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The All Encompassing FIRE KUBIAK & REPLACEMENT thread

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9 yrs of BS football and now McNair/Rootes has turned the tailgatlng police loose on we the season ticket holders.

Going to the game with my wife and getting harrased by crackhead parking attendent/Harold Jerrols. Then going into the game and watching the Kubiak led Texans get their a** kicked was the most fan friendly gameday expierence that my family has expierenced in my 8 yrs of beingf a season ticket holder.

What Harold Jerrols didn't know was F-ing with my wife was the wrong thing to do and I didn't have to say a word. It was much more entertaining than the game.

9 yrs of shi**y football isn't enough now I have the pleasure of my wife asking me why I'm wasting our kids college money on crappy football only to be treaed like ****** in the parking lot (yellow) and I dont have an answer for her.

This doesn't even take into account that my friend who has been a 3 yr season ticket holder but parks at a cash lot on Main was told that he had to basically walk around the stadium to enter. We missed our pregame ritual of 2 beers/BS.

Thanks BoB/Jamey

Looking forward to next week with my wife bitching.

Go Texans
I enjoyed the game today.

I'm to the point where I can stomach a loss, and watch the entire thing from start to finish, as well as I can watch us stomp other teams for a huge win.

At some point, we have to let go and just be a fan. It's going to be interesting to see how this season plays out. Most of the guys out there just looked like zombies to me. Deer-in-the-headlights zombies.

DEFENSE: Our LBers are not shooting gaps. They're playing some sort of half-ass read-and-react crap that is very zone'ish IMO. Antonio Smith is a dumbass. A complete dumbass, btw. He needs to attend Amobi Okoye's football clinics in a student. Our secondary is so bad, there's no way to describe it in terms suitable for minors to read on here.

OFFENSE:I am amazed Slaton is returning kickoffs. He just finds a pile and runs into them as hard as he can. David Anderson has ZERO YAC ability. Once he catches a pass, he's dead in the why even have him run any sort of route that's going to be 5 yards short of the marker? Schaub jogs away from center after the snap, his throws take five days, he gets balls batted down (because his throws are so slow, it gives time for the d-line to react to it). He doesn't have the it-factor this season..SO FAR, at least.

Our special teams has looked the worst this year that it ever has. Too many penalties.

I applaud the Giants for not losing their cool after their first possession when it looked like they were going to bumble all the way through the game. They recovered and they deserved the win.
Several season ticket holders I know have been cashing in their
tickets for several thousand dollars every game, since the start of the season.
Looks like that trend's gonna continue with home performances like
this one.
I enjoyed the game today.

I'm to the point where I can stomach a loss, and watch the entire thing from start to finish, as well as I can watch us stomp other teams for a huge win.

At some point, we have to let go and just be a fan. It's going to be interesting to see how this season plays out. Most of the guys out there just looked like zombies to me. Deer-in-the-headlights zombies.

DEFENSE: Our LBers are not shooting gaps. They're playing some sort of half-ass read-and-react crap that is very zone'ish IMO. Antonio Smith is a dumbass. A complete dumbass, btw. He needs to attend Amobi Okoye's football clinics in a student. Our secondary is so bad, there's no way to describe it in terms suitable for minors to read on here.

OFFENSE:I am amazed Slaton is returning kickoffs. He just finds a pile and runs into them as hard as he can. David Anderson has ZERO YAC ability. Once he catches a pass, he's dead in the why even have him run any sort of route that's going to be 5 yards short of the marker? Schaub jogs away from center after the snap, his throws take five days, he gets balls batted down (because his throws are so slow, it gives time for the d-line to react to it). He doesn't have the it-factor this season..SO FAR, at least.

Our special teams has looked the worst this year that it ever has. Too many penalties.

I applaud the Giants for not losing their cool after their first possession when it looked like they were going to bumble all the way through the game. They recovered and they deserved the win.

The Texans will start playing well after Week 13, when playoff seedings
are being decided, and they are out of the running. They will hit their
second-consecutive 4-0 winning streak to close out the year against teams
waiting for the offseason, or playoff teams resting starters (just like
last year.)
I've been watching Houston NFL teams take the field since roughly 1976 now that I think about it. I was 11 then and when I look back my memories are kind of fuzzy and a little biased from general nostalgia and fondness for the time. One thing remains true without any exception and that's the fact that every team I ever watched play football was a direct reflection, for better or worse of it's coach.

Bum Phillips teams weren't sophisticated or exceptionally talented but they never quit and they left everything they had out on the field. Ed Biles teams appeared to lack direction as his tenure went on. Initially they were the same bunch of moderately talented overachievers that Bum Phillips had coached but as the games went by you could tell they lacked a motivator. Hugh Campbell's Oilers were low on both talent and experience and reflected his finesse approach to the game. They were soft and more often than not pushed around all over the field. Jerry Glanville's Oilers were angry, aggressive, and stupid and played dirty football with a chip on their shoulder just like the pompous little midget who led them wanted them to. Jack Pardee took that team and taught them a better version of their offense but never could teach them discipline. In fact I don't think he even tried. His team had the same disoriented look on their faces he had when things didn't go well. Jeff Fisher's Oilers I didn't pay attention to because they were a lame duck and I wasn't putting any money in Bud Adams pocket if I could help it.

