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Anyone else have the feeling that the bottom is about to drop on our season

Old Texans team would

@Indy ; lose
San Diego ; lose
@ Jax ; lose
@ Jets ; lose
Titans ; lose
@Philly ; lose and since now it doesn't matter if they win
Baltimore ; win
@ Tennessee ; win
@ Denver ; win
Jax ; win


New Texans team that "finds ways to win" possibly

@Indy ; win, Indy is too beat up, Texans feel good about beating them once so they do it again
San Diego ; win, on a roll is an understatement and San Diego sucks.
@ Jax ; lose. I know.
@ Jets ; lose....I know. It hurts doesn't it?
Titans ; lose. Come on they can't beat the Titans can they?
@Philly ; win. Philly isn't great at anything, even their D looks worse than it used to
Baltimore ; lose. Pfft, yeah right, keep dreaming assholes.
@ Tennessee ; win. It would be just like them to go into Hickville and win wouldn't it?
@ Denver ; win. Pssh. Ain't takin no crap from Denver.
Jax ; win, Jax is out of it and doesn't care

10-6, Maybe playoffs.

I see 'em this way...
@Indy ; win - they're beat up and they can't stop our running game.
San Diego ; lose - they're due, why not against the Texans who stink at home.
@ Jax ; win - Oregon wishes they had Jax on the schedule
@ Jets ; lose - they killed us here last year and they'll be at home this time
Titans ; win - Crowd will be a factor - Collins/Young get sacked thrice
@Philly ; win- I finally amke it to a road game, they HAVE to win!
Baltimore ; lose - The Ravens shut down our offense, our defense can't stop theirs
@ Tennessee ; lose - no sweep of Bud's team, just enough to win
@ Denver ; win - they think the Raiders offense looked strong...
Jax ; win - Sweep our new doormats.

10-6 - battling for a playoff spot.
I'm actually feeling very good about the season right now... Here's an article I wrote yesterday explaining myself a little bit:

I confess that I am a renowned optimist.

Great post, I too can't help but be optimistic about this team & Kubiak, some of the same reasons as you, but my reads on the moves are slightly different.

First, I'm really optimistic about Kubiak, because when they talk, they all deliver the same message Kubiak gives at the podium. "It's not one or two guys, it's the group. We all have to get better. It's not the defense, or the offense, we're one group."

That tells me the players not only "like" him, they believe in him. They believe in his system, & they believe he can take them to the promised land.

So until the players start delivering "their own" message, I'm a GK supporter.

But about the moves. Yes, moving Cushing to the middle makes the most sense, because he can drop & play the pass much better than any of our LBs have demonstrated they can. He's instinctive & right most of the time, he can read the QB, & he understand you don't stand where the little X is when the coach draws it up on the board, the whole area is your responsibility.

Okam was a big body..... period. Hopefully useful on goal line situations. With Cushing in the middle (no offense to Demeco) you don't really need that big body anymore. In goal line situations, I think we'll be hearing Cushing's name a lot more.

Bringing up Sheppard gives you a true three man rotation if Mitchell is hurt.... if Mitchell can play, that gives you 4. We've got to get an 8 man rotation going up front. If our offense doesn't get started early, our D is going to be on the field for a long time. Smallish DTs & DEs that are quick & strong aren't built for that.

Jamison, we've got 10 weeks to go. Let's put this guy on the payroll & keep him in shape in the event we need him down the line.

The only thing I think I would have done differently would be to move Diles back to the strong side & put Adibi/Sharpton in at the Will. But that is more to address our pass defense. With Diles & Bentley, it appears the focus is still to stop the run, & I'm fine with that.
My thoughts:

