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abc13 - peyton wants to be a texan coming up in sports

Agreed. It makes a lot of sense when you really think about it. The Redskins' coaching staff would love to have Matt Schaub. Maybe they are willing to part with a first-round pick after all. I guess time will tell. We've still got an entire month before the Colts release Peyton so there will be time to digest all of the possible trades and scenarios (the health of the players), well before the 2012 NFL Draft.
I can see a trade happening after pick #2. If Cleveland trades up to get RG3 theer is absolutely no other way to go for a QB of Matt Schaub's stats. I also think Cleveland would be forced to give St.Louis their second first round which should also benefit Texans. Rumor is Cleveland would select Wright but if they lose both firsts to St Louis that would assist us. I was up half the night creating scenarios of Manning to Houston Schaub to SKins for #8 and then trading down from #8 to maybe Bengals?
Umm no. Bob Allen is the senior sports director for channel 13 and has been with the station for about 40 years (which is the longest tenure of any local sportscaster in the country)... He's retiring.
Retiring ? Like voluntarily ? You bought that story, you really think he's leaving on his own terms ?
Listen I've got a building site over east of Houston, in the Orleans Parish I want you to look at soon. Hey, it's priced right.
We'd have to make a helmet big enough for his forehead.

At least we have that retractable roof so they can airlift his big head into the stadium.

Payten Manning is not going to play football in Houston, unless he's on the visiting team. This is just offseason chatter.

yep. All this B.S. and $5 will buy you a fancy coffee at Starbucks.
Another thing to consider is that Matt Schaub is due to become a free agent after the 2012 season. His contract with the Texans is already at the end of its road. Maybe people just assumed that he'll be re-signed but coming off the foot injury and all of the other quarterback options that may be out there, I'm now thinking it's a strong possibility that his future with the Texans isn't going to last much longer.
Did I miss a memo that Manning can throw the ball now?

I mean, shouldn't that little item be established first?
I'm having Ahman Green flashbacks.
This is all one last stab #18 the Colt puts into the heart of the Texans.

Destabilize our QB with all the replacement talk. And Boob plays right into it.

Management needs to go public with a Good luck #18, don't let the door hit you on your way out, hope to knock you on your backside in next year's playoffs statement and put this BS in the rearview mirror.

The grass is greener on this side of the fence now ... get used to it.

Did I miss a memo that Manning can throw the ball now?

I mean, shouldn't that little item be established first?
His doctors have given him the green light to start throwing a few weeks ago. It was mentioned during Super Bowl weekend that he's just now picking up a football and slinging it around. He's still unable to make all of the throws downfield with a lot of zip on the ball, which is to be expected after only a few weeks. That arm strength is going to come around.
This is what I think every team is afraid of. And I just don't think the risk is worth it. Especially when there's no promise he'll come back physically able to do what he used to do.

Plus, will Kubiak really give him as much control as he wants?

Manning isnt at any more risk of being carried out on the stretcher than any other player. I dont know why people have this picture of Manning going limp on the first hit and not being able to move again
In case Manning joins Texans, your trading scenario makes sense to me. With Mario situation and all, with that pick we should be able to do a lot with it. Like trading back to stock pile early picks or find Mario replacement in the future, fill needs like WR and so on. Only concern to me is Manning's health condition.Go Texans!!!
Agreed but are you not just as concerned about Matt's foot? One mis-step and he could be out for career.
I can see a trade happening after pick #2. If Cleveland trades up to get RG3 theer is absolutely no other way to go for a QB of Matt Schaub's stats. I also think Cleveland would be forced to give St.Louis their second first round which should also benefit Texans. Rumor is Cleveland would select Wright but if they lose both firsts to St Louis that would assist us. I was up half the night creating scenarios of Manning to Houston Schaub to SKins for #8 and then trading down from #8 to maybe Bengals?

Don't trade back from 8, just pick Melvin Ingram. That is assuming we don't re-sign Mario of course. Otherwise, a slight trade back and take Michael Floyd could work, or just take Floyd at 8. Works for me.
Both quarterbacks are coming off an injury and Gary is loyal to his players this is just not going to happen.
Retiring ? Like voluntarily ? You bought that story, you really think he's leaving on his own terms ?
Listen I've got a building site over east of Houston, in the Orleans Parish I want you to look at soon. Hey, it's priced right.
If you are gonna insinuate something spit it out. He has 40 years at Channel 13 & obviously you are the only one saying it is not a retirement on his own terms. I'm not saying you are wrong but bring something to table to support you comment.
Did I miss a memo that Manning can throw the ball now?

