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What did we learn today?


Draft Guru
Ok everyone. Calm down, take a deep breath, and get a cold glass of water. This is not the end of the world. If anything, it shows how much we have progressed in the last couple of years. So Awtysst (that would be me) would like to break down the lessons this game(and this season thus far) have taught us.

1. The Texans are not a playoff team this year. So everyone who is thinking playoffs, forget it right now, its not going to happen. I know with that 2-0 start the Texans looked great. However, we are building towards a playoff run and need another off season and draft. There are only so many holes we can fill at once. Instead lets concentrate on getting the team to gel and play together.

2. Our reserves suck. We have a bunch of great starters, but it should be obvious that we are not in a position where we can plug in players and expect great results. We are still molding a great team and this takes time. BTW, if there were any C&C supporters out there, you can thank those two for our lack of depth.

3. Defense. This young defense has shown glimpses of looking really good. However, we are still in need of a true FS. I will say that I liked what I saw out of Bennett today. He is gonna be a great secondary CB opposite Dunta.

4. Lay off Dunta. I know a bunch of people are blaming Dunta but you really need to blame the front 4. They need to get more pressure on the QB and make Collins get rid of the ball faster. When crunch time came they simply couldnt get rid to the ball. They were probably gassed.

5. Turnovers. We are not good enough to spot teams points. Fumbling the ball within your own 30 is as good as spotting the opposition 3 points. Do it enough times and it has a tendency to bite you on the ass.

6. Heart. This Texans team did not quit. They might have been playing a soft D in the 4th, but they still played all out. They scored 29 points and were on the verge of victory. You know what? The Texans did not deserve to win that game and should have been blown out. Instead they came back and made it a real game. In a couple years we will look back at games like this that was the catylist for the Texans success.
Never to get excited about this team again, every time I do I end up disappointed and depress.
Ok everyone. Calm down, take a deep breath, and get a cold glass of water. This is not the end of the world. If anything, it shows how much we have progressed in the last couple of years. So Awtysst (that would be me) would like to break down the lessons this game(and this season thus far) have taught us.

1. The Texans are not a playoff team this year. So everyone who is thinking playoffs, forget it right now, its not going to happen. I know with that 2-0 start the Texans looked great. However, we are building towards a playoff run and need another off season and draft. There are only so many holes we can fill at once. Instead lets concentrate on getting the team to gel and play together.

2. Our reserves suck. We have a bunch of great starters, but it should be obvious that we are not in a position where we can plug in players and expect great results. We are still molding a great team and this takes time. BTW, if there were any C&C supporters out there, you can thank those two for our lack of depth.

3. Defense. This young defense has shown glimpses of looking really good. However, we are still in need of a true FS. I will say that I liked what I saw out of Bennett today. He is gonna be a great secondary CB opposite Dunta.

4. Lay off Dunta. I know a bunch of people are blaming Dunta but you really need to blame the front 4. They need to get more pressure on the QB and make Collins get rid of the ball faster. When crunch time came they simply couldnt get rid to the ball. They were probably gassed.

5. Turnovers. We are not good enough to spot teams points. Fumbling the ball within your own 30 is as good as spotting the opposition 3 points. Do it enough times and it has a tendency to bite you on the ass.

6. Heart. This Texans team did not quit. They might have been playing a soft D in the 4th, but they still played all out. They scored 29 points and were on the verge of victory. You know what? The Texans did not deserve to win that game and should have been blown out. Instead they came back and made it a real game. In a couple years we will look back at games like this that was the catylist for the Texans success.

1.) I'm tired of this 'Maybe next year' crap.

2.) Agreed

3.) Agreed.

4.) So now it is the Dline's fault? Man they played good not amazing or great but it was far from horrible and Travis Johnson stood out. I'd hardly say it was their fault, Dunta had his man covered and got beat and didn't knock it down, maybe he choked because he gave up two big pays or maybe we were playing friggin prevent.

5.) Agreed

6.) Agreed

But I am done with this "Well maybe next year we will have the pieces in place." And I wouldn't place the blame on the Dline.
Hopefully we didn't learn that Schaub is soft. He got wacked good by Haynesworth, but David Bust took worse about every series.

