, boo your own team.

Yeah...that should help.

You don't think Carr and the boys get fired up when they here boooooooooos or look up and see someone who has payed money for admittance to be wearing a paper bag over their head? :sarcasm:
D-Vizzl said:
You don't think Carr and the boys get fired up when they here boooooooooos or look up and see someone who has payed money for admittance to be wearing a paper bag over their head? :sarcasm:

Heck let's clap everytime the o-line lets someone sack will boost his confidence....
Barkley said:
So I guess incompetence is acceptable to you?

No it isn't.

I guess Kubiak and McNair won't know the team in underperforming unless we boo our team and wear sacks on our heads.

I think an empty seat says more than a pizzed fan with a sack on their head.

The moneys already spent, you don't have to go. Thats making a real statement...:mad:

I had season tickets to the Oilers during the 1-13 years. When I got disgusted enough, I stayed away from the games. Much more fun finding something else to do on a Sunday afternoon than sitting in a crowd with a paper sack on my head screaming boooo.

But thats just me.

Wanna put a sack on your head ...:bag:

Whatever makes you happy.


I believe there was a lot of that last year and what did we do to improve our o-line nothing. We could of gotten Vince or Reggie, but we didn't. We need to show them we mean business and not going to a game in which we already have season tickets is not going to do it. They already have our money, now they need our voices, whether it's good or bad, they need to know how we feel.
rondog said:
I believe there was a lot of that last year and what did we do to improve our o-line nothing. We could of gotten Vince or Reggie, but we didn't.

And how would Vince or Reggie improve our O-line?
Sorry you didn't understand. If we weren't going to improve our o-line until the the third round then we could of gotten Vince or Reggie.
Barkley said:
So I guess incompetence is acceptable to you?

Unbelievable. In all seriousness, why, if you are so disgusted and want to wear a bag on your head, and boo these kids, would you waste your time and energy going to the game. Why not stay home and do something that makes you happy, and leave those of us that want to support our team, in peace, so we don't feel like slapping the **** out of you. You would feel much better for it, and so would those of us that support the team.

Life Lesson.....Strive to be happy!!!!!!!!! Smile, the world is a fun place.

Did your mother hang you upside down while your dad whipped you or something??????::whip:
A fan with a bag on their head and then boos shows nothing but cowardice in my opinion. They should give their seats to charity, sell them, give them away or just do not go. But a bag on the head shows that they are not a fan, but rather a narcissistic defeatist.
rondog said:
Hey I have moved on and I don't like what I see.

Well, obviously, you don't.

Honestly, booing your own team is a stupid thing to do. My high school football team looks like crap right now, but I still go to their games. Do I boo them? NO. I go there to root for my team, and at the worst, we leave when the game is out of reach because of the team's mistakes (fumbles, INT's, no offense, etc.). But I NEVER boo them.

I saw Texas Tech in a bowl game a few years ago. Did I boo them when a loss was imminent? Nope.
rondog said:
I believe there was a lot of that last year and what did we do to improve our o-line nothing. We could of gotten Vince or Reggie, but we didn't. We need to show them we mean business and not going to a game in which we already have season tickets is not going to do it. They already have our money, now they need our voices, whether it's good or bad, they need to know how we feel.

I wouldn't say drafting Winston and Spencer was nothing. Guess you think that is not enough.

We got a new head coach and general manager. Guess they should have fixed everything by now.

Sounds more to me like you are still :crying: over Vince or Reggie, regardless of the fact neither one of them are O linemen, which you yourself say we needed. Go figure.

Sounds like your mind is made up.

Here's your :bag: Go let em' know how you feel.

That ought to help the team play better.:rolleyes:

Bullpen Drew said:
Put them on your head at the next game, because we still suck!:bag:
I put my bag on to read your post,but it will be off for the Texans game because I'M A TRUE TEXANS FAN.
why would you wanna put paper bags over your head an boo your own team??????? geez atleast we have one for goodness sake.........
I thought I was pretty reasonable in my response to this thread but I can't not come back to this. It's one of the stupidest things I've read in here lately and that's saying a lot on this board right now.

When Saints fans wore paper bags on their heads and coined the term "Ain'ts" it was original and funny. Every single fan who's copied it since then has moved progressively deeper into the "lame universe".

When Saints fans did it they had well over a decade of miserable frustration to point to. When Texans fans do it they look like crybabies who don't have the first clue how lucky they are to even have a team in town. They look like the kind of loser fans that get screwed by the local teams owner but who make it easy for the NFL to look the other way. Honestly from the NFL's point of view it's one thing to lose the big TV market here but it's no loss to be rid of Houston fans who don't know what they're looking at, don't support their team, and don't even bother to show up half the time when they have tickets. Now someone is suggesting that the ones who do should wear bags over their heads because they're ashamed of their team.

