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Ben Tate


Tate making slow progress

Running back Ben Tate missed the Buffalo game because of a pulled hamstring. Coach Gary Kubiak didn’t sound optimistic about Tate’s return for the Chicago game.

“For me to say yes, he’s going to be there I think is a little bit of a stretch right now,” Kubiak said. “I’m hoping Wednesday or Thursday he’s back on the field doing some stuff, at least with the trainers, and we’ll see. But (he’s) not as far along as we had expected.”

Something definitely going on behind the scenes. I'm sensing that Tate has copped an attitude, and Kubes has picked up on it. Not good. Not good at all.

Something definitely going on behind the scenes. I'm sensing that Tate has copped an attitude, and Kubes has picked up on it. Not good. Not good at all.

As fans, I'm sure we don't really know what's going on. But, one thing is for sure, he has been an injury bust as a player so far. I want him back to last seasons form, but so far this year he's done nothing. If he continues this, then all I can is is two out of three years here he's done nothing. That pretty much looks like a bust to me.

Something definitely going on behind the scenes. I'm sensing that Tate has copped an attitude, and Kubes has picked up on it. Not good. Not good at all.

... or maybe tate's hamstring isn't game ready yet? i'm not quite sure where you're getting the other stuff.
... or maybe tate's hamstring isn't game ready yet? i'm not quite sure where you're getting the other stuff.

or it's not really a hamstring pull but something else, the way both him and Ed Reed fell on each other was definitely odd. It's not like teams are really transparent on what they consider injuries.

Something definitely going on behind the scenes. I'm sensing that Tate has copped an attitude, and Kubes has picked up on it. Not good. Not good at all.

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I'm just curious, why do you assume that he's somehow soft or overstating his injury?

I'm not saying his lack of availability isn't a concern - attendance is definitely a big part of being a good NFL player, and he definitely has a spotty (at best) record in that regard, but it's entirely possible to miss an unacceptable level of games with injuries that are completely legitimate. What makes you (appear to be) so certain that isn't the case with Tate?
I'm just curious, why do you assume that he's somehow soft or overstating his injury?

I'm not saying his lack of availability isn't a concern - attendance is definitely a big part of being a good NFL player, and he definitely has a spotty (at best) record in that regard, but it's entirely possible to miss an unacceptable level of games with injuries that are completely legitimate. What makes you (appear to be) so certain that isn't the case with Tate?

Just from listening to Kubes it sounds like even he's questioning the seriousness of the injuries, but that's completely my opinion of it. For some reason I also never really liked Ben Tate anyway so I'm probably just too hard on him.
Has anyone heard the latest on Tate's hamstring?

We need this guy back yesterday.

Running back Ben Tate (hamstring) and rookie wide receiver DeVier Posey (knee/hamstring) also worked with trainers on Monday. They are expected to practice at full-speed on Wednesday.

Kubiak said Tate will probably have to start out on special teams when he returns, in part because Justin Forsett has played so well as the backup to Arian Foster. Tate has been out since Week 7 but said he views himself as having a “100 percent” chance of playing against the Titans.
Kubiak tries to give nothing to nobody. Tries to make them earn it. Make players play hard through stuff.

Day 1 with Kubiak, he make the point that he doesn't care how you came to the team, how you are drafted, that if you can perform well, practice well, you can play.

Hamstrings are very tricky because they aren't injuries you can gut through, nor are they easily preventable. The number one risk factor for hamstring injuries is being fast.

But hopefully, the best case scenario is Tate working hard, getting back, kicking ass. Being hungry. Competing.
Gary doing the equivalent of sending Ben Tate a fish wrapped in a flak jacket.


I don't see Kubiak making the same hardcore comments about other guys who have had hammie issues before. Foster, JJo being the prime examples. Tate got blasted pretty hard by Kubiak, whereas I never recalled him making public statements that bordered on "calling a guy out" like he has with Tate.

Meh. Whoever gets the job done is all I care about. Whether it's Tate or Forsett or even Grimes makes me no difference. There just seems to have always been a bit of a lesser personal relationship between Kubiak and Tate, from things that have happened thus far.
There was a time, I think it was Tate's second year here...where Tate had gone to Kubiak's office either early in preseason or maybe even camp...and Tate (by his own words, and I don't even know where to start looking for the actual article on it) but Tate tells Kubiak he had sorted some stuff out and was 100% dedicated to being a better RB.