Dom Capers Texans were a lot like Hugh Campbell's Oilers. Lacking in talent (on the field and on the sideline) they played simple, boring, unimaginative football that their "mimbo" rookie QB could understand. The first incarnation of the Texans was too stupid to do much of anything without shooting itself in the foot. In one word they looked lost much like a man with more than he can handle on his plate. I think that's an apt description of Dom Capers the Head Coach.

Gary Kubiak's Texans are.... frustrating and hard to figure out. There's something wrong with them on both sides of the ball and they are to a man Gary's guys. Make no mistake, if the team looks good it's on Gary and if the team looks like they did today then that's on Gary too. This is his mess. He picked them, he coaches them, and he tells them what to do. OK, so his coordinators do that last one but he picked those men as well. What you see on the field is a direct reflection of Gary Kubiak and what he's capable of doing. 5 drafts, 5 training camps, 5 shots at free agency are on display this season and there is no single factor that can possibly outweigh the imprint of Gary Kubiak and the job he's done.

We are 3-2 and tied for first place in our division. We went 3-1 in the first quarter of the season. We're 0-1 to start the second. If we enter the bye week at 4-2 and still holding on to a piece of the division lead then much of this will die down. If we slide into our bye week at 3-3 then the two weeks prior to the Colts on Monday Night Football will be filled with howls for Kubiak's head by fans who will have paid to see a 1-3 team at home.

I'm waiting until the Monday night game against the Colts to decide what I think about this bunch.

Stellar post, Herv! Very very well said. I really have nothing to add other than I will rep you if it lets me.
9 yrs of BS football and now McNair/Rootes has turned the tailgatlng police loose on we the season ticket holders.

Going to the game with my wife and getting harrased by crackhead parking attendent/Harold Jerrols. Then going into the game and watching the Kubiak led Texans get their a** kicked was the most fan friendly gameday expierence that my family has expierenced in my 8 yrs of beingf a season ticket holder.

What Harold Jerrols didn't know was F-ing with my wife was the wrong thing to do and I didn't have to say a word. It was much more entertaining than the game.

9 yrs of shi**y football isn't enough now I have the pleasure of my wife asking me why I'm wasting our kids college money on crappy football only to be treaed like ****** in the parking lot (yellow) and I dont have an answer for her.

This doesn't even take into account that my friend who has been a 3 yr season ticket holder but parks at a cash lot on Main was told that he had to basically walk around the stadium to enter. We missed our pregame ritual of 2 beers/BS.

Thanks BoB/Jamey

Looking forward to next week with my wife bitching.

Go Texans

If you don't mind me asking, what happened with your wife? How bad was this new policy?
Pink Soap available at front desk. Here we go this thread is not any good with out you Dumb Arses. We are getting manhandled by the NFC and all is over, fire the coach, how about Andre you catch the ball, or Foster you make yourself look good to the coach so he can have some confidence in our running game, and Defense get your head out of your arse and stop somebody, you looked like a red light in India the way you let Eli Manning school your butts. It is all a team effort and it is not all on the coach. If I was coach we would be moving into the Holiday Inn right now for the next week or longer to get this problem solved. Curfue is at 10 pm and we start at 6 am. And each and every player would be teamed with a fire starter. This can be fixed and Kubiak has the rest of the season to do it regardless how many times you call for his head
Butler sucks berry berry badly, btw. And Winston blew an assignment that you'd expect a 7th round rookie OL make. He just sort of fanned his arms when he saw he got Schaub killed, in a "Golly gosh, how'd that happen?" manner.

This team doesn't play for its coach, IMO. I think they play for themselves. So if they want to take a game off, they will. Looked the same way vs. the Cowboys two weeks ago. Uninspired. At home. Again.

I felt very sorry for any Texans fans who were at the game today. What an awful experience to have to endure. I sit here and pay a few hundred dollars for DirecTV NFL Sunday Ticket and I admit that I come away fairly unscathed compared to you guys who go to the the games and pay what you pay.

You guys, IMO, have a right to be angry.
I saw a shot of Joe Texan on TV lookin' mad as hell. He's still backing
Kubiak, though. Don't know what's in that Kool-Aid, but this team
could just TANK and Kubiak would STILL have people fighting for
him to keep his job.
Pink Soap available at front desk. Here we go this thread is not any good with out you Dumb Arses. We are getting manhandled by the NFC and all is over, fire the coach, how about Andre you catch the ball, or Foster you make yourself look good to the coach so he can have some confidence in our running game, and Defense get your head out of your arse and stop somebody, you looked like a red light in India the way you let Eli Manning school your butts. It is all a team effort and it is not all on the coach. If I was coach we would be moving into the Holiday Inn right now for the next week or longer to get this problem solved. Curfue is at 10 pm and we start at 6 am. And each and every player would be teamed with a fire starter. This can be fixed and Kubiak has the rest of the season to do it regardless how many times you call for his head

Did you watch the same game I watched? Foster had no where to run to. How about Kubiak have his team ready to play?
Pink Soap available at front desk. Here we go this thread is not any good with out you Dumb Arses. We are getting manhandled by the NFC and all is over, fire the coach, how about Andre you catch the ball, or Foster you make yourself look good to the coach so he can have some confidence in our running game, and Defense get your head out of your arse and stop somebody, you looked like a red light in India the way you let Eli Manning school your butts. It is all a team effort and it is not all on the coach. If I was coach we would be moving into the Holiday Inn right now for the next week or longer to get this problem solved. Curfue is at 10 pm and we start at 6 am. And each and every player would be teamed with a fire starter. This can be fixed and Kubiak has the rest of the season to do it regardless how many times you call for his head

Let's go in order:

1. AJ is obviously still not 100%. God bless him for trying, but he's (a) not able to do much out there for long stretches of time, and (b) not really fooling the defense each week he's out there and still not 100%. And (c) outside of AJ, there's no playmaker to open it up for the other guys.