@Indy : WIN - historic sweep and first win in Indy. They're down and we're due.
San Diego : LOSE - a tough, physical team that desperately needs wins. We'll be due for a letdown after sweeping Indy for the first time, and we don't play physical teams very well this season.
@ Jax : WIN - The Texans will be chasing the Titans in the division race at this point, so they rise up and beat a team that we've traditionally played well against.
@ Jets : LOSE - One of the physical teams that I just don't see us beating, especially if they shut down our offense and our D can't fight it's way out of a wet paper bag.
Titans : LOSE - VY does it again...unfortunately. He's inspired to play in his hometown, and the Texans hardly ever seem to rise up in games that fans are really passionate about (see the Cowboys game). Plus, another physical team that has it's way with the finesse, but I think the score will be close.
@ Philly : LOSE - Vick runs and passes through our soft D like a hot knife through melted butter.
Baltimore : LOSE - The Ravens D dials in our number, stops the run game, and chases #8 all day long. They have no problem scoring on Mr. Whipple...errrr...our defense.
@ Tennessee : WIN - because desperation is kicking in and the Titans are arrogant enough at this point to play sloppy football that we capitalize on. Another close game with the Titans.
@ Denver : WIN - If the Raiders can score 59 on this D, our offense should have a field day. Expect a 52-51 score, though. hehe
Jax : WIN - Sweeping another division rival this season for a 5-1 division record and a game we have to win for a winning record.

I see 9-7, and not sure if this is good enough for a wildcard playoff spot in the AFC, but it's definitely good enough to keep the head coach, especially with the division record.

Much nail-biting by Texans fans and more "next year" talk by talking heads if we miss the playoffs by thiiiis much.
3. Tim Jamison signed to practice squad- I argued a few weeks ago that I think the defensive end situation would’ve been stronger if we had simply kept Jamison instead of chasing our tails with guys like Denney and Ogunleye. Well, Ogunley and Mark Anderson are still here but they recognized their error and brought back Tim Jamison. Barring Mark Anderson returning to rookie form, expect to see Tim Jamison in the DL rotation by week 10 and making some heavy contributions. He is a very good pass rusher, in my opinion.

Going to disagree here, if there was really and good chance at talent he would have been picked up at home instead of sitting for the texans for what almost a month? I'm sorry I don't think we'll be finding Benard Pollard diamond in the roughs two years in a row.
I really don't want to be Debbie Downer or jinx the team in anyway but after watching as many AFC games as I could on Sunday Ticket yesterday, I just have the sinking feeling that the wheels are going to come off.

What pisses me off the most is that the ****ing Titans, the team I hate the most, looks like the team to beat in this division. I am about to throw up in my mouth. They beat the NY Giants a team that raped us at home and are undefeated against the NFC East. They have the type of defense that gives us fits.

Losing to the Titans at home on Monday night last year did a number on me. I am a Horn and having the whole VY thing come up again makes me sick to my stomach.

I'd feel more confident if our defense was merely below average rather than one of the worst defenses I have seen in 20+ years as an NFL fan.

Ill tell you what, Im not to excited about our next stretch of games. BUT, our team surprised me when we went 4-2 in the first six games with a win over Indy, and comeback wins over KC and Washington. Especially since the first four games we didnt have Cushing and at one point we didnt have Cushing and Brown.

Im gonna be optimistic and hopefuly the Texans can continue to surprise me. Im definately not going to doom my personal time with pessimism. Theres nothing at all that we fans can do but support our team.

No matter how much we ***** about our defense, coaching, opponents, ref calls, etc, etc, nothing will change the way our Texans play the game. So why get all bent out of shape about everything.

I may be an eternal optimist but life is too short to stay pissed or worried about crap like this........especially since we are 4-2. :texflag:
If we are going 10-6 without a win against the Jets or Baltimore, we're not going to the play-offs.

Surely everyone understands that by now.

I can understand not predicting it.

But we need to stop talking about play-offs, if this team can't beat the Jets or Balt in the regular season.
If we are going 10-6 without a win against the Jets or Baltimore, we're not going to the play-offs.

Surely everyone understands that by now.

Everyone doesn't understand it because it isn't true. Either the Jets or Baltimore or both could win their division. Doesn't matter if they are 15-1 or 14-2 or 10-6 when they do it - a head's up tiebreaker is irrelevant as it doesn't apply between division winners and WC contenders. The questions then become who holds the tiebreakers if the Texans, Patriots and Pittsburgh (most likely) were to end up 10-6.
I'm actually feeling very good about the season right now... Here's an article I wrote yesterday explaining myself a little bit:

2. Waiving Frank Okam and the promotion of Malcolm Sheppard- Good riddance! He was actually playing better than I expected. But, when your a defense that isn’t making plays, it is ludicrous to hold on to a 3rd year run stuffing prospect that is totally unreliable and has zero playmaking abilities in lieu of a rookie with a great motor and a ton of talent and playmaking ability. An already horizontally challenged DT group just got even leaner. However, we also replaced a non-playmaker with a playmaker. That is a net gain!

