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Too much smiling


Practice Squad
How the hell are these guys smiling after the game after choking 2 games in a row? I mean come on you are the worst team in the NFL and you are smiling after losing. I am a huge fan but I don't like it when you are not only content with losing but actually smiling and laughing 5 seconds after losing. It is time that some people lose their jobs for poor job performance. The only thing I can guess is they are trying to make sure they keep the 1st round draft pick.
i know. the laughing really makes me upset. i dont laugh when i have a bad sales day in my businesss...why are they laughing with such poor performances?
I guess when you can under perform that bad and still get AT LEAST $250,000 a year, a smile is no big deal lol
rockabilly said:
i know. the laughing really makes me upset. i dont laugh when i have a bad sales day in my businesss...why are they laughing with such poor performances?

Because they are still getting paid regardless of what their performance is, wouldnt you be smiling? :)
Goldeagle said:
I guess when you can under perform that bad and still get AT LEAST $250,000 a year, a smile is no big deal lol

I guess so. Besides they say you've gotta laugh to keep from crying. :crying:
Players don't want 1st picks, because that means somebody will replace them and their salary. They may have been networking for a job next year.:)
I can't take it anymore. This team (my favorite) couldn't beat a JV 2A football team. They cannot execute a punt return to save their lives. Penalities after penality, and if wasn't bad enough, Mathis and Johnson give the game away with the piss poor performance of the century.

RETURN ALL YOUR TICKETS FOR THE REST OF THE SEASON. And find another team to watch, maybe by the Draft I will get over it and start to care again. Capers CANNOT coach his way out of a paper bag, every one has laid down, and now they are SMILING. I wish their was away to dock their pay the rest of the season or that they worked on commission based on some sort of success.

Even if they did win, it would have went down as the SLOPPIEST WIN IN HISTORY! I give's all over.

BITTERSWEET! The only good thing about losing is that the Texans will have a great draft position, and gettin' rid of Capers & Casserly! Man, I can't believe I said that!:texans: Look at previous bad teams who drafted guys like P. Manning, C. Palmer, etc. We NEED to have the chance to pick good players next year to start building, even the 3rd round pick from the New Orleans Aints startin' to look good! We need a new GM that won't REACH &/or GIVE UP ALOT for crappy players, & pay FA's too much that SUCKS! Casserly has really did a fine job @ screwing this team royally. And, I really DON'T want to hear about A.J & D.ROB(high picks), or D.D. & J. MATHIS (lucky pick), the rest mediocre or busts! The worst thing is that they had alot of draft picks to work with as an expansion team! SIGH!
oh bleh..

yah i fully expected the entire team to be crying.. i was waiting for them to all kneel in the endzone and commit group seppuku.

They have lost 11 games this season.. i imagine at some point you have to be able to smile and accept that you suck.. and just look towards next week..or in our case.. next year.

If I was out there.. and I had lost the game like that.. id be smiling too. I wouldnt be able to generate the emotional energy to get angry.
Napa Auto Parts said:
Huh i would be smiling to if i was a top pick bust and wasted getting paid millions.:texflag:

I always thought the 3rd string QB had it best. Get paid like 250K a year and you wear a ball cap and hold a clip board for 16 weeks.
Grid said:
oh bleh..

yah i fully expected the entire team to be crying.. i was waiting for them to all kneel in the endzone and commit group seppuku.

I didn't say they should be crying, but they shouldn't be acting happy about being the worse there is in the profession they chose.
I know it does not look good, but at the same time we are not the proverbial fly on the Wand to really here what those discussions are. I nitpick with the best of them, but what they are going through is something I would not wish on the guy who forgot to slap cheese on my cheeseburger today. They are our guys for the next four weeks, kill them afterwards.:texflag:
Maybe they're smiling because they ultimately know a new coach and a fresh start is around the corner?

Maybe they ate the magic brownies?

