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All Encompassing Vick Thread

He may not do any jail time per se, but if he cops to a plea, it really makes Roger Goddell's decision to kick him out - very, very easy.

So Ron Mexico, will you be playing for the Roughriders, the Stampeders or the Alouettes??

The Mean Dog Killing Machine
you win, i'll put whatever you want where it says "Hall of Fame" under my name. I win, I get that space.

What is the text limit on that line? Let me know what you are thinking, it has to be reasonable. If I lose (and Vick has a lot of money to do jail time) I don’t want it to say
Heath Shuler:
pedophile or something like that.

If Vick does one day of jail time, I’m thinking:
I :heart: dog killing VICK
Vick's attornies are recommending that if Vick can swing a deal with the Fed for less than 1 year in the pokie, he whould take it. Vick hasn't even decided that he would go for a deall like that if it were proposed. Meanwhile, the clock's ticking and Friday closes the book on any deals, with a set of 2 new indictments to be filed...........Bubba awaits.
Vick's attornies are recommending that if Vick can swing a deal with the Fed for less than 1 year in the pokie, he whould take it. Vick hasn't even decided that he would go for a deall like that if it were proposed. Meanwhile, the clock's ticking and Friday closes the book on any deals, with a set of 2 new indictments to be filed...........Bubba awaits.

One year won't work. If they give Vick < 1 year that means "Q" "T" and "P-Funk" get Probation, or get their cases dismissed.

If 3 guys walk, there will be lots of people screaming.

And this doesn't take care of any State charges...
One year won't work. If they give Vick < 1 year that means "Q" "T" and "P-Funk" get Probation, or get their cases dismissed.

If 3 guys walk, there will be lots of people screaming.

And this doesn't take care of any State charges...

Vick won't accept less than 1 year...............not because he ultimately won't want to, but because it won't be offered..:bat:
If Vick doesn't make the deal by Friday, then the Feds will go RICO on him and that carries a 20 year hicky with it, not just a year or two. What Vick needs to be going for is what facility he goes to. A min. security federal facility can be fairly comfortable, but if he P.Os them he might wind up in a not so comfortable place and if he is RICOed it might be very unplesant for a very long time. Take the short term and good location if he is smart, but that may be a streatch.
If Vick doesn't make the deal by Friday, then the Feds will go RICO on him and that carries a 20 year hicky with it, not just a year or two. What Vick needs to be going for is what facility he goes to. A min. security federal facility can be fairly comfortable, but if he P.Os them he might wind up in a not so comfortable place and if he is RICOed it might be very unplesant for a very long time. Take the short term and good location if he is smart, but that may be a streatch.

A Federal Judge is not bound to accept the plea deal, if he doesn't like it. Judge Hudson is supposed to be a hard judge. Hudson was impressed when "T" freely admitted a bunch of things irrelevant to the charge, such as his drug use.

The only way IMO for Vick to escape less than 2 years in the Federal Pen is freely admit some charges, show remorse, AND helps with the Feds in this multi-state Dog Fighting investigation.

But Vick is too stupid to do this.

Vick could get out in less than 2 years if he "fully cooperates" .. which means naming names of other people and telling how it all operates. Vick does say 15 months, and then the Feds move for an early release if he has played ball.

But once he gets out of Club Fed the NFL will still suspend him for at least a year..

Vick might say "WTF" and roll the dice, because he feels he has nothing to lose. 2 years is the same as 20 for "Ookie"....

You know Arthur Blank is happy-- because either way he is out of that insane $90 million contract with Vick.
I'm wondering why the feds are offering or negotiating anything with him if their case is supposed to be rock solid. If this judge is hard & they have a concrete case, i'm trying to nail him to the wall, i'm not giving him a chance to shave any time off.

Andre Ware said something pretty interesting this morning though. He said if you're innocent, you would try to exhaust all your resources trying to fight the charges. Appeals out the wazoo, the best lawyers you can buy etc. etc.

I don't wholeheartedly agree with him, but he makes a good point.
The feds are offering a deal, because they would save milllions (if not in manhours alone) by not going to court. That has nothing to do with the strength of their case against Mexico...
The feds are offering a deal, because they would save milllions (if not in manhours alone) by not going to court. That has nothing to do with the strength of their case against Mexico...

They were all gung-ho in the 1st place, they might as well see it all the way through, plus they've likely already spent millions on researching their case alone.
They were all gung-ho in the 1st place, they might as well see it all the way through, plus they've likely already spent millions on researching their case alone.

