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Sexual Assault Suits Against Watson

And you’re in that field so you should know that’s not the case all the times. Not only that but to basically say all of these women are lying is dead wrong Powda.

You got me wrong. I believe in due process. If he's found guilty, f him. But provide solid evidence. Hear say is damning. He's worth tens of millions and it's not unusual for folks to go after money a celebrity has.

Let it play out.
I guess my next concerns in the matter are:

-How long will it take the gj to make a decision? (I'm assuming far less then 8 weeks.)

-If Dw is no billed what action (if any) will the nfl take as far as suspensions? Will they stand pat based purely on civil proceedings?

If the nfl waits for a civil resolution it hurts the Texans because I fully expect a suspension of some sort. The nfl would be keeping him in limbo as a tradable commodity.

It's best for the team (and us) that he is no billed and given his suspension asap. That would jumpstart trade talks and end this ridiculous soap opera.
Not sure how long it will take, but imo, the Texans cannot let him see the field.
Is it uncommon for people without money to sue people with money?


Regarding sexual assault allegations.. with over..honestly couldn't even tell you the exact number of women/accusers right now. Yes it is uncommon. Everything about this case is unusual..

On the flipside to what you said.. is it uncommon for people with money, power, and social/celebrity status to abuse others without? That has been happening WAY more often..
You over stepped and I find this utterly offensive. It's not my job to judge or execute. I give no fucks what you read in the papers.

Let the process play out.

You and others are advocating a Lynch mob mentality.

Wow, you act like people here have some kind of control over Watson's fate. People are entitled to their own opinions (maybe they still are, hard to tell anymore), sorry if you find this utterly offensive.

No one here is advocating a "lynch mob mentality" . I didn't see any secret service in camp, did you?. Also didn't hear about any death threats he received.. His accusers said they received them though, so there's that, but I know.. hearsay. What I'm saying is there is, always has been court of public opinion, and always will be. This is no different, other than the story strikes closer, because he was the freaking pro bowl QB of our collective favorite team.

And He is ultimately responsible for the current situation he now finds himself in, No one else.
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If only people in the SI story hadn't had the same story and they weren't a part of the lawsuits.
That piece, in my mind, is most damning. & it’s not hearsay. It’s people with their own stories about this thing Watson is doing & has been doing.

There’s no way anyone can read that & not “know” something odd has been happening. Something criminal.

Objectively the only thing in question is the severity of the crime committed, which will be different for each of the 30+ complaints. & the only real question, I think, is can they prove it.

But like I said. It’s obvious that “something” happened.
'Baxley says that while “Watson deserves a fair day in court,”.
I'm unconvinced about the sincerity of this plaintiffs statement because Buzzbutt has got her out in the public domain making allegations well before DW4 has any opportunity to make his case in the courtroom.
I guess my next concerns in the matter are:

-How long will it take the gj to make a decision? (I'm assuming far less then 8 weeks.)

-If Dw is no billed what action (if any) will the nfl take as far as suspensions? Will they stand pat based purely on civil proceedings?

If the nfl waits for a civil resolution it hurts the Texans because I fully expect a suspension of some sort. The nfl would be keeping him in limbo as a tradable commodity.

It's best for the team (and us) that he is no billed and given his suspension asap. That would jumpstart trade talks and end this ridiculous soap opera.

It's not best for society.
I’ve asked this question to several people who says due process. And their stance changed big time. So I will ask this here.

If one of those lady’s was your wife, daughter or sister, and they told you Watson sexually assaulted them by placing his junk on their hand and etc. Would you tell them due process? We have to let this thing play out in court.

The majority of the responses I got was, “ they would put a hurting on Watson”.
I’ve asked this question to several people who says due process. And their stance changed big time. So I will ask this here.

If one of those lady’s was your wife, daughter or sister, and they told you Watson sexually assaulted them by placing his junk on their hand and etc. Would you tell them due process? We have to let this thing play out in court.