I mean, shouldn't that little item be established first?
As I and others have posted, any signing would be based on Manning being healthy. What guarantee can you present today that Schaub will be healthy for season?
Don't trade back from 8, just pick Melvin Ingram. That is assuming we don't re-sign Mario of course. Otherwise, a slight trade back and take Michael Floyd could work, or just take Floyd at 8. Works for me.
Ingram is one of the two I'd target but in a trade back. However, Vinny Curry in second is enticing and use the two firsts (for #8) on other guys.

#17: Ingram #21 Wright #26 Peter Konz
In case Manning joins Texans, your trading scenario makes sense to me. With Mario situation and all, with that pick we should be able to do a lot with it. Like trading back to stock pile early picks or find Mario replacement in the future, fill needs like WR and so on. Only concern to me is Manning's health condition.

Go Texans!!!
There are a bunch of IF's before I would do this.

IF mannings arm is still live!
IF he would take a reasonable contract!
IF he we could trade Schaub for a good enough package that we could combine some non critical assets to to trade up for a franchise QB. (RG111)

If all those IF's are met I wouldn't hesitate to sign Manning
There are a bunch of IF's before I would do this.

IF mannings arm is still live!
IF he would take a reasonable contract!
IF he we could trade Schaub for a good enough package that we could combine some non critical assets to to trade up for a franchise QB. (RG111)

If all those IF's are met I wouldn't hesitate to sign Manning
Gonna take a hell of a package to beat what Cleveland can offer.
Ingram is one of the two I'd target but in a trade back. However, Vinny Curry in second is enticing and use the two firsts (for #8) on other guys.

#17: Ingram #21 Wright #26 Peter Konz

I don't think Ingram will last that long. He's the second best pass rusher in the draft behind Coples, so I think he will go in the top 15 at least. If he has a great combine, he will be top 10.
If you are gonna insinuate something spit it out. He has 40 years at Channel 13 & obviously you are the only one saying it is not a retirement on his own terms. I'm not saying you are wrong but bring something to table to support you comment.
Yeah, I dislike Abromowitz as much as the next guy. Actually challenged me to a fight years ago but then promptly backed down.

But he, like David, pretty much writes his own ticket over there at KTRK. I'd bet he has something he's moving to, though. Consultant? Who knows.
As I and others have posted, any signing would be based on Manning being healthy. What guarantee can you present today that Schaub will be healthy for season?

I guess you haven't been reading my posts where I say that he won't.
Manning-to-Texans notion quickly shot down in Houston
Posted by Gregg Rosenthal on February 14, 2012, 12:23 PM EST
Peyton Manning AP

A report emerged on the radio in Houston Monday night that Peyton Manning has the Texans on his list of teams that he’d like to play for.

Even if that’s true, it’s hard to see any possible marriage here.

John McClain of the Houston Chronicle wrote Tuesday “it’s not going to happen” for a variety of reasons.

The biggest reason: The Texans have a quarterback in Matt Schaub. They are confident Schaub will return from his foot injury, whereas no one really knows if Manning will play again. (The Texans have other big issues to worry about.)

Manning also doesn’t fit Houston’s offense, which relies so much on movement and the bootleg. McClain is as clued in as any beat writer around. If he says there is “no chance” this will happen, we’re sure that statement wasn’t made in a vacuum.

It makes sense for a desperate team like the Redskins to gamble on Manning. It doesn’t make sense for the Texans.

LOL at the bolded. I don't care if he's right about Manning not coming to Houston, but John McClain always comes off as if he's the one that's running this franchise.
Manning also doesn’t fit Houston’s offense, which relies so much on movement and the bootleg. McClain is as clued in as any beat writer around. If he says there is “no chance” this will happen, we’re sure that statement wasn’t made in a vacuum.

I can't stand the Peyton doesn't fit in Houston's offense argument. You would think McClain would give Kubiak a little more credit and be smarter than that.

A lot of Peyton's play action comes off of their stretch outside running play in Indy. And while it's not considered a true "bootleg", the design is pretty much the same. Its trying to get the linebackers to flow and commit towards the ball fake and allow plays to be made behind them. Peyton doesn't have to be fleet footed to run the boots in our offense. Usually Schaub doesn't even really get out of the tackle box on his play actions. I'm not sure why this has become as big of an issue as it has.

Watching him play his whole career I have no doubt that the stretch runs/play actions fakes he runs in Indy would translate well enough in our offense.

Also I take what McClain says with a grain of salt. A few years ago he swore up and down that the Texans wouldn't be interested in signing a friend of mine. Meanwhile, there were talks and negotiations going on the entire time until he signed with another team. He doesn't know everything that's going on in the Texans front office like he leads on to believe.
I can't stand the Peyton doesn't fit in Houston's offense argument. You would think McClain would give Kubiak a little more credit and be smarter than that.