Okam was definitely a disappointment, but what has Sheppard done to earn the "playmaker" status? Other than seeing what seems to be a high-motor type ability in training camp we haven't seen him do jack in the NFL.
3. Tim Jamison signed to practice squad- I argued a few weeks ago that I think the defensive end situation would’ve been stronger if we had simply kept Jamison instead of chasing our tails with guys like Denney and Ogunleye. Well, Ogunley and Mark Anderson are still here but they recognized their error and brought back Tim Jamison. Barring Mark Anderson returning to rookie form, expect to see Tim Jamison in the DL rotation by week 10 and making some heavy contributions. He is a very good pass rusher, in my opinion.

Didn't you show similar love for Dejuan Robinson? LOL! They "recognized their error" by bringing Jamison back? Yep, a monumental mistake releasing another one of your man-crushes. Whether he ends up playing or not, he's not an answer at any position along the Dline. If anything, it shows how crappy our Dline is and always has been.

6. Defensive Players reaction coming out of the bye- I like the accountability that I am reading from the players. It also seems clear that they recognize what the problems on defense have been. Clearly, the staff has been able to accurately identify the problems and also successfully communicate them to the players. Hopefully, this will lead to some immediate corrections. From, this is what Bernard Pollard said after practice today:

The players have been taking the blame since the season started. They just haven't done anything to "walk the walk" after "talking the talk". Pollard has been the biggest talker yet has been a primary cog in the defensive failure.

I'm happy we're 4-2, but refuse to set myself up for more disappointment....again.
I'm actually feeling very good about the season right now... Here's an article I wrote yesterday explaining myself a little bit:

I confess that I am a renowned optimist. At 0-4 in 2008, I predicted the Texans would win 8-9 games by the season’s end. Last season, at 5-5, I predicted a 10 win season. I just wrote an article arguing that this team may win 12 games if the offensive stars stay healthy. Perhaps I’m a little crazy. Though, if you notice, the predictions for ’08 and ’09 weren’t far from reality, though I was heckled for them at the time. Also in my defense, I am not blindly optimistic. In 2005, I realized in the second quarter of the first home game of the season (Pittsburgh) that the team was an absolute disaster and that the team had quit on the staff and the talent was nowhere near what I thought it was in 2004. Why am I building a case for myself? Well, because I’m ready for another prediction that will smell of rose-colored glasses and wide-eyed homerism… Are you ready? Well, it isn’t a prediction so much as an assertion. The coaching staff finally got it! By that, I mean they have a handle on the team and the season in a way that was lacking before. The attitude and moves made the past few days indicate a level of clarity that will be noticable on the field and lead to a highly successful season and probably also impact the next few seasons positively.

What decisions, you may ask?:

1. Cushing moving to MLB- This move indicates out of the box thinking… something I’ve doubted this staff could do. Other reasonable and less disruptive options were available. For instance, they could have elected to simply plug and play Bentley or Sharpton at MLB. Or, they could have slid Diles to MLB and plugged in Adibi or Sharpton at WLB. Any of those options to replace Demeco at MLB would serve as reasonable damage-control. However, damage-control is not what they decided on. Instead, the staff got together and looked at all the defensive issues and how the position related to those issues. We have been awful in Cover2 zone. Both Diles and Demeco really struggle to make the deep drop required by the MLB in the Cover2 and neither have the instincts in coverage to be playmakers downfield. Well, Cushing runs a 4.6 fourty instead of Demeco’s or Diles’ 4.9 fourty. And, Cushing certainly has instincts! (sorry about the rap music. It’s the best highlight video available) This is a guy we want in the middle of the field at the snap as much as possible. What the staff has done is said that they are going to make their defensive playmakers the literal and figurative center of the defense. It is a move to get better and not a move to plug a leak. And, this is a new attitude for this coaching staff.

