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Are CJ Stroud doubters converted or are there still doubters left?

How do you feel about Stroud now?

  • I was skeptical and am still skeptical

    Votes: 2 2.8%
  • I was skeptical and now believe we have our franchise QB

    Votes: 25 34.7%
  • I was optimistic and now believe we have our franchise QB

    Votes: 45 62.5%

  • Total voters
Brett Farve went to GB in 1992. Rodgers was drafted in 2005. Love was drafted in 2020. GB did not draft Rodgers and Love because the current QB was getting expensive. They drafted the new QB because the previous one was getting old.
And both Favre and Rodgers were talking retirement for a couple of years before replacement was drafted
Brett Favre went to GB in 1992. Rodgers was drafted in 2005. Love was drafted in 2020. GB did not draft Rodgers and Love because the current QB was getting expensive. They drafted the new QB because the previous one was getting old.
Maybe. But neither had won any SBs after their one early win. Why? Did finances keep GB from putting a SB team around their superstar QB? What is being suggested is trading your superstar QB after 7 years while still on his second contract and using your finances on the rest of the team. You would have to use your draftpicks from the gangbuster trade to draft your next QB, if he was not already on the team. Admittedly this is not a certain thing. But if you have a couple of down years, your own draft picks will be higher. And you have to be smart in your drafting. Crucial in long term sucess, as important as your QB, is stability in your coaching and your offense.
Maybe. But neither had won any SBs after their one early win. Why? Did finances keep GB from putting a SB team around their superstar QB? What is being suggested is trading your superstar QB after 7 years while still on his second contract and using your finances on the rest of the team. You would have to use your draftpicks from the gangbuster trade to draft your next QB, if he was not already on the team. Admittedly this is not a certain thing. But if you have a couple of down years, your own draft picks will be higher. And you have to be smart in your drafting. Crucial in long term sucess, as important as your QB, is stability in your coaching and your offense.
Really like Packers current roster rebuild post Rodgers more than Farve era. Probably asset to go through experience before, but draft class is also falling in their favor as well.
Are you saying that Derrick leaving wasn't the best thing to happen to the Texans?
I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that trading CJ after 7 years, if the Texans hadn't won a SB, is the dumbest thing I've ever heard on this MB.
I'm asking if his contract was structured so he wasn't eating up a bunch of the cap for the first 3-4 years of his new contract? If so, that would make a 7-8 yr window and that's with the best QB of his generation.

I don’t see any chance the Texans would move on from CJ, if he continues his stellar play, for cap reasons.

We’ve waited 20 years for a qb like this. No chance they’d move on.

But besides that, having an elite qb gives you the best chance to win. Even with a lesser roster around them.

Cycling through generational qbs (or even just really good ones) isn’t really something you can bank on.
I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that trading CJ after 7 years, if the Texans hadn't won a SB, is the dumbest thing I've ever heard on this MB.
A QB has a 7 yr period to win a SB before the cap limits the chances of winning a championship. Check it out, Stafford was the only guy to break the trend. This is just my philosophy but you should check it out. Brady and Mahomes gave breaks to keep the window open. Don't ever expect a Viadd Morf the gethto (word scramble )to give the Texans that kind of break.
... Agreed it will never happen, but if owners were smart it would happen. The reason ownership won't do it is because of marketing reasons...

Mahomes just won one making 17%, Stafford just won one making 11%...

It had never been higher than 15% until last year and then suddenly now we’re at 17%. Could be 19% by next year ... Allen is at 11% this year...

I just know what the numbers say.

The main reason teams dont operate the way I would like has to do with marketing ... You know they could trade Stroud after yr 7 and get a kings ransom too. If the Texans haven't won a championship by yr 7 with Stroud they most likely never will win a championship with him, so moving on would be the way I would go.