I remember it, just not sure where it was at.

Is Kubiak a guy who always has a Judas in the room, that one guy that the other players see and think "Whew! Glad I'm not THAT guy." It's a tactic some leader employ, to keep everyone else in line. Nobody wants to be Judas.

Granted, I know neither of those two guys...but why would Kubiak be so hard on him? Hamstrings are hard to recover from, you can't do anything BUT stay off it and when you come back you have to do it slowly or you'll be right back where you were. Maybe Tate isn't doing the prescribed preventative things he can do to avoid the hammie issues? Proper stretches, more time with the trainers, etc.

Foster was benched less than a half in the Raiders game, for attitude problems. Jacoby missed a game in Jacksonville for being late to team meetings too many times, but yet he was right back into the starting lineup the very next game. Tate has a hammie and he doesn't get RB2 back when he comes back???? Sorry, where there's smoke there's fire.

Whereas Kubiak could punish Foster and Tate because their transgressions were committed NOT with an accompanying injury, he can't very well punish Tate (who might have underlying issues we don;t know about) except for saying that Forsett has been running so well that it precludes Kubiak to keep Forsett at RB2 for now. An indirect punishment, IMO.
Kubiak said Tate will probably have to start out on special teams when he returns, in part because Justin Forsett has played so well as the backup to Arian Foster. Tate has been out since Week 7 but said he views himself as having a “100 percent” chance of playing against the Titans.

“Those guys that worked with the trainers probably worked harder than the guys that practiced,” Kubiak said. “The thing for me is I want to see Ben work with them, work hard, come out of it the next day and say, ‘I feel good and I’m ready to go.’ That hasn’t taken place up until this point, but I’m expecting that to take place tomorrow and he’s back on the field Wednesday.”

In part?
I don't see Kubiak making the same hardcore comments about other guys who have had hammie issues before. Foster, JJo being the prime examples. Tate got blasted pretty hard by Kubiak, whereas I never recalled him making public statements that bordered on "calling a guy out" like he has with Tate.

Meh. Whoever gets the job done is all I care about. Whether it's Tate or Forsett or even Grimes makes me no difference. There just seems to have always been a bit of a lesser personal relationship between Kubiak and Tate, from things that have happened thus far.

Now that you mention it, that is kinda odd. When Foster had his hammy issue & Tate filled in quite well, Gary didn't put Foster on special teams. He gave Foster his job right off the bat.

Dobbins played well, but Sharpton got his job back. Dressen played well, OD got his job back. Tj played well, you don't see Schaub on special teams.

Now that you mention it, that is kinda odd. When Foster had his hammy issue & Tate filled in quite well, Gary didn't put Foster on special teams. He gave Foster his job right off the bat.

Dobbins played well, but Sharpton got his job back. Dressen played well, OD got his job back. Tj played well, you don't see Schaub on special teams.


Interesting. Indeed. Tate's had to do something or give Kubes a reason to get the Stank Eye. He's most certainly in Kubes dog house. Looks like he's a curb candidate to me.
From the comments Kubiak has made, it seems like he thinks Tate is maybe dogging it a little with this hammie injury.

I agree that it is a bit out of character for Kubiak and that maybe there are some underlying circumstances.
From the comments Kubiak has made, it seems like he thinks Tate is maybe dogging it a little with this hammie injury.

I agree that it is a bit out of character for Kubiak and that maybe there are some underlying circumstances.

I'm not so sure about that DocBar.
Don't you think he knows he needs to work for his next paycheck?

It's not like the Texans have a culture of prima-Dona around here.
I'm sorry but Kubiak needs to swallow his pride and get this guy on the field. If Kubiak doesn't want him on the team I don't think now is the time to show his cards. He is the perfect compliment to Arian, and we are going to need him come playoff time. Simply put he makes the team better because he brings an element we just don't have without him.