I'm surprised that the team isn't trying to do the same thing. I have no doubt they're at least somewhat ashamed of this mess they call a fanbase. Next season all bets are off and nobody is going to be making sure the games are all sold out. At that point I guess the fans transformation into "Oiler fans" will be complete. I see it's already started with this kind of crap.
Hervoyel said:
I thought I was pretty reasonable in my response to this thread but I can't not come back to this. It's one of the stupidest things I've read in here lately and that's saying a lot on this board right now.

When Saints fans wore paper bags on their heads and coined the term "Ain'ts" it was original and funny. Every single fan who's copied it since then has moved progressively deeper into the "lame universe".

When Saints fans did it they had well over a decade of miserable frustration to point to. When Texans fans do it they look like crybabies who don't have the first clue how lucky they are to even have a team in town. They look like the kind of loser fans that get screwed by the local teams owner but who make it easy for the NFL to look the other way. Honestly from the NFL's point of view it's one thing to lose the big TV market here but it's no loss to be rid of Houston fans who don't know what they're looking at, don't support their team, and don't even bother to show up half the time when they have tickets. Now someone is suggesting that the ones who do should wear bags over their heads because they're ashamed of their team.

I'm surprised that the team isn't trying to do the same thing. I have no doubt they're at least somewhat ashamed of this mess they call a fanbase. Next season all bets are off and nobody is going to be making sure the games are all sold out. At that point I guess the fans transformation into "Oiler fans" will be complete. I see it's already started with this kind of crap.

What he said since he put it much nicer than I would have.
Seriously. . . What is the big argument here?

If you don't like the team or the product they are producing why pay money and waste your time at the game?

Why not keep your money and time, and spend both on something you are proud to be doing and have a good time?

I am still waiting for one of the people who make the argument to boo and or wear bags to answer these questions. I may have missed it, but so far, I haven't seen them answered yet.
Brandon420tx said:
Thats uncool, they have a sack, its just over their face.

And I just offered up a solution for them not to lose it, and they get upset.
Try to be helpful and see where it gets ya.....:shades:
I got negative rep on this thread too from my first post. That's partially why I posted again and I can see the name of the person who left it but I'm going to leave it alone. I don't want it to turn into a rep slinging contest or something.

I do think it was unwarranted though.
So I just noticed that the Saints are already playing on Monday night. WOW! Is that just because they have Reggie that they are getting this national exposure? I sure hope I get to watch the Texans play on a Monday night some day.
MasterBasser said:
So I just noticed that the Saints are already playing on Monday night. WOW! Is that just because they have Reggie that they are getting this national exposure? I sure hope I get to watch the Texans play on a Monday night some day.

I think it is more because they are suppose to reopen the Superdome on Monday, but I am sure the that having the holy one Reggie didn't hurt.
Hervoyel said:
I'm surprised that the team isn't trying to do the same thing. I have no doubt they're at least somewhat ashamed of this mess they call a fanbase. Next season all bets are off and nobody is going to be making sure the games are all sold out. At that point I guess the fans transformation into "Oiler fans" will be complete. I see it's already started with this kind of crap.

This has and always will be my absolute nightmare. It's been more than disappointing seeing vacant seats become more and more noticable. I hope and pray the Texans never become the Oilers of old and vacate the city of Houston.

As for whoever's going to be wearing a sack, you'd best not be close to me for your own sake.:brickwall
I got negative rep on this thread too from my first post. That's partially why I posted again and I can see the name of the person who left it but I'm going to leave it alone. I don't want it to turn into a rep slinging contest or something.

I do think it was unwarranted though.

I just sent some positive rep back, because I think you hit it right on the head. When the Texans are 2 and 2, those fans will be in the front in all their Texans Gear acting like the people with the bags were someone else.
I think it is more because they are suppose to reopen the Superdome on Monday, but I am sure the that having the holy one Reggie didn't hurt.
Superdome has sold out all the season tickets....

This is all about the Katrina thing. Reggie is going to play off that, as well as the networks. This is why they got a MNF spot.....nothing to do with the team really.

I will stop now before I start ranting about this subject.
Hey, I've got an idea. Instead of the very unoriginal idea of putting sacks on your heads to show your displeasure with losing, why not use a Sharpie marker to write a big "L" on your forehead to tell the team what losers they are.

That way, you can also show everyone the rest of the week that you are mad about losing.
At least this year we have created some turnovers in the first few games. Didn't it take like 6 or 7 games last year before our D got our first turnover??

Theres one positive.
Dunta had a forced fumble in week 3 vs the Bengals.
Coleman had a forced fumble in week 4 vs the Tacks.
Evans had an interception in week 5 vs the Seahawks.