2. I don't blame Arian Foster. I blame someone (Kubiak or Dennison, or both of 'em) for abandoning the running game so soon. It's as if we're jumping ship if Foster doesn't gain 100 yards in the first 10 minutes of the game. Where was a draw play? I never saw one. How many screen passes for our RBs today? I counted maybe 1 that was botched SEVERELY because of slow-poke Schaub moonwalking after the snap instead of running FAST.

3. Gurry Kubiak is NOT, and I repeat NOT, going to do what Joe Texan would do. These guys think they eat, sleep, and breathe football. They have their heads in a darkened office watching film and doing all kinds of crap to manage the daily horsecrap they gotta' maintain. This isn't 1954, Joe. You don't just pack up the kids and head down to Marfa, TX and make them run bear crawls in 100-degree weather in the sand dunes. Go watch the Junction Boys again, and get this out of your system already.

4. This may or may not get " fixed" this year, Joe. At this point, I don't really care. We're going to win some. We're going to lose some. Can we win enough to make the playoffs? And even if we did, could we BEAT a playoff team? I doubt it. Hence, it doesn't really matter even if we find a way to make the playoffs.

All of us should just enjoy whatever in the heck we get. Because it's what you're gonna' get if you want to say a Texans fan. Watch us play like crap. Watch us play real good. But in the end, we are going to be watching in some form or fashion.

So, yeah..I sort of agree with you (to a point)...but I don't necessarily sign off on everything you just said.

BTW, nice blue facepaint today. Saw you in a crowd shot, and I thought it really looked nice on you. Not exactly the same Texans steel blue color, but I give you props for the effort.
Let's go in order:

1. AJ is obviously still not 100%. God bless him for trying, but he's (a) not able to do much out there for long stretches of time, and (b) not really fooling the defense each week he's out there and still not 100%. And (c) outside of AJ, there's no playmaker to open it up for the other guys.

2. I don't blame Arian Foster. I blame someone (Kubiak or Dennison, or both of 'em) for abandoning the running game so soon. It's as if we're jumping ship if Foster doesn't gain 100 yards in the first 10 minutes of the game. Where was a draw play? I never saw one. How many screen passes for our RBs today? I counted maybe 1 that was botched SEVERELY because of slow-poke Schaub moonwalking after the snap instead of running FAST.

3. Gurry Kubiak is NOT, and I repeat NOT, going to do what Joe Texan would do. These guys think they eat, sleep, and breathe football. They have their heads in a darkened office watching film and doing all kinds of crap to manage the daily horsecrap they gotta' maintain. This isn't 1954, Joe. You don't just pack up the kids and head down to Marfa, TX and make them run bear crawls in 100-degree weather in the sand dunes. Go watch the Junction Boys again, and get this out of your system already.

4. This may or may not get " fixed" this year, Joe. At this point, I don't really care. We're going to win some. We're going to lose some. Can we win enough to make the playoffs? And even if we did, could we BEAT a playoff team? I doubt it. Hence, it doesn't really matter even if we find a way to make the playoffs.

All of us should just enjoy whatever in the heck we get. Because it's what you're gonna' get if you want to say a Texans fan. Watch us play like crap. Watch us play real good. But in the end, we are going to be watching in some form or fashion.

So, yeah..I sort of agree with you (to a point)...but I don't necessarily sign off on everything you just said.

BTW, nice blue facepaint today. Saw you in a crowd shot, and I thought it really looked nice on you. Not exactly the same Texans steel blue color, but I give you props for the effort.

Thanks for saving me the time, GP. Rep to you if possible.
I've been watching Houston NFL teams take the field since roughly 1976 now that I think about it. I was 11 then and when I look back my memories are kind of fuzzy and a little biased from general nostalgia and fondness for the time. One thing remains true without any exception and that's the fact that every team I ever watched play football was a direct reflection, for better or worse of it's coach.

Bum Phillips teams weren't sophisticated or exceptionally talented but they never quit and they left everything they had out on the field. Ed Biles teams appeared to lack direction as his tenure went on. Initially they were the same bunch of moderately talented overachievers that Bum Phillips had coached but as the games went by you could tell they lacked a motivator. Hugh Campbell's Oilers were low on both talent and experience and reflected his finesse approach to the game. They were soft and more often than not pushed around all over the field. Jerry Glanville's Oilers were angry, aggressive, and stupid and played dirty football with a chip on their shoulder just like the pompous little midget who led them wanted them to. Jack Pardee took that team and taught them a better version of their offense but never could teach them discipline. In fact I don't think he even tried. His team had the same disoriented look on their faces he had when things didn't go well. Jeff Fisher's Oilers I didn't pay attention to because they were a lame duck and I wasn't putting any money in Bud Adams pocket if I could help it.

Dom Capers Texans were a lot like Hugh Campbell's Oilers. Lacking in talent (on the field and on the sideline) they played simple, boring, unimaginative football that their "mimbo" rookie QB could understand. The first incarnation of the Texans was too stupid to do much of anything without shooting itself in the foot. In one word they looked lost much like a man with more than he can handle on his plate. I think that's an apt description of Dom Capers the Head Coach.