Perhaps Tate responds better to this type of motivation. Oh, I lost my job now I have to go show them why it was my job in the first place.
I'm sorry but Kubiak needs to swallow his pride and get this guy on the field. If Kubiak doesn't want him on the team I don't think now is the time to show his cards. He is the perfect compliment to Arian, and we are going to need him come playoff time. Simply put he makes the team better because he brings an element we just don't have without him.

Perhaps Tate responds better to this type of motivation. Oh, I lost my job now I have to go show them why it was my job in the first place.

If there is an issue, I'm sure it's more because of "acting like a pro" Kubiak is big on that & I don't fault him. That may mean being on time to meetings, treatment, therapy, or whatever. All the behind the scenes things that can help a pro have a long productive career.

I agree Ben Tate brings something neither Foster or Forsett do. A punishing style that wears a defense down. But Forsett is productive and we are 10-1. If this means a better Ben Tate in the future, I'm all for it.
The other thing is this: If Tate is well enough to play Special Teams, he's well enough to get back the RB job.

If he can fly down the field at break-neck speed, on Special Teams, he can be the RB2 again.

So, yeah, this is a demotion. No matter how much a person wants to say that this is just Kubiak making people earn things...making them hungry...this is unusual.
I'm not so sure about that DocBar.
Don't you think he knows he needs to work for his next paycheck?

It's not like the Texans have a culture of prima-Dona around here.
I was speaking more of what Kubiak might think than what Tate might actually be doing.

As others have mentioned, hamstring injuries are tricky and Tate might not be willing to go until he is 100% over it. I don;t have a problem with that but Kubiak might. What good does it do for Tate to come out early and reinjure his hamstring? See AJ circa 2011.
I was speaking more of what Kubiak might think than what Tate might actually be doing.

As others have mentioned, hamstring injuries are tricky and Tate might not be willing to go until he is 100% over it. I don;t have a problem with that but Kubiak might. What good does it do for Tate to come out early and reinjure his hamstring? See AJ circa 2011.

Yeah, I think it makes more sense that Tate may have "somewhat of a me-first" problem. When he was healthy, he might have wanted some more playing times, but the coaches want him to do everything in a way that would serve the team as a whole first. Being attentive in meetings, being prompt, working hard in practices, doing what needed to be done in the off-season, things like that. Then be patient and wait for your chance, and keep waiting however long it might be.
Yeah, I think it makes more sense that Tate may have "somewhat of a me-first" problem. When he was healthy, he might have wanted some more playing times, but the coaches want him to do everything in a way that would serve the team as a whole first. Being attentive in meetings, being prompt, working hard in practices, doing what needed to be done in the off-season, things like that. Then be patient and wait for your chance, and keep waiting however long it might be.

The more I think about it, the more I wonder how long Tate will have to wait. We don't know what's going on behind the scenes, but we do know this "treatment" of Tate has been going on a long time.

While I understand that Arian is the starter, I think Tate has earned more snaps than what he is getting. We all talk about over using Foster, you'd think the carries would be more even throughout the game rather than the "every third series" touches he's getting.

I can understand feeding Arian the ball at the end of games, but throughout the game, Tate has proven to be pretty affective toting the rock & in pass protection.
Maybe this is a way of building up his trade value?

HC creates a situation where other teams see a rift, Tate doesn't have major issues (no blown knee, no broken/mending bones, etc.), so even though Tate is not getting a lot of snaps......the HC is basically selling Tate to other teams in an unofficial capacity.

Frankly I don't think that's the case. (A) It gives the impression that the Texans would sink to that level of salesmanship, (B) Even though Forsett is running really well for us lately, Kubiak and Co. know they need every single GOOD running back they've got under contract.

It makes zero sense for Kubiak to say the things he says in the media if he's not being vocal in a way that he thinks makes a bigger impact than personal one-on-one sit-downs with Tate that might not be taking root like Kubiak wants.

Kubiak may be many things, but he has proven to be a class act when it comes to taking the blame upon himself and deflecting criticisms of ALL of his players no matter what worth those players have to him at the time being. So for him to have taken this issue to the media, he was just either unguarded and displayed frustration with an uncontrollable situation OR he's sending a message to Tate that the status quo is not cutting it anymore.

Either way, it spotlights Tate for sure. At least in the eyes of Texans fans.
Furthermore, why doesn't any of the Houston sports media personalities try and ask him more about that Tate situation?????