A lot of Peyton's play action comes off of their stretch outside running play in Indy. And while it's not considered a true "bootleg", the design is pretty much the same. Its trying to get the linebackers to flow and commit towards the ball fake and allow plays to be made behind them. Peyton doesn't have to be fleet footed to run the boots in our offense. Usually Schaub doesn't even really get out of the tackle box on his play actions. I'm not sure why this has become as big of an issue as it has.

Watching him play his whole career I have no doubt that the stretch runs/play actions fakes he runs in Indy would translate well enough in our offense.

Also I take what McClain says with a grain of salt. A few years ago he swore up and down that the Texans wouldn't be interested in signing a friend of mine. Meanwhile, there were talks and negotiations going on the entire time until he signed with another team. He doesn't know everything that's going on in the Texans front office like he leads on to believe.
yeah, McClain opens mouth - inserts foot, all the time. Peyton's bread and butter was the stretch play action stuff. You don't have to be fast or quick to run that.
The Texans have a much better running game than Houston does that should help out Manning.
I have no doubts about Manning's arm, or his head, or his desire to win. My only doubts are about his neck and before I'd even begin to entertain thoughts of signing him and turning our existing QB situation upside down I'd have to know beyond any doubt whatsoever that he was 100% and not any kind of bigger risk than anyone else to be injured again.

Fixed. Completely. Otherwise there's no way in the world I'm interested.

If he can demonstrate that then we're talking. I believe that he's got at least 3-4 more years in him. He's not like a lot of these guys who are going to wrap it up at 13-14 years. He's going to play as long as he can play because Manning is one driven, obsessive, "machine" of a QB. You guys all know that. How many years have you watched him just grind us up? He's going to be like Favre and play until he can't play anymore or his family (particularly Archie) convinces him it's time to shut it down.

IF he's healthy.
IF he's serious about playing here.
IF we can work a deal out.

I bring him in. There's not a doubt in my mind about that. I think just having Peyton Manning here would make Arian Foster and/or Mario Williams cheaper. Particularly if Manning takes a reasonable contract just to be here.

But that's a very narrow scenario I've set out there and it's very unlikely to happen.
I used to say I couldn't stand Peyton, but that was because he was so good for many years that it got on my nerves, especially against us. I was maybe jealous we didn't have something like him on our team.

With that said, he could turn into like Favre or Montana and take us deep into the playoffs and I would be first in line buying a Manning jersey in all available colors.

It would be worth picking up Manning just to watch Kubiak's head explode when Kubes sends the punt team onto the field on 4th and 5 and Manning sends it right back to the bench.
I wonder if the recent struggles with the Colts have been directly related to the persona of Peyton Manning.

That **** he does, the barking and commanding and chewing ass on the sideline if somebody broke off a route three inches too soon...that stuff wears thin on a group of guys after awhile. 10 years worth of it.

I honestly don't think he fits this franchise in terms of the climate Gary has going on here. Here, guys are never see all-out ass chewing sessions to the degree and consistency that #18 can dish out. In Indy, their HC allows #18 to effectively be the head coach on offense and act as drill sergeant on the rest of those guys. Can you see that type of thing going on here? I can't.

Call me a conspiracy theorist...but I think this is just the typical "Use Houston as a leverage tactic to get other teams moving" type of rumor.

Neither Manning nor Schaub is the answer here, unless you could build Frankenstein QB by putting Schaub's head on Manning's torso. And even then I think it would be a fail.

Marcus knows what Schaub is up against. He and CnD have been preaching this since November and people are slow to listen or slow to remember or whatever. Tell me the name of an NFL player who suffered the same injury and went on to play for more than one year afterward.

Yates will start the year, Schaub enters (maybe) towards the end IF several factors line up for Schaub (i.e. Yates is not playing well AND Schaub has rehabbed well enough to test the foot in a real game).

No way Kubiak brings in a hired gunslinger.

Plus, we built this team to eliminate Peyton Manning's existence from the AFC South. Remember? It would be like Hans Solo telling Darth Vader, "You know what? What the hell, Darth. Come on over and play on our team. Yay!" No way. The sun has set on the Colts. Let it set COMPLETELY. No need to feel sorry for #18 and let him get to come run our team.

I've fully decided that we need to pass on #18. Too many moving parts, so to speak. Roll with Yates, draft Keenum, but don't grab Manning and don't wager that Schaub returns either.
It would be worth picking up Manning just to watch Kubiak's head explode when Kubes sends the punt team onto the field on 4th and 5 and Manning sends it right back to the bench.

Kubiak would throw the red challenge flag.

Steve Tasker: "Whats he doing, Gus?"

Gus Johnson: "I don't think I've ever seen this before. A head coach has thrown the challenge flag on his own quarterback."