... The Rams and Stafford won a SB with Stafford eating up more than 13% because the Rams mortgaged their future to win a SB. (BTW,A philosophy I agree with) Mahomes and Brady are the only other 2 to beat the odds and their the best QB's of their generations. So if your the best of your generatoin then maybe you have a point. Otherwise it's best to move on after yr 7.
Mahomes cap hit in 2022 was $35.8M. Last year, 2023, it was $37.1M. I don't know what percentage of cap this was, but Khelar says it was 17%. This year, 2024, Mahomes cap hit will be $37.0M. Maybe because of the large increase in cap, his percentage drops back down to 14.68%.

Next year KC will be entering cap hell. Mahomes cap hit will go up astronomically to $66.2M. It increases again in 2026 to $68.6M and then drops slightly in 2027 to $64.8M. Then in 2028 it drops to a favorable $32.5M.

Now, we don't know how much the cap will increase in 2025, but obviously Mahomes percentage will not increase to near 30%. But I would guess that the number will be somewhere between 20% and 25%. It'll sure be interesting to see how KC handles this.
A QB has a 7 yr period to win a SB before the cap limits the chances of winning a championship. Check it out, Stafford was the only guy to break the trend. This is just my philosophy but you should check it out. Brady and Mahomes gave breaks to keep the window open. Don't ever expect a Viadd Morf the gethto (word scramble )to give the Texans that kind of break.
I don’t see any chance the Texans would move on from CJ, if he continues his stellar play, for cap reasons.

We’ve waited 20 years for a qb like this. No chance they’d move on.

But besides that, having an elite qb gives you the best chance to win. Even with a lesser roster around them.

Cycling through generational qbs (or even just really good ones) isn’t really something you can bank on.
I disagree with the giving you the best chance to win.

Letting go of Derrick proves your last paragraph wrong.
I disagree with the giving you the best chance to win.

Letting go of Derrick proves your last paragraph wrong.
Watson was a better version of Manziel and Mayfield: make plays off schedule and improvise. He's never been a solid pocket QB. Mabey that's why Haslam coveted Watson so much.
Watson was a better version of Manziel and Mayfield: make plays off schedule and improvise. He's never been a solid pocket QB. Mabey that's why Haslam coveted Watson so much.
I agree 100% By the way, how many seasons has Watson been out for since leaving the Texans in 2020? Around three isn’t it? I just don’t see him getting back to the player he was while in Houston. The Browns will probably end up cutting him after throwing a bunch of money at a FA vet, then drafting another QB in the first round. I love this as I had grown used to the Texans being the ones to always get fleeced. Nick Caserio is the MF man!
I disagree with the giving you the best chance to win.

Letting go of Derrick proves your last paragraph wrong.

Agree to disagree about having an elite QB giving you the best chance to win.

Not sure what Watson has to do with cycling through QB's. If I remember, before Watson had his off field transgressions, you didn't like the way he played on the field. Are you now saying that you considered Watson to have been a generational or really good QB when he was here?
The DeShaun Watson regurgitation has nothing to do with the bogus theory of the 15% cap QB.

Next year KC will be entering cap hell. Mahomes cap hit will go up astronomically to $66.2M. It increases again in 2026 to $68.6M and then drops slightly in 2027 to $64.8M. Then in 2028 it drops to a favorable $32.5M.
Mahomes will not play with a $66 million cap number in 2025. It will be restructured to a number the Chiefs can function under. And it's not because Mahomes is giving the franchise "a break". Mahomes will make the same money. Or more.

This is the new norm. And it's because the cap is going up at larger rates than before and teams can project future salaries much easier. Everything you once thought you knew about the cap, including @steelbtexan's 15% - now 7 year rule, is a thing of the past. Meet the new bosses. Their names are Restructuring and Voidable Years.
The DeShaun Watson regurgitation has nothing to do with the bogus theory of the 15% cap QB.

Mahomes will not play with a $66 million cap number in 2025. It will be restructured to a number the Chiefs can function under. And it's not because Mahomes is giving the franchise "a break". Mahomes will make the same money. Or more.

