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Sexual Assault Suits Against Watson

One of Watson's team in court said that the Grand Jury hearing will occur in March. Hardin requested that the judge reschedule the Watson deposition until after the hearing. The judge refused the request.

Meanwhile it appears that Buzbee may be able to depose Watson, not for 40 hours, but possibly for 60 hours. And Buzbee has said that as soon as the deposition is available, he intends to immediately release it.
Makes it less likely. And still more probable then a guilty conviction. Nobody wants a trial and this is the easiest course outside of trial assuming there's any real evidence.

I am speaking purely in terms of criminal law.
A guilty plea would be more likely than DADJ. Especially with Trafficking involved. He would not get off light.
One of Watson's team in court said that the Grand Jury hearing will occur in March. Hardin requested that the judge reschedule the Watson deposition until after the hearing. The judge refused the request.

Meanwhile it appears that Buzbee may be able to depose Watson, not for 40 hours, but for 60 hours. And Buzbee has said that as soon as the deposition is available, he intends to immediately release it.
Yeah that confused me if she meant the GJ would be voting in March, since it is believed they are already meeting. The defense doesn’t get to meet with the GJ.
You can call it that if you want. And you’re right no one knows the charges. Just take a look at who is involved. Human Trafficking investigators being one.

You've been a hawk on this topic and an asset to this thread. Keep doing what your doing. I saw the same charge referenced but it was only that, a reference. I don't take it as fact and still think da is the likely outcome. I have personal experience with crooks who admitted all guilt and still only got da.
You've been a hawk on this topic and an asset to this thread. Keep doing what your doing. I saw the same charge referenced but it was only that, a reference. I don't take it as fact and still think da is the likely outcome. I have personal experience with crooks who admitted all guilt and still only got da.
Appreciate it and I understand
Two women filed criminal complaints outside of the civil cases. The first one was to have happened before Buzbee became the legal council for these women. Not sure when the second criminal complaint was filed in the timeline.

22 Civil

11 Criminal

7 of the 11 criminal cases are not Buzbee clients and are NOT part of the civil suits.

There's also strong evidence of minor victims in 3-4 cases. These cases are not part of the above figures.
22 Civil

11 Criminal

7 of the 11 criminal cases are not Buzbee clients and are NOT part of the civil suits.

There's also strong evidence of minor victims in 3-4 cases. These cases are not part of the above figures.
He shouldn’t play another down of football and will be fortunate if he doesn’t end up in prison.
I don't believe Watson would want any part of Deferred Adjudication in Texas.


Deferred Adjudication for Sexual Crimes: Is it Worth It?
by Keith Gore, Lawyer | Jan 25, 2018 | for Sexual Crimes: Is it Worth It?
Facing a sexual offense charge anywhere in Texas, and especially in ultra conservative cities like McKinney, Plano, Allen, Dallas, Denton, Frisco, Ft. Worth, and Rockwall, is a life-changing, terrifying matter. Texas law provides severe penalties for those convicted of sexual offenses, like aggravated sexual assault, sexual assault of a child, indecency with a child, and continuous sexual abuse of a child.

Some sexual crimes against children carry minimum prison terms; some are set at 5 years minimum (like aggravated sexual assault of a child, TX Penal Code Section 22.021), and others at 25 years minimum (like continuous sexual abuse of a child, TX Penal Code Section 21.02, or if the child was younger than 6 years of age at the time of the offense, TX Penal Code 22.021 (f)(1). Many sexual crimes against children also carry up to life sentences.

For some sexual offenses, but not all, deferred adjudication is an option. Deferred adjudication means that the court “defers” finding the accused guilty of a crime and places him on probation (also known as “community supervision”). If the accused successfully completes deferred adjudication probation, even for a sexual offense, the court dismisses the indictment and the accused can honestly say that he was not convicted of the crime.

The flip-side of the deferred adjudication coin is that if the court revokes probation, the accused faces the full range of punishment. For example, someone on deferred adjudication for the first degree felony offense of aggravated sexual assault faces the full range of punishment if revoked, which is 5-99 years or life in prison.