2. Waiving Frank Okam and the promotion of Malcolm Sheppard- Good riddance! He was actually playing better than I expected. But, when your a defense that isn’t making plays, it is ludicrous to hold on to a 3rd year run stuffing prospect that is totally unreliable and has zero playmaking abilities in lieu of a rookie with a great motor and a ton of talent and playmaking ability. An already horizontally challenged DT group just got even leaner. However, we also replaced a non-playmaker with a playmaker. That is a net gain!

3. Tim Jamison signed to practice squad- I argued a few weeks ago that I think the defensive end situation would’ve been stronger if we had simply kept Jamison instead of chasing our tails with guys like Denney and Ogunleye. Well, Ogunley and Mark Anderson are still here but they recognized their error and brought back Tim Jamison. Barring Mark Anderson returning to rookie form, expect to see Tim Jamison in the DL rotation by week 10 and making some heavy contributions. He is a very good pass rusher, in my opinion.

4. The general attitude towards the defensive problems and how to combat them- Instead of yawning on about needing to improve, etc… there has been a realization that the Texans offense and the special teams will need to play better and carry the team. It isn’t the words so much as the tone and attitude. Kubiak doesn’t sound defeated, but he sounds committed to winning now. The Cushing move to the middle fits with this perspective. With Cushing at MLB, there will likely be some errors in defensive calls and alignment in the short term (more than if Bentley was in the middle) but it will also create more plays from the defense. It is an aggressive mentality. If Cushing causes a blown assignment and an 80 yard TD then the offensive will just go back out there and return the favor. Then, perhaps, next series Cushing will make a huge play and create a turnover or knock down a pass on third down. Though this sounds unspectacular, this is very different thinking from this team. While I don’t expect (nor want) Rick Dennison to start calling games like Mike Martz, I think we will notice greater energy and focus from the offense to score each time it has the ball. Again, that may sound silly on its face. However, often an offense’s primary goal, depending on situation, may be only to get a first down and eat some clock, or it could be simply to take care of the ball and change the field position. Sometimes, the offense is up seven points with 2:30 left in the second and the focus is on getting a field goal. With this team, that will be the case much less than it has been. So, I am very much looking forward to that.

5. Freedom/trust instilled in Matt Schaub- Last Monday, during the Kubiak hour on SR610, Kubiak answered a question regarding Schaub’s ability to call audibles. As many of you know, in their system, the QB doesn’t really call traditional audibles although there is a system in place to get out of the wrong playcall. However, what he said after that was very interesting! Kubiak said that “Matt goes at it on his own most of the time in the two minute drill.” It was clear to me that Coach Kubiak allows Schaub to call plays in the hurry-up offense. Now that is interesting and very encouraging. It also sounded as though this is the first season he has been given that freedom.

6. Defensive Players reaction coming out of the bye- I like the accountability that I am reading from the players. It also seems clear that they recognize what the problems on defense have been. Clearly, the staff has been able to accurately identify the problems and also successfully communicate them to the players. Hopefully, this will lead to some immediate corrections. From, this is what Bernard Pollard said after practice today:

(on if they’ve made it clear they are sticking with the defensive backs) “Obviously, they’re not making any moves with any safeties or corners. You guys see that. We see that. I think that shows us how much they trust in us. It’s not about the talent. It’s really not. It’s about us making mistakes. We make the stupidest mistakes in the craziest times in the game. You look at the Dallas game, we were in the game all the way to the end of third/fourth quarter and we make mistakes. With us, when it rains, it pours. That’s what happens with us in our secondary. It starts with me. I’m supposed to be a captain on this team. I’m supposed to be a leader in that secondary and I’m doing everything that I can. Honestly, I take the blame. The coaches get on me and you’ve got to take the criticism. You’ve got to play with tough skin and I am. I’m so excited about what’s to come. We have ten games remaining. We’re going to take every game one game at a time. We understand where we’re at and we understand where we can go. We know where we want to go. So that’s what we’re going to do. We have to push the envelope. We have to push this thing.”