This is the new norm. And it's because the cap is going up at larger rates than before and teams can project future salaries much easier. Everything you once thought you knew about the cap, including @steelbtexan's 15% - now 7 year rule, is a thing of the past. Meet the new bosses. Their names are Restructuring and Voidable Years.
When did this happen?

It may happen, but it hasn't happened yet and players have been restructuring their contracts for yrs. At some point the QB becomes too expensive to win a championship with. The only players to break the mold are Brady and Mahomes who happen to be the best of their generation. Although lesser QB's are getting paid like they're those 2 guys.
Agree to disagree about having an elite QB giving you the best chance to win.

Not sure what Watson has to do with cycling through QB's. If I remember, before Watson had his off field transgressions, you didn't like the way he played on the field. Are you now saying that you considered Watson to have been a generational or really good QB when he was here?
Nope but he's being paid like one and his team won't be winning championships.
When did this happen?
It's happening all the time. Mahomes restructured this year. When the Jets traded for Rodgers, his cap hit was extended through 2028 when he's age 45. All of the new QB extensions begin at lower cap numbers for the 1st couple of years. When the balloon salaries kick in, the clubs will turn those into bonuses and spread the cap hit out through the remainder of the deal.

The salary cap is out of the wishbone era. The forward pass (of cap space) is the thing now.
It's happening all the time. Mahomes restructured this year. When the Jets traded for Rodgers, his cap hit was extended through 2028 when he's age 45. All of the new QB extensions begin at lower cap numbers for the 1st couple of years. When the balloon salaries kick in, the clubs will turn those into bonuses and spread the cap hit out through the remainder of the deal.

The salary cap is out of the wishbone era. The forward pass (of cap space) is the thing now.
Yep, and after these restructures the numbers remain about the same and the only guys to slightly raise the bar are generational guys
The DeShaun Watson regurgitation has nothing to do with the bogus theory of the 15% cap QB.

Mahomes will not play with a $66 million cap number in 2025. It will be restructured to a number the Chiefs can function under. And it's not because Mahomes is giving the franchise "a break". Mahomes will make the same money. Or more.

This is the new norm. And it's because the cap is going up at larger rates than before and teams can project future salaries much easier. Everything you once thought you knew about the cap, including @steelbtexan's 15% - now 7 year rule, is a thing of the past. Meet the new bosses. Their names are Restructuring and Voidable Years.
Don't disagree, but those are the numbers now. It will likely be like 2022 and 2023, where essentially the same money fell from 17% back down under 15%. KC will push the money forward, but look at the contract. They're going to be pushing money to 2032, 2033, 2034 and maybe beyond. Sooner or later the piper has to be paid.
Don't disagree, but those are the numbers now. It will likely be like 2022 and 2023, where essentially the same money fell from 17% back down under 15%.
It could be, but that's not the motive for creating cap space. It's to sign the players needed to fill out the roster. No team cares about this mythical percentage. They do care about having a full roster.
It could be, but that's not the motive for creating cap space. It's to sign the players needed to fill out the roster. No team cares about this mythical percentage. They do care about having a full roster.
Yeh, it's kind of like a retirement plan. After he retires from football, KC or some team will still be paying him $20M or $30M a year for umpteen years. If he should die, like in a car accident, his wife and children will keep getting paid. If he played his cards right, he and his family could have a guaranteed income for much of the rest of his life.
It's happening all the time. Mahomes restructured this year. When the Jets traded for Rodgers, his cap hit was extended through 2028 when he's age 45. All of the new QB extensions begin at lower cap numbers for the 1st couple of years. When the balloon salaries kick in, the clubs will turn those into bonuses and spread the cap hit out through the remainder of the deal.

The salary cap is out of the wishbone era. The forward pass (of cap space) is the thing now.
This is perfectly reasonable so long as the NFL's revenue/team salary cap keeps increasing, a dollar two years from now is worth much less than a dollar now. As Florio from PFT has mentioned, one option is to base contracts based on a % of the teams current salary cap, but that doesn't seem to be gaining traction.