Sage looked good

Green is old
I know people will hijack this thread and be bitter and sarcastic, but we learned that our team never quits and will fight to the end. Thats the sign of a true team.
I know people will hijack this thread and be bitter and sarcastic, but we learned that our team never quits and will fight to the end. Thats the sign of a true team.

I guess, we still loss despite the effort and that is all that matters to me. When we start coming back and actually winning games then maybe i'll be thrilled. We almost came back against the Colts and the Falcons...and now the Titans, almost doesn't count.
8. We are nothing without AJ.

9. I'd go with one of those 5-gallon jugs of water

10. VY has to wait until Week 14 until he is given his ass-kicking.

11. I had to save 10 for VY.

12. Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have.

10 1/2: Sage for President! :user:
I know people will hijack this thread and be bitter and sarcastic, but we learned that our team never quits and will fight to the end. Thats the sign of a true team.

And what do we have to show for it? A losing record. Morale victories doesn't win championships or even gets us into the playoffs, it'll lead us back to a top ten pick. I'm sick of losing
I know people will hijack this thread and be bitter and sarcastic, but we learned that our team never quits and will fight to the end. Thats the sign of a true team.

I'm sorry, but my sarcastic humor is the only way I know how to cope after a loss like this. I don't mean anything by it. I'm like a clown that's crying on the inside...........tomorrow I have to go accept my new avatar for the next two weeks over at the TOMB.
And what do we have to show for it? A losing record. Morale victories doesn't win championships or even gets us into the playoffs, it'll lead us back to a top ten pick. I'm sick of losing

If all we can talk about here is the end result, there's not a hold lot of stuff to discuss...

Not all things are black or white, and on these boards we like to discuss the shades of gray.
Sage turned the ball over when the game was close, then morphed into Montana late in the game.

However, saying he had a "good" game is ridiculous when he personally gave the ball to the Tits 4 times today with dumbass decisions.
I learned I make take a week off the board because if this week is anything like the calls I've heard I'll go nuts. I've already heard how terrible Schaub has been this year and how he hasn't done a thing, etc, etc. I can't take dumb.
Here is what bothers me about the game......

1. I know, you know, everyone knows that the Titans are going to blitz, and put pressure on the QB. So why does this team seem so not prepared for the blitz.

2. Salaam had a terrible game, IMO. I saw at least 4 busts on pass protection. I'm sure others on the O-line screwed up as well, but Salaam's performance stood out to me.

3. This team is not good enough to overcome 2 turnovers, let alone 6. The only reason we were in the game is because the Titans called off the dogs.

If this team does not address the O-line, Outside Linebacker and Secondary next April or in Free Agency, then someone needs their head examined.
I learned I make take a week off the board because if this week is anything like the calls I've heard I'll go nuts. I've already heard how terrible Schaub has been this year and how he hasn't done a thing, etc, etc. I can't take dumb.

Lawrence Taylor: Which brings me to my second point, kids. Don't do crack.
Everyone just needs to take a deep breath. Houston is playing in toughest division in the NFL right now. I'm amazed we have come this far. I agree with all the folks that believe next year will be our playoff push. Kubiak still doesn't have all the pieces in place. We still need a FS. We still need better depth at all positions. Next year we will have about $38 million in cap space. We will have the opportunity to pick up some Key FAs. I would rather Kubiak build a team that will be in the playoffs for years to come instead of those one hit wonder teams. :)

The glass is half full in my book.
I think we learned that we have a talented young D with tons & tons of
heart. But you can only go "to the well" so many times, and the last time
was one too many to rely on the D to save the game, expecially because they were probably completed exhausted by that time. You may say they should have made the final stop to save the game on adrenaline alone, but the mind can only will the body to do so much.
Hopefully we didn't learn that Schaub is soft. He got wacked good by Haynesworth, but David Bust took worse about every series.