Gary Kubiak's Texans are.... frustrating and hard to figure out. There's something wrong with them on both sides of the ball and they are to a man Gary's guys. Make no mistake, if the team looks good it's on Gary and if the team looks like they did today then that's on Gary too. This is his mess. He picked them, he coaches them, and he tells them what to do. OK, so his coordinators do that last one but he picked those men as well. What you see on the field is a direct reflection of Gary Kubiak and what he's capable of doing. 5 drafts, 5 training camps, 5 shots at free agency are on display this season and there is no single factor that can possibly outweigh the imprint of Gary Kubiak and the job he's done.

We are 3-2 and tied for first place in our division. We went 3-1 in the first quarter of the season. We're 0-1 to start the second. If we enter the bye week at 4-2 and still holding on to a piece of the division lead then much of this will die down. If we slide into our bye week at 3-3 then the two weeks prior to the Colts on Monday Night Football will be filled with howls for Kubiak's head by fans who will have paid to see a 1-3 team at home.

I'm waiting until the Monday night game against the Colts to decide what I think about this bunch.

As a fan that has watched Houston football since 1970. You are spot on.

I will also wait until after the Colts game to see how the season goes. Thanks for putting into words what I am unabl to say. I wish I could rep you.

Do the Texans seem a little Oilerish too you?

The fan expierence aside (which was pathetic) I cant stand the arrogance of this team.
I enjoyed the game today.

I'm to the point where I can stomach a loss, and watch the entire thing from start to finish, as well as I can watch us stomp other teams for a huge win.

At some point, we have to let go and just be a fan. It's going to be interesting to see how this season plays out.

That's where I was last year. We played damn good football last year, even in our losses (I thought).

our two losses this year... we didn't even show up


The butt whup'n wouldn't have been so bad if we could have been treated to a little beast mode ala AJ or even Foster.
As a fan that has watched Houston football since 1970. You are spot on.

I will also wait until after the Colts game to see how the season goes. Thanks for putting into words what I am unabl to say. I wish I could rep you.

Do the Texans seem a little Oilerish too you?

The fan expierence aside (which was pathetic) I cant stand the arrogance of this team.

Yeah they do, but not "good Oilerish". They remind me of the latter Oilers, the Run & Shoot Oilers. That's probably because we keep hearing how we've got so much talent now compared to when Kubiak got here. I look at these Texans and I see a bunch of talent that can't play consistently. I see a coaching staff that's never been able to drag these guys (kicking and screaming if necessary) to a point where they really can execute on a consistent basis.

They quit from time to time. They take plays off and they tend to lose their composure when adversity hits. They talk a big game and say the right things but they play down to bad opponents and get manhandled by really good physical teams.

They commit a lot of penalties in "worst possible moment" situations.

The Moon era Oilers were a finesse team, The Kubiak Texans are a finesse team. Both had their gimmicky approach to offense (Run and Shoot versus Zone Blocking).
Yeah they do, but not "good Oilerish". They remind me of the latter Oilers, the Run & Shoot Oilers. That's probably because we keep hearing how we've got so much talent now compared to when Kubiak got here. I look at these Texans and I see a bunch of talent that can't play consistently. I see a coaching staff that's never been able to drag these guys (kicking and screaming if necessary) to a point where they really can execute on a consistent basis.

They quit from time to time. They take plays off and they tend to lose their composure when adversity hits. They talk a big game and say the right things but they play down to bad opponents and get manhandled by really good physical teams.

They commit a lot of penalties in "worst possible moment" situations.

The Moon era Oilers were a finesse team, The Kubiak Texans are a finesse team. Both had their gimmicky approach to offense (Run and Shoot versus Zone Blocking).

Glad too know I'm not crazy.

These were the same things I thought I was seeing. LOL

Give me a tough team over a gimmicky team any day.

Pretty is pretty except when it isn't.
As a fan that has watched Houston football since 1970. You are spot on.

I will also wait until after the Colts game to see how the season goes. Thanks for putting into words what I am unabl to say. I wish I could rep you.

Do the Texans seem a little Oilerish too you?

The fan expierence aside (which was pathetic) I cant stand the arrogance of this team.

Huge detail here. I'd rather watch a bad team that gave me 60 minutes
of blood, sweat, and tears, than this bunch we have here who thinks they
own the building just by "showing up."

This team doesn't INSPIRE fan loyalty, because they don't return what the
fans give THEM. This ain't the Oilers, and they should not be placed into
the same category. The Texans have NOT yet earned the Houston fanbase.
Huge detail here. I'd rather watch a bad team that gave me 60 minutes
of blood, sweat, and tears, than this bunch we have here who thinks they
own the building just by "showing up."

This team doesn't INSPIRE fan loyalty, because they don't return what the
fans give THEM. This ain't the Oilers, and they should not be placed into
the same category. The Texans have NOT yet earned the Houston fanbase.

Cant rep you

But I dont think uncle BoB understands this.

One day he will. IMHO

Poor Aggies...........

What I see is things that don't make any since.

I could be wrong and won't bother to check it out, but it seems that teams in the NFC East just have noticeably bigger linemen than we are used to facing. I THINK that is part of the problem.

