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Texans at Raiders Game Day Thread

Every single phase of the game has been bad to pathetic, today.

Crap QB play
Crap O-line play
Crap running game
Crap return teams
Crap punt/kick coverage
Crap kicking
Crap D Line play
Crap Run Defense
Crap Pass Defense
With that incompletion, my weekend is realy starting to get ruined. I'm actually getting pissed. If this was the Colts, I wouldn't be as mad, but the damn RAIDERS??!!?!
The Raiders keep running the ball, and the offense keeps going
3 and out, our defense will tire and the Raiders will blow
the Texans away.
well so much for Richard Smith keeping his job. once again, a RS coached/schemed defense makes a scrub QB look like Johnny freaking Unitas.

hopefully Kubiak grows a pair and gets rid of Richard Smith.
Richard Smith sucks. Period.

Yeah if there is one bright side, it is that this will likely be the straw the breaks the camel's back. Hopefully.... Rep!
Every single phase of the game has been bad to pathetic, today.

Crap QB play
Crap O-line play
Crap running game
Crap return teams
Crap punt/kick coverage
Crap kicking
Crap D Line play
Crap Run Defense
Crap Pass Defense

Your so right.

The Raiders are awful in all phases of the game.Still winning though.
I feel like its xmas and i should drink, personally they have let me down tonight, after a 4 game streak i thought we were money for a W tonight. Things could still turnaround but dont think im prepared to sit through it tonight.
This is what we get for making fun of Titans fans last week after our win. They destory the Steelers and we get destroyed by the Raiders.
I feel like its xmas and i should drink, personally they have let me down tonight, after a 4 game streak i thought we were money for a W tonight. Things could still turnaround but dont think im prepared to sit through it tonight.

Go for the drink, and in an hour, dream about the amazing comeback, and overtime victory!
honestly tho i think we can still come back weve come back this year win win some close games

Fins . GB.. who else LOL
I'm not sure that will be much of a shock. G-Men aren't playing well right now and the Panthers are.

True, they've been shooting themselves in the foot (or leg) in recent weeks.

Sorry, jokes make losing easier.

DeAngelo Williams has been running like a beast though....if anyone is running of the G-men at the moment, its him.
Any Given Sunday...

Hell, even I didn't expect the Raiders to do well.:mcnugget:

Maybe if I thought the Raiders would lose every game they would of gone to the playoffs:winky:

Then again, they tend to melt down 4th I shouldn't get too happy...yet.
Don't worry about him Childress... he's kinda wierd.

1st/10 HOU34: Slaton up the middle to the 36.

I am? Have we ever conversed? I pretty much only post in the game threads, which are by their very nature for flying off the handle and ill thought out reactions.