(on his own individual play thus far) “Not good enough. It’s really not good enough. I have to step up and make plays. I really do. I have to make plays but I’m not going to press it, because pressing it, the last six weeks, that’s what happens when you press it. We have too many guys pressing and you’ve got more than one guy or even when you have one guy pressing—it’s just about one guy messing up in the secondary and it’s always a touchdown. I have to play better. I really do. We all have to play better. Like I said, our offense is number four overall— number one in certain categories. We have to be able to be a backbone. We have to be the backbone of this team. It’s been said so many times, our offense is the Texans. I’m so tired of hearing that. I really am. I’m honestly tired of hearing that. It’s time for us to actually step up and actually do something about it. We have the talent.”

Texans Bull Blog - to see the links, etc.. with the story

Good post.
My thoughts:

@Indy : WIN - historic sweep and first win in Indy. They're down and we're due.
San Diego : LOSE - a tough, physical team that desperately needs wins. We'll be due for a letdown after sweeping Indy for the first time, and we don't play physical teams very well this season.
@ Jax : WIN - The Texans will be chasing the Titans in the division race at this point, so they rise up and beat a team that we've traditionally played well against.
@ Jets : LOSE - One of the physical teams that I just don't see us beating, especially if they shut down our offense and our D can't fight it's way out of a wet paper bag.
Titans : LOSE - VY does it again...unfortunately. He's inspired to play in his hometown, and the Texans hardly ever seem to rise up in games that fans are really passionate about (see the Cowboys game). Plus, another physical team that has it's way with the finesse, but I think the score will be close.
@ Philly : LOSE - Vick runs and passes through our soft D like a hot knife through melted butter.
Baltimore : LOSE - The Ravens D dials in our number, stops the run game, and chases #8 all day long. They have no problem scoring on Mr. Whipple...errrr...our defense.
@ Tennessee : WIN - because desperation is kicking in and the Titans are arrogant enough at this point to play sloppy football that we capitalize on. Another close game with the Titans.
@ Denver : WIN - If the Raiders can score 59 on this D, our offense should have a field day. Expect a 52-51 score, though. hehe
Jax : WIN - Sweeping another division rival this season for a 5-1 division record and a game we have to win for a winning record.

I see 9-7, and not sure if this is good enough for a wildcard playoff spot in the AFC, but it's definitely good enough to keep the head coach, especially with the division record.

Much nail-biting by Texans fans and more "next year" talk by talking heads if we miss the playoffs by thiiiis much.

Only one I disagree with is San Diego...I think we have a good chance of beating them...
Only one I disagree with is San Diego...I think we have a good chance of beating them...

I hope you're right! I was on the fence with that one and took awhile to contemplate it. I ended up picking a loss because the Texans always seem to deflate a bit after a big win, and beating Indy on the road to make it a sweep is about as big as it gets for this franchise right now. And the Charges are not a bad team, regardless of their record, so it's not like we'd be losing to a dog team.

Of course, I'd love to be completely wrong!
I hope you're right! I was on the fence with that one and took awhile to contemplate it. I ended up picking a loss because the Texans always seem to deflate a bit after a big win, and beating Indy on the road to make it a sweep is about as big as it gets for this franchise right now. And the Charges are not a bad team, regardless of their record, so it's not like we'd be losing to a dog team.

Of course, I'd love to be completely wrong!


I'm at the point where I don't 'expect' wins anymore, so that's not what I really meant...

I just meant that I'd lean more towards the W on that one...But I don't disagree with anything you've said...Texans have proven that they are more than capable of losing games that they need to/should win and having let downs after 'emotional' wins...
I hope you're right! I was on the fence with that one and took awhile to contemplate it. I ended up picking a loss because the Texans always seem to deflate a bit after a big win, and beating Indy on the road to make it a sweep is about as big as it gets for this franchise right now. And the Charges are not a bad team, regardless of their record, so it's not like we'd be losing to a dog team.

Of course, I'd love to be completely wrong!

Anybody remember the Titans game in 2007 at Reliant?
I'm happy we're 4-2, but refuse to set myself up for more disappointment....again.