DONT think for a second that they are getting soft. It's just in everyones best interest to at least offer Vick a deal. Just because they have already spent millions to get Vick into a place to accept a plea, doesn't mean they necessarily want to spend millions more to go through trial... But make no mistake, if Vick doesn't cop, they will not be afraid to go after him in court -full throttle....
DONT think for a second that they are getting soft. It's just in everyones best interest to at least offer Vick a deal. Just because they have already spent millions to get Vick into a place to accept a plea, doesn't mean they necessarily want to spend millions more to go through trial... But make no mistake, if Vick doesn't cop, they will not be afraid to go after him in court -full throttle....

Have no doubt about the bolded.......

It's in his best interest to cop anyway, whether he's guilty or innocent.
The feds are offering a deal, because they would save milllions (if not in manhours alone) by not going to court. That has nothing to do with the strength of their case against Mexico...

They also want him to roll over on any other dog fighting operations, too. Vick is probably only part of a larger national syndicate.
Plea deal or no plea deal, Vick's gonna meet Bubba and likely will be banned from the NFL for a "lifetime." The reason I say this is that, with a plea, there has to be testimony as to the 1st hand involvement of another party........this cannot be based on must be given with one who has 1st hand involvement with the situation. That will be necessary for Vick to be valuable to the feds in the pursuit of others..........That, my friend, will require admission of involvement with gambling..........and carries an NFL lifetime ban.

Talyor and others have already stated that they can eye-witness testify on money exchanged (gambling) on the part of Vick in relationship to dog fight outcomes................involvement in gambling.........and carries an NFL lifetime ban.:bat:

I get the impression from this article that it isn't the federal government wanting to plea, its Vick's defense. The federal government wants something from Vick, maybe because he is part of something bigger, who knows, but what I gather is that its not the feds going soft, its Vick or his defense team recognizing that the walls are closing in.

If the feds don't get what they want from the plea deal, there likely won't be one. Vick just better be willing to take what he can get and not work himself out of getting a plea deal.
A lawyer friend of mine in Atlanta told me today that the Feds are convinced that Vick and his buddies have important knowledge of

Dog Fighting Rings
Money Laundering Rings
Gambling/Bookmaking Rings
Marijuana Distribution Rings

In the South, South East and East Coast.

This information is worth a deal to Vick et al.

The other aspect to Vick is the civil forfeiture that will go along with a plea.

Vick probably co-mingled his dirty money with Falcon's paycheck. Its up to him to segregate it, otherwise it is all gone, houses, cars, property and all.
wow...and in a certain sub-culture, ratting out other people is an extremely dangerous line to cross. Vick is between a rock and a hard place, and he can't run his way out of this one.

ATLANTA -- A source close to the Michael Vick investigation said Wednesday the Falcons quarterback is close to agreeing to plead quilty to dogfighting charges.

If Vick signs off on the deal he is expected to enter the plea in federal court in Richmond, Va. on Friday along with two other co-defendants.

There's no word on whether the agreement includes prison time for Vick.

WSB-TV Channel 2's Scott MacFarlane reports Vick's attorneys have been trying to hammer out an arrangement that will allow him to continue to play in the National Football League.

NFL officials have been mum on whether they would allow Vick to play if he is convicted on felony charges.


ATLANTA -- A source close to the Michael Vick investigation said Wednesday the Falcons quarterback is close to agreeing to plead quilty to dogfighting charges.

If Vick signs off on the deal he is expected to enter the plea in federal court in Richmond, Va. on Friday along with two other co-defendants.

There's no word on whether the agreement includes prison time for Vick.

WSB-TV Channel 2's Scott MacFarlane reports Vick's attorneys have been trying to hammer out an arrangement that will allow him to continue to play in the National Football League.

NFL officials have been mum on whether they would allow Vick to play if he is convicted on felony charges.

I question the accuracy of the plea on Thrusday, another on Friday............and no prison term????The feds would never hear the end of it.......never happen (especially since the judge can over-rule any plea bargain)
i am going to laugh hysterically at all of you lemmings that rushed to the conclusion of lifetime bans and extreme prison sentences......i've said all along, no jailtime, and probably no nfl suspension..
The commish will go down as the biggest paper tiger in the history of the NFL if he doesnt suspend Vick for at least a year.

Suspend Pacman without him ever having a trial?

Then Vick gets convicted of a felony and has no suspension? Now THAT would be insane
i am going to laugh hysterically at all of you lemmings that rushed to the conclusion of lifetime bans and extreme prison sentences......i've said all along, no jailtime, and probably no nfl suspension..