Sage looked good

Green is old

Heck, Schaub wanted to go back in. I wouldn't call the helmet to helmet body slamming Haynesworth hit light.
Ok everyone. Calm down, take a deep breath, and get a cold glass of water. This is not the end of the world. If anything, it shows how much we have progressed in the last couple of years. So Awtysst (that would be me) would like to break down the lessons this game(and this season thus far) have taught us.

1. The Texans are not a playoff team this year. So everyone who is thinking playoffs, forget it right now, its not going to happen. I know with that 2-0 start the Texans looked great. However, we are building towards a playoff run and need another off season and draft. There are only so many holes we can fill at once. Instead lets concentrate on getting the team to gel and play together.
I agree completely. I thought at the beginning of the season, the way it was structured was to get some major pieces in place to start some chemistry for the future. I also felt like we were putting stop gaps in just trying to improve on last year's win total. I do wish we had paid more attention to the OL though.
2. Our reserves suck. We have a bunch of great starters, but it should be obvious that we are not in a position where we can plug in players and expect great results. We are still molding a great team and this takes time. BTW, if there were any C&C supporters out there, you can thank those two for our lack of depth.
With the exception of the WRs I agree 100%

3. Defense. This young defense has shown glimpses of looking really good. However, we are still in need of a true FS. I will say that I liked what I saw out of Bennett today. He is gonna be a great secondary CB opposite Dunta.
Didn't get to watch Bennett but I agree with the FS
4. Lay off Dunta. I know a bunch of people are blaming Dunta but you really need to blame the front 4. They need to get more pressure on the QB and make Collins get rid of the ball faster. When crunch time came they simply couldnt get rid to the ball. They were probably gassed.
I didn't see the play. But I imagine that DR got no support on the play. Our safety was prob 10-15 yards away when the ball was caught and out of the picture by the time the play was over.
5. Turnovers. We are not good enough to spot teams points. Fumbling the ball within your own 30 is as good as spotting the opposition 3 points. Do it enough times and it has a tendency to bite you on the ass.
Probably the best thing I've seen said in a long time. We forget that most games we've lost you can look at turnovers esp near either red zone as a culprit.

6. Heart. This Texans team did not quit. They might have been playing a soft D in the 4th, but they still played all out. They scored 29 points and were on the verge of victory. You know what? The Texans did not deserve to win that game and should have been blown out. Instead they came back and made it a real game. In a couple years we will look back at games like this that was the catylist for the Texans success.
You have to learn how to win games in this league. That takes time. Fortunately I think we have some key pieces that are going to learn alot from this game.

GREAT post.

ive learned that we can be the worst team over the last 6 years. lose 4 out of our last 5 when it finally looked like we were becoming a team. have the worse loss since our old team and i can come here and still find people discussing all the positive things going on with our team.

sry fellas im not usually one to post all these neg things but im freakin discusted right now. i just dont see any positives from this game. if we would of pulled it out it might of made our season as it is i think it just broke our team and will be hard to recover from.
Great post. I tried to tell you all this summer. They are missing too many pieces. They are not good enough to spot the other team with multipul turnovers and expect to win. Matt Jackson was hitting all around it this afternoon..."I refuse to believe that the loss of one player (McKinney) means that much to this team". Yeah, the run game goes into the toilet and the rest of them get exposed. Kubiack's offense is a gead duck with out the rushing attack. The same thing is going on in Denver. Time to unload the benches and see who can play and who can not play.

So MS got a real good dose of it today. Let's see he's 239 sacks or so behind . We'll see. Got SD next. they gotta run November to have a chance. Myself, I'm thinking they may not win another game untill December.
Sage turned the ball over when the game was close, then morphed into Montana late in the game.

However, saying he had a "good" game is ridiculous when he personally gave the ball to the Tits 4 times today with dumbass decisions.

Don't forget, he is the back-up, He didn't take as many snaps in practice as a starter would have.

He came in cold, and showed it. Then he showed why he's still in this league.

I understand that he hasn't been taking the beating Shaub & Carr has, and that has something to do with his performance.

but he had a "good" game. could've been better..... but I'm happy he's on our team.

