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Who's the best RB in the NFL right now?

Who's the best RB in the league?

  • Arian Foster

    Votes: 50 75.8%
  • MJD

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Darren McFadden

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Adrian Peterson

    Votes: 4 6.1%
  • Ray Rice

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Chris Johnson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Steven Jackson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other: (Frank Gore, D. Williams, J. Charles, M. Turner, etc.)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Hardcore Texan

Magnet Man
I was having a beer with a friend last night and a couple of us at the bar starting talking about NFL running backs. I got some crazy looks when I announced Arian Foster is the best back in the league.

I admitted I am a bit of a homer and I was sporting my Texans hat so no shock there. I was making this assertion based on all the things an all around back like Arian does. Pass blocking, receiving out of the backfield, strong enough to run between the tackles and enough speed to break it out side.

So who is it in your mind?

The only criteria for the poll is who would you pick to be your guy at RB if you were a head coach? (not who's got the most power, speed, system guy, etc. but in a vacuum).

So who you takin'? I still choose Arian.
Hard to take the crown away from Peterson, but I think him and Foster are 1a and 1b, with Ray Rice and MJD right behind them.

Gotta vote for Foster though.
i mean its hard not to put arian up there but i think that McFadden and MJD are at least equally as good when they're healthy.

Peterson & Rice are the only other guys with a legitimate claim in which case peterson is an animal running the ball, but not as much of a factor in the passing game...and Rice is good but not great at both.
Hard to take the crown away from Peterson, but I think him and Foster are 1a and 1b, with Ray Rice and MJD right behind them.

Gotta vote for Foster though :flag:

My brother from another mother, my thoughts pretty much exactly. I take Arian because of his pass catching ability. Not even considering coming off the injury, plus AP is a violent runner I think he will wear his body out faster than Arian. Arian can lay a big hit, but he's slippery and doesn't take as much punishment. A very smart runner.
i mean its hard not to put arian up there but i think that McFadden and MJD are at least equally as good when they're healthy.

Peterson & Rice are the only other guys with a legitimate claim in which case peterson is an animal running the ball, but not as much of a factor in the passing game...and Rice is good but not great at both.

DMC is a helluva weapon, I am not sure about his pass pro though. MJD is a great pass blocker, and catches the ball well. He's a beast. I like them all, it's hard to pick just one.
I don't think You have to be a Texans homer to rightfully put up Arian Foster as the best RB in the league.

He lead the league in rushing last year, and I fully believe had he not been injured to start the season he would've repeated.

He's got great hands out of the backfield and picks up the blitz packages well.

If he's not the best, I would at least consider him the most complete.

I will say this about MJD though, he was the Jags offense this year. Everyone knew he was going to get the ball and he lead to league in rushing still.
DMC is a helluva weapon, I am not sure about his pass pro though. MJD is a great pass blocker, and catches the ball well. He's a beast. I like them all, it's hard to pick just one.

We wont really know how good DMC is in pass pro until they get a capable qb back there; Dude had Jamarcus Russell back there to contend with. A capable qb makes a huge difference.

As for MJD, i just really hate to see great players in their primes being wasted on trash teams. & at the rate Jax is going, they're going to have worn pocket hercules down by the time they get turned around................and that can't happen until they realize Gabbert is just another name for garbage.
had to vote for arian, he's a complete back and has the best numbers over the past couple of years. my favorite back is MJD, and he's very close to being #1b IMO despite being the only offensive player on the jags, but foster has simply been the best lately.
I have to go with MJD. That guy has been amazing for a few years without any passing game to take the heat off of him. He's a true power runner that would be great on any team in the league. He was excellent last year on a team with freaking Blaine Gabbert and one of the worst passing games in the league. 8 in the box almost every play and he still makes 4.5 ypc. His durability has been excellent too, only missing 3 games over 6 years.

Foster would be #2, his elusiveness is awesome, he's great in the passing game and he can take it to the house on almost any play. Another year or two of 1500+ total yards and he should be the clear #1.