Meanwhile we are still laughing hysterically at your post promising a 100% chance that Carr would still be the QB here.

At this point, its all news agency conjecture. Virginia is not a friendly law state, I doubt he gets off scott free
it ends a little something like this

vick pleads guilty, turns informant on interstate rings of crime. Vick pays VERY large fine. probably gives up that virginia property too.

Goodell praises vick for his accountability and new leaf turned by giving up his friends. Vick plays

Swtbound07 says he told you so, and watches everybody try and forget the crazy things they said.
it ends a little something like this

vick pleads guilty, turns informant on interstate rings of crime. Vick pays VERY large fine. probably gives up that virginia property too.

Goodell praises vick for his accountability and new leaf turned by giving up his friends. Vick plays

Swtbound07 says he told you so, and watches everybody try and forget the crazy things they said.

Vick is going to be suspended for the year.
it ends a little something like this

vick pleads guilty, turns informant on interstate rings of crime. Vick pays VERY large fine. probably gives up that virginia property too.

Goodell praises vick for his accountability and new leaf turned by giving up his friends. Vick plays

Swtbound07 says he told you so, and watches everybody try and forget the crazy things they said.

lol: lol:

it ends a little something like this

vick pleads guilty, turns informant on interstate rings of crime. Vick pays VERY large fine. probably gives up that virginia property too.

Goodell praises vick for his accountability and new leaf turned by giving up his friends. Vick plays

Swtbound07 says he told you so, and watches everybody try and forget the crazy things they said.

Holy jumped-up bald-headed Jesus palamino....... I just freakin spit out my lunch laughing at that.... Thats awesome!!!
i still think he is innocent. I think he will PLEAD guilty, but i don't actually think he did any of it. Clear?

If he was innocent, then he'd fight it. The feds have too much of a case against him, and he's going to sing like a canary for reduced sentence. And there's your mighty Mike Vick for ya'.

You can believe whatever you want in your own head, but it does not make it truth. You can convince yourself that the world is flat, too.

But in the words of Abe Lincoln, "If you call a tail a leg, how many legs has a dog? Five? No, calling a tail a leg don't make it a leg."

Good luck with your delusion. Sorry your hero turned out to be a jerk.
it ends a little something like this

vick pleads guilty, turns informant on interstate rings of crime. Vick pays VERY large fine. probably gives up that virginia property too.

Goodell praises vick for his accountability and new leaf turned by giving up his friends. Vick plays

Swtbound07 says he told you so, and watches everybody try and forget the crazy things they said.

If Vick becomes an informant on larger crime rings, he will probably have to go into Witness Protection, which means no football for him.
Well if he is part of money laundering, and that a bad thng, well then I guess I am screwed to, as I ran a $20 thru my machine last weekend..
it ends a little something like this

vick pleads guilty, turns informant on interstate rings of crime. Vick pays VERY large fine. probably gives up that virginia property too.

Goodell praises vick for his accountability and new leaf turned by giving up his friends. Vick plays

Swtbound07 says he told you so, and watches everybody try and forget the crazy things they said.

The swt wakes up and realizes Vick lied to the Commissoner and is unemployed.


Richmond, Va. - Facing the possibility of a new indictment, which includes racketeering charges, Falcons quarterback Michael Vick will most likely join his three co-defendants and agree this week to a plea deal with prosecutors in his federal dogfighting case, according to two people with knowledge of the case.

Vick has not made a final decision, according to the two people with the knowledge of the case, because he wants to hear from the NFL what a guilty plea would do to his football career.

Federal prosecutors announced at Vick's arraignment last month they will be seeking a superseding indictment before the end of this month. And that indictment includes at least one additional charge under the federal "RICO" statute, both people said. RICO, which stands for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization, targets organized crime and racketeering as well as enterprises affecting interstate commerce.
Well he just needs to tell the commissioner that he's innocent and the guilty plea was just for fun. Innocent people do this all the time. :ok:
it ends a little something like this

vick pleads guilty, turns informant on interstate rings of crime. Vick pays VERY large fine. probably gives up that virginia property too.

Goodell praises vick for his accountability and new leaf turned by giving up his friends. Vick plays

Swtbound07 says he told you so, and watches everybody try and forget the crazy things they said.

You think he is innocent, but pleads guilty.
You think he is innocent, but turns informant. If he is innocent, what information does he have to give?
How do you make these things work in your own mind?
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