The majority of the responses I got was, “ they would put a hurting on Watson”.

My first question to my wife and daughter would be, how did you manage to go behind my back and place provocative photos of yourself in less than professional poses/clothing on Instagram to advertise your licensed masseuse skill set? Was there not a more professional advertising route to help reduce the wrong type of customer? My sister would be her own adult. This type of discussion with my sister would only lead to discussions as to why she chose this method of advertising her masseuse skill-set.

I also believe that for the majority of young women familiar with Instagram….advertising themselves in a certain amount of ultra revealing clothing and poses….does generate a lot of unwanted solicitations outside the services they’ve chose to advertise.

Like the women who choose to work at Gentlemen Clubs, they do so willingly and are fully aware that some folks will enter the building and conduct themselves properly and then there are those individuals who show up with a totally different game plan b/c they feel entitled or feel that those women put themselves out there for their personal end-game.

In either case, it’s not right for any individual to think they can do whatever they want and walk away without any consequences. But, just to set the record straight….many of these women don’t mind soliciting an individual for more than what their advertising (masseuse, exotic dancer, etc). Anything happening due to solicitation would be seen as consensual.

This is what the Grand Jury will have to figure out…..was it blatant freakish sexual behavior by Watson or a consensual situation. Watson’s only public statement to date was to say any sexual situations were consensual. The women have stated the opposite. Classic “he said-she said” with neither party bringing any physical evidence to the table.

Even though I’m completely pissed off as to the BS trade demands by Watson, citing Cal McNair failing to live up to his offer of including him in the GM and HC search, he’s still going to get his day in court……therefore, I will refrain from referencing him as a POS, pervert, sexual deviant, oily or whatever other name some can come up with until a verdict is rendered in this case. Watson put himself in an awfully incriminating position but by no means does that make him guilty without both sides getting to present their evidence.
My first question to my wife and daughter would be, how did you manage to go behind my back and place provocative photos of yourself in less than professional poses/clothing on Instagram to advertise your licensed masseuse skill set? Was there not a more professional advertising route to help reduce the wrong type of customer? My sister would be her own adult. This type of discussion with my sister would only lead to discussions as to why she chose this method of advertising her masseuse skill-set.

I also believe that for the majority of young women familiar with Instagram….advertising themselves in a certain amount of ultra revealing clothing and poses….does generate a lot of unwanted solicitations outside the services they’ve chose to advertise.

Like the women who choose to work at Gentlemen Clubs, they do so willingly and are fully aware that some folks will enter the building and conduct themselves properly and then there are those individuals who show up with a totally different game plan b/c they feel entitled or feel that those women put themselves out there for their personal end-game.

In either case, it’s not right for any individual to think they can do whatever they want and walk away without any consequences. But, just to set the record straight….many of these women don’t mind soliciting an individual for more than what their advertising (masseuse, exotic dancer, etc). Anything happening due to solicitation would be seen as consensual.

This is what the Grand Jury will have to figure out…..was it blatant freakish sexual behavior by Watson or a consensual situation. Watson’s only public statement to date was to say any sexual situations were consensual. The women have stated the opposite. Classic “he said-she said” with neither party bringing any physical evidence to the table.

Even though I’m completely pissed off as to the BS trade demands by Watson, citing Cal McNair failing to live up to his offer of including him in the GM and HC search, he’s still going to get his day in court……therefore, I will refrain from referencing him as a POS, pervert, sexual deviant, oily or whatever other name some can come up with until a verdict is rendered in this case. Watson put himself in an awfully incriminating position but by no means does that make him guilty without both sides getting to present their evidence.

Because of the last sentence in this post he is and always remain a POS whether found guilty or not.
I’ve asked this question to several people who says due process. And their stance changed big time. So I will ask this here.

If one of those lady’s was your wife, daughter or sister, and they told you Watson sexually assaulted them by placing his junk on their hand and etc. Would you tell them due process? We have to let this thing play out in court.

The majority of the responses I got was, “ they would put a hurting on Watson”.