Even when the accused receives and successfully completes deferred adjudication for a sexual offense, the fact that he pleaded guilty to a sex offense and received probation remains on his record forever. Texas law does allow for some criminal records to be non-disclosed (or sealed from public view) after successful completion of deferred adjudication; however, that is not an option for sexual offenses which are specifically excluded in the non-disclosure statue. See Texas Government Code Section 411.074(b).

In a nutshell, non-disclosure of criminal records means that public agencies, like the police, district attorney’s offices, Texas Department of Public Safety, jails, district and county clerk’s offices, probation departments, etc., will not disclose information about the charge to the public. These agencies remove the case information from their websites. But, those agencies retain the records, and if the person commits a new offense, the non-disclosed charge can be used against him in the prosecution of the new charge.

If non-disclosure isn’t available for sex offenses in Texas, then why I am mentioning it here? Because sometimes, after thoroughly preparing a defense and being ready for a jury trial, prosecutors agree to reduce sex offenses to other types of offenses for which an order of non-disclosure could one day be obtained. For example, someone charge with aggravated sexual assault might reach an agreement with the prosecution to plead guilty or “no contest” to a lesser charge, like aggravated assault. Texas law allows for non-disclosure of aggravated assault charges if the accused meets certain conditions, like successfully completing deferred adjudication probation and not getting any new charges.

So whether deferred adjudication is a better option than going to a jury trial is always case specific. A cookie-cutter approach simply doesn’t work in serious cases, especially those involving accusations of sexual assault or sexual crimes against children.

What does deferred adjudication for a sex crime look like? Here is a brief summary:
  • 1. Registration as a sex offender is required, even with deferred adjudication. The Texas Department of Public Safety and federal agencies keep a list of all persons required to register as a sex offender. This information is available to the public.
  • 2. Deferred adjudication for sex offenses can last for up to ten years.
  • 3. Courts typically restrict where a person on probation for a sex crime can live. For example, the accused cannot live within a certain distance of schools or playgrounds. Sometimes those on deferred probation for sex crimes have to move from a home they’ve lived in for years.
  • 4. Deferred adjudication for sex offenses against children and adults makes it all but impossible to obtain a good job, much less a high-paying one. It also effects employment opportunities because the court doesn’t usually allow employment in places where minors are, or are likely to be, present.
  • 5. Deferred adjudication for sex offenses restricts the accused’s access to minor children, sometimes even their own. Courts can, and sometimes do, order the accused not to see or even speak with their own children.
  • 6. Deferred adjudication for sex offenses requires intensive sex offender treatment and therapy, which can be on an individual or group basis, and usually both. Part of therapy is admitting to the alleged sex crime, which often leads to problems. Here’s how:
  • Those accused of sex crimes sometimes plead guilty and accept deferred adjudication out of fear of losing at trial, not because they are actually guilty. Some people are simply afraid to trust a jury, and I wish I could say that was ridiculous. These cases are emotionally charged, and jurors, being regular folks like the rest of us, sometimes vote “guilty” out of emotion instead of soberly looking at the evidence.
  • So the person who pleaded guilty to get guaranteed probation rather than taking a chance with a jury now finds himself in sex offender therapy. The therapist asks the accused to confess. The accused says he didn’t do it. The therapist alerts the probation officer to the fact that the accused has denied the offense. The probation officer then files a motion to adjudicate (or revoke) the deferred adjudication probation because the accused “refuses to participate in counseling.” The court issues a warrant, the accused is re-arrested, and must now appear in court to answer to the motion to adjudicate. You can see the conundrum.
  • 7. Polygraph testing is also required for those on deferred adjudication for sex offenses. As discussed in # 6 above, the questions on the polygraph exam include the details of the alleged sex crime. Texas law doesn’t allow for someone’s probation to be revoked for failing a polygraph test, but it does allow for revocation when the person isn’t “cooperating with treatment.” Also, failed polygraph tests generally result in additional counseling requirements and additional polygraph tests.
  • 8. Another type of testing required of males on deferred adjudication for sex offenses against children is penile plethysmography (PPG) or phallometry. Penile plethysmography (PPG) or phallometry is measurement of blood-flow to the penis, supposedly used to measure sexual arousal. For females, vaginal and clitoral photoplethysmography (VPG, VPP) is sometimes required.
  • 9. Community Service hours are also required of sex offender probationers. Courts routinely order hundreds of hours of community service for sex offense cases. The community service hours must generally be performed at a steady monthly rate; for example, if 170 hours of community service are required the probationer would do 8-10 hours a month until completed.
  • 10. Probation officers also appear unannounced at the probationer’s home. The probationer is expected to welcome the probation officer into his home while the probationer officer snoops around.
  • 11. Another common requirement of sex offender probation is either no use of a computer, or if computer use is allowed, limited or no access to the internet. Special software must be installed on any computer accessible by the probationer to track web activity and block certain websites.
  • 12. Courts also impose travel restrictions on sex offender probationers. For example, the court could restrict travel to within the county of the probationer’s residence, or to several counties. Requests to travel outside the state of Texas or internationally must be approved by the court, and are often denied.
  • 13. Random drug testing is also required. Abstinence from alcohol is also routinely ordered.
  • 14. Fines and court costs are also required. Fines range from $0 to $10,000. Monthly probation fees of about $50 are required, along with the costs of counseling, drug testing, polygraph testing, etc.
These are just a few of the stringent conditions and requirements placed on probationers for sex offenses against children and adults.