Adrian Peterson is #3. Ray Rice is #4, then Lesean McCoy at #5.

DMC would be up there, but he just can't stay healthy. Jamaal Charles may be up there soon.
I have to go with MJD. That guy has been amazing for a few years without any passing game to take the heat off of him. He's a true power runner that would be great on any team in the league. He was excellent last year on a team with freaking Blaine Gabbert and one of the worst passing games in the league. 8 in the box almost every play and he still makes 4.5 ypc. His durability has been excellent too, only missing 3 games over 6 years.

Foster would be #2, his elusiveness is awesome, he's great in the passing game and he can take it to the house on almost any play. Another year or two of 1500+ total yards and he should be the clear #1.

Adrian Peterson is #3. Ray Rice is #4, then Lesean McCoy at #5.

DMC would be up there, but he just can't stay healthy. Jamaal Charles may be up there soon.

Forgot all about him....he's a beast too, he just tries to do too much at times.

He is fast enough to take it the distance, strong enough to break tackles. Quick enough to make people miss, but has the size to run through people. He is a good blocker in the pass game, and he can also catch the ball and runs good routes to get open. He has great vision, patience and his acceleration is first class.

And the thing that about Arian is that he doesn't take many big hits. He will get all he can get and then protect his body.
Best is a subjective term. Arian has the most total yards for any player that is not a QB the past 2 seasons each.

That might be different if players were on different teams, but I can only base my opinion on what I have.

I vote Arian Foster.

MJD and AP are the other 2 vying for votes. And all 3 deserve to win.
I grade Forte, Foster, MJD, Peterson, and Rice equally.

All of those guys are just incredibly talented in their own unique ways.

They make up the "1st Tier" for me.
The Jags last year were a truly awful team. The QB was scared to do much of anything, they've never had a WR, and the organization just always seems to be battling. Every team that played the Jags knew they only had ONE threat - MJD. And yet the guy delivered. The Vikings had the same scenario, and AP did not do as well when he was in there. Begrudgingly, I have to give the man his due. The last time he ever had a backfield mate worth mentioning, he had a season that should have netted him ROY honors and a Pro Bowl nod.

Arian a close second, especially for his versatility and fluidity.
Foster, RIce and Forte (might have an off 2012 if his contract is not resolved but I liked him prior to draft & still do). The thing with Foster is he fits all schemes and can run inside and out as well as catch. He is of a prime age; you bring the kindling, he'll bring the fire.
Honestly, I think it's MJD. I want to say Foster, and he very well may be the best, but Jones-Drew had to play an awful team last year. David Carr would have been an improvement at QB over what they had. But he still put up big numbers. He was the only guy worth a damn on that offense.

That's gotta count for something. I wish he'd go to another team. Let him be on a contender and get him out of our division.
Arian Foster Like I would vote for anyone else.
MJD If this was greatest career, MJD by a mile. Right now, I'd take Arianstotle Foster.
Darren McFadden Injuries play too big a part of his career for this title, IMO.
Adrian Peterson Same jam. Incredible athlete when he's prepared but when was the last time that was the case? Saying all this, I wish he was ours instead of Okoye. Thems the breaks though, my 1b to Foster's 1a. I think Foster is a more diverse runner and a better pass catching threat out of the backfield.
Ray Rice Another good choice but I'll lean Foster again. Rice isn't even the best player on his team.
Chris Johnson Goat. I don't know about anyone else but I wouldn't dare put a player out who doesn't want to play. Hey, that was one nice season wasn't it?
Steven Jackson
Other: (Frank Gore, D. Williams, J. Charles, M. Turner, etc.) There's a reason why they're in the "other" category.
If you're talking pure running ability alone i'd probably take Peterson, but i don't know if he'll ever be the same after the ACL injury he suffered. As far as a complete running back I easily think Foster is the best. He can pass block very well, catch out of the backfield better than any of them, and is great running the ball while avoiding big hits and is one of the most lethal in the open field with his ability to make people miss. He may never beat CJ2YPC in a foot race, but you rarely see Foster get caught in the open field.