Setting oneself up for disappointment is the God-given right of every Texan fan!

regarding Jamison, I'm not a Michigan fan nor do I know anyone in his family. My "man-crush" is simply the result of what I've seen on film. Perhaps I'm wrong but the NFL makes mistakes on guys all the time: Arian Foster, James Harrison are two that come to mind right away.

regarding Deljuan... I thought he should have been more heavily involved in the DL rotation and the predominate situational run-stuffer instead of Okam. Now that they have cut Okam, I'm not seeing why I was in error. I think Deljuan is more disruptive than Cody and I thought he was a better run-stuffer than Okoye last year and reducing Okoye's snaps could have made him more productive.
Everyone doesn't understand it because it isn't true. Either the Jets or Baltimore or both could win their division. Doesn't matter if they are 15-1 or 14-2 or 10-6 when they do it - a head's up tiebreaker is irrelevant as it doesn't apply between division winners and WC contenders. The questions then become who holds the tiebreakers if the Texans, Patriots and Pittsburgh (most likely) were to end up 10-6.

Which will possibly fall to common opponents. If they beat the abets or Ravens......
If we continue to keep mistakes down & they keep making mistakes.... We can win.

Special teams will be key here. They're in LAST place in coverage. We must take advantage and help both the offense and defense at this midway point of the season. Jacoby Jones must rise to the occasion...
I think Deljuan is more disruptive than Cody and I thought he was a better run-stuffer than Okoye last year and reducing Okoye's snaps could have made him more productive.

DelJuan disappeared when they moved him to NT, just like every other 3 tech we've put there (including Okam). I don't know what the Texans want from a NT, but I don't think they've found him yet.

Starting DelJuan in front of Okoye, making Amobi earn his spot is what they should have done.
Right now, I have us going 4-12.

Hopefully, I'll be proved very, very wrong.

I concur, I think the Colts are going to come out amped, and Kubiak isn't the guy we need to inspire our team on the road. This game will start another 4 game losing streak just like last year.

If the Eagles are at the peak of their QB controversy, we might win that game, other than that, I don't see a possible win on our schedule.
I concur, I think the Colts are going to come out amped, and Kubiak isn't the guy we need to inspire our team on the road. This game will start another 4 game losing streak just like last year.

If the Eagles are at the peak of their QB controversy, we might win that game, other than that, I don't see a possible win on our schedule.

I'm not quite ready to put down my Kool-Aid colored glasses. We've played the Colts in their house well enough to beat them the last two times yet found a way to lose. And at least once in our house :spy:

I think we can play with any team on any field on any day. It depends on which one of our teams show up as to how it's gonna end. I'm liking the moves that the coaches are making as well. Will it gel on MNF? I dunno. It sure needs to. Matt and Co. need to light it up. Jacoby needs to make good returns for field position. Cush getting everyone on the same page on D. It all needs to come together this Monday night.

I know I said the K-L word earlier and in my heart I *know* we can go there and impose our will, though, as many have said before, we could gernade on MNF and conform to history.

Our season starts Monday night. :texflag:
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Setting oneself up for disappointment is the God-given right of every Texan fan!

regarding Jamison, I'm not a Michigan fan nor do I know anyone in his family. My "man-crush" is simply the result of what I've seen on film. Perhaps I'm wrong but the NFL makes mistakes on guys all the time: Arian Foster, James Harrison are two that come to mind right away.

regarding Deljuan... I thought he should have been more heavily involved in the DL rotation and the predominate situational run-stuffer instead of Okam. Now that they have cut Okam, I'm not seeing why I was in error. I think Deljuan is more disruptive than Cody and I thought he was a better run-stuffer than Okoye last year and reducing Okoye's snaps could have made him more productive.

Out of curiosity, were these guys picked up or even looked at by any of the other 31 NFL teams when they were released? Maybe they're all missing what you're seeing on film.

Right now, I have us going 4-12.

Hopefully, I'll be proved very, very wrong.

I have us at 3-13. We had to forfeit the win against the Skins because Dante Hall didn't get to cover AJ
Anybody remember the Titans game in 2007 at Reliant?

Was that the 8 FG record at Reliant game?

My buds and I still chuckle at that one. I actually got my mom (an old Oiler fan) to Reliant, which was a small miracle by itself, for that game. The Texans were thiiiiis close to securing her as a fan. She was still a holdout. She actually wore an AJ jersey that I bought her!