Otherwise, I go back to my first sentence. Schaub looks like he's in slow motion....both his body movements and his thrown passes. Most notably to me, I see people dropping passes and tosses that I could catch with one hand and I am not an athlete... I saw the best WR in the WORLD drop several passes that hit BOTH his hands and were definitely NOT thrown too hard for ANYBODY. I saw Foster drop a shovel-ish pass that hit both his freaking hands too. I WANT THE NFL TO TELL ME RIGHT FREAKING NOW, ARE THE GAMES RIGGED or are these people drugged or what? You're paying guys like $20,000 a play and they cant catch a 10 ft. toss? I can understand one pro athlete kicking another ones butt in muscle to muscle competition, but you got mult-millionaire, best-in-the-world WIDE-RECEIVERS for crying out loud that can't catch a Schaub slow-motion pass????? What, is it too freaking slow for them???

Slaton just runs into a pile like....who gives a F&*)&?

Schaub is what....on valium?

I saw the Giants out-muscle and strength the Texans at the LOS, but I also saw a LOT of ridiculous BULLCRAP. I think McNair should sue or whatever for almost every player's game check. They didn't play....they just showed up and....what, enjoyed whatever buzz they were on???

Dear NFL, if you are faking it, you need to fake it better. The WWF, etc. look more realistic. Wrestlers don't just forget for an occasional day how to perform most of their moves....or how to stand up and walk....or breathe without....what?....spontaneously choking yourself? You expect me to believe that Schaub could outperform (at least statistically) Peyton Manning last year and now, this sudden Sunday, he is molasses Matt? or that AJ can't catch multiple slow-motion passes because, screws him up when they hit both of his hands?

Dear Texans players, F&*( you. Get off whatever you're smoking right before some of your games and try to use like....a whole 3% of your brains. KJ, TRY to cover somebody. Just try. You might like it....dumba##. LBs, you have how much talent? Well....D*(), do something besides trying to look muscular while the plays occur. Antonio, whoever said it in this thread is're a dumba##. Sorry, it's just true. YOU GUYS JUST DECIDED TO TAKE ANOTHER WHOLE GAME OFF, AND YES, I SAID IT, F*&( YOU FOR THAT. You didn't even put one tenth the effort you should have into PRETENDING that you were trying. Mr. Commissioner, make these morons pretend they are trying...
I saw Foster drop a shovel-ish pass that hit both his freaking hands too.

You're right about this. I'm giving Schaub a hard time, because he isn't extending drives, & making things happen.

This tells me that he's trying, & it's not all on him.... thanks.
Pink Soap available at front desk. Here we go this thread is not any good with out you Dumb Arses. We are getting manhandled by the NFC and all is over, fire the coach, how about Andre you catch the ball, or Foster you make yourself look good to the coach so he can have some confidence in our running game, and Defense get your head out of your arse and stop somebody, you looked like a red light in India the way you let Eli Manning school your butts. It is all a team effort and it is not all on the coach. If I was coach we would be moving into the Holiday Inn right now for the next week or longer to get this problem solved. Curfue is at 10 pm and we start at 6 am. And each and every player would be teamed with a fire starter. This can be fixed and Kubiak has the rest of the season to do it regardless how many times you call for his head

this is why there is only one Joe Texan...this is a manstallion of posts. rest of you doubters got served.

Are we going to get this crap after every loss? Schaub had a bad game, foster had a bad game and shocker our young secondary (which we knew was weak from day 1) had another bad game. The Texans are on their best start ever , like joe said we need to calm down over a non conferance loss, As we all discussed ad nauseum ITS ALL ABOUT THE DIVISION. this team is built to beat the teams in our division. If this crap still happens when we play Jax, Indy or Tenn then concern is warrented. All the Texans need is 4 more division wins to get into the playoffs. if the Texans go 5-1 or 4-2 in the AFC South they win division and are in the playoffs. records against nfc teams are third on tie breaker. so the Texans need to take care of their business in the AFC South.

Until they start doing this against Afc south team..step off the ledge.
and the AFC u know justin case LOL

at that means "Try" and beat teh

Huge detail here. I'd rather watch a bad team that gave me 60 minutes
of blood, sweat, and tears, than this bunch we have here who thinks they
own the building just by "showing up."

This team doesn't INSPIRE fan loyalty, because they don't return what the
fans give THEM. This ain't the Oilers, and they should not be placed into
the same category. The Texans have NOT yet earned the Houston fanbase.

The Texans earned the fanbase when they put the word HOUSTON in front of it.

As long as they play in Houston I will be a fan.
this is why there is only one Joe Texan...this is a manstallion of posts. rest of you doubters got served.

Are we going to get this crap after every loss? Schaub had a bad game, foster had a bad game and shocker our young secondary (which we knew was weak from day 1) had another bad game. The Texans are on their best start ever , like joe said we need to calm down over a non conferance loss, As we all discussed ad nauseum ITS ALL ABOUT THE DIVISION. this team is built to beat the teams in our division. If this crap still happens when we play Jax, Indy or Tenn then concern is warrented. All the Texans need is 4 more division wins to get into the playoffs. if the Texans go 5-1 or 4-2 in the AFC South they win division and are in the playoffs. records against nfc teams are third on tie breaker. so the Texans need to take care of their business in the AFC South.

Until they start doing this against Afc south team..step off the ledge.