My apologies, Mods can you move my comment to the Watson sexual assault thread please.
If one of those lady’s was your wife, daughter or sister, and they told you Watson sexually assaulted them by placing his junk on their hand and etc. Would you tell them due process? We have to let this thing play out in court.

The majority of the responses I got was, “ they would put a hurting on Watson”.
So what point are you trying to prove?

It’s not my wife, or my daughter. I don’t necessarily want to put a hurt on him.

The only question we should be discussing is should he, or should he not play for the Texans in 2021.

He says he has no interest in playing for Houston. Fine. Whatever.

Looks like Goodell & the NFL are going to allow him to play (unless something changes). As such, he’s got some value. There are three teams reportedly interested in that eligibility.

Hopefully, the Texans can get something for that. If he’s indicted on a criminal charge, he becomes worthless.

The Texans may have some recourse to get their money back, but I honestly couldn’t care less about that.

They spent two 1sts to get him, two 1sts to protect his blind side. They need to get some of that back.

It’s like wanting to sell your PSL. May not be worth what you spent. May not get 70 cents on the dollar. But it’s better than getting nothing in return.
So what point are you trying to prove?

It’s not my wife, or my daughter. I don’t necessarily want to put a hurt on him.

The only question we should be discussing is should he, or should he not play for the Texans in 2021.

He says he has no interest in playing for Houston. Fine. Whatever.

Looks like Goodell & the NFL are going to allow him to play (unless something changes). As such, he’s got some value. There are three teams reportedly interested in that eligibility.

Hopefully, the Texans can get something for that. If he’s indicted on a criminal charge, he becomes worthless.

The Texans may have some recourse to get their money back, but I honestly couldn’t care less about that.

They spent two 1sts to get him, two 1sts to protect his blind side. They need to get some of that back.

It’s like wanting to sell your PSL. May not be worth what you spent. May not get 70 cents on the dollar. But it’s better than getting nothing in return.

Like I've said many times, there are things more important than football.

Things like

Sexual assault
Sex trafficking

This is the price ownership and fans have to pay for getting in bed with a guy like this POS. Acceptance is the 1st step to recovery.
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So what point are you trying to prove?

It’s not my wife, or my daughter. I don’t necessarily want to put a hurt on him.

The only question we should be discussing is should he, or should he not play for the Texans in 2021.

He says he has no interest in playing for Houston. Fine. Whatever.

Looks like Goodell & the NFL are going to allow him to play (unless something changes). As such, he’s got some value. There are three teams reportedly interested in that eligibility.

Hopefully, the Texans can get something for that. If he’s indicted on a criminal charge, he becomes worthless.

The Texans may have some recourse to get their money back, but I honestly couldn’t care less about that.

They spent two 1sts to get him, two 1sts to protect his blind side. They need to get some of that back.

It’s like wanting to sell your PSL. May not be worth what you spent. May not get 70 cents on the dollar. But it’s better than getting nothing in return.

That a person response would be completely different if it was that close to home. Human nature kicks in Thunder.
Like I've said many times, there are things more important than football.

Things like

Sexual assault
Sex trafficking

This is the price ownership and fans have to pay for getting in bed with a guy like this POS. Acceptance is the 1st step to recovery.

…..and you’re under the perception that Watson is the only NFL player who may or may have not done this type of thing? My guess, there’s probably been far worse things done and just haven’t been made public. Until Watson is found guilty in a court of law and not public opinion……he’ll be in innocent until proven guilty.
I’ve asked this question to several people who says due process. And their stance changed big time. So I will ask this here.

If one of those lady’s was your wife, daughter or sister, and they told you Watson sexually assaulted them by placing his junk on their hand and etc. Would you tell them due process? We have to let this thing play out in court.