So, is deferred adjudication worth it? That’s a decision that can only be made after a full and complete investigation of the charges. It may be that deferred adjudication is the best option for the accused, but it is imperative that the decision be made with a full understanding of what’s involved and expected.
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For Watson’s sake, and I cannot remember, he better hope he didn’t do any “massage” requests more than 2 times within 30 days.

Sec. 20A.03. CONTINUOUS TRAFFICKING OF PERSONS. (a) A person commits an offense if, during a period that is 30 or more days in duration, the person engages two or more times in conduct that constitutes an offense under Section 20A.02 against one or more victims.

(b) If a jury is the trier of fact, members of the jury are not required to agree unanimously on which specific conduct engaged in by the defendant constituted an offense under Section 20A.02 or on which exact date the defendant engaged in that conduct. The jury must agree unanimously that the defendant, during a period that is 30 or more days in duration, engaged in conduct that constituted an offense under Section 20A.02.

(c) If the victim of an offense under Subsection (a) is the same victim as a victim of an offense under Section 20A.02, a defendant may not be convicted of the offense under Section 20A.02 in the same criminal action as the offense under Subsection (a), unless the offense under Section 20A.02:

(1) is charged in the alternative;

(2) occurred outside the period in which the offense alleged under Subsection (a) was committed; or

(3) is considered by the trier of fact to be a lesser included offense of the offense alleged under Subsection (a).

(d) A defendant may not be charged with more than one count under Subsection (a) if all of the conduct that constitutes an offense under Section 20A.02 is alleged to have been committed against the same victim.

(e) An offense under this section is a felony of the first degree, punishable by imprisonment in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for life or for any term of not more than 99 years or less than 25 years.
I'm a licensed massage therapist of 20 years and I've taught massage therapy in a school setting. I find what has happened disgusting and part of the reason I no longer follow the Texans very closely.

As for how these women handled a celebrity asking them for sex or forcing sex on them, it's easy to say you'll walk out of the room and tell them to leave when you've had the training. But when you're just starting out, not professionally trained, and worried about making enough money to pay your rent, you might let one comment or slip of the towel go. The power differential in this situation is heavy.

Here you have a guy offering a lot of money to perform a massage service. The $$$ puts the power solely in Watson's favor. Suddenly he does or says something sexual and poof, the money is at risk. Desperate times leads to desperate decisions. Part of the problem that folks aren't realizing, a lot of the women that he chose were not Licensed, Registered, or had been to school for training. He found them on IG or what have you. He was looking for a 'certain' type. Hell, one woman he flew in from Atlanta and she was saving up money to go to massage school. That's sex trafficking by definition.