Texans young secondary had two picks, where was the rest of the D? no pass rush, poor in run support etc. not to mention penalty after penalty. poor preperation there is no excuse 5th week into the season @ home against a team your favored to beat. that was an ass whoop'en :kingkong:
It's not just the NFC East that has our number. It's pretty much any team that plays physical.

The scouting report on Kubiak's Texans from DAY FVC<ING ONEhas been to punch em in the mouth early and they don't come back from it.

You think Kubiak would have an answer after 5 years of this ****. Apparently he doesn't. He's as clueless on how to play smash-mouth teams as he was in 2006 when he started.
As a fan that has watched Houston football since 1970. You are spot on.

I will also wait until after the Colts game to see how the season goes. .

I have been watching Houston football all my life and I turn 50 next month. My dad used to get free tickets when he worked at GAF next door to the Houston Post. Yes Herv you ARE spot on. But I won't wait until after the Colts game to see how the season goes. Unless the Texans make a really good pickup in the secondary via free agency or trade this team is not going anywhere.

There is another thread on here that shows that the Texans are on course to set an all time record as the worst pass defense EVER. And that even takes into consideration they improve a little bit over the 1st 5 games. You can see teams now game planning against Kareem Jackson and our safeties. It will not stop until the Texans figure out how to fix the huge leak(s) that is in our secondary. This is the NFL.

Look at our remaining schedule.

Kansas City Chiefs
@ Indianapolis Colts
San Diego Chargers
@ Jacksonville Jaguars
@ New York Jets
Tennessee Titans
@ Philadelphia Eagles
Baltimore Ravens
@ Tennessee Titans
@ Denver Broncos
Jacksonville Jaguars

I think away losses are likely at Indy, Philly and Titans. Denver and Jacksonville are toss ups. I think home losses are likely to the Chargers and Ravens. The Chiefs, Titans and Jacksonville are toss ups. I just don't see any better than 8-8 possibly 9-7 but more likely 7-9. Anybody that can pass can beat us. San Diego will slaughter us with Gates. The Jags might do the same with Lewis. Remember Vernon Davis last year when our defense was better? I'm just not optimistic if the Texans don't aquire some kind of help. What sucks is this puts us 1 year behind if all this leads to a coaching change. Should have done it last year imho.
this is why there is only one Joe Texan...this is a manstallion of posts. rest of you doubters got served.

Are we going to get this crap after every loss? Schaub had a bad game, foster had a bad game and shocker our young secondary (which we knew was weak from day 1) had another bad game. The Texans are on their best start ever , like joe said we need to calm down over a non conferance loss, As we all discussed ad nauseum ITS ALL ABOUT THE DIVISION. this team is built to beat the teams in our division. If this crap still happens when we play Jax, Indy or Tenn then concern is warrented. All the Texans need is 4 more division wins to get into the playoffs. if the Texans go 5-1 or 4-2 in the AFC South they win division and are in the playoffs. records against nfc teams are third on tie breaker. so the Texans need to take care of their business in the AFC South.

Until they start doing this against Afc south team..step off the ledge.

Sounds like Ol' JT has you fetching his cigarettes for him.

When he turns his pants pocket inside-out.... are you able to hang onto it? Seems like the Cheetos crumbs might make it slippery.
I'm just not optimistic if the Texans don't aquire some kind of help. What sucks is this puts us 1 year behind if all this leads to a coaching change. Should have done it last year imho.

True... True.
this is why there is only one Joe Texan...this is a manstallion of posts. rest of you doubters got served.

Are we going to get this crap after every loss? Schaub had a bad game, foster had a bad game and shocker our young secondary (which we knew was weak from day 1) had another bad game. The Texans are on their best start ever , like joe said we need to calm down over a non conferance loss, As we all discussed ad nauseum ITS ALL ABOUT THE DIVISION. this team is built to beat the teams in our division. If this crap still happens when we play Jax, Indy or Tenn then concern is warrented. All the Texans need is 4 more division wins to get into the playoffs. if the Texans go 5-1 or 4-2 in the AFC South they win division and are in the playoffs. records against nfc teams are third on tie breaker. so the Texans need to take care of their business in the AFC South.

Until they start doing this against Afc south team..step off the ledge.

Really? Cuz we don't. Last year we won 1 game in our division. We are a whopping 2-14 against the Colts, who we are built to beat? Yes, we beat them last time. I'm not convinced we won't lose the next 5 divisional games is a row...

You know what?, I think we're built to beat the Raiders, Cardinals, and Longhorns...
I have several problems with today's game. Here are a few of them:

1) When Schaub rolls out, he needs to get rid of the ball a lot quicker. I remember one play specifically when he rolled out to the right and Dreessen was coming across towards the sideline in front of Schaub. Instead of throwing it when Dreessen was open, and giving him a chance to make a play, Schaub held onto the ball until it was too late, and then threw it away. He made several similar plays today. He just seemed very slow in his reactions today.

2) Steve Slaton should not be returning kicks. He is terrible back there. I would rather see David Anderson returning kicks than Slaton, and Anderson shouldn't be returning punts or kicks either, which brings me to #....

3) David Anderson should not be returning Punts. He doesn't seem to track the ball very well in the air, and doesn't do much with it after he catches. it. It's days like this that I really miss J. J. Moses.

4) TheTexans are trying to get pressure on the QB with the front four, and aren't very effective. Since they are not putting much pressure on the QB, they are putting the secondary under extraordinary pressure.