As far as this, "we're not a play-off team"/"Maybe one more offseason" crap(not you, but other posts in this thread, Look at the Bengals(2-4), the Broncos(3-3) & the Chargers(3-3). I've no doubt two of those teams will be in the play-offs.

We're still not out of it. We've put ourselves in a very, very bad position. But we've got the talent(every team get's burned over the top every now and again, our FS is playing as well as every other FS in the league), we've got some good football minds on the sideline, we just need to put it all together.
What I learned is that unless you are willing to turn into a pass-happy offense, you can't win with no RB. I highly doubt Kubiak is ready to make changes to the offense, so I better get used to a few more losses.
What I learned is that unless you are willing to turn into a pass-happy offense, you can't win with no RB. I highly doubt Kubiak is ready to make changes to the offense, so I better get used to a few more losses.

we would have won(maybe) had we not turned the ball over 6 times.
Don't forget, he is the back-up, He didn't take as many snaps in practice as a starter would have.

He came in cold, and showed it. Then he showed why he's still in this league.

I understand that he hasn't been taking the beating Shaub & Carr has, and that has something to do with his performance.

but he had a "good" game. could've been better..... but I'm happy he's on our team.

As far as this, "we're not a play-off team"/"Maybe one more offseason" crap(not you, but other posts in this thread, Look at the Bengals(2-4), the Broncos(3-3) & the Chargers(3-3). I've no doubt two of those teams will be in the play-offs.

We're still not out of it. We've put ourselves in a very, very bad position. But we've got the talent(every team get's burned over the top every now and again, our FS is playing as well as every other FS in the league), we've got some good football minds on the sideline, we just need to put it all together.

The bengals? Maybe not. Look at the 3-4 teams. Tell me how many of them will make it? Here's your list of teams between 2-4 and 3-3.


Teams they have to pass to make the playoffs

Indy - Nope
Steelers- prob not
Ravens -prob not
Cheifs - probably
Jags- nope
Titans - probably not

That leaves one spot realistically for the playoffs

We need to leapfrog what 6 teams to make the playoffs?

6 teams of which we might be better than one or two?

Come on man. The best bet to make the playoffs out of the ones you gave is the Chargers. I think they will probably make it because they have one more head to head with the Chefs. The Bengals can't stop the Houston Academy of the blind from scoring TD's. The Broncos have a young QB with no running game running a system like ours... prob not a recipe for success.

The other things those teams have that we don't? A track record. SD and Denver can look in the not too distant past and see the success they've had. We can't bear down and say "Hey, we've been here before. We can beat anybody." Our guys just can't say that to themselves and be sincere about it.

And just for the record... I didn't see the game today, but from what I've seen our FS isn't playing top 5 ball... top 20 maybe. Top 5.... no way.

The bengals? Maybe not. Look at the 3-4 teams. Tell me how many of them will make it? Here's your list of teams between 2-4 and 3-3.


Teams they have to pass to make the playoffs

Indy - Nope
Steelers- prob not
Ravens -prob not
Cheifs - probably
Jags- nope
Titans - probably not

That leaves one spot realistically for the playoffs

We need to leapfrog what 6 teams to make the playoffs?

6 teams of which we might be better than one or two?

Come on man. The best bet to make the playoffs out of the ones you gave is the Chargers. I think they will probably make it because they have one more head to head with the Chefs. The Bengals can't stop the Houston Academy of the blind from scoring TD's. The Broncos have a young QB with no running game running a system like ours... prob not a recipe for success.

The other things those teams have that we don't? A track record. SD and Denver can look in the not too distant past and see the success they've had. We can't bear down and say "Hey, we've been here before. We can beat anybody." Our guys just can't say that to themselves and be sincere about it.

And just for the record... I didn't see the game today, but from what I've seen our FS isn't playing top 5 ball... top 20 maybe. Top 5.... no way.


Its not over though is what I am getting from thunder and I agree. It is close to being over but its still not over...A LOT can happen in 8 weeks you just never know. Teams like the Jags who have a history of being streaky can easily lose 3-4 games in a 5 game span.