I'm not sure what the licensing rules are in every state, but here in Oregon it is illegal to practice massage without a license. Now does that stop the "rub down shops"? Nope. People still frequent those establishments because they are there. Federally it is against the law to pay for or take money for sex... aka prostitution.

In the situation with Mr. Watson, I hope that the truth comes out. No one should be subjected to this kind of thing against their will. If he explained what he wanted prior to the session and they went for it, that's on them. But if this is something that he coerced or forced them into, that's on him.
I definitely understand the trying to get your business going or the appeal of a superstar and his money and power threatening a person verbally. However I do think it is going to be an issue with some perhaps even on the final jury if there is one saying that a woman may have chosen money over her own safety. For whatever reason that might be difficult to overlook.

Similar to "what was she wearing" it should not matter but I think it will for some people.
If you ever wonder why I dont think Derrick will ever win a championship this is exhibit A. He cares more about the glory and lifestyle than his craft.
When he showed up in his draft day costume, I suspected the same. Said so at the time, took a bashing from the Kool Aid Brigade for saying so. You just kind of knew Derrick's priorities were not where they should be.
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After 27:00 minute Mark

- Watson’s marketing manager, Burney has been deposed

- Initially claimed Watson was being extorted for 30K

- Burney had a recording of the conversation and had it played it court. There was no mention of any asking price by the plaintiff’s side, they only asked for a copy of the NDA Watson had her sign.

- Buzbee asks Burney where did he get the NDAs originally
- Burney alleges the Texans gave the NDAs to Watson
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"Plus, did the Texans prepare NDAs for Deshaun Watson to give to massage therapists??? That's what I was told."

WTF??? The implications here are massive! Why would a football franchise supply a player with NDAs for massages???

I just can't think of a logical reason that does not implicate the franchise in some way, if it's true.
Working with High-Profile Clients: What You Must Know about Networking & Non-Disclosure Agreements

Whether the Texans did or didn't help him in any way with an NDA shouldn't even be a question because NDA's do not protect against criminal acts such as indecent assault, sexual assault, even voyeurism. So if somehow Watson got the form or got help with wording, it would never have been meant to coverup sexual misconduct. It would have only covered privacy issues brought up during the sessions.
"Plus, did the Texans prepare NDAs for Deshaun Watson to give to massage therapists??? That's what I was told."

WTF??? The implications here are massive! Why would a football franchise supply a player with NDAs for massages???

I just can't think of a logical reason that does not implicate the franchise in some way, if it's true.

It's just clickbait.

No way the team gets involved in this or any activities outside of football.

Again, NDA's don't cover criminal activity ....
It's just clickbait.

No way the team gets involved in this or any activities outside of football.

Again, NDA's don't cover criminal activity ....

She said the info came from Watson's marketing manager during a deposition.

I agree about not covering criminal activity, but I was just curious why a team would provide one at all. Then again, the information came from someone on Watson's side, so I'm already suspect that it is dubious information based on the obviously biased source.
She said the info came from Watson's marketing manager during a deposition.

I agree about not covering criminal activity, but I was just curious why a team would provide one at all. Then again, the information came from someone on Watson's side, so I'm already suspect that it is dubious information based on the obviously biased source.
You are correct to keep Burne's statements suspect. Keep in mind that months ago, Burne told the media that he had recorded the entire conversation proving the attempted "$30,000" extortion.............and now with the recording submitted, there is no discussion of the $30,000.
I agree about not covering criminal activity, but I was just curious why a team would provide one at all.
It’s probably a standard thing for guys like Avery who have access to non-public material that they want to remain non-public.

You can download them off the internet.

I doubt they’ll be held liable for Watson’s use of it in his nefarious alleged activities.
She said the info came from Watson's marketing manager during a deposition.

I agree about not covering criminal activity, but I was just curious why a team would provide one at all. Then again, the information came from someone on Watson's side, so I'm already suspect that it is dubious information based on the obviously biased source.

I think we all know he was hiding this activity from the team and the rest of the world .... If they thought they needed to hand out NDA's you really believe they would have given him that contract?