One thing (that I don't see happening any time soon) is if the NFL's income goes into a slump and the salary cap stops going up. You'll see a fire sale on veteran players salaries and teams would have to take it on the nose for a lot of the contracts that are out there. This can still happen now if teams continuously push guaranteed dollars down the road, Digg's contract is a minor version of this. The Bills had to eat $31 million in dead money just to trade him to another team.
This is perfectly reasonable so long as the NFL's revenue/team salary cap keeps increasing, a dollar two years from now is worth much less than a dollar now.
No, I'm talking about how the salary cap is handled. So when Mahomes restructured this offseason, the Chiefs turned $27 million of salary into a restructure bonus and spread that $27 million over multiple years. Mahomes still gets the $27 million this year. In fact sooner, as it is not in 18 weekly increments.

One thing (that I don't see happening any time soon) is if the NFL's income goes into a slump and the salary cap stops going up. You'll see a fire sale on veteran players salaries and teams would have to take it on the nose for a lot of the contracts that are out there.

While the NFL can base growth through media contracts, they also set the cap year to year. We saw the league adjust the salary cap during COVID. They have enough flexibility to make that happen. And since they can set their own rules, with the agreement of the players union, changes can be made if necessary. Never worry about the NFL, They'll be fine no matter what.
No, I'm talking about how the salary cap is handled. So when Mahomes restructured this offseason, the Chiefs turned $27 million of salary into a restructure bonus and spread that $27 million over multiple years. Mahomes still gets the $27 million this year. In fact sooner, as it is not in 18 weekly increments.

Yep, that's what I intended to say. The 'dollars are worth less in the future' meant the cap hit % percentage lowers as future years total cap space increases. ie. $10M in 2024 with $100M total cap is 10%, but is you extend it to 2 years: $5M in 2024 with $100M total cap is 5% and the $5M in 2025 with a $125M total cap is 4% = a total cap hit of 9%. So by extending when the cap dollars hit you save 1% in this hypothetical. This works so long as the cap increases every year.
Yep, that's what I intended to say. The 'dollars are worth less in the future' meant the cap hit % percentage lowers as future years total cap space increases. ie. $10M in 2024 with $100M total cap is 10%, but is you extend it to 2 years: $5M in 2024 with $100M total cap is 5% and the $5M in 2025 with a $125M total cap is 4% = a total cap hit of 9%. So by extending when the cap dollars hit you save 1% in this hypothetical. This works so long as the cap increases every year.
Cap increase annually and also moving out older more expensive players for younger guys or draft picks to lower the overall cap hit.
It's not! It's a wild idea floated by one member

Is this the thread that keeps going on for pages and pages because one person will keep arguing with a dozen people who won’t stop arguing with that one person?

Is this the thread that somehow that one person turns into a mythical number of multiple amounts of people who share the same view, but realistically it’s that only one person’s view regurgitated over and over again?

Is this the thread that these dozen people who keep arguing with the same one person that should know better and just move along but out of sheer boredom and addiction keep going and going with the argument trying to convince someone who can’t be convinced?

Is this the thread that always occurs during a slow point in the season on an annual basis?

Asking for a friend.
Is this the thread that keeps going on for pages and pages because one person will keep arguing with a dozen people who won’t stop arguing with that one person?

Is this the thread that somehow that one person turns into a mythical number of multiple amounts of people who share the same view, but realistically it’s that only one person’s view regurgitated over and over again?

Is this the thread that these dozen people who keep arguing with the same one person that should know better and just move along but out of sheer boredom and addiction keep going and going with the argument trying to convince someone who can’t be convinced?

Is this the thread that always occurs during a slow point in the season on an annual basis?

Asking for a friend.
Does any of it make it a conversation? No
The UFO's ARE the footballs!