I don't know, wonder if they do... idonno:

But Grid's right about no emotional investment. While it is kinda' weird to see a 1-11 team having any semblance of a good time, I figure part of them feels like us fans. Just hopeless and already looking towards next year.
I don't understand the no emotional investment. I competed in many sports throughout my life and never got to the point that losing didn't make me angry. Not saying that isn't what is going on. I am too competitive of a person to smile after I lose at anything and kind of figured most pro athletes were extremely competitive. Oh well hope next year is better but if not I will continue to watch the games. I've seen worse games played by them than this last one at least. Now to the next game!:texflag:
Actually, some of the players are starting to sound pretty ticked off, like Walker and D-rob, so I wouldn't say necessarily that it's all roses for the team right now.
What else can you do after losing a game you should have won for atleast the 3rd time this season...

Notice the Pattern At jacksonville, They scored on us in the 4th to win.
At St Louis, Now at Baltimore.

Our players are getting stupid penalties late in the game which is making them play more tentatively... They dont go as hard because they are afraid they will draw a flag and give up the yards that way...

If you want a new coach for this team fine.... But be ready for many more seasons on the losing side.... There is no way we win next year in a new system... We have very little talent and 0 depth... the taleny we hoped would be good has not panned out.

This team needs a reality check... Reaching the playoffs this year was really unrealistic. Especially since we did nothing to bolster our line or replace our wonderful TE that has never played a DOWN since we drafted him 3 years ago...On Defense We got younger and faster, but we also got more wreckless and stupid... Stupid penalties in Key Situations is a prime example.

Face it we are ATLEAST 2 years away from an above .500 season and ATLEAST 5 years before we contend for the division.... If we get a NEW Coach.... add atleast 1 year to that.

I think Pendry has helped our offense atleast get a lil better. Id like to see what he would do with a full year to suck out the poison that palmers offense did to carr... especially with some top tier talent on our offensive line blocking for him.

You criticize Casserly for his "inept drafting" yet he drafted players like AJ when we might have gotten stuck with rogers.. who is the WR version of Bennie Joppru. Everyone has spotty drafts no team gets the produciotn expected from their picks.. Its a crap shoot look at the Browns none of their top picks from the first 2 years are even in uniform for them anymore.

Like I said If you want to see our future look at the Cleveland Browns... Thats just how it is gonna be Frustration a carosuel of coaches and no real playoff contention.. We need to stick with the staff and get more talent to be better faster.. Otherwise you are dooming this franchise to a longer period of fultility.
If you want a new coach for this team fine.... But be ready for many more seasons on the losing side.... There is no way we win next year in a new system... We have very little talent and 0 depth... the taleny we hoped would be good has not panned out.

Have you seen the Dolphins and Browns this year? Both teams were in the same position as us last year with the players tuning out the coaching staff. Both were able to make quality hires and they both seem on their way to turning things around. Will either be in the Super Bowl this year? No, but at least there is hope that things are changing for the better. The Texans gave up on Capers and crew last year. They realized the great five year plan was nothing but a mirage. For all of Don's talk about execution and discipline, you see nothing like that on the field. The dumb penalities are the sign of a team out of control. Will changing the coaching staff mean an immediate turn around? NO, but it at least gives the team the chance to get better. The only sure bet is that if this rag tag crew is left in place that the Texans will truly stink for years to come.

I think Pendry has helped our offense atleast get a lil better. Id like to see what he would do with a full year to suck out the poison that palmers offense did to carr... especially with some top tier talent on our offensive line blocking for him.

Does this offense really look all that different from the Palmer version? To me, it shows that Palmer never was really able to install his version of the offense. Palmer was known for a wide open aerial attack, not the grind it out system favored by Capers. The Pendry offense looks pretty much the same, just more conversative and less imaginative, and more easy to defend.

Like I said If you want to see our future look at the Cleveland Browns... Thats just how it is gonna be Frustration a carosuel of coaches and no real playoff contention..