The majority of the responses I got was, “ they would put a hurting on Watson”.
In that scenario revenge is wanted not justice although it can be claimed. This is where lynch mobs & Hatfield and McCoys originate. William Bonney went on his killing tear when his boss and mentor was shot. "get you back" is a go to but not what society allows. I don't think families are usually allowed to set punishment even less so before a conviction.
You got me wrong. I believe in due process. If he's found guilty, f him. But provide solid evidence. Hear say is damning. He's worth tens of millions and it's not unusual for folks to go after money a celebrity has.

Let it play out.
Wow, great advice for all of you guys that are condemnig DC, NC, Easterby, the Texans and the whole organization on hearsay and lack of evidence. good Job!
Wow, great advice for all of you guys that are condemnig DC, NC, Easterby, the Texans and the whole organization on hearsay and lack of evidence. good Job!

You mean criticizing bad team management vs calling someone a sexual predator?

Not the same ballpark. Good job.
Just confirmed that the Watson investigation for the DA's Office is being led by its Human Trafficking division, and the criminal investigation by Harris County Police detectives that specialize in Human Trafficking investigations.
And misdemeanors don’t go before grand juries. Must be deeper stuff that you guys have alluded to that the public will eventually find out. You normally don’t see those guys lead regular sexual assault cases
So I ask again would you tell your daughter do process ? Or would you believe her when she says she’s been sexually assaulted?

1. I don't have a daughter, but I have a sister.
2. Nobody in my family is involved with the Watson case.

So, I'm not sure why it matters how I would feel if a family member were involved. We already both agree that my reaction would be irrational in that case. And although it would be valid, since everyone loves their family, it would still be irrational.
1. I don't have a daughter, but I have a sister.
2. Nobody in my family is involved with the Watson case.

So, I'm not sure why it matters how I would feel if a family member were involved. We already both agree that my reaction would be irrational in that case. And although it would be valid, since everyone loves their family, it would still be irrational.

Missing the point. Never mind
…..and you’re under the perception that Watson is the only NFL player who may or may have not done this type of thing? My guess, there’s probably been far worse things done and just haven’t been made public. Until Watson is found guilty in a court of law and not public opinion……he’ll be in innocent until proven guilty.

Oh, I feel quite sure that Hopkins was doing this crap too. I will be so glad when the Clemson trash is no longer on Kirby. Time to move on.
Management had no clue Watson had off the field issues like this. This is not on them.

In this sort of business, isn't it their business to know? I mean, it might be big-brotherish, but shouldn't there be staff dedicated to the players, especially the star players, to make sure they don't get into too much trouble? This is a huge investment and a team should do their due diligence before making that investment.
In this sort of business, isn't it their business to know?
Probably. If you believe the Hopkins trade rumors, maybe the Texans did know something. But I can't believe they would hand out that kind of contract if they knew the extent. Where were the tells? None of the women filed a police report on Watson. Watson had a fairly clean public persona. I'm not the guy to defend this organization for many of the things they do. I just think this situation could have blindsided any organization.
Probably. If you believe the Hopkins trade rumors, maybe the Texans did know something. But I can't believe they would hand out that kind of contract if they knew the extent. Where were the tells? None of the women filed a police report on Watson. Watson had a fairly clean public persona. I'm not the guy to defend this organization for many of the things they do. I just think this situation could have blindsided any organization.

I believe they knew what was going on since before Hopkins was traded. They hired PI's to trail Hopkins/POS. Hopkins even complained about being followed. If I was doing some of the things those Clemson trash were doing I wouldn't want to be followed either.
In this sort of business, isn't it their business to know? I mean, it might be big-brotherish, but shouldn't there be staff dedicated to the players, especially the star players, to make sure they don't get into too much trouble? This is a huge investment and a team should do their due diligence before making that investment.

No these teams do not staff people to watch over these players unless it’s needed. The Texans didn’t know Watson was moving around like that because he always carried himself respectable.
Where's your evidence? Why would Kyle & Jack give that contract if they were even slightly suspicious? Doesn't add up.

Evidence they were being followed?

Hopkins told us about being follwed by PI's in his attempt to disparage the McNair's/Texans org.