Whew, good job FuzzyLogic. Now can we get back into this off-season Stroud conversation. Here are two topic starters, "What does CJ need to do to improve his TD celebrations? They look awkward to me." and "I may be showing my age, but I'm not into the shaved front, big braided locks look. What hair style should he roll forward with?" :gathering:
Is this the thread that keeps going on for pages and pages because one person will keep arguing with a dozen people who won’t stop arguing with that one person?

Is this the thread that somehow that one person turns into a mythical number of multiple amounts of people who share the same view, but realistically it’s that only one person’s view regurgitated over and over again?

Is this the thread that these dozen people who keep arguing with the same one person that should know better and just move along but out of sheer boredom and addiction keep going and going with the argument trying to convince someone who can’t be convinced?

Is this the thread that always occurs during a slow point in the season on an annual basis?

Asking for a friend.
I started this tangent. Bored. Astros were playing badly and I lit the match. My apologies.
Whew, good job FuzzyLogic. Now can we get back into this off-season Stroud conversation. Here are two topic starters, "What does CJ need to do to improve his TD celebrations? They look awkward to me." and "I may be showing my age, but I'm not into the shaved front, big braided locks look. What hair style should he roll forward with?" :gathering:
I sort of like Prince's pompano. For football, tell him to have more TD passes thereby increasing his practice of his routines. Perhaps he could add an electric slide while playing air guitar like Prince?
It could be, but that's not the motive for creating cap space. It's to sign the players needed to fill out the roster. No team cares about this mythical percentage. They do care about having a full roster.
Mythical percentage? LMAO

The problem is that someday the bill will come due.
I'm curious about the 2 voters who voted "I was skeptical and am still skeptical." I am well familiar with the PTSD that Bill O'Brien created, but if having a rookie QB come in and set multiple NFL records doesn't shake that disorder off, I'm not sure what to tell them.
More than likely what they can’t shake off is how badly they had their noses rubbed in it from how wrong they were with that S2 worship.

hey…. at least it’s back on topic
Got a little curious while catching up on this thread, but first, a question: What is or should be the goal, to field a team which is competitive and entertaining? Or to win the Big One?

The Packers had two QBs from 1992 to 2022. In this 30 year span, with two of the greatest QBs in NFL history, they won only two SBs. The first was XXXI in 1996, Favre's 5th with the Packers. The second was XLV in 2010, Rodgers' 4th with the Packers.

Now to top it all off, the Packers are going to be hit with a $63M cap hit on one player no longer with the team.

Was this good football strategy? Will we be satisfied with a similar career path for Stroud?

Even though they had two QBs from 1992 to 2022, they drafted several QBs over that period that actually had pretty good careers... just not with the Packers.

Matt Hasselbeck had 3 PB seasons and made it to the SB. Mark Brunell turned out pretty good with a young Jaguar team, and Brooks brought some excitement back to the Saints.

But I get the point, it's one thing to be a perennial contender and another thing to be a perennial contender who can't finish the job. But there are rare teams that are able to finish the job very often. That's what we all want, but we've got to recognize that it's a rare, magical thing.
Even though they had two QBs from 1992 to 2022, they drafted several QBs over that period that actually had pretty good careers... just not with the Packers.

Matt Hasselbeck had 3 PB seasons and made it to the SB. Mark Brunell turned out pretty good with a young Jaguar team, and Brooks brought some excitement back to the Saints.

But I get the point, it's one thing to be a perennial contender and another thing to be a perennial contender who can't finish the job. But there are rare teams that are able to finish the job very often. That's what we all want, but we've got to recognize that it's a rare, magical thing.

I think the point was not that they drafted guys who had decent NFL careers with other teams, but that they didn't invest draft capital in the position. Which was the premise of the "get rid of your QB every seven years" strategy. All three of these guys were no-risk flyers drafted in Rounds 4-6.
I think the point was not that they drafted guys who had decent NFL careers with other teams, but that they didn't invest draft capital in the position. Which was the premise of the "get rid of your QB every seven years" strategy. All three of these guys were no-risk flyers drafted in Rounds 4-6.

I think they also took a second rounder on Brian Brohm that didn't turn out so well.