Its never over until it is and the Texans climbing back in it wouldn't be overly amazing, suprising yes but more amazing things have happened. They just have to take it a game at a time, I HOPE the players aren't saying "Its all over" they need to realize just win their games. Got San Diego next who has been inconsistent so far just like us. Maybe we can catch them not showing up like some teams have so far.
ive learned that we can be the worst team over the last 6 years. lose 4 out of our last 5 when it finally looked like we were becoming a team. have the worse loss since our old team and i can come here and still find people discussing all the positive things going on with our team.

sry fellas im not usually one to post all these neg things but im freakin discusted right now. i just dont see any positives from this game. if we would of pulled it out it might of made our season as it is i think it just broke our team and will be hard to recover from.

I am feeling you right now. This organization and team just wear me out. I have watched every game I have been able to watch since this organization was formed and it seems that with every new season, this team finds new and improved ways to break my heart. I want to say things are getting better and want to see improvement, but you are kidding yourself if you take anything other than a moral victory from this game.

Houston was completely ill-prepared and owned for the first three quarters of this game. We made an incredible come-back...yet it was after the Titans put on the breaks. You are kidding yourself if you think anything different. This team was miserable to watch the first three quarters...which is how this team has played more often than not in its short existance.

We can stop talking about Mario...there is nothing left to be said. I think we found a good, young quarterback in Schaub, but there has to be concern that we just don't get him killed or ruin him wih the offensive line play. Tackling has been a problem all year. Penalties have been a problem all year. Turnovers are killing us.

This isn't fun.
Everyone just needs to take a deep breath. Houston is playing in toughest division in the NFL right now. I'm amazed we have come this far. I agree with all the folks that believe next year will be our playoff push. Kubiak still doesn't have all the pieces in place. We still need a FS. We still need better depth at all positions. Next year we will have about $38 million in cap space. We will have the opportunity to pick up some Key FAs. I would rather Kubiak build a team that will be in the playoffs for years to come instead of those one hit wonder teams. :)

The glass is half full in my book.
Some concerns I have about your statement and not intending to attack you. I think you are being overly optimistic as are some others. Our $30 million cap space is enough to land some substantial players in free agency. Unfortunately, few will be available at our need spots. There are two probable CBs and one, Samuel, will want $13 million and up. That does not scare me off but if Bennett continues to get better, we may not need a CB. There are no LT, FS or RB that will fix our weaknesses in FA. We might be able to find a center but none stand out as of now. Maybe our back up guy will impress but that is a maybe like Spencer coming back as good as we THINK he was going to be. Our Green Bay boys, Gado, Dayne and Flannagan are worthless. Ahmad Green is a ? but doesn't thrill me.

Kubes has made some moves that are looking good such as draft picks. I am giving him partial credit for that, regardless of who helped. But he has cost us two games in my estimate. Atlanta and Miami should have been Ws. Our team was not only out coached but had little clue of what was going on. I think it is more of Kube's coaches than him, yet he gets the credit when something goes right, vice versa is his also.

Smith has hit successfully on some free agents and blown others. Our players with some noted exceptions, Demeco and Dunte come to mind, can't tackle. They shoulder block instead of wrapping up or try to push out of bounds or push off balance. The blocking is horrendous. Watch our kick off returns and there were plenty against Titans. You see players run by our guys as we throw an arm at them. This is basic football and our team as a whole is not very good at tackling and blocking. Dumb A-- plays like Faggins pushing a guy who had no chance of even getting close has to stop. We see one or more every game like the offense lining up wrong. Say what? That is a coaching issue.

Everyone in the USA knows we have an average LT, but we gave him zero help. Green might as well block, he sure can't run. It may be time for Kubiac to rethink his philosophy of getting LT and RB in later rounds.