My Top 10:

1. Foster
2. Peterson
3. MJD
4. Rice
5. Forte
6. Gore
7. McCoy
8. Jamaal Charles(would be higher if it weren't for his ACL injury)
9. Steven Jackson
10. Michael Turner
The Jags last year were a truly awful team. The QB was scared to do much of anything, they've never had a WR, and the organization just always seems to be battling. Every team that played the Jags knew they only had ONE threat - MJD. And yet the guy delivered. The Vikings had the same scenario, and AP did not do as well when he was in there. Begrudgingly, I have to give the man his due. The last time he ever had a backfield mate worth mentioning, he had a season that should have netted him ROY honors and a Pro Bowl nod.

Arian a close second, especially for his versatility and fluidity.

As others have mentioned prior, this is what will keep Arian upright and healthy for a long career at the running back position in the NFL. Being fluid, having the ability to juke Polomolu outta his jock, receiving outta the backfield and what we all know GK values, his ability and stature to pick up the blitz.

I don't feel like a :homer: at all when I voted that #23 is the best back in today's NFL.

Case Closed. :)
IDK why everyone always forget about forte. forte is up there with foster IMO.

dude gets not respect from anyone...even his own team.

I like Forte, but IMO he's not as good as Foster.

I think Arian is a little more consistent and I think he's MUCH better in the redzone.

Forte has basically been in the league 2 years longer than Foster, but Foster has 8 more TD's.

The man produces points in addition to being a beast in between the 20's...

Not too long ago this offense was notorious for for being very good getting into the redzone but not being very good when the field got shorter. Foster has pretty much changed that. In the NO game without Foster we reverted back to our old tricks and settled for 4 Rackers FG's...
I think Arian is a little more consistent and I think he's MUCH better in the redzone.

Agree 100%. Consistency is the most important factor to me in ranking RB's. Based on that....

1. Arian Foster- He's been the most consistent RB the past couple of years. I was always afraid he would get shut down sometime and it never really happened. I've been waiting for a guy like this ever since the doors opened at Reliant.

2. Ray Rice - Rice would have been my number 1 until this past season ended. Foster has put together 2 strong years in a row and he's king of the hill until defenses can figure out a way to shut him down.

3. Adrian Peterson- He's probably been the #2 RB the past few years (after Rice.) He's had a lot of injuries and that last one seems like an ugly one. I think he might be on the decline now.

4. Mike Turner- This guy's been solid since he went to Atlanta, but he doesn't get the credit that he deserves.

5. Jones-Drew- Love the guy's running style, but it causes him to get hurt too much. He had a breakout season because the Jags were garbage on offense.

6. Frank Gore- Another guy that gets hurt way too much, although I think Harbaugh's offense is good for him. I've always been a fan of his running style, but RB's that run like he does tend to get hurt a lot.

7. Matt Forte- He's a top ten guy, but not in the conversation for the #1 RB. Inconsistent. Hits some, misses others.

8. Darren McFadden- He's a stud while he's playing. Too bad he's spent most of his career on IR.

9. Chris Johnson- He's garbage now IMO after getting that big contract and putting up a bum season. I might be biased because he's a Titan....and not to mention a jackass.

10. Steven Jackson- He was top 3 for a while around 6 or 7 years ago. He had a few good games last season, but he's mediocre nowadays.

11. Jamal Charles- One good year, IR the next. Gotta see how he comes back from his injury. Not enough info.

12. D. Williams- I think Stewart was the better back in Carolina last year, but that isn't saying a whole lot. Both guys lost carries to Cam last year and DeAngelo didn't do jack when he got a chance.

For me , it comes down to three guy's , all in the AFC.

MJD , Foster and Ray Rice.

In this poll , I voted Foster (on accident).

I think all things considered , I'd have to say that MJD is the best today , ask me again mid-season and that may change. But considering he had no passing game to supliment a solid defense and a very goor running game .... Its hard not to give him my vote.