I guess nobody wants to have their press credentials or access limited or cut completely? Prolly so. Rick and Gary don't give up any negative information very easily to reporters. P.R. 101.
I believe that the Texans are making sure that Tate is 100% before bringing him back. He's going to hit the stretch run of the season with fresh legs and no bumps and bruises. We'll be spelling Foster with a guy who's completely ready to go by playoff time.

Neither the Texans nor Ben Tate believe (I think) that he'll be on the team next year. He's going to be traded for something because if he isn't then he'll take someone's money the year after to start. When Ben Tate comes back this year he's got two purposes. Run for the Texans and for all intents and purposes run for a new contract. Not here but with whatever team makes the Texans an offer they think is fair.
Maybe this is a way of building up his trade value?

HC creates a situation where other teams see a rift, Tate doesn't have major issues (no blown knee, no broken/mending bones, etc.), so even though Tate is not getting a lot of snaps......the HC is basically selling Tate to other teams in an unofficial capacity.

Frankly I don't think that's the case. (A) It gives the impression that the Texans would sink to that level of salesmanship, (B) Even though Forsett is running really well for us lately, Kubiak and Co. know they need every single GOOD running back they've got under contract.

It makes zero sense for Kubiak to say the things he says in the media if he's not being vocal in a way that he thinks makes a bigger impact than personal one-on-one sit-downs with Tate that might not be taking root like Kubiak wants.

Kubiak may be many things, but he has proven to be a class act when it comes to taking the blame upon himself and deflecting criticisms of ALL of his players no matter what worth those players have to him at the time being. So for him to have taken this issue to the media, he was just either unguarded and displayed frustration with an uncontrollable situation OR he's sending a message to Tate that the status quo is not cutting it anymore.

Either way, it spotlights Tate for sure. At least in the eyes of Texans fans.

It seems to me like Kubiak and Rick smith have been doing a good job of treating the players. Guys like Holliday, Jacoby, Molden, etc must have gotten good reference to find employment elsewhere.
I read quite a few books and articles; there are different circles out there in the coaching and GM rank; they work just like the normal corporate world (more or less).
Neither the Texans nor Ben Tate believe (I think) that he'll be on the team next year. He's going to be traded for something because if he isn't then he'll take someone's money the year after to start. When Ben Tate comes back this year he's got two purposes. Run for the Texans and for all intents and purposes run for a new contract. Not here but with whatever team makes the Texans an offer they think is fair.

He better knock the ball out of the park then. I think he's missed too much time. He missed his entire rookie season. Substantial parts of this season.... & running backs have a short life span.

I don't see anyone breaking the bank for him unless he comes back in 2013 have a great season, then gets to FA.
conspiracy theory: he's been out all year for the purpose of having a fresh back for the playoffs.

Still not working for me Doc.
I tried both my IPhone and my desktop yesterday.
I only tried the IPhone today, maybe the desktop will work later.
What's it about anyway?
Can you just summarize it?

Kubiak hints at Tate starting over Foster
by Terry McCormick
September 15, 02011

Houston Texans coach Gary Kubiak said he believes in rewarding performance, and it sure sounds as if he is about to reward Ben Tate with another start Sunday in Miami in place reigning NFL rushing champion Arian Foster.

Of course, that news comes much to the chagrin of fantasy owners around the nation who made Foster their first pick in their respective drafts, even as he nursed a hamstring injury that cost him the opener last Sunday against the Indianapolis Colts.

Foster was back on the practice field for the Texans on Wednesday, and could be in line to play this weekend against Miami. But it sounds as if Tate, who rushed for 116 yards in his debut last week, might get the starting nod.

“This league is a league of opportunity," Kubiak told Dolphins beat writers in a conference call Wednesday. "There’s a lot of good people backing up or running third and all of a sudden guys get hurt. Some of them go in and take advantage of their opportunities, and some of them don’t. I say it to our team all the team: If you get an opportunity and go out and do it, I’m going to leave you out there.”
IMO, if Tate leaves or is traded he'll be similar to that of Knowshon Moreno. He'll be counted on to be the team's bell cow, but end up hurt all the time. I like him where he is now. A part timer that is also a threat to defenses.