Yeah, we forced fumbles but we didn't recover them. I meant actual turnovers. Forcing fumbles are great but unless you can't recover its just a nice stat. But we forced our first turnover last season in week 5.
Didn't mean to come across as argumentative.
Just happened to have the window open on, so I figured I'd throw that in. You're absolutely right about the turnovers.

It's all good. The only reason I remember that is because everyone was going crazy on here about it last season... That and I was trying to find some improvements from last season lol. Every little bit help.
No need to break out the bags, but I can change the channel at will. Gotta be optimistic about this team. I think the Texans will win Sunday - it's a winnable game.
How was the Philly game humilliating? Were you around last season, seeing Carr sacked again and again and again? Being in the game with about 13 minutes left (2 scores down, ball inside their 30) is by no means embarassing. We were beaten by a verteran team with multiple Pro Bowlers who was despreate to show last season was an aberation. Did I like watching the second half? No. But was I emabarassed? I went outside with my Texans jersey on after the game the rest of the day.
If you plan to wear a bag on your head Sunday you are already admitting defeat, and looks like you plan to spend 3-4 miserable hours in the presence of Texan fans who aren't ready to admit defeat. Do us all a favor and GIVE your tickets to some underprivileged kid who would give his eye teeth to be able to watch ANY game!! That kid will show up with a smile on his face, and will be estatic just to be able to set foot inside a place like Reliant.

Don't torture yourself!! Make some kid happy!!
I don't understand the problem with paying customers showing that the current performance of the team is unacceptable. This team is embarassing, and the fans should be able to show their displeasure if they want to. It does not mkae them any less of a fan, it just makes a statement that we Will NOT accept sub-par performance. these people are paid professionals and they should be held accountable. In tne real world they would not get embarrasseed, they would get fired.

Seriously, man, if you are living so vicariously through your sports team(s) that you are personally embarrassed by a performance that you have absolutely no control over, then you might want to look into getting some more hobbies.

I wear Texans gear almost every day, and I have yet to be 'embarrassed' to display it, even after a 19-45 franchise record. Nothing/nobody can ridicule me if I do not enable them to do so. Their words are meaningless to me.

Just curious, when you say that you "Will NOT accept sub-par performance", what does this mean? idonno: It sounds like an ultimatum, but what are the consequences of "not accepting" something? Just interested to understand where this logic leads.
If you plan to wear a bag on your head Sunday you are already admitting defeat, and looks like you plan to spend 3-4 miserable hours in the presence of Texan fans who aren't ready to admit defeat. Do us all a favor and GIVE your tickets to some underprivileged kid who would give his eye teeth to be able to watch ANY game!! That kid will show up with a smile on his face, and will be estatic just to be able to set foot inside a place like Reliant.

Don't torture yourself!! Make some kid happy!!

I wear Texans gear most of the week also and endure the occasional ribbing for it, none of which makes me feel less a person, embarassed, etc. I love football and I love the team and I expect them to go nowhere but up. I enjoy going to games with my people and I love to see Ws but I'm going to have a good time regardless. I'm an extremely competitive person and I hate losing but I refuse to be upset or to feel much negative emotion over something I have zero control over. As a former college athlete myself, I understand what a boost it is to have fans who enjoy watching what I do and support me, and so I guess I feel it's only natural to give our players that same thing if I'm at the game. Being that I have met and even know to small extent some of the players, I don't feel as if any them are "doing me wrong" when they go out and give it their best and happen to lose.

Personally I am way too much a grown man to go to a game and wear a friggin paper sack on my head, boo my own players, or dump beer on their wives. I'd sell my tickets or give them to someone who would enjoy the experience, if I wasn't going to.
I think that by wearing a bag over your head, you're embarassing yourself more than the team ever could. What makes me laugh about the whole thing is how you actually believe you're expressing your dissatisfaction (Spelling? Is that even a word?) with this team. The idea in itself is unoriginal, ignorant, and just flat out moronic. If I were going to be at the game, I would make sure I have a piece of poster board with me that says "I'm not with this Titan fan" with an arrow pointing to whomever it may be just in case I happen to sit near someone with a bag on their head. But hey, that's just my opinion.
I think that by wearing a bag over your head, you're embarassing yourself more than the team ever could. What makes me laugh about the whole thing is how you actually believe you're expressing your dissatisfaction (Spelling? Is that evenI zm a word?) with this team. The idea in itself is unoriginal, ignorant, and just flat out moronic. If I were going to be at the game, I would make sure I have a piece of poster board with me that says "I'm not with this Titan fan" with an arrow pointing to whomever it may be just in case I happen to sit near someone with a bag on their head. But hey, that's just my opinion.

I am very embarrassed by my team

How do you like them apples???

See yall next week w/ a paper sack
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