Three quarters of boring football with one quarter that was almost brilliant. We chuckle because it's a game where we were celebrating, hugging!, and then ultimately lost. grrr....
Special teams will be key here. They're in LAST place in coverage. We must take advantage and help both the offense and defense at this midway point of the season. Jacoby Jones must rise to the occasion...

I've seen Jacoby doing his job on punt returns, but his blockers need to
quit drawing flags.
I really don't want to be Debbie Downer or jinx the team in anyway but after watching as many AFC games as I could on Sunday Ticket yesterday, I just have the sinking feeling that the wheels are going to come off.

What pisses me off the most is that the ****ing Titans, the team I hate the most, looks like the team to beat in this division. I am about to throw up in my mouth. They beat the NY Giants a team that raped us at home and are undefeated against the NFC East. They have the type of defense that gives us fits.

Losing to the Titans at home on Monday night last year did a number on me. I am a Horn and having the whole VY thing come up again makes me sick to my stomach.

I'd feel more confident if our defense was merely below average rather than one of the worst defenses I have seen in 20+ years as an NFL fan.

1-800-I-LOVE-THE-COWBOYS Here you go this is a number to help you with the depresion seeing you must be talking bout them
Out of curiosity, were these guys picked up or even looked at by any of the other 31 NFL teams when they were released? Maybe they're all missing what you're seeing on film.

I have us at 3-13. We had to forfeit the win against the Skins because Dante Hall didn't get to cover AJ

Is Dante Hall still in the league?

Was he ever a cornerback?
Balty kinda scares me but since we are playing at home and on MNF i think we can win that game

and the jets just dont scare me i dont see it
Balty kinda scares me but since we are playing at home and on MNF i think we can win that game

and the jets just dont scare me i dont see it

That's two of us.

We need to start a "We Ain't Skerd" club.
That's two of us.

We need to start a "We Ain't Skerd" club.

I ain't skerd, and I also think the Jets are over rated. But I am a card carring member of the "I haven't the slightest idea of what the Texans are gonna do" club. LOL
I had that same feeling too, when we were 4-2 that the season was going to bottom out on us but didn't post thinking it would jinx the Texans. Oh well, guess it didn't really matter.
I had that same feeling too, when we were 4-2 that the season was going to bottom out on us but didn't post thinking it would jinx the Texans. Oh well, guess it didn't really matter.

I was of the opinion that any Texans fan who felt good after the Kansas City game was deluded. It was one of those situations where you hope that crow will be on the menu.
I really don't want to be Debbie Downer or jinx the team in anyway but after watching as many AFC games as I could on Sunday Ticket yesterday, I just have the sinking feeling that the wheels are going to come off.

What pisses me off the most is that the ****ing Titans, the team I hate the most, looks like the team to beat in this division. I am about to throw up in my mouth. They beat the NY Giants a team that raped us at home and are undefeated against the NFC East. They have the type of defense that gives us fits.

Losing to the Titans at home on Monday night last year did a number on me. I am a Horn and having the whole VY thing come up again makes me sick to my stomach.

I'd feel more confident if our defense was merely below average rather than one of the worst defenses I have seen in 20+ years as an NFL fan.

One less fan to high-five when we smash indy again.

Peace out, Cubs fan.

hahahhaha! Sorry Shark but that is funny.
I have to apologize to THE NFL...

He was very right about this team...

That hurts to say.

I don't think it's a team issue. The team is still very good, very young, & very talented.

I think he & Dex were right about the coaching staff. See the New England Patriots... see the Jacksonville Jaguars (7-9 last year).
I don't think it's a team issue. The team is still very good, very young, & very talented.

I think he & Dex were right about the coaching staff. See the New England Patriots... see the Jacksonville Jaguars (7-9 last year).

TK - reality check: 5-9 is not very good.
I don't think it's a team issue. The team is still very good, very young, & very talented.

I think he & Dex were right about the coaching staff. See the New England Patriots... see the Jacksonville Jaguars (7-9 last year).

See, it's gotten to the point where I can't even tell who's at fault anymore...