5) Our secondary is young, and very inexperienced, so it looks like the DC is trying to protect them by playing a lot of zone. Because of this, even average QB's are able to pick them apart. On the few times that the Texans sent an extra man, and were able to put pressure on Manning, we were able to force a couple turnovers. I guess what I'm saying here is the Texans should blitz more. Combined with more blitzing, the Texans should run more Man-to-Man. The CB's are young, so put them out on an island, and make them prove that they deserve to be there. If they are playing hard and get beat, well, that's a learning experience for them. As it is, they are so far off the WRs that they are unable to make a play.

6) regarding #'s 4 & 5....This is a DC issue. From what I am seeing, the DC is not putting the guys in the positions to make plays. It looks as if he wants to play it safe isntead of letting the kids do what they were drafted to do. This doesn't instill any confidence in the team, and in all actuallity, it has more of a negative effect on the psyche of the players, because it make them think that their coaches don't believe in their abilities. This is a bad thing. I believe you should put these young CB's out on an island and let them either sink or swim. If they can't cut it, you find someone else who can. The thing is, you won't know if they can handle it until you make them try.

****At what point do you fire the DC?
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I got it!

They are not game-planning for NFC teams. They have been studying the Chiefs all week!


I have been watching Houston football all my life and I turn 50 next month. My dad used to get free tickets when he worked at GAF next door to the Houston Post. Yes Herv you ARE spot on. But I won't wait until after the Colts game to see how the season goes. Unless the Texans make a really good pickup in the secondary via free agency or trade this team is not going anywhere.

There is another thread on here that shows that the Texans are on course to set an all time record as the worst pass defense EVER. And that even takes into consideration they improve a little bit over the 1st 5 games. You can see teams now game planning against Kareem Jackson and our safeties. It will not stop until the Texans figure out how to fix the huge leak(s) that is in our secondary. This is the NFL.

Look at our remaining schedule.

Kansas City Chiefs
@ Indianapolis Colts
San Diego Chargers
@ Jacksonville Jaguars
@ New York Jets
Tennessee Titans
@ Philadelphia Eagles
Baltimore Ravens
@ Tennessee Titans
@ Denver Broncos
Jacksonville Jaguars

I think away losses are likely at Indy, Philly and Titans. Denver and Jacksonville are toss ups. I think home losses are likely to the Chargers and Ravens. The Chiefs, Titans and Jacksonville are toss ups. I just don't see any better than 8-8 possibly 9-7 but more likely 7-9. Anybody that can pass can beat us. San Diego will slaughter us with Gates. The Jags might do the same with Lewis. Remember Vernon Davis last year when our defense was better? I'm just not optimistic if the Texans don't aquire some kind of help. What sucks is this puts us 1 year behind if all this leads to a coaching change. Should have done it last year imho.

I have been complaining as much as anyone about how bad our CB's are but to say we can't beat a team with a good passer is a bit off I think.

Would you not consider Peyton Manning or Donovan Mcnabb good passers?
What sucks is this puts us 1 year behind if all this leads to a coaching change. Should have done it last year imho.

This is what I was saying way back in January. We should have made the switch then, and this year would have been our new coach's transition year. Unlike a lot of fans, I'm not afraid of taking a step back to make a huge leap forward. Too many fans are terrifed of any other coach coming in here, and the team going backwards. There is a chance that a new coach could move us FORWARD as well.

We will see. There's still plenty of season for Kubiak to prove me wrong. I honestly hope he does.
Face paint was from miller light and was great taste, less filling. If this team cannot be coached like the old days then they can't be coached. I say they run then from 7 am till lunch and then run till 6 pm every day this week, we might not learn much but we will not get that winded look we had today.
I have been complaining as much as anyone about how bad our CB's are but to say we can't beat a team with a good passer is a bit off I think.

Would you not consider Peyton Manning or Donovan Mcnabb good passers?

The Texans played their best game against Indy and beat them with the running game. Manning will feast on our secondary in Indy. Our secondary has now been exposed and every team on our schedule knows about it. The Texans were really lucky to beat Washington. McNabb had a good day against us and could have easily won if Schaub hadn't had his one good passing game so far to keep us in it along with Foster. As the season rolls on it will only get worse if Kubiak and Bush don't figure out a way to fix it. Thats just the way it is in the NFL. If something works teams will use it against you until you show them you can stop it.
The Texans played their best game against Indy and beat them with the running game. Manning will feast on our secondary in Indy. Our secondary has now been exposed and every team on our schedule knows about it. The Texans were really lucky to beat Washington. McNabb had a good day against us and could have easily won if Schaub hadn't had his one good passing game so far to keep us in it along with Foster. As the season rolls on it will only get worse if Kubiak and Bush don't figure out a way to fix it. Thats just the way it is in the NFL. If something works teams will use it against you until you show them you can stop it.

I am re-watching the game rite now and I almost agree with you..our secondary and particularly Kareem Jackson are so bad it is painful to watch.

I still think we CAN beat pretty much any team with the team we have rite now, despite a terrible secondary.
Yes they need to improve A LOT or we need to make some FA move/trade if we want to make a deep playoff run but overall this is still a dangerous team.
Woke up this morning and saw the 3d quarter score was 24-10 and I fell back asleep thinking they may pull it out. Yeah ,well... not so much.

I'm not judging until we have more Division games. I will say that the first two wins gave a lot of people hope for a great season that may be unwarranted, myself included.