"come back" or not, we can't let another team treat us like an ex-wife with a new boyfriend and then hope we catch lightning in a bottle. Here is something to think about. Your team has just scored 4 TDs in fourth quarter and there is one minute on clock. Other team has ball on their 20. I would take that action every time. I guess I could go broke betting on our Defensive Co-ordinator.
As far as this, "we're not a play-off team"/"Maybe one more offseason" crap(not you, but other posts in this thread, Look at the Bengals(2-4), the Broncos(3-3) & the Chargers(3-3). I've no doubt two of those teams will be in the play-offs.
I disagree. CInci will not make the playoffs this year. The chargers, broncos, or chiefs will win the west but the WCs will come from the South and the North (probably Jax and Balti)
Some concerns I have about your statement and not intending to attack you. I think you are being overly optimistic as are some others. Our $30 million cap space is enough to land some substantial players in free agency. Unfortunately, few will be available at our need spots. There are two probable CBs and one, Samuel, will want $13 million and up. That does not scare me off but if Bennett continues to get better, we may not need a CB. There are no LT, FS or RB that will fix our weaknesses in FA.

1. Some might disagree with you in terms of Michael Turner not being able to help this team. He is still young and has a lot of wear left on the proverbial tires.

2. Yes, Samuels will want lots of $ but is it a bad thing to have too many good players? I don't think so. If we can sign him it will be a good thing to have to find a place for him. If anything, perhaps we slide Bennett over to nickle corner and cut Faggins or perhaps slide him to safety? Not sure, still thinking about that one.

3. O-Line has some intriguing names like Alan Faneca. He will command big money and is a guard not tackle. Here is the thing we need to remember, we must be judicious with our money and not spend crazy. If we are not careful in a few years we will be in salary cap hell. So we must spend wisley and prudently.

In terms of LT, I would go into the draft and grab Ryan Clady-OT from Boise State. He is a prototypical tackle that would be great for our team and someone I would have confidence putting in game 1. If Spencer can get back into football shape, great slide him over to RG, and slide Weary over to Center.
1. Some might disagree with you in terms of Michael Turner not being able to help this team. He is still young and has a lot of wear left on the proverbial tires.

2. Yes, Samuels will want lots of $ but is it a bad thing to have too many good players? I don't think so. If we can sign him it will be a good thing to have to find a place for him. If anything, perhaps we slide Bennett over to nickle corner and cut Faggins or perhaps slide him to safety? Not sure, still thinking about that one.

3. O-Line has some intriguing names like Alan Faneca. He will command big money and is a guard not tackle. Here is the thing we need to remember, we must be judicious with our money and not spend crazy. If we are not careful in a few years we will be in salary cap hell. So we must spend wisley and prudently.

In terms of LT, I would go into the draft and grab Ryan Clady-OT from Boise State. He is a prototypical tackle that would be great for our team and someone I would have confidence putting in game 1. If Spencer can get back into football shape, great slide him over to RG, and slide Weary over to Center.

I am aware of your p.o.v. and understand it.

#1. Turner has little history to back up the huge demand in salary he is predicted to require. I do not minded spending but this is another gamble and we have not done very well in free agency RB.

#2. I agree but it will be hard to convince Smith to spend mega bucks if Bennett is doing well. Last week I had debates over moving Bennet to FS and signing Samuel for CB. Kill two birds with one shotgun. Yes, Bennett may not convert but his speed and size and apparant cover skills would look good as FS.

#3 We don't need any guards at his asking price for certain.

Clady is interesting but nothing has indicated a team desire to use first round for LT or RB. Hopefully that will change.
What I learned is that unless you are willing to turn into a pass-happy offense, you can't win with no RB. I highly doubt Kubiak is ready to make changes to the offense, so I better get used to a few more losses.
Change RB to running game and I agree 100%.

we would have won(maybe) had we not turned the ball over 6 times.
...and if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle.

When your offense has less than 40 yards TOTAL entering the 4th quarter, it usually means that you have some severe problems with your offense, no matter WHO you're playing. Sage got lucky / hot in the 4th against a prevent defense. He also got burned MORE than once on some very risky throws.

As on old coach once said: "Three things can happen when you pass the ball, and two of them are bad."

We need a running game soon, or we're going to get our butt kicked all over the NFL by teams like Atlanta.