Kubiak being the head man in charge of this whole mess will rightly take the brunt of the blame, but how much blame does Smith, the players, the position coaches, the coordinators, the S&C coaches, the owner, the owner's son have?

Then when you get into those individuals, what specific area have those individuals failed in?

How can we be better prepared to avoid these situations going forward?

We have lost what...7 in a row, minus a Rusty Smith? That is not the sign of a good team...That is the sign of a pretty bad one.
We have lost what...7 in a row, minus a Rusty Smith? That is not the sign of a good team...That is the sign of a pretty bad one.

There is a VERY fine line between a good team and a bad team in the NFL. Doesn't take much to be 5-11 or 11-5 just look at the games the Texans have won and lost that were last minute affairs.

As a famous coach once said....

I don't know what to say really.
Three minutes
to the biggest battle of our professional lives
all comes down to today.
we heal
as a team
or we are going to crumble.
Inch by inch
play by play
till we're finished.
We are in hell right now, gentlemen
believe me
we can stay here
and get the **** kicked out of us
we can fight our way
back into the light.
We can climb out of hell.
One inch, at a time.

Now I can't do it for you.
I'm too old.
I look around and I see these young faces
and I think
I mean
I made every wrong choice a middle age man could make.
I uh....
I pissed away all my money
believe it or not.
I chased off
anyone who has ever loved me.
And lately,
I can't even stand the face I see in the mirror.

You know when you get old in life
things get taken from you.
That's, that's part of life.
you only learn that when you start losing stuff.
You find out that life is just a game of inches.
So is football.
Because in either game
life or football
the margin for error is so small.
I mean
one half step too late or to early
you don't quite make it.
One half second too slow or too fast
and you don't quite catch it.
The inches we need are everywhere around us.
They are in ever break of the game
every minute, every second.

On this team, we fight for that inch
On this team, we tear ourselves, and everyone around us
to pieces for that inch.
We CLAW with our finger nails for that inch.
Cause we know
when we add up all those inches
that's going to make the ****ing difference
between WINNING and LOSING
between LIVING and DYING.

I'll tell you this
in any fight
it is the guy who is willing to die
who is going to win that inch.
And I know
if I am going to have any life anymore
it is because, I am still willing to fight, and die for that inch
because that is what LIVING is.
The six inches in front of your face.

Now I can't make you do it.
You gotta look at the guy next to you.
Look into his eyes.
Now I think you are going to see a guy who will go that inch with you.
You are going to see a guy
who will sacrifice himself for this team
because he knows when it comes down to it,
you are gonna do the same thing for him.

That's a team, gentlemen
and either we heal now, as a team,
or we will die as individuals.
That's football guys.
That's all it is.
Now, whattaya gonna do?
TK - reality check: 5-9 is not very good.

We've had this conversation before. TK likes those "good" teams with bad records. Last year's "Kubes on the Hotseat????" thread makes for interesting reading now...

So at the end of the season, if we are 15-1, and we only played one team with a winning record...... you'd feel we made progress?

15-1 is very successful.

You've made two posts on this thread - a bad 15-1 team and a 4-12 Texans team that has improved from last year. Such strawmen are OK to make a point, but can you list a few examples of such teams so I know what you are talking about? I'm especially interested in the bad 15-1 teams.
See, it's gotten to the point where I can't even tell who's at fault anymore...

Kubiak being the head man in charge of this whole mess will rightly take the brunt of the blame, but how much blame does Smith, the players, the position coaches, the coordinators, the S&C coaches, the owner, the owner's son have?


Every game this year, we've seen this team play very good football in spurts. It's that football that has made the comebacks & pseudo comebacks possible.

It's the coaches inability to get them to play that way when they need to. I honestly think Kubiak started the team conservative every game, for fear of something bad happening.

Offensively, we can't move the ball. Defensively, we can't stop anyone. But when he let's them go, we're running up & down the field, and our defense is in their backfield, forcing 3 & outs.

Yes, there's that one bad play that "loses the game" but only after a dozen plays that get us in the game. If we play like that for two halves, we'd have two bad plays to overcome, instead of the half dozen bad plays we commit when we play conservative.