So, I guess the Browns would have been better off leaving Butch Davis around for another few years? As in most things in life, you have to realize when something is not working and to be willing to make changes. Nothing is 100% certain. The odds are that the new coach won't be the next great thing. But we will never know if they don't get a chance.
2 quick points:

1. I've seen pictures of D-Rob laying on the field after games looking like his wife had recently died or something. (It makes me feel really bad for hoping they lose, by the way.)

2. Sometimes people laugh about how embarrassed they are. It's a defense mechanism, I believe, and I think Carr in particular laughs about his embarrassment sometimes. When people know they're getting paid A LOT and that everyone else knows it too, I suspect that pride is a serious factor and that they really do care. It just looks bad to those of us who've, sadly, never been paid so much or ever will.

Not trying to knock the whole point of this thread or anything. Just throwing in my opinion.
oso said:
Actually, some of the players are starting to sound pretty ticked off, like Walker and D-rob, so I wouldn't say necessarily that it's all roses for the team right now.
I don't think things have been particularly rosey for this team since before last year's final game.

As to the smiling, when one is in the public eye so to speak, one must put on a happy face even if that isn't the way one feels. What do you want them to do? Throw helmets, pick up Capers and Crew and throw them across the field, cry...there aren't a lot of choices when there are tv cameras in your face and people/fans watching your every move.

Fans watching a game at home react differently than they do watching the game in person. At home you can scream/yell profanities and throw something across the room but not many people will do that in public. I would think the same can be said of the players. Just imagine how it would look on natl tv if the worst team in the league/theoretically role models for the youth were seen having temper tantrums or doing much of anything else except smiling. The Texans would indeed be on every sports reel, but not necessarily in a good way.

I have a feeling if we were privy to the dressing room after the games, we would see a whole different reaction from the players.
HJam72 said:
2 quick points:

1. I've seen pictures of D-Rob laying on the field after games looking like his wife had recently died or something. (It makes me feel really bad for hoping they lose, by the way.)

2. Sometimes people laugh about how embarrassed they are. It's a defense mechanism, I believe, and I think Carr in particular laughs about his embarrassment sometimes. When people know they're getting paid A LOT and that everyone else knows it too, I suspect that pride is a serious factor and that they really do care. It just looks bad to those of us who've, sadly, never been paid so much or ever will.

Not trying to knock the whole point of this thread or anything. Just throwing in my opinion.


So folks see a few smiling shots of players during the course of a game. Are the players supposed to not smile for an entire season? Are they supposed to put on hair shirts, sequester themselves in a closet and whip themselves until they win another game??? (semi-obscure literary reference).

I am sure that most of these players are playing football because they love to play it. You love to play football means you love to win. It just so happens that these days you can get paid for having a this talent/size that many folks don't have. I don't care how much you get paid, it feels awful to lose.

I was right behind the Texans bench after the Rams loss, and the players looked just sick after the game. It is not something you would wish on your worst enemies.

Nobody is gonna think their facial expressions are the *correct* ones until they start winning. I am just filing this thread in the There Are Enough Legitimate Concerns about the Texans without Complaining about Non-Mattering Stuff folder. That folder is pretty full, just about as full as the Bush is the Mesiah/No He is Not folder.
Texans_Chick said:

I am just filing this thread in the There Are Enough Legitimate Concerns about the Texans without Complaining about Non-Mattering Stuff folder. That folder is pretty full, just about as full as the Bush is the Mesiah/No He is Not folder.

Where is that folder? I was going to time the players coming out of the tunnel during pregame introductions at the next home game to see how those times compare to their times earlier this year and last year. I ask because I just want to know where to post it.
They smile to hide their frustration and embarrassment. They have lost faith in their coaches and their play calling and it all started in the off season when decisions were made about who will stay and who will be let go and who will play. As fans we only know what we hear from the media and what we speculate about. We DON'T know what is said between players privately or what they dare to say in the locker room. And they don't smile because they make a lot of money, their bodies earn their wages. Give the players a break, they are waiting for the off season too. Their jobs are on the line and their reputations and I'm willing to bet they ARE NOT happy about losing these games!