They didn't know what he was doing
I think we all know he was hiding this activity from the team and the rest of the world .... If they thought they needed to hand out NDA's you really believe they would have given him that contract?

They didn't know what he was doing

The point is if what Dash tweeted is correct the Calhoun knew what Derrick was up to before he signed Derrick to that contract. This really wouldn't surprise me because Calhoun, like his daddy always does what's best for business. Problem is the Pervert came back and bit Calhoun in the azz.

I dont find anything the Texans org does stupidly to be out of the question as possible. Why? Because Calhoun is the son in real life of the Jackie Gleason character in Smokey and the Bandit.
Wilson mentions that the law enforcement sources said that they did not have any audio or video or DNA evidence. Conveniently left out of this long piece is any mention of the Grand Jury. It's important to understand that the DA investigators are entirely separate from the police.
And also too, I’ve never seen someone mention Audio or Video evidence of a sexual assault taking place. Seems odd placement there. DNA evidence, is one thing. Though law enforcement sources aren’t going to divulge that to an NFL “reporter”. He probably got that from Hardin anyway.
And also too, I’ve never seen someone mention Audio or Video evidence of a sexual assault taking place. Seems odd placement there. DNA evidence, is one thing. Though law enforcement sources aren’t going to divulge that to an NFL “reporter”. He probably got that from Hardin anyway.

I don't understand why "DNA evidence" is even mentioned. DNA evidence is only applicable if someone was claiming that there was no sexual encounter at all.

To my understanding, he's claiming consensual sex. DNA evidence wouldn't shed any light on whether it was consensual or not.
When he showed up in his draft day costume, I suspected the same. Said so at the time, took a bashing from the Kool Aid Brigade for saying so. You just kind of knew Derrick's priorities were not where they should be.
View attachment 9773
I think those shoes came from an Alligator I saw on a sandbar in Taylor Lake. Have not seen him for a while and I wondered where he went.
Hardin tried to move Watson's deposition. Found out why. He may not be able to focus his entire attention to Watson. Why? Because Hardin is buried in his new lawsuits.............he is the lead plaintiff attorney for the Tyler Skaggs lawsuits!

Hardin follows the money. He stands to make much more as the plaintiff attorney for Skaggs than as the defense attorney for Watson. I'd have to say, good luck with that, Watson.
I think we all know he was hiding this activity from the team and the rest of the world .... If they thought they needed to hand out NDA's you really believe they would have given him that contract?

They didn't know what he was doing
It would actually make sense if the NDA’s came from Brooks or Avery since experts said the NDAs looked very amateurish
Hardin tried to move Watson's deposition. Found out why. He may not be able to focus his entire attention to Watson. Why? Because Hardin is buried in his new lawsuits.............he is the lead plaintiff attorney for the Tyler Skaggs lawsuits!

Hardin follows the money. He stands to make much more as the plaintiff attorney for Skaggs than as the defense attorney for Watson. I'd have to say, good luck with that, Watson.
Buzbee smells blood with this news I’m sure. No way Watson is looking forward to this week.
Special hearing to be held Monday in Deshaun Watson civil case
3 min ago

HOUSTON – A special hearing has been scheduled for Monday as the attorneys representing Deshaun Watson are requesting a delay in the civil trial against the embattled Houston Texans quarterback.

The Office of Rusty Hardin, who represents Watson, told KPRC 2 the hearing will be held at 2 p.m.

Twenty-two women have come out against Watson, accusing him of inappropriate behavior during massage therapy sessions. The women are being represented by Houston attorney Tony Buzbee.

Hardin filed a motion last week requesting the deposition be postponed because 10 out of the 22 accusers keep delaying their depositions; being questioned under oath.

The motion was also filed because no criminal investigation has been conducted.

The motion reads, “Mr. Watson seeks a modest accommodation to protect two key goals of the parties’ agreed docket control order (”DCO”) that are currently in jeopardy - largely because of delays created by the plaintiffs’ discovery conduct. Specifically, Mr. Watson seeks a 60-day extension of certain DCO deadlines. Mr. Watson also asks that his depositions be scheduled to begin after April 1, 2022, instead of after February 22, 2022.”
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