Steve: "Amazing. Kubiak's going to waste a timeout here. No way the ref overturns THIS call by Manning."
I can see a trade happening after pick #2. If Cleveland trades up to get RG3 theer is absolutely no other way to go for a QB of Matt Schaub's stats. I also think Cleveland would be forced to give St.Louis their second first round which should also benefit Texans. Rumor is Cleveland would select Wright but if they lose both firsts to St Louis that would assist us. I was up half the night creating scenarios of Manning to Houston Schaub to SKins for #8 and then trading down from #8 to maybe Bengals?

Don't trade back from 8, just pick Melvin Ingram. That is assuming we don't re-sign Mario of course. Otherwise, a slight trade back and take Michael Floyd could work, or just take Floyd at 8. Works for me.

If we are #8, I would do a slight trade back (to say 10 or 11) and grab David DeCastro. He starts as an OG from Day 1 and is miles ahead of Briesel or Wade Smith.
Give me Manning and Reggie Wayne, and it's game over.

Maybe 3 or 4 years ago it would have been.

The paths are diverging, IMO. We're taking over the AFC South at a time when Manning is departing (for good) and Wayne is aging and looking at a new head coach, rookie QB in Andrew Luck, and possible losses on the defense that make the Colts as vulnerable in 2012 as they were in 2011.

I think it's nice to envision it, but I don't think it equates to reality. For me, it's nice to know that the Colts have had a bucket of water thrown on them and they've melted like the wicked witch of the east did in the Wizard of Oz. And all of Oz celebrated. Yay!

The key phrase has been "there's a lot of moving parts here..." The moving parts include:

1. Kubiak's history of being VERY loyal to his players, especially the QB. Schaub missed out on the Super Bowl in 2011, and he's in his final contract year in 2012. Doesn't look like a "Kubiak move" to shaft him in favor of #18.

2. We didn't go after Brett Favre a few seasons back. We won't go after his reincarnated self (Manning) either.

3. Manning is not in a neck brace, he's been cleared, etc., but can he make all the throws and do so for a long period of time, accurately, etc.?

4. #18 says he wants to build an incentive-based deal, but seriously....what does that look like? What are the numbers? What triggers the bonus money, and will any of that include roster bonuses for 2013, etc., placing Houston in a bind if he limps through 2012 and we really don't want him in 2013.

5. We built this team to take down the Colts. Mission accomplished, whether by our own doing or the Colts' own doing is irrelevant. Mission accomplished. So why do we let the guy skip over to Houston and let him get to eat his cake, too? I still remember the Colts laying down for the Titans several seasons ago and it let the Titans into the playoffs. That struck a nerve with me then, and it does NOW when I think about Daddy Darth Vader trying to come here and play nice with us all of a sudden. Hit the road, a-hole. Thanks for the memories.

6. I can only imagine an animated Manning on the Texans sideline, trying to chew the asses of guys like Myers, Winston, Brown, Andre Johnson, Owen Daniels, Arian Foster, etc. I bet that would go over like a lead balloon. He'd lose the team in the first three games of the 2012 season...unless he led the team to huge blowout wins those first few games. The potential for disaster outweighs the reward, IMO.

It's been fun to think MAYBE #18 wants us. It was nice when Bill Cowher wanted us, too. I actually enjoyed the 2011 season because we did it without Cowher, whom I was in favor of bringing in by the way, and we can do 2012 without P. Manning, as well.

I will say this: IF the Texans made this happen, it would definitely make for an entertaining off-season, camp, preseason, and first few games of reg season.
I guess you haven't been reading my posts where I say that he won't.
SHould have clarified my post was directed at board and not you specifically. People are questioning Peyton's health but not Matt's and which of the two has been medically cleared?
If we are #8, I would do a slight trade back (to say 10 or 11) and grab David DeCastro. He starts as an OG from Day 1 and is miles ahead of Briesel or Wade Smith.

I want two firsts for #8 and Bengal's makes most sense. I think Decastro or Ingram could be there but there are several options. I still want a one and a two for Mario from New England. One of the radio stations this afternoon thought NE was perfect fit for Mario.

#17, # 21, #31 & #63 + our own #26. We can draft em or trade the picks.
SHould have clarified my post was directed at board and not you specifically. People are questioning Peyton's health but not Matt's and which of the two has been medically cleared?

Furthermore, I think many players have recovered and gone on to play several more seasons with Manning's type of injury. Can't say the same for the injury Schaub has.

I don't think either of those guys can be the answer here. Manning's downfall will be the history he has with us in the AFCS, the 8 or 9 years of dominating us and now wanting us to pick him up when he's down--No way in hell will Kubiak bring him in NOW, it's not a fit from a team culture standpoint. Schaub's downfall is his injury and what that has historically looked like upon a player's return from it.

Personally, I think Kubiak gambles that Yates can have a full off-season, a full camp as QB1, a full preseason and practices as QB1, and upgrade a few things via draft and free agency, and it ends up better than 2011 for us.