I picked Rice to be the best back in his draft class here in Search it.

Foster is just special ..... but has a lot of help with a great OL (prior to this up coming season) and a very good passing game.
If Arian is the best RB in the league, is Ben Tate even better?

Tate averaged a full yard more per carry than Foster in 2011.

Tate registered 585 yards after contact versus Foster's 696, but Tate did it on about half the carries. There were 30 missed tackles on Tate, and 25 misses on Foster.

So is Tate "better" ... ?
IDK why everyone always forget about forte. forte is up there with foster IMO.
Forte and Jones-Drew don't have the explosive playmaking ability of Foster. Peterson does (and more) but he doesn't show up in the passing game (and he has an ACL injury right now).

If Arian is the best RB in the league, is Ben Tate even better?
Tate's ypc would decrease if he carried the load that Foster does. And he also isn't as accomplished in the passing game (receiving or blocking). But if Tate were on another team, I think he would be included in this conversation. He's one of the premier power backs in the league, already.

In both fantasy and reality football, Foster is the #1 RB.
Agree 100%. Consistency is the most important factor to me in ranking RB's. Based on that....

1. Arian Foster- He's been the most consistent RB the past couple of years. I was always afraid he would get shut down sometime and it never really happened. I've been waiting for a guy like this ever since the doors opened at Reliant.

Agree, 100%+

2. Ray Rice - Rice would have been my number 1 until this past season ended. Foster has put together 2 strong years in a row and he's king of the hill until defenses can figure out a way to shut him down.

Rice is good, but not as good as #23, IMO.

3. Adrian Peterson- He's probably been the #2 RB the past few years (after Rice.) He's had a lot of injuries and that last one seems like an ugly one. I think he might be on the decline now.

I agree.

4. Mike Turner- This guy's been solid since he went to Atlanta, but he doesn't get the credit that he deserves.

True, a work horse.

5. Jones-Drew- Love the guy's running style, but it causes him to get hurt too much. He had a breakout season because the Jags were garbage on offense.

When you're the only weapon available, chances are the injury bug will bite. Everyone knew what was coming and he still lead the league. Matching Arien's rushing yardage title to the yard. Impressive.

6. Frank Gore- Another guy that gets hurt way too much, although I think Harbaugh's offense is good for him. I've always been a fan of his running style, but RB's that run like he does tend to get hurt a lot.

But he runs through, not around defenders. Kinda reminds me of #34 that wore Columbia Blue.

7. Matt Forte- He's a top ten guy, but not in the conversation for the #1 RB. Inconsistent. Hits some, misses others.


8. Darren McFadden- He's a stud while he's playing. Too bad he's spent most of his career on IR.

No ****! (shift 8 is mine :D)

9. Chris Johnson- He's garbage now IMO after getting that big contract and putting up a bum season. I might be biased because he's a Titan....and not to mention a jackass.

You sir, are much kinder than myself. I can appreciate his 2k season but he'll never do it again. That said, his intelligence level is less than that of a box of toads. Not to mention the grille (which I'm no fan of), the "tick" he's got going on and when he speaks I find myself wondering what language he's speaking. PROFUSELY GLAD HE'S NOT A TEXAN!

10. Steven Jackson- He was top 3 for a while around 6 or 7 years ago. He had a few good games last season, but he's mediocre nowadays.

Will wait till this season's over to make a call. He still has the potential to be a Hoss, I think.

11. Jamal Charles- One good year, IR the next. Gotta see how he comes back from his injury. Not enough info.

Would really like to see the hometown boy bounce back. Might, might not. We'll see.

12. D. Williams- I think Stewart was the better back in Carolina last year, but that isn't saying a whole lot. Both guys lost carries to Cam last year and DeAngelo didn't do jack when he got a chance.



3 more characters. :D
I don't know what i did but I meant to vote Foster, but somehow I got Mcfadden. I think I was using my arrow keys to scroll down and it somehow scrolled down the selection list. Foster is da bomb!