You can never judge a team on the first few weeks of a season.
I am re-watching the game rite now and I almost agree with you..our secondary and particularly Kareem Jackson are so bad it is painful to watch.

I still think we CAN beat pretty much any team with the team we have rite now, despite a terrible secondary.
Yes they need to improve A LOT or we need to make some FA move/trade if we want to make a deep playoff run but overall this is still a dangerous team.

Our pass coverage sucks, I'm not saying any different.

But we had 6 possessions in the first half, and put up 3 points.

No one thought our defense was going to win games for us.

If we had scored on just half of those possessions (two touchdowns in addition to our one field goal) this is a different game. We go into halftime, down 24-17.

We held them to 10 points in the second half. We had 6 possessions in the second half, we should have scored on half of them. Add another 10 points, and we're talking 34-34.

Forget the ifs... don't make a big deal, that I said if & should have.. forget about the defense.

We scored 10 points at home, & couldn't move the ball. That's the point.

We're talking about no pressure on the QB, I'm watching this game a second time, & I'm seeing plenty of pressure. I'm seeing a QB who holds his schitz together under pressure & makes things happen, receivers who work to their QB when things go wrong.

Then I watch our QB who is looking for the first opportunity to throw it away.

We're talking about our poor secondary, guess what, every other team has been able to exploit the Giants secondary... the Titans exploited the Giants secondary, just like they exploited the Cowboys secondary.

I think our defense is getting better. It's just too hard to see, when your offense goes 3 & out the majority of the time.
I'm rewatching the game right now. 3rd & 10 @ 10:21 remaining in the 4th Qtr. Matt waits until AJ is halfway across the field on a crossing route to throw the ball his direction. AJ really has no shot at catching this ball. The clock stops at 10:15, but there is a flag on the play.

They show Schaub walking back to the sideline & you can see (by the look on his face) when Matt realizes there is a penalty. He's got this, "Awe ****, you mean I can't go sit on the sidelines now" look on his face, & it's pathetic.

Lucky for him, NY declined the penalty.
I wouldn't put too much stock in holding them to 10 points in the second
half. The Giants clearly switched to a ball control offense after the
second interception. The Texans had no answer, in any phase of the game,
for the physicality of the Giants.
I wouldn't put too much stock in holding them to 10 points in the second
half. The Giants clearly switched to a ball control offense after the
second interception. The Texans had no answer, in any phase of the game,
for the physicality of the Giants.

I don't believe that. We came out punching them in the mouth to start the third Qtr.
I don't believe that. We came out punching them in the mouth to start the third Qtr.

After Eli threw his second pick, the Giants went back to Ball Control offense
and ran the clock out. The Texans offense STILL couldn't move the ball.
Special teams, without Jacoby, could not spark ANYBODY.
The Texans earned the fanbase when they put the word HOUSTON in front of it.

As long as they play in Houston I will be a fan.

This is where I'm at as well, but it doesn't keep me from bitching about them. When the Oilers left town, I no longer cared about them. If the Texans leave town, the same there. As long as the Texans are a Houston team I'll always have them on my TV whether I'm cursing them or happy with them.

Football teams from Houston are just ill-fated it seems. Someone needs to hire a witch doctor or perform an exorcism or something.
This is where I'm at as well, but it doesn't keep me from bitching about them. When the Oilers left town, I no longer cared about them. If the Texans leave town, the same there. As long as the Texans are a Houston team I'll always have them on my TV whether I'm cursing them or happy with them.

Football teams from Houston are just ill-fated it seems. Someone needs to hire a witch doctor or perform an exorcism or something.

I just think the owners hire too many nice guys down here. Must be
something in the barbecue sauce.
Gary Kubiak's Texans are.... frustrating and hard to figure out. There's something wrong with them on both sides of the ball and they are to a man Gary's guys. Make no mistake, if the team looks good it's on Gary and if the team looks like they did today then that's on Gary too. This is his mess. He picked them, he coaches them, and he tells them what to do. OK, so his coordinators do that last one but he picked those men as well. What you see on the field is a direct reflection of Gary Kubiak and what he's capable of doing. 5 drafts, 5 training camps, 5 shots at free agency are on display this season and there is no single factor that can possibly outweigh the imprint of Gary Kubiak and the job he's done.

Gary's guys? These are Gary's Kids, and this thread makes me feel like I am annually contributing to a Labor Day Telethon that will spawn no cure.
One thing I noticed in this game was the refs called a penalty on almost every single punt and kickoff. It was crazy. It didn't effect the outcome of the game but it did stick out to me as being extreme. I didn't care too much for that particular referee crew. On another note I also got tired of hearing Hakeem Nicks name. It was like sandlot football for Eli and Hakeem. Our secondary is so bad it is embarrassing. I still get a sense that it can be fixed to some degree with better schemes. Not saying they would suddenly shutdown everyone but at least close enough to an opposing receiver to be in position to make an effort to break up the play or make the tackle after the catch. Players just look like they are lost and confused and end up leaving guys wide open. Bush may not make it through the year if the Texans continue down the path as being the worst pass defense in NFL history. Nah, Kubiak and McNair are loyal to a fault.
When your opponent continues to throw the ball with a 17 point lead,
and 10 minutes left in the game, you have a SORRY secondary. They
don't respect you AT ALL. They even got a touchdown out of it